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[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

Revolution has always been the method used to facilitate change, and it
would seem likely that an environment would be created that would
ultimately lead to a revolt by the citizens of this country. As our
economy continues to decline, and it becomes harder for people to get
by, there may be a ground swell of revolt across the country against the
government, Of course, the Illuminati has already planted these seeds.

As you have read, the Illuminati controls the leadership of the labor
unions, and the corporate structure of America. Thus, a major strike
could cripple this country. For instance, a strike by the Longshoremen
would prevent anything from being unloaded off the ships. A strike by
the Teamsters, would prevent anything from being shipped on a truck. A
strike by the Air Traffic Controllers, would prevent all flights, except
for military planes. Basically, with a major strike, nothing would move,
and there would be no way to get food and other products of necessities
to the cities. Again, this would be a crucial blow to the economy. On
top of that, and history has shown this, a major strike would most
likely be accompanied with acts of violence and sabotage. Indeed, this
situation would make it possible for a World Government to step in to
maintain control.

It is a known fact, that revolution has been fermenting in this country
for a long time, and riots could be instigated through the many
terrorist groups that exist here. Riots, bank robberies, racial
confrontations, skyjackings, strikes, demonstrations, assassinations,
and kidnappings, are not just unrelated events, according to J. Bernard
Hutton who wrote that the "increasing violence and terrorism is a direct
result of an organized world-wide plot to destroy the Western democracies."

The riots could be racially motivated. Percy E. Sutton, a former
Borough President of Manhattan in New York City, who is Black, said in
his keynote address before the National Conference of Anti-Poverty
Agencies at Columbia University's Teachers College on February 22, 1968,
that there was a plan to use thousands of Black Veterans from the
Vietnam War to wage war on Whites. He said: "I am afraid that the
greatest battle of the era- of the Vietnam War- will not be fought in
the demilitarized zone north of Da Nang, but will be fought in the
streets of America." In April and May of 1992, after four policemen were
acquitted in the beating of a Black man, Rodney King, massive riots
swept across south-central Los Angeles, and the military had to be sent
in to restore order. It was reported that 600 buildings were burned, and
52 people killed. Damage estimates ran as high as $1 billion. Incidents
were also reported in Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami, and
Seattle. Even though the Blacks in this country have achieved quite a
bit in the past 30 years, the fight against oppression has hardened
them, and has created a generation that thinks nothing of using the
political power of violence and demonstration to make their views known.
This powder keg could be ignited in the future in order to create a
nationwide crisis.

The riots could be radically motivated. Jerry Rubin, who was a member
of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Kent State University,
said on July 20, 1970: "The first part of the Yippie program is to kill
your parents. And I mean that quite literally, because until you're
prepared to kill your parents, you're not ready to change the country.
Our parents are our first oppressors." In his book _Do It_, he wrote:
"We've got Amerika(sic) on the run. We've combined youth, music, sex,
drugs, rebellion with treason- and that's a combination hard to beat...
High school students will seize radio, TV, and newspaper offices across
the land...Police stations will blow up...Revolutionaries will break
into jails and free all prisoners...The Youth International Revolution
will begin with mass breakdown of authority, mass rebellion, total
anarchy in every institution in the Western World..."

Jerry Kirk, a student at the University of Chicago, who was active in
the Communist Party up to 1969, told the House and Senate Internal
Security Committees: "Young people have no conception of the
conspiracy's strategy of pressure from above and pressure from below, so
well outlined in Jan Kozak's _And Not A Shot Is Fired_. They have no
idea they are playing into the hands of the Establishment they claim to
hate. The radicals think they are fighting the forces of the super-rich,
like Rockefeller and Ford, and don't realize that it is precisely such
forces which are behind their own revolution, financing it, and using it
for their own purposes." In his book, _The Strawberry Statement: Notes
of a College Revolutionary_, James S. Kunen (who in April, 1968, was one
of the students who took over Columbia University) wrote: "In the
evening we went up to the U. to check out a strategy meeting. A kid was
giving a report on the SDS Convention. He said the Convention
men from Business International Roundtables...tried to buy up a few
radicals...These men are the world's leading industrialists and they
convene to decide how our lives are going to go. These are the guys who
wrote the Alliance for Progress. They are the left wing of the ruling
class...They offered to finance our demonstrations in Chicago (1968). We
were offered Esso (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of
radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to
the left."

Now there is a new radical threat, involving militant homosexuals. On
September 19, 1993, at the Sunday evening service of the Hamilton Square
Baptist Church in San Francisco, California, Rev. Lou Sheldon of the
Traditional Values Coalition was to be the scheduled speaker. Around
5:00 PM, homosexual demonstrators began arriving, and by the time of the
service at 6:00 PM, so many had shown up, that they completely
controlled the area outside of the church and they attempted to prevent
people from entering the church, including the pastor and his wife. The
protesters took down the Christian flag, and hoisted the Gay flag. Even
though the police were there, they did nothing, claiming that the
situation was under control. When the riot police finally were called in
to force the gays out of the church courtyard, the rioters moved to the
emergency exit doors on the west side of the church where they "pounded
and kicked the doors, seeking to break them down." The noise was so
disturbing that the service had to be temporarily stopped. I heard a
recording of this on a radio show, and needless to say, it was very
unnerving. As the churchgoers left, they were shouted and cursed at; and
the speaker had debris thrown at him. A group of gay demonstrators were
heard yelling: "We want your children! Give us your children!" Through
it all, not one arrest was made, because the police were told that this
was "an open public meeting and not a worship service" and therefore
"were not allowed to enforce the law regarding the disturbance of church
worship services." This is just the beginning of gays exercising
militant action to gain rights to carry out their perversive lifestyle.

Let's not forget about the Communists. Prominent U.S. Communist Gus
Hall said at the 1961 funeral of Eugene Dennis, National Chairman of the
U.S. Communist Party: "...slit the throats of Christian children and
drag them over the mourner's bench and the pulpit and allow them to
drown in their own blood." As much as the Government would like us to
believe it, Communism is not dead- only sleeping. When it awakes, most
likely under the banner of Socialism, it will be a force to be reckoned
with. The Communists, through their subversive agents in this country,
have maps of all strategic locations, such as military firearm storage,
police stations, fire stations, water hydrants, railroads and other
transportation centers, communication centers, and water reservoirs and
supplies. It wasn't too long ago, that we discovered that Russia still
has spies working within the CIA. Despite their overtures toward
democracy, they are clearly continuing to follow an agenda to undermine
the United States.

Regardless of who is involved in these riots, the police and the
military will be mobilized to bring order. In 1965, the Department of
Justice established the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance to help the
local police fight crime. In 1968, as part of the Crime Control Act, it
became known as the Law Enforcement Assistance Agency (LEAA). Charles H.
Rogovin, an administrator of the LEAA, said in an October 1, 1969 speech
to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, meeting in Miami:
"If local law enforcement fails, then something else will replace it. I
do not raise the spectre of a federal police force merely to frighten
you. Look at the organized crime field. We now see a substantial federal
effort there - and not simply because organized crime is interstate in
nature. It is also because law enforcement has failed to do its job."
The LEAA originally discussed the possibility of a National Police Force
to be used in the event of a civil disturbance, for crowd dispersal and
to neutralize revolutionary leadership. However, an article in the
January 15, 1973 edition of the _Boston Herald American_ talked about
the "plans for reorganization, regionalization and consolidation of
police departments."

The Deputy Attorney General of California had said during a conference
on Civil Emergency Management, that "anyone who attacks the state, even
verbally, becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. They are
the enemy and must be destroyed." On December 30, 1975, the California
National Guard announced that they were prepared to provide emergency
assistance to any local police force in the country. They introduced the
1,000 member Law Enforcement Assistance Force (LEAF), which is a
specially trained and equipped military police force to handle mass
disturbances and riots. It appears that LEAF was the forerunner of a
national police force. This national police force seems to be taking
shape through the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF), a creation of
the Department of Defense, and is a joint operation of FEMA and the
National Guard Bureau. With less military involvement abroad, some of
our military personnel will be reassigned to this type of domestic duty.
The MJTF is the coordinating body of the BATF, FDA, CIA, DEA, IRS,
Federal Marshals, National Guard, and local police organizations.

Since 1971, there have been many reports concerning unmarked black
helicopters, which are equipped for low-flying ground surveillance, and
appear to be part of the military's counter-terrorism program. Among the
helicopters that have been observed: CH-47 Chinook (which can carry 64
soldiers), AH-64 Apache and the HH-GOA Night Hawk. Nearly 80% of all
American military aircraft, with the exception of the Coast Guard, have
been either painted black, dark gray, or dark green, and do not have any
markings identifying them as U.S. aircraft, It is believed that the
purpose for this, is so our equipment can be utilized as part of United
Nations operations.

Since 1987, the U.S. Army has been training the police, local National
Guard units, and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), in how to break in
and enter private property, as part of their new urban warfare training.
The U.S. Army's Office of Public Affairs announced that the Defense
Department Authorization Act passed by Congress in 1987, initiated this
new training, which was being carried out in military bases such as Fort
Hood (TX), Fort Benning (GA), and Fort McClellan (AL). There have been
reports of anti-terrorist training missions which have taken place
throughout the country. Marines from the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit
at Camp Lejeune (NC), along with air support from the unmarked black
helicopters, carried out a late-night raid in July, 1993, on Tybee
Island, near the mouth of the Savannah River. In early 1994, the Army
and the Alaska State Police held a joint operation on the Kenai
Peninsula, near Anchorage. In July, 1994, Marines from the 13th Marine
Expeditionary Unit at Camp Pendleton (CA), held urban warfare training
in different locations around Sacramento. In October, 1994, Army Special
Forces and the Detroit Police SWAT team, engaged in anti-terrorist
training missions at a vacant 6-story apartment house on West
Alexandrine Street, and at a group of abandoned houses in Van Buren
Township, a suburb of Detroit, near the Willow Run Airport.

A mock city was constructed in the northern area of Fort Polk (LA), one
of the Joint Readiness Training Centers (there are others in Fort Ord,
CA and Fort Chaffee, AR), which was labeled a "Military Operations in
Urban Terrain Complex" MOUT). It is also the location of the North
American Training Center for the United Nations. Smaller MOUTs are
located in Fort Drum (NY) and Fort Indiantown Gap (PA). The FBI has
established an anti-terrorist training compound at the abandoned Brown
and Root, Inc. construction yard in Belie Chasse, Louisiana, just south
of New Orleans. The purpose of this urban warfare training, is nothing
more than the perfection of "house-to-house searches and controls on the
civilian population," which will be used to disarm the American people
through force. It has been suggested that the UN operations in Somalia
and Haiti were used as practice runs for disarming the civilian population.

However, before this can happen, a massive gun law will have to be
passed, so that all the guns will be confiscated. In 1970, the FBI
estimated that the private citizens of the country had a total of 90
million weapons, including 35 million rifles, 31 million shotguns, and
24 million handguns (while the armed forces only had a small arms
inventory of 4.8 million guns). Recent estimates place the number of
registered handguns in this country at 70 million, and the number of
unregistered at 50 million. The Illuminati will not instigate any
uprising if Americans will be able to defend themselves. Because of
this, there has been a massive attack on our constitutional right "to
keep and bear arms." The extended waiting period mandated by the Brady
Bill was only the beginning, there have been other Bills introduced in
Congress to ban guns. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum said during a 1993 Senate
hearing: "Until we can ban all of them, then we might as well ban none."
He also said: "The best way to keep handguns out of the wrong hands is
through licensing. Licensing is a barrier to gun crime." At his Senate
Confirmation Hearings in 1993, FBI Director Louis Freeh said: "The
strongest gun legislation...I will enforce diligently and exhaustively."
U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders said: "Handguns are a public health
issue." Senator Joseph Biden said: "(Banning guns) is an idea whose time
has come." Rep, Mel Reynolds said on CNN's "Crossfire": "If it were up
to me we'd ban them all." In the last twenty years, the incidence of
violent crimes have more than doubled. They have become more heinous, to
the point of being repulsive. The Government's view is to disarm the
criminal, but at the same time, they also disarm the law abiding citizens.

The move for gun control is snowballing, and that is part of their
plan. In 1994, the National Rifle Association got their hands on a
secret document which represents the blueprint for the gun-control lobby
in this country. The first step is to use the media to create a clamor
for gun control in this country, and this will in turn sway the opinion
of a large portion of the population to support such a measure. The
second step would be the initiation of gun control legislation that
would establish annual licensing fees, and surcharges on ammunition.
After two years, the third step would involve a massive increase in the
licensing fees. The reason given, would be because of the costs involved
to enforce the law, when in fact, it would be to discourage ownership.
The failure to get a license would result in a $1,000 fine and/or six
months in jail; and if your license lapses, your failure to turn your
guns over to the government, would result in a $15,000 fine and/or
eighteen months in jail. Both instances also result in the loss of the
right to own a firearm. After two more years, the fourth step will call
for further legislation to increase the licensing fees even more. Their
ultimate goal "is to reduce the number of licensees to zero." In this
way, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States will
be circumvented in order to take the guns out of the hands of the
American people. After that, the population will be defenseless against
government forces. They hope to accomplish this within 15 years. Noah
Webster said in 1787: "Before a standing army or a tyrannical government
can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every
kingdom in Europe."

There was a law passed that tells us what the mentality of the
government is concerning this issue. On September 26, 1961, Public Law
87-297 or "The Arms Control and Disarmament Act" was signed. It created
the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as an "agency of peace to
deal with the problem of reduction and control of armaments looking
toward ultimate world disarmament." Section 3(a) describes disarmament
as the "control, reduction, or elimination, of armed forces and
armaments of all kinds." Section 31(a) indicates that the Agency is to
engage in study and research to achieve the "limitation, reduction,
control, and elimination of armed forces and armaments..." This
information can be found in the United States Code, Volume 9, Title 22
(Foreign Relations), Chapter 35 (Arms Control and Disarmament), Sections
2551-2595. Even though the Agency is active in negotiations regarding
foreign policy, you can be sure that all such negotiations include the
same concessions for America. In the February 14, 1963 edition of the
_Washington Report_, Congressman James B. Utt said that this
"Disarmament Act sets up a super-agency with power greater than the
power of Congress, which delegated it. The law was almost a duplication,
word for word, of a disarmament proposal by the Kremlin in 1959...The
Disarmament legislation was passed for the purpose of implementing the
Department of State Publication 7277, entitled _Freedom from War - The
United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful

Will the U.S. military go against American citizens if so ordered by
the Federal Government? It was reported that a 46-question survey was
handed out in May, 1994, to "300 randomly selected" Marines (veterans of
the Panama operation and the Persian Gulf War) at the Twentynine Palms
Marine Corps Base in the Mohave Desert about 70 miles east of San
Bernadino, California. The soldiers were asked for their reaction to
various statements, such as U.S. military troops being commanded by UN
officers, whether the President "has the authority to pass his
responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the UN Secretary-General," and
would they serve in a United Nations military force to "maintain world
peace." The survey was concluded with this: "The U.S. Government
declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of
all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted
for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the
end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their
firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S.
citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the
U.S. Government." After the news of the survey surfaced (in _The
Spotlight_, and the Nov. 1991, issue of _American Legion Magazine_), it
was later reported that it was part of a soldier's Master Thesis at the
Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and did not "reflect
any government program." However, the February, 1994 issue of _Modern
Gun_ magazine reported that a similar survey had been given to some Navy

The Thesis, _Peacekeeping and UN Operational Control: A Study of Their
Effect on Unit Cohesion_, had been classified, until March, 1995, when
it was approved for public dissemination. In response to the question
about swearing allegiance to the UN, 208 Marines said they could not do
so (117 of those strongly disapproved), and 71 said they could (with 19
of those strongly in favor). And, in regard to the infamous question 46,
of the 264 Marines who responded, 185 said they would be opposed to
firing at Americans (with 127 strongly opposing), and 79 said they would
be willing to shoot if ordered (with 23 strongly in favor). So, the
bottom line is, if ordered, one out of every four Marines would shoot
American citizens.

What this survey reveals, is that, for the most part, our military
probably could not be relied on to act as a cohesive force to fire upon
the citizens of this country. However, with increased indoctrination,
that could change, but I don't think there is time for that. Therefore,
the deck has to be stacked. On November 11, 1990, President George Bush
signed an Executive Order that authorized the presence of UN Battle
Groups in the U.S., and there are 15 reported to be here. Before leaving
office, in a major speech to the United Nations, Bush said that the
United States would permit UN troops to use various military bases for
"training purposes." The use of Fort Dix in New Jersey (a major east
coast base right next to McGuire Air Force Base) was fully committed. In
July, 1994, 600 UN troops, clad in black uniforms, were spotted near
Dulce, New Mexico; and late in the year, there were reports that there
are 40,000 UN troops staged in San Diego, 50,000 located near Barstow,
California, and 14,000 in Anchorage, Alaska.

The military staff of the UN Secretary-General has called for a "Rapid
Response Peace Force" of 60,000 soldiers, for instant deployment; a
"Permanent Peace-Keeping Force" of 275,000 soldiers, for conflict
control; and a "Standing Reserve Peace Force" of 500,000 soldiers for UN
duty wherever necessary. On March 16, 1993, Senate Joint Resolution No.
65 called for the "establishment of a commission to study the creation
of a standing international military force under the United Nations
Charter." In 1993, Clinton issued Presidential Review Directive (PRD)
#13, supporting Boutros-Ghali's (UN Secretary-General) proposal for a UN
military force, substantially made up of Americans. However, Gen. Colin
Powell, Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff insisted on a codicil
that said, if any U.S. commander believed his orders violated the U.S.
Constitution, or placed our country or military forces at risk, the
orders could be disregarded. On May 3, 1994, Clinton signed the
Presidential Review Directive #25, which put U.S. military commanders
under the authority of the UN during UN military operations, and
instructed the Department of Defense to establish a U.S. military
organizational structure which included the United Nations. It was PRD
#13 without the Powell codicil.

On June 24, 1994, the National Guard Bureau, an agency of the
Department of Defense (which coordinates all the state National Guard
units), developed the "National Guard State Partnerships with the
Russian Federation" which is enabling troops from 14 of the newly formed
Russian Federation (as well as other countries in east and central
Europe), to train in this country with the National Guard units of some
states. According to Clinton's "Bridge to America" proposal, the purpose
of these partnerships, is to "assist the participating nations'
transition to democratic military institutions with peacetime utility in
providing military support of civilian authorities..." Troops who are
attached to the Russian Interior Ministry were seen training with the
U.S. 10th Special Forces Group, who were being reassigned to Fort
Carson, Colorado. The Russian soldiers were still wearing the red berets
bearing the hammer and sickle, the symbol of Communism. Russians have
also been seen training with the SWAT team of Las Vegas, Nevada, and
were reportedly involved in joint military training operations in Alaska
and Alabama. Belgian troops were seen in North Dakota and Montana.
German soldiers were seen training at Luke Air Force Base near Phoenix,
Arizona; as well as Fort Bliss (TX), and Fort McClelland (AL). In fact,
in May, 1991, the German government negotiated a deal with our
government, which gives them permission to establish a German military
facility in our country. There hasn't been a foreign military presence
here since Great Britain's occupation during the War of 1812.

Foreign soldiers are now training with American troops in order to
function as a cohesive multi-national unit, that will function under the
authority of the United Nations. A multi-national UN military force
stationed in this country would fire upon American citizens.

Russia-made T-72 main battle tanks have been spotted on our nation's
highways, being hauled on flatbed trailers. It is reported that at least
30 may have been brought here. Also seen, were Soviet surface-to-air
missiles and surface-to-surface missiles. A Soviet Hind-D attack
helicopter, and a Soviet Helix anti-submarine naval attack helicopter
were seen at the Gulf port National Guard facility in Mississippi. Rep.
Gene Taylor (D-MS) reported that the aircraft, as well as hundreds of
other Russian-built equipment were being purchased and used for training
purposes. And he's right, urban warfare training.

Hundreds of Soviet Z1L-131 military trucks were photographed in
Saucier, Mississippi, which were imported from East Germany with a UN
bill of lading by Airmar Resources Corporation. They were said to be
used, and were to be reconditioned and sold. However, they only had a
little more than 1,000 miles on them. They were to be painted white,
marked for UN use and shipped to Africa, yet many of them have been sent
to destinations in this country. There was a report from Montana
concerning three train loads of military vehicles, some painted white
and marked with the UN designation.

The evidence seems clear. It is widely believed that our government is
stockpiling military equipment in preparation of a massive assault
against the American people, if necessary. The attack on David Koresh
and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas may be a glimpse of what is
going to happen in the future to groups who don't toe the government
line. In order to control the population, there will be large groups of
people rounded up and detained. This was done in March, 1942 to
Japanese-Americans in the western United States, after the attack on
Pearl Harbor, when Roosevelt signed Executive Order #9066, which
directed the Army to intern up to 112,000 in concentration camps. With
the Internal Security Act of 1950, a declaration of war by Congress, an
invasion of the U.S. or any its territories, or a domestic insurrection,
would enable the President to declare an emergency, and give the Justice
Department special powers to "apprehend and by order detain each person
as to whom he, the Attorney General or such officer so designated, finds
that there is a reasonable ground to believe that such person may engage
in, or may conspire with others to engage in acts of espionage or
sabotage." These detention centers were setup at Army facilities in Avon
Park (FL), Tutelake (CA), Wickenburg (AZ), and Allenwood (PA). In 1968,
during the riots, a Congressional committee stated that acts by
"guerrillas" in the United States was compared to being in a "state of
war," and detention areas were discussed "for the temporary imprisonment
of warring guerrillas." Americans were concerned about this talk, and in
1971 Congress passed legislation that repealed the Emergency Detention
Act of 1950. However, there was other legislation that provided for the
existence of detention centers.

During the Reagan Administration, a secret program identified as
"Operation Rex 84," was initiated by our National Security Council, and
authorized the establishment of 23 "emergency detention centers" for the
purpose of detaining a large number of "potentially subversive" people.
An additional 20 centers were funded with the 1990-91 defense budget,
and another 43 were commissioned. Through the Rex 84 program, it had
been reported that the following bases were to be used for civilian
detention centers: Ft. Huachuca (AZ), Ft. Chaffee (AR), Vandenburg Air
Force Base (CA), Eglin Air Force Base (FL), Camp Krome (FL), Ft. Benning
(GA), Ft. Indiantown Gap (PA), Camp A.P. Hill (VA) , Ft. Drum ( NY),
Wickenburg (AZ), Elmendorf Air Force Base (AK), Eilson Air Force Base
(AK), Tutelake (CA), El Reno (OK), Tulsa (OK), Florence (AZ), Maxwell
Air Force Base (AL), Mill Point (WV), Allenwood (PA), Oakdale (CA), Ft.
McCoy (WI).

Even though the directives that brought about Rex 84 have been
eliminated, it is believed that the government's plans for these
detention centers are still being carried out. With the proposed closing
of many domestic military bases by the Base Closure and Realignment
Commission, Army documents have indicated plans for "establishing
civilian camps on (Army) installations." One such base that was closed,
was the Seneca Army Depot, near Seneca Falls, in northern New York. It
was discovered that major construction was underway, and it was reported
by _The Spotlight_, that it was being prepared for conversion into a
massive civilian detention center. The Federal Bureau of Prisons have
priority to use any excess space on U.S. Government property. The office
of Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY) announced that a large part of the base
was going to be turned over to the National Guard, who, it was believed,
would oversee the facility. Nearby Fort Drum, the location of the Army's
10th Mountain Division, who have been utilized as UN "peacekeepers," was
also slated to be used as a detention facility. Aerial surveillance of a
many-thousand acre location in Indianapolis (IN), had made this facility
a prime suspect for being a detention center. It is surrounded by a
barbed-wire fence, pointing inward (which is meant to keep someone in,
and not out), has a helicopter pad, a sewer treatment plant, and
barracks. A sign on the outside indicates only "Blue Zone," "Red Zone,"
and "Green Zone."

In the past couple years, researchers have been trying to piece
together the locations of detention centers which are now reported to be
in place all over the country, mostly in sparsely populated areas. They
are usually located near a body of fresh water; near a raiIway system,
major highway, and large airport; and have the capability of holding
thousands of people.

After these revelations, wouldn't it be a good idea to prepare you and
your family accordingly. Our way of life is going to be drastically
changed if this New World Order succeeds in establishing itself in
America. The defiance that will soon manifest itself, is going to give
birth to a new generation of patriots, modern minuteman who will be
dedicated to protecting the American people from the tyranny of a
government out of control.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The greatest calamity which could befall us
would be submission to a government of unlimited power."

--- Thomas Jefferson.