

Once again, Jewish Bolshevism at work ...


By Charlotte Iserbyt

February 27, 2007

There is one common thread running through all articles and speeches
by elected officials, well-known writers, and commentators in
opposition to the merging of the United States into a political and
economic regional arrangement known as the North American Union. To my
knowledge, not one of them has chosen to use the "C" word (communism)
when warning Americans of the dangers of this unconstitutional merger
about to be foisted upon us without proper hearings in Congress.
Excellent speeches and articles are being given and written warning us
of all sorts of bad things related to this merger, including the fact
that we will lose our sovereignty, but we are not being told that all
these bad things are necessary for the full implementation of The
North American Soviet Union (communistic/regional system). Isn't the
"C" word the one and only word which might shock Americans out of
their state of conditioned apathy, thereby bringing about citizen
activism which might result in killing this "regional" monster?

Morris Zeitlin, a communist writer for the Communist Party's Daily
World said in an article entitled "Planning is Socialism's Trademark,"
November 8, 1975: "We (USA) have no regional government and no
comprehensive regional planning to speak of. Regional government and
planning remain concepts our urban scholars and planners have long
advocated in vain.In socialist countries, metropolitan regions enjoy
metropolitan regional government and comprehensive planning. The
economic and functional efficiencies and the social benefits that
comprehensive national, regional and city planning make possible in
socialist society explain the Soviet Union's enormous and rapid
economic social progress."

Of interest regarding Zeitlin's comment about "the Soviet Union's
enormous and rapid economic social progress." is the following
admission made by former President Gorbachev at the 2005 National
School Board Association conference that "half the world's population
and two-thirds of Russia's lives in poverty."

The United States Government, at all levels, has since 1975 accepted
wholeheartedly Zeitlin's advice, to the extent that our country is,
believe it or not, almost 100 percent socialist in its political,
economic, social and environmental (sustainable development) policies.
For documentation please read "Walks Like a Duck, Talks Like a Duck."

The regionalization (consolidation) of the world is quite similar to
the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin at the 1936 Communist
International. At that meeting, the official program proclaimed:

"Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in
different countries or groups of countries, after which there would be
federal unions of the various groupings of these socialist countries,
and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal
unions into a world union of socialist nations." (Ed note: The third
stage is taking place right now as we in the United States of America
become part of a federal union, the North American Union, which will
in the near future become part of a world union of socialist nations.)

Former President of the Soviet Union Gorbachev on March 23, 2000, in
London, referred to the European Union (EU) as "the New European
Soviet." If he refers to the EU in that way, it only stands to reason
that he would refer to the North American Union (NAU) as the "New
American Soviet," since the NAU is modeled on the EU. Gorbachev also
said in his speech to the Soviet Central Committee on November 2,
1987, published by Novosti Press Agency Publishing House:

"We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall
never turn off that road."

How is it possible that if American citizens or United States
officials involved in putting us under the North American Union were
aware of Gorbachev's statements, they would not be very concerned
regarding our nation becoming part of a communist world? Have we
forgotten the many hundreds of millions of innocent people tortured,
starved, murdered and incarcerated by communist regimes around the
world? Authorities say "over 20 million people suffered in purges
under Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin -- and that more than 10 million
died before Stalin's death in 1953. Some put the number even higher."

Do we really believe the communists have changed or gone away?

United States government officials, elected and unelected, with
enormous financial assistance from the tax-exempt foundations, have
for many years been working to implement unconstitutional regional
planning at the local, state, national and international level, all of
this required for full implementation of a One World Socialist
Government. For the 3000-page transcript of 1953 Congressional (Reece
and Cox Committee) Hearings to Investigate the Tax-Exempt Foundations
and for superb research on the history of regional government, go to and type the following into its search engine:
Reece Committee, Don Bell Reports, Maureen Heaton, and Mantooth

One very important government official in the Kennedy and Johnson
Administrations, Under Secretary of State George W. Ball, spelled out
very clearly what the Insiders were planning for our nation in The New
York Times, 1/24/88: ".If we could internationalize by using the
United Nations in conjunction with the Soviet Union, because we now no
longer have to fear in most cases a Soviet veto, then we could begin
to transform the shape of the world and might get the UN back doing
something useful. .Sooner or later we're going to have to face
restructuring our institutions so that they're not confined merely to
the nation states. Start first on a regional, and ultimately you can
move to a world, basis." (emphasis added).

Has our education system so successfully conditioned and dumbed down
Americans that they no longer are able to apply logic to the above
quotes? Are they no longer capable of transferring that knowledge,
processing it into new knowledge and conclusions which might help them
understand and oppose the present destruction of our Constitutional

Since all regional groupings being set up around the world are based
on the communistic Free Trade "redistribute the wealth" philosophy,
why is it that the adjective "Communist" is never used when discussing
GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the NAU? Those patriotic writers could at least
describe those agreements as "Communism LITE", couldn't they?

For those Americans who recall the days of elected officials, not
unelected, appointed task forces and "councils" (soviets, according to
most dictionaries), running our towns, schools, counties, states,
nation and world, recognizing this change in our form of government
should not be too difficult.

However, for those younger Americans denied an education in American
history and government due to the activities of the tax-exempt
foundations, especially the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie
Foundations, the loss of elected officials through regionalism does
not seem to bother them. Go to and type into
search engine "Kenny Hignite" and you will see a most astonishing
six-page 1954 "Test on the United States Constitution" on which
Hignite received a grade of 99 - "Excellent!" There is absolutely no
way that Kenny Hignite, now 66 years old, having received such an
excellent education on the U.S. Constitution in a public school in
Central California in 1954, would not be questioning the present
deliberate destruction of our representative form of government
through the implementation of communistic regional government!

Those Americans under fifty years old, and too often those over 50
years old (!), will ask you "What's wrong with members of the
community or faceless state bureaucrats being appointed to assist our
elected officials in their work which has become increasingly
complicated?" The simple answer is "If you don't approve of what those
unelected officials are doing, you can't get rid of them at the

Uneducated Americans will also ask you:

"What's wrong with consolidation of school districts, services,
the merging of individual school and town budgets to "save
taxpayers money?" (Ed note: In Maine our Senate Education
Committee is about to approve Governor Baldacci's proposal to
slash school districts by proposing 26 regional school units
statewide with 26 superintendents, compared to the existing 152
superintendents and 290 school units!);

"What's wrong with merging 16 towns under one county council as
was recently proposed in Cumberland County, Maine, thereby
eliminating representative government?";

"What's wrong with getting rid of local school boards and having
our schools run by city Mayors, or contracting education out to
private organizations connected with the corporations?";

"What possible objection could you have to public school morals
and values education even if those programs are forbidden to
teach `absolute' morals and values based on the Ten

"What's wrong with publicly-funded charter schools which have no
elected school boards?";

"What's wrong with Cuban-style school-to-work job training
replacing a K-12 liberal arts curriculum? Even if my child can't
read, I sure want him/her to be able to get a job.";

"What's wrong with public/private partnerships?"

"What's wrong with the federal government mandating mental health
screening for my child?";

"What's wrong with members of the community assisting the local
police in monitoring citizen activities and/or the police handing
out awards to citizens who do good deeds, as is the case with the
Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) in Maine?";

"What's wrong with putting the UN's lifelong learning agenda, all
community services (birth through death), under the umbrella of
the school district? (Go to and type "Feld"
into search engine for a remarkable research paper on the history
of Community Education)

"What's wrong with a National I.D. card reportedly designed by
two Russian ex-KGB Chiefs?";

"What's wrong with students being required to perform community
service in order to graduate?";

"What's wrong with federal funding of religious organizations
(faith-based initiative)?";

"What's wrong with federally-funded school choice proposals?";

"What's wrong with dropping borders between states?" as is in the

And, the subject of this article: "What's wrong with regional
government?" And many more "What's Wrong With?" questions from good
Americans who have, over many years, through no fault of their own,
been deliberately dumbed down and didn't receive the public education
which required the likes of Kenny Hignite to know their Constitution
and form of government.

How many Americans realize that almost all the programs mentioned in
the above "What's Wrong With" section have already been implemented in
our schools, communities, and states and that they are based on
communist/socialist collectivist philosophy? The planners are waiting
only for the full implementation of the North American Union (final
nail in coffin) which will allow them to write and approve, as was
done in Europe, the North American Union's Constitution (Communist
Manifesto) which will include all the above "What's Wrong With?"
programs. That will be the infamous day when the U.S. Constitution is
formally relegated to history's trash bin. And, as with the EU
Constitution, or the Communist Manifesto, the practice of Christianity
will be outlawed. a thing of the past. All religions will be
considered equal and inevitably superior to Christianity. Go to and type into search engine "Religion and
Governance" an important position paper by Harlan Cleveland, notorious
supporter of global government, long-time member of the
internationalist Aspen Institute, and first U.S. Ambassador to the
Common Market (1960), and Marc Luycx, a Belgian change agent
bureaucrat. This paper was prepared by the Foreward Study Group of the
European Commission and was undoubtedly used by those drafting the EU
Constitution. It will give you a picture of the non-role of
Christianity in world region constitutions.

Our elected officials in Congress, who have sworn to uphold the
Constitution, should not be immune to multi-million dollar lawsuits
for injuries sustained by the citizens of this country. Is not the
loss of our freedoms due to elected officials' malpractice (lying to
us in regard to putting us under the communistic regional North
American Union and not holding hearings on the subject) even more
important than the death of one patient due to a doctor's malpractice,
the scalding of a woman who spilled her "too-hot" coffee at a
McDonald's takeout, or the death from cancer of a woman who smoked too
many cigarettes? How can we ignore the fact that 651,008 Americans
have died in battle to protect and defend the constitutional freedoms
which will vanish under this new international regional arrangement?
Is there really no penalty to be exacted of these highly-paid
Congressional traitors other than voting them out of office, which it
seems is impossible to do due to both political parties having the
same agenda, controlled media, manipulated political conventions, and
election fraud?

Americans have been conditioned to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, since the days
of McCarthyism and the phony fall of communism, mention the "C" word.
The word must, as George Orwell might have said, be removed from the
dictionaries of all languages, especially English. Otherwise, we might
wise up and tackle this treason with all our might and brains since we
surely don't want our children and grandchildren living under any
"ism" form of government, much less "communism". The Insiders know
that "communism" is the one and only word that must be banished from
use. They are not concerned over excellent anti-North American Union
rantings and ravings as long as the "C" word is NOT used.

The Insiders, most if not all of whom are corporate communists, have
no fear of the coming totalitarian system since they have been assured
they will be sitting in the catbird seat, having eliminated all
economic competition and self-government (elected officials), and will
have the world as their playground. The majority of the world's
population, the Insiders' "human resources", will be their highly
trained and conditioned serfs, lifelong.

One might ask, how can this be? It is a well-known and documented fact
that Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution and the corporate
communists and our government have been supporting the communist
regime in Russia since 1917. Extensive exchange agreements covering
political, municipal, cultural, economic, legal, law enforcement,
education, science, sports, medicine, etc. have been signed since 1958
between the USSR and the USA, including of special importance the 1985
education agreements signed by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev which
merged our two education systems and caused to be implemented the
Soviet polytechnical work force/job quota system and the Pavlovian
outcomes-based method of conditioning/training. Go to for full text of "Agreement between U.S.A. and

Regionalism is communism no matter how you slice it. The sooner
Americans get that unpleasant fact permanently entered into their
brains, and process that information into appropriate action, the
sooner we will be able to escape what Orwell described so well in his
novel 1984:

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot
stamping on the human face--forever...and remember, that is

Forward this article to your friends and to your elected officials at
the local, state, and national level. Of equal importance restore the
"C" word to your vocabulary and use it often.

2007 Charlotte T. Iserbyt


Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as
Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and
Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first
Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major
technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's
classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine
and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for
Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red
Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United
States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.

Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back
to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her
1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad
which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet
Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a
freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The
Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of
Congressional hearings.



Order The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
"Blame Me I Voted Republican" <> wrote in
> (-) wrote:
>> Jewish

> Christian hate irrelevent.
> ---
> Minute Men:
> "Emerging at night once a week to replenish my supply
> of library books and to drink the blood of virgins."