"The New Day"


New member
A young man stumbles across a small, collected room, and sits down at a desk. He opens one of the few drawers and grabs a pen, and pencil. The desk creaks as he prepares to start writing. The young man takes a deep breath and stretches out, and puts the pen to the paper.

"To Whom It Might Concern,

It's been six years since the end of modern civilization. Six years since all nations fired **** rain upon eachother. A few of the wealthy members of society had a bomb shelter built within there homes. I was rich. I HAD wealth. But, in a matter of a few short hours. Money has become worthless. Meaningless.

Before everything occured, I had purchased a highly large amount of imperishable supplies. The supplies, didn't last as long as desired, and i have now run short. Which brings me to my next point. I am about to venture out of my shelter, in hopes of finding other human survivors. I have a radio set up, that picks up near by frequencies. I have heard...'reports' of what is out there.

It's become apparent that the war has caused mutations amongst humans and animals alike. It is the only thing I fear as I prepare to leave my safe haven. Not to long ago, possible a few months, maybe a year ago. I can't tell. There was a radio channel open, apparently he had a damaged radio. He was attacked by something that sounded like a bear and tiger combined. He screamed...and I heard his last words and wrote it in a note.

As I now leave if you happen to gain access to my 'safe haven' you will read this, and know why I am not here. I hope you have better luck.

- Jason"

Jason stood up from his desk and looked at the note on his desk. He felt it would be better just lying there........

*Wayy to ******* tired, will continue tomorrow*

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