The Harry Potter Thread! need to read other books. There are better books to read out there than HP in my opinion. I just never caught on the HP craze back then and I think its bullshit by now >.> anyways, go on =)
JK Rowling's got a great imagination. I mean, Harry Potter is very original. But then literature wise... she's not one of my favorites :p

(There's a reason why all the LP members love the Lord of the Rings XP)
Honestly I don't like his whole fantasy stuff...

Give me a nice Stephen King book....and everything's fine....
Harry Potter's got plot and stuff... it's just one of those stuff that i would read and then finish reading and put it back on the shelf. Not one of those books when you would finish reading and just sit there and stare at the book for a good five minutes.
They're alright but I never have time to read anymore so I've only read upto the 4th one. Seen all the films though, which were pretty good (I <3 Rupert Grint!)
Enthend said:
I just wanted to start a thread about Harry Potter Because I just think its the best books in the world

Harry Potter is one of the worst books in the world. Sure it may be an exciting read if your 5 or have the intelligence of a horse fly but apart from that no. when i read Harry Potter, yes i wont deny it was fun doing so, but it doesnt make you think about any moral codes after you have finished with it.
secondly, a great word to describe the books would be 'predictable'. The diction between the character is frankly...dull! she never used exciting words. 'said' is used far more time for comfort. in addition, when u read what the character is saying you never get a tone or atmosphere in your mind about them.
futhermore, the plot is linear. there are no plot twists and the characters are cardboard and clithe. Harry, the slighly angry and rebelious hero. Ron, the mumbling mildly humourous side kick and the hermione, the 'clever' and sometimes pompous one...
as for orginal, J.kWhatever, has borrowed from every great pieces of literature. For intance,Lord of the Rings.

in conclusion, the books are **** and the movies are even worst....
I loved the harry potter books up untill the fourth book, then it just lost me after that. I mean I still read them but I'm not crazy about it and all. I prefer my manga to things like that now a days
Pheonix791989 said:
I loved the harry potter books up untill the fourth book, then it just lost me after that. I mean I still read them but I'm not crazy about it and all. I prefer my manga to things like that now a days
Manga is quite cool yes :D
wow,this is different from so many other forums iv been to haha

we actually talk and speculate on stuff.

i dont love harry potter,i just find it enjoyable to read now and then. tottally agree jk isnt the best writer in the world,but she does JUSST enough to get me to read HP.

love matt reilly books,scarecrows back in 07!! maybe even teaming up with West this time =D