The escalating violence from patience against Nurses and Doctors is because the treatments that the


Joseph R Loegering

The escalating violence from patience against Nurses and Doctors is because
the treatments that the Doctors and Nurses give to the patients both
humiliates them and causes harm to them, just like in Nazi Germany

But because the majority of the News Media is Catholic and or Evangelical
like those that ran the Sanitariums and Media in Nazi Germany, they have
joined with Antichrist Zionists, and hide the truth that some of them have
been redesigning the Medical and Legal Communities for the same purpose as
Nazi Germany.

The very fact that the News Media and the Government can accept and believe
false reports on WMD in Iraq without any hard evidence, and exalt it to the
high heavens to brainwash the Public to do their dirty works, but then they
cannot believe a report, or investigate it, or even mention it, when someone
can hand them the hard evidence, is proof that they have conspired to hide
the truth from the Public, so that some of them can continue their dirty
work of deception and mass murders.

Which Politicians or Public Officials or US Corporations or Media have
financial ties the Foreign Industrial Military Complexes that manufacture
weapons, that end in the hands of our enemies killing our troops?

July 10 2007

Mr. President.

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

Now that I have been detoxed from those dangerous mind control drugs that
the US Government forced me to take, you will see that my memory is coming
back, and that I can communicate it better.

Mr. President, here in this letter is basically what you said in some of
your statements, and I am going to show you why they are absolute lies, or
are just part truths, and how they are a threat to our Liberty and to our
Lives, and how the Biased News Media is brainwashing the public to support
your lies, and take away our Liberty and our Lives by the Laws that you Pass
and by your so called Security that you set up. Now I have never killed, or
assaulted, or sent anyone to a Psychiatrist to be misdiagnosed and force
treated with dangerous mind control drugs, or sent anyone to jail for their
religious belief or their political stance, or tortured anyone for
information, but many of your supporters not only have done some of these
things without just cause to people, many of them are my religious and
political opponents, and some of them have done some of these things to me
without just cause, and they are repeatedly trying to do them to me and to
others without just cause, because of your incompetence, and your sugar
coated lies, and your part truths Mr. President.

Mr. President, I have actually run into a couple of Doctors that refused
to help me stop Government abuse by getting it into Court after examining
me, and then reading my previous medical records from other Doctors, which
read totally contrary to my actual medical condition, because they were
afraid someone might try to use the system somehow to try to kill them too.
Why are you not redressing my just grievances Mr. President? Why are you not
having someone contact me to investigate it, Mr. President? Is that because
those who hacked into my computer, and tried to set me up to look like a
suicide bomber, right while I was writing a letter to you, knew that I was
looking for Bin Laden, and was investigating false flag operations, and
false reports on WMD in Iraq Mr. President? It is amazing Mr. President,
with no evidence you can believe false reports about WMD, but you cannot
believe a report, when someone can actually hand you the hard evidence, so
what is up Mr. President? Mr. President, because I did not know everything
that was up, I had to start digging, and I do not like what I am finding,
and I don't think you will like what I am finding either Mr. President. Mr.
President, when I can, I collect bomb and weapons parts. like the bomb parts
that killed my cousin in Iraq, and eventually I track down where each part
was made, and sometimes I even find out who financed manufacturing it, and
sometimes I even find out what arms dealer delivered the bomb or weapon, and
sometimes I find out which of our enemies they were delivered to, Mr.

Mr. President, though I know what some of their motives to try to kill me,
are, others could have such simple of a motivation as, because I am a blood
descendant of Israel, it may be like some of my ancestors' relatives, whom
were betrayed by the records of the Nazi Catholic Church, betrayed by Church
members into the hands of Nazi Germans, and having committed no crimes,
some of them were called crazy and were sent to Nazi Sanitariums, and some
of them ended up in Nazi Concentration Camps, and many of them ended up in
Nazi mass graves. Or it may be because I am a blood descendant of Israel, a
Christian like some of my ancestors' relatives, whom were betrayed by the
records of the Communist Catholic Church by Church members into the hands of
Communist Soviet Atheist Jews, and having committed no crimes, some of them
were called crazy and were sent to Communist Soviet Sanitariums, and some of
them ended up in Communist Soviet Gulag Camps, and some ended up in
Communist Soviet mass graves. And now your laws and policies are allowing
some religious and anti-religious people, to do the same thing here in the
USA, and there is no way to get a redress of this just grievance, to stop
them, Mr. President.

You made these statements of terrorists,

"They believe as strongly in their ideology as I believe in ours." But you
don't point out that your ideology is not mine or others, and that you
without just cause, condemn and outlaw the free exercise the religious
faith which some of us have from the God of Abraham.

"They don't have religious freedom, in America we have religious freedom."
That is an absolute lie, I and others have no religious freedom in America
because of your ideology that you believe so strongly in, your followers
enforce your ideology with laws, and impose your ideology upon us at the
end of guns.

"I believe Freedom is a gift to every man woman and child upon earth." That
is a lie, because if you believed that, you would give me and others the
freedom to freely exercise our non violent and non burdensome religious

"al qaeda is launching attacks, killing innocent men, women, and children,
whom are Muslims." That is true, but you don't point out that some among
your Government, and some of your followers, and some among your allies, are
arming the enemy, and provoking them to attack innocent Muslims, so that
they can justify themselves for killing as many Muslims as they want to

"They cannot stand an alternative ideology that will end up marginalizing
them." That is true, but you cannot stand my alternative ideology that is
the same as Moses's and the Prophets, and the Apostles, because you are
afraid it will end up marginalizing your ideology.

"I am looking for the day when every man, woman, and child has electronic
medical records..." This is a direct threat to our Liberty and our Lives,
because right now the Medical and Legal Comminutes cannot competently
redress a just grievance, and remove a misdiagnosis and false allegations
from your medical records, that allows the Courts and Police and Doctors, to
keep misdiagnosing you with false accusations, and allows some of them to
keep abusing and confining you even though you have committed no crime, and
force treating you with dangerous mind control drugs that nearly kill you
each time, and you have no way to bring them to Court and get justice for
their abuse of power and medical malpractice and fraud, and therefore you
cannot stop them from killing you by the Law, just like in Nazi Germany did
to so many innocent people.

Now here are some the Doctrines and Goals of my religious opponents that I
do not agree with, they have a right to believe whatever Doctrine that they
want, but they don't have the right to force me to give up mine, and force
me to follow theirs by intimidation, or laws, or weapons.

From Dan in the North unto Beersheba in the South, from the Great Sea on the
West, unto the great river Euphrates in Iraq on the East, some of them want
to eliminate Muslims and Christianity and Buddhists and Hindus, and instate
an Antichrist Zionism State called Israel.

Some of the American Antichrist Zionist Evangelicals want to help them,
because to distract people from the truth that they are Antichrists too,
many of them have twisted the scriptures into a lie, falsely saying that the
Antichrist will be a male Jew, and that this Antichrist male Jew needs to
gain Global Rule, before Jesus Christ can come back.

Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted his goal of the Fascist Nazi Catholic
Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches
were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true
churches, and like in Nazi Germany, for one reason or another, the
marginalized religions in America are called cults, and for one reason or
another, they are the first to be sent to the Psychiatric Centers for forced
treatment with Mind Control Drugs, and or to Jails, and or to Prisons, and
or to Detention Centers, and with a 5-4 majority, the Neo Nazi Catholic
Supreme Court, it is most likely that they will agree with their immoral and
or unconstitutional actions.

Some of the Muslims want to do away with all other religions, and all other
laws and set up Islamic Law, and Islamic States.

Some of the American Atheist want secular laws that do away with mine and
all others freedom to exercise our religious faiths, and some of them are
using some of the Antichrist Zionists, and and some of the Fascist Nazi
Catholics, to do this.

Here is some of my faith, first a man who does not provide for his family is
worse than an infidel like the scriptures say. Second women have a much
higher standing in the scriptures than any religious organization gives
them. Third a marriage of a man to more than one woman, is to be a harem
that works in unity as one wife to him, and this is sanctified and taught by
the God of Abraham in the scriptures. And most important, Jehovah our
Creator is not a trinity, and his uniquely begotten son Jesus Christ is not
our Creator, he is our promised Salvation, and he is the only one that has
been resurrected and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of

The Religions cannot figure out that because no one goes directly to heaven
or to hell when they die, the diverse sects of Jewish, and Catholic, and
Evangelical, and Muslim, and Hindu, and Buddhist, and Astrology, etc., are
not acquainted with Spirit Jehovah, and they are Sects with different labels
that all have the same ideology as they are taught and walk by the same evil
Necromancer Spirit, that denies the future resurrection of the just, and the
future resurrection of the unjust, because of that evil Familiar Spirit that
brands each of them with different labels to deceive all. Look at the number
of mass graves that they are digging and filling with innocent men, women,
and children, around the world. Jesus said, "by their fruit you shall know
them," and he said, "he that the Father has given unto me, I will raise him
up at that last day," and the truth is no one goes to heaven or to hell
until then, but all these religious Sects believe and follow the lies of the
Devil, the Prince of the power of air that now works in this evil seed of
the children of disobedience, and says the lie, "Has God said you shall
surely die? You shall not surly die, you will go to heaven and help others
get there."

We believe that when a person is acquainted with Spirit Jehovah, and
receives his uniquely begotten son as his promised Salvation, Jesus is the
ability to speak in tongues like on Pentecost, and to do the other
manifestations of the Spirit of Salvation.

Mr. President, you have without just cause outlawed the free exercise of my
religious faith, and degraded it, and you have without just cause motivated
people to persecute me for my religious faith, Mr. President.

Michael Moore and Dr. Sanjay Gupta have been pointing out how bad the US
Medical System is compared to other Medical Systems, but Michael Moore and
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
do not point out the basic thing that is wrong with all the systems, and
until they come up with a way to stop the abuses being done by the US
Medical and Court Systems, they will only motivate people to make it
worse.And this letter will point out some of why our Medical Costs are
higher than other Nations because of Medical fraud that is destroying
people's longevity of life. Whenever you let any level of Government, or a
Hospital, or a Doctor, decide what Doctor that you must see, and let them
use forced medical treatment, someone is going to abuse their authority just
for money, or just for arrogance, and abuse patients, and many of those
other Systems and the US Medical and US Court Systems, are not set up to
competently stop such abuse before serious damage is done to the patients,
so until they come up with a way to stop it, and prevent it from happening
again, they are a threat to both our Liberty and our Lives.

In my case, (After I was hit in the head with a rock which I talk about
later,) before they had a test for Celiac Disease, I would complain about my
chronic stomach problem to Doctors looking for help. They would run all
their standard tests, and all the standard tests would always come back
negative, and because I was hit in the head with that rock, they would look
in my VA medical records, and they would misdiagnosed me saying that I was
DELUSIONAL. Becoming classified DELUSIONAL, they automatically classify you
as DANGEROUS. They sent me to a Psychiatrist, and at first I thought that
they were the experts, so I took the medicine that they gave me, the
medicines did not stop my stomach problem, in fact it made it worse, and
then I started waking up on the side of the street or in a Hospital
somewhere wondering where I was. Others Doctors, when they found I had a
stroke from getting hit with that rock, they told me to stop taking those
Medications, because they said that they were killing me, but other Doctors
say that because I stopped taking the Medications, they falsely said I was
DANGEROUS, and needed to be confined which means taking away my Liberty, and
being forced to take the drugs, that are making me more dysfunctional and
taking away my life..

Well, then they developed a test for Celiac Disease, and Civilian Doctors
found out that I was not DELUSIONAL about my chronic stomach problem, which
proves the so called Professionals misdiagnosed and mistreated me. But when
Police or other Doctors see in my Medical records or Police Records, that I
was treated with mind control drugs before, they will automatically believe
the misdiagnosis in my Medical or Police records, and force treat me with
the exact same drugs that nearly kill me each time, and they will not listen
to me because they falsely say that the Court appointed Professionals know
what is best for my safety and health. How do you stop the Neo Nazi
Nightmare? US Courts and US Police and US Attorneys will not even think
about trying to stop it, they will not even let you get the case into any

Now my blood sugar drops as low as 20MDL at times, and some times I pass out
from that, and wake up finding myself in a Hospital. And these so called
Professionals run all the standard tests, and say I am not diabetic, but
because of what they see in my Medical records they force treat me with the
mind control drugs again, because that is what my medical records falsely
claim that I need. But they run no tests that will find what makes my blood
sugar drop suddenly at times, but when they Hospitalize me for anything,
because I have an extensive recorded Medical History of low blood sugar,
they repeatedly test my blood sugar, and when it gets below 65MDL and I
start shaking, they hand me a soda pop, or a candy bar to get my blood sugar
back up, but they have no tests that will reveal what is causing it, so they
will never find a cure, but every time I see a Doctor, because they have not
seen someone whose blood sugar fluctuates unless they are diabetic, they
will not believe me when I say I am not diabetic, and they run the expensive
tests again and again, just so that they can say that I am not diabetic,
that is part of our expense problem. The way I deal with it, I do not test
my blood sugar constantly like they do, when I start shaking, I grab a glass
of milk or a soda or a candy bar, and that stops the shaking 5 to 10
minuets after taking one of those options. (By the way when the Hospitalize
you they will not allow you to use any computer connected to the internet
where you could find help to escape from their abusive medical malpractice.)

Now because I have ended up Homeless every time that I was force treated
with dangerous mind control drugs that nearly kill me each time, they do not
say that I ended up Homeless because of the side effects of the Medication,
in my records, they falsely accuse me of having a mental illness that causes
me to become homeless, because I have a history of becoming homeless from
the medical treatments, and that misdiagnosis, lets them force treat me with
the exact same drugs that nearly kill me and make me homeless each time. And
I have found out while among many other patients that were being treated
like I was, that is how your so called Professionals are causing many cases
of chronic homelessness, which is also part of our medical expense problem.

Now here is where it starts to be a Politicized Medical Treatment and
eventually becomes linked to you Mr. President. Because the records are
sealed, I have never disclosed all of this together at once, and I cannot
reveal everything about it to protect the innocent. In the Middle of an
Investigation where my Secret service as a CID informant, which was only
recorded in the White House and the Pentagon, was deliberately blown by a
Sargent Larry D Renalds, whom stated that he wanted to try to get me killed
for making busts on some of his friends for illegal sales of US Weapons and
Military Supplies to buy drugs, and that follow-up eventually got him
busted, while we served together in 2nd Battalion 13th Infinity of the 8th
Division in Mannheim Germany in 1976 to 1979, and then while my 1st
Battalion and 28th Infantry Unit of the 1st Division at Ft Riley Kansas, was
under investigation for corruption of power, because of his revealing me as
a CID informant, the men in the CSC Company nicknamed me "The Lawman," :and
I believe that unrelated to the resulting assignation attempt on my life
that the Battalion Commander was investigating, in 1982 I was running in a
PT formation on Ft. Drum New York, when a race riot broke out, and by chance
I was hit with a big rock that literally destroyed many of my abilities to
function, but what may be related to the corruption of power investigation
and their hiding the wrongs that they did, the US Army cannot look at my
dramatic hearing loss because of the ringing in my ears, and the having
been blinded a while from that rock, where five US Doctors misdiagnosed me,
and said I would be permanently blind, but they cannot say that the
resulting stroke, and the resulting PSTD, and the resulting multiple complex
seizure disorder, and the resulting migraine headaches, was caused by a
traumatic brain injury, caused by that rock. Instead of realizing the truth
of that, by their deliberate misdiagnosis, they denied me any service
connected disability, and later the Civilian Courts put me on Social
Security Disability. Now I just gave you the diagnosis of some of the
Civilian Doctors, but US Army and VA Doctors have written what looks like a
science fiction record in my Medical Records. Since they cannot determine
the cause, they cannot get a cure, and since they do not know the cause or
what is wrong, every treatment that they have given me for their
misdiagnosis has only made me less functional, and the Civilian Doctors now
have those fictional records, and these are the so called Professionals that
the Police and the Courts keep sending me back to for more abuse. ( The next
ordeal of my truck getting shot full of bullet holes, and then my Acting
First Sargent Moffit allowing that retired Col. Harold Spencer of Manhattan
Kansas to put it in his name, while my acting First Sargent Sent me through
PNOC and BNOC back to back, and let that Col's mother Rose Spencer, steal
and sell my truck and all my personal belongings to get rid of the evidence,
and that Col's brother in law being the Police Detective Brown that falsely
accused me of stealing that truck when Rose Spencer sold it, which was
legally mine, and then arresting me on those trumped up charges, was all
part of covering up the different assignation attempts on my life, and
hiding the corruption of power. They nearly killed me several times in
training, and I lost my truck and everything I owned, and they even stole my
Military gear with the help of Sargent Moffit, and all Sargent Moffit would
say was, "It's good combat training.") Now if you want, though someone
sealed the records so no civilians can find out what happened, and I am not
sure how much I should make public, you have the authority to open them and
see for yourself, that with what is in those sealed records, and what I am
telling you, this is most likely what happened. And I have more if you need
or want it, Cpt. Shambach was involved in the corruption of power to some
degree, but may not be involved in the disappearance of the Military weapons
and supplies at all.( My getting kidnapped by those Foreign exchange
Students from Africa, that got the explosives and weapons from Ft Riley,
from whom my friend and I escaped at the 11 mile marker outside Kansas City,
and got them busted, is a separate issue, but that just shows how broad the
corruption was, and how bad security was on Ft Riley overall at that time.)

Now because of the science fiction written in my Medical records that only
gets worse, you Mr. President, caused me to get abused when those people
were hacking my computer and trying to set me up to look like a suicide
bomber, during your Presidential Campaign, when you stopped in Lee's Summit
Mo. After I had the Iranian Defense Minister's Office bugged looking for Bin
Laden, the FBI was wanting to know how my men and I were communicating, but
I could not then, or now, tell them or you, (and I deliberately put false
information and even senseless information on my computer to hide the
innocent and hide our operation, ) because whoever hacked my computer got
some of my friends killed in Iran using the Pentagon and CNN, when they
falsely set them up to look like CIA operatives to the Iranian Government .
But about that time my City Sewer backed up abnormally through the floor
drain, even though the sump pump was working fine, and it filled the
basement where my computer systems were, and two or three days after I had
cleaned it up, I developed a fever and my liver swelled up, so I went to
Lee's Summit Hospital, and they found my white blood cell count was high,
and thought I had gotten Hepatitis A from the sewer, so they gave me
antibiotics and set a follow-up at the Kansas City VA. But because you were
coming to Lee's Summit, and you know I had already written you saying that
we were drawn into Iraq on false WMD reports, and I was talking with my
Militia about that while I was at the VA before, who was looking for Bin
Laden, and the VA Staff heard us talking, and because the VA was notified
to Hospitalize any Veterans that were speaking out against you or the Iraq
War, to protect you on your visit, when I got to the VA, instead of getting
a follow-up, the first staff member asked me to step into a room, and they
put an armed guard on me, even though I had committed no crime. And even
though they knew that those mind control drugs had nearly killed me before,
Dr. Smith would not let me go, and said that he was going to give me an
alibi just incase something happened to you in your visit. Why would I need
an alibi? Why would they take away my Liberty which I served to defend? I
had no plans on hurting you, and like my men, I was after Bin Laden, but
like my men, I was against the Iraq War, so why was Dr. Smith appointed by
you to be a Neo Nazi thought Police Officer? After he gave me them drugs, I
went back to the VA three times trying to get them to detox me from the
drugs because I was having serious side effects that were nearly killing me,
but each time they sent me back to Dr. Smith who did not detox me, he locked
me up and gave me a drug that had worse side effects from each new drug,
while it nearly made me a mental vegetable, but what I was unaware of, he
totally lied in my medical records, saying that I was doing better after he
gave me each drug, when in reality they nearly killed me each time, and made
me nearly unable to communicate verbally or in writing. And he in his so
called Professional Opinion called that doing better! And that led to even
further abuse when CNN blocked and stopped me from hunting Bin Laden, by
calling the Police and making false allegations against me of being homeless
and of stalking Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace, and because I had committed no
crime, the New York Police just sent me for a Mental evaluation because of
the false accusations of CNN, and the New York Doctors would not let me go
just because of the false accusations from CNN, and when they got my
Medical records, because I had refused to take any drugs, and told them the
VA had a list of all the drugs that nearly killed me, but when they got the
records, there was nothing but lies in my Medical Records saying that I was
doing fine on those drugs that nearly killed me, but the New York Doctors
said that Doctor Smith overdosed me, and then turned around and used CNN to
sway the Court against me without letting me face CNN my false accusers in
Court, and they forced the same drugs on me that nearly killed me, for an
entire year before deciding that the drugs are doing me no good. Now look at
how much Tax Money was wasted on a Medical Fraud designed to take away my
Liberty and stop me from getting Osama Bin Laden, even if it were just his
top officers in the location where we thought Bin Laden might be hold up,
and needed a News Media to help us flush him out, or make them make a move,
that is called obstruction of justice, and you are directly involved

Mr. President, are you abstracting justice because I stumbled on to some
crimes that were committed by this and former administrations? Mr.
President, some of the business deals that you and or your family and or
some among our Government and Financial Complex and Industrial Military
Complex are doing, is no different than selling US Arms to our enemies that
are using them to kill out troops like my Cousin Sgt. Joshua Schmitt, whom
was killed on April 14, 2007 during the fourth roadside bomb that he
encountered in Iraq.

We are at War Mr. President. Trading with our enemies and taking away our
right to freely exercise our own religious faith, and taking away our rights
to live by our own self supportive family values, and taking away our rights
by false medical diagnosis, and taking away our liberty for fraud medical
treatment to be forced on us, and forcing medications on us that make us
more dysfunctional and kill our longevity of life, is not supporting the
troops, it is treason Mr. President. How are you going to stop it Mr.
President? How are you going to get Bin Laden and his likes if you, or you
allow people to keep stopping people from finding them, Mr. President? How
are you going to get Bin Laden and his likes if you, or you allow people to
keep taking away our liberty and our tools and our power to get them, Mr.

The biased reporting of CNN and other News Media is a major part of the real
threat to our Liberty and to our Lives, they have set the same standards as
Nazi Germany for America, and are hiding the truth about the long term
damage of those antidepressants, and mind control drugs.

If they and other Media keep promoting some of the drugs that their sponsors
want them to, they could eventually be charged as a Neo Nazi committing
crimes against

The Government and Media is deliberately stirring up race issues that will
cause race riots. Like when I was running in a PT formation and a race riot
broke out, and I was blinded for a while when a large rock hit me, and had a
stroke, and developed a multiple complex seizure disorder, with PSTD and
ringing in my ears from the traumatic brain injury, many innocent people
will get caught in the middle like that. But when the Government declares a
National Emergency because of the riots, many of the Politicians" and
Media's opponents will get targeted, and they will blame it on the race

The Government, the Industrial Military Complex, the Medical Complex, the
Court and Police Systems, and the Media are the Neo Nazi Machine, but to
distract people from that, they have organizations that the Government is
helping to dress in uniforms like the brown shirts of Nazi Germany. Watch,
the Politicians and media are going to stir it up, and blame it on others.

You should go to a Doctor that the court appoints, once that happens, you
will realize Michael Moore is just a stooge for the Politicians and drug
companies, so that they can take away your life, and say it was just, and an
Iatrogenic Illness or Death. They used my getting hit with that rock to send
me to a court appointed Doctor several times, and each time other Doctors
had to stop them because the medications that they use will nearly kill you.
Yet the Doctors that abuse you over and over with the exact same drugs that
other Doctors say that they nearly kill you, will claim that they are right
each time, and abuse you again and again until you are a vegetable, or
commit suicide, or murder suicide, or just die.

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. "

Every video that points out the truth, is being removed from the internet.
On every subject where I have linked any video or photos, they remove it.
They even hacked my computer in Kansas City, and changed everything on my
personal computer, and tried to make me look like a suicide bomber.

I have copies of all the videos, and tons of original footage of mass graves
around the world.

The whole idea of allowing terrorist doctors to attack Britain, is so
thatthe US and NATO can use doctors to eliminate their enemies, and blame it
on the terrorists.

Nazism is so blinding, it makes them think that they are right. The same
Corporations and the same religious Organizations that set the standards for
Nazi Germany, have changed the labels, and set the same standards for

To shut me up, they falsely accused me of stalking Wolf Blitzer and Nancy
Grace, and used mind control drugs on me, that made me a mental vegetable,
and nearly killed me, and they are using the same dangerous mind control
drugs on others. The Politicians and the drug makers that support the media,
want what Michael Moore wants, because by state assigned Doctors, supposedly
for their health, the Politicians will turn their opponents into mental

The detainees whom they want to hold permanently without allowing them
trials, may have information that would incriminate the former Presidents,
their bipartisan administrations, and or their supporters among the
financial and or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, by the
time you get to the detainees, they will be mental vegetables.

Former Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W.Bush, and Bill Clinton, and
their bipartisan administrations, and NATO Industrial Military Complexes,
and or Israel, are as guilty as Saddam Hussein, for the murders of unarmed
civilians buried in mass graves in Iraq.

US torture practices are designed to get any information from the prisoners,
that would incriminate the former Presidents and or their bipartisan
administrations, and or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel.

And are designed to hide the truth, that any witness that could incriminate
them on WMD, or the mass graves, or supplying our enemies, is turned into a
mental vegetable, or is killed. Death squads made up of Iraqis, are sent out
to kill all among the Sunni Baath Party, or the Kurds, or the Shiites, that
worked with the former Presidents and their bipartisan administrations, and
or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, committing mass
murders and crimes against humanity.

The former Presidents and their bipartisan administrations, and or NATO
Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, supplied what Saddam needed,
to deploy Chemical Weapons against Iran, and against the Kurds, and against
Shiites, whom were ally with Iran. To get rid of the incriminating witnesses
among the Kurds and Shiites, and Sunni, some among the US and their allies,
are stirring up Turkey against them, so that they can blame the coming
genocide upon them.

Many among the current US bipartisan administrations, and or NATO Industrial
Military Complexes, and or Israel, finance or support directly, or through
subsidiaries, Russian and or Chinese Weapons Manufactures, that make weapons
for Iran, which are transported to kill the incriminating witnesses, and
even some of our troops, so that they may blame Iran.

President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney may be deliberately
obstructing a criminal investigation into the masacure of unarmed civilians,
because former President George H. W. Bush may be as guilty of the mass
murders of unarmed civilians, and of War Crimes against Humanity, as his
ally Saddam Hussein against Iran in 1980-1990, and when former President
George H. W. Bush was as his enemy in 1991 to 1993. It may be true what the
witnesses say, saying that King Saddam Hussein was executed quickly, to
erase a witness of the War Crimes of former President George H. W. Bush and
his bipartisan administration. And it may be true what the witnesses say,
saying that President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and this
bipartisan administration. are continuing the Iraq War, partly so that death
squads sent out by them whom look like Iraqis, may execute any of the
witnesses of the War Crimes of former President George H. W. Bush and his
bipartisan administration, and destroy any evidence linking former President
George H. W. Bush and his bipartisan administration, to the Crimes of the
Baath Party, that President George H. W. Bush and his bipartisan
administration, and the Baath Party, committed against Humanity, against
the People of Iraq, and against the People of these United States.

When the US and NATO fazed out .45 caliber pistols and began using 9mm
pistols in 1985 under President Ronald Reagan, subsidiaries of Vice
President George H.W. Bush (1981-1989,) and the CIA and MI5 and MI6 were not
only secretly transferring funds and weapons to Saddam Hussein, they were
secretly sending Saddam strategic information on where to deploy Chemical
Weapons against Iran, which also is a War Crime against Humanity, but the
information was supplied knowing that it would be used to deploy illegal
Chemical Weapons, so that they would kill the greatest number of Iranians
possible. At the same time, they were giving Saddam information on Shiites
in Iraq that NATO considered loyal to Iran. On their word, Saddam lined the
Civilians up and executed them with the weapons he had purchased with the
West's financial support, and buried them in mass graves, making the Rulers
of the West like Vice President George Bush, as guilty as Saddam for the
mass murders of unarmed civilians.

The US backed off letting the Armed forces go back to the .45 caliber
pistols, why?

Was it because NATO did the mass executions in Iraq with .45s, and wanted to
say that they did not do it because they now use 9mm?

These innocent victims spoken about by Congressman Hunter were murdered and
placed in mass graves, with former Vice President George H. W. Bush and his
than bipartisan administration, and then former President George H. W. Bush
and his then bipartisan administration, giving strategic information to
Iraq, as an ally of Saddam Hussein against Iran.

On the 4th of July 2007, CNN's Situation Room was interviewing US
Congressman Hunter, who was justifying the Iraq War and the removal of
Saddam by saying that anthropologists were digging up mass graves in Iraq,
where women and children were executed by being shot in the back of the head
with .45 slugs. If the execution of women and children being shot with 45
caliber bullets justifies War and the removal of the regime responsible,
then Congress should declare War on the regimes responsible, and remove them
from power.

CNN Transcript

With the number of weapons that the News Media sees in video everyday, they
should have realized something was wrong with Congressman Hunter's emotional
provoking statement and accusations.

Saddam's Army did not buy US or NATO weapons, he used mostly 9 mm pistols
and AK 47 weapons from the fallen Soviet Block.

If they were shot with 45 caliber bullets, they were shot by NATO forces

I often have a choice to make, be controlled and confined and probably be
killed by an enemy on the left, or by an enemy on the right, and though I
have been repeatedly able to escape, those are the only two options that the
US Government, and US News Media, have left me to choose from.

I am a registered informant for the Criminal Investigation Department of the
US Armed Forces, recorded only the White House and the US Pentagon for
Security Reasons, but some traitors among our Armed Forces, and among our
Government, blew my Secret involvement with CID against Foreign Enemies and
Domestic Criminals a long time ago, in an attempt to get me killed off by
Foreign Enemies and or by Domestic Criminals, for what I was trained for,
and know and do.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!


Thursday, April 19, 2007
Rep. Mark Olson

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Sir, we know big Pharma Paid off some of our Politicians and the News Media
to defame you for your bold stance upon the truth, so we are honored to
stand with a man of integrity, against them, we are behind you 100% The
C.A.L.M. before the Storm would like to thank you for representing the
people of Minnesota in our Just Cause of Life and Liberty for the Mentally
Ill, the Autistic, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries!

One of my men just wrote me, "I heard yesterday that some segments of the
medical establishment have now started to routinely prescribe behavioral
controlling substances such as Ritalin... to four year olds !!! (What the
hell has happened to this country?)"

Four year olds don't have a behavior disorder, it is a Parent Disorder!
These Children have no choice but to be forced to take Dangerous Drugs that
cause brain damage even in adults with a fully developed brain.

I posted this on the Internet to help in the good fight!

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Doctors and Lawyers and Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

One of our Representatives announced the studies of the links of School
shootings, and the useless Psychotropic Medications and Abusive Psychiatric
Treatment, and their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that
ultimately cause School Shootings, on Capital Hill. But too many Politicians
acted like he was crazy. Send it to your Representatives to stop the Neo
Nazi Use of Psychotropic Medications, and Abusive Psychiatric Treatment, and
their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses and Iatrogenic Deaths, and destroy Americans, and crumble our
Economy by paying for Fraud Medical Treatment.

See Former Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out!


Big Pharma is paying the News Media to Brainwash Society in a Neo Nazi Mind
Control Program!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
consider to be the lesser of the two evils?

Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical Slave
Masters, are the lesser of the two evils?

Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream
that, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal Iatrogenic
Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!

But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream, "No
don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you up,
and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!

Are you ready to Vote?

But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of the
Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I forgot
all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?

Was it George? Or was it Mud?

Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty, or
give us death!

For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!

To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff and
US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an Iatrogenic
Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom to
say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set up
our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you can
try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or other
Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the use
of Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were developed
to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that you
deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!

Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, are
not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But a
majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And we
have found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you build
prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works at
your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing our
society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over the
collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon those
who you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in your
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.

I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?


VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our Schools.

It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with Autism,
Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly report
that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the Autistic
and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug or
Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their behavior,
instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of helping
them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings, because
of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if your
Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to avoid
the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
them overcome their handicaps.

Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children or
Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and live
a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which is
often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because being
more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.

But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and send
them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA Tech
might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many complaints
that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment with
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing

The News Media has become paid off by their sponsors to become totally
Biased by Neo Nazi Drug Manufactures, and Neo Nazi Doctors!

The VA Tech Killer was on antidepressants, that he was forced to take by the
Courts, even taking them is bad, but if the dose in their blood fluctuates,
and or they stop taking them, the withdrawals form those things, will drive
people crazy too. It is not the Disorder that drives them Crazy, it is the
fluctuation of the level of the worthless Drugs in their blood that often
causes Traumatic and Dramatic Drug Withdrawals that drives them crazy. But
did the ABC News Media say anything about that? No, why? Because against the
FDA findings, and against the major Medical Journal findings, right after
talking about the VA Tech Killer seeing a Psychiatrist by Court order, they
made an announcement saying, "in the most comprehensive study yet on
antidepressants," they say that the black box warnings don't mean much,
because the 27 studies, which were done by the Drug Manufactures, and the
Doctors that make money off the Drugs, they say that the good that they do,
outweigh the risks. But even the New England Medical Journal, and the US
Government, have found that those Medicines have no apparent benefit
whatsoever, and have bad Side Effects! The News was paid by the Drug
Manufactures to go against the FDA, and the major Medical Journals on
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics. And they are also paid by Political
Sponsors, to brainwash you, so that these Communist can do away with our
Rights on all levels of Government, and take over the Government from
within. They now can totally strip you of your rights by falsely accusing
you of being delusional, and Hospitalizing you, and being Hospitalize strips
you of your Rights. A Doctor Politicized my medical Care, and for Personal
and Political Reasons, tried doing that, and did it to me!

The News Media is sponsored by these Drug Manufactures broadcasting the you
should talk to your Doctors about their advertised Drugs that have no
benefit whatsoever, and experimentally take them without running any
Scientific Tests, to see what bad Side Effects you will experience from
them, and most of the bad Side Effects that you will experience from them
are not listed on the Labels, and the bad Effects that they will have on
your long term health are not listed there either. If you are giving them to
your Child among the millions of children being told to take them by their
ignorant Parents, you are running the risk of making your Child the next VA
Tech Killer.

As I get it written out, I will post accurate Scientific Information on how
the Brain develops naturally, and how these Medications cause abnormal
Neurons to develop that can only function while taking the Medications, and
stopping the Medications causes serious withdrawals from the useless Drugs.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

<clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed>

Joseph R Loegering wrote:
> The escalating violence from patience against Nurses and Doctors


And how, exactly, kook, does the escalation of, "the quality of being
patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain,
without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like," represent
violence or, for that matter, kook, any kind of threat to doctors or nurses,
capitalized or not, or anyone, anywhere, ever? Most people consider patience
to be a virtue, don't you know, kook.

Or did your crazy loon ass mean "PATIENTS," as in people who are, "...under
medical care or treatment?"

<snip of balance of long kook.rant>

You know, were you in any way even nominally competent in the use of what
is, ostensibly, your native tongue, you might just be taken a bit more
seriously. Not much, to be sure, considering the depth and breadth of your
insanity, but it couldn't hurt. Maybe you can find some helpful 6th grader
to serve as your editor...

Jaybus Freaking Crisco, what a frickin' LOON this MAROON is...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
"Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed>
> Joseph R Loegering wrote:
>> The escalating violence from patience against Nurses and Doctors

> <snip>
> And how, exactly, kook, does the escalation of, "the quality of being
> patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain,
> without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like," represent
> violence or, for that matter, kook, any kind of threat to doctors or
> nurses, capitalized or not, or anyone, anywhere, ever? Most people
> consider patience to be a virtue, don't you know, kook.

Dr. Smith of the kansas City VA gave me a medication that knocked me flat on
the floor, and seriously hurt me. And when I complained he laughed and did
it again. Do you call knocking someone on the floor, and making them more
disfunctional, Medical Treatmet?

Dr. Koo boasted that she came to this country because we have rights to her
captive patients, and she said, Here you will exercise your right to Medical
Treatment." And against our will, she forced the exact same harmful drugs
upon me and other as Dr. Smith. Do you call taking away liberty, and
knocking someone on the floor, and making them more disfunctional, the right
to Medical Treatmet like Dr. Koo?

The Catholic Church says that they were against Nazi Germany. But they only
saved who they wanted to save from the Holocaust and betrayed others.

The Catholic Church says that they were against Communism, but they betrayed
relatives of my ancestors to the Marxist Atheist Jews who either drugged
them into be vegetables, or sent them to Gulag Camps.

The Trinitarian Orthodox Church set up by Stalin, was as Antichrist as the
Atheist Jews or the Trinitarian Catholics. As the Russian wall was about to
fall, the Trinitarian Catholics and the Orthodox Church was united by the
Soviet Ruler to reestablish the Trinitarian Catholic Churches in the Soviet
Union Again, while the then ruler of the Soviet Union organized an exodus of
Antichrist Zionist Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel. Was it all a Soviet
Plot to infiltrate the Churches and Israel and overthrow the West from

If the Bush Family is truly against the way Nazis and Communists treated
people, why are they allowing the same thing to be done now to US Citizens?

Nazi Catholic Photos

Nazi Catholics turned relatives of my ancestors over to the Nazis because
they were blood descendants of Israel according to Catholic Church records.

Without having committed any crimes they were confined in Nazi Sanitariums
run by Nazi Catholics and Evangelicals.

And now someone is using the US Government, and having committed no crimes,
with false accusations they are doing the same to me and to others.

So who is committing the hate crimes? Not me or the other victims.

In service of God and Country

<clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed YET AGAIN>

Joseph R Loegering wrote:
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> news:46954dda$0$4888$
>> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed>
>> Joseph R Loegering wrote:
>>> The escalating violence from patience against Nurses and Doctors

>> <snip>
>> And how, exactly, kook, does the escalation of, "the quality of being
>> patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or
>> pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like,"
>> represent violence or, for that matter, kook, any kind of threat to
>> doctors or nurses, capitalized or not, or anyone, anywhere, ever?
>> Most people consider patience to be a virtue, don't you know, kook.

> Dr. Smith of the kansas City VA gave me a medication that knocked me
> flat on the floor, and seriously hurt me. And when I complained he
> laughed and did it again. Do you call knocking someone on the floor,
> and making them more disfunctional, Medical Treatmet?

I call it a net.kook entirely missing the point. Why, what do you call it
over there in Loonistan?

Man, apparently this loon is to crazy to comprehend the difference twixt
"patience" and "patients"...

FYI, loon, either way your personal psychiatric horror stories do not
politics make. I'm sorry you're crazy and I'm sorry you have to deal with
the VA, but none of that is on topic here. I suggest you take it to a more
appropriate group. Follow-ups set accordingly...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?
"Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed YET AGAIN>
> Joseph R Loegering wrote:
>> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
>> news:46954dda$0$4888$
>>> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed>

> FYI, loon, either way your personal psychiatric horror stories do not
> politics make.

I will correct the word Patience that my spell checked produced when I wrote

Someone in the US Government is using false accusations to shut me and
others up about evidence that I have on those using US Offices, and
committing crimes against the People of these United States. You don't call
drugging people to control them Political? When the first Soviet Agent tried
to drug me so that I could be controlled, the US Government recorded me on
records as a secret informant that only exist in the Pentagon and the White
House. It is interesting that the Soviet Agent tried to drug me with the
same drug that some US Doctors now give to Patients against their will.

Dr. Smith of the Kansas City VA gave me a medication that knocked me flat on
the floor, and seriously hurt me. And when I complained he laughed and did
it again. Do you call knocking someone on the floor, and making them more
disfunctional, Medical Treatmet?

Dr. Koo boasted that she came to this country because we have rights to her
captive patients, and she said, Here you will exercise your right to Medical
Treatment." And against our will, she forced the exact same harmful drugs
upon me and other as Dr. Smith. Do you call taking away liberty, and
knocking someone on the floor, and making them more disfunctional, the right
to Medical Treatmet like Dr. Koo?

The Catholic Church says that they were against Nazi Germany. But they only
saved who they wanted to save from the Holocaust and betrayed others.

The Catholic Church says that they were against Communism, but they betrayed
relatives of my ancestors to the Marxist Atheist Jews who either drugged
them into be vegetables, or sent them to Gulag Camps.

The Trinitarian Orthodox Church set up by Stalin, was as Antichrist as the
Atheist Jews or the Trinitarian Catholics. As the Russian wall was about to
fall, the Trinitarian Catholics and the Orthodox Church was united by the
Soviet Ruler to reestablish the Trinitarian Catholic Churches in the Soviet
Union Again, while the then ruler of the Soviet Union organized an exodus of
Antichrist Zionist Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel. Was it all a Soviet
Plot to infiltrate the Churches and Israel and overthrow the West from

If the Bush Family is truly against the way Nazis and Communists treated
people, why are they allowing the same thing to be done now to US Citizens?

Nazi Catholic Photos

Nazi Catholics turned relatives of my ancestors over to the Nazis because
they were blood descendants of Israel according to Catholic Church records.

Without having committed any crimes they were confined in Nazi Sanitariums
run by Nazi Catholics and Evangelicals.

And now someone is using the US Government, and having committed no crimes,
with false accusations they are doing the same to me and to others.

have no Medical or health insurance, and the Medical Malpractice and
Medical Abuse and Medical Fraud done to me, was done to me against my will,
as they were doing it to many others against their too, and was paid for by
the Tax Payers, and now the they want you to vote to make this Medical
Malpractice and Medical Abuse and Medical Fraud to be universal for all, so
that they may do it all against their will too.

The escalating violence from patient against Nurses and Doctors is because
the treatments that the Doctors and Nurses give to the patients both
humiliates them and causes harm to them, just like in Nazi Germany

But because the majority of the News Media is Catholic and or Evangelical
like those that ran the Sanitariums and Media in Nazi Germany, they have
joined with Antichrist Zionists, and hide the truth that some of them have
been redesigning the Medical and Legal Communities for the same purpose as
Nazi Germany.

The very fact that the News Media and the Government can accept and believe
false reports on WMD in Iraq without any hard evidence, and exalt it to the
high heavens, to brainwash the Public to do their dirty works, but then they
cannot believe a report, or investigate it, or even mention it, when someone
can hand them the hard evidence, is proof that they have conspired to hide
the truth from the Public, so that some of them can continue their dirty
work of deception and mass murders.

Which Politicians or Public Officials or US Corporations or Media have
financial ties to the Foreign Industrial Military Complexes that manufacture
weapons, that end in the hands of our enemies killing our troops?

July 10 2007

Mr. President.

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

Now that I have been detoxed from those dangerous mind control drugs that
the US Government forced me to take, you will see that my memory is coming
back, and that I can communicate it better.

Mr. President, here in this letter is basically what you said in some of
your statements, and I am going to show you why they are absolute lies, or
are just part truths, and how they are a threat to our Liberty and to our
Lives, and how the Biased News Media is brainwashing the public to support
your lies, and take away our Liberty and our Lives by the Laws that you Pass
and by your so called Security that you set up. Now I have never killed, or
assaulted, or sent anyone to a Psychiatrist to be misdiagnosed and force
treated with dangerous mind control drugs, or sent anyone to jail for their
religious belief or their political stance, or tortured anyone for
information, but many of your supporters not only have done some of these
things without just cause to people, many of them are my religious and
political opponents, and some of them have done some of these things to me
without just cause, and they are repeatedly trying to do them to me and to
others without just cause, because of your incompetence, and your sugar
coated lies, and your part truths Mr. President.

Mr. President, I have actually run into a couple of Doctors that refused
to help me stop Government abuse by getting it into Court after examining
me, and then reading my previous medical records from other Doctors, which
read totally contrary to my actual medical condition, because they were
afraid someone might try to use the system somehow to try to kill them too.
Why are you not redressing my just grievances Mr. President? Why are you not
having someone contact me to investigate it, Mr. President? Is that because
those who hacked into my computer, and tried to set me up to look like a
suicide bomber, right while I was writing a letter to you, knew that I was
looking for Bin Laden, and was investigating false flag operations, and
false reports on WMD in Iraq Mr. President? It is amazing Mr. President,
with no evidence you can believe false reports about WMD, but you cannot
believe a report, when someone can actually hand you the hard evidence, so
what is up Mr. President? Mr. President, because I did not know everything
that was up, I had to start digging, and I do not like what I am finding,
and I don't think you will like what I am finding either Mr. President. Mr.
President, when I can, I collect bomb and weapons parts. like the bomb parts
that killed my cousin in Iraq, and eventually I track down where each part
was made, and sometimes I even find out who financed manufacturing it, and
sometimes I even find out what arms dealer delivered the bomb or weapon, and
sometimes I find out which of our enemies they were delivered to, Mr.

Mr. President, though I know what some of their motives to try to kill me,
are, others could have such simple of a motivation as, because I am a blood
descendant of Israel, it may be like some of my ancestors' relatives, whom
were betrayed by the records of the Nazi Catholic Church, betrayed by Church
members into the hands of Nazi Germans, and having committed no crimes,
some of them were called crazy and were sent to Nazi Sanitariums, and some
of them ended up in Nazi Concentration Camps, and many of them ended up in
Nazi mass graves. Or it may be because I am a blood descendant of Israel, a
Christian like some of my ancestors' relatives, whom were betrayed by the
records of the Communist Catholic Church by Church members into the hands of
Communist Soviet Atheist Jews, and having committed no crimes, some of them
were called crazy and were sent to Communist Soviet Sanitariums, and some of
them ended up in Communist Soviet Gulag Camps, and some ended up in
Communist Soviet mass graves. And now your laws and policies are allowing
some religious and anti-religious people, to do the same thing here in the
USA, and there is no way to get a redress of this just grievance, to stop
them, Mr. President.

You made these statements of terrorists,

"They believe as strongly in their ideology as I believe in ours." But you
don't point out that your ideology is not mine or others, and that you
without just cause, condemn and outlaw the free exercise the religious
faith which some of us have from the God of Abraham.

"They don't have religious freedom, in America we have religious freedom."
That is an absolute lie, I and others have no religious freedom in America
because of your ideology that you believe so strongly in, your followers
enforce your ideology with laws, and impose your ideology upon us at the
end of guns.

"I believe Freedom is a gift to every man woman and child upon earth." That
is a lie, because if you believed that, you would give me and others the
freedom to freely exercise our non violent and non burdensome religious

"al qaeda is launching attacks, killing innocent men, women, and children,
whom are Muslims." That is true, but you don't point out that some among
your Government, and some of your followers, and some among your allies, are
arming the enemy, and provoking them to attack innocent Muslims, so that
they can justify themselves for killing as many Muslims as they want to

"They cannot stand an alternative ideology that will end up marginalizing
them." That is true, but you cannot stand my alternative ideology that is
the same as Moses's and the Prophets, and the Apostles, because you are
afraid it will end up marginalizing your ideology.

"I am looking for the day when every man, woman, and child has electronic
medical records..." This is a direct threat to our Liberty and our Lives,
because right now the Medical and Legal Comminutes cannot competently
redress a just grievance, and remove a misdiagnosis and false allegations
from your medical records, that allows the Courts and Police and Doctors, to
keep misdiagnosing you with false accusations, and allows some of them to
keep abusing and confining you even though you have committed no crime, and
force treating you with dangerous mind control drugs that nearly kill you
each time, and you have no way to bring them to Court and get justice for
their abuse of power and medical malpractice and fraud, and therefore you
cannot stop them from killing you by the Law, just like in Nazi Germany did
to so many innocent people.

Now here are some the Doctrines and Goals of my religious opponents that I
do not agree with, they have a right to believe whatever Doctrine that they
want, but they don't have the right to force me to give up mine, and force
me to follow theirs by intimidation, or laws, or weapons.

From Dan in the North unto Beersheba in the South, from the Great Sea on the
West, unto the great river Euphrates in Iraq on the East, some of them want
to eliminate Muslims and Christianity and Buddhists and Hindus, and instate
an Antichrist Zionism State called Israel.

Some of the American Antichrist Zionist Evangelicals want to help them,
because to distract people from the truth that they are Antichrists too,
many of them have twisted the scriptures into a lie, falsely saying that the
Antichrist will be a male Jew, and that this Antichrist male Jew needs to
gain Global Rule, before Jesus Christ can come back.

Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted his goal of the Fascist Nazi Catholic
Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches
were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true
churches, and like in Nazi Germany, for one reason or another, the
marginalized religions in America are called cults, and for one reason or
another, they are the first to be sent to the Psychiatric Centers for forced
treatment with Mind Control Drugs, and or to Jails, and or to Prisons, and
or to Detention Centers, and with a 5-4 majority, the Neo Nazi Catholic
Supreme Court, it is most likely that they will agree with their immoral and
or unconstitutional actions.

Some of the Muslims want to do away with all other religions, and all other
laws and set up Islamic Law, and Islamic States.

Some of the American Atheist want secular laws that do away with mine and
all others freedom to exercise our religious faiths, and some of them are
using some of the Antichrist Zionists, and and some of the Fascist Nazi
Catholics, to do this.

Here is some of my faith, first a man who does not provide for his family is
worse than an infidel like the scriptures say. Second women have a much
higher standing in the scriptures than any religious organization gives
them. Third a marriage of a man to more than one woman, is to be a harem
that works in unity as one wife to him, and this is sanctified and taught by
the God of Abraham in the scriptures. And most important, Jehovah our
Creator is not a trinity, and his uniquely begotten son Jesus Christ is not
our Creator, he is our promised Salvation, and he is the only one that has
been resurrected and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of

The Religions cannot figure out that because no one goes directly to heaven
or to hell when they die, the diverse sects of Jewish, and Catholic, and
Evangelical, and Muslim, and Hindu, and Buddhist, and Astrology, etc., are
not acquainted with Spirit Jehovah, and they are Sects with different labels
that all have the same ideology as they are taught and walk by the same evil
Necromancer Spirit, that denies the future resurrection of the just, and the
future resurrection of the unjust, because of that evil Familiar Spirit that
brands each of them with different labels to deceive all. Look at the number
of mass graves that they are digging and filling with innocent men, women,
and children, around the world. Jesus said, "by their fruit you shall know
them," and he said, "he that the Father has given unto me, I will raise him
up at that last day," and the truth is no one goes to heaven or to hell
until then, but all these religious Sects believe and follow the lies of the
Devil, the Prince of the power of air that now works in this evil seed of
the children of disobedience, and says the lie, "Has God said you shall
surely die? You shall not surly die, you will go to heaven and help others
get there."

We believe that when a person is acquainted with Spirit Jehovah, and
receives his uniquely begotten son as his promised Salvation, Jesus is the
ability to speak in tongues like on Pentecost, and to do the other
manifestations of the Spirit of Salvation.

Mr. President, you have without just cause outlawed the free exercise of my
religious faith, and degraded it, and you have without just cause motivated
people to persecute me for my religious faith, Mr. President.

Michael Moore and Dr. Sanjay Gupta have been pointing out how bad the US
Medical System is compared to other Medical Systems, but Michael Moore and
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
do not point out the basic thing that is wrong with all the systems, and
until they come up with a way to stop the abuses being done by the US
Medical and Court Systems, they will only motivate people to make it
worse.And this letter will point out some of why our Medical Costs are
higher than other Nations because of Medical fraud that is destroying
people's longevity of life. Whenever you let any level of Government, or a
Hospital, or a Doctor, decide what Doctor that you must see, and let them
use forced medical treatment, someone is going to abuse their authority just
for money, or just for arrogance, and abuse patients, and many of those
other Systems and the US Medical and US Court Systems, are not set up to
competently stop such abuse before serious damage is done to the patients,
so until they come up with a way to stop it, and prevent it from happening
again, they are a threat to both our Liberty and our Lives.

In my case, (After I was hit in the head with a rock which I talk about
later,) before they had a test for Celiac Disease, I would complain about my
chronic stomach problem to Doctors looking for help. They would run all
their standard tests, and all the standard tests would always come back
negative, and because I was hit in the head with that rock, they would look
in my VA medical records, and they would misdiagnosed me saying that I was
DELUSIONAL. Becoming classified DELUSIONAL, they automatically classify you
as DANGEROUS. They sent me to a Psychiatrist, and at first I thought that
they were the experts, so I took the medicine that they gave me, the
medicines did not stop my stomach problem, in fact it made it worse, and
then I started waking up on the side of the street or in a Hospital
somewhere wondering where I was. Others Doctors, when they found I had a
stroke from getting hit with that rock, they told me to stop taking those
Medications, because they said that they were killing me, but other Doctors
say that because I stopped taking the Medications, they falsely said I was
DANGEROUS, and needed to be confined which means taking away my Liberty, and
being forced to take the drugs, that are making me more dysfunctional and
taking away my life..

Well, then they developed a test for Celiac Disease, and Civilian Doctors
found out that I was not DELUSIONAL about my chronic stomach problem, which
proves the so called Professionals misdiagnosed and mistreated me. But when
Police or other Doctors see in my Medical records or Police Records, that I
was treated with mind control drugs before, they will automatically believe
the misdiagnosis in my Medical or Police records, and force treat me with
the exact same drugs that nearly kill me each time, and they will not listen
to me because they falsely say that the Court appointed Professionals know
what is best for my safety and health. How do you stop the Neo Nazi
Nightmare? US Courts and US Police and US Attorneys will not even think
about trying to stop it, they will not even let you get the case into any

Now my blood sugar drops as low as 20MDL at times, and some times I pass out
from that, and wake up finding myself in a Hospital. And these so called
Professionals run all the standard tests, and say I am not diabetic, but
because of what they see in my Medical records they force treat me with the
mind control drugs again, because that is what my medical records falsely
claim that I need. But they run no tests that will find what makes my blood
sugar drop suddenly at times, but when they Hospitalize me for anything,
because I have an extensive recorded Medical History of low blood sugar,
they repeatedly test my blood sugar, and when it gets below 65MDL and I
start shaking, they hand me a soda pop, or a candy bar to get my blood sugar
back up, but they have no tests that will reveal what is causing it, so they
will never find a cure, but every time I see a Doctor, because they have not
seen someone whose blood sugar fluctuates unless they are diabetic, they
will not believe me when I say I am not diabetic, and they run the expensive
tests again and again, just so that they can say that I am not diabetic,
that is part of our expense problem. The way I deal with it, I do not test
my blood sugar constantly like they do, when I start shaking, I grab a glass
of milk or a soda or a candy bar, and that stops the shaking 5 to 10
minuets after taking one of those options. (By the way when the Hospitalize
you they will not allow you to use any computer connected to the internet
where you could find help to escape from their abusive medical malpractice.)

Now because I have ended up Homeless every time that I was force treated
with dangerous mind control drugs that nearly kill me each time, they do not
say that I ended up Homeless because of the side effects of the Medication,
in my records, they falsely accuse me of having a mental illness that causes
me to become homeless, because I have a history of becoming homeless from
the medical treatments, and that misdiagnosis, lets them force treat me with
the exact same drugs that nearly kill me and make me homeless each time. And
I have found out while among many other patients that were being treated
like I was, that is how your so called Professionals are causing many cases
of chronic homelessness, which is also part of our medical expense problem.

Now here is where it starts to be a Politicized Medical Treatment and
eventually becomes linked to you Mr. President. Because the records are
sealed, I have never disclosed all of this together at once, and I cannot
reveal everything about it to protect the innocent. In the Middle of an
Investigation where my Secret service as a CID informant, which was only
recorded in the White House and the Pentagon, was deliberately blown by a
Sargent Larry D Renalds, whom stated that he wanted to try to get me killed
for making busts on some of his friends for illegal sales of US Weapons and
Military Supplies to buy drugs, and that follow-up eventually got him
busted, while we served together in 2nd Battalion 13th Infinity of the 8th
Division in Mannheim Germany in 1976 to 1979, and then while my 1st
Battalion and 28th Infantry Unit of the 1st Division at Ft Riley Kansas, was
under investigation for corruption of power, because of his revealing me as
a CID informant, the men in the CSC Company nicknamed me "The Lawman," :and
I believe that unrelated to the resulting assignation attempt on my life
that the Battalion Commander was investigating, in 1982 I was running in a
PT formation on Ft. Drum New York, when a race riot broke out, and by chance
I was hit with a big rock that literally destroyed many of my abilities to
function, but what may be related to the corruption of power investigation
and their hiding the wrongs that they did, the US Army cannot look at my
dramatic hearing loss because of the ringing in my ears, and the having
been blinded a while from that rock, where five US Doctors misdiagnosed me,
and said I would be permanently blind, but they cannot say that the
resulting stroke, and the resulting PSTD, and the resulting multiple complex
seizure disorder, and the resulting migraine headaches, was caused by a
traumatic brain injury, caused by that rock. Instead of realizing the truth
of that, by their deliberate misdiagnosis, they denied me any service
connected disability, and later the Civilian Courts put me on Social
Security Disability. Now I just gave you the diagnosis of some of the
Civilian Doctors, but US Army and VA Doctors have written what looks like a
science fiction record in my Medical Records. Since they cannot determine
the cause, they cannot get a cure, and since they do not know the cause or
what is wrong, every treatment that they have given me for their
misdiagnosis has only made me less functional, and the Civilian Doctors now
have those fictional records, and these are the so called Professionals that
the Police and the Courts keep sending me back to for more abuse. ( The next
ordeal of my truck getting shot full of bullet holes, and then my Acting
First Sargent Moffit allowing that retired Col. Harold Spencer of Manhattan
Kansas to put it in his name, while my acting First Sargent Sent me through
PNOC and BNOC back to back, and let that Col's mother Rose Spencer, steal
and sell my truck and all my personal belongings to get rid of the evidence,
and that Col's brother in law being the Police Detective Brown that falsely
accused me of stealing that truck when Rose Spencer sold it, which was
legally mine, and then arresting me on those trumped up charges, was all
part of covering up the different assignation attempts on my life, and
hiding the corruption of power. They nearly killed me several times in
training, and I lost my truck and everything I owned, and they even stole my
Military gear with the help of Sargent Moffit, and all Sargent Moffit would
say was, "It's good combat training.") Now if you want, though someone
sealed the records so no civilians can find out what happened, and I am not
sure how much I should make public, you have the authority to open them and
see for yourself, that with what is in those sealed records, and what I am
telling you, this is most likely what happened. And I have more if you need
or want it, Cpt. Shambach was involved in the corruption of power to some
degree, but may not be involved in the disappearance of the Military weapons
and supplies at all.( My getting kidnapped by those Foreign exchange
Students from Africa, that got the explosives and weapons from Ft Riley,
from whom my friend and I escaped at the 11 mile marker outside Kansas City,
and got them busted, is a separate issue, but that just shows how broad the
corruption was, and how bad security was on Ft Riley overall at that time.)

Now because of the science fiction written in my Medical records that only
gets worse, you Mr. President, caused me to get abused when those people
were hacking my computer and trying to set me up to look like a suicide
bomber, during your Presidential Campaign, when you stopped in Lee's Summit
Mo. After I had the Iranian Defense Minister's Office bugged looking for Bin
Laden, the FBI was wanting to know how my men and I were communicating, but
I could not then, or now, tell them or you, (and I deliberately put false
information and even senseless information on my computer to hide the
innocent and hide our operation, ) because whoever hacked my computer got
some of my friends killed in Iran using the Pentagon and CNN, when they
falsely set them up to look like CIA operatives to the Iranian Government .
But about that time my City Sewer backed up abnormally through the floor
drain, even though the sump pump was working fine, and it filled the
basement where my computer systems were, and two or three days after I had
cleaned it up, I developed a fever and my liver swelled up, so I went to
Lee's Summit Hospital, and they found my white blood cell count was high,
and thought I had gotten Hepatitis A from the sewer, so they gave me
antibiotics and set a follow-up at the Kansas City VA. But because you were
coming to Lee's Summit, and you know I had already written you saying that
we were drawn into Iraq on false WMD reports, and I was talking with my
Militia about that while I was at the VA before, who was looking for Bin
Laden, and the VA Staff heard us talking, and because the VA was notified
to Hospitalize any Veterans that were speaking out against you or the Iraq
War, to protect you on your visit, when I got to the VA, instead of getting
a follow-up, the first staff member asked me to step into a room, and they
put an armed guard on me, even though I had committed no crime. And even
though they knew that those mind control drugs had nearly killed me before,
Dr. Smith would not let me go, and said that he was going to give me an
alibi just incase something happened to you in your visit. Why would I need
an alibi? Why would they take away my Liberty which I served to defend? I
had no plans on hurting you, and like my men, I was after Bin Laden, but
like my men, I was against the Iraq War, so why was Dr. Smith appointed by
you to be a Neo Nazi thought Police Officer? After he gave me them drugs, I
went back to the VA three times trying to get them to detox me from the
drugs because I was having serious side effects that were nearly killing me,
but each time they sent me back to Dr. Smith who did not detox me, he locked
me up and gave me a drug that had worse side effects from each new drug,
while it nearly made me a mental vegetable, but what I was unaware of, he
totally lied in my medical records, saying that I was doing better after he
gave me each drug, when in reality they nearly killed me each time, and made
me nearly unable to communicate verbally or in writing. And he in his so
called Professional Opinion called that doing better! And that led to even
further abuse when CNN blocked and stopped me from hunting Bin Laden, by
calling the Police and making false allegations against me of being homeless
and of stalking Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace, and because I had committed no
crime, the New York Police just sent me for a Mental evaluation because of
the false accusations of CNN, and the New York Doctors would not let me go
just because of the false accusations from CNN, and when they got my
Medical records, because I had refused to take any drugs, and told them the
VA had a list of all the drugs that nearly killed me, but when they got the
records, there was nothing but lies in my Medical Records saying that I was
doing fine on those drugs that nearly killed me, but the New York Doctors
said that Doctor Smith overdosed me, and then turned around and used CNN to
sway the Court against me without letting me face CNN my false accusers in
Court, and they forced the same drugs on me that nearly killed me, for an
entire year before deciding that the drugs are doing me no good. Now look at
how much Tax Money was wasted on a Medical Fraud designed to take away my
Liberty and stop me from getting Osama Bin Laden, even if it were just his
top officers in the location where we thought Bin Laden might be hold up,
and needed a News Media to help us flush him out, or make them make a move,
that is called obstruction of justice, and you are directly involved

Mr. President, are you abstracting justice because I stumbled on to some
crimes that were committed by this and former administrations? Mr.
President, some of the business deals that you and or your family and or
some among our Government and Financial Complex and Industrial Military
Complex are doing, is no different than selling US Arms to our enemies that
are using them to kill out troops like my Cousin Sgt. Joshua Schmitt, whom
was killed on April 14, 2007 during the fourth roadside bomb that he
encountered in Iraq.

We are at War Mr. President. Trading with our enemies and taking away our
right to freely exercise our own religious faith, and taking away our rights
to live by our own self supportive family values, and taking away our rights
by false medical diagnosis, and taking away our liberty for fraud medical
treatment to be forced on us, and forcing medications on us that make us
more dysfunctional and kill our longevity of life, is not supporting the
troops, it is treason Mr. President. How are you going to stop it Mr.
President? How are you going to get Bin Laden and his likes if you, or you
allow people to keep stopping people from finding them, Mr. President? How
are you going to get Bin Laden and his likes if you, or you allow people to
keep taking away our liberty and our tools and our power to get them, Mr.

The biased reporting of CNN and other News Media is a major part of the real
threat to our Liberty and to our Lives, they have set the same standards as
Nazi Germany for America, and are hiding the truth about the long term
damage of those antidepressants, and mind control drugs.

If they and other Media keep promoting some of the drugs that their sponsors
want them to, they could eventually be charged as a Neo Nazi committing
crimes against

The Government and Media is deliberately stirring up race issues that will
cause race riots. Like when I was running in a PT formation and a race riot
broke out, and I was blinded for a while when a large rock hit me, and had a
stroke, and developed a multiple complex seizure disorder, with PSTD and
ringing in my ears from the traumatic brain injury, many innocent people
will get caught in the middle like that. But when the Government declares a
National Emergency because of the riots, many of the Politicians" and
Media's opponents will get targeted, and they will blame it on the race

The Government, the Industrial Military Complex, the Medical Complex, the
Court and Police Systems, and the Media are the Neo Nazi Machine, but to
distract people from that, they have organizations that the Government is
helping to dress in uniforms like the brown shirts of Nazi Germany. Watch,
the Politicians and media are going to stir it up, and blame it on others.

You should go to a Doctor that the court appoints, once that happens, you
will realize Michael Moore is just a stooge for the Politicians and drug
companies, so that they can take away your life, and say it was just, and an
Iatrogenic Illness or Death. They used my getting hit with that rock to send
me to a court appointed Doctor several times, and each time other Doctors
had to stop them because the medications that they use will nearly kill you.
Yet the Doctors that abuse you over and over with the exact same drugs that
other Doctors say that they nearly kill you, will claim that they are right
each time, and abuse you again and again until you are a vegetable, or
commit suicide, or murder suicide, or just die.

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. "

Every video that points out the truth, is being removed from the internet.
On every subject where I have linked any video or photos, they remove it.
They even hacked my computer in Kansas City, and changed everything on my
personal computer, and tried to make me look like a suicide bomber.

I have copies of all the videos, and tons of original footage of mass graves
around the world.

The whole idea of allowing terrorist doctors to attack Britain, is so
thatthe US and NATO can use doctors to eliminate their enemies, and blame it
on the terrorists.

Nazism is so blinding, it makes them think that they are right. The same
Corporations and the same religious Organizations that set the standards for
Nazi Germany, have changed the labels, and set the same standards for

To shut me up, they falsely accused me of stalking Wolf Blitzer and Nancy
Grace, and used mind control drugs on me, that made me a mental vegetable,
and nearly killed me, and they are using the same dangerous mind control
drugs on others. The Politicians and the drug makers that support the media,
want what Michael Moore wants, because by state assigned Doctors, supposedly
for their health, the Politicians will turn their opponents into mental

The detainees whom they want to hold permanently without allowing them
trials, may have information that would incriminate the former Presidents,
their bipartisan administrations, and or their supporters among the
financial and or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, by the
time you get to the detainees, they will be mental vegetables.

Former Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W.Bush, and Bill Clinton, and
their bipartisan administrations, and NATO Industrial Military Complexes,
and or Israel, are as guilty as Saddam Hussein, for the murders of unarmed
civilians buried in mass graves in Iraq.

US torture practices are designed to get any information from the prisoners,
that would incriminate the former Presidents and or their bipartisan
administrations, and or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel.

And are designed to hide the truth, that any witness that could incriminate
them on WMD, or the mass graves, or supplying our enemies, is turned into a
mental vegetable, or is killed. Death squads made up of Iraqis, are sent out
to kill all among the Sunni Baath Party, or the Kurds, or the Shiites, that
worked with the former Presidents and their bipartisan administrations, and
or NATO Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, committing mass
murders and crimes against humanity.

The former Presidents and their bipartisan administrations, and or NATO
Industrial Military Complexes, and or Israel, supplied what Saddam needed,
to deploy Chemical Weapons against Iran, and against the Kurds, and against
Shiites, whom were ally with Iran. To get rid of the incriminating witnesses
among the Kurds and Shiites, and Sunni, some among the US and their allies,
are stirring up Turkey against them, so that they can blame the coming
genocide upon them.

Many among the current US bipartisan administrations, and or NATO Industrial
Military Complexes, and or Israel, finance or support directly, or through
subsidiaries, Russian and or Chinese Weapons Manufactures, that make weapons
for Iran, which are transported to kill the incriminating witnesses, and
even some of our troops, so that they may blame Iran.

President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney may be deliberately
obstructing a criminal investigation into the masacure of unarmed civilians,
because former President George H. W. Bush may be as guilty of the mass
murders of unarmed civilians, and of War Crimes against Humanity, as his
ally Saddam Hussein against Iran in 1980-1990, and when former President
George H. W. Bush was as his enemy in 1991 to 1993. It may be true what the
witnesses say, saying that King Saddam Hussein was executed quickly, to
erase a witness of the War Crimes of former President George H. W. Bush and
his bipartisan administration. And it may be true what the witnesses say,
saying that President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and this
bipartisan administration. are continuing the Iraq War, partly so that death
squads sent out by them whom look like Iraqis, may execute any of the
witnesses of the War Crimes of former President George H. W. Bush and his
bipartisan administration, and destroy any evidence linking former President
George H. W. Bush and his bipartisan administration, to the Crimes of the
Baath Party, that President George H. W. Bush and his bipartisan
administration, and the Baath Party, committed against Humanity, against
the People of Iraq, and against the People of these United States.

When the US and NATO fazed out .45 caliber pistols and began using 9mm
pistols in 1985 under President Ronald Reagan, subsidiaries of Vice
President George H.W. Bush (1981-1989,) and the CIA and MI5 and MI6 were not
only secretly transferring funds and weapons to Saddam Hussein, they were
secretly sending Saddam strategic information on where to deploy Chemical
Weapons against Iran, which also is a War Crime against Humanity, but the
information was supplied knowing that it would be used to deploy illegal
Chemical Weapons, so that they would kill the greatest number of Iranians
possible. At the same time, they were giving Saddam information on Shiites
in Iraq that NATO considered loyal to Iran. On their word, Saddam lined the
Civilians up and executed them with the weapons he had purchased with the
West's financial support, and buried them in mass graves, making the Rulers
of the West like Vice President George Bush, as guilty as Saddam for the
mass murders of unarmed civilians.

The US backed off letting the Armed forces go back to the .45 caliber
pistols, why?

Was it because NATO did the mass executions in Iraq with .45s, and wanted to
say that they did not do it because they now use 9mm?

These innocent victims spoken about by Congressman Hunter were murdered and
placed in mass graves, with former Vice President George H. W. Bush and his
than bipartisan administration, and then former President George H. W. Bush
and his then bipartisan administration, giving strategic information to
Iraq, as an ally of Saddam Hussein against Iran.

On the 4th of July 2007, CNN's Situation Room was interviewing US
Congressman Hunter, who was justifying the Iraq War and the removal of
Saddam by saying that anthropologists were digging up mass graves in Iraq,
where women and children were executed by being shot in the back of the head
with .45 slugs. If the execution of women and children being shot with 45
caliber bullets justifies War and the removal of the regime responsible,
then Congress should declare War on the regimes responsible, and remove them
from power.

CNN Transcript

With the number of weapons that the News Media sees in video everyday, they
should have realized something was wrong with Congressman Hunter's emotional
provoking statement and accusations.

Saddam's Army did not buy US or NATO weapons, he used mostly 9 mm pistols
and AK 47 weapons from the fallen Soviet Block.

If they were shot with 45 caliber bullets, they were shot by NATO forces

I often have a choice to make, be controlled and confined and probably be
killed by an enemy on the left, or by an enemy on the right, and though I
have been repeatedly able to escape, those are the only two options that the
US Government, and US News Media, have left me to choose from.

I am a registered informant for the Criminal Investigation Department of the
US Armed Forces, recorded only the White House and the US Pentagon for
Security Reasons, but some traitors among our Armed Forces, and among our
Government, blew my Secret involvement with CID against Foreign Enemies and
Domestic Criminals a long time ago, in an attempt to get me killed off by
Foreign Enemies and or by Domestic Criminals, for what I was trained for,
and know and do.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!


Thursday, April 19, 2007
Rep. Mark Olson

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Sir, we know big Pharma Paid off some of our Politicians and the News Media
to defame you for your bold stance upon the truth, so we are honored to
stand with a man of integrity, against them, we are behind you 100% The
C.A.L.M. before the Storm would like to thank you for representing the
people of Minnesota in our Just Cause of Life and Liberty for the Mentally
Ill, the Autistic, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries!

One of my men just wrote me, "I heard yesterday that some segments of the
medical establishment have now started to routinely prescribe behavioral
controlling substances such as Ritalin... to four year olds !!! (What the
hell has happened to this country?)"

Four year olds don't have a behavior disorder, it is a Parent Disorder!
These Children have no choice but to be forced to take Dangerous Drugs that
cause brain damage even in adults with a fully developed brain.

I posted this on the Internet to help in the good fight!

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Doctors and Lawyers and Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

One of our Representatives announced the studies of the links of School
shootings, and the useless Psychotropic Medications and Abusive Psychiatric
Treatment, and their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that
ultimately cause School Shootings, on Capital Hill. But too many Politicians
acted like he was crazy. Send it to your Representatives to stop the Neo
Nazi Use of Psychotropic Medications, and Abusive Psychiatric Treatment, and
their stripping of our Rights by false Diagnosis, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses and Iatrogenic Deaths, and destroy Americans, and crumble our
Economy by paying for Fraud Medical Treatment.

See Former Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out!


Big Pharma is paying the News Media to Brainwash Society in a Neo Nazi Mind
Control Program!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
consider to be the lesser of the two evils?

Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical Slave
Masters, are the lesser of the two evils?

Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream
that, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal Iatrogenic
Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!

But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream, "No
don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you up,
and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!

Are you ready to Vote?

But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of the
Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I forgot
all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?

Was it George? Or was it Mud?

Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty, or
give us death!

For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!

To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff and
US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an Iatrogenic
Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom to
say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set up
our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you can
try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or other
Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the use
of Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were developed
to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that you
deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!

Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, are
not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But a
majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And we
have found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you build
prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works at
your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing our
society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over the
collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon those
who you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in your
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.

I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?


VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our Schools.

It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with Autism,
Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly report
that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the Autistic
and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug or
Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their behavior,
instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of helping
them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings, because
of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if your
Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to avoid
the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
them overcome their handicaps.

Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children or
Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and live
a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which is
often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because being
more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.

But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and send
them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA Tech
might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many complaints
that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment with
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing

The News Media has become paid off by their sponsors to become totally
Biased by Neo Nazi Drug Manufactures, and Neo Nazi Doctors!

The VA Tech Killer was on antidepressants, that he was forced to take by the
Courts, even taking them is bad, but if the dose in their blood fluctuates,
and or they stop taking them, the withdrawals form those things, will drive
people crazy too. It is not the Disorder that drives them Crazy, it is the
fluctuation of the level of the worthless Drugs in their blood that often
causes Traumatic and Dramatic Drug Withdrawals that drives them crazy. But
did the ABC News Media say anything about that? No, why? Because against the
FDA findings, and against the major Medical Journal findings, right after
talking about the VA Tech Killer seeing a Psychiatrist by Court order, they
made an announcement saying, "in the most comprehensive study yet on
antidepressants," they say that the black box warnings don't mean much,
because the 27 studies, which were done by the Drug Manufactures, and the
Doctors that make money off the Drugs, they say that the good that they do,
outweigh the risks. But even the New England Medical Journal, and the US
Government, have found that those Medicines have no apparent benefit
whatsoever, and have bad Side Effects! The News was paid by the Drug
Manufactures to go against the FDA, and the major Medical Journals on
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics. And they are also paid by Political
Sponsors, to brainwash you, so that these Communist can do away with our
Rights on all levels of Government, and take over the Government from
within. They now can totally strip you of your rights by falsely accusing
you of being delusional, and Hospitalizing you, and being Hospitalize strips
you of your Rights. A Doctor Politicized my medical Care, and for Personal
and Political Reasons, tried doing that, and did it to me!

The News Media is sponsored by these Drug Manufactures broadcasting the you
should talk to your Doctors about their advertised Drugs that have no
benefit whatsoever, and experimentally take them without running any
Scientific Tests, to see what bad Side Effects you will experience from
them, and most of the bad Side Effects that you will experience from them
are not listed on the Labels, and the bad Effects that they will have on
your long term health are not listed there either. If you are giving them to
your Child among the millions of children being told to take them by their
ignorant Parents, you are running the risk of making your Child the next VA
Tech Killer.

As I get it written out, I will post accurate Scientific Information on how
the Brain develops naturally, and how these Medications cause abnormal
Neurons to develop that can only function while taking the Medications, and
stopping the Medications causes serious withdrawals from the useless Drugs.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

<wild-ass net.kook x-posts quahsed YET AGAIN>

Joseph R Loegering wrote:
> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
> news:4695572e$0$30614$
>> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed YET AGAIN>
>> Joseph R Loegering wrote:
>>> "Peter Principle" <> wrote in message
>>> news:46954dda$0$4888$
>>>> <clueless net.kook wild-ass x-posting quashed>

>> FYI, loon, either way your personal psychiatric horror stories do not
>> politics make.

> I will correct the word Patience that my spell checked produced when
> I wrote Patient

Uh huh. So, your spell checker, all by itself, replaced a word you'd spelled
correctly, eh? Gosh, it really must be a conspiracy!

I suspect you're going to have a long and interesting career in AUK...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?