

Easter is a time when Christians celebrate the cornerstone event of the
faith, namely the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. There
can be no doubt that the Resurrection took place, unless you've not
studied the evidence. If you have rejected Jesus Christ on the basis
that a resurrection didn't happen because it couldn't happen, therefore,
because it couldn't happen, it didn't happen and anyone who says it did
is lying because it couldn't happen, so it didn't happen and there is no
use in exploring it further . . . please examine all the facts. If you
are going to reject Jesus Christ as your personal savior, do it because
you have sought out and studied the evidence and determined that the
facts do not support His claims. I believe you will find that the facts
do support them. If they are true, the life, death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ are the most important events in the history of mankind . .
.. events that are inter-twined with our lives from past to present to

If you do not have a child-like faith in God's own revealed word, the
Bible, look to contemporary lawyer Frank Morrison, who wrote a book
called Who Moved The Stone? As an unbeliever, Morrison set out to
disprove the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. After extensive research, he
accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. His search led him to meet
the one true God of the Universe, Jesus Christ, and, in the process, to
a realization that the evidence supports the truth of the resurrection.
Read C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity or Sherlock's Tryal of The Witnesses
for additional proof. Do not leave the pages of Paley's Evidences for
the Christian Faith, Nathaniel Lardner's study of antiquity or D. W.
Forrest's studies on Christ unturned. And by all means, look at
Fairbain's lectures on Christ in Modern Theology. Without pause, read
Dr. W. euGene Scott's proofs for the Resurrection and the 6-volume study
of the Resurrection. The Bible, the above sources and many others served
as primary sources for this discourse on the Resurrection. Supernatural
events require a supernatural God . . . an omniscient, all powerful God
who loved us so much that He was willing to give His own son to redeem
us from our sins.

A webmaster of another site sent me the following interesting
information, which I include in quotes: "A few months ago I was looking
over the account of Jesus Christ in Grolier's Multi-media Encyclopedia
and came across the following, which you would probably find
interesting, too. This material was under a sub-heading of information
from outside of the Christian community: Among Roman historians, TACITUS
(Annals 15.44) records that the Christian movement began with Jesus, who
was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate. SUETONIUS (Claudius 25.4)
refers to the expulsion of the Jews from Rome because of a riot
instigated by one "Chrestus" in AD c.48, and this is usually taken to be
a confused reference to the Christians and their founder. PLINY THE
YOUNGER (Epistles 10.96), writing to Emperor Trajan, says that the early
Christians sang a hymn to Christ as God. Some references are late,
anti-Christian propaganda, but an early reference in the Babylonian
Talmud says that Jeshu ha-Nocri was a false prophet who was hanged on
the eve of the Passover for sorcery and false teaching. The evidence
from the historian JOSEPHUS is problematical. He recounts (Antiquities
20.9.1) the martyrdom of JAMES, "the brother of Jesus called the
Christ," in AD 62. Another passage in the Antiquities (18.3.3) gives an
extended account of Jesus and his career, but some features of it are
clearly Christian interpolations. Whether this passage has an authentic
nucleus is debated. Thus the Roman sources show a vague awareness that
Jesus was a historical figure as well as the object of a cult; the
reliable Jewish sources tell us that he was a Jewish teacher who was put
to death for sorcery and false prophecy and that he had a brother named
James. The Jewish evidence is especially valuable because of the
hostility between Jews and Christians at the time: it would have been
easy for the Jewish side to question the existence of Jesus, but this
they never did."

It is historically evident that Jesus Christ was persecuted by the
enemies of God and put to death by order of the Roman authorities. Among
those instigating these events were religious and political leaders,
some believing Jesus to be guilty of blasphemy; Others were interested
in maintaining lucrative relationships with the Roman conquerors. Still
others were looking for a charismatic leader who would turn the peoples'
dislike for the Roman occupation into a revolt. Many saw Jesus as a
threat to their income, their religious traditions or both. Others saw
him as a troublemaker, stirring up revolutionary fervor for freedom from

As to His resurrection, is there any doubt that if there is a God, that
He is all powerful? He created the universe and all that dwells within.
If He could do this, surely He could raise Himself from the dead . . .
He chose to manifest Himself in human flesh, to be tested, tortured and
finally executed through one of the cruelest and most painful forms of

The four Gospels (Mark, perhaps written first, from which Matthew, Luke
and John quote) give similar, yet slightly different, personal accounts
of the events that follow. Jesus' hands and feet bled from the punctures
made by the nails holding Him to the cross. His body, when raised on the
cross, hung from His outstretched arms, each breath more difficult . . .
suffocating, slowly, while His detractors jeered below and soldiers cast
lots for His garments. Judas Iscariot walked away from the sight, unable
to bear his betrayal of Jesus and the other disciples, hanging himself
on a tree. Jesus prayed for those who abused and mocked Him, pleading
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". Darkness fell on
the whole land for three hours while God turned away from His son,
allowing Him to take all the past, present and future sin of the world
upon Himself. Feeling a sinless God turning away from the only worthy
sacrifice for our sins, Jesus called out "My God, My God, why have you
forsaken me?" Then, sensing the end of his human life and the completion
of His atonement, Jesus uttered "It is finished . . . Father, into your
hands I commit my spirit". Making sure He was dead, the Centurion's
spear pierced His side.

After being lowered and removed from the cross, with the permission of
Pilate, Jesus' body was carried to a new tomb, that of Joseph of
Arimathaea. His body was wrapped and placed in the tomb. The Roman
soldiers, under strict orders, rolled an enormous stone to cover the
door of the tomb, securing it with a seal. They stood a careful watch,
fearing for their lives if they failed their mission to keep Jesus' body
from being stolen. After all, Jesus had predicted His Resurrection. What
better way for the disciples to triumph than to steal the body and
proclaim that Jesus had fulfilled His prophecy?

Early on the morning of the day following the Sabbath, the third day
after Jesus' death on the cross, Mary of Magdala brought aromatic spices
and ointments to place on Jesus' body. (Scholars debate the timing here,
some suggesting that Christ arose at sunset, when the next day begins
according to the Hebrew calendar.) A great shaking, as if an earthquake,
caused the soldiers to tremble in fear. An angel of the Lord rolled away
the stone and invited the women to enter the tomb. Stepping inside, they
heard an angel of the Lord say "Why seek the living among the dead, He
is not here, He is risen!" They ran to tell others of His glorious

In the next few days, Jesus appeared to many, including "doubting
Thomas", who believed only when he had seen for himself. He fell at
Jesus' feet when he saw him and Jesus said, "Because you have seen me,
you have believed; blessed they who have not seen and have believed."
The disciples were miraculously changed after Jesus' resurrection,
receiving the power of the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended into heaven.
They performed, and many witnessed, miracles done in the name and in the
spirit of Jesus. These same disciples traveled to the ends of the earth,
spreading the gospel, performing miracles, and, most, dying a martyr's

Peter's unpredictability became a rock of stability, preaching across
mid-Asia. He was crucified outside Rome, upside down at his request,
because he did not feel worthy to be crucified upright as was his Lord.
John became loving, gentle and patient, banished to the Isle of Patmos
where he suffered great persecution for his preaching and where he was
given a vision that became the final book of the Bible, The Revelation
of Jesus Christ. "Doubting" Thomas was a realist who wouldn't believe
that Jesus had risen from the grave until he saw it for himself. After
seeing Jesus, he was transformed, taking the gospel into the most
difficult region of the world to penetrate with the Christian message,
the Himalayas and India. Thomas was pierced with a Brahman sword near
Madras, India. James, the brother of Jesus, may have been among other
family members who didn't wish to be embarrassed by his Brother's
unusual claims. Claiming that Jesus was beside Himself, James sought to
lay hands on Jesus. But after the Resurrection, James became the
foundation of the Christian faith in Jerusalem, suffering persecution at
the hands of the Jewish religious leaders at Jerusalem who were afraid
that the new Christians would undermine their authority, decimate their
wealth and possibly, bring their lives to an end.

The transformation of the apostles is nothing less than miraculous. Men
who were unstable, selfish, doubting and rejecting became stable,
unselfish, loving, trusting and of unwavering faith, willing to die to
carry the words of Jesus throughout the world. Suffering great
persecution in their journeys, Bartholemew was flayed (skinned alive)
with a whip and died. Mark, dragged to death in the streets of
Alexandria. Luke, hanged by an idolatrous priest, in Greece. Andrew was
crucified on a criss-cross cross, now known as a St. Andrew's Cross.
Phillip who preached in Phrygia, died a martyr at Hierapolis. James the
Less was crucified in Egypt and Simon the Zealot was crucified also.
Jude preached in Assyria and in Persia, where he was martyred. Preaching
in Judea, James of Zebedee was beheaded around A.D. 44.

Many have theorized that the disciples stole the body and agreed to lie
about the resurrection and the ascension publicly. Perhaps they could
have held to the story if they all stayed together, supporting one
another. But they all left Jerusalem for the far points of the globe and
each one continued to preach the life, death, resurrection and ascension
of Jesus amidst harsh persecution and to the death. As a group, they
fled and left Jesus to be crucified alone. After the resurrection, they
suffered and died alone without one deviation from their claims. Why?
Because their claims were and are true. The body was not stolen, by the
apostles or the Jewish religious leaders or the Romans, because it was
not there. It is not there today because the tomb is empty and scholars
still debate the exact location of Jesus' tomb. If Jesus' body had
remained in the tomb, it would have been clearly marked and its
whereabouts known to this day. Why remember the location of an empty
tomb? He is risen!

Only two possible theories explain the New Testament preaching of the
Resurrection. They survive from eight possible scenarios. One: The
disciples stole the body and preached resurrection. Two: Jewish leaders
took the body. The disciples, discovering an empty tomb, believed Jesus
resurrected. Three: Roman authorities took the body. The disciples,
discovering an empty tomb, believed Jesus resurrected. Four: The women
who first reported the resurrection went to the wrong tomb. Five: Jesus
wasn't really dead. Six: The disciples were hallucinating. Seven: The
disciples made up the story to save face. They were lying. Eight: The
disciples were reporting exactly what they saw, heard, experienced and
knew to be true. The only possible theories are 7 and 8. One: If the
disciples stole the body, they were lying and that leaves number 7. Two:
If Jewish leaders had taken the body and proven it, the apostles'
resurrection preaching would have ceased. This still can't explain
Christ's appearances and the ascension of which the apostles were
preaching. This leads back to number 7. Three: Same as two. Jewish
leaders, in unison with Roman authorities, would quash the resurrection
preaching by producing the body. If three is valid, it only explains the
empty tomb, not the supernatural occurrences. Again, the disciples would
have to be lying. Four: If the women went to the wrong tomb, find the
right one (and the body) and the resurrection preaching would have
ceased. The new garden tomb belonged to Joseph of Arimathaea, referred
to in scripture as an honorable counselor, and its whereabouts was
well-known to many in Jerusalem at that time. Five: Nobody has ever
revived from a Roman crucifixion. The Centurion pierced the internal
organs of Jesus' body with a spear to make sure that he was dead. The
apostles didn't preach a near-dead Christ but a vibrant, living one.
Six: The disciples were hallucinating . . . possible only if they were
in a conducive frame of mind - insane, intoxicated, hungry, sleepy,
depressed - but they were on fire with preaching a risen Lord! The body
would have to be in the tomb if they were hallucinating. But, it wasn't
and nobody else produced it as being stolen. A body that disappeared and
12 hallucinating preachers might appear commonplace today, but at that
time and in those circumstances, it is very unlikely. Either the
disciples were lying and they knew it or THEY WERE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL

And what of Jesus? Many have called Him a "good and wise teacher", but
not God. He had no sense of moral inferiority. He judged others without
pause. He claimed to be the son of God and the only way to the Father.
(In Mark's gospel, the reference is to the Son of Man. This holds much
more meaning for Hebrew readers as Daniel predicts that the Son of Man
will come on clouds of glory in supernatural power to establish His
Kingdom as Messiah.) He forgave sin, performed miracles and healed
supernaturally. He spoke with the authority of God. Jesus cannot be a
good and wise teacher unless His claims about Himself are true. Jesus
made humanly extravagant, supernatural claims about Himself. Either He
is who He said He is or he is not. There is no middle ground.

Therefore, what of the countless numbers through the ages, beginning
with Jesus and the disciples, who have upheld the timeless Gospel
message and given their lives for the Christian faith? Collective
madness is the only plausible explanation for suffering such persecution
and dying in such terrible ways. Unless, of course, Jesus had lived and
died and risen from the grave! Then, the acts of the apostles and all
the saints since are seen in the light of believers taking up their
cross, following in the footsteps of Jesus, willing to give their lives
in service to God in hope of the eternal life to come.

Because of the Resurrection of Jesus, we know the One who designed the
pattern for our lives and we have the answer to why. Jesus is the
authority, His word in the Bible is the guidebook. All mysteries are
solved in its pages and because He is risen, we can have a continuing
relationship with God through prayer and through seeking His presence in
our lives. Jesus said He would be resurrected and He was. He said He
would return. And that is our ever-present hope as the prophecies
concerning events prefacing His return have nearly all been fulfilled.

Archaeological discoveries throughout history support the Bible and its
claims. The discovery of the Bible codes, if realistic and accurate,
prove scripture to be a revelatory chronicle of the events of mankind.
Christians celebrate the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ at
Easter. There appears to be validity to the claim that Easter would be
more correctly observed from Wednesday through Saturday, to coincide
with the Hebrew feast of the Passover. (Editor's note: Although, this is
another study, Christmas is now celebrated at the time of winter
solstice, which was observed by sun worshippers and followers of Nimrod,
as the Feast of Saturnalia. Some postulate that the birth of Christ
would be more accurately observed in the fall, mid September to early
October, during the Feast of Trumpets. Even the word "Easter" may be a
variation on "Ishtar", a name associated with paganism. The origin of
the Easter Egg Hunt may be in fertility cult practice. Regardless, the
true meaning of the Easter contemplation and celebration is much
stronger than any pagan associations it has become linked to).

Praise be to the Holy One of Israel who died on the cross to save the
world from sin. A Holy God cannot look upon sin. Jesus died so that God
could look at us through Him, seeing the sinlessness of Jesus when He
looks at us. Jesus is our mediator and our saviour. Please pray and
thank God for sending us His Holy son, Jesus.


John 3:17 - For God sent not his Son into the world
to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
kind forward of reply in another thread

On 6 avr, 11:03, wrote:

> Your informative rant isn't being accepted by the incest cloned borgs
> of this anti-think-tank of a naysay Usenet from hell. So what's the
> point?

> If you're not Old Testament thumping Jewish enough, it doesn't matter
> what you have to say, least of all the actual geological truth is
> simply taboo.

> I honestly believe we're long past the GW point of no return, meaning
> that it's only going to get worse. Those with spare energy will
> manage to survive.
> -
> Brad Guth

Thank you Brad, you are spot on ...
The only thing though is for you to understand what is a Jew ... a
hint : A Jew is not born Jew but is made a Jew through the ENDOCRINAL
mutilation presented to the Goys as circumcision ... Imperatively
mutilation of the interstitial or genital intern can take place only
on the 1st day of the 1st puberty ( lasting 21 days incidentally )
THIS IS the most hushed up secret of the present era since the whole
civilisation real Holocaust 11700 years ago .... But the deniers of
that very Holocaust are in position of power all throughout the
world ...plaguing indeed all Universilities where the poor deluded
Goys believe therein lies the sources of knowledge !!! That very
hushed up secret to which I am the only one to have debunked that
whole implications is that the Endocrinal system is the easy
to the genetic system : both in man and animals
Thanks by the way to Dr Don Findlay, and my best regards to my
Tom Mc Donald ... by the way Tom, stop being hooked to that present
false geology bandwagon... make the move to the True Geology. Most of
my posts to Archaeology are on purpose to make you wake up to a sad
reality i.e. that you have been rolled on the flour since decades by
frauds & con men masquerading as geologists indeed

On the positive side now, Colorado where the Newmont Mining Criminals
have their abode is suffering as well from the DDD, which shows that
our Almighty Celtic God visit the crimes up to the 3rd generation
indeed and pursue the Mining Criminals wherever they attempt to hide
their bounties and from their collective crimes deserve ! This said,
I regret such harsh situation imposed to that whole Colorado state as
well as to the neighbouring states as a result of the crimes of a
but unfortunately I cannot avoid the collateral damages ! .... just
like in Australia where there are half a dozen good & decent people
amongst the overwhelming convict criminal rabble, such are suffering
as the consequence of that Collective Crimes of the Land of Bastards
at large !

I wish to stress again that I am very sorry for the Divine Drudging
Drought, but this is the most fair & efficient way to punish the
Mining / Financial & Political at large

With best regards

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One never Forgiven ~
On 7 Apr, 08:30, wrote:
> kind forward of reply in another thread
> On 6 avr, 11:03, wrote:
> > Your informative rant isn't being accepted by the incest cloned borgs
> > of this anti-think-tank of a naysay Usenet from hell.  So what's the
> > point?
> > If you're not Old Testament thumping Jewish enough, it doesn't matter
> > what you have to say, least of all the actual geological truth is
> > simply taboo.
> > I honestly believe we're long past the GW point of no return, meaning
> > that it's only going to get worse.  Those with spare energy will
> > manage to survive.
> > -
> > Brad Guth

> Thank you Brad,  you are spot on ...
> The only thing though is for you to understand what is a Jew ... a
> hint : A Jew is not born Jew but is made a Jew through the ENDOCRINAL
> mutilation presented to the Goys as circumcision ... Imperatively
> such
> mutilation of the interstitial or genital intern can take place only
> on the 1st day of the 1st puberty ( lasting 21 days incidentally )
> THIS IS the most hushed up secret of the present era since the whole
> civilisation real Holocaust 11700 years ago .... But the deniers of
> that very Holocaust are in position of power all throughout the
> world ...plaguing indeed all Universilities where the poor deluded
> Goys believe therein lies the sources of knowledge !!! That very
> hushed up secret to which I am the only one to have debunked that
> whole implications is that the Endocrinal system is the easy
> interface
> to the genetic system : both in man and animals
> Thanks by the way to Dr Don Findlay,  and my best regards to my
> friend
> Tom Mc Donald ... by the way Tom, stop being hooked to that present
> false geology bandwagon... make the move to the True Geology. Most of
> my posts to Archaeology are on purpose to make you wake up to a sad
> reality i.e.  that you have been rolled on the flour since decades by
> frauds & con men masquerading as geologists indeed
> On the positive side now, Colorado where the Newmont Mining Criminals
> have their abode is suffering as well from the DDD, which shows that
> our Almighty Celtic God visit the crimes up to the 3rd generation
> indeed and pursue the Mining Criminals wherever they attempt to hide
> their bounties and  from their collective crimes deserve ! This said,
> I regret such harsh situation imposed to that whole Colorado state as
> well as to the neighbouring states as a result of the crimes of a
> few,
> but unfortunately I cannot avoid the collateral damages ! .... just
> like in Australia where there are half a dozen good & decent  people
> amongst the overwhelming convict criminal rabble, such are suffering
> as the consequence of that Collective Crimes of the Land of Bastards
> at large !
> I wish to stress again that I am very sorry for the Divine Drudging
> Drought,  but this is the most fair & efficient way to punish the
> Mining / Financial & Political at large
> With best regards
> Jean-Paul Turcaud
> Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
> Mobile +33 650 171 464
> Founder of the True Geology
> ~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One never Forgiven ~




join HE REVELATION OF BABALON,The Square Root of Minus One
Jack Parsons
(from Revelations 17:3-6, by St. John the Divine) YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN
COME WITH US! (Anything you wish millions of dollars, 1000s of men/
women , power etc..)
fire and sword, the pretensions of his Christ to Godhood! At Berlin —
one of the great seats of learning — professors of modern exact
sciences, turning their backs on the boasted results of enlightenment
of the post-Galileonian period, are quietly snuffing out the candle of
the great Florentine; seeking, in short, to prove the heliocentric
system, and even the earth's rotation, but the dreams of deluded
scientists, Newton a visionary, and all past and present astronomers
but clever calculators of unverifiable problems.

Between these two conflicting Titans — Science and Theology — is
a bewildered public, fast losing all belief in man's personal
immortality, in a deity of any kind, and rapidly descending to the
level of a mere animal existence. Such is the picture of the hour,
illumined by the bright noonday sun of this Christian and scientific

OW everything that becomes or is created must of necessity be created
by some cause, for without a cause nothing can be created. The work of
the creator, whenever he looks to the unchangeable and fashions the
form and nature of his work after an unchangeable pattern, must
necessarily be made fair and perfect; but when he looks to the created
only, and uses a created pattern, it is not fair or perfect. Was the
heaven then or the world, whether called by this or by any other more
appropriate name-assuming the name, I am asking a question which has
to be asked at the beginning of an enquiry about anything-was the
world, I say, always in existence and without beginning? or created,
and had it a beginning? Created, I reply, being visible and tangible
and having a body, and therefore sensible; and all sensible things are
apprehended by opinion and sense and are in a process of creation and
created. Now that which is created must, as we affirm, of necessity be
created by a cause. But the father and maker of all this universe is
past finding out; and even if we found him, to tell of him to all men
would be impossible. And there is still a question to be asked about
him: Which of the patterns had the artificer in view when he made the
world-the pattern of the unchangeable, or of that which is created? If
the world be indeed fair and the artificer good, it is manifest that
he must have looked to that which is eternal; but if what cannot be
said without blasphemy is true, then to the created pattern. Every one
will see that he must have looked to, the eternal; for the world is
the fairest of creations and he is the best of causes. And having been
created in this way, the world has been framed in the likeness of that
which is apprehended by reason and mind and is unchangeable, and must
therefore of necessity, if this is admitted, be a copy of something.


TIM. Let me tell you then why the creator made this world of
generation. He was good, and the good can never have any jealousy of
anything. And being free from jealousy, he desired that all things
should be as like himself as they could be. This is in the truest
sense the origin of creation and of the world, as we shall do well in
believing on the testimony of wise men: God desired that all things
should be good and nothing bad, so far as this was attainable.
Wherefore also finding the whole visible sphere not at rest, but
moving in an irregular and disorderly fashion, out of disorder he
brought order, considering that this was in every way better than the
other. Now the deeds of the best could never be or have been other
than the fairest; and the creator, reflecting on the things which are
by nature visible, found that no unintelligent creature taken as a
whole was fairer than the intelligent taken as a whole; and that
intelligence could not be present in anything which was devoid of
soul. For which reason, when he was framing the universe, he put
intelligence in soul, and soul in body, that he might be the creator
of a work which was by nature fairest and best. Wherefore, using the
language of probability, we may say that the world became a living
creature truly endowed with soul and intelligence by the providence of

SOCRATES. Evils, Theodorus, can never pass away; for there must always
remain something which is antagonistic to good. Having no place among
the gods in heaven, of necessity they hover around the mortal nature,
and this earthly sphere. Wherefore we ought to fly away from earth to
heaven as quickly as we can; and to fly away is to become like God, as
far as this is possible; and to become like him, is to become holy,
just, and wise. But, O my friend, you cannot easily convince mankind
that they should pursue virtue or avoid vice, not merely in order that
a man may seem to be good, which is the reason given by the world, and
in my judgment is only a repetition of an old wives fable. Whereas,
the truth is that God is never in any way unrighteous-he is perfect
righteousness; and he of us who is the most righteous is most like
him. Herein is seen the true cleverness of a man, and also his
nothingness and want of manhood. For to know this is true wisdom and
virtue, and ignorance of this is manifest folly and vice. All other
kinds of wisdom or cleverness, which seem only, such as the wisdom of
politicians, or the wisdom of the arts, are coarse and vulgar. The
unrighteous man, or the sayer and doer of unholy things, had far
better not be encouraged in the illusion that his roguery is clever;
for men glory in their shame -they fancy that they hear others saying
of them, "These are not mere good-for nothing persons, mere burdens of
the earth, but such as men should be who mean to dwell safely in a
state." Let us tell them that they are all the more truly what they do
not think they are because they do not know it; for they do not know
the penalty of injustice, which above all things they ought to know-
not stripes and death, as they suppose, which evil-doers often escape,
but a penalty which cannot be escaped.
THEODORUS. What is that?

SOC. There are two patterns eternally set before them; the one blessed
and divine, the other godless and wretched: but they do not see them,
or perceive that in their utter folly and infatuation they are growing
like the one and unlike the other, by reason of their evil deeds; and
the penalty is, that they lead a life answering to the pattern which
they are growing like. And if we tell them, that unless they depart
from their cunning, the place of innocence will not receive them after
death; and that here on earth, they will live ever in the likeness of
their own evil selves, and with evil friends-when they hear this they
in their superior cunning will seem to be listening to the talk of

THEOD. Very true, Socrates.

God Disguised as You

The guard at the prison gate is utterly ruthless. Brutal treatment of
prisoners has proceeded for millennia, so now the prisoners are
beaten, hopeless, huddling on their cots, staring out through the bars
of their cells. A good day is simply one endured without pain.

The guard, the Opponent, has convinced his prisoners that we're small
and insignificant, when in truth, whatever our wildest dreams of
accomplishment may be, they only scratch the surface of what is

forth between actions and reactions. We could be infinite. And until
we begin to realize that potential, we will lie listless on our prison

According to the Bible, "Man was created in God's image, in God's
image man was created." Kabbalah teaches that there are no superfluous
words in the Bible, so why the repetition? It urges the reader to pay

Frail and spoke with a lisp. Greatness is not reserved for the great.
Everyone alive has a destiny infinitely richer than they know.

Dullness and boredom come from unmet or abandoned potential. It's
television ratings soaring. It's playing computer games when you were
meant to compose sonatas. IF YOU'RE NOT DOING WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO DO

Imagine Dr. Jonas Salk becoming a successful businessman, a generous
citizen, and a wonderful father, but never going near a lab. What may
have seemed a good life would in fact have been tragic, the pain and
suffering he was meant to remove from the world never having been
achieved. A great spiritual leader with thousands of students and many
books to his credit once told his story.

When I was eleven, he said, I was a lost cause as a student. I never
minded my teachers and I played hooky from school at every
opportunity. Then one evening, I heard my parents in the next room
talking about me. My mother was crying.

"What are we going to do with our son?" she said to my father. "He has
no interest in his studies. He doesn't want go to school, and any day
now they will expel him. Then what will become of him?"

As I listened to her, a strange event occurred: I could feel her
anguish as acutely as if it had been my own. I burst into the room and
I told her I was sorry. I promised that I would be a good student and
obedient from that moment on. I made the promise not because I cared
about studying but because I cared about my mother and did not want to
cause her pain. I kept my word and changed my ways. I became studious
and never missed a day of school, and I grew up to be the scholar you
see before you now.

My point is this: If I had not overheard my parents that day, what
would have become of me? Well, I would have been a good person, since
it was in my nature to do so. I would have prayed, I would have given
to charity, I would have enabled many others to earn a good living.
However, imagine what would have happened after I left this world and
arrived in the place called the "heavenly court."

My judges would say, "Where are your thousands of students?"

I would gape at them and reply, "What are you talking about? I was a
merchant and I did good business, but I didn't have any information to
impart to even a handful of students, let alone thousands. Let's talk
instead about the sums of money I gave to charity."

And then they would say, "Where are the dozens of books you were
supposed to write?"

Again, I'd look at them as if they were unhinged. "What do you mean,
'dozens of books?' I wasn't illiterate—I could read and write—but I
had no reason to write any books; I had nothing to teach anyone. Let's
talk instead about the many kindnesses I bestowed on my friends, my
family, and my customers."

Then they would show me everything I could have achieved, everything I
should have done. Can you imagine the grief I would feel in that
moment? There is no greater hell than to see what we might have done,
but in fact failed to do.

Growth should not be linear, but exponential. A little growth
increases our feeling of contentment exponentially and every step
makes the next one easier.

If our thoughts and actions are not taking us toward God, we need to
change. What progress are we making? That cannot be quantified by
anyone outside ourselves. WE NEED TO ASK OURSELVES THIS: IF WE
WE BE? WILL WE BECOME LIKE GOD YET? The answer should make us rethink
our efforts. As we dissolve our prison chains and merge our essence
back into God's essence, we reveal our godly nature more and more.
Eventually, we may become immortal, and even resurrect the dead. It is
this vision we keep before us, immovably.

Until then, the Opponent will do his job as supreme prison guard of
the penitentiary we inhabit, and chief operating officer of our
universal system of pain and suffering. His job is to ensure that we
don't realize our potential, yet if we could even believe for a minute
who we really were and how great our destiny, the balance would shift
and we would emerge from prison, not like inmates, but like God.

(from Revelations 17:3-6, by St. John the Divine) YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN
COME WITH US! (Anything you wish millions of dollars, 1000s of men/
women , power etc..) Black Moon Archives List 1
Behold! I am He! the ANTICHRIST of the World. And I, even I, come
among you, my brethren, to enlighten your understanding. Thus do I now
make my true Manifesto unto you, that you may know the Truth, and that
the Truth may set you free!


Pages Price MS
CODE Description
T789 Soror Tanith 789 O.T.O. 1 0.12 1 Return of X Certificates
Letter from Aossic Aiwass; OTO England.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 21 2.52 15 Liber Samekh He
Preliminary invocations towards the achieving of magickal will. The
knowledge and conversation of the HGA which is the great work of
magick. Incorporating the four keys of the Book of Transformations. by
Persona PVAD MUSARUS 1043.
Q636 Qadathion 636 30 3.6 1 An English Sepher Sephiroth
Full title: An English Sepher Sephiroth of Liber AL (3rd Edition).
Every word in the book is listed alphabetically with a numerical
equivalent derived from an english gematria. Numerical equivalents are
listed serially with attendant words and significant phrases.
LAF Linda Falorio 8 0.96 4 Requiem
Short story. "The deamon had been brooding outside the encampment for
three weeks now."
CF Chuck Furnace 5 0.6 1 Living the Tree of Life
Magick as the basis of life in day to day situations.
CF Chuck Furnace 2 0.24 2 The Pentagram of Protection
Ritual for charging a Talisman of protection.
CF Chuck Furnace 2 0.24 3 Ritual of Passage and Growth
Ritual to banish the past and proclaim allegiance to ongoingness.
GCL Gnostic Circle of Light Leonard Grundman 75 9 1 The Wine of
Gnosis, part one
Contains: 1) Knowledge and Gnosis 2) The Analytic 3) The Empirical 4)
The Synthetic A Priori 5) The Conclusion. A technical investigation.
GCL Gnostic Circle of Light 5 0.6 2 The Abortion of OM
Play, cast, and props in terms of Tarot cards.
LH Lee Heflin 80 9.6 1 The Diamonds of Chaos
Containing a geometry of the Tree of Life and the information
extracted out of the passages in the Book of the Law using the the
geometry of the Tree as the "key" for unfolding what is concealed
therein. With diagrams.
ADH Arthur D. Hlavathy 15 1.8 1 Diagonal Relationship #17
Magazine. Includes: A meditation on the major Arcana, Disbelief
Unsuspended, Us and Them.
ADH Arthur D. Hlavathy 15 1.8 2 Diagonal Relationship #18
Includes: The Four Revolutions, Puritanism, New Proverbs of Hell,
Keeping a Low Profile.
ADH Arthur D. Hlavathy 10 1.2 3 Diagonal Relationship #19
magazine. Includes: Among the Seekers
Q636 Qadathion 636 1 0.12 2 Sodomy of the Moose Cult
An exceedingly ripe cartoon.
ADH Arthur D. Hlavathy 13 1.56 4 Diagonal Relationship #20
includes: "Only The Madman Is Certain." "Are You Sure of That?"
ADH Arthur D. Hlavathy 6 0.72 5 An Interview With A.D.Hlavathy

BAH Barbara A. Holland 1 0.12 1 Mary Dancing: A Statue
RH Richard Hudson 3 0.36 1 A Ritual of the Becoming One
Poem of manifestation with illustrations.
MK Mark Krubsack 3 0.36 1 Babylonian Devil Traps
Full title: Babylonian Devil Traps and Medieval Magick Mirrors.
Technique used to open a doorway to communicate with denizens of other
realms of existence. Maatian.
N&C Nohain and Caradec 34 4.08 1 Le Petomaine
A tribute to a unique acts which shook and shattered the Moulin Rouge.
RTP Rafal T. Prinke 1 0.12 1 Gods of the Polish Pantheon
13 Gods, pronunciation and attributions.
RTP Rafal T. Prinke 2 0.24 2 Polish Pagan Pantheon
Correspondences between the pantheon and the Tree of Life.
RTP Rafal T. Prinke 7 0.84 3 Occult Meaning Behind Polish Heraldic
Discussion of the use of Occult Symbolism in Polish Heraldic crests.
RTP Rafal T. Prinke 6 0.72 4 Non-Crowleyan Thelema
The use of Thelema in the writings of Pierre Piobb (L'Evolution de
l'Occultise) and Rudolph Steiner (The Philosophy of Freedom).
CD Charlene Deering 5 0.6 1 Astral Travel
Definitions, techniques, cautions, ritual use and comparison to the
death experience.
PR Paschal Randolph 45 5.4 1 The Grand Secret
Full title: The Grand Secret or Physical Love in Health and Disease.
Very early volume on sex magick from a founder of Rosicrucianism in
the United States.
PR Paschal Randolph 16 1.92 2 Book of the Triplicate Order
Full title: The Book of the Triplicate Order Rosicrucia, Eulis,
Pythianae (1875). Printed for use of the Brotherhood, candidates for
membership, and all who desire to know who and what we are, and the
work we are doing.
R Rorrim 1 0.12 1 Rorrim 1
contact letter.
R Rorrim 3 0.36 2 Rorrim 2
letter: SHe is truly Mad.
R Rorrim 1 0.12 3 Rorrim 3
letter: Zir Mad Manin Iaidon. (Enochian, roughly translated: I am God,
the Mind of the All-Highest.)
R Rorrim 2 0.24 4 Rorrim 4
letter, Newspaper clipping
R Rorrim 4 0.48 5 Rorrim 5
letter: "I may not always be right, but I am never wrong."
R Rorrim 24 2.88 6 Rorrim 6
Packet of manuscripts: "Meanwhile this, my cosmic odyssey willgo on
and on one myth after another."
R Rorrim 21 2.52 7 Rorrim 7
Packet of letters and newspaper clippings. "And as far as the words
that I write!! Well they are only make believe words, as I have none
of my own." "But I will share all that is still locked up inside my
R Rorrim 20 2.4 8 Rorrim 8
manuscript: "I might once more write letters... and allow them one
more chance to communicate with me before the evilution of the
CD Charlene Deering 1 0.12 2 Journey Within
R Rorrim 47 5.64 9 Rorrim 9
manuscript: "As to the truth of all good things - the story that you
are about to read, has been a long time coming."
R Rorrim 11 1.32 10 Rorrim 10
Letter: "This is IT!!!"
R Rorrim 3 0.36 11 Rorrim 11
Letter: "You know where you are. And know now where I AM."
R Rorrim 3 0.36 12 Rorrim 12
Letter: "You see, this is only meant to incite laughter and to show
that we all, even us ALIENs that we must not take things too serious--
as we are not going to get out of this life alive any-way."
R Rorrim 2 0.24 13 Rorrim 13
6 photographs of altar, workspace, dolls.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 3 0.36 1 Liber Al vel Legis
quotes and drawings.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 4 0.48 2 Absinthe
Guild of the Golden Athanor, Alchemists & Apothecary; Report #1: uses,
effects and preparation.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 20 2.4 3 The Book of B.A.B.A.L.O.N.
by Jack W. Parsons. A record of "a magickal experiment relating to the
invocation of an elemental, and thereafter of the Goddess of Force
called BABALON, and the results thereof". With appendix.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 18 2.16 4 Songs for the Witch Woman
by Jack W. Parsons. Twenty six poems.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 1 0.12 5 Liber Resh
Adoration of the Sun, with graphics.
CD Charlene Deering 1 0.12 3 Middle Pillar Exercises
A technique for activating Middle Pillar energy centers.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 7 0.84 6 The Ritual Use of
Full title: The Ritual Use of Crowley's Pan to Artemis. A ritual
dedicated to the goddess using the male form of address, and the
phallicpower of Pan as the invoking current.
NOTO O.T.O. Nepthys Chapter O.T.O. 2 0.24 7 Femmes du Nuit
Invocation to the Star Goddess. Illustrated.
SM S.M.Ch.H. 353 Louis Martinie 2 0.24 1 Voodoo Correspondences.
In 777 format. Descriptions of the Loa and Powers.
SM S.M.Ch.H. 353 Louis Martinie 2 0.24 2 To Touch the Dead
Personal introduction to Voodoo as practice.
SM S.M.Ch.H. 353 Louis Martinie 1 0.12 3 Road to Ifa
Ritual, spirit vision, Voodoo.
SM S.M.Ch.H. 353 Louis Martinie 1 0.12 4 Ritual Drumming
Rhythmic counts for drums.
SM S.M.Ch.H. 353 Louis Martinie 2 0.24 5 10 Veves
Figures to call the Loa.
D13 Delphine 13 6 0.72 1 Anarchy, Androgyny, & Symbolic
Full title: Anarchy, Androgyny, and Symbolic Psycho-dramas. "Anarchy
is the realization that existence is a cooperative venture; magickal
anarchy the knowledge and utilization of our full creative capacity.
D13 Delphine 13 3 0.36 2 The Crossroads, for Adepts Only
A ritual based on the intersection of the metaphysical dimension with
the mundane in Voudoun.
ED Edward 2 0.24 1 The Crystal Hammer & Other
Full title: The Crystal Hammer and Other Thoughts on Crystals as Tools
for Change. An exploration of "crystals in general, and the quartz
crystal in particular with the intent of discovering why these are
considered power objects." Suggestions for use.
CD Charlene Deering 1 0.12 4 MYTDK: Poetry

SN Signal Network 4 0.48 1 Biographical Sketches
Biographical sketches of the 10 participants in the Signal Network.
The Signal Network is a communication network comprised of occultists.
Each member in turn writes a position paper and the paper is commented
upon by the other members of the network.
SN Signal Network Nema 6 0.72 2 Essential Magick
By Nema. Paper (3 pgs.) responses (3 pgs.) "The magician of the 80's
needs to transmute traditional methods, rituals, and philosophies in
order to make magick effectively."
SN Signal Network Dennis Baldwin 5 0.6 3 The Anathema of Q
By Dennis Baldwin. Paper (2 pgs.) responses (3 pgs.) "The only way
your magick would work is if you could get every person on Earth, the
tyrants included, to **** and **** and **** lifelong so that they
would have no time to push the button."
SN Signal Network Delphine 13 7 0.84 4 Magickal Anarchy I
By Delphine 13. Paper (3 pgs.) responses (4 pgs.) "Anarchy is the
natural formula for the new aeon, which can be understood as a time of
revolution and change.".... "Anarchy is the spirit of the individual,
or it is nowhere; it is the manifestation of the Will unchanged by
SN Signal Network Norman Kaeseberg 9 1.08 5 Towards Androgyny of the
By Norman Kaeseberg. Paper (3 pgs.) responses (6 pgs.) "Two of the
most widely used words in writings and discussions among magick elite
are androgyny and abyss... Crossing the abyss is nothing more than
jumping across the great divide that separates the right and left
sides of the brain."
OTOI O.T.O. Italy O.T.O. 26 3.12 1 Anno II - No. 1
Official organ of the Italian OTO. In Italian. Includes: Al (Nuit),
Oz, La Decorazione Dei Tarocchi Di A. Crowley.
OTOI O.T.O. Italy O.T.O 14 1.68 2 Anno III - No. 1
Official organ of the Italian OTO. In Italian. Includes: Il Grimoria
Grantiano (Le Trilogie Typhoniane e la Bibliografia magica del Nuovo
OTOI O.T.O. Italy O.T.O. 17 2.04 3 Anno III - No. 2
Official organ of the Italian OTO. In Italian. Includes: Astrologia
Esoterica, Il Simbolismo latomistico ne Mito dell Ricerca del Graal.
OTOI O.T.O. Italy O.T.O. 21 2.52 4 Anno IV - No. 1
official organ of the Italian OTO. In Italian. Includes: Natura e
Midalita della "Reincarnazione", Il Fungo Sacro e la Croce, Breve
Commento all Tavola di Smeraldo.
JS Johanna Sherman 1 0.12 1 To Guru or Not To Guru?
An analysis of the teacher/student relationship, thoughts as to how to
derive value from the relationship.
LAF Linda Falorio 22 2.64 1 B U Z Z
Short story. Chemical mishaps and rain dances.
V26 Vanix 26 1 0.12 1 Faded Blade, Jaded Slave
V26 Vanix 26 1 0.12 2 No Jesus: a poster

AM Adam McLean 2 0.24 1 Tree of Silver
Full title: An Experiment to Grow a Tree of Silver. Alchemy; detailed
report, possible uses of technique. Two photos of the Tree.
NAD Frater Nihil Aeq. D. 1 0.12 1 Qabalistic Notes
9 gematraic correspondences, Thelemic.
HHH Hesperian Hermaic Heiron 3 0.36 1 What is Membership in the HHH?
Information sheet on the HHH. The Occidental Hermetic Temple.
JL Jamie Linton 5 0.6 1 Liber 39
Extended poem. Maat/Thelemic
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 8 0.96 1 A Catalog of Rituals and Read
Full title: A Catalog of Rituals and Reading Materials Listing of
materials available through the OAI as of 1982.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 17 2.04 2 The Book of Maat: Part 1
Full title: The Book of Maat: Part 1, A Commentary on the Book of the
Law, Chapter 1. By Persona RA OH 1043. The beginning of a Maatian
commentary on Liber AL.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 8 0.96 3 Liber Cosmeg
by RA OH 1043. Introduction and ritual. On the cracking of the Cosmic
Egg, within and yet without.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 12 1.44 4 Manifesto
Origin, history, and organization of the OAI.
LAF Linda Falorio 66 7.92 2 Liber CXV: English Qabalah
An investigation of the Irish Beth-Luis-Nion Alphabet, its historical/
magickal relationship to the English Alphabet and the generation of an
English Qabalah.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 3 0.36 5 Liber 496 MLKTh
by RA OH 1043. "The account of the Gate of Entry into the Secret of
Secrets that is the Daughter wherein Life and Magick are One and
Nothing and thus All."
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 9 1.08 6 The Processes of Initiation
by RA OH 1043. An exploration of the Tree of Life in terms of an
easily definable symbolism that seeks to encapsulate the very essence
of the different processes of initiation.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 25 3 7 The Word Index to Liber AL
by Persona Kannon. A listing of every substantive word and a notation
of its every occurence; proper names listed with notation of
occurance; location of some popular phrases.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 4 0.48 8 A Feast for the Equinox of the
Full title: A Feast for the Equinox of the Gods. Chicago 9/29/82.
Ritual celebrates the anniversary of the OAI in England in 1980 and
the initiation of the OAI Chicago one year later.
OAI Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum 5 0.6 9 Liber 888
by Semele. Poem. "I am She that stands before the Gates of Desire."
QM Quahavin MacMath 4 0.48 1 The Deck of Chthulhu
Tarot of the Necronomicon. Presentation of tarot project of the
Necronomicon including contact address. Illustration of and comment on
two cards.
NK Norman Kaeseberg 25 3 1 An Oracle of Liber AL
A personal oracle utilizing every 11th word in the book.
NK Norman Kaeseberg 45 5.4 2 AHA, Vol. 1, No. 1
Magazine including: An Aeon with Allen Hartmann, An Order of Rhea
Invitation, A Continuing Look at the Chicago Occult Metamorphosis,
Occult Digest Propaganda.
LAF Linda Falorio 340 40.8 3 Liber CXV, Part II
Numerical correspondences for the English Qabalah as derived from the
text of Liber AL vel Legis. Based on the numeration system described
in part 1.

(from Revelations 17:3-6, by St. John the Divine) YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN
COME WITH US! (Anything you wish millions of dollars, 1000s of men/
women , power etc..)

5 Oct 1949

Dear Candida

According to your last letter - although I may be able to give you
valuable technical advice from time to time - still you have probably
reached the point where your guidance - in terms of that necessary for
an appropriate decision - is adequate for your needs.

However, since Rome is such a new center, I wonder if it would not be
worth your while to spend a little time there. It is only one of the
three centers of opposition. I don't see(The only thing you will get,
Secret message for you Cancer & ****, if Magick Works you will pay
1000 times............) how you will meet destiny in Guadalahara - on
the other hand you might - or in Oshkosh, Minsk, Flatbush or any other
place you may decide to go. This is quite uninspired - as it should be
- it is really not my concern at all.

After all, the other name of Armageddon will not be written until the
morning of Ragnarok, when at last Her banner is unfolded before the
armies. This part of the prophecy I have never told, and do not know
that I ever shall. So far it has been quite literal. I suppose I shall
see that bloody sunset, just as I have seen the rest. Well, I can
change nothing, nor do I care to. What is loosed is loosed, and well
loosed. All the rest calls for redemption; and nature moves inexorably
towards a balance. If I am used in that work - however ill used - I am
glad of it.

We can be insulated against everything but death - in fact, death is
the very substance of our insulation. But to be used by life we must
be naked and to be naked is to be hurt. But it is also to be alive.


1. Yea, it is I, BABALON. Then she gave me back 1000 times everything
she tried to steal and

2. And this is my book, that is the fourth chapter of the Book of the
Law, He completing the Name, for I am out of NUIT by HORUS, the
incestuous sister of RA-HOOR-KHUIT.

3. It is BABALON. TIME IS. Ye fools.

4. Thou hast called me, oh accursed and beloved fool.

5-8. (Missing and presumed lost.)

9. Now know that I, BABALON, would take flesh and come among men.

10. I will come as a penelous (sic) flame, as a devious song, a
trumpet in judgement halls, a banner before armies.

11. And gather my children unto me, for THE TIME is at hand.

12. And this is the way of my incarnation. Heed!

13. Thou shalt offer all thou art and all thou hast at my altar,
witholding nothing. And thou shalt be smitten full sore and thereafter
thou shalt be outcast and accursed, a lonely wanderer in abominable

14. Ye Dare. I have asked of none other, nor have they asked. Else is
vain. But thou hast willed it.

15. Know then that thus I came to thee before, thou a great Lord, and
I a maid enrapt. Ah blind folly.

16. And thereafter madness, all in vain. Thus it has been, multi-form.
How thou hast burned beyond.

17. I shall come again, in the form thou knowest. Now it shall be thy

18. The altar is aright, and the robe.

19. The perfume is sandal, and the cloth green and gold. There is my
cup, our book, and thy dagger.

20. There is a flame.

21. The sigil of devotion. Be it consecrated, be it true, be it daily
affirmed. I am not scorned. Thy love is to me. Procure a disk of
copper, in diameter three inches paint thereon the field blue the star
gold of me, BABALON.

22. It shall be my talisman. Consecrate with the supreme rituals of
the word and the cup.

23. My calls as thou knowest. All love songs are of me. Also seek me
in the Seventh Aire.

24. This for a time appointed. Seek not the end, I shall instruct thee
in my way. But be true. Would it be hard if I were thy lover, and
before thee? But I am thy lover and I am with thee.

25. I shall provide a vessel, when or whence I say not. Seek her not,
call her not. Let her declare. Ask nothing. Keep silence. There shall
be ordeals.

26. My vessel must be perfect. This is the way of her perfection.

27. The working is of nine moons.

28. The Astarte working, with music and feasting, with wine and all
arts of love.

29. Let her be dedicated, consecrated, blood to blood, heart to heart,
mind to mind, single in will, none without the circle, all to me.

30. And she shall wander in the witchwood under the Night of Pan, and
know the mysteries of the Goat and the Serpent, and of the children
that are hidden away.

31. I will provide the place and the material basis, thou the tears
and blood.

32. Is it difficult, between matter and spirit? For me it is ecstacy
and agony untellable. But I am with thee. I have large strength, have
thou likewise.

33. Thou shalt prepare my book for her instruction, also thou shalt
teach that she may have captains and adepts in her service. Yea, thou
shalt take the black pilgrimage, but it will not be thou that

34. Let her prepare her work according to my voice in her heart, with
thy book as guide, and none other instructing.

35. And let her be in all things wise, and sure, and excellent.

36. But let her think on this: my way is not in the solemn ways, or in
the reasoned ways, but in the wild free way of the eagle, and the
devious way of the serpent, and the oblique way of the factor unknown
and unnumbered.

37. For I am BABALON, and she my daughter, unique, and there shall be
no other women like her.

38. In My Name shall she have all power, and all men and excellent
things, and kings and captains and the secret ones at her command.

39. The first servants are chosen in secret, by my force in her - a
captain, a lawyer, an agitator, a rebel - I shall provide.

40. Call me, my daughter, and I shall come to thee. Thou shalt be full
of my force and fire, my passion and power shall surround and inspire
thee; my voice in thee shall judge nations.

41. None shall resist thee, whom I lovest. Though they call thee
harlot and whore, shameless, false, evil, these words shall be blood
in their mouths, and dust thereafter.

42. But my children will know thee and love thee, and this will make
them free.

43. All is in thy hands, all power, all hope, all future.

44. One came as a man, and was weak and failed.

45. One came as a woman, and was foolish, and failed.

46. But thou art beyond man and woman, my star is in thee, and thou
shalt avail.

47. Even now thy hour strikes upon the clock of my FATHER. For He
prepared a banquet and a Bridal Bed. I was that Bride, appointed from
the beginning, as it was written T.O.P.A.N.

48. Now is the hour of birth at hand. Now shall my adept be crucified
in the Basilisk abode.

49. Thy tears, thy sweat, thy blood, thy semen, thy love, thy faith
shall provide. Ah, I shall drain thee like the cup that is of me,

50. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the first veil to speak with
thee, through the stars shake.

51. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the second veil, while God and
Jesus be smitten with the sword of HORUS.

52. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the third veil, and the shapes
of hell shall be turned again to loveliness.

53. For thy sake shall I stride through the flames of Hell, though my
tongue be bitten through.

54. Let me behold thee naked and lusting after me, calling upon my

55. Let me receive all thy manhood within my Cup, climax upon climax,
joy upon joy.

56. Yea, we shall conquer death and Hell together.

57. And the earth is mine.

58. Thou shalt (make the?) Black Pilgrimage.

59. Yea it is even I BABALON and I SHALL BE FREE. Thou fool, be thou
also free of sentimentality. Am I thy village queen and thou a
sophomore, that thou shouldst have thy nose in my buttocks?

60. It is I, BABALON, ye fools, MY TIME is come, and this my book that
my adept prepares is the book of BABALON.

61. Yea, my adept, the Black Pilgrimage. Thou shalt be accursed, and
this is the nature of the curse. Thou shalt publish the secret matter
of the adepts thou knowest, witholding no word of it, in an appendix
to this my Book. So they shall cry fool, liar, sot, traducer,
betrayer. Thou art not glad thou meddled with magick?

62. There is no other way, dear fool, it is the eleventh hour.

63. The seal of my Brother is upon the earth, and His Avatar is before
you. There is threshing of wheat and a trampling of grapes that shall
not cease until the truth be known unto the least of men.

64. But you who do not accept, you who see beyond, reach out your
hands my children and reap the world in the hour of your harvest.

65. Gather together in the covens as of old, whose number is eleven,
that is also my number. Gather together in public, in song and dance
and festival. Gather together in secret, be naked and shameless and
rejoice in my name.

66. Work your spells by the mode of my book, practicing secretly,
inducing the supreme spell.

67. The work of the image, and the potion and the charm, the work of
the spider and the snake, and the little ones that go in the dark,
this is your work.

68. Who loves not hates, who hates fears, let him taste fear.

69. This is the way of it, star, star. Burning bright, moon, witch

70. You the secret, the outcast, the accursed and despised, even you
that gathered privily of old in my rites under the moon.

71. You the free, the wild, the untamed, that walk now alone and

72. Behold, my Brother cracks the world like a nut for your eating.

73. Yea, my Father has made a house for you, and my Mother has
prepared a Bridal Bed. My Brother has confounded your enemies.

74. I am the Bride appointed. Come ye to the nuptials - come ye now!

75. My joy is the joy of eternity, and my laughter is the drunken
laughter of a harlot in the house of ecstasy.

76. All you loves are sacred, pledge them all to me.

Then she gave me back 1000 times everything she tried to steal and

77. Set my star upon your banners and go forward in joy and victory.
None shall deny you, and none shall stand before you, because of the
Sword of my Brother. Invoke me, call upon me, call me in your
convocations and rituals, call upon me in your loves and battles in my
name BABALON, wherein is all power given!

Then she gave me back 1000 times everything she tried to steal and

And when ready Book 49

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Jesus and His disciples
thought the danger of deception in the last days was so great, they
repeatedly warned against it.

The San Mateo Times. JUNE 18 1952. OP Army/Navy ordnance experts

Participate our Great Grand Master want to know you!http://

Sacred Sex
A sexual relationship between a sacred sex practitioner and one or
more partners. The primary focus of the relationship is spiritual in
nature and often involves healing on a psychosexual level. This can be
a long-term or short-term relationship.

Although some people do not practice safe sex, I encourage everyone to
practice safe sex, no matter what style of relationship you choose.
Even in "monogamous" relationships, people sometimes cheat. Cheating
behaviors often do not include practicing safe sex and this increases
the risk for their partner. Since there are many STD's that are
treatable but not curable, it is highly recommended that everyone
practice safe sex.

For me, I am involved in a polyamorous relationship. I have a primary
partner that I live with and have many outside relationships. I see
sex as a way to expand a friendship with some of my friends. For some
friends, we keep the relationship platonic.

I am against the concept that monogamy is the only option that all
people have. If monogamy works for a person, I am all for it. I seek
kindred spirits for lovers. I don't seek a lover who is in a
monogamous relationship with another person. I respect the boundaries
others choose for their life style choice. But I also ask that others
respect my boundaries and my life style choice.

It is my hope that this information provides more options for informed
decision making. I also hope that as more people learn about
relationship options, there will be more acceptance of different
relationship options within our society. I find it interesting that I
live in the land of freedom as long as I choose the right option. If
I choose something that is not mainstream, then freedom goes out the
window. Is not freedom about having different options where each
option counts as a legitimate choice?

These models are based on information that I obtained during many
bisexual conferences that I have attended over the last 14 years. I
wish to give special thanks to all the presenters who provided
information about alternative relationship models, many of whom are
pioneers in the area of living in alternative relationships.

A Guided Erotic Meditation
Welcome to this erotic guided meditation. Get comfortable in your
seat, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you breath,
relax your body. Allow yourself to sink down, into your center.
Breathe deep as you relax further. Feel free to readjust into an even
more comfortable position. Notice how good it feels to relax and
breathe deep.

As you continue breathing, allow your body to find its own natural
breathing rhythm. As you breath, relax and sink further down, you may
start feeling a tingling sensation in your feet or hands. Allow this
feeling to grow in your body. Get in touch with how your body feels.
Continue breathing, in and out, in and out.

You may feel your body getting lighter or heavy. Let your body take
you where you need to go. Allow yourself to go deeper. As you continue
to breath allow yourself to get ready for an erotic experience. Feel
how good it is to relax.

Short Pause

As you relax even deeper, think of a place that would make a good
love nest for you. It could be a meadow. It could be a cabin deep in
the woods. It may be on a deserted beach or it could be a place of
your own imagination.
As you visualize this place, observe all that is there. There may be a
soft bed, or there could be blankets and soft cushions on the ground
under a canopy. You may see items like candles, incense, and wind
chimes. This is your place; see all that you want there. Perhaps there
are bottles of oils and scents. This is your place; see what you want
to be there.

As you visualize this place, you may see an area that is in the
shadows. Or you may see a shadowy space on a trail off in the
distance. As you observe this shadowy place, you feel that there is a
presence there. Instinctively, you know that this presence is your
dream lover, even though you cannot see them yet. As you watch, you
see their form start to emerge from the shadows. Their features still
are not clear enough to make out, but you do notice that the form is
very sexy and you feel drawn to their form.

You notice movement. The person is slowly moving toward you, but still
hard to see in the distance. As they approach a little further, you
start to make out some of their features. You see the shape of their
hair and face. You see how sexy they move. You know that they are
coming to be with you at this time and the attraction grows deeper

As they step out of the shadows into the light, you notice how
beautiful your dream lover appears. You may notice their eyes or
perhaps some other feature stands out for you. You notice that this
person definitely feels passion for you too.

Continue to breath. As your partner comes closer, notice what they are
wearing. It could be a sexy outfit. It could be a more seductive
outfit. You like what you see. They slowly approach and you feel a
desire building within you. You look into your partner's eyes and know
that they desire a kiss. Somehow you know instinctively that this kiss
will be like no other that you have experienced.

Short Pause


In Tarot Divination - the IHVH method is better to show how the cards
are running and indicate the general situation - the Celtic mode is
best for particulars. Notice that you can detail either method by
increasing the number of houses - and the pack dealt into the blocks
so that the relationship can be studied. Usually this is not
necessary. Remember, divination is the least of the powers of the
Tarot. It is also a key to the highest initiation. Each trump and its

The rest of the happenings that befell are secret. They concern things
of which I never can tell, and never shall try to tell. Let this
suffice. I know that Babalon is incarnate upon earth at this moment,
although I do not know where or as whom. I believe that She will
manifest in Her proper time, and that thereafter the rest of the
prophecy will naturally follow. And in that knowledge and belief I
rest content.


[Hotel Raleigh, Washington, D.C. letterhead]

Jan. 15 [1950?]

Dear Candida


I am enclosing the 7th Aire. Copy it into a permanent note book along
with any other rituals you intend to use. You should have the plan in
detail, order of rituals, layout of temple, procedure etc. I will send
you the ritual of the Bornless One, probably in a small Goetia, since
it is rather long to copy. It is a very ancient, potent & dangerous
ritual, often used by bold magicians in the Guardian Angel Working. It
is useful as a preliminary in almost any sort of work, causing a
tremendous concentration of force. It is, however, liable to produce
dangerous side phenomena and sometimes permanent haunting in an area
where it is repeated, & is for this reason often avoided. Never do it
without banishing & opening the temple, then closing and banishing
again. I'm tired from the trip and will myself close now.

By the *****ing of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.
-Shakespeare Macbeth Act 4, scene 1.

Would you like to lose yourself in a long, spooky story? One in which
the characters gradually seem to step out of the pages and into your
life? If you shiver with both anticipation and dread at the idea of
submitting yourself to a dark, dangerous, sensual force, then the
Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy may be just your thing.

Anne Rice introduced the world to the Mayfair family of Witches in
1990 with the publishing of The Witching Hour, the first book in the
saga of the lives of the Mayfair Witches. This was followed by Lasher
published in 1993 and Taltos in 1994. Before introducing the Mayfair
Witch family, Rice was enthralling her readers with dark tales of
Vampires, beginning with the very popular Interview With The Vampire
published in 1976. Rice, quoted in Katherine Ramsland's Witches'
Companion, says of the Mayfair story; "The Mayfair books have been
written in periods of optimism, good humour and high energy. They are
fun no matter how dark and frightening they become, whereas the
Vampire books have almost always been produced during periods of
intense anxiety and anguish. The Mayfairs are always utterly
exhilarating. There is always happiness and good humour to
counterbalance the darkness." The Mayfairs are not Wiccan Witches,
mind you, but hereditary ones, complete with supernatural powers, a
familiar spirit and ancestors burned at the stake. Rice has
convincingly created a family of Witches that conform to the century
old stereotype of what Witches were popularly supposed to be:
incestuous murderers who delve into Black Magic with the aid of a
Familiar Spirit or Demon.

The word 'Familiar' comes from the Latin 'famalus' meaning an
attendant. Familiars are traditionally thought to be of three types.
Discarnate human beings like a ghost; a non-human entity such as an
elemental or planetary spirit, or a material creature such as a cat,
toad, dog or ferret. Familiars of the non-human spirit type sometimes
indwell in a particular object such as a jewel, a crystal ball or a
bottle. The Mayfair's Familiar Spirit is called 'Lasher' and he is
specifically linked to an emerald which has his name engraved on the
back. This emerald is a Witch necklace passed down the line to his
specially chosen Witches in each generation. The covenant between the
Witches and Lasher resembles the pact supposedly made between Witches
and the Devil. The Mayfair's pact with Lasher involves him being
obedient to the Witches in return for their bearing female children
who can 'see' him. Giving the Mayfair emerald to the child marks her
as the chosen one. Each child becomes stronger through inbreeding so
that by the time the thirteenth one is born she will be capable of
bringing Lasher into the world - reminiscent of Rosemary's baby!

Lasher in turn promises that when he comes through, he will bring all
the deceased Mayfairs back to life and grant them immortality. He
brings wealth to the family, creates the Mayfair Legacy of money and
property, reveals the future and avenges wrongdoings for them. Lasher
is fed and sustained by being taken notice of; he thrives on people's
consciousness of him. He has to concentrate very hard and expend much
energy to exist visibly and sees himself through the Mayfair Witches'
perception of him. "To concentrate was to exist. When spirits dream,
they don't know themselves." The only way the Witches can get any
privacy from him is to play music or wallpaper the house with highly
decorative patterns which fascinate him and keep him occupied.

The Mayfairs begin their linage with a 'merry-begot', Suzanne, the
first Mayfair Witch who creates the Mayfair name by adopting the words
'May Fair', which is where she was conceived at the Beltane revels.
Through the following centuries the Mayfairs migrate from Scotland,
where Suzanne was born, to Amsterdam, France, Haiti and finally to New
Orleans, where they settle and multiply. Suzanne Mayfair was the one
to first call Lasher forth out of the primeval darkness where he was
floating as if in utero. She stood in a circle of stones and traced a
Pentagram and summoned him from the Air. "Lasher, for the wind that
you send that lashes the grasslands, for the wind that lashes the
leaves from the trees."

Lasher's manifesting causes a hot disturbance of the air like a
mirage, and he comes because he has a great desire to be alive. He can
possess people and things such as plants and animals, living or dead;
he just wants to be corporeal. He is a shapeshifter and can cause
genetic mutations in whatever he chooses to possess. When he finally
succeeds, after hundreds of years, in being born in flesh through the
thirteenth Witch in the Mayfair line, he chooses to come through at
the Winter Solstice as he believes it is the time of greatest earth

I hear your voice low in the dark Like the notes of the harp player
That carve the still air Into a sensuous and subtle imagery of sound
And my senses are drowned By the scent of the oleander and the musk Of
the datura dimly shining in the dark While your voice troubles the
still air - Jack Parsons Witch Woman

Anne Rice doesn't pretend to be writing about contemporary Neo-Pagan
Witchcraft practices and does not claim to be representing Wiccan
belief. She says herself that she knows very little about the modern
Neo-Pagan movement. In the question and answer section of her website, she had this to say: "Now when it comes
to real Witches and people who claim to have a tradition in their
family of occult practices, you are on your own. I don't know anything
about that. I will say that one of the most unpleasant letters I ever
received in my life ... one of the few really unpleasant letters was
from a Wiccan Witch who did just accuse me of everything under the sun
for writing The Witching Hour. It was like receiving a letter from a
member of any fundamentalist religious group - she was just furious
that I had not described Witches in a way that conformed to her
beliefs. But I was a bit chilled by that experience, it was bizarre".

The distinguishing factors of this non-Wiccan Witch family are:

They use unseen forces to their advantage whether healing or harming
and have mental control over matter.
They have an hereditary familiar called Lasher with whom they have
sexual relations, making him therefore an Incubus.
An emerald Witches' necklace is passed down to most powerful Witch in
each generation along with the familiar spirit Lasher.
Inbreeding via incest is used to keep the power within the family.
Lasher provides the family with wealth beginning with a never ending
purse of gold coins.
There is one chosen Witch in each generation who controls the family
and consorts with Lasher.
All the chosen Witches are female except for one.
There are thirteen Witches who are so chosen and have Lasher as a
Dolls made of the hair and bone of each chosen Witch are kept by their
successors for use in contacting the deceased predecessor.
The 'keyhole' shape is a recurring theme throughout the book, the
Mayfair house has a keyhole doorway and the family crypt is decorated
with a keyhole also.

You will probably begin to want a 'Lasher' of your own as you read
this book, I certainly did. The Lives of the Mayfair Witches mythology
provides a good, dark counter balance to such popular Witchy tales as
the ethereal Avalon series by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Terry
Pratchett's funny Witches from Discworld - loveable as they are. The
Mayfair saga provides a Witch image for those who like a little more
fear and risk in their vicarious supernatural sexual exploits!

I call'd the devil, and he came, And with awe his form I scan'd; He is
not ugly, and is not lame, But really a handsome and charming man. A
man in the prime of life is the devil, Obliging, a man of the world,
and civil; A diplomatist too, well skill'd in debate, He talks quite
glibly of church and state. - Heinrich Heine.

join (Anything you wish millions of dollars, 1000s of men/women ,
power etc..)

An end to all authority that is not based on courage and manhood, to
the authority of lying priests and an end to the servile flattery and
cajolery of mods, the corona- tions of mediocraties, the ascension of

(We are Witchcraft the True Oldest Religion of human;If light is
good,Darkness is good also,Jack Parsons. I.N.R.I; Sex Rituals,180652)
Jack Parsons


Anything you wish!------

Antiquities of the Illuminati™
Grey Lodge Occult Review™

Occultist Aleister Crowley, Pasadena JPL's Jack Parsons &
Scientology's L.Ron Hubbard
"That's the way they all became the BABALON Bunch©"
crowley had no energy but he connected jp with hubbard!

Brother Jack Parsons:
The Magickal Scientist and His Circle
by Paul Rydeen

"[The angel] carried my spirit away to the desert. I saw the scarlet
woman sitting on the beast with seven heads and ten horns, covered
with blasphemous names. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet,
and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, with a golden cup
in her hand filled with the abominations and the unclean things of her
fornication. On her forehead a name had been written, 'A Mystery:
Babalon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of
the earth.' I saw the woman was drunk from the blood of the saints,
and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Seeing her, I wondered

Revelation 17:3-6

I shall I write of the mystery and the terror, of the wonder and pity
and splendor of the sevenfold star that is Babalon? I shall tell of
the tragic life of her most devoted disciple and beloved son, Jack
Parsons. In doing so, I will correct previous misconceptions while
correlating the known facts and wild legends that lie in several far-
flung sources.

Kenneth Grant gives a good description of Parsons in The Magical
Revival: "Imbued with the idea of the Kingly Man, as that expression
is understood in the Cult of Thelema [Crowley's invention], Parsons
bent his not inconsiderable energies, physical and intellectual, to
the discovery of his True Will.

Born on October 2, 1914, in Los Angeles [descendant of a HellFire Club
founder, according to Michael Hoffman], he lived a lonely childhood,
due in part to his parents' broken marriage. He spent a great deal of
his youth reading and day-dreaming, and nurturing a growing resentment
of all interference, especially of the kind posing as "authority." He
developed strong revolutionary tendencies and when he encountered
Crowley's writings -- which he first did through Wilfred T. Smith --
he was instantly alive to the significance of Thelema. He joined
Smith's Agape Lodge [OTO], and, at the same time, became a
Probationer, 1ø = 10ø, of the A:. A:.

Smith was a member of Frater Achad's (Charles Stansfeld Jones) OTO
lodge in Vancouver. He met Crowley there in 1915. Smith moved to
California in 1930. He immediately founded the Agape Lodge in
Pasadena. Frater Achad kept the Vancouver lodge open during this
period, under a different name. It would later close. In "Alchemical
Conspiracy and the Death of the West" Michael Hoffman writes of
Parsons. Hoffman tells us that the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a
temple on nearby Mount Palomar. The local Indians regarded the
mountain as holy. Hoffman says, "The OTO believed that Palomar was the
sexual chakra of the Earth." Parsons commuted regularly between
Palomar and Pasadena. The Mount Palomar Observatory opened in 1949.
Smith probably consecrated his temple on Palomar soon after his move
to California in 1930, before the Observatory was planned.

Palomar lies just minutes north of the 33rd parallel. This is
significant because 33 is an important number in Masonic symbolism. It
is the number of the highest grade of the Scottish Rite. It is also
the number of years Christ walked on the earth. Hoffman mentions the
33 bones of the human spinal cord. This brings to mind kundalini yoga.
Crowley's OTO was a quasi-masonic order. The higher grades show
esoteric Hindu influences of a sexual nature.

Parsons first met Smith in 1939. He joined the Agape Lodge in 1941.
Parsons was to be its head during the turbid 1940s (ca. 1942-1947).
Smith was known in the Lodge as Frater Velle Omnia Velle Nihil (aka
Fra. 132). He was an expatriate Englishman. Smith had a reputation for
womanizing that equalled Crowley's. Parsons saw Smith as a second
father. The two stayed close throughout their lives.

Smith wrote to Crowley in March, 1941, "I think I have at long last a
really excellent man, John Parsons. And starting next Tuesday he
begins a course of talks with a view to enlarging our scope. He has an
excellent mind and much better intellect than myself...John Parsons is
going to be valuable."

Soror Estai (actress Jane Wolfe) had been with Crowley at Cefalu
[Italian island where Crowley had previously set up residence before
being kicked out by the local authorities] before coming to
California. She recorded her first impression of Parsons in her
Magical Record for December, 1940:

"Unknown to me, John Whiteside Parsons, a newcomer, began astral
travels. This knowledge decided Regina [Kahl] to undertake similar
work. All of which I learned after making my own decision. So the time
must be propitious. Incidentally, I take Jack Parsons to be the child
who 'shall behold them all' [i.e., the Mysteries. See the Book of the
Law I: 54-55].

"26 years of age, 6'2", vital, potentially bisexual at the very least,
University of the State of California and Cal. Tech., now engaged in
Cal Tech chemical laboratories developing 'bigger and better'
explosives for Uncle Sam. Travels under sealed orders from the
government. Writes poetry -- 'sensuous only', he says. Lover of music,
which he seems to know thoroughly. I see him as the real successor of
Therion [Crowley]. Passionate; and has made the vilest analyses result
in a species of exaltation after the event. Has had mystical
experiences which gave him a sense of equality all round, although he
is hierarchical in feeling and in the established order."

Parsons' father died in 1942. He left his son a mansion in an
expensive part of Pasadena. This may have been his way of making up to
his son for his childhood. Parsons shocked the staid residents of this
well manicured neighborhood when he started renting out rooms to less-
than-desirable tenants. "Only atheists and those of a Bohemian
disposition," his newspaper ad stated. The frequent visitors, noisy
parties, and questionable goings-on raised many eyebrows. Parsons
needed the extra income these renters paid. His progress with rockets
had yet to yield any success.

Alva Rogers was a long-time resident of the Parsons house on Orange
Street. Rogers became associated with the house after attending
several science fiction meetings there. Parsons held these informal
meetings regularly on weekends. Rogers wrote, "Mundane souls were
unceremoniously rejected as tenants. There was a professional fortune
teller and seer who always wore appropriate dresses and decorated her
apartment with symbols and artifacts of arcane lore. There was a lady,
well past middle age but still strikingly beautiful, who claimed to
have been at various times the mistress of half the famous men in
France. There was a man who had been a renowned organist in the great
movie palaces of the silent era. They were characters all. [From the
rent they paid] Jack admitted that he was one of Crowley's main
sources of money in America."

At one point local police came to investigate an alleged backyard
ceremony. A pregnant woman had reportedly jumped nude through a fire
nine times. The police made it clear how absurd they thought the claim
was. Parsons easily assured them of his community standing. He was an
important rocket scientist with a professional reputation to uphold.

Burton Wolfe writes of a sixteen-year-old boy who reported Parsons to
the police. He told them that Parsons' followers had forcibly
sodomized him during a Black Mass at the house. The police
investigated. They found Parsons' cult to be little more than an
organization dedicated to religious and philosophical speculation,
with respectable members such as a Pasadena bank president, doctors,
lawyers, and Hollywood actors." At one point the FBI became involved
after receiving some anonymous letters. One bore the signature, "An
American Soldier." The police again cleared Parsons of all charges.
They would later stand by their findings when further accusations

Wilfred Smith's mistress of many years was Regina Kahl. She was also
his High Priestess of the Gnostic Mass. Separate photos of her and
Smith are in The Equinox Vol. III, no. 10. Smith had a charming
personality, a strong affinity for the opposite sex, and what Grant
calls "something more than an aptitude for magick." One of Smith's
conquests was Soror Grimaud, aka Helen Northrup. She was Parsons'
first wife.

Helen bore Smith a child in 1943. Crowley decided that was enough of
Smith's sexual infidelity. His affairs were a detriment to the Order.
Crowley expelled him through an ingenious means. Crowley drew up a
horoscope for Smith based on the unusual circumstance of his birth.
Smith's horoscope had a complex of eight planets. One could interpret
this horoscope as if Smith were an avatar of some god. This was
something Crowley had found in only one other instance, that of

Crowley sent Smith on a Grand Magical Retirement to find the god
within himself. Crowley wrote Liber Apotheoosis (aka Liber 132) for
Smith to use as his guide. Smith's Retirement took place on Temple
Hill at Rancho Royale, not Mount Palomar. Helen accompanied him.
Crowley formally expelled Smith in late 1943. Parsons then became
Acting Head of the Lodge. Regina Kahl would die during Smith's Magical
Retirement, in late 1945 or early 1946. Her untimely death deeply
depressed him.

Parsons divorced Helen in 1943. In the meantime he struck up a
relationship with her younger sister Betty. Like Helen, Betty acted as
Parsons' priestess at the Gnostic Mass. She was also his partner in
the performance of 9th Degree magic. This is the magic of inducing
altered states through prolonged sexual ecstasy. At Parsons' urging
the teenage Betty left the University of Southern California (USC), to
her parents' chagrin.

Enter "Frater H." Grant refers to him as "a confidence trickster who
had wormed his way into the OTO on the pretense of being interested in
Magick." He was "still at large [1972], having grown wealthy and
famous by a misuse of the secret knowledge which he had wormed out of
Parsons." Other writers refer to him merely as "Frater X." The late
Frater X's identity is now clearly a matter of public record. I see no
reason to do anything other than call him by name. He was L.Ron
Hubbard: philosopher, world traveller, science fiction author, and
founder of Scientology.

Parsons was young and impressionable. He had gone through repeated
upheavals during his short life. He was vulnerable. Hubbard made a big
impression on him. Parsons forgot his obligation and violated his oath
to the Order. He revealed to Hubbard the secrets of the highest grades
of the OTO.

Parsons wrote to Crowley in July, 1945, "About three months ago I met
[Hubbard], a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time
[because he wrote science fiction]...He moved in with me about two
months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has
transferred her sexual affections to him...We are pooling our
resources in a partnership that will act as a limited company to
control our business ventures. I think I have made a great gain, and
as Betty and I are the best of friends there is little loss...I need a
magical partner. I have many experiments in mind..."

The magical partner Parsons envisioned was to be his partner in a 9th
Degree working. Grant writes, "Having lost confidence in women,
Parsons decided to attract an Elemental Spirit to take Betty's
place..." These spirits are called Elementals because of their
association with the four elements of the ancients. To summon one
requires a large amount of magical energy, the kind generated by an
8th Degree working. The practice of the 8th Degree is a solo sexual

Says Grant, "The instructions

1. Yea, it is I, BABALON. Then she gave me back 1000 times everything
she tried to steal and

2. And this is my book, that is the fourth chapter of the Book of the
Law, He completing the Name, for I am out of NUIT by HORUS, the
incestuous sister of RA-HOOR-KHUIT.

3. It is BABALON. TIME IS. Ye fools.

4. Thou hast called me, oh accursed and beloved fool.

5-8. (Missing and presumed lost.)

9. Now know that I, BABALON, would take flesh and come among men.

10. I will come as a penelous (sic) flame, as a devious song, a
trumpet in judgement halls, a banner before armies.

11. And gather my children unto me, for THE TIME is at hand.

12. And this is the way of my incarnation. Heed!

13. Thou shalt offer all thou art and all thou hast at my altar,
witholding nothing. And thou shalt be smitten full sore and thereafter
thou shalt be outcast and accursed, a lonely wanderer in abominable

14. Ye Dare. I have asked of none other, nor have they asked. Else is
vain. But thou hast willed it.

15. Know then that thus I came to thee before, thou a great Lord, and
I a maid enrapt. Ah blind folly.

16. And thereafter madness, all in vain. Thus it has been, multi-form.
How thou hast burned beyond.

17. I shall come again, in the form thou knowest. Now it shall be thy

18. The altar is aright, and the robe.

19. The perfume is sandal, and the cloth green and gold. There is my
cup, our book, and thy dagger.

20. There is a flame.

21. The sigil of devotion. Be it consecrated, be it true, be it daily
affirmed. I am not scorned. Thy love is to me. Procure a disk of
copper, in diameter three inches paint thereon the field blue the star
gold of me, BABALON.

22. It shall be my talisman. Consecrate with the supreme rituals of
the word and the cup.

23. My calls as thou knowest. All love songs are of me. Also seek me
in the Seventh Aire.

24. This for a time appointed. Seek not the end, I shall instruct thee
in my way. But be true. Would it be hard if I were thy lover, and
before thee? But I am thy lover and I am with thee.

25. I shall provide a vessel, when or whence I say not. Seek her not,
call her not. Let her declare. Ask nothing. Keep silence. There shall
be ordeals.

26. My vessel must be perfect. This is the way of her perfection.

27. The working is of nine moons.

28. The Astarte working, with music and feasting, with wine and all
arts of love.

29. Let her be dedicated, consecrated, blood to blood, heart to heart,
mind to mind, single in will, none without the circle, all to me.

30. And she shall wander in the witchwood under the Night of Pan, and
know the mysteries of the Goat and the Serpent, and of the children
that are hidden away.

31. I will provide the place and the material basis, thou the tears
and blood.

32. Is it difficult, between matter and spirit? For me it is ecstacy
and agony untellable. But I am with thee. I have large strength, have
thou likewise.

33. Thou shalt prepare my book for her instruction, also thou shalt
teach that she may have captains and adepts in her service. Yea, thou
shalt take the black pilgrimage, but it will not be thou that

34. Let her prepare her work according to my voice in her heart, with
thy book as guide, and none other instructing.

35. And let her be in all things wise, and sure, and excellent.

36. But let her think on this: my way is not in the solemn ways, or in
the reasoned ways, but in the wild free way of the eagle, and the
devious way of the serpent, and the oblique way of the factor unknown
and unnumbered.

37. For I am BABALON, and she my daughter, unique, and there shall be
no other women like her.

38. In My Name shall she have all power, and all men and excellent
things, and kings and captains and the secret ones at her command.

39. The first servants are chosen in secret, by my force in her - a
captain, a lawyer, an agitator, a rebel - I shall provide.

40. Call me, my daughter, and I shall come to thee. Thou shalt be full
of my force and fire, my passion and power shall surround and inspire
thee; my voice in thee shall judge nations.

41. None shall resist thee, whom I lovest. Though they call thee
harlot and whore, shameless, false, evil, these words shall be blood
in their mouths, and dust thereafter.

42. But my children will know thee and love thee, and this will make
them free.

43. All is in thy hands, all power, all hope, all future.

44. One came as a man, and was weak and failed.

45. One came as a woman, and was foolish, and failed.

46. But thou art beyond man and woman, my star is in thee, and thou
shalt avail.

47. Even now thy hour strikes upon the clock of my FATHER. For He
prepared a banquet and a Bridal Bed. I was that Bride, appointed from
the beginning, as it was written T.O.P.A.N.

48. Now is the hour of birth at hand. Now shall my adept be crucified
in the Basilisk abode.

49. Thy tears, thy sweat, thy blood, thy semen, thy love, thy faith
shall provide. Ah, I shall drain thee like the cup that is of me,

50. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the first veil to speak with
thee, through the stars shake.

51. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the second veil, while God and
Jesus be smitten with the sword of HORUS.

52. Stand thou fast, and I shall pass the third veil, and the shapes
of hell shall be turned again to loveliness.

53. For thy sake shall I stride through the flames of Hell, though my
tongue be bitten through.

54. Let me behold thee naked and lusting after me, calling upon my

55. Let me receive all thy manhood within my Cup, climax upon climax,
joy upon joy.

56. Yea, we shall conquer death and Hell together.

57. And the earth is mine.

58. Thou shalt (make the?) Black Pilgrimage.

59. Yea it is even I BABALON and I SHALL BE FREE. Thou fool, be thou
also free of sentimentality. Am I thy village queen and thou a
sophomore, that thou shouldst have thy nose in my buttocks?

60. It is I, BABALON, ye fools, MY TIME is come, and this my book that
my adept prepares is the book of BABALON.

61. Yea, my adept, the Black Pilgrimage. Thou shalt be accursed, and
this is the nature of the curse. Thou shalt publish the secret matter
of the adepts thou knowest, witholding no word of it, in an appendix
to this my Book. So they shall cry fool, liar, sot, traducer,
betrayer. Thou art not glad thou meddled with magick?

62. There is no other way, dear fool, it is the eleventh hour.

63. The seal of my Brother is upon the earth, and His Avatar is before
you. There is threshing of wheat and a trampling of grapes that shall
not cease until the truth be known unto the least of men.

64. But you who do not accept, you who see beyond, reach out your
hands my children and reap the world in the hour of your harvest.

65. Gather together in the covens as of old, whose number is eleven,
that is also my number. Gather together in public, in song and dance
and festival. Gather together in secret, be naked and shameless and
rejoice in my name.

66. Work your spells by the mode of my book, practicing secretly,
inducing the supreme spell.

67. The work of the image, and the potion and the charm, the work of
the spider and the snake, and the little ones that go in the dark,
this is your work.

68. Who loves not hates, who hates fears, let him taste fear.

69. This is the way of it, star, star. Burning bright, moon, witch

70. You the secret, the outcast, the accursed and despised, even you
that gathered privily of old in my rites under the moon.

71. You the free, the wild, the untamed, that walk now alone and

72. Behold, my Brother cracks the world like a nut for your eating.

73. Yea, my Father has made a house for you, and my Mother has
prepared a Bridal Bed. My Brother has confounded your enemies.

74. I am the Bride appointed. Come ye to the nuptials - come ye now!

75. My joy is the joy of eternity, and my laughter is the drunken
laughter of a harlot in the house of ecstasy.

76. All you loves are sacred, pledge them all to me.

Then she gave me back 1000 times everything she tried to steal and

77. Set my star upon your banners and go forward in joy and victory.
None shall deny you, and none shall stand before you, because of the
Sword of my Brother. Invoke me, call upon me, call me in your
convocations and rituals, call upon me in your loves and battles in my
name BABALON, wherein is all power given!

Then she gave me back 1000 times everything she tried to steal and

And when ready Book 49

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Jesus and His disciples
thought the danger of deception in the last days was so great, they
repeatedly warned against it.

The San Mateo Times. JUNE 18 1952. OP Army/Navy ordnance experts

Behold! I am He! the ANTICHRIST of the World. And I, even I, come
among you, my brethren, to enlighten your understanding.

(from Revelations 17:3-6, by St. John the Divine) YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN
COME WITH US! (Anything you wish millions of dollars, 1000s of men/
women , power etc..)
Black Moon Archives List 1

The Ordo Templi Orientis Hyksos was co-founded by Maria Magdalene and
Jesa The daughter of Jesus

The Ordo Templi Orientis Hyksos was the Templars of the Sun in

The Ordo Templi Orientis Hyksos was co-refounded by Williem Steiber a
member of the german secret service. O.T.O.H. is a magical group
practising tantric sex magic, kabbalistic rituals and drug
experimentation. On April 21, 1412, twelve years before the founding
of 666 Lodge, Cosimo I De Berdi Medici was appointed National Grand
Master General of O.T.O. H. for Great Britain and Ireland. In 1425
Cosimo became Outer Head of the Order(OHO).

Ordo Templi Orientis Hyksos (O.T.O.H.) (Order of the Temple of the
East, or the Order of Oriental Templars) is an international fraternal
and religious organization. For its teachings and principles of
organization, it was the first organization to accept the Law of
Thelema, as re-presented by Crowley, which is expressed as ³Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.²

In the modern days,

In the early 1940s the U.S. based O.T.O.H. Lodge, Agapé, was led by
'Jack' Parsons (1914-1952), a Los Angeles based rocket sciententist.
Parsons was co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JLP) with Ed
Forman. Along with Forman and Frank Malina the 'suicide squad' tested
rocket fuel in the Mojave desert and developed a successful rocket
technology which was taken up by the US Military at the end of WW2.
During his early years, when Parsons dreamt of space travel to the
moon, he developed a relationship and exchange of ideas with german
rocket scientist Wernher von Braun.

The O.T.O. structure is initiatory, with a series of degree
ceremonies, which the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis states is
similar to that of Freemasonry. The O.T.O.H. also includes the
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica or Gnostic Catholic Church, which is the
ecclesiastical arm of the Order. Its central rite, which is public, is
called Liber XV, or the Gnostic Mass. O.T.O.H. claims over 33000
members in 58 countries; about half of these are in the United
At times of such an icy proto-moon representing itself as an incoming
NEO having previously passed so close to impacting, it must have
seemed exactly like the end of the world to many, and actually
becoming the end of the world to many others caught in its gravity and
aerobraking wake. The actual glancing blow of that icy sucker upon
having accomplished its dastardly deed, whereas I'd have to think a
good third of most everything living upon this Earth would have been
killed off or traumatised well enough past the point of no return.

That true geology specified date of 11,700 BP also sounds just about
right on the money for the final lithobraking, antipode worthy and
seasonal tilt causing arrival of our moon, which should have seriously
kicked planetology as well as human butt upon its icy arrival. At the
very least the near miss of such an icy proto-moon should have been
downright interesting, if not a touch lethal for a great many.

There should also have been significant teratonne bergs of moon ice
falling upon Earth for a few thousands of years past the time of that
initial glancing blow.

BTW; there's still nothing contained in any bible or koran, as
interpreted to our environment having that moon as of prior to 10,000
BC (12,007 BP), or even of somewhat earlier. When exactly is the
first humanly made record of our moon?

What do you think about complex intelligent ET life, as for such
having survived their extended interstellar trek, as safely coexisting
within a few of those proto-moon ice caves? (I know that even I could
do as much [how about yourself?])

Within such a deep enough icy moon cave (assuming all the way down to
the moon's surface) would have accommodated all the essential elements
for survival, including sufficient isolation from the bad sorts of
cosmic and solar radiation, and otherwise having provided loads of
easily accessible O2 for sustaining our kind of frail DNA/RNA.

I'm thinking our moon could have been covered by as much as a 262 km
thick layer of salty ice, of which obviously lost much of its icy load
upon encountering Earth, and especially that of our 1AU nearby solar
energy would have summarily evaporated and/or having solar wind
extracted all such vapors of salty ice that wasn't otherwise safely
sequestered underground.

That pesky GW traumatising moon of ours is still in the process of
losing the remainders of its naked surface element of sodium. (not
nearly enough gravity nor having a magnetosphere as to otherwise
prevent the loss of such ice and sodium)

Too bad the faith-based souls of this Earth are so afraid of their own
shadows. Too bad we still haven't accomplished the Earth/moon science
platform as efficiently station-keeping itself within the moon's L1.
Too bad we're headed directly for WWIII over the remains of the
affordably accessible worth of global energy domination (including
yellowcake). Too bad that so many innocent folks have paid the
ultimate price, with lots more about to pay their's (especially nasty
if being Muslim is their only option within their established family
Brad Guth
I see a lot of English words and terms, but you must have put them through a
shredder before you posted them.

<> wrote in message
> At times of such an icy proto-moon representing itself as an incoming
> NEO having previously passed so close to impacting, it must have
> seemed exactly like the end of the world to many, and actually
> becoming the end of the world to many others caught in its gravity and
> aerobraking wake. The actual glancing blow of that icy sucker upon
> having accomplished its dastardly deed, whereas I'd have to think a
> good third of most everything living upon this Earth would have been
> killed off or traumatised well enough past the point of no return.
> That true geology specified date of 11,700 BP also sounds just about
> right on the money for the final lithobraking, antipode worthy and
> seasonal tilt causing arrival of our moon, which should have seriously
> kicked planetology as well as human butt upon its icy arrival. At the
> very least the near miss of such an icy proto-moon should have been
> downright interesting, if not a touch lethal for a great many.
> There should also have been significant teratonne bergs of moon ice
> falling upon Earth for a few thousands of years past the time of that
> initial glancing blow.
> BTW; there's still nothing contained in any bible or koran, as
> interpreted to our environment having that moon as of prior to 10,000
> BC (12,007 BP), or even of somewhat earlier. When exactly is the
> first humanly made record of our moon?
> What do you think about complex intelligent ET life, as for such
> having survived their extended interstellar trek, as safely coexisting
> within a few of those proto-moon ice caves? (I know that even I could
> do as much [how about yourself?])
> Within such a deep enough icy moon cave (assuming all the way down to
> the moon's surface) would have accommodated all the essential elements
> for survival, including sufficient isolation from the bad sorts of
> cosmic and solar radiation, and otherwise having provided loads of
> easily accessible O2 for sustaining our kind of frail DNA/RNA.
> I'm thinking our moon could have been covered by as much as a 262 km
> thick layer of salty ice, of which obviously lost much of its icy load
> upon encountering Earth, and especially that of our 1AU nearby solar
> energy would have summarily evaporated and/or having solar wind
> extracted all such vapors of salty ice that wasn't otherwise safely
> sequestered underground.
> That pesky GW traumatising moon of ours is still in the process of
> losing the remainders of its naked surface element of sodium. (not
> nearly enough gravity nor having a magnetosphere as to otherwise
> prevent the loss of such ice and sodium)
> Too bad the faith-based souls of this Earth are so afraid of their own
> shadows. Too bad we still haven't accomplished the Earth/moon science
> platform as efficiently station-keeping itself within the moon's L1.
> Too bad we're headed directly for WWIII over the remains of the
> affordably accessible worth of global energy domination (including
> yellowcake). Too bad that so many innocent folks have paid the
> ultimate price, with lots more about to pay their's (especially nasty
> if being Muslim is their only option within their established family
> traditions).
> -
> Brad Guth
On Apr 7, 7:53 pm, "ZenIsWhen" <> wrote:
> I see a lot of English words and terms, but you must have put them through a
> shredder before you posted them.
> <> wrote in message
> > At times of such an icy proto-moon representing itself as an incoming
> > NEO having previously passed so close to impacting, it must have
> > seemed exactly like the end of the world to many, and actually
> > becoming the end of the world to many others caught in its gravity and
> > aerobraking wake. The actual glancing blow of that icy sucker upon
> > having accomplished its dastardly deed, whereas I'd have to think a
> > good third of most everything living upon this Earth would have been
> > killed off or traumatised well enough past the point of no return.

> > That true geology specified date of 11,700 BP also sounds just about
> > right on the money for the final lithobraking, antipode worthy and
> > seasonal tilt causing arrival of our moon, which should have seriously
> > kicked planetology as well as human butt upon its icy arrival. At the
> > very least the near miss of such an icy proto-moon should have been
> > downright interesting, if not a touch lethal for a great many.

> > There should also have been significant teratonne bergs of moon ice
> > falling upon Earth for a few thousands of years past the time of that
> > initial glancing blow.

> > BTW; there's still nothing contained in any bible or koran, as
> > interpreted to our environment having that moon as of prior to 10,000
> > BC (12,007 BP), or even of somewhat earlier. When exactly is the
> > first humanly made record of our moon?

> > What do you think about complex intelligent ET life, as for such
> > having survived their extended interstellar trek, as safely coexisting
> > within a few of those proto-moon ice caves? (I know that even I could
> > do as much [how about yourself?])

> > Within such a deep enough icy moon cave (assuming all the way down to
> > the moon's surface) would have accommodated all the essential elements
> > for survival, including sufficient isolation from the bad sorts of
> > cosmic and solar radiation, and otherwise having provided loads of
> > easily accessible O2 for sustaining our kind of frail DNA/RNA.

> > I'm thinking our moon could have been covered by as much as a 262 km
> > thick layer of salty ice, of which obviously lost much of its icy load
> > upon encountering Earth, and especially that of our 1AU nearby solar
> > energy would have summarily evaporated and/or having solar wind
> > extracted all such vapors of salty ice that wasn't otherwise safely
> > sequestered underground.

> > That pesky GW traumatising moon of ours is still in the process of
> > losing the remainders of its naked surface element of sodium. (not
> > nearly enough gravity nor having a magnetosphere as to otherwise
> > prevent the loss of such ice and sodium)

> > Too bad the faith-based souls of this Earth are so afraid of their own
> > shadows. Too bad we still haven't accomplished the Earth/moon science
> > platform as efficiently station-keeping itself within the moon's L1.
> > Too bad we're headed directly for WWIII over the remains of the
> > affordably accessible worth of global energy domination (including
> > yellowcake). Too bad that so many innocent folks have paid the
> > ultimate price, with lots more about to pay their's (especially nasty
> > if being Muslim is their only option within their established family
> > traditions).
> > -
> >BradGuth- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

On topic, say what?

Are your words encrypted?
Brad Guth