The Holocaust Week 15-22 Feb 2007



Courtesy of Google News, not including jewish newspapers. As ever The
FLorida Sun Sentinel and the Detroit Free Press come top for
bombarding the goyim with their hologanda.

Wiesel's Near-Abduction by Holocaust Deniers Weirdly Uncovered (140
articles) Penn State Digital Collegian, PA - 16 hours ago
Perhaps the lack of coverage of the attack on the Nobel Prize-winning
Holocaust survivor is understandable: It's one of the most deeply
depressing, dispiriting, demoralizing and sickening stories that one
can imagine. On every level.

A camera catches Holocaust survivors
Owings Mills Times, MD - 5 hours ago
They said they want to do their parts so the world never forgets the
Holocaust. So they accept invitations to speak at schools, or pose for

Holocaust play offers drama - and a lesson
Columbia Daily Tribune, MO - 3 hours ago
... a few encounters with the soldiers - like I get my hair pulled - it
shows you how people handled the Holocaust," said Kacey, a seventh-

'Factory farming like Holocaust'
News24, South Africa - 7 hours ago
The Holocaust was a "warning on the grandest scale that there is
something deeply, cosmically wrong with regarding and treating fellow
beings as mere units.

Holocaust: A crack in wall of denial
Salt Lake Tribune, UT - 16 hours ago
When the United Nations considered a landmark resolution condemning
Holocaust denial last month, the media missed a major story: One of
the first delegates

Holocaust comparison to warming outrageous, IA - 12 hours ago
To equate a proven historical fact of the Jewish Holocaust with an
unproven theory of global warming is nothing short of heinous to those
who perished

Holocaust evidence exists
Aspen Daily News, CO - 17 hours ago
Recently two letters have appeared promoting Holocaust denial. I won't
bother to have you reprint these vile persons names, but suffice it to
say that they ...

Holocaust Museum exhibits work by international artist
Tampa Bay Newspapers, FL - 20 hours ago
PETERSBURG - International artist Samuel Bak will exhibit his "Return
to Vilna" through May 13 at the Florida Holocaust Museum.

High school students to hear from Holocaust survivor, MA - 21 Feb 2007
HAMILTON - Through poetry and prose, Sonia Weitz will share with local
students her story of surviving the Holocaust. Weitz was an 11-year-
old girl living ...

Adult classes highlight Jewish law and tradition
Lexington Winchester Star, MA - 7 hours ago
He said the death of his father, a Holocaust survivor, was a milestone
in his life that drew him back. "Part of the reason was I wanted to
say the mourner's ...

Commentary: Don't Name Streets After Anti-Semites
Evening Bulletin, PA - 3 hours ago
In the Brooklyn neighborhood of Manhattan Beach, just one block from
the Brooklyn Holocaust Memorial Mall, is Corbin Place, named after
Austin Corbin,

Poetry teaches the Holocaust's horror, IA - 20 Feb 2007
Like many of her classmates, seventh-grader Kealan Graham of Waukee
has learned one other lesson after experiencing the raw human emotions
of Holocaust ...

Art Apartment features Holocaust exhibit
MSU State News, MI - 20 Feb 2007
Everything in the room relates to the subject of Kristallnacht or the
Holocaust. Behind a partition are scissors hanging from wires and
molds of human arms, ...

Holocaust seminar set for teachers
Scranton Times-Tribune, PA - 20 Feb 2007
Top educators from the Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust
Studies in Jerusalem, Israel, will be among the presenters at a
special professional ...

Relevant Holocaust questions OK to ask
Aspen Daily News, CO - 19 Feb 2007
The deeply held convictions about the nature and consequences of the
Holocaust have fostered a pernicious and, to my mind, un-American
debasement of debate. ...

Official: No connection between Holocaust & Iran's nuclear case
Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran - 19 Feb 2007
Secretary General of the Global Foundation of Holocaust Survey
Mohammad-Ali Ramin said on Monday that the international conference on
holocaust, ...

Don't mention the Holocaust
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 19 Feb 2007
The above may be true, but it is no surprise that discussions on the
need for a strong Jewish state invariably return to the Holocaust. ...

It was just their moment to be heroes
St. Petersburg Times, FL - 17 hours ago
The six honorees at Saturday's Florida Holocaust Museum annual
fundraiser - "To Life, To Heroes, To Courage" is this year's theme -
include a homemaker, ...

HILLSBORO: Temple presents author of Holocaust story
Bridgewater Courier News, NJ - 19 Feb 2007
Jewish LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) will present an evening with
Ann Kirschner, author of "Sala's Gift, My Mother's Holocaust Story" at
7 pm March 7 at ...

After four years, it's time for action
Princeton University The Daily Princetonian, NJ - 19 hours ago
The GC finds its roots in the world's reaction to the Nazi Holocaust.
Rafael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer personally affected by the
Holocaust, ...

A survivor's Holocaust warning
Newsday, NY - 19 Feb 2007
And the unceasing claims by that chorus that calls the Holocaust a
sham. And dumb questions from schoolkids who think Nazi history, like
so many other ...

German writer gets five years for Holocaust denial
Legalbrief (subscription), South Africa - 18 Feb 2007
According to a report on the Jurist site, Holocaust denial constitutes
a crime under Section 130 (3) of the German Federal Criminal Code,
which provides: ...

Iran-Holocaust comparison is invalid
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, NY - 19 Feb 2007
Though we should never let the Holocaust be forgotten, we shouldn't
use it to demonize others. Iran has never launched an aggressive
war. ...

Dangerous Dissent
Harrisonburg Daily News Record, VA - 17 hours ago
The writers, historians, academics, (and one lone photographer)
condemn their government for the Holocaust conference held in December
2006. ...

Can't Deny Global Warming, We're Told
Evening Bulletin, PA - 20 Feb 2007
Those who deny the Holocaust are among the evil of the world. Their
concern is not history but hurting Jews, and their attempt to rob
nearly six million ...

Poets Maria Orlowski and John Wood
The Jackson Citizen-Patriot, MI - 6 hours ago
She also is the author of "Trains," a book about her experiences as a
Holocaust survivor, under the name of Miriam Winter. ...

It's not too late on Iran; Holocaust denial; Another arms race
International Herald Tribune, France - 19 Feb 2007
Gareth Evans's sensible suggestion for managing Iran's nuclear threat
("It's not too late to stop Iran," Views, Feb. 16) would be even more
compelling with ...

Nazi rail car stark reminder of Holocaust
Miami Herald, FL - 18 Feb 2007
The Holocaust Documentation and Education Center, a nonprofit
organization in North Miami Beach, recently acquired the rail car for
$60000. ...

A History of Hoaxes, FL - 21 Feb 2007
Holocaust denial is the belief that the genocide of Jews during World
War II, either did not occur, or did not occur to the extent
described. ...

Dancing with Holocaust deniers
Courier Mail, Australia - 17 Feb 2007
They escaped the Holocaust, came to Australia, worked, studied and
nurtured a productive and thoroughly Australian family. ...

Local man compiles book on 'A World Without Jews'
Thousand Oaks Acorn, CA - 7 hours ago
Ahmedinejad claims that the Holocaust never happened and vows to wipe
Israel off the map. Zerlin poses a rhetorical question to Ahmedinejad:
"What has your ...

Holocaust memories revived, FL - 18 Feb 2007
They were the Holocaust survivors who lived to recount the inhumane
cruelty of being transported to death camps on rail cars just like
this one. ...

Holocaust survivor inspires teen actors
Cherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - 17 Feb 2007
There was nary a dry eye in the house when Holocaust survivor Fred
Kurz of Cherry Hill told his harrowing story to more than 100 Cherry
Hill High School ...

MAURICE PAPON | 1910-2007: He helped Nazis with Holocaust
Detroit Free Press, MI - 18 Feb 2007
AP. PARIS -- Maurice Papon, a former French cabinet minister convicted
of complicity in crimes against humanity for his role in deporting
1690 Jews during

Demonising Dissent, a comment by Paul V. Rafferty
UN Observer - 20 Feb 2007
It'sa mystery to me how anyone could possibly deny that the Shoah
(Holocaust) happened ! The wealth of evidence is overwhelming. ...

Lusting for a New Holocaust
Lew Rockwell, CA - 16 Feb 2007
Folks, recall that the Nazi Holocaust did not take place in some
savage land of head hunters and cannibals, but in a nation that was
one of the jewels of ...

Pianist tells her mother's story of Holocaust survival
Charleston Gazette, WV - 17 Feb 2007
By Bob Schwarz. One Sunday in Vienna of 1938, Lisa Jura noticed a new
sign on the trolley she normally took to her piano lesson. "No Jews,
no dogs." ...

Lip-reading computer program sought
Science Daily (press release) - 21 Feb 2007
Speech Recognition Technology Will Search Holocaust Archives (October
12, 2001) -- Johns Hopkins University engineers are developing a
speech recognition ...

Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors LA is Hosting Two Events in ... (press release) - 16 Feb 2007
Doris Wise Montrose, founder of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
Los Angeles, has formed a second organization, Alliance for Israel and
World Jewry, ...

Holocaust denial: Pulitzer Prize and Prison
Indymedia Estrecho, Spain - 16 Feb 2007
The New York Times Moscow correspondent - calling eyewitnesses liars -
for his holocaust denial was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. ...

Holocaust heroes: Book honors 29 diplomats who made a difference, FL - 16 Feb 2007