The Mexicans Seem to know how to Build an Economy


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
The US may soon follow suit if the economy declines into a depression...

Mexico death industry thrives on drug war killings

By Lizbeth Diaz – Sat Nov 1, 4:46 pm ET

TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) – Mexico's drug wars are fueling a boom in the funeral industry near the U.S. border as undertakers capitalize on soaring murder rates and gruesome killings.

As Mexicans gather in cemeteries Sunday to place marigolds, candy skulls and candles on tombs for the Day of the Dead festival, a spike in drug violence means more bodies are bound for funeral parlors.

"We've seen a big increase in the number of clients because of the drug war, especially since September. It's gone from a few (bodies) a week to one or two every day," said Fernando, a funeral home owner in Tijuana across the border from San Diego, California. He declined to give his last name.

About 4,000 people have been killed in Mexico this year as gangs vie for control of the cocaine trade amid a crackdown that has thousands of army troops battling drug cartels on their home turf.

Mexico death industry thrives on drug war killings - Yahoo! News