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Big-8 Dictators

[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera


The underlying power to all occult practices, is Satanism- the worship
of Satan (or Lucifer) in opposition to the worship of God. It is the
worship of Satan which has been the driving force behind the handful of
men who have perpetuated the Illuminati conspiracy. It has been
reported, that the spread of the occult has been the job of an inner
circle of the Illuminati, which is known as the Council of 13, or the
Grand Druid Council.

Through its various incarnations, the spread of the occult has enabled
the Illuminati to create a social climate that has welcomed the advent
of the New World Order, one-world government, and the one-world church
that will accompany it.

The Druids

The occult movement basically began with the Druids, who were found
among the ancient Celts (the people of Gaul in France, Switzerland,
Belgium, Bohemia, Galicia in Spain, as well as Galatia in what is now
known as Turkey), and the forerunners of those living today in the
British Isles, Scotland, and Ireland. Their culture flourished for
hundreds of years before the Christian era, peaking around 1200 B.C.
when they became caught up between the encroachment of the Roman Empire
and the invasions from barbaric Germanic tribes.

The Druids were members of a priesthood who came from the upper class
of Celtic society, and were exempt from taxes and manual labor. Their
name comes from the Celtic word "daur" which means "oak tree," which was
sacred to them; and in the Gaelic, it means "knowing the oak tree." They
performed their rituals and ceremonies in sacred oak groves, as well as
river sources and lakes, because they also considered water to be sacred.

Around 98-180 AD, the Druid religion was outlawed, and they were forced
to go underground, where it has been secretly active, in various forms,
ever since.

The earliest mention of these "men of the oak," was in the 3rd century
B.C., from Julius Caesar, and what little information that is available,
comes from 30 references in Greek and Roman writings from the second
century B.C. to the fourth century A.D., and ancient records found in
Ireland. For the most part, their legacy has been passed down orally
from generation to generation, because they considered it "profane" to
write down their teachings.

In the writings of an ancient Greek, he compared the Druids to the Magi
of Persia, who were the group from which the Wise Men came. They could
also be compared to the Medicine Man of the American Indians. In fact, I
kind of thought they might have been a Satanic perversion of the Levite
tribe of Israel, from which came the priests.

An aura of mystery surrounded the Druids, and they were considered
evil. It was alleged that they possessed strange powers, such as being
able to produce mists, storms, floods, and cast spells. As it turned
out, there was reason to fear these men, because some of their rituals
included both animal and human sacrifice.

The Druids worshipped the Sun God, Hu; the moon, and the stars. Many of
their rites centered around such astronomical occurrences as equinoxes
and solstices. It is believed that Stonehenge, built in 2750 BC on the
Salisbury Plain in southwest England, and transferred into a solar
observatory by 1900 BC, was later used by the Druids as a temple for
sacrifices. A similar structure in Avebury, 20 miles north, was also used.

Their biggest night of the year, was the ceremony known as the "Vigil
of Samhein," on October 31st, in honor of Samhein, the Horned Hunter of
the Night (Satan, as seen in the Pentagram), the Oak God of the
Underworld, and the God of the Dead. It is this ritual that evolved into
the annual tradition of Halloween.


The lineal successor to the religion of the Druids, was British
witchcraft, which became strong in the 1200's, and considers itself to
be the world's oldest religion. The word Witchcraft is derived from the
Anglo-Saxon word "wiccecraeft" ("wicca-craft") or "craft of the wise."

Witches say that their religion is not anti-Christian, because they
worship deities that were in existence before the advent of the
Christian era. They worship nature and earth, and as polytheists, they
believe this power to be manifested in the form of various gods and
goddesses. In this pluralistic system, there is a Mother (Moon) goddess,
who controls fertility rites, and the process of birth and life; and
also a horned god, who represents the masculine side of nature. Known as
Cernunnos, the god of hunting, fertility, and wild animals, he is the
god of the underworld who controls the gates of life and death.

Even though witches say that they don't believe in Satan, unknown to
them, this "horned hunter of the night" is a descendant of Nimrod, who
became the sun god, and was the symbolic representation of Satan. You
must remember, that Nimrod, and his wife, Semiramis, were the prototypes
for all gods and goddesses that permeated all subsequent cultures and

According to former witches and Satanists, the deities that witches
worship are actually demons.

One thing that a lot of people try to do, is to pigeonhole witchcraft
into one single category, and you can't do it. Within the realm of
Christianity, you have many religions, such as Catholics, Lutherans,
Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, etc. And within each of these, you
have a further breakdown, which divides the various churches according
to their own variations in philosophies. Well, since Witchcraft is a
religion, the same divisions also exist. There are different
denominations, so-to-speak. The terms most used are White and Black
Witchcraft, Traditional (who believe power must be inherited through
family lineage), Modernist, Gardnerian (revival of the "old religion"
established by anthropologist Gerald Gardner), and Alexandrian (offshoot
of the Gardnerian tradition by Alexander Sanders). But there are many

White Sorcery is practiced out of the La Clavicule de Solomon ("The Key
of Solomon"), which was said to be written by King Solomon, but was
actually written in the 14th or 15th century. The Lemegeton ("Lesser
Key") is known as the Book of Shadows. Black Magic comes from the 6th
and 7th Book of Moses, mistakenly alleged to have been written by Moses.

There has been a connotation of evil given to witchcraft as a whole,
but it can't be as easily defined as that, because there are some gray
areas that require an understanding. I am not condoning any aspect of
witchcraft, but I do have to be fair.

The most well-known of the witchcraft sects are the Wiccans, who
represent what could be considered White Witchcraft. I have talked to
some Wiccans, and they do not fit the stereotype that one expects to
find when they meet a witch. They do not dress in all black, and in
fact, do not dress any differently than anyone else. You have probably
talked to a witch, and never even knew it.

As serious as you may be about your religion, and faith; they are just
as serious about their religion. Besides their holy days, some covens
even have weekly meetings, just like a traditional church.

Wiccans have become more open in their religion in the past few years,
as they try to dispel the myth, fear, and discrimination that surround

In August, 1995, our local paper had a front page article about a
couple local witches, and how their religious activities were just like
anyone else's. They have distanced themselves from Satanism, by
emphasizing that they don't believe in Satan or demons. They have tried
to separate themselves from the dark side of the occult, by saying that
it is against their religion to harm anyone, that they're not out there
trying to get people, by putting curses on them. In fact, their primary
directive (known as the Witch's Rede) is: "An it harm none- do what thou
wilt." This gives them the freedom to do what they want, just as long as
it doesn't affect the rights of others, or cause physical harm.

And indeed, Wiccans have gone out of their way to help people. Out of
their yearning to help, many enter helping professions, such as social
workers, nurses, and counselors. They also do tarot card readings, and
are the driving force behind the onslaught of the psychic phone hot lines.

Thousands have been drawn to the spiritualistic aspects of witchcraft,
and it is estimated that there could be as many as 800,000 Wiccans in
this country, and since 1987, they have "grown tremendously." They are
out there spreading their word through books in secular bookstores,
occult bookstores, classes, and pagan festivals. They are filling what
they see as a void. A religion that is more accepting of women in
leadership positions, gays, interracial couples and unmarried couples;
that features solemn ritualistic ceremonies; that makes one feel like
they're part of a family; and a religion that offers real power.

We live in a time where the constitutional right of religious freedom
has forced us to tolerate and accept any religion, no matter how foreign
it is to our belief system, and how contrary it is to the Bible. But on
the other hand, in a growing anti-Christian climate in this country, we
are also being allowed to exercise our faith because of those same
rights. So, we have a responsibility to treat someone else's beliefs
with respect, because they have the same rights we do. However, I don't
have to agree with them, or like it, and I don't have to allow this
false doctrine to permeate our society unanswered.

No matter how honorable Wiccans intentions are, as a Christian, I must
abide by the tenets of the Holy Scriptures in my assessment of their
religion and practices. Do I hate them. No. In fact, the witches that I
talked to were very pleasant, very nice, and very respectful of my
religious beliefs. Which is more than I can say about some Jehovah
Witnesses and Mormons that have come knocking on my door. It is very
easy to forget a very fundamental Biblical teaching, that we must hate
the sin, but love the sinner. God loves everyone, even a witch. So as a
Christian, we need to let Witches know, if ever given the opportunity,
that they are living a lie. That the gods and goddesses they are
worshipping do not exist, and that they have been deceived by a very
real Satan, who is the father of lies.

As I said earlier, witches have a golden rule that prohibits them from
hurting anyone. But, not all witches are "good" witches. And not all
witches share that philosophy. Irene Park, a former witch, and author of
the book _The Witch Who Switched_, said the worst thing she had ever
done to someone was to "demolish them. To see them removed off the face
of the earth." She further elaborated: "You can kill them, or else they
will commit drive them to do can do it by
thought...or something like making a potion...and chanting and doing an
incantation, and it works, the spirits work."

Chapter 6 of the book _Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for
Witches, Warlocks and Covens_ is called "Vengeance and Attack." On page
196 it says: "With all the power of your imagination, and all the faith
and intent you can muster, you must actually try to see your spell
working its mischief, visualizing your victim suffering all the pangs
you wish on him. This type of spell is perhaps best employed for
encouraging general misfortune rather than any specific disaster..." It
goes on the provide actual instructions and incantations for various

Now, this book was written by a well-known witch named Paul Huson, a
Traditionalist from San Francisco, who studied under Dr. Raymond
Buckland, who, as I said, is probably the leading Wiccan authority in
this country. Compare that with this, from _The Satanic Bible_: "Be
certain you do not care if the intended victim lives or dies, before you
throw your curse, and having caused their destruction, revel, rather
than feel remorse." So, with their own writings, you can see, that
regardless of any moral code they claim to have, the seduction of power
and the ability of being able to use it, may be a more overriding
determinant in regard to the actions of a witch.

Observing the sacred Celtic calendar of the Druids, witches have eight
special holy days through the year, which are known as "Sabbats." The
April 25, 1989 edition of _USA Today_ reported that Patricia Hutchins, a
self-proclaimed Wiccan serving in the U.S. Air Force, was granted
religious leave by the military to observe the eight Sabbats of her

Some researchers have purported that the Sabbat is the witches sabbath,
a corruption of the Jewish day of rest, Others have said that the word
"sabbath" is taken from Shabbathai, or Saturn, the planet which governs
the seventh day; while "sabbat" comes from Sabadius (or Sabazius), which
was the title of Dionysus, the god of ecstasy, who was worshipped with
partying and orgies. However, just like the Jewish calendar, the Sabbat
mirrors the Celtic day, which began at sunset, and ended the next sunset.

There are two great fire festivals, known as Grand Sabbats, which
divide the Celtic year in half. October 31st, Halloween (also known as
the October Festival), which celebrates the beginning of winter, and is
also the beginning of the witches New Year; and April 30th, Beltane
(also known as Bealtaine), which celebrates the beginning of summer.
Known as the day of Bel's fire because of the bonfires that accompanied
their fertility rituals, the Druids held this feast in honor of Bel, a
derivative of Baal (mentioned in the Old Testament) and can be
associated with Apollo. This day has become associated with Walpurgis
Night, a festival to honor Walburga (Walpurga), the daughter of King
Richard the Lion-Hearted, a nun who moved to Germany and became abbess
of the monastery of Eichstatt, After she died in 779, she was canonized
by the Church, and is recognized as the protector against magic.
However, witches are actually honoring Waldborg, a fertility goddess.
The spirits of the dead are said to be very active on this day.

According to Anton LaVey, the self-proclaimed high priest of the Church
of Satan in San Francisco, the two major Satanic observances are also
Halloween and Walpurgisnacht.

There are two other minor feasts, which divide the half-year into
quarters. February 2nd, Imbolg, the Winter festival (also known as
Imbolc or Oimelc), which was a pagan celebration marked with a
torchlight procession to honor the various deities associated with
agriculture, which was to purify and fertilize the fields prior to the
planting season. It became known as the Feast of Purification of the
Blessed Virgin Mary which is celebrated by the Roman, Creek, and
Anglican churches, It is supposedly held to observe the event described
in the 2nd chapter of Luke, when Mary went to the Temple for
purification, which according to tradition happened forty days after the
birth of Jesus.

It was originally observed on February 14th, when Jesus was thought to
have been born on the day of Epiphany. But when the date of his birth
was changed to December 25th, the day was moved. It became known as
Candlemas, because church candles are blessed that day, due to Simeon's
reference to the "light to lighten the Gentiles." It was believed that
these blessed candles, when put in a home, would protect it from evil.
Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700) said: "Why do we in this feast carry
candles? Because the Gentiles dedicated the month of February to the
infernal gods, and at the beginning of it Pluto stole Proserpine, and
her mother Ceres sought her in the night with lighted candles, so they,
at the beginning of the month, walked about the city with lighted
candles, Because the holy fathers could not extirpate the custom, they
ordained that Christians should carry about candles in honor of the
Blessed Virgin; and thus what was done before in honor of Ceres is now
done in honor of the Blessed Virgin."

The other day is August 1st (July 31st according to _A Witches' Bible_)
the Summer festival, when the first corn was harvested. This was the
Druid festival of Lughnasadh, which was dedicated to Lugh, the Celtic
sun god. It has become known as Lammas ("loaf-mass"). Witches celebrate
this day to honor the sacred union of the goddess and the horned god.

Also celebrated, to a lesser extent, are the four solar fire festivals:
The vernal equinox of March 21st (Alban Eilir, or the spring festival),
and the autumnal equinox of September 23rd (September 21st according to
_A Witches' Bible_, Alban Elfrad, or the autumn festival); and the two
solstices (a Latin word which means "the sun stops").

June 22nd (Alban Hefin, or the mid-summer night festival) has become
associated with the eve of St. John's Day (June 24),/ /which is when the
Feast of Saint John the Baptist is held. This is the oldest Church
observance, and is celebrated on the day of his birth. The exact day is
unknown, but the Bible indicates that he was born six months before
Jesus. It became part of the mid-summer celebrations because of the
summer solstice, which is the beginning of summer (June 20), and the
longest day of the year.

December 22nd, known as Yule (Alban Arthan or the mid-winter festival),
has become associated with the eve of St. Thomas Day (December 21),
which is when the Feast of Saint Thomas is held. The observance was
initiated in the 12th century to honor the apostle Jesus appeared to and
showed his wounds after the Resurrection, because of his doubts. He is
known as the patron saint of masons and architects. It became part of
the winter celebrations because of the winter solstice, which is the
beginning of winter (December 21), and the longest night of the year.

Whether you know it or not, the Church of Wicca, the largest church in
the country devoted to the practice of Witchcraft, is a federally
recognized, tax exempt, non-profit, religious organization in the United
States. The Church of Satan, which was founded in San Francisco in 1966,
is also considered a tax exempt religious organization.

Some other well-known churches are the Wicca Church of America, Church
of All Worlds, Universal Church of Wicca, Aquarian Tabernacle Church,
The Church of the Iron Oak, and the Church of Universal Brotherhood.
Witches are so organized that they hold seminars and conventions that
are publicized by the media. In 1970, the New York City Parks Department
issued a permit for the Witches International Craft Associates (WICA) to
have a "Witch-In" in Sheep Meadow on Halloween. Over 1,000 people

In 1980, Joyce Clemow, a director of the New York Center for the
Strange (a non- profit research group that investigates "the myriad
aspects of prognostication, prophecy, and divination") said that among
America's practicing witches, were three Congressmen, a syndicated
financial columnist, the President of one of the nation's banks, a
well-known television newscaster, and a man who held a top foreign
affairs position in the Nixon Administration. Margot Adler, a reporter
for National Public Radio, is a well-known witch, and author of a book
on neo-Paganism called _Drawing Down the Moon_.

The Bible is very clear concerning the occult. Exodus 22:18 says: "Thou
shalt not suffer a witch to live." Witchcraft practitioners claim that
this verse doesn't refer to witchcraft, because the word "witch" is
translated from the Hebrew word "chasaph" which actually means "a

However, _Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible_ identifies the
original word out of the Massoretic text to be "kashaph" (#3784), a root
word which means to "whisper a spell, i.e. to inchant (sic) or practise
(sic) magic." The word "kesheph" (#3785) is magic or witchcraft, as used
in 2 Kings 9:22, Micah 5:12, and Nahum 3:4; and "kashshaph" (#3786) is a
magician or sorcerer. The Hebrew word "chemah" (#2534) means "poison." A
verse that corresponds to this sentiment can be found in Leviticus
20:27, which says: "A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or
that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them
with stones: their blood shall be upon them."

Jeremiah 10:2 says: "...Learn not the way of the heathen..."
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says: "There shall not be found among you anyone
that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that
useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
neocromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the
Lord..." 1 Peter 5:8 charges us to "be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour." Ephesians 5:11 says that we are to "have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." And 2
Corinthians 6:11, says: "Be not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?
and what communion has light with darkness?"

In 1980, Skip Tarrant, a head witch in the Church of Wicca, said:
"Being a witch makes one feel more alive." According to the testimony of
former witches and Satanists, the ancient religion of Witchcraft and its
"white magic" is nothing more than a "little white lie." The deities
they worship are actually demons, and the "horned hunter of the night"
is actually Satan. Many witches have come to realize, that in order to
get more "power," they have to surrender more of themselves, moving into
the darker side of Witchcraft, and sometimes into Satanism. Satan does
not care what he does, or who he destroys, in order to achieve his goals.

The New Age Movement

In 1908, Annie Besant (1847-1933, sister of Sir Walter Besant, a
Mason), an outspoken atheist who was converted to Satanism by Pike,
member of the Fabian Society, who became president of the Theosophical
Society (whose goal was to "gain access to the universal spiritual
reality beyond material existence") after the death of Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky (1831-1891, who became a Satanist in 1856) who founded the
Society in New York in 1875; and Charles W. Leadbeater, former Anglican
priest, a Theosophist, and 33rd degree Mason; discovered Jiddu
Krishnamurti, who they believed to be the reincarnation of the being
that inhabited Jesus, Krishna and Buddha. They founded the Order of the
Star to spread his word. Those who listened to him speak at a Star of
the East convocation in 1911, said he "spoke in the first person as a
god." Others witnessed "a great coronet of brilliant, shimmering blue"
appearing above his head. Many knelt to worship him as the "world
teacher" and the "guiding spirit of the universe."

A biographer later wrote: "Although he was only a little boy when she
brought him from India to London, and although he hardly moved and did
not speak when introduced at a party at Charing Cross, those who were
present professed to feel a strange "vibration" coming from him. Years
later this same vibration caused thousands to fall at his feet in
homage, accepting him as their Messiah, when he addressed a huge
International Conference of Theosophists in Holland. A visitor to the
conference afterwards testified, 'When he spoke, it was awe inspiring. I
am not easily moved, but there was something there- impalpable, but
resistless. ' "

However, when he came to America in 1926, his occult powers failed him,
and his spirit guides left him. The _New York Times_ reported him to be
"a shy, badly frightened, nice-looking Hindu." His speaking engagements
were canceled, and he later denied that he was the "Christ," and
renounced the Theosophical Society. Because America, at that time, was
still, for the most part, a Christian, Bible-believing nation, the
spirit that inhabited Jiddu had to leave him.

He retired in 1929, broke all connections with organized philosophy,
and became a popular mystic writer and speaker. In 1969, he established
the Krishnamurti Foundation of America (P. O. Box 1560, Ojai, CA 93024)
to publish and distribute his teachings. He said that his only concern
was "to set men absolutely, unconditionally free." He died in 1986.
However, his library and archives are continuing to feed a new
generation his brand of New Age teaching. He is listed as a contributing
editor of the _Bruce Lee_ magazine, the official publication and voice
of the Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do nucleus.

Besant was later replaced with Alice Bailey, a witch, and an occult
writer who, back in the 1940's, was the first to use the term "New Age."
Collaborating with other occultists, she claimed to be working out
mankind's spiritual destiny, from a remote Himalayan retreat, and that
her writings were telepathically sent to her by the Tibetan Djuhal Khul,
who said that there was going to be a new world government and a new
world religion.

In 1922, Bailey, established the Lucifer Publishing Co. of New York to
print and distribute their Satanic doctrine. The name was later changed
to the Lucis Publishing Co. Years later, their president, Perry Coles,
tried to downplay the sinister overtones, by saying that "lucis" comes
from the Latin word "lux," which means "of light," and the word is used
in the context of being "bringers of light," and doesn't have anything
to do with Satanism. Yet they are one of the biggest publishers of
occult material in the country.

Lucis Publishing, the Arcane School, and World Goodwill (founded in
1933 to promote Luciferian views, is composed of individuals who are
referred to as the "New Group of World Servers"), are run under the
auspices of the Lucis Trust Co., which had been located at 866 United
Nations Plaza in New York City (suite 566 & 567), but later located to
113 University Place, 11th floor, P. O. Box 722, Cooper New York, NY,
10276. They seem to be the coordinating force behind the New Age
movement. Some of the people who have served on the Board: Robert
McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul
Volcker, and George Shultz.

Bailey wrote a few books detailing the New Age plan and said that the
New World Order will be the "reappearance of the Christ." In her
_Externalization of the Hierarchy _she said that the New Age will be in
full bloom after the global crisis occurs and the world turns to
"Christ" for leadership. She felt that the term "Christ" could be
applied to any person who reached an elevated state of consciousness,
thereby achieving a divine status. Only a few souls found enough favor
with the spiritual hierarchy of the reincarnated ancient Masters to be
chosen to return to earth as an avatar. New Agers claim that Mohammed,
Buddha, and Jesus were avatars, and therefore each was a "Christ."

Bailey said that her "hidden Masters" told her that 1975 was the time
to begin open propagation of their plans. Although Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
(who brought Transcendental Meditation to America) taught that the New
Age began in 1975 when he inaugurated the "Age of Enlightenment," the
1980 book _The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation
in the 1980's_ by Marilyn Ferguson (published by J. P. Tarcher, Inc. in
Los Angeles, CA) ignited the New Age movement into one of the fastest
growing "religions" today.

Ferguson said that the New Age movement had "triggered the most rapid
cultural realignment in history," and that the movement had grown to
such an extent, that thousand of groups were now a part of the network,
including: Human Potential Movement, New Thought, Consciousness
Movement, Holistic Movement, Whole Earth, and Unity. Some of their
front-groups include: Association for Humanistic Psychology, the
Holistic Health Organizing Committee, Association for World
Organization, Political Science Committee of the Institute for the New
Age, Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, Naropa Institute,
Hunger Project, Planetary Citizens, Planetary Initiative for the World
We Choose, and the Movement for a New Society.

This handbook for action by the New Age movement was introduced at the
World Congress on Futurology in Toronto, Canada to be used as a
blueprint to begin a new campaign for recruitment into the occult.

The December, 1986 issue of the _Omega-Letter_ reported that the New
Age movement was the fastest growing religion in America. People are
being drawn into the New Age movement because of its propaganda
regarding social injustices, environmental concerns, and ending world
hunger. Some of the well-known people who were involved: singer John
Denver, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former University of Notre Dame
president Theodore Hesburgh, former German chancellor Willy Brandt,
science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, physicist Fritjof Capra, and
_Megatrends_ author John Naisbitt.

California New Age minister and writer Terry Cole-Whittaker told
_Magical Blend_ magazine: "I feel that we are right on the edge and we
are going to 'pop' into a new dimension. Everybody senses it."

The central theme of the New Age movement is "the emergence of a new
planetary consciousness." They hope to usher in the "Age of Aquarius"
and their goal is a one-world religion. It is nothing more than a
revival of the ancient Babylonian religion, a dressed-up version of
witchcraft, a politically-correct form of witchcraft, which they hope to
introduce to every aspect of society.

The spirit guides they refer to are demons. They are working to
integrate New Age teaching into religion, and in the process, they are
trying to discredit Christianity. For instance, New Agers have latched
onto the "lost years" of Jesus, the period between his boyhood and the
beginning of his ministry, which are omitted from the Bible. Kevin
Ryerson, the demon channeler for actress Shirley Maclaine, says that his
spirit guides told him that "the man Jesus studied for 18 years in India
before he returned to Jerusalem. He was studying the teachings of Buddha
and became an adept Yogi himself." Elizabeth Clare Prophet in her book
_The Lost Years of Jesus_, said that she discovered, through documents
she found in the Himalayas, that when Jesus was a youth, he joined a
caravan to the East, and studied under "wise men" who taught him
mysticism. Edgar Cayce's demon guides also gave him similar revelations.
He claimed that Jesus traveled through Egypt, India and Persia, and it
was in Persia that he learned from the Mystery Religion teachers. New
Age leaders claim this information was censored in the 6th century by
the Church. A book called _Jesus Lived in India,_ by Holger Kerston, has
gone as far as to say that after the "resurrection" of Jesus, he
returned to India, and that his tomb in Kashmir can still be seen.

Ruth Montgomery was told by her spirit guides: "...We are as much God
as God is part of us...each of us is God...together we are God." Corinne
and Theodore Heline, authors of many New Age books, including _New Age
Bible Interpretation_, said that with the dawning of a New Age, an evil
Satan who doesn't exist, will vanish from man's memory. Christians unfit
for the New Age will also cease to exist, being wiped off the earth by
the New Age "Christ." New Ager Ken Eyers was quoted in _Parade_ magazine
(August 9, 1987) as saying: "Those who can not be enlightened will not
be permitted to dwell in this world. They will be sent to some equally
appropriate place to work their way to understanding."

In the New Age book _Reflections on the Christ_ by David Spangler, he
wrote that Lucifer is "an agent of God's love." and that "Christ is the
same force as Lucifer." He also wrote: "Lucifer prepares man for the
experience of Christhood...(he is) the great Initiator...Lucifer works
within each of us to bring us to wholeness, as we move into a new
age...each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the
Luciferic Initiation...that many people now, and in the days ahead, will
be facing, for it is an initiation into the new age." New Agers refer to
the writings of a 14th century gnostic group, called Luciferians, who
worshiped him, believing him to be the brother of God, and taught that
he was wrongly cast out of Heaven, and would someday be vindicated. He
was praised as the "bright and morning star."

Lola Davis, author of _Toward a World Religion for the New Age_,
identified the New Age "Christ" as Lord Maitreya, who has been labeled
as an avatar and a world teacher. She said "he will bring new
revelations and further guidance for establishing the World Religion."
She also said that the "World Council of Churches ...has the potential
to serve as a source of unity among the diversity of religions." On
April 25, 1982, the Tara Center (headquartered in London and N.
Hollywood, CA), a New Age group led by Benjamin Creme, ran a full page
ad in twenty major papers around the world proclaiming that the New Age
Messiah, Lord Maitreya, was alive and ready to institute their plan,
which included "the installation of a new world government and a new
world religion under Maitreya." The ad said: "Since July, 1977, the
Christ has been emerging as a spokesman for a group or community in a
well-known modern country." It promised that the "Christ" would appear
"within the next two months" and that "his message will be heard
inwardly, telepathically, by all people in their own language. From that
time, with his help, we will build a new world."

A similar ad ran five years later, on January 12, 1987, in _USA Today_,
under the headline "The Christ is in the World," describing Lord
Maitreya as "a great world teacher for people of every religion and no
religion." He never did appear, and according to Creme, Maitreya, was
living in a Hindu-Pakistani community in southeast London, and attending
Oxford University, where he is studying the sacred writings of the
world's major religions.

When Creme spoke in Detroit on November 4, 1981, he was asked if he had
met Maitreya, and he said: "No, I've never met the Christ, but I've met
the human body he is inhabiting several times - but never as the
Christ." This man has been identified as Rahmat Ahmad, and is the
great-great grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in the 1800's
in India, and claimed that he was the Messiah, sent to unite the entire
world in a New World Religion. It has been revealed that he was born in
February, 1962 in Rabwah, Pakistan, then went to England in July, 1977,
in preparation for his role.

Just as the birth of Jesus was prophesied by many Old Testament
prophets, New Agers believed that the birth of the new "Christ," Lord
Maitreya was prophesied by Jeanne Dixon. Shortly before sunrise on
February 5, 1962, Dixon had an unusual experience. For several months,
astrologers had predicted that an earth-shaking event on that day,
because of a rare conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in the
constellation of Pisces. A similar conjunction which occurred nearly
2,000 years ago, is believed by some to explain the "bright star in the
east" at the time of the birth of Jesus.

As she looked outside, she didn't see any trees, or the street, just a
blue sky, above a barren desert. In the sky, the sun was shining
brighter than she had ever seen. Coming from the sun in every direction
were brilliant rays which seemed to be drawing the earth toward it like
a magnet. Stepping out of the brightness of the sun's rays,
hand-in-hand, was a Pharaoh (later identified as Pharaoh Amenhotep) and
Queen Nefertiti. In her arms was a baby in ragged soiled clothing. The
eyes of the child were "all-knowing" (the all-seeing eye on the
Illuminati seal?), full of wisdom and knowledge. To one side of the
Queen, Dixon could see a pyramid (the Illuminati?).

The couple came before her, as if to offer the baby to the world.
Within the sun, Joseph was guiding the tableau like a puppeteer pulling
strings (Bible teacher David Ebaugh has linked Genesis 41:14-36/,
/dealing with Joseph's interpretations of the Pharaoh's dreams, with the
Book of Revelation; in addition, Joseph was known as the "dreamer").
Rays of light burst forth from the baby, blending with those of the sun,
obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight. Off to the left, Dixon saw
Queen Nefertiti walking away, thousands of miles into the past. She
paused beside a large brown water jug, and as she stooped to cup her
hands and drink, she was stabbed in the back by a dagger. She died and
vanished. The baby, meanwhile, had grown to manhood, and a small cross
formed above him, expanding until it dripped over the earth in every
direction. At the same time, people of every race, religion, and color,
all knelt and lifted their arms in worship; and were all as one.

Dixon interpreted this to mean that there was a child born somewhere in
the Middle East, shortly after February 5, 1962, of humble peasant
origin, possibly a direct descendent of Queen Nefertiti. Her husband,
Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (known as the great "Heretic King") had changed his
name to Ikhnaton (which means, "He in whom Aton is satisfied"), and
built a city, Tell-el-Amarna, protected by impregnable cliffs, to
worship the sun god Aton (in 1375 BC). They had seven daughters, but no
sons. After his death, the priests of Amon took over. Tutankhaton, who
married the third daughter, became Pharaoh at the age of twelve, and
changed his name to Tutankhamon (the "image of Amon"), destroying all
traces of Atonism, returning to the worship of earlier gods. If the
child isn't a direct descendent, the sun could be a symbol of the one
world religion that is to come. When the Illuminati was established,
their secret code utilized the planetary symbol for the sun to signify
the Order. Dixon said: "There is no doubt in my mind that the "child" is
the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world
in Satan's name."

Lord Maitreya has yet to make an appearance, so the New Agers are
either waiting for the right time to unveil him, or perhaps another has
been chosen to by their spirit guides to be the New Age "Christ."

Robert Mueller, a former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, and a
member of the board of Planetary Citizens, has supported a one-world
religion organized along the same lines as the UN, and suggested that
the UN flag be displayed in all the churches and that a universal Bible
be written. He said in 1982: "The human person and planetary citizenship
must be given absolute priority over national citizenship." His views
were molded by his "Master," former Secretary-General U Thant, a
Buddhist and a one-worlder. In his book _The New Genesis_, he calls for
the New Age to be ushered in by the year 2000.

We can see New Age philosophy being advocated on television, and in the
movies. There are New Age bookstores, and there is even New Age music.
New Age meditation techniques have been secretly introduced in our
public schools, and there seems to be no end as to how far they will go
to spread the New Age message. A song by former Beatle member, George
Harrison, "My Sweet Lord" (in fact, a rip-off of the Chiffon's "He's So
Fine") was accepted by many churches as a Christian song, when in fact
it was a song of dedication to Krishna, and contained a chant to summon
spirits (demons). He had been involved with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
later converting to Hinduism.

The facts speak for themselves here. The New Age movement is a facade
whose purpose is to deceive. Will the New Age movement be the vehicle
that will dilute the major religions enough, that they will be able to
find enough a common ground, to join together in a new World Religion;
or will the movement become so strong that it will just overshadow all
of the other religions, and force them to abdicate to the New Age
"religion." John Randolph Price, a New Age leader, said that "there are
more than half a billion New Age advocates on the planet at this time,
working among various religious groups."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Because the picture on the newspaper.
It just seems so un-American to me,
the picture of the guy storming the house
with a scared little boy there.

I talked to my little brother, Jeb --
I haven't told this to many people.

But he's the governor of --
I shouldn't call him my little brother -- my brother, Jeb,
the great governor of Texas.

--- Adolph Bush,
Florida. The state of the Florida.
The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, April 27, 2000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
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