The Linkin Park Forums Convetion III


New member
Chapter One.

There is something wrong with me. I don't know what. I could just wake up one day and come up with an answer. All I know is that everyday I wake up worse of than the previous. Everytime I push my weak body off from my bead I feel it. The wings pushing out from my skin. They are not visible yet but I know they are coming. I've seen people around my village growing them. It's some kind of epidemic and I do not wan't to take part in it. I pray to *** each night and tell him I am scared. He doesn't say anything back but for some reason even when I pray something is wrong. The wind picks up and my breathing becomes increasingly difficult. I loose my sight to a bright blinding enferno called light that only I can wittness. I know something is bound to happen. I just don't know why I of all people am chosen to go through this torture. Why I must suffer with no answers and be shunned away from modern day society for my abnormal characteristics. All I know is something is terribly wrong. And I don't like it. Not one bit.

My fingers grow weak. The devil is struggling to prevent me from praying. I know he is. But I fight this stigmatic form of arthritis. I have to. For ***. I called my friend Stenners for suppourt but he has also undergone changes in his behavoir. It is as if he can sense my suffering and refuses to take part in it. I have tried to mask my pain but fail each and everytime I attempt.

Dear ***...What is happening?



New member
Pretty good....can't wait to see what happends now...

maybe I should read in this area of forums more



New member
Chapter 2

I feel can feel the layers of skin slowly break. One layer painfully at a time. I cry in agony begging for someone to stop it but I know it is futile. I just fall onto the kitchen floor and allow my body to flow in this worthless peice of **** I call my blood. I look in my reflection and don't see myself. I see a monster. I begin to throw up. The chunks of steak elbow their way through my throat as they work their way upwards out of my mouth. A greenish white thick liquid floods the floor and I fall face first into. I slowly snort the vomit into my nostrils. I don't care. I feel my wings force their way out of my back. I feel paralyzed and am ready to die. I hear my phone ringing in the distance but I can't get up to answer it. I just close my eyes and fade into my happy place. My only issue is that I cease to find this place. So I make a blank white world suffice. It slightly helps sudade my pain. And I can now sleep.

He doesn't know what is happening. Mark Hillenburg, President of the United States, is just a regular politcal ******* aimed to earn some cash. So when as he walks trough his office and feels a vibe of fear he knows something is wrong. He walks over to his chair and pages the secretary. "Allie. Send in Joe. Tell him its urgent."

He watches as the door slowly opens. A worn out Mr. King steps in. He hasn't shaved in a while and it becomes self evident the closer he draws towards Mark. "I can't believe what I am seeing!" Joe yells slamming a newspaper onto Mark's desk.

Mark refuses to look down. It was happening. An apocolypse. It had to be. How else could angels and demons be spawning from average citizens? It was something out of a horror story. Pretty soon these freaks would start attacking. "I...I don't know what to do." Mark said trembling at the thought of a possible alternative to this world disaster.

Joe frowned. "Ha. I agree. ******* with what seems to be ***'s plans is never really something I as National Security Advisor would condone."

Mark turned and flipped the telivsion on. Live footage of demons leaping out of houses and flying was being fed to the local newstation.

I stand up. I stagger over to my window. Each step felt as though it is my last. I find it increasingly harder to think for myself. Fight it, I tell myself. Tears leap down my face as I fight to step backwards from the window. "G...*** WHERE ARE YOU?"



New member
Holy **** Azem is the next M. Night Shyamalan. I'm liking it alot. But I'm not gunna likeit once it gets to my part... Cause I already know whats happening with me. Muahaha.
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