The idea that the US government is racsist


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
Here is little bit of logic for all you idiots that really believe that US government is rascist.

1) If the US government wanted all african americans to die, they would be DEAD!
2) If the US government wanted all african americans bound in chains and picking cotton, they would be all be bound in chains and picking cotton!
3) If you believe that african americans can not succeed because whites do not allow them to then you must also believe that the blacks' success is dependendant upon whites' allowing that success. If you believe that blacks' success is dependant upon whites allowing that success then you must also believe that blacks are incapable of success on their own and therefore subordinate to whites. If you believe that blacks are subordibate to whites then you must also believe that whites are superior to blacks... If you want success, go out and get it, regardless of your color!
The liberal peta'Q are the true racists judging from your statements. May they rot in the same Hell that Pol Pot (may he burn in Hell throughout Eternity)is in!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
i agree with your point

but i think you put it in a strange way that makes you look purely racist

there are so many succesful black people from so many diffrent places
if you blame your lack of success on your race than YOU are the racist

your ancestors just 2 genarations before you had a REAL struggle, dont insult them by pretending your being held back

the fight is over
I agree 100% with MRIH! When blacks say that white folks prevent them from gaining success, they are deeply blind with their own surroundings and decisions. From what I see in school is that during classes all they mostly do is walk the halls, disturb others who are in class and don't listen to their elederly, with disregard if he/she is white or black. Once their parents door hits their ass they are not educated enough to survive in the real world so they start pointing fingers with other ignorant people that feel the same just because they didn't see it coming.

PS. I also hate ****ing white boys that are as white as snow and as skinny as a toothpic who wear a durag thinking they are gansta. I just wana slam my fist into his face to the floor and show him how fake he really is.
This hits the part of my brain that hates people who can't take responsibility. It pisses me off just as much.
If you're not successful, maybe it's because you don't get up and make something of yourself. If you're fat, that might be because once again, you don't get up and do something. If the dog nextdoor won't stop barking at nothing, go over and rip it's larynx out. Duhr.
It all chalks up to laziness, assuming you're not a vegetable or something.
Racism is so overly used anymore. It feels like it has lost some of its original meaning. No one should get special treatment just b/c their ancestors were once oppressed.

The US government isn't racist, but it will use racism to acheive it's needs to succeed. Look at the new deal!