The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?



June 4, 2007

The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

The big story over the weekend involved the arrest of several men
involved in an alleged conspiracy to destroy John F. Kennedy Airport
in New York by igniting it's jet fuel lines. Now that time has passed
and questions can be raised, it's not all that clear that this plot
ever did, or could, amount to much of anything:

The plot as painted by law enforcement officials was cataclysmic: A
home-grown Islamic terrorist had in mind detonating fuel storage tanks
and pipelines and setting fire to Kennedy International Airport, not
to mention a substantial swath of Queens.

"Had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable
damage, deaths and destruction," Roslynn R. Mauskopf, the United
States attorney in Brooklyn, said in a news release that announced
charges against four men. She added at a news conference, "The
devastation that would be caused had this plot succeeded are just

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly then stepped to the lectern with
a vision only a bit less grim.

"Once again, would-be terrorists have put New York City in their
crosshairs," he said. Mr. Kelly said a disaster had been averted.

Or has it ? There's no question, it would seem, that these guys has
plotted to try to do something. But, the rhetoric of politicians and
prosecutors notwithstanding, it doesn't seem like it was ever anything
more than just talk:

At its heart was a 63-year-old retired airport cargo worker, Russell
M. Defreitas, who the complaint says talked of his dreams of
inflicting massive harm, but who appeared to possess little money,
uncertain training and no known background in planning a terror

"Capability low, intent very high," a law enforcement official said of
the suspects.

Some law enforcement officials and engineers also dismissed the notion
that the planned attack could have resulted in a catastrophic chain
reaction; system safeguards, they said, would have stopped explosions
from spreading.

Moreover, much of the Government's case seems to revolve around
information provided by a suspect in an unrelated drug case who agreed
to become a prosecution witness and provide information about
Defrietas and others involved in the alleged conspiracy.

Beyond discussions about igniting fuel lines, though, it seems clear
that the men involved in this "plot" really didn't know what they were

Mr. Defreitas and the informant drove out to the fuel tanks at night,
conducting surveillance, and made video recordings of Kennedy Airport
and its buildings.

They also "located satellite photographs of J.F.K.," the complaint
states, "and sought expert advice, financing and explosives."

But the satellite photographs amount to images easily downloaded from
Google Earth.

A law enforcement official characterized the surveillance videos as
"amateurish"; but he added that the material offered enough detail,
taken together with the Google images, to at least help with planning.

The complaint also states that the men discussed "escape routes"
through local roads and highways.

Many of the plot's larger details are left to the imagination.

According to the complaint, one suspect discussed the need to disable
an airport control tower, the better to provide cover to destroy the
fuel tanks.

Another problem is that none of the suspects appears to have planned
or carried out any previous attacks.

That doesn't mean, of course, that they weren't capable of doing
something at JFK. Along with everything else that's come to light
since these arrests were announced, though, it does lead one to doubt
just how imminent this threat actually was.
"Raymond" <> wrote in message
> June 4, 2007
> The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

Obviously it was, but still you have Reichtard idiots like jose
parroting out bullshit from Worldnutdaily that it wasn't this very

> The big story over the weekend involved the arrest of several men
> involved in an alleged conspiracy to destroy John F. Kennedy Airport
> in New York by igniting it's jet fuel lines. Now that time has passed
> and questions can be raised, it's not all that clear that this plot
> ever did, or could, amount to much of anything:
> The plot as painted by law enforcement officials was cataclysmic: A
> home-grown Islamic terrorist had in mind detonating fuel storage tanks
> and pipelines and setting fire to Kennedy International Airport, not
> to mention a substantial swath of Queens.
> "Had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable
> damage, deaths and destruction," Roslynn R. Mauskopf, the United
> States attorney in Brooklyn, said in a news release that announced
> charges against four men. She added at a news conference, "The
> devastation that would be caused had this plot succeeded are just
> unthinkable."
> Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly then stepped to the lectern with
> a vision only a bit less grim.
> "Once again, would-be terrorists have put New York City in their
> crosshairs," he said. Mr. Kelly said a disaster had been averted.
> Or has it ? There's no question, it would seem, that these guys has
> plotted to try to do something. But, the rhetoric of politicians and
> prosecutors notwithstanding, it doesn't seem like it was ever anything
> more than just talk:
> At its heart was a 63-year-old retired airport cargo worker, Russell
> M. Defreitas, who the complaint says talked of his dreams of
> inflicting massive harm, but who appeared to possess little money,
> uncertain training and no known background in planning a terror
> attack.
> "Capability low, intent very high," a law enforcement official said of
> the suspects.
> Some law enforcement officials and engineers also dismissed the notion
> that the planned attack could have resulted in a catastrophic chain
> reaction; system safeguards, they said, would have stopped explosions
> from spreading.
> Moreover, much of the Government's case seems to revolve around
> information provided by a suspect in an unrelated drug case who agreed
> to become a prosecution witness and provide information about
> Defrietas and others involved in the alleged conspiracy.
> Beyond discussions about igniting fuel lines, though, it seems clear
> that the men involved in this "plot" really didn't know what they were
> doing:
> Mr. Defreitas and the informant drove out to the fuel tanks at night,
> conducting surveillance, and made video recordings of Kennedy Airport
> and its buildings.
> They also "located satellite photographs of J.F.K.," the complaint
> states, "and sought expert advice, financing and explosives."
> But the satellite photographs amount to images easily downloaded from
> Google Earth.
> A law enforcement official characterized the surveillance videos as
> "amateurish"; but he added that the material offered enough detail,
> taken together with the Google images, to at least help with planning.
> The complaint also states that the men discussed "escape routes"
> through local roads and highways.
> Many of the plot's larger details are left to the imagination.
> According to the complaint, one suspect discussed the need to disable
> an airport control tower, the better to provide cover to destroy the
> fuel tanks.
> Another problem is that none of the suspects appears to have planned
> or carried out any previous attacks.
> That doesn't mean, of course, that they weren't capable of doing
> something at JFK. Along with everything else that's come to light
> since these arrests were announced, though, it does lead one to doubt
> just how imminent this threat actually was.
On Jun 5, 12:13 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> June 4, 2007
> The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?
> The big story over the weekend involved the arrest of several men
> involved in an alleged conspiracy to destroy John F. Kennedy Airport
> in New York by igniting it's jet fuel lines. Now that time has passed
> and questions can be raised, it's not all that clear that this plot
> ever did, or could, amount to much of anything:
> The plot as painted by law enforcement officials was cataclysmic: A
> home-grown Islamic terrorist had in mind detonating fuel storage tanks
> and pipelines and setting fire to Kennedy International Airport, not
> to mention a substantial swath of Queens.

The saddest thing about the Bush-Cheney regime is that the fact even
its few successes don't amount to much. This time, they did catch
some guys who were plotting something pretty spectacular (although it
also sounds like they were total amateurs.)

The extreme example of this was when Saddam was hanged. Yep, that
saddam... the mighty Saddam Hussein, Builder of Weapons of Mass
Destruction, the Worst Tyrant Since Hitler, Commander of the Mighty
Iraqi Military... he was hanged last December. And no one even
noticed here in the USA... it was just one more triumph in a war which
keeps turning into a bigger and bigger failure even as the Bush
administration announces triumphs on an almost weekly basis.
Excuse me for butting in, but how "good" is it to "catch" the patsies that
you hand-picked?

"Timothy" <> wrote in message
> On Jun 5, 12:13 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
>> June 4, 2007
>> The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?
>> The big story over the weekend involved the arrest of several men
>> involved in an alleged conspiracy to destroy John F. Kennedy Airport
>> in New York by igniting it's jet fuel lines. Now that time has passed
>> and questions can be raised, it's not all that clear that this plot
>> ever did, or could, amount to much of anything:
>> The plot as painted by law enforcement officials was cataclysmic: A
>> home-grown Islamic terrorist had in mind detonating fuel storage tanks
>> and pipelines and setting fire to Kennedy International Airport, not
>> to mention a substantial swath of Queens.

> The saddest thing about the Bush-Cheney regime is that the fact even
> its few successes don't amount to much. This time, they did catch
> some guys who were plotting something pretty spectacular (although it
> also sounds like they were total amateurs.)
> The extreme example of this was when Saddam was hanged. Yep, that
> saddam... the mighty Saddam Hussein, Builder of Weapons of Mass
> Destruction, the Worst Tyrant Since Hitler, Commander of the Mighty
> Iraqi Military... he was hanged last December. And no one even
> noticed here in the USA... it was just one more triumph in a war which
> keeps turning into a bigger and bigger failure even as the Bush
> administration announces triumphs on an almost weekly basis.
"Raymond" <> wrote in message
> June 4, 2007
> The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

To the loons of the left, anything involving national security or defense is
much ado about nothing.

Jim E
On Jun 6, 12:22 am, "Jim E" <> wrote:
> "Raymond" <> wrote in message
> > June 4, 2007

> > The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

> To the loons of the left, anything involving national security or defense is
> much ado about nothing.
> Jim E

How is your patriotism manifesting itself Jim?

Are you going to Iraq to fight for what you believe or are you just
another chickenshit chickenhawk coward
On Jun 5, 1:32 pm, Timothy <> wrote:
> On Jun 5, 12:13 pm, Raymond <> wrote:
> > June 4, 2007

> > The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

> > The big story over the weekend involved the arrest of several men
> > involved in an alleged conspiracy to destroy John F. Kennedy Airport
> > in New York by igniting it's jet fuel lines. Now that time has passed
> > and questions can be raised, it's not all that clear that this plot
> > ever did, or could, amount to much of anything:

> > The plot as painted by law enforcement officials was cataclysmic: A
> > home-grown Islamic terrorist had in mind detonating fuel storage tanks
> > and pipelines and setting fire to Kennedy International Airport, not
> > to mention a substantial swath of Queens.

> The saddest thing about the Bush-Cheney regime is that the fact even
> its few successes don't amount to much. This time, they did catch
> some guys who were plotting something pretty spectacular (although it
> also sounds like they were total amateurs.)
> The extreme example of this was when Saddam was hanged. Yep, that
> saddam... the mighty Saddam Hussein, Builder of Weapons of Mass
> Destruction, the Worst Tyrant Since Hitler, Commander of the Mighty
> Iraqi Military... he was hanged last December. And no one even
> noticed here in the USA... it was just one more triumph in a war which
> keeps turning into a bigger and bigger failure even as the Bush
> administration announces triumphs on an almost weekly basis.

How al Qaeda got to be made the horrible boogieman it was made out to
be, is a bit of a mystery. I understand there 9/11, 9/11 thing. But,
sheesh, any military force that centers itself around blowing its
units up, will eventually run out of good troops and be forced to use
'tards to carry out its plans. As was demonstrated durining WWII with
Japan, as Japan relied on the Kamakazi to carry out its attacks, its
force managed to get weaker and weaker, and America was able to
destroy the aircrafts before they could land. If al Qaeda is now
relying on individuals to survive to carry out its attacks, instead of
kamakazi, it is relying on the lower tier of competency to do it.

And yes, in free society, there are lunatics who want to cause
mayhem. It goes with the territory.

- The Rich
<> wrote in message
> On Jun 6, 12:22 am, "Jim E" <> wrote:
>> "Raymond" <> wrote in message
>> > June 4, 2007

>> > The JFK Airport Terror Plot: Much Ado About Nothing ?

>> To the loons of the left, anything involving national security or defense
>> is
>> much ado about nothing.
>> Jim E

> How is your patriotism manifesting itself Jim?
> Are you going to Iraq to fight for what you believe or are you just
> another chickenshit chickenhawk coward

This over aged combat veteran has done his part.
How about you, mamma's boy?
How much time have you spent in service, let alone combat?

Jim E