The GOP's 'being taken over by Southerners'


New member
Why is the Republican Party losing voters?

Why is the Republican Party lacking in popularity while polls show that more Americans consider themselves conservative?

According to Republican Senator from Ohio, George Voinovich, the party is being overrun with Southerners.

******! Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the Republicans lack any original ideas. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are completely impotent. It has nothing to do with their general obsession with a woman's womb. According to George Voinovich, it has everything to do with Southerners. Yep .. Southerners are to blame for the Republicans' lagging popularity.

Anti-Southerner bias is nothing new to me, folks. I've put up with it my entire life. The bias is real ... but I'll just say that I'm damned glad I don't live in Ohio or New Jersey. I'll just take the lush Chattahoochee River Valley, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Low Country, and the Piedmont any old day of the fukken week.



Active Members
The problem with the Republicans is they are no longer conservative. People like myself see Republicans support things like Bush and McCain pushing hard for the amnesty bill and we just shake our heads.

The problem is we do not have another party for us to go to and support so we end up with our beliefs but nobody to voice them. Every vote turns out to be a choice between the least of two evils so we choose the evil that is less socialist than the other one but right now there are more liberal Republicans in office than ever before.

These former conservatives have sold out, given way to the idea that the masses want socialist reforms so they will change with them to keep their possitions.

I do have a question for you RO, you mention they lack "original ideas" and I have asked you to explain what you mean by this because my view of a conservative is someone who wants to limit Government and support State rights. To protect moral standards and defend the constitution from those who want to ignore it.

Me and Hugo do not agree on everything but his point of where the Federal Government gets their power to fix things like the economy is a good one. Politicians should be doing what is right for the Country, not what is popular or good for their political careers.

When someone says "original ideas" to me in connection to politics, I hear "higher taxes" most of the time but maybe you do not mean that so this is why I am asking you to clarify what kinds of "original ideas" your wanting to see from them.



New member
Me and Hugo do not agree on everything but his point of where the Federal Government gets their power to fix things like the economy is a good one. Politicians should be doing what is right for the Country, not what is popular or good for their political careers.

That's why we need term limits. Federal office was never intended to be a career. It was meant to be a temporary position.

Take Arlen Specter for example...

Indeed, Specter appears to be just as capable of reacting to pressure from his right as to his left. In reviewing Specter's votes, I noticed that there was also something of a breaking point while he was still a Republican. In the first part of the year, after Barack Obama had carried his state by 10 points last November, he was voting with Democrats quite often, including on key measures like the stimulus package. But once the primary pressure from Toomey had begun to heat up -- as emphasized by a shocking March 25th Quinnipiac poll that put Specter 14 points behind his Republican rival -- he had become quite conservative, voting with Democrats only 16 percent of the time in his final month or so as a Republican.
View attachment 2449

On the one hand, all of this is pretty rational -- at any given moment, Specter was making moves that would seem to have maximized his chances of survival. On the other hand, it seems to have triggered plenty of fatigue with voters, who just can't be sure what they'll get if they vote to re-elect him. Arlen Specter is either just about the best reflection or the worst reflection on the state of our Democracy -- it's just hard to say which one.
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Since Primary Challenge, Specter Voting with Dems 97% of the Time
He's willing to do whatever he has to, to get re-elected. That shows no values to stand on and to keep him, and those like him in office is a disrespect to our republic.




New member
I do have a question for you RO, you mention they lack "original ideas" and I have asked you to explain what you mean by this because my view of a conservative is someone who wants to limit Government and support State rights. To protect moral standards and defend the constitution from those who want to ignore it.
When I say "original ideas", I mean anything that promotes financial and economic freedom without government interference, abolishing the income tax, securing our soverignty, and ending any and every social program there is currently in action.

When I say "original ideas", I mean to end the statist attitudes in all branches of our government.

When I say "original ideas", I mean to say that a woman has the right to do whatever the fukk she wants with her body. It is her body and she has to live with the consequences, however the government has no business in the womb.

I also mean to end the war on drugs, audit the Federal Reserve and phase it out, leave gay marriage up to the states, put a stop to federal intervention into healthcare, privatize social security, put an end to every single piece of global warming/climate change legislation there is, cease loaning on the taxpayer's dime, and slapping the tar out of Ted Kennedy.



New member
When I say "original ideas", I mean to say that a woman has the right to do whatever the fukk she wants with her body. It is her body and she has to live with the consequences, however the government has no business in the womb.
ahhh, ya had me til there. :)

I believe the gov't is there to protect it's citizens- not so much from ourselves, but from outside dangers. This is one area where I think the gov't should step in and protect those that cannot protect themselves- the unborn (even if they aren't quite citizens yet, lol)

I really like that part about slapping Ted Kennedy though. :)



New member
ahhh, ya had me til there. :)
I believe the gov't is there to protect it's citizens- not so much from ourselves, but from outside dangers. This is one area where I think the gov't should step in and protect those that cannot protect themselves- the unborn (even if they aren't quite citizens yet, lol)

I really like that part about slapping Ted Kennedy though. :)
I'm all for personal choice and responsibility.

Do I like the premise of abortion? No.

However, the morality of the issue is not up to me to decide.

Ted Kennedy is, without a doubt, the most useless of that family. Yes, even more so than Jack and Bobby and they're in the ground.



Active Members
Well RO, it seems most of your "original ideas" are actually old, very old ideas that were being pushed by conservatives years ago.

I agree with eddo on the abortion thing though, the woman had the "choice" of what she did with her body when she allowed herself to get pregnant. Once she made her "choice", it is time to face the responsibility of that "choice" to have risky ***.

And yes, please slap Ted Kennedy, lol.



New member
Well RO, it seems most of your "original ideas" are actually old, very old ideas that were being pushed by conservatives years ago.
Yes, I am fully aware of this.

When compared to current agendas, these old original ideas are new and refreshing.

I agree with eddo on the abortion thing though, the woman had the "choice" of what she did with her body when she allowed herself to get pregnant. Once she made her "choice", it is time to face the responsibility of that "choice" to have risky ***.
Whether you are for or against abortion, I will go to my grave believing that no one has the authority to dictate to another what they can and can't do to their body.

And do not comment on abortion any further... that is not the purpose of this thread.

We have talked this issue ad nauseum, to stalemate, and again, that is not the purpose of this thread.



Active Members
Yes, I am fully aware of this.

When compared to current agendas, these old original ideas are new and refreshing.
Okay, that clears that up, I was wondering about that being as we agree on most things and I am very uneasy when politicians start taking about original idea because that is code for higher taxes (government run healthcare is a great example of these modern original ideas).

Whether you are for or against abortion, I will go to my grave believing that no one has the authority to dictate to another what they can and can't do to their body.

And do not comment on abortion any further... that is not the purpose of this thread.

We have talked this issue ad nauseum, to stalemate, and again, that is not the purpose of this thread.
lol, you brought it up, not me man.

The discussion you have had I was not involved in so I am not sure of the reasons behind your possition and I would love to hear them sometime though.

I will go to my grave believing the woman had her choice when she had risky ***, the abortion is the way to avoid taking responsibility for the choice already made.



New member
Abortion is a big issue that the new GOP needs address and take on. So it does have something to do with the topic.


New member
lol, you brought it up, not me man.
The discussion you have had I was not involved in so I am not sure of the reasons behind your possition and I would love to hear them sometime though.

I will go to my grave believing the woman had her choice when she had risky ***, the abortion is the way to avoid taking responsibility for the choice already made.
Yes, I brought it up. I know that, Captain Obvious. Unlike you, I don't go blathering just to see my name pop up in the thread, I actually review and edit and review once more my posts.

That said...



New member
I will go to my grave believing the woman had her choice when she had risky ***, the abortion is the way to avoid taking responsibility for the choice already made.

Abortion is a big issue that the new GOP needs address and take on. So it does have something to do with the topic.
As for the abortion deal, personal feelings aside, what and who gives you the authority to dictate what a person can and/or can't do to their body?

And you can't say *** and good ol' fashioned religious dogma, because that is a tired old crutch.



New member
As for the abortion deal, personal feelings aside, what and who gives you the authority to dictate what a person can and/or can't do to their body?

Does that apply to the child's body? What gives the woman the right to decide what happens to the child's body?

I really don't care for an answer, because until someone has the ***** to decide when a person is considered a person, the debate will never end.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama, Planned Parenthood & The KKK[/ame]



Active Members
As for the abortion deal, personal feelings aside, what and who gives you the authority to dictate what a person can and/or can't do to their body?
And you can't say *** and good ol' fashioned religious dogma, because that is a tired old crutch.
I don't want the authority to tell a woman what to do with her own body, I have already covered this RO. The choice of what to do with her body was already made when she had risky ***. The abortion is the method of escaping taking responsibility for her decision already made.

My possition is one of responsibility, I expect men and women to take responsibility for their choices, not run away from them.

If as a society we are willing to kill children to escape taking responsibility for our own actions, then we certainly cannot honestly ask people to be responsible in any other way.



New member
Why is the Republican Party losing voters?
Why is the Republican Party lacking in popularity while polls show that more Americans consider themselves conservative?

According to Republican Senator from Ohio, George Voinovich, the party is being overrun with Southerners.

******! Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the Republicans lack any original ideas. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are completely impotent. It has nothing to do with their general obsession with a woman's womb. According to George Voinovich, it has everything to do with Southerners. Yep .. Southerners are to blame for the Republicans' lagging popularity.

Anti-Southerner bias is nothing new to me, folks. I've put up with it my entire life. The bias is real ... but I'll just say that I'm damned glad I don't live in Ohio or New Jersey. I'll just take the lush Chattahoochee River Valley, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Low Country, and the Piedmont any old day of the fukken week.
Way to ruin the Republican's fool proof platform for everyone, Southerners!!! shakes fist at the South

Ohio should go straight to bed without supper tonight for electing such a dumbass to represent them.

I like southerners. I will admit that I find their exuberance and propensity for "huggin'", "lovin'" and verbalizing their affections a little odd and overwhelming, but that's only because I was raised in the frozen tundra and am therefore emotionally constipated. :D

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