power elite

[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

With the Illuminati in complete control of our monetary system, they
were ready for the next step. They couldn't touch the money of the
people, because the Constitution did not contain any provision for the
taxing of income; so they now set into motion a plan to accomplish this,
in order to oppress the middle class, and increase the lower class, who
would have to depend on the government for their survival.

From 1862-72, to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the
nation's first income tax: 3% on incomes from $600 to $10,000, and 5%
for incomes above that, which was later deemed to be insufficient, and
it was increased twice, till it reached a high of 10% on all incomes
over $5,000. The tax was criticized because it wasn't apportioned among
the states according to population. The Act of 1862 also provided for a
sales tax, excise tax, and inheritance tax; and established the office
of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who was given the power to assess,
levy, and collect taxes, and was given the authority to enforce tax
laws. In 1868, tobacco and alcoholic beverages were taxed.

The income tax was discontinued in 1872, but after heavy lobbying by
the Populist Party, it was reinstated in 1894, as part of the
Wilson-German Tariff Bill, when Congress enacted a 2% tax on all incomes
over $4,000 a year. On May 20, 1895, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that
the tax was unconstitutional, because it was not distributed among the
states in accordance with the Constitution. Newspapers controlled by the
Illuminati denounced the Court's decision.

When the income tax legislation was introduced in the Senate in 1894,/
/Sen. Aldrich had come out against it, saying it was "communistic and
socialistic," but in 1909, he proposed the 16th Amendment to the
Constitution, with the support of President Taft, which called for the
creation of a progressive graduated income tax. It was ratified in
February, 1913, and levied a 1% tax on all incomes over $3,000, and a
progressive surtax on incomes over $20,000. Although praised by
reformers, conservatives said it was "a first step toward complete
confiscation of private property."

According to a 2-volume investigative report called _The Law That Never
Was_, by William J. Benson (who had been a special agent with the
Illinois Department of revenue for 10 years) and M. J. Beckman, on
February 25, 1913, shortly before the end of his term, Secretary of
State Philander C. Knox ignored various irregularities, and fraudulently
declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by three-fourths (or
36) of the 48 states. Benson traveled to all the states' archives, and
to the National Archives in Washington, DC, obtaining more than 17,000
pages of documents, all properly notarized and certified by state
officials, that proved that the 16th Amendment was never ratified.

A 16-page memo dated February 15, 1913, to Knox, from his solicitor,
stated that only four states had "correctly" ratified the amendment,
that Minnesota had not forwarded their copy yet, and that the
resolutions from 33 states contained punctuation, capitalization, or
wording different than the Resolution that was approved by Congress. The
memo read: "In the certified copies of the resolutions passed by the
legislatures of the several states ratifying the proposed 16th
amendment, it appears that only four of these resolutions (those
submitted by Arizona, North Dakota, Tennessee and New Mexico) have
quoted absolutely accurately and correctly the 16th amendment as
proposed by Congress.

The other thirty-three resolutions all contain errors either of
punctuation, capitalization, or wording. Minnesota, it is to be
remembered, did not transmit to the Department a copy of the resolution
passed by the legislature of the state. The resolutions passed by
twenty-two states contain errors only of capitalization or punctuation,
or both, while those of eleven states contain errors in the wording..."
Benson discovered that some word changes and misplaced commas were done
by legislative intent. State Legislatures voting to ratify a proposed
Constitutional amendment, must use a certified, exact copy, as passed by
the Congress. Since this was not done, legally, the Government can only
collect an income tax within the guidelines set forth by the Supreme
Court in Pollock v. Farmers Loan & Trust Co., 157 U. S. 429 (1895),/
/and all sections of the Internal Revenue Code, based on the 16th
Amendment, are not valid.

So, of the 48 states:

Eight states (Rhode Island, Utah, Connecticut, New Hampshire,
Kentucky, Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania) did not approve or
ratify the amendment.

Texas and Louisiana were forbidden by their own state
constitution to empower the federal government to tax their citizens.

Vermont and Massachusetts rejected the amendment with a recorded
vote count, but later declared it passed without a recorded vote
only after the amendment had been declared ratified by Knox.

Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, California, and Washington violated
their own state constitutions during their ratification procedures.

Minnesota had not sent any copy of its resolution to Knox, let
alone a signed and sealed copy, as was required by law.

Oklahoma, Georgia, and Illinois had made unacceptable changes in
the wording, as did some of the above states (in addition to the
other unacceptable procedures).

When you deduct these 21 states, you only had a proper ratification by
only 27 states, far less than the Constitutionally-mandated 36.

Because of his diligence, Benson was arrested and imprisoned on income
tax charges, but later released.

However, this fact does not really get to the heart of the matter.
According to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United
States: "The Congress shall have exclusive legislation in all
cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as
may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress,
become the seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise
like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the
legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of
forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful building..."
This passage reveals the true intention of our forefathers, which was
for the Federal Government to coordinate the efforts of all the States
in order to combine their resources when it came to things like trade
and defense, since the States were actually like separate countries.
Therefore, the Congress only had jurisdiction over the area of
Washington, D.C., and non-state territories like Alaska, and Hawaii
(before they became states); and the present countries of Puerto Rico,
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and others; and Federal property
such as military bases. This area will be hereinafter referred to as the
District (as in the District of Columbia), as it is in the United States
Code (see 26 USC 7701(a)(1), and 26 USC 3121(e)(1) ).

Since America is a Republic, and not a democracy, the Government has a
responsibility to protect the inalienable rights of its citizens, as
granted by the Constitution, rather than to grant privileges, known as
civil rights, which are decided by the will of the majority. When the
sovereign state citizen gave power to the State Constitution, which
created State Government; this in turn gave power to the U.S.
Constitution, which created the Federal Government; which has, in a
sense, incorporated and gave power to the United States Government;
which has turned the U.S. citizen into a subject of the U.S. Government.
Therefore, the Federal Government has been able to wield its influence
over the entire country, rather than just the area referred to as the

This is possible, because, for all intents and purposes, there are two
of every state. For example, the official name of Pennsylvania, is the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; but to the U.S. Government, it is known as
the State of Pennsylvania. There are even two state flags. One with a
gold fringe, which represents the State of Pennsylvania, and martial law
under the U.S. Government; and one without the fringe, which represents
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The gold-fringed flag was reserved for
use by the General of the Army, where it was present at military
headquarters and displayed at courtmartials. Its use elsewhere, as a
government battle flag, was only to be done at the discretion of the
President, within his role as the Commander-in-Chief of the military, to
establish the jurisdiction of the military presence. This gold-fringed
flag, which is common in many public places, such as courthouses, and
schools, is not the national flag which represents our constitutional
republic. It is a symbol of federal government jurisdiction.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, he called
for an emergency session of Congress on March 9, where the Emergency
Banking Relief Act (also known as the War Powers Act, which seized all
the country's constitutional gold and silver coinage) was passed, which
gave FDR the power to issue any order, and do anything he felt was
necessary to run the country, without restriction, by authority of the
Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 (which placed all German
citizens under the authority of the President, because they were enemies
of the U.S). We then became under the authority of an emergency war
government. According to the _Congressional Record_ in 1933, Rep. James
Buck said: "...the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that
when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This
means it's dead." According to Senate Report 93549 in 1973, this country
has continued to be in a state of emergency since 1933, which means that
"freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution
have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by
states of national emergency." The Act was never repealed after
war-time, and in 1976, Congress passed the National Emergencies
Termination Act (Public Document 94412). However, the last paragraph
said that it didn't apply to any "authorities under the act of October
6, 1917, as amended."

Because of Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6262 by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, it is believed that the District went bankrupt in
1933, and since then, has undergone various "reorganizations." It was in
1933 that FDR enacted the Social Security Act, which effectively
redefined the word "employee" to indicate "government worker." Then came
the Public Salary Tax Act in 1939, which gave the U.S. Government the
power to levy a tax on those people who were either government
employees, or who lived and worked in a "Federal Area." A year later,
the Buck Act was passed, which gave the U.S. Government the power to
create a "Federal Area" so they could levy the Public Salary Tax. Since
it was unconstitutional to tax anyone outside of the jurisdiction of the
District, this Act, in Section 110(d) and (e), made the land within the
territorial boundaries of a State, a "Federal Area." This, in effect,
created a paper state, known as a Federal Area, for the purposes of the
U.S. Government; and those people who were a sovereign state citizen,
now found themselves also living in this Federal Area. Now the U.S.
Government had to make that citizen one of their subjects by bringing
them under the jurisdiction of the District.

This was accomplished by deceiving the citizen into entering an
adhesion contract with the U.S. Government, such as a Social Security
application, an Income Tax form, a Driver's License application, a Bank
Account application, and other similar things. Contrary to what most
people believe, it is not mandatory to apply for a Social Security
number; however, in order for a sovereign state citizen to be eligible
for Social Security benefits, they have to waive the rights given to
them under our Republic.

Probably, the most incredible example of the adhesion contract, is the
Income Tax system. In 1884, it was accepted that the "property which
every man has is his own labor (and) as it is the original foundation of
all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable." Therefore,
since "wages" are received as compensation for labor, it can not be
legally taxed. "Income," however, is the process of profiting from a
business (someone else's labor) or investments, and is taxable, as in a
Corporation, which is an artificial entity which is given the right to
exist by the State. The Constitution only allows the Congress to collect
taxes, and that is limited to a uniform excise tax on gasoline, alcohol,
tobacco, telephone bills, firearms, and tires, things revolving in one
way or another around interstate commerce. The payment of these taxes
are voluntary, because they are based on consumption. These funds go
directly to the U.S. Treasury to pay the expenses of the country.

Because we live in a Republic, the Internal Revenue Service Code, Title
26 USC, could not be passed into law by the Congress, and instead, was
passed only as a Resolution, which is a formal expression of intent that
was to pertain only to citizens of the District. So, how do they make
you a citizen of the District? In the upper left-hand corner of the 1040
Federal Income Tax form is a place to put your preprinted address label,
which is designated with the words "label here." However, to the left of
that is the word "label," which seemingly identifies the entire section
as a whole. However, the word "label" actually has another legal meaning
that has nothing to do with your name and address. According to _Black's
Law Dictionary_, "label" is defined as: "A slip of ribbon, parchment, or
paper, attached as a codicil to a deed or other writing to hold the
appended seal." Since your "seal" is your signature, the "label" is
actually a codicil which indicates you are waiving your constitutional
right as a sovereign state citizen to become a citizen of the District
and its Federal Area.

Although the Internal Revenue Service is considered to be a Bureau of
the Department of Treasury, like the Federal Reserve, they are not part
of the Federal Government, and in fact were incorporated in Delaware in
1933. It is pointed out that all official Federal Government mail is
sent postage-free because of the franking privilege, however, the IRS
has to pay their own postage, which indicates that they are not a
government entity. They are in fact a collection agency for the Federal
Reserve, because they do not collect any taxes for the U.S. Treasury.
All funds collected are turned over to the Federal Reserve. If you have
ever sent a check to the IRS, you will find that it was endorsed over to
the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, in turn, deposits the money
with the International Monetary Fund of the United Nations, where it is
filtered down to the International Development Association (see Treasury
Delegation Order No. 91), which is part of the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, commonly known as the World Bank.
Therefore, it is now clear, that the American people are unknowingly
contributing to the financing of a World Government in-the-making.

The income tax was intended to rob the earnings of the low and middle
class; or as the saying goes, "the more you make, the more they take."
However, the tax didn't touch the huge fortunes of Illuminati members.
The tax was an indication that the U. S. was heading for a planned war,
because they couldn't go into a war without money. Since the tax
provided less than 5% of total Federal revenues, increases were later
made to accommodate World War I, FDR's New Deal, and World War II. In
July, 1943,/ /workers in this country were subject to a payroll
withholding tax in the form of a "victory tax" that was touted as a
temporary tax to boost the economy because of the War, and would later
be discontinued. However, the deduction remained because it forced

Under the guise of philanthropy, the Illuminati avoided taxation by
transferring their wealth to tax-free foundations.

Foundations are either state or federally chartered. The first, was
chartered by Benjamin Franklin in 1790, in Philadelphia and Boston, from
a $4,444.49 fund, to make loans "to young married artificers (artisans)
of good character." In 1800, the Magdalen Society was established in
Philadelphia, "to ameliorate that distressed condition of those unhappy
females who have been seduced from the paths of virtue, and are desirous
of returning to a life of rectitude." In 1846, the Smithsonian
Institution was established by the bequest of English scientist James
Smithson "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." The
Peabody Education Fund was initiated in 1867 by banker George Peabody,
to promote education in the South.

Before 1900, there were only 18 foundations; from 1910-19, there were
76; during the 1920's, 173; the 1930's, 288; the 1940's, 1,638; and
during the 1950's, there were 2,839 foundations.

United Press International (UPI) reported on July 19, 1969, that the
top 596 foundations had an income that was twice the net earnings of the
country's 50 largest commercial banking institutions.

According to Rep. Wright Patman, in a report to the 87th Congress, it
is because of the existence of foundations, that "only one-third of the
income of the nation is actually taxed."

Some of the important foundations are: Ford Foundation (Ford Motor
Co.), Rockefeller Foundation ( Standard Oil), Duke Endowment (Duke
family fortune), John A. Hartford Foundation (Great Atlantic and Pacific
Tea), W. K. Kellogg Foundation (the Kellogg Cereals), Carnegie Corp.
(Carnegie Steel), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (General Motors), Moody
Foundation (W. L. Moody's oil, realty, newspapers, and bank holdings),
Lilly Endowment (Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals), Pew Memorial Trust (Sun Oil
Co. or Sunoco), and the Danforth Foundation (Purina Cereals), which all
have assets of well over $100 million.

The first Congressional Committee to investigate the tax-free
foundations, was the Cox Committee in 1952, led by Rep. Eugene E. Cox, a
Democrat from Georgia. Its purpose was to find out which "foundations
and organizations are using their resources for purposes other than the
purposes for which they were established, and especially to determine
which such foundations and organizations are using their resources for
un-American and subversive activities or for purposes not in the
interest of tradition of the United States."

Cox discovered that officers and trustees of some foundations were
Communists, and that these foundations had given grants to Communists or
Communist-controlled organizations. A former Communist official, Maurice
Malkin, testified that in 1919 they were trying "to penetrate these
organizations (foundations), if necessary take control of them and their
treasuries...that they should be able to finance the Communist Party
propaganda in the United States." During the investigation, Cox died,
and the facts were glossed over in a cover-up. Another member of the
Committee,/ /Rep. Carroll Reece of Tennessee, the former Chairman of the
Republican National Committee, forced another investigation in 1953, to
see if foundations were being used "for political purposes, propaganda,
or attempts to influence legislation." The _Washington Post _called the
investigation "unnecessary," and that it was "stupidly wasteful of
public funds." Reece even referred to a "conspiracy." The Eisenhower
Administration was clearly against the probe. Three of the four who were
selected for the Committee, with Reece, were House members who had voted
against the investigation. Rep. Wayne Hays of Ohio, worked from the
inside to stall the investigation. During one 3-hour session, he
interrupted the same witness 246 times. He prohibited evidence
discovered by two of its investigators from being used. Rene A. Wormser,
legal counsel to the Committee, revealed why, in his 1958 book
_Foundations: Their Power and Influence_: "Mr. Hays told us one day that
'the White House' had been in touch with him and asked him if he would
cooperate to kill the Committee." Wormser also revealed that the
Committee had discovered that these foundations were using their wealth
to attack the basic structure of our Constitution and Judeo-Christian
ethics; and that the influence of major foundations had "reached far
into government, into the policy-making circles of Congress and into the
State Department."

Reece's Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations
discovered that many foundations were financing civil rights groups,
liberal political groups, political extremist groups, and supporting
revolutionary activities throughout the world. The Committee reported:
"Substantial evidence indicates there is more than a mere close working
together among some foundations operating in the international field.
There is here, as in the general realm of social sciences, a close
interlock. The Carnegie Corporation, the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, the Rockefeller Foundation and, recently, the Ford
Foundation, joined by some others, have commonly cross-financed, to a
tune of many millions... organizations concerned with internationalists,
among them, the Institute of Pacific Relations, the Foreign Policy
Association (which was "virtually a creature of the Carnegie
Endowment"), the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs and others...and that it happened by sheer
coincidence stretches credulity."

On August 19, 1954, Reece summed up his investigation: "It has been
said that the foundations are a power second only to that of the Federal
Government itself... Perhaps the Congress should now admit that the
foundations have become more powerful, in some areas, at least, than the
legislative branch of the Government." The investigation ended in 1955,
when funding was withheld.

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"The Masonic order is not a mere social organization,
but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together
to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult

--- Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry