
[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

After Weishaupt died on November 18, 1830, at the age of 82, Giuseppe
Mazzini (1805-72), an Italian patriot, and revolutionary leader, was
appointed head of the Illuminati in 1834. It was believed that Weishaupt
rejoined the Catholic Church with a deathbed repentance.

While attending Genoa University, Mazzini became a 33rd degree Mason,
and joined a secret organization known as the Carbonari (their stated
goal in 1818: "Our final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French
Revolution- the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately all
Christianity."), where he became committed to the cause of Italian
unity. In 1831, he was exiled to France, where he founded the "Young
Societies" movement, which included Giovane Italia (Young Italy), Young
England, etc. This group united those who wanted to achieve unification
through force. Mazzini moved to England in 1837, then returned to Italy
in 1848 to lead the revolution against the Austrians. Again he was
exiled. In the 1850's, he led more revolutionary activities, and through
his actions, Italy became united in 1861, as a single kingdom, rather
than the republic envisioned by Mazzini.

Mazzini, who became known as the "Evil Genius of Italy," tried to carry
on the activities of the Illuminati through the Alta Vendita Lodge, the
highest lodge of the Carbonari.

From 1814-48,/ /the group known as the Haute Vente Romaine led the
activities of most of Europe's secret societies. In April, 1836, the
head of the Haute Vente, whose pseudonym was "Nubius," wrote to "Beppo":
"Mazzini behaves too much like a conspirator of melodrama to suit the
obscure role we resign ourselves to play until our triumph. Mazzini
likes to talk about a great many things, about himself above all. He
never ceases writing that he is overthrowing thrones and altars, that he
fertilizes the peoples, that he is the prophet of humanitarianism..."

In 1860, Mazzini had formed an organization called the "Oblonica," a
name derived from the Latin "obelus," which means: "I beckon with a spit
(dagger)." Within this group, he established an inner circle called the

About 1,000 AD, after the Normans had driven the Arabs out of Sicily,
they established a feudal system. Overseers to guard each feudi were
chosen from known criminals. Skirmishes between the Barons were fought
by these criminals. Although feudal privileges were abolished in 1812,
these overseers retained control of the land through leasing
arrangements. It was this band of criminals that Mazzini gave the name
"Mafia", which was an acronym for Mazzini, Autorizza, Furti, Incendi,
and Avvelengmenti. Known as the Mafiosi, they were authorized by Mazzini
to commit thefts, arson and murder. It was this organization that came
to America during the 1890's with the beginning of Italian immigration.

In 1859, Albert Pike 1809-1891), a lawyer, and leader of the U.S.
Scottish Rite Masonry (who was called the "Sovereign Pontiff of
Universal Freemasonry," the "Prophet of Freemasonry" and the "greatest
Freemason of the nineteenth century."), who was fascinated with the idea
of a one-world government, was chosen to coordinate Illuminati
activities in the United States. He said they needed to create a
political party that would keep the world fighting, until they could
bring peace. Pike said it would be done "with tongue and pen, with all
our open and secret influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the

Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, went to Harvard, then
later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army. He was
appointed by the Confederacy to be the Indian Commissioner in order to
create an army of Indian warriors. He became Governor of the Indian
territory, and succeeded in creating an army consisting of Chickasaws,
Comanches, Creeks, Cherokees, Miamis, Osages, Kansas, and Choctaws. He
became known to them as the "faithful pale-face friend and protector."
The savagery of their attacks caused Jefferson Davis, the President of
the Confederacy to disband the Indian army. After the Civil War, Pike
was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by President
Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the
White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon
Johnson, the 4th/ /- 32nd degrees, and he later went to Boston to
dedicate a Masonic Temple. The only monument to a Confederate general in
Washington, D.C. was erected in Pike's honor, and can be found between
the Department of Labor building and the Municipal Building, between 3rd
and 4th Streets, on D Street, NW.

Pike was a genius, able to read and write in 16 different languages. A
33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding fathers, and head of the
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. In 1869, he was a top
leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In 1871, he wrote the 861
page Masonic handbook known as the _Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite of Freemasonry_.

Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and
possessed a bracelet he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had
constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group
known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom),
which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to
Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this
cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic
lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801,
Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston,
South Carolina, where he helped established the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite. Pike, his successor, changed the name to the New and
Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). The Order contained two
degrees: 1) Adelph (or Brother), and 2) Companion of Ulysses (or
Companion of Penelope). Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from
Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader,
occultist, and spiritualist. His other closest aids were Gallatin Mackey
(a Masonic leader), Longfellow, and Holbrook. Pike, along with Mazzini,
Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and
Otto von Bismarck from Germany (33rd Mason, 1815-1898), intended to use
the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all
Masonic groups together.

Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Illuminati
had to again go underground. Pike established Supreme Councils in
Charleston, South Carolina; Rome, Italy (led by Mazzini); London,
England (led by Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck). He
set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world,
including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North
America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia),
and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. All of
these branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati's
activities ever since.

In a letter dated January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to Pike: "We must
allow all of the federations to continue just as they are, with their
systems, their central authorities and diverse modes of correspondence
between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present,
but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we
will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select (obviously
referring to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite). With regard to our
brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy.
Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will
become the one International Center, the more powerful because its
direction will be unknown."

In another letter, dated August 15, 1871, Pike wrote to Mazzini: "We
shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a
formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to
the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery, and
of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to
defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will
exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that
moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing
where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the
universal manifestation which will result from the general reactionary
movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Another part of this letter was discovered in 1949, which graphically
outlined plans for three world wars and at least two revolutions. The
first world war was to enable communistic atheism to destroy the czarist
government in Russia. This was accomplished. The second world war was to
begin by pitting Great Britain against Germany, in order to destroy
Naziism, and advance the cause of Zionism, so that Israel could become a
nation. This was accomplished. After this war, Communism was to be made
strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the
Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, Russia was
given a chunk of Europe, and that helped to sweep the tide of Communism
into China. The plan also called for a third world war, which is to be
ignited by firing up the aggression between the Zionists (Israel) and
the Arab world, who will destroy each other, bringing the rest of the
world into a final conflict. This conflict will be engineered to produce
complete social, political, and economic chaos; out of which will emerge
an Illuminati-controlled world government. For a short time, this
letter, had been on display in the British Museum Library in London.
Some researchers believe the second letter to be fraudulent, and had
been written much later than the first part, since the word "Fascism"
was not used until 1921, and the Arab/Jewish problem did not exist until
after the 1917 Balfour Declaration.

After Mazzini's death on March 11, 1872, Pike appointed Adriano Lemmi
(1822-1896, 33rd Mason), a banker from Florence, Italy, to run their
subversive activities in Europe. Lemmi was a supporter of patriot and
revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, and may have been active in the
Luciferian Society founded by Pike.

On July 14, 1889, Pike issued this statement to the 24 Supreme Councils
of the world who were meeting in Paris: "That which we must say to the
crowd is: 'We worship a God, but it is the God one adores without

"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we
say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and
30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of
the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.' "

"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (or "Adonai", Hebrew for the
word "Lord" which refers to Jehovah, the God of Israel, which they
avoided using) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of
man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests
calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also
God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no
beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can
only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as
its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to
the locomotive..."

"...Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure
philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but
Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity
against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil."

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Do you know what Jews do on the Day of Atonement,
that you think is so sacred to them? I was one of them.
This is not hearsay. I'm not here to be a rabble-rouser.
I'm here to give you facts.

When, on the Day of Atonement, you walk into a synagogue,
you stand up for the very first prayer that you recite.
It is the only prayer for which you stand.

You repeat three times a short prayer called the Kol Nidre.

In that prayer, you enter into an agreement with God Almighty
that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next
twelve months shall be null and void.

The oath shall not be an oath;
the vow shall not be a vow;
the pledge shall not be a pledge.

They shall have no force or effect.

And further, the Talmud teaches that whenever you take an oath,
vow, or pledge, you are to remember the Kol Nidre prayer
that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and you are exempted
from fulfilling them.

How much can you depend on their loyalty? You can depend upon
their loyalty as much as the Germans depended upon it in 1916.

We are going to suffer the same fate as Germany suffered,
and for the same reason.

--- Benjamin H. Freedman

[Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing
individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful
Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner
of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry
after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the
remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his
considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the
Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.]

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This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
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