The Interview to End All Interviews


Aug 8, 2004
Murdaland, USA
In a straining effort to out do all the interviews I have ever done I pulled out the big guns and got (in my opinion) LPF's most known unknown. Enjoy this fun overdue interview. AND IF YOU FEEL THIS IS A GOOD READ PLEASE REP. Can a mod put this on the front page too?

It’s just a human quality to have...I tend to contradict have a successful career...yea, I have issues

First question. Who are you? Where are you from? How old are you? And are you a girl or boy?(lol)

Who am I? lol, quite an interesting question. I guess all I can really say is, I’m a girl from Canada, and I’m 14 (yes 14, as of the 9th of April). Oh, and I = willing to die for LP (but nothing else, not like poke my eye out or get eaten by ants or anything like that)


Ok now your name...Why that name of all names?

My name is Jessie, but Jess or whatever is fine. Um, at the time this name was chosen, I think it might have been just a random pick out of the dictionary. I knew that my parents debated on Jessie or Jenny, and thank God they scrapped Jenny. I think it’d be pretty weird for me to walk around and people calling me Jenny… o_O I guess my name is okay. It’s not too overused, though people keep getting mixed with Jessica (which in my opinion is a really random name. No offense to anyone! But it’s the only name I’ve ever heard of that ends with “ca”) It’s also kinda unisex.

I meant your user name but um...

What was the most exciting thing that has happened to you this month?

I was interviewed. To be honest, I’m really surprised that I was picked. I’m glad, of course, but I never thought I’d too much of an interest to be interviewed. I’m an active member, I guess, but I’m just really flattered that I’m here. I feel like… I’m famous. lol XD

What do you do on your free time?

Why does everyone ask this question? :rolleyes: When I’m free, I like to attempt to climb walls like Spiderman. Or just hang on the computer or eat chocolate or something.

What are your dream goals?(as in careers?)/[FONT=&quot]

I plan to have a successful career. lol, I guess successful to an extent that I can enjoy my work, relax when I need to, make lots of money (hehehe), and have free time to do things that I want. I guess I’d have to study hard, protect my health (so I wouldn’t be having like random illnesses when I’m older), and keep listening to Linkin Park. \m/[/FONT]

*Headache* Arrgh, I hate this question. I, unlike some, don’t have a dream. Well maybe it’s to live happily in some good place, alone and rich. Lol, as career goes, I guess I’ll be going into language/arts (I’m useless with numbers). Specifically, I don’t know, but definitely not a journalist. A film maker would be cool, but too tedious. Writer would be cool, since you work at home, but when you’re low in inspiration, you basically starve. And I’m not even so sure about the arts part… I don’t like being more than five meters away from home, so my ideal place to work would be at home… eventually… as a professional breather :rolleyes:

Part 2

I had a friend who recently hanged himself (Rest In Peace Brandon.) He was different because he didn't exhibit any signs of being suicidal. If anything he was showing signs of slowly coming out of his shell. How in the world can someone prevent someone like him or even find a sign to know he'd do something like that?

I’m very sorry about your friend. I think it would be almost impossible to understand a person when he is suicidal but does not display it, though I find it overwhelming that he didn’t have any sign of depression or anger. Any small thing can completely hit the person like a wave and cause him to do something radical. Whether it be something that triggered a painful memory, or maybe triggered a pessimistic thought, we would never know how we can prevent it. If someone was appearing completely normal while so much anger and pain is present within him, I don’t really know what we can do about it. He would be the only one who can save himself from the black hole. It would only be by chance that someone might say something that perhaps warmed his heart and made him realize the value of life. Or maybe by chance something that showed the cold, apathetic world as it is. So I’m not sure how the others could prevent it if they do not actually realize the suicidal thoughts. But I do hope people would begin to come out and open up to people so less tragedies would happen. And once someone does start to exhibit signs of suicidal thoughts, it is the responsibility of the people around him to make him believe that the world is still a bright and beautiful place.

Every one has problems. That's my motto. I'm not going to ask you what your life issue is but I would like to know if there was one thing you feel you really aren't good at what is it? Why do you wish you were good at it? Do you feel it restrains you?

Not something I’m not good at, but my problem is that I tend to contradict myself. And I’d like it better if I do not go on about it for too long because I’ll end up contradicting myself that I don’t contradict myself or something like that. I guess sometimes I confuse myself and end up confusing other people, and then in turn make me seem kinda hypocritical. But basically I have too much stuff going on in my mind, causing me to contradict from different standpoints and opinions.

So yea, I have issues. :D

Could you ever forgive the killer of your parents? Even if they didn't exhibit any signs of possibly having regret? Why or why not?

No. Even if my parents died happy, it’s not like I would be happy that they’d rest in peace or something. You kill my parents, I sue you. lol I’d never take a gun and charge down your street, I might like accidentally shoot my foot. *Ahem* on topic… No I’d just never find a reason why I’d forgive someone who killed my parents.

If you answered no to the above question is it really just to not forgive him? Would you be a better person if you could? If you answered yes do you think you've reached a point where you lack emotion? Or is it just that your views on life differentiate from the average person?

No I think I would not be a better person if I forgave whoever killed my parents. It’s just a human quality to have. I mean even if the killer’s mother is dying and wife has some medical bill and his kids are like starving and some person decided to hire him to kill my parents (which seems very strange lol), it doesn’t mean that my sympathy towards him should ever overcome my loss of my parents. They freakin gave birth to me and fed me and like gave me a bed and a computer and stuff. Unless you’re really apathetic or hate your parents, I don’t think anyone would think so. :[

[FONT=&quot]Where do you see yourself in 2.5673923869346 days?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] At home, in front of the computer, on LPF…? lol

Which Minutes to midnight song are u anticipating the most? Why?

In Between. Just because it’s the very first time we’d be hearing Mike dominate a song with singing. Knowing that his voice is gonna appear minimally on this album, I am anticipating a lot for this song. I loved his rapping, but we know that he can also sing (well). And since he’s always in backup vocals, we never really hear him. This time he’s gonna come out and present us with his voice, loud and clear. The entire idea gets me excited. Also, No More Sorrow sounds pretty cool because it sounds like so much of a deep and intricate song. I did like the angst of the, I guess, previous LP style. But this album is gonna be so kick assly new and fresh XD

Do you think that perhaps because of Mike's recent hit with Fort Minor the band felt Mike should sit back and give the other mates their equal shine for a change? Hence the lack of Mike-age (like that made up word?).

(Yes Mike-age is a good word) I guess that could be a possibility. I mean not like the others would envy him or anything, it’s just that they’re so brotherly towards each other that, I guess, Mike could have decided to do that. But we still hear him in instrumentals. Brad said that Mike was literally jumping from instrument to instrument, so technically, he’s still a large part of the band. It just seems like he’s fading off into the background because we hear him less vocally.

Assuming you have heard the new album already what song do you find the most in common with?

Haven’t listened to the album yet :D I’m probably one of the only people on here who didn’t listen to the leak. It’s actually one of the things that I’ve said I’d do, and I did. (Or I said I wouldn’t do, and I didn’t.)

Mike and Hahn are known to contribute to a very nice unique album cover so why do you think they(and the band) decided to ditch their usual album art work for this style?

Actually, I really liked their art as the album cover. I find the album art a very essential part of an album, because… it’s the cover. It basically advertises itself for you. I loved Hybrid Theory’s soldier, and Meteora’s cover was fantastic, so when I first saw the WID single cover, I guess I was a little shaken. (I still don’t like it that much lol) It could have been because I was a bit surprised, and that I just thought we’d lose their art forever.

I think the main reason why they wanted to change it was because they wanted to make the fans realize from the moment they see the cover that Linkin Park has changed. I guess they want that first impression to have this huge pang. Since their music has changed, and the fact that they really want to shed off of their so-called “nu metal” style, they want their fans to understand that they are metamorphosing something else. Their past and their present styles are different, and they have to display that also in their cover art. (Well, too bad for us)

Which song (excluding MtM) do you relate to most? Explain.

This is an extremely difficult question… lol, every song speaks to me. Depending on what mood I’m in or what happened, each and every song had its heartfelt moments. But because I have to give a proper answer, I’d say (AT THE MOMENT) it would be Easier to Run. Although a lot of people found it repetitive and boring, I loved it. Mike’s rapping with Chester’s vocals underneath, and then later intertwining with his explosive chorus... it’s all perfect. Especially because the lyrics speaks about unable to face things and just letting everything go to escape. I love that song. The melody is so heartfelt to me and it makes my vision go crisp and clear. It seems like everything in my life flashes by (it’s almost like dying lol) and makes me feel like I can see… everything. I think in this song, everyone in LP had such a wonderful part and fit them all together perfectly. Its contrast between the soft, elegant parts and its loud, emotional climax and opening just adds so many dimensions to this song. But I think what I loved the most from this song would be its lyrics. It really talks about how when everything is so painful, that it’s so easy to let go and not turn back. I love its intricate simplicity. Know what I’m saying?

Which song do you relate to the least? Explain.

Another hard one… argh. Next question…

If Linkin Park split tomorrow which artist would have the most successful career afterwards? This could be pertaining to any career musical or not.

(I certainly hope that wouldn’t happen lol) Truthfully I’ve always seen a lot of power with Mike. Throwing everything aside, I find Mike with the greatest potential. All six of them are intelligent and insightful. They’re all well educated and all, but I think Mike Shinoda has this insane drive and dedication towards everything he does. (I’m not saying that the others don’t, please remember)

He has a lot of careers options he can choose from as well. I mean he still has Fort Minor, and even if he stops being a vocalist he can still produce music. He also has the capability to play many different instruments, as we know. If not music at all he is a visual artist and he can work as a graphic designer or something. Mike just has so many routes to go. Add on top his talent, wit, and will, I’m convinced that he could achieve anything.

I’m not saying that the other five would starve if LP splits, they’d probably pursuit successful careers as well. They all have capability and the motivation, it’s just that I see Mike with more opportunities. (Mike works so hard for the band, we’re already seeing eye wrinkles and he’s only 30 :()

How do you feel about warner shutting down was it called for? did mark have a right to post illegal content?

I thought Warner was pretty mean at that :p lol. Of course, illegal content shouldn’t be posted, but come on, so many other sites do that. Besides, it’s just as illegal to post them as to download them and there’s so much more people doing that. I guess Warner just wanted to show that they’re scary and mean so you won’t mess with them lmao but I’m glad that they’re coming back soon… with a new layout too!

Which album do you think you are/were more excited about? Minutes to Midnight, The Rising Tide, or Snow White Tan's?

Minutes to Midnight. This is because it’s been quite a few years since LP last released an album. I love LP, and I’m extremely excited about their new sound and everything. Although there’s been some points where I’ve been somewhat disappointed by them, I’m positive that their reappearance would be awesome. The Rising Tied and Snow White Tan… um, I don’t know, I guess I was less into them back then cause Linkin Park just grew onto me… Right now, I’m really anticipating for Minutes to Midnight and holding myself back from leaks before I have my hands on the damn album itself. After all the delayed releases and stuff, I do hope and think that it will be an epic album.

If you have iTunes open up and tell me. Which song has the most plays?

Linkin Park – Dedicated

(I DONT know if you listen to rap but im gunna ask you a few rap questions for the hell of it)P. Diddy recently released a new album. Some say it blows, some say it rocks(jeezy;).) What's your opinion on this album?

Haven’t heard it ^^ No comment

Should rappers that don't write their own lyrics get as much respect as they do?

I think that would depend. They could be having someone write their lyrics but deliver it so well that a lot of people would love it. Effort deserves respect, and the rappers who do write their own lyrics should receive relatively more respect than those who don’t. But I mean just because you don’t write your own lyrics doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be respected, because rapping isn’t ONLY about lyrics. It’s also about how you present the words. If the rapper isn’t good at lyrics, then by all means, no one wants to hear some desperate person trying to make rhymes cause it’s just all too painful.

What makes a rock band good?

I think the main things that I look in the music rock bands make are: *distinct* and quality lyricism and melody + harmony, and the balance. What goes up must come down, and what goes down doesn’t stay down. The divine cycle of music is so important because I can’t stand music that starts as something and then ends as something else.

Lyricism is very very important because I’m so tired of the colloquial language in some songs. Music isn’t just about screaming out whatever comes to mind. It’s supposed to be something enjoyable. You CAN express your feelings in songs and it can be a type of release, but at least attempt to make it sound a bit poetic. I’m glad that a lot of bands still remember their English lessons and incorporate quality in their lyrics.

Melody is something else that it very crucial in good music because um, music is music. It’s about the melody and harmony that’s layering beneath it. I’m not too huge of a fan for melody-less songs (however impossible that sounds) Also, a lot of bands use a lot of pop-ish melody and sound. It’s like a pop singer could sing a song, add in guitars and drums, and it’ll sound like whatever the band sounds like.

So would that(your last answer) apply to rock bands that constantly scream in their music?

I’m not a huge fan of constant screaming, but I think it would. However hardcore you’re trying to make your music, it’s still, admittedly, music. Lyrics, of course, apply. And melody and such, I still think it’s pretty important, however much the band screams.

Vash the Stampede and Unhinged mouse were fairly recently promoted to administrators. As of now how would you rate their role as an administrator on a scale of 1-10. Why so high/low? What are ways they can improve?

I’m pretty satisfied with them doing their jobs. Since I’m so understanding that they are also human beings, I’ll give like a 9. All I know is that LPF is pretty peaceful these days. :D

How do you feel about the current layout? Do you think we could improve it? How? Any examples?

I like it, I’m guessing that everyone has adapted to it already. It adds in a new dimension from the last one, because of the small bits of yellow. It just kinda brings more life. The only thing that I’d wish and gratefully appreciate to be changed would be the “Post Reply” button with spasm problems :D Also at the top, I always liked “Home” to be in front of “User CP” but now it’s kinda awkward. But other than those, it’s great.

Who's your favorite LPFer?

I don’t pick favorites ^^ But I love you all. You guys are so awesome and supportive. LPF is so much homely with you ppl around, adding different personalities all into this LPF family ^^

Who's your least favorite LPFer?!(be honest)

Since I don’t pick favorites, you guys are all my least favorite. >=D

Are you part of any of the LPF Cliques?

Um, I don’t think so, not really… I guess I’m just there when I want to be, and not there when I’m not interested. I just, um, you know, hang around wherever. We do have our COS circle ^^ very tiny, since it seems like Mike’s fans have all died or something… Or they just don’t like the COS lol. But I’m not like closest to anyone nor hate anyone (nor does anyone hate me, I think… hope?) I’m just there, lol.

Do you know Stenners?


Does he smell?

Yea. No I’m just kidding. I really wouldn’t know… cause he’s gotta reek REAL bad for me to smell it all across the Atlantic Ocean. But thankfully, I can’t smell anything here. (But just in case Matt, take showers daily)

Is there a member of LPF that left that you wish could come back?

No comment cuz… haven’t known too many that hasn’t come back.

Besides lpf, which linkin park fan site do you find most helpful when it comes to news ect.

I like LPA. Because their layout is cool and it’s pretty fast on news. LPtimes for downloads or something.
Part FOUR yes theres a part four

Who, in your opinion, contributes the most to the forums? Doesn't have to be linkin park media wise.

Well there are different areas of contribution. I think a lot of active members here contribute to the various parts of LPF. LP media-wise, there are Hahninator, untitled, Jeezy, and so many others like salmanlp with graphics and stuff. Art-wise, people like Victim and diana are always there for constructive criticism and help. The Dark Room has a lot of helpful people who understand and would help give great advice. The mods and admins contribute greatly also towards like keeping peace and stuff. Generally, with the various opinions, discussions, general info, help, and other stuff, there are a lot of active members here. I will not name you guys because the list will go on and on. You know who you are. If I named you, it’s not because I especially like you, (not that I don’t like you either), but because you do help a lot in those areas. If I don't name you, it’s not because I forgot or didn’t recognize you, it’s just because I was too lazy to type everyone’s names. (I don’t like naming specific people lol)

What's this forums’ biggest flaw?

[Still trying to think of one] Everything I think of doesn’t exactly qualify as a flaw. I think every single negative (and positive) aspect towards the forums adds to its different dimensions and qualities that make it LPF. I mean, nothing is perfect. lol, but imperfections add to perfection.

Why does LPF continue to be as big as it is? And what makes this site so different from any other site?

LPF is a somewhat small community, and many of us enjoy that. We are privileged that our boards are not chaotic as some of the LP forums are. Our members are diverse enough, yet not to create arguments every second. I’m not completely sure why LPF is such an amazing place on the net. I think the members on here are all amazing and unique. Here in LPF, it’s about the community. Although we do not have as many active members as some other LP forums, we are definitely one of the most civilized, welcoming, non-chaotic, non-noobly, life-changing, and magnetic forums in the world. The mods do great jobs keeping peace and are humanly at the same time. They do not have that “Hah! I have a colored user name” essence of mock and authority. Our members add to the unique personalities and opinions coexisting on these forums. Most of our fights are not stupid and spamming. (The mods pwn the spammers XD)

I remember a short while back, LPF was on a really low point of its curve. It was like LP delayed their album again, everyone was unhappy, and very little people were active on here. I guess there was no new LP material that we could relate to, to talk about… Members left (who later came back) It seemed like LPF was dying. But then, it came back alive. I think everyone started taking action to promote reviving and improving LPF, and we had the design change. We had a lot of different opinions towards the new design, and then gradually things got better. A lot of old members returned, new members joined, LPF regained its orders and peace. But what I’m trying to say is, LPF has this tremendous survival instinct, lol, because we all love it way too much. :) Like it said, LPF is about the community, aka us.

So LPF continues to evolve. We would hit a tree every now and then, but eventually we would get it all sorted out. And we’re lucky that we belong to something so beautiful.

From what you've seen who's the sexiest LPFer...besides myself.

Me, because I’m actually Mike Shinoda in disguise. Hah… note my sense of humor.

Ok after 8 separate PM's filled with answers our fun has come to an end. So nows you chance to give any shout outs, plugs, nasty comments, etc! Well you can't say ETC but yea.

I wanna thank you for giving me this opportunity to express myself and thanks for recognizing me and my opinions. :D

The interview was very fun to do. Some of the questions were hard to answer while giving my honest opinion and keeping in mind about the public opinion. But I'm glad that I was chosen to do the interview. It gave me the chance to, i dunno, be interviewed? lol.

I look forward to reading more interviews and hearing opinions from others as well :D

Dissapointed in the quality of questions bout me!
but still enjoyable lol

BTW i shower every morning and bath every night and am the hottest male member remember *points* its official (if i ever find the hottest member thread lol)
An amazing interview.. Probably one of the best every, because it was so long.. Always nice to learn about our memebers.. Nice work Azem as always..

P.S. I got it on the front page for ya!
****ing amazing interview (both of you).

:D @ being mentioned, that's awesome. thanks. I really appreciate that.

+another point for Stenners for being mentioned AGAIN lmao.