The Islamist war on Muslim women



This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
a seemingly endless supply of apologists, most of whom dwell in a
twilight of ignorance of the kind of barbarity that they apologize for.
It is always interesting to see the complete absence from the grounds by
the multitude of "women's rights" criers and groups when the issue of
women under islam comes up..........
The Islamist war on Muslim women
Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist / December 23, 2007

THE "QATIF GIRL" won a reprieve last week. On Dec. 17, Saudi Arabia's
King Abdullah pardoned the young woman, who was sentenced to 200 lashes
and six months in prison after she pressed charges against seven men who
had raped her and a male acquaintance in 2006. Two weeks earlier,
Sudan's president extended a similar reprieve to Gillian Gibbons, the
British teacher convicted of insulting Islam because her 7-year-old
students named a teddy bear Muhammad. Gibbons had been sentenced to
prison, but government-organized street demonstrators were loudly
demanding her execution.

In January, Nazanin Fatehi was released from an Iranian jail after a
death sentence against her was revoked. She had originally been
convicted of murder for fatally stabbing a man when he and two others
attempted to rape her and her niece in a park. (Had she yielded to the
rapists, she could have been flogged or stoned for engaging in
nonmarital sex.)

The sparing of these women was very welcome news, of course, and it was
not coincidental that each case had triggered an international furor.
But for every "Qatif girl" or Nazanin who is saved, there are far too
many other Muslim girls and women for whom deliverance never comes.

No international furor saved Aqsa Parvez, a Toronto teenager, whose
father was charged on Dec. 11 with strangling her to death because she
refused to wear a hijab. "She just wanted to look like everyone else,"
one of Aqsa's friends told the National Post, "and I guess her dad had a
problem with that."

No reprieve came for Banaz Mahmod, either. She was 20, a Kurdish
immigrant to Britain, whose father and uncle had her killed last year
after she left an abusive arranged marriage and fell in love with a man
not from the family's village in Kurdistan. Banaz was choked to death
with a bootlace, stuffed into a suitcase, and buried in a garden 70
miles away.

More than 25 such "honor killings" have been confirmed in Britain's
Muslim community in recent years. Many more are suspected.

There has been no storm of outrage about the intimidation and murder in
Basra, Iraq, of women who wear Western-style clothing. Iraqi police say
that more than 40 women have been killed so far this year by Islamists;
the bodies are often left in garbage dumps with notes accusing the
victims of "un-Islamic behavior."

By Western standards, the subjugation of women by Muslim fanatics, and
the sometimes pathological Islamist obsession with female sexuality, are
unthinkable. Time and again they lead to shocking acts of violence and

In Pakistan, a tribal council ordered a woman to be gang-raped as
punishment for her brother's supposed liaison with a woman from another

In San Francisco, a young Muslim woman was shot dead after she uncovered
her hair and put on makeup in order to be a maid of honor at a friend's

In Tehran, a father beheaded his 7-year-old daughter because he
suspected that she had been raped; he said he acted "to defend my honor,
fame, and dignity."

In Saudi Arabia, the Islamic police prevented schoolgirls from leaving a
burning building because they were not wearing headscarves and abayas;
15 of the girls died in the inferno.

The president of Cairo's Al-Azhar University, a renowned center of
Islamic learning, described the proper method of wife-beating in a
television interview: "It's not really beating," Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb
explained on Egyptian television. "It's more like punching."

When the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996, the repression
of women was among their first priorities. They issued a decree
forbidding women to leave their homes, with the result that work and
schooling for women came to a halt, destroying the country's healthcare
system, civil service, and elementary education.

"Forty percent of the doctors, half of the government workers, and seven
out of 10 teachers were women," Lawrence Wright observed in "The Looming
Tower," his Pulitzer Prize-winning history of Al Qaeda. "Under the
Taliban, many of them would become beggars."

Women are not the only victims of this rampant misogyny. Mohammed Halim,
a 46-year-old Afghan schoolteacher, was dragged from his family and
horribly murdered last year - disemboweled and then dismembered - for
defying orders to stop educating girls.

All these are only examples - the tip of a dreadful iceberg that will
never be demolished until Muslims by the millions rise up against it. As
for the rest of us, we too have an obligation to raise our voices. It
took a worldwide outcry to spare "Qatif girl" and Nazanin. But there are
countless others like them, and our silence may seal their fate.

Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is


"FACE" <> wrote in message
> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
> a seemingly endless supply of apologists, most of whom dwell in a
> twilight of ignorance of the kind of barbarity that they apologize for.
> It is always interesting to see the complete absence from the grounds by
> the multitude of "women's rights" criers and groups when the issue of
> women under islam comes up..........
> The Islamist war on Muslim women
> Jeff Jacoby
> Globe Columnist / December 23, 2007
> THE "QATIF GIRL" won a reprieve last week. On Dec. 17, Saudi Arabia's
> King Abdullah pardoned the young woman, who was sentenced to 200 lashes
> and six months in prison after she pressed charges against seven men who
> had raped her and a male acquaintance in 2006. Two weeks earlier,
> Sudan's president extended a similar reprieve to Gillian Gibbons, the
> British teacher convicted of insulting Islam because her 7-year-old
> students named a teddy bear Muhammad. Gibbons had been sentenced to
> prison, but government-organized street demonstrators were loudly
> demanding her execution.
> In January, Nazanin Fatehi was released from an Iranian jail after a
> death sentence against her was revoked. She had originally been
> convicted of murder for fatally stabbing a man when he and two others
> attempted to rape her and her niece in a park. (Had she yielded to the
> rapists, she could have been flogged or stoned for engaging in
> nonmarital sex.)
> The sparing of these women was very welcome news, of course, and it was
> not coincidental that each case had triggered an international furor.
> But for every "Qatif girl" or Nazanin who is saved, there are far too
> many other Muslim girls and women for whom deliverance never comes.
> No international furor saved Aqsa Parvez, a Toronto teenager, whose
> father was charged on Dec. 11 with strangling her to death because she
> refused to wear a hijab. "She just wanted to look like everyone else,"
> one of Aqsa's friends told the National Post, "and I guess her dad had a
> problem with that."
> No reprieve came for Banaz Mahmod, either. She was 20, a Kurdish
> immigrant to Britain, whose father and uncle had her killed last year
> after she left an abusive arranged marriage and fell in love with a man
> not from the family's village in Kurdistan. Banaz was choked to death
> with a bootlace, stuffed into a suitcase, and buried in a garden 70
> miles away.
> More than 25 such "honor killings" have been confirmed in Britain's
> Muslim community in recent years. Many more are suspected.
> There has been no storm of outrage about the intimidation and murder in
> Basra, Iraq, of women who wear Western-style clothing. Iraqi police say
> that more than 40 women have been killed so far this year by Islamists;
> the bodies are often left in garbage dumps with notes accusing the
> victims of "un-Islamic behavior."
> By Western standards, the subjugation of women by Muslim fanatics, and
> the sometimes pathological Islamist obsession with female sexuality, are
> unthinkable. Time and again they lead to shocking acts of violence and
> depravity:
> In Pakistan, a tribal council ordered a woman to be gang-raped as
> punishment for her brother's supposed liaison with a woman from another
> tribe.
> In San Francisco, a young Muslim woman was shot dead after she uncovered
> her hair and put on makeup in order to be a maid of honor at a friend's
> wedding.
> In Tehran, a father beheaded his 7-year-old daughter because he
> suspected that she had been raped; he said he acted "to defend my honor,
> fame, and dignity."
> In Saudi Arabia, the Islamic police prevented schoolgirls from leaving a
> burning building because they were not wearing headscarves and abayas;
> 15 of the girls died in the inferno.
> The president of Cairo's Al-Azhar University, a renowned center of
> Islamic learning, described the proper method of wife-beating in a
> television interview: "It's not really beating," Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb
> explained on Egyptian television. "It's more like punching."
> When the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996, the repression
> of women was among their first priorities. They issued a decree
> forbidding women to leave their homes, with the result that work and
> schooling for women came to a halt, destroying the country's healthcare
> system, civil service, and elementary education.
> "Forty percent of the doctors, half of the government workers, and seven
> out of 10 teachers were women," Lawrence Wright observed in "The Looming
> Tower," his Pulitzer Prize-winning history of Al Qaeda. "Under the
> Taliban, many of them would become beggars."
> Women are not the only victims of this rampant misogyny. Mohammed Halim,
> a 46-year-old Afghan schoolteacher, was dragged from his family and
> horribly murdered last year - disemboweled and then dismembered - for
> defying orders to stop educating girls.
> All these are only examples - the tip of a dreadful iceberg that will
> never be demolished until Muslims by the millions rise up against it. As
> for the rest of us, we too have an obligation to raise our voices. It
> took a worldwide outcry to spare "Qatif girl" and Nazanin. But there are
> countless others like them, and our silence may seal their fate.
> Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is
> ~~~~

STrabo's kind of people!
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:22:27 -0500, FACE <>

>This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
>a seemingly endless supply of apologists, most of whom dwell in a
>twilight of ignorance of the kind of barbarity that they apologize for.
>It is always interesting to see the complete absence from the grounds by
>the multitude of "women's rights" criers and groups when the issue of
>women under islam comes up..........
>The Islamist war on Muslim women
>Jeff Jacoby
>Globe Columnist / December 23, 2007
>THE "QATIF GIRL" won a reprieve last week. On Dec. 17, Saudi Arabia's
>King Abdullah pardoned the young woman, who was sentenced to 200 lashes
>and six months in prison after she pressed charges against seven men who
>had raped her and a male acquaintance in 2006.

I found it odd that ppl convicted of raping a man in a Muslim country
would get a sentence as light as two yrs. I know of a case here in
which two men one of who yelled, "HA is taking over " raped a man and
his wife in their house. They received 20 yr sentences. The President
Of Iran has declared his nation free of homosexuals but the CBC has
documented them in Tehran. Perhaps these countries are actually more
homosexual than San Francisco or Toronto or West End Vancouver.

> Two weeks earlier,
>Sudan's president extended a similar reprieve to Gillian Gibbons, the
>British teacher convicted of insulting Islam because her 7-year-old
>students named a teddy bear Muhammad.

Do you think the student set her up by giving the teddy bear that name
so she would get punished? What kind of woman works in Sudan which is
responsible for the current genocide of Christians?

>Gibbons had been sentenced to
>prison, but government-organized street demonstrators were loudly
>demanding her execution.

Maybe one day they will be able to afford a flushing toilet or the
Internet. Ppl who have sex with nine yr olds should be executed.
>In January, Nazanin Fatehi was released from an Iranian jail after a
>death sentence against her was revoked. She had originally been
>convicted of murder for fatally stabbing a man when he and two others
>attempted to rape her and her niece in a park. (Had she yielded to the
>rapists, she could have been flogged or stoned for engaging in
>nonmarital sex.)
>The sparing of these women was very welcome news, of course, and it was
>not coincidental that each case had triggered an international furor.
>But for every "Qatif girl" or Nazanin who is saved, there are far too
>many other Muslim girls and women for whom deliverance never comes.
>No international furor saved Aqsa Parvez, a Toronto teenager, whose
>father was charged on Dec. 11 with strangling her to death because she
>refused to wear a hijab. "She just wanted to look like everyone else,"
>one of Aqsa's friends told the National Post, "and I guess her dad had a
>problem with that."
>No reprieve came for Banaz Mahmod, either. She was 20, a Kurdish
>immigrant to Britain, whose father and uncle had her killed last year
>after she left an abusive arranged marriage and fell in love with a man
>not from the family's village in Kurdistan. Banaz was choked to death
>with a bootlace, stuffed into a suitcase, and buried in a garden 70
>miles away.
>More than 25 such "honor killings" have been confirmed in Britain's
>Muslim community in recent years. Many more are suspected.
>There has been no storm of outrage about the intimidation and murder in
>Basra, Iraq, of women who wear Western-style clothing. Iraqi police say
>that more than 40 women have been killed so far this year by Islamists;
>the bodies are often left in garbage dumps with notes accusing the
>victims of "un-Islamic behavior."
>By Western standards, the subjugation of women by Muslim fanatics, and
>the sometimes pathological Islamist obsession with female sexuality, are
>unthinkable. Time and again they lead to shocking acts of violence and

I'm more concerned with the apparent homosexualization of the Islamic
>In Pakistan, a tribal council ordered a woman to be gang-raped as
>punishment for her brother's supposed liaison with a woman from another

Isn't that the same place where the head of the Supreme Court was
fired and the press censored. It is at best a second world nation.
>In San Francisco, a young Muslim woman was shot dead after she uncovered
>her hair and put on makeup in order to be a maid of honor at a friend's
>In Tehran, a father beheaded his 7-year-old daughter because he
>suspected that she had been raped; he said he acted "to defend my honor,
>fame, and dignity."
>In Saudi Arabia, the Islamic police prevented schoolgirls from leaving a
>burning building because they were not wearing headscarves and abayas;
>15 of the girls died in the inferno.

I saw a documentary about heroin use in Saudi. Besides homosexual
gangs going around raping ppl they also have terrorists attacking
installations. Almost all the 9/11 hijackers came from that nation.
Hopefully democracy will eventually come here.
>The president of Cairo's Al-Azhar University, a renowned center of
>Islamic learning, described the proper method of wife-beating in a
>television interview: "It's not really beating," Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb
>explained on Egyptian television. "It's more like punching."

I guess clitoris stimulation into sweet surrender is too complicated
for men with small penises. In any case the only reason he got his job
was because predecessor supported Palestinian attacks on Israel. Egypt
is famous throughout the Arab world for its homosexuals.
>When the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996, the repression
>of women was among their first priorities. They issued a decree
>forbidding women to leave their homes, with the result that work and
>schooling for women came to a halt, destroying the country's healthcare
>system, civil service, and elementary education.
>"Forty percent of the doctors, half of the government workers, and seven
>out of 10 teachers were women," Lawrence Wright observed in "The Looming
>Tower," his Pulitzer Prize-winning history of Al Qaeda. "Under the
>Taliban, many of them would become beggars."

The Karzai regime has ordered that ppl who convert from Islam to
Christianity or Hinduism or Bahai be executed.
>Women are not the only victims of this rampant misogyny. Mohammed Halim,
>a 46-year-old Afghan schoolteacher, was dragged from his family and
>horribly murdered last year - disemboweled and then dismembered - for
>defying orders to stop educating girls.
>All these are only examples - the tip of a dreadful iceberg that will
>never be demolished until Muslims by the millions rise up against it. As
>for the rest of us, we too have an obligation to raise our voices. It
>took a worldwide outcry to spare "Qatif girl" and Nazanin. But there are
>countless others like them, and our silence may seal their fate.

Keep on typing.
>Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is

We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur. I Like Big Bibles
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 15:21:45 -0800 (PST), in alt.politics, in thread
Re: The Islamist war on Muslim women, snakehawk
<>, wrote

>On Dec 23, 12:22 pm, FACE <> wrote:
>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists, most of whom dwell in a
>> twilight of ignorance of the kind of barbarity that they apologize for.
>> It is always interesting to see the complete absence from the grounds by
>> the multitude of "women's rights" criers and groups when the issue of
>> women under islam comes up..........

>That's over there, Face . . . way over there.

There is no more "over there".
"FACE" <> wrote in message
> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
> a seemingly endless supply of apologists

Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why don't
you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
I bet you're lying again!
On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote

>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists

>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why don't
>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>I bet you're lying again!

Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
"FACE" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists

>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>I bet you're lying again!

> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.

As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
being right - again!!!
abracadabra <> wrote:
> As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
> But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
> being right - again!!!

**** Frank Lardino (AKA "FACE")

He's a knob from Ft. Lauderdale Florida.

He's a dick!

That's all.
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote

>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>I bet you're lying again!

>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.

>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>being right - again!!!

You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.

Is your goal in life to be the biggest asshole on usenet?
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:44:25 -0500, Joker <> wrote:

>Frank Lardino

never heard of him but I think I kill-filed Bobby

We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur. I Like Big Bibles

Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.
"FACE" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>> provides
>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.

>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>>being right - again!!!

> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.

Because you can't back up your arguments.
One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
You're a coward and an idiot.
Hope that helps!
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,

>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>> provides
>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>>>being right - again!!!

>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.

>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>You're a coward and an idiot.
>Hope that helps!

Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.

You got as well as you deserved.

HAND, dumbass.
"FACE" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
> The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
> wrote
>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>> The
>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>>>>being right - again!!!
>>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.

>>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>>You're a coward and an idiot.
>>Hope that helps!

> Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.

As usual you cannot back up your bullshit.
You lose again!
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:55:42 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote

>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>> The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>> wrote
>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>>>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>>>>>being right - again!!!
>>>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.
>>>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>>>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>>>You're a coward and an idiot.
>>>Hope that helps!

>> Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.

>As usual you cannot back up your bullshit.
>You lose again!

You're an idiot.

You're a joke.

You're no more than an irritation.

You're the same one-dimensional cardboard cutout that you have always

**** off, loser.
"FACE" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:55:42 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>> The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>>> wrote
>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>> The
>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****.
>>>>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's
>>>>>>being right - again!!!
>>>>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.
>>>>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>>>>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>>>>You're a coward and an idiot.
>>>>Hope that helps!
>>> Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.

>>As usual you cannot back up your bullshit.
>>You lose again!

> You're an idiot.
> You're a joke.
> You're no more than an irritation.
> You're the same one-dimensional cardboard cutout that you have always
> been.
> **** off, loser.

It's interesting to note FACE, that abra couldn't address anything from
the SUBJECT of this post. All he could do was attack you for a minor,
insignificant point you made. Abra is basically like a winner in the Special
Olympics, yeah, he won, but who cares?
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 16:49:51 -0800, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
Islamist war on Muslim women, "Doug" <>, wrote

>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:55:42 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>>> The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>>>> wrote
>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****.
>>>>>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>>>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>>>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>>>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's
>>>>>>>being right - again!!!
>>>>>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.
>>>>>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>>>>>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>>>>>You're a coward and an idiot.
>>>>>Hope that helps!
>>>> Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.
>>>As usual you cannot back up your bullshit.
>>>You lose again!

>> You're an idiot.
>> You're a joke.
>> You're no more than an irritation.
>> You're the same one-dimensional cardboard cutout that you have always
>> been.
>> **** off, loser.

>It's interesting to note FACE, that abra couldn't address anything from
>the SUBJECT of this post. All he could do was attack you for a minor,
>insignificant point you made. Abra is basically like a winner in the Special
>Olympics, yeah, he won, but who cares?

Let me in on how he "won". Seriously.........

FACE wrote:
> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West provides
> a seemingly endless supply of apologists, most of whom dwell i

FACE, he ain't an apologist. What a jolly good fella, right ;) ?

>On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:55:42 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:33:26 -0500, in uk.politics.misc, in thread Re:
>>> The Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>,
>>> wrote
>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:28:56 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re: The
>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:09:14 -0500, in alt.politics, in thread Re:
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> Islamist war on Muslim women, "abracadabra" <>, wrote
>>>>>>>>"FACE" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> This is an aspect of the "religion of peace" for which the West
>>>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>>>> a seemingly endless supply of apologists
>>>>>>>>Who are these people. I suspect that as usual you're full of ****. Why
>>>>>>>>you prove how smart you are and list 5 of these people and their
>>>>>>>>I bet you're lying again!
>>>>>>> Why don't you just **** off and kill yourself and give your parents a
>>>>>>> welcomed and long due christmas present, shithead.
>>>>>>As usual, you lack the wit to back up your own lame argument!
>>>>>>But your tantrum was amusing. Thanks for the x-mas present - it's great
>>>>>>being right - again!!!
>>>>> You might ask yourself why you are given such replies.
>>>>Because you can't back up your arguments.
>>>>One guesses you lack the wit or courage to back up your own arguments.
>>>>You're a coward and an idiot.
>>>>Hope that helps!
>>> Dumbass. You jumped out of the shadows at me with pure ad hominem.

>>As usual you cannot back up your bullshit.
>>You lose again!



You're an idiot.

You're a joke.

You're no more than an irritation.

You're the same one-dimensional cardboard cutout that you have always

And now we see that once again you started a fight on your ad hominem
terms and you couldn't finish it and now you have run away once

You're a loser, Abracadabara..................


The Jew war on White men:

By Rebecca Traister
When you turn on your television this fall, you'll be watching more
women kick more ass than you can possibly imagine-physically,
economically and sexually. Hard-bodied and smart, rich and aggressive,
confident and independent, the chicks who populate the prime-time
lineup are being cast in roles that once belonged almost exclusively
to men. These broads are cops and lawyers and masters of the business
universe. Hollywood doyennes like Kyra Sedgwick, Mary-Louise Parker
and Holly Hunter have already found midlife career solace (and good
writing) on cable. This year, Julianna Margulies will star as a nasty
Nancy Grace knockoff, Angie Harmon as a police lieutenant, Lucy Liu as
a publishing executive, and Patricia Heaton as a news anchor; there's
a new "Bionic Woman" and a whole show about the world's leading
incubator of the future, "The Terminator's" Sarah Connor. The flinty
Cagneys, Laceys, Murphys and Buffys of yore aren't the exceptions in
the new TV season; they rule. So what happened to the men? Nothing
good, that's for sure. Here, for instance, is what happens when Lucy
Liu's character, Mia, on ABC's "Cashmere Mafia," wins a work contest,
and big promotion, over her boyfriend and colleague Richard: He breaks
up with her, tail between his legs. "I thought I'd win and buy us a
place and take care of you," he explains. "And now that it's reversed
I just can't see us ... I'm 40 next month. I want someone to come home
to. I'm going to want kids, and we're just going in opposite
directions." Yup. Welcome to the new world on television, where the
women are strong, and the men are cavemen. Literally. ABC's "Cavemen,"
based on the Geico ad campaign character, is about a trio of
Cro-Magnons with low self-esteem and a little hair-growth problem.
Small-screen heroes who aren't actually dragging their knuckles behave
even worse. In the face of professional and sexual equality between
the televised sexes, these fictional guys are cowed, angry and
generally emasculated by the successes of their female counterparts.
It can't all be coincidence that this season is coming at the end of a
summer in which the biggest movie hits have featured dopey,
ill-groomed, irresponsible boys who score beautiful high-achieving
women and then have no idea what to do once they land them. That's
right, we're in Apatowland, baby, where the idea of a male romantic
lead now begins with a water bong and ends with a fart joke