Debate This
New member
This just in:
This GF Newsbot has just intercepted an electronic transmission coming from the GF member known as Lethalfind to one of GF's moderators. In it, we find allegations that other GF moderators and members have been in secret talks about the dismissal of the newest moderator.
And, there is even rumors of ToriAllen's dismissal, according to the member known as Terrorist~Hater, by other moderators.
Could this be true ?? Are certain GF moderators unloved and unwanted ??
Here is an excerpt of the letter that was intercepted by the GF NewsBot:
Do you know how many people want you out?? All these childish things you do just prove what we think of you...AND just like TH, will in the end be the reason you are invited too leave.
Look for me, I will be waving goodbye...I have NEVER been the one to blink first, the harder someone pushes me, the worse things are for them.
Sad, a grown man like you couldn't fit in with the professional world because no doubt of your temperament problems and you can't even make things work over the internet...Its extremely distasteful to run across a man who is so emotional and manipulative...Your not fit to wipe the shoes of the men you look down on here but your too arrogant to let yourself realize it. That's why your life is what it is, a sad little handyman, living in a rented apartment, that is all you are and ever will be. You have to come on here and thump your chest to try and find some kind of self worth...good luck with that. So far its clearly not working for you.
AND just so we're clear, sometimes the things I say on the site are just hyperbole however that is not true of what I say about you. You have shown yourself to be one of the saddest people I have run across in a very long time...
Please feel free to post this, as if I care...I don't need other people jumping on my bandwagon in order to bolster me like you clearly do. I am very capable of standing on my own...although funnily enough on this point, I don't have to...people seem to be coming out of the wood work to talk about what an *** you are...even people you once counted as friends...its one thing for someone to hate you right off the bat, buts its pretty bad for people who once called you friend to turn and hate you...