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Lunatic Loud Splitter

[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

The end of the Civil War in 1865, ruined the Illuminati's chances to
control our monetary system, as they did in most European countries. So,
the Rothschilds modified their plan for financial takeover. Instead of
tearing down from the top, they were going to start at the bottom to
disrupt the foundation of our monetary system. The instrument of this
destruction was a young immigrant by the name of Jacob Schiff.

The Schiff family traced their lineage back to the fourteenth century,
and even claimed that King Solomon was an ancestor. Jacob Schiff was
born in 1847, in Frankfurt, Germany. His father, Moses Schiff, a rabbi,
was a successful stockbroker on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In 1865,
he came to America, and in 1867, formed his own brokerage firm with
Henry Budge and Leo Lehmann. After it failed, he went back to Germany,
and became manager of the Deutsche Bank in Hamburg, where he met Moritz
Warburg (1838-1910), and Abraham Kuhn, who had retired after helping to
establish the firm of Kuhn & Loeb in New York.

Kuhn and Loeb were German Jews who had come to the United States in the
late 1840's, and pooled their resources during the 1850's to start a
store in Lafayette, Indiana, to serve settlers who were on their way to
the West. They set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Later,
they added pawnbroking and money lending to their business pursuits. In
1867, they established themselves as a well-known banking firm.

In 1873, at the age of 26, Jacob Schiff, with the financial backing of
the Rothschilds, bought into the Kuhn and Loeb partnership in New York
City. He became a full partner in 1875. He became a millionaire by
financing railroads, developing a proficiency at railroad management
that enabled him to enter into a partnership with Edward Henry Harriman
to create the greatest single railroad fortune in the world. He married
Solomon Loeb's oldest daughter, Theresa, and eventually bought out
Kuhn's interest. For all intents and purposes, he was the sole owner of
what was now known as Kuhn, Loeb and Company. Sen. Robert L. Owen of
Oklahoma indicated that Kuhn, Loeb and Company was a representative of
the Rothschilds in the United States.

Although John Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), the top American Rothschild
representative, was the head of the American financial world, Schiff was
rapidly becoming a major influence by distributing desirable European
stock and bond issues during the Industrial Revolution. Besides Edward
H. Harriman's railroad empire, he financed Standard Oil for John D.
Rockefeller (1839-1937), and Andrew Carnegie's (1835-1919) steel empire.
By the turn of the century, Schiff was firmly entrenched in the banking
community, and ready to fulfill his role as the point man in the
Illuminati's plan to control our economic system, weaken Christianity,
create racial tension, and to recruit members to get them elected to
Congress and appointed to various government agencies.

In 1636, Miles, John, and James Morgan landed in Massachusetts, leaving
their father, William, to carry on the family business of harness-making
in England. Joseph Morgan (J. P. Morgan's grandfather), successful in
real estate and business, supported the Bank of the United States.
Junius Spencer Morgan (J. P. Morgan's father), was a partner in the
Boston banking firm of J. M. Beebe, Morgan, and Co.; and became a
partner in London's George Peabody and Co., taking it over when Peabody
died, becoming J. S. Morgan and Co.

John Pierpont Morgan, or as he was better known, J. P. Morgan, was born
on April 17, 1837. He became his father's representative in New York in
1860. In 1862, he had his own firm, known as J. Pierpont Morgan and Co.
In 1863, he liquidated, and became a partner with Charles H. Dabney (who
represented George Peabody and Co.), and established a firm known as
Dabney, Morgan and Co. He later teamed up with Anthony J. Drexel (son of
the founder of the most influential banking house in Philadelphia), in a
firm known as Drexel, Morgan and Co. Morgan also became a partner in
Drexel and Co. in Philadelphia. In 1869, Morgan and Drexel met with the
Rothschilds in London, and through the Northern Securities Corporation,
began consolidating the Rothschild's power and influence in the United
States. Morgan continued the partnership that began when his father
acted as a joint agent for the Rothschilds and the U. S. government.

During the Civil War, J. P. Morgan had sold the Union Army defective
carbine rifles, and it was this government money that helped build his
Guaranty Trust Co. of New York. In 1880, he began financing and
reorganizing the railroads. After his father died in 1890, and Drexel
died in 1893, the Temporary National Economic Committee revealed that J.
P. Morgan held only a 9.1% interest in his own firm. George Whitney
owned 1.9%, and H. B. Davison held 1.2%, however, the Charles W. Steele
Estate held 36.6%, and Thomas W. Lamont (whose son, Corliss Lament, was
an active communist) had 34.2%. Researchers believe that the Illuminati
controlled the company through these shares.

In 1901, Morgan bought out Andrew Carnegie's vast steel operation for
$500,000,000 to merge the largest steel companies into one big company
known as the United States Steel Corporation (in which, for a time, the
Rockefellers were major stockholders).

A speech by Senator Norris which was printed in the _Congressional
Record_ of November 30, 1941, said: "J. P. Morgan, with the assistance
and cooperation of a few of the interlocking corporations which reach
all over the United States in their influence, controls every railroad
in the United States. They control practically every public utility,
they control literally thousands of corporations, they control all of
the large insurance companies. Mr. President, we are gradually reaching
a time, if we have not already reached that point, when the business of
the country is controlled by men who can be named on the fingers of one
hand, because those men control the money of the Nation, and that
control is growing at a rapid rate."

The House of Morgan grew larger in 1959, when the Guaranty Trust Co. of
New York merged with the J. P. Morgan and Co., to form the Morgan
Guaranty Trust Co. They had four branch offices, and foreign offices in
London, Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt, Rome, and Tokyo. The firm of Morgan,
Stanley, and Co. was also under their control.

Paul Moritz Warburg (1868-1932), and his brother Felix (1871-1937),
came to the United States from Frankfurt in 1902, buying into the
partnership of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. with the financial backing of the
Rothschilds. They had been trained at the family banking house, M. M.
Warburg and Co. (run by their father Moritz M. Warburg, 1838-1910), a
Rothschild-allied bank in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Amsterdam, which had
been founded in 1798 by their great-grandfather. Paul (said to be worth
over $2.5 million when he died), married Nina Loeb, the daughter of
Solomon Loeb (the younger sister of Schiff's wife); while Felix, in
March, 1895, married Frieda Schiff, the daughter of Jacob Schiff.

Their brother Max (1867-1946), a major financier of the Russian
Revolution (who in his capacity as Chief of Intelligence in Germany's
Secret Service, helped Lenin cross Germany into Russia in a sealed
train) and later Hitler, ran the Hamburg bank until 1938, when the Nazis
took over. The Nazis, who didn't want the Jews running the banks,
changed its name to Brinckmann, Wirtz and Co. After World War II, a
cousin, Eric Warburg, returned to head it, and in 1970, its name was
changed to M. M. Warburg, Brinckmann, Wirtz and Co.

Siegmund Warburg, Eric's brother, established the banking firm of S. G.
Warburg and Co. in London, and by 1956, had taken over the Seligman
Brothers' Bank.

The Warburgs are another good example of how the Illuminati controls
both sides of a war. While Paul Warburg's firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.
(who had five representatives in the U. S. Treasury Department) was in
charge of Liberty Loans, which helped finance World War I for the United
States, his brother Max financed Germany, through M. M. Warburg and Co.

Paul and Felix Warburg were men with a mission, sent here by the
Rothschilds to lobby for the passing of a central banking law in
Congress. Colonel Ely Garrison (the financial advisor to Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson) wrote in his book _Roosevelt,
Wilson and the Federal Reserve Act_: "Mr. Paul Warburg is the man who
got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such
nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was
Alfred Rothschild of London." Professor E. R. A. Seligman, head of the
Economics Department of Columbia University, wrote in the preface of one
of Warburg's essays on central banking: "The Federal Reserve Act is the
work of Mr. (Paul) Warburg more than any other man in the country."

In 1903, Paul Warburg gave Schiff a memo describing the application of
the European central banking system to America's monetary system.
Schiff, in turn, gave it to James Stillman, President of the National
City Bank in New York City. Warburg had graduated from the University of
Hamburg in 1886, and studied English central banking methods, while
working in a London brokerage house. In 1891, he studied French banking
methods; and from 1892-93, traveled the world to study central banking
applications. The bottom line, was that he was the foremost authority in
the world on central banking. It is interesting to note, that the fifth
plank in the 1848 Communist Manifesto had to do with central banking.

In 1906, Frank A. Vanderlip, of the National City Bank, convinced many
of New York's banking establishment, that they needed a
banker-controlled central bank, that could serve the nation's financial
system. Up to that time, the House of Morgan had filled that role. Some
of the people involved with Morgan were: Walter Burns, Clinton Dawkins,
Edward Grenfell, Willard Straight, Thomas Lament, Dwight Morrow, Nelson
Perkins, Russell Leffingwell, Elihu Root, John W. Davis, John Foster
Dulles, S. Parker Gilbert, and Paul D. Cravath. The financial panics of
1873, 1884, 1893, 1907, and later 1920, were initiated by Morgan with
the intent of pushing for a much stronger banking system.

On January 6, 1907, the _New York Times_ published an article by
Warburg, called "Defects and Needs of Our Banking System," after which
he became the leading exponent of monetary reform. That same year, Jacob
Schiff told the New York Chamber of Commerce, that "unless we have a
Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is
going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in
history." When Morgan initiated the economic panic in 1907, by
circulating rumors that the Knickerbocker Bank and Trust Co. of America
was going broke, there was a run on the banks, creating a financial
crisis, which began to solidify support for a central banking system.
During this panic, Warburg wrote an essay called "A Plan for a Modified
Central Bank" which called for a Central Bank, in which 50% would be
owned by the government, and 50% by the nation's banks. In a speech at
Columbia University, he quoted Abraham Lincoln, who said in an 1860
Presidential campaign speech: "I believe in a United States Bank."

In 1908, Schiff laid out the final plans to seize the American monetary
system. Colonel (an honorary title) Edward Mandell House (1858-1938),
the son of British financier Thomas W. House, a Rothschild agent who
made his fortune by supplying the south with supplies from France and
England during the Civil War, was Schiff's chief representative and
courier; and Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), whose stock market speculating
made him a multi-millionaire by the early 1900's, and whose foreign and
domestic policy expertise led Presidents from Wilson to Kennedy to seek
his advice; were the two who were relied on heavily by Schiff to carry
out his plans. Herbert Lehman was also a close aide to Schiff.

President Woodrow Wilson wrote about House (published in _The Intimate
Papers of Col.House_): "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my
independent self. His thoughts and mine are one. If I were in his place,
I would do just as he suggested...If anyone thinks he is reflecting my
opinion, by whatever action he takes, they are welcome to the
conclusion." George Sylvester Viereck wrote in _The Strangest Friendship
in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House_: "When the Federal Reserve
legislation at last assumed definite shape, House was the intermediary
between the White House and the financiers." Schiff, who was known as
the "unseen guardian angel" of the Federal Reserve Act, said that the U.
S. Constitution was the product of 18th century minds, was outdated, and
should be "scrapped and rewritten."

In 1908, Sen. Nelson W. Aldrich (father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller,
Jr. and grandfather of Nelson and David Rockefeller) proposed a bill, in
which banks, in an emergency situation, would issue currency backed by
federal, state, and local government bonds, and railroad bonds, which
would be equal to 75% of the cash value of the bonds. It was harshly
criticized because it didn't provide a monetary system that would
respond to the seasonal demand, and fluctuate with the volume of trade.
Aldrich was the most powerful man in Congress, and the Illuminati's head
man in the Senate. A member of Congress for 40/ /years, 36 of them in
the Senate, he was Chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee.

In the House of Representatives, Rep. E. B. Vreeland of New York,
proposed the Vreeland Bill. After making some compromises with Aldrich,
and Speaker of the House Joseph Cannon, at a meeting in a hotel room at
the Arlington House, his bill became known as the Vreeland Substitute.
It called for the acceptance of asset currency, but only in cases of
emergency, and the currency would be based on commercial paper rather
than bonds. It passed in the House, 184 -145; but when it got to the
Senate, Aldrich moved against it, and pushed for further compromises.
The Aldrich-Vreeland Bill, called the Emergency Currency Act, was passed
on May 30, 1908, and led to the creation of the National Monetary
Commission, which was made up of members of Congress. Now, any monetary
legislation sent to Congress, would have to go through this group first.

The Bill approved by the National Monetary Commission was known as the
Aldrich Bill, and formed the legislative base for the Federal Reserve
Act. It was introduced as an amendment to the Republican sponsored
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill, in order to have Republican support. It was
based on Warburg's plan, except it would only have 15 districts; half of
the directors on the district level would be chosen by the banks, a
third by the stockholders, and a sixth by the other directors. On the
National Board: two chosen by each district; nine chosen by the
stockholders; and seven ex-officio members to be the Governor, Chairman
of the Board, two Deputy Governors, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary
of Commerce and Labor, Secretary of Agriculture, and Comptroller of the
Currency. Most people were against the Bill, because it finally
identified the banking institution as a central bank, and the Democratic
Party opposed it in the 1912 Party platform.

Aldrich was appointed as head of the National Monetary Commission, and
from 1908 -10, at a cost of $300,000, this 16-man committee traveled
around Europe to study the central banking system.

In 1910, Warburg gave a speech entitled, "A United Reserve Bank of the
United States," which called for a United Reserve Bank to be located in
Washington, D.C., having the capital of $100 million. The country would
be divided into 20 districts, and the system would be controlled by a
Board of Directors, which would be chosen by the banking associations,
the stockholders, and the government. Warburg said that the U. S.
monetary system wasn't flexible, and it was unable to compensate for the
rise and fall of business demand. As an example, he said, that when
wheat was harvested, and merchants didn't have the cash on hand to buy
and store a large supply of grain, the farmers would sell the grain for
whatever they could get. This would cause the price of wheat to greatly
fluctuate, forcing the farmer to take a loss. Warburg called for the
development of commercial paper (paper money) to circulate as currency,
which would be issued in standard denominations of uniform sizes. They
would be declared by law to be legal tender for the payment of debts and

President Theodore Roosevelt said, concerning the criticism of finding
capable men to head the formation of a central bank: "Why not give Mr.
(Paul) Warburg the job? He would be the financial boss, and I would be
the political boss, and we could run the country together."

After a conference was held at Columbia University on November 12,
1910, the National Monetary Commission published their plan in the
December, 1910 issue of their _Journal of Political Economy_ in an
article called "Bank Notes and Lending Power."

On November 22, 1910, Aldrich called a meeting of the banking
establishment and members of the National Monetary Commission, which was
proposed by Henry P. Davison (a partner of J. P. Morgan). Aldrich said
that he intended to keep them isolated until they had developed a
"scientific currency for the United States."

All those summoned to the secret meeting, were members of the
Illuminati. They met on a railroad platform in Hoboken, New Jersey,
where they chartered a private railroad car owned by Aldrich to Georgia.
They were taken by boat, to Jekyll Island, off the coast of Brunswick,
Georgia. Jekyll Island is in a group of ten islands, including St.
Simons, Tybee, Cumberland, Wassau, Wolf, Blackbeard, Sapelo, Ossabow,
and Sea Islands. Jekyll Island was a "hideaway resort of the rich,"
purchased in 1888 by J. P. Morgan, Cyrus McCormick, William Rockefeller
(John D. Rockefeller's brother), William K. Vanderbilt, and George F.
Baker (who founded Harvard Business School with a gift of $5 million)
for $125,000 from Eugene du Bignon, whose family owned it for a century.
Up until the time it was converted into a public resort, no uninvited
foot ever stepped on its shores. It was said, that when all 100 members
of the Jekyll Island Hunting Club sat down for dinner at the clubhouse,
it represented a sixth of the world's wealth. St. Simons Island, a short
distance away, to the north, was also owned by Illuminati interests.

Those attending the meeting at the private hunting lodge, were said to
be on a duck-hunting expedition. They were sworn to secrecy, even
addressing each other by code names or just by their first names.
Details are very sketchy, concerning who attended the meeting, but most
scenarios agree that the following people were present: Sen. Aldrich,
Frank A. Vanderlip (Vice-President of the Rockefeller owned National
City Bank), Henry P. Davison (of the J. P. Morgan and Co.), Abram Piatt
Andrew (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, an Assistant Professor at
Harvard, and Special Assistant to the National Monetary Commission
during their European tour), Paul Moritz Warburg (of Kuhn, Loeb and
Co.), Benjamin Strong (Vice- President of Morgan's Bankers Trust Co.),
Eugene Meyer (a former partner of Bernard Baruch, and the son of a
partner in the Rothschild-owned Lazard Freres, who was the head of the
War Finances Corporation, and later gained control of the _Washington
Post_), J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Col. House, Jacob Schiff,
Herbert Lehman (of Lehman Brothers), Bernard Baruch (appointed by
President Wilson to be the Chairman of the War Industries Board, which
gave him control of all domestic contacts for Allied war materials,
which enabled him to make $200 million for himself while working for the
government), Joseph Seligman (a leading Jewish financier, who founded J.
& W. Seligman and Co., who had helped to float bonds during the Civil
War, and were known as "World Bankers", then later declined President
Grant's offer to serve as the Secretary of Treasury), and Charles D.
Norton (President of the First Natonal Bank of New York).

About ten days later, they emerged with the groundwork for a central
banking system, in the form of, not one, but two versions, to confuse
the opposition. The final draft was written by Frank Vanderlip, from
Warburg's notes, and was incorporated into Aldrich's Bill, in the form
of a completed Monetary Commission report, which Aldrich railroaded
through Congress by avoiding the term "central bank." No information was
available on this meeting until 1933, when the book The _Federal Reserve
Act: It's Origins and Problems_, by James L. Laughlin, appeared; and
other information, which was supplied by B. C. Forbes, the editor of
_Forbes Magazine._ In 1935, Frank Vanderlip wrote in the _Saturday
Evening Post_: "I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our
secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual
conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System."

The banker-initiated mini-depressions, the last of which had occurred
in 1907, helped get Congressional support for the Bill, and on May 11,
1911, the National Citizens League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking
System, an Illuminati front-organization, publicly announced their
support for Aldrich's Bill. However, the Aldrich Bill was destined for
failure, because he was so closely identified with J. P. Morgan. So, the
Illuminati went to Plan B, which was the second version hammered out at
the Jekyll Island summit. The National Citizens League publicly withdrew
their support of the Aldrich Bill, and the move was on to disguise it,
so that it could get through Congress.

Once the new version was ready, they were a little apprehensive about
introducing it in Congress, because even if it would be passed by
Congress, President Taft would veto it, so they had to wait until they
could get their own man elected. That man was Woodrow Wilson.

The Democrats, with the exception of Grover Cleveland's election, had
been out of power since 1869. Being a "hungry" Party, the Illuminati
found them easier to infiltrate. During the late 1800's, they began the
process of changing the Democrats from conservative to liberal, and the
Republicans, from liberal to conservative.

Wilson graduated from Princeton University in 1879, studied law at the
University of Virginia, and received his doctorate degree from Johns
Hopkins in 1886. He taught Political Science and History at Bryn Mawr
and Wesleyan, and in 1902, became President of Princeton. Because of his
support of Aldrich's Bill, when it was first announced, he was supported
by the Illuminati in his successful bid as Governor of New Jersey in
1910. The deal was made through Vanderlip agents, William Rockefeller
and James Stillman, at Vanderlip's West Chester estate. The liaison
between the Illuminati and Wilson, would be his prospective son-in-law,
William G. McAdoo.

Rabbi Stephen Wise, a leading Jewish activist, told an audience at the
Y.M.C.A. in Trenton, New Jersey: "On Tuesday the President of Princeton
University will be elected Governor of your state. He will not complete
his term of office as Governor. In November, 1912, he will be elected
President of the United States. In March, 1917, he will be inaugurated
for the second time as President. He will be one of the greatest
Presidents in American history." Wise, who made this prophetic statement
in 1910, later became a close advisor to Wilson. He had good reason to
believe what he said, because the deal had already been struck. Wilson
wasn't viewed as being pro-banking, and the Democratic Party Platform
opposed a Central Bank, which was now linked to the Republicans and the

The main problem of the Democrats, was the Republican voting edge, and
the lack of money. After the Illuminati made the decision to support
Wilson, money was no problem. Records showed that the biggest
contributors to Wilson's campaign were Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch,
Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Thomas Fortune Ryan (mining magnate), Sammuel
Untermyer, Cleveland H. Dodge (of the National City Bank), Col. George
B. M. Harvey (an associate of J. P. Morgan, and editor of the
Morgan-controlled _Harper's Weekly_, and President of the Harper and
Brothers publishing firm), William Laffan (editor of the _New York
Sun)_, Adolph Ochs (publisher of the _New York Times_), and the
financiers that owned the _New York Times_, Charles R. Flint, Gen. Sam
Thomas, J. P. Morgan, and August Belmont. All of these men were
Illuminati members.

The problem of the voter registration edge was a bit more difficult,
but that was a project that the Illuminati was working on. The Russian
pogroms of 1881 and 1882, in which thousands of Russians were killed;
and religious persecution and anti-semitism in Poland, Romania, and
Bulgaria in the early 1890's, began three decades of immigration into
the United States by thousands of Jews. By the turn of the century, a
half-million Jews had arrived to the port cities of New York, Baltimore,
and Boston. It was the Democrats who initiated a program to get them
registered to vote. Humanitarian committees were set up by Schiff and
the Rothschilds, such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, and the
B'nai B'rith, so when the Jews arrived, they were made naturalized
citizens, registered Democrat, then shuffled off to other large cities,
such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los Angeles, where they were
given financial help to find a place to live, food, and clothing. This
is how the Jews became a solid Democratic voting bloc, and it was these
votes that would be needed to elect Wilson to the Presidency.

In 1912, with President William Howard Taft running for re-election
against Wilson, the Illuminati needed some insurance. They got it by
urging another Republican, former President, Theodore Roosevelt
(1901-09) to run on the Progressive ticket. Taft had served as
Roosevelt's Secretary of War (1905-09),/ /and was chosen by Roosevelt to
succeed him as President. Now, Roosevelt was running again. Advocating
the 'New Nationalism,' Roosevelt said: "My hat is in the ring...the
fight is on and I am stripped to the buff." Identified as
'anti-business' because of his stand against corporations and trusts,
his proposals for reorganizing the government were attacked by the
Illuminati-controlled _New York Times_ as "super- socialism." His 'Bull
Moose' Platform said: "We are opposed to the so-called Aldrich Currency
Bill because its provisions would place our currency and credit system
in private hands, not subject to effective public control." Frank Munsey
and George Perkins, of the J. P. Morgan and Co. organized, ran, and
financed Roosevelt's campaign. A recent example of the same plan that
pulled votes away from Taft, in order to get Wilson elected, occurred in
the 1992 Presidential election. In a 1994 interview, Barbara Bush told
ABC-TV news correspondent Barbara Walters, that the third-party
candidacy of independent H. Ross Perot was the reason that Bill Clinton
was able to defeat President George Bush.

The Illuminati was able to get the support of perennial Democratic
Presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, by letting him write the
plank of the Party Platform which opposed the Aldrich Bill. Remember,
the second version of the Bill prepared at Jekyll Island was to be an
alternative, so public attention was turned against the Aldrich Bill.
Wilson, an aristocrat, having socialistic views, was in favor of an
independent reserve system, because he didn't trust the "common men"
which made up Congress, however, publicly, he promised to "free the poor
people of America from control by the rich," and to have a money system
that wouldn't be under the control of Wall Street's International
Bankers. In fact, in the summer of 1912, when he accepted the nomination
as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, he said: "A
concentration of the control of credit...may at any time become
infinitely dangerous to free enterprise." According to the Federal
Reserve's historical narrative, the shift in Wilson's point of view was
"a combination of political realities and his own lack of knowledge
about banking and finance (and) after his election to the Presidency,
Wilson relied on others for more expert advice on the currency question."

Because of the voting split in the Republican Party, not only was
Woodrow Wilson able to win the Presidency, but the Democrats gained
control of both houses in Congress.

DEMOCRAT (Wilson) 435 electoral votes 6,286,214 popular votes

PROGRESSIVE (Roosevelt) 88 electoral votes 4,126,020 popular votes

REPUBLICAN (Taft) 8 electoral votes 3,483,922 popular votes

Rep. Carter Glass of Virginia, Chairman of the Banking and Currency
Committee, met with Wilson after his election, along with H. Parker
Willis (who was Dean of Political Science at George Washington
University) of the National Citizens League, to prepare a Bill, known as
the Glass Bill, which began taking form in January, 1913. Now Plan B was
set into motion. Remember, the National Citizens League, headquartered
in Chicago, had already announced their opposition to the Aldrich Bill,
now the Wall Street banking interests had come out against the Glass
Bill, which was actually the Aldrich Bill in disguise.

The Wall Street crowd was generally referred to as the "money trust."
However, a 1912 Wall Street Journal editorial said that the term "money
trust" was just a reference to J. P. Morgan. The suspicion of the "money
trust" peaked in 1912, during an investigation by a House banking
subcommittee which revealed that twelve banks in New York, Boston, and
Chicago, had 746 interlocking directorships in 134 corporations. Rep.
Robert L. Henry of Texas said that for the past five years, the nation's
financial resources had been "concentrated in the city of New York
(where they) now dominate more than 75 percent of the moneyed interests
of America..." George McC. Reynolds, the President of the Continental
Bank of Chicago, testified: "The money power now lies in the hands of a
dozen men..." The threat from this powerful private banking system was
to be ended with the establishment of a central bank.

To avoid the mention of central banking, Wilson himself suggested that
the regional banks be called "Federal Reserve Banks," and proposed a
special session of the 63rd Congress to be convened to vote on the
Federal Reserve Act. On June 23, 1913, he addressed the Congress on the
subject of the Federal Reserve, threatening to keep them in session
until they passed it. Wilson got Bryan's support by making him Secretary
of State, and in October, 1913, Bryan said he would assist the President
in "securing the passage of the Bill at the earliest possible moment."

The Glass Bill (HR7837) was introduced in the House of Representatives
on June 26, 1913. The revision mentioned nothing about central banking,
which was what the people feared. It was believed that Willis had
written the Bill, but it was later discovered that Professor James L.
Laughlin, at the Political Science Department of Columbia University,
had written it, taking special precaution not to clash with the Bryan
plank of the Democratic Party Platform. It was referred to the Banking
and Currency Committee, reported back to the House on September 9th, and
passed on September 18th.

Sen. Robert Latham Owen of Oklahoma, Chairman of the Senate Banking and
Finance Committee, along with five of his colleagues, drafted a Bill
which was more open-minded to the suggestions of the bankers. A Bill
drafted by Sen. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, a Democrat from Nebraska, called
for the elimination of the "lawful money" provision, and stipulated that
note redemption must be made in gold. It also provided for public
ownership of the regional reserve banks, which would be controlled by
the government.

In the Senate, the Glass Bill was referred to the Senate Banking
Committee, and reported back to the Senate on November 22, 1913. The
Bill was now known as the Glass-Owen Bill. Sen. Owen, who opposed the
Aldrich Bill, made some additional revisions, in an attempt to keep them
from completely dominating our monetary system. Sen. Elihu Root of New
York criticized some of these revisions, and some points were modified.
It was passed by the Senate on December 19th.

Since different versions had been passed by both Houses, a Conference
Committee was established, which was stacked with six Democrats and only
two Republicans, to insure that certain portions of the original Bill
would remain intact. It was hastily prepared without any public
hearings, and on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas, when many
Congressmen, and three particular Senators, were away from Washington;
the Bill was sent to the House of Representatives, where it passed
298-60, and then sent to the Senate, where it passed with a vote of
43-25 (with 27 absent or abstaining). An hour after the Senate vote,
Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, and the Illuminati had
taken control of the American economy. The gold and silver in the
nation's vaults were now owned by the Federal Reserve. Baron Alfred
Charles Rothschild (1842-1918), who masterminded the entire scheme, then
made plans to further weaken our country's financial structure.

Although Wilson, and Rep. Carter Glass were given the credit for
getting the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, William Jennings Bryan
played a major role in gaining support to pass it. Bryan later wrote:
"That is the one thing in my public career that I regret- my work to
secure the enactment of the Federal Reserve Law." Rep. Glass would later
write: "I had never thought the Federal Bank System would prove such a
failure. The country is in a state of irretrievable bankruptcy."

Eustace Mullins, in his book _The Federal Reserve Conspiracy,_ wrote:
"The money and credit resources of the United States were now in
complete control of the banker's alliance between J. P. Morgan's First
National Bank, and Kuhn & Loeb's National City Bank, whose principal
loyalties were to the international banking interests, then quartered in
London, and which moved to New York during the First World War."

The Reserve Bank Organization Committee, controlled by Secretary of the
Treasury, William Gibbs McAdoo, and Secretary of Agriculture David F.
Houston (who along with Glass, later became Treasury Secretaries under
Wilson), was given $100,000 to find locations for the regional Reserve
Banks. With over 200 cities requesting this status, hearings were held
in 18 cities, as they traveled the country in a special railroad car.

On October 25, 1914, the formal establishment of the Federal Reserve
System was announced, and it began operating in 1915.

Col. House, who Wilson called his "alter ego," because he was his
closest friend and most trusted advisor, anonymously wrote a novel in
1912 called _Philip Dru: Administrator_, which revealed the manner in
which Wilson was controlled. House, who lobbied for the implementation
of central banking, would now turn his attention towards a graduated
income tax. Incidentally, a central bank providing inflatable currency,
and a graduated income tax, were two of the ten points in the _Communist
Manifesto_ for socializing a country.

House hand-picked the first Federal Reserve Board, naming Benjamin
Strong as its Chairman. In 1914, Paul M. Warburg quit his $500,000 a
year job at Kuhn, Loeb and Co. to be on the Board, later resigning in
1918, during World War I, because of his German connections.

The Banking Act of 1935 amended the Federal Reserve Act, changing its
name to the Federal Reserve System, and reorganizing it, in respect to
the number of directors and length of term.

Headed by a seven member Board of Governors, appointed by the
President, and confirmed by the Senate for a 14 year term, the Board
acts as an overseer to the nation's money supply and banking system,

The Board of Governors, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank in
New York, and four other Reserve Bank Presidents, who serve on a
rotating basis, make up the Federal Open Market Committee. This group
decides whether or not to buy and sell government securities on the open
market. The Government buys and sells government securities, mostly
through 21 Wall Street bond dealers, to create reserves to make the
money needed to run the government. The Committee also determines the
supply of money available to the nation's banks and consumers.

There are twelve Federal Reserve Banks, in twelve districts: Boston
(MA), Cleveland (OH), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PA), Richmond (VA),
Atlanta (GA), Chicago (IL) , St. Louis (MO), Minneapolis (MN), Kansas
City (KS), San Francisco (CA), and Dallas (TX). The twelve regional
banks were set up so that the people wouldn't think that the Federal
Reserve was controlled from New York. Each of the Banks have nine men on
the Board of Directors; six are elected by member Banks, and three are
appointed by the Board of Governors.

They have 25 branch Banks, and many member Banks. All Federal Banks are
members, and four out of every ten commercial banks are members. In
whole, the Federal Reserve System controls about 70% of the country's
bank deposits. Ohio Senator, Warren G. Harding, who was elected to the
Presidency in 1920, said in a 1921 Congressional inquiry, that the
Reserve was a private banking monopoly. He said: "The Federal Reserve
Bank is an institution owned by the stockholding member banks. The
Government has not a dollar's worth of stock in it." His term was cut
short in 1923, when he mysteriously died, leading to rumors that he was
poisoned. This claim was never substantiated, because his wife would not
allow an autopsy.

Three years after the initiation of the Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson
said: The growth of the nation...and all our activities are in the hands
of a few men... We have come to be one of the worst ruled; one of the
most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government
by conviction and the free vote of the majority, but a government by the
opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

In 1919, John Maynard Keynes, later an advisor to Franklin D.
Roosevelt, wrote in his book _The Economic Consequences of Peace_:
"Lenin is to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist
system was to debauch the currency...By a continuing process of
inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved, an
important part of the wealth of their citizens...As the inflation
proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month
to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which
form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered
as to be almost meaningless..."

Congressman Charles August Lindbergh, Sr., father of the historic
aviator, said on the floor of the Congress: "This Act establishes the
most gigantic trust on Earth...When the President signs this Act, the
invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money
Trust investigation , will be legalized...This is the Aldrich Bill in
disguise...The new law will create inflation whenever the Trusts want
inflation...From now on, depressions will be scientifically
created...The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this
banking and currency bill." Lindbergh supposedly paid for his opposition
to the Illuminati. When there appeared to be growing support for his son
Charles to run for the Presidency, his grandson was kidnapped, and
apparently killed.

Rep. Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. said of the Bill (_Congressional Record_,
June 10, 1932): "The Bill as it stands, seems to me to open the way to
vast expansion of the currency...I do not like to think that any law can
be passed which will make it possible to submerge the gold standard in a
flood of irredeemable paper currency."

On December 15, 1931, Rep. Louis T. McFadden, who for more than ten
years served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee in the
House of Representatives, said: "The Federal Reserve Board and banks are
the duly appointed agents of the foreign central banks of issue and they
are more concerned with their foreign customers than they are with the
people of the United States. The only thing that is American about the
Federal Reserve Board and banks is the money they use..." On June 10,
1932, McFadden, said in an address to the Congress: "We have in this
country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I
refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks...Some
people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government
institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private
credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for
the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...The Federal
Reserve Banks are the agents of the foreign central banks...In that dark
crew of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat
to get a dollar out of his pocket...Every effort has been made by the
Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is the FED
has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress)
and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments
at will...When the FED was passed, the people of the United States did
not perceive that a world system was being set up here...A super-state
controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists
acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"

On May 23, 1933, McFadden brought impeachment charges against the
members of the Federal Reserve:

"Whereas I charge them jointly and severally with having brought about
a repudiation of the national currency of the United States in order
that the gold value of said currency might be given to private

"I charge them...with having arbitrarily and unlawfully taken over
$80,000,000,000 from the United States Government in the year 1928..."

"I charge them...with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and
lowered the rates on money...increased and diminished the volume of
currency in circulation for the benefit of private interests..."

"I charge them...with having brought about the decline of prices on the
New York Stock Exchange..."

"I charge them...with having conspired to transfer to foreigners and
international money lenders, title to and control of the financial
resources of the United States..."

"I charge them...with having published false and misleading propaganda
intended to deceive the American people and to cause the United States
to lose its independence..."

"I charge them...with the crime of having treasonably conspired and
acted against the peace and security of the United States, and with
having treasonably conspired to destroy the constitutional government of
the United States."

In 1933, Vice-President John Garner, when referring to the
international bankers, said: "You see, gentlemen, who owns the United

Sen. Barry Goldwater wrote in his book _With No Apologies_: "Does it
not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just
happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that
absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country.
A privately owned organization ...which has absolutely nothing to do
with the United States of America!"

Plain and simple, the Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal
Government, it is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders.
That is why the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) is
listed in the Dun and Bradstreet Reference Book of American Business
(Northeast, Region 1, Manhattan/Bronx). According to Article I, Section
8 of the U. S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money
and regulate its value, so it is illegal for private interests to do so.
Yet, it happened, and because of a provision in the Act, the Class A
stockholders were to be kept a secret, and not to be revealed. R. F.
McMaster, who published a newsletter called _The Reaper_, through his
Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts, was able to find out which banks held
a controlling interest in the Reserve: the Rothschild Banks of London
and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Bank of
Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Brothers Bank of
New York; Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. of New York; Chase Manhattan Bank of New
York; and Goldman, Sachs of New York. These interests control the
Reserve through about 300 stockholders.

Because of the way the Reserve was organized, whoever controls the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, controls the system, About 90 of the
100 largest banks are in this district. Of the reportedly 203,053 shares
of the New York bank: Rockefeller's National City Bank had 30,000
shares; Morgan's First National Bank had 15,000 shares; Chase National,
6,000 shares; and the National Bank of Commerce (Morgan Guaranty Trust),

A June 15, 1978 Senate Report called "Interlocking Directorates Among
the Major U.S. Corporations" revealed that five New York banks had 470
interlocking directorates with 130 major U.S. corporations: Citicorp
(97), J. P. Morgan Co. (99), Chase Manhattan (89), Manufacturers Hanover
(89), and Chemical Bank (96). According to Eustace Mullins, these banks
are major stock holders in the FED. In his book _World Order_, he said
that these five banks are "controlled from London." Mullins said:
"Besides its controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, the Rothschilds had developed important financial interests in
other parts of the United States...The entire Rockefeller empire was
financed by the Rothschilds."

A May, 1976 report of the House Banking and Currency Committee
indicated: "The Rothschild banks are affiliated with Manufacturers
Hanover of London in which they hold 20 percent...and Manufacturers
Hanover Trust of New York." The Report also revealed that Rothschild
Intercontinental Bank, Ltd., which consisted of Rothschild banks in
London, France, Belgium, New York, and Amsterdam, had three American
subsidiaries: National City Bank of Cleveland, First City National Bank
of Houston, and Seattle First National Bank. It is believed, that the
Rothschilds hold 53% of the stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Each year, billions of dollars are "earned" by Class A stockholders,
from U. S. tax dollars which go to the FED to pay interest on bank loans.

How about our Gold reserves. First, lets take a brief look at the
history of the two metals used for currency. The Coinage Act of 1792
established a dollar consisting of 371.25 grains of pure silver, but was
later replaced with a gold dollar consisting of 25.8 grains of gold. In
1873, the Coinage Act was passed, prohibiting the use of Silver as a
form of currency, because the quantity being discovered was driving the
value down. In 1875, after temporarily suspending gold convertibility
during the Civil War greenback period, the U. S. was put more firmly on
the gold standard by the Gold Standard Act of 1900. From 1900 to 1933,
gold was coined by the U. S. Mint, and our paper currency was tied into
the amount of gold held in the U. S. Treasury reserves.

In July, 1927, the directors of the Bank of England, the New York
Federal Reserve Bank, and the German Reichsbank, met to plan a way to
get the gold moved out of the United States, and it was this movement of
gold which helped trigger the depression. By 1928, nearly $500 million
in gold was transferred to Europe.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the advice of England's
leading economist, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), a member of the
Illuminati, who said that deficit spending would be a shot in the arm to
the economy. Most of the New Deal spending programs to fight economic
depression, were based on Keynes theories on deficit spending, and
financed by borrowing against future taxes. In 1910, Lenin said: "The
surest way to overthrow an established social order is to debauch its
currency." Nine years later, Keynes wrote: "Lenin was certainly right,
there is no more positive, or subtler, no surer means of overturning the
existing basis of society than to debauch the currency...The process
engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of
destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million is
able to diagnose."

A Presidential Executive Order by Roosevelt on April 5, 1933, required
all the people to exchange their gold coins, gold bullion, and
gold-backed currency, for money that was not redeemable in precious
metals. The Gold Reserve Act of 1934, known as the Thomas Amendment,
which amended the Act of May 12, 1933, made it illegal to possess any
gold currency (which was rescinded December 31, 1974)/. /Gold coinage
was withdrawn from circulation, and kept in the form of bullion. Just as
the public was to return all their gold to the U. S. Government, so was
the Federal Reserve. However, while the people received $20.67 an ounce
in paper money issued by the Federal Reserve, the Reserve was paid in
Gold Certificates. Now the Federal Reserve, and the Illuminati, had
control of all the gold in the country.

In 1934, the value of gold increased to $35 an ounce, which produced a
$3 billion profit for the Government. But when the price of gold
increases, the value of the dollar decreases. Our dollar has not been
worth 100 cents since 1933, when we were taken off of the Gold Standard.
In 1974, our dollar was worth 221/2 cents, and in 1983 it was only worth
38 cents. Since our money supply had been limited to the amount of gold
in Treasury reserves, when the value of the dollar decreased, more money
was printed.

The first United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, held in
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to July 22, 1944, which was
under the direction of Harry Dexter White (CFR member, and undercover
Russian spy), established the policies of the International Monetary
Fund. Its goals were to strip the United States of its gold reserves by
giving it to other nations; and to merge with their industrial
capabilities; and their economic, social, educational and religious
policies; to facilitate a one-world government.

Because of paying off foreign obligations and strengthening foreign
economies, between 1958 and 1968, the amount of gold bullion in the
possession of the U. S. Treasury dropped by 52%. Of the amount
remaining, $12 billion was reserved by law for backing the paper money
in circulation. Our money had been backed by a 25% gold reserve in
accordance to a law that was passed in 1945, but it was rescinded in
1968. The amount of gold slipped from 653.1 million troy ounces in 1957,
to 311.2/ /million ounces in 1968, which according to the Treasury
Department, was due to sales to foreign banking institutions, sales to
domestic producers, and the buying and selling of gold on the world
market to stabilize prices. This was a loss of 341.9/ /million troy
ounces. In August, 1971, gold was used only for world trade, because
foreign countries wouldn't accept U. S. dollars. As of November, 1981,
sources had indicated that the gold reserve had dropped to 264.1 million
troy ounces.

Title 31 of the U. S. Code, requires an annual physical inventory of
our gold supply, but a complete audit was never done, so officially,
nobody knows what has occurred. After World War II, America had 70% of
the World's supply of loose gold, but today, we may have less than 7%.
Sen. Jesse Helms seemed to think that the OPEC nations have our gold,
while others believe that 70% of the world's gold supply is being held
by the World Bank, which is dominated by the financial grip of the
Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. It was discovered from a gentleman in
Michigan, whose research indicated that counterfeit $5,000 and $10,000
Federal Reserve Notes had been used to steal U.S. gold reserves. Illegal
to own, these notes are actually checks which are used to transfer
ownership of large amounts of gold without actually moving the gold
itself. Using public records, he found the serial numbers of the bills
which were originally printed, and how there are now more in existence.

It has been reported that 40% (13,000 tons) of the world's gold is five
levels below street level, in a sub-basement of the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, behind a 90-ton revolving door. Some of it is
American-owned, but most is owned by the central banks of other
countries. It is stored in separate cubicles, and from time to time, is
moved from one cubicle to another to satisfy international transactions.

Now lets look at Silver. After March, 1964, Silver certificates were no
longer convertible to Silver dollars; and in March, 1968, near the
conclusion of the Johnson Administration, Silver backing of the dollar
was removed. On the 1929 series of notes, it read: "Redeemable in gold
on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at
any Federal Reserve Bank." This was just like the Silver Certificate,
which was guaranteed by a dollar in silver that was on deposit. On the
1934 series of notes, it read: "This note is legal tender for all debts,
public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United
States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank." The 1950 series bore
the same information, but reduced it to three lines, and reduced the
size of the type. In the 1953 series, the wording was totally removed,
although the bottom portion contained a promise to "pay the bearer on
demand." However, in 1963, even that message was removed, and our
dollars became nothing more than worthless pieces of paper because they
no longer met the legal requirements of a note, which meant it had to
list an issuing bank, and amount payable, a payee or 'bearer,' and a
time for payment, which was 'on demand.'

Since 1933, the Reserve has been printing too much money, compared to
the declining Gross National Product (GNP). The GNP is the accumulated
values of services and goods produced in the country. If the GNP is 4%/,
/then the money produced should only be about 5-6%, thus insuring enough
money to keep the goods produced by the GNP in circulation. Additional
social services, which are promised during election year rhetoric to
gain votes, increase the Federal Budget, so more money is printed. Then
the Government will cut the Budget, establish wage and price controls.
The extra money in circulation decreases the value of the dollar, and
prices go up. Simply put, too much money in circulation causes
inflation, and that is what the Reserve is doing, purposely printing too
much money in order to destroy the economy. On the other hand, if they
would stop printing money, our economy would collapse.

The Reserve is responsible for setting the interest rate that member
banks can borrow from the Reserve, thus controlling the interest rates
of the entire country. So what it boils down to, the Federal Reserve
determines the amount of money needed, which is created by the
International Bankers out of nothing. Besides the face value, they
charge the government 3

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