Alvin Gotti

[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

In July, 1944, during World War II, economist John Maynard Keynes of
England, and Harry Dexter White of the United States, organized the
United Nation's Monetary and Financial Conference (or Bretton Woods
Conference) in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to lay out a plan of
stabilizing the world economy. The General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade was signed; and the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (World Bank) and International Monetary Fund was
established. In the early 1960's, the American economy began declining,
and the international situation became unbalanced again. On August 15,
1971, President Nixon announced a new economic policy. The dollar was
devalued, and its convertibility to gold was suspended. He initiated a
90-day wage price freeze, stimulative tax and spending cuts, and placed
a temporary 10% tariff on most U.S. imports. Japan and Western Europe
were pressured into relaxing their trade barriers, in order to give the
United States more access to them; and Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong,
and Taiwan were requested to decrease the flow of goods and textiles
into the U.S. These moves offered relief to the country's economic woes,
but was an indication that he was retreating from the global policies
which were formulated during the 1960's.

This series of drastic changes in the U.S. international policy
motivated David Rockefeller (a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, and head of the Illuminati in the U.S.), who, after attending
the Bilderberg Conference and consulting with Zbigniew Brzezinski,
wanted to "bring the best brains in the world to bear on problems of the
future." Speaking at Chase Manhattan International Financial Forums in
London, Brussels, Montreal, and Paris, he proposed the creation of an
International Commission of Peace and Prosperity (which would later
become the Trilateral Commission) in early 1972. At the 1972
Bilderberger meeting, the idea was widely accepted, but elsewhere, it
got a cool reception. According to Rockefeller, the organization could
"be of help to government by providing measured judgment."

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia University, and a
Rockefeller advisor, who was a specialist on international affairs, left
his post to organize the group with Henry Owen (a Foreign Policy Studies
Director with the Brookings Institution), George S. Franklin, Robert
Bowie (of the Foreign Policy Association and Director of the Harvard
Center for International Affairs), Gerard Smith (Salt I negotiator ,
Rockefeller in-law , and 1st North American Chairman), Marshall
Hornblower, William Scranton (former Governor of Pennsylvania), Edwin
Reischauer (a professor at Harvard), and Max Kohnstamn. Brzezinski was
the author of the book _Between Two Ages_, which was published in 1970,
in which he called for a new international monetary system, and was
considered to be the "Bible" of the Trilateralists. On page 72, he said:
"Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over
the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief." He called
for "deliberate management of the American future (pg. 260)," a
"community of nations (pg. 296)," and a "world government (pg. 308)." He
became the first Director (1973-76), drafted its Charter, and became its
driving force.

Funding for the group came from David Rockefeller, the Charles F.
Kettering Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.

Journalist Bill Moyers (a CFR member), wrote about the power of David
Rockefeller in 1980: "David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous
representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of
men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its
capital...Private citizen David Rockefeller is accorded privileges of a
head of state...He is untouched by customs or passport offices and
hardly pauses for traffic lights." In his 1979 book _Who's Running
America?_, Thomas Dye said that Rockefeller was the most powerful man in

In July, 1972, Rockefeller called his first meeting, which was held at
Rockefeller's Pocantico compound in New York's Hudson Valley. It was
attended by about 250 individuals who were carefully selected and
screened by Rockefeller and represented the very elite of finance and

Within a year, after their first full meeting of the Executive
Committee in Tokyo, the Trilateral Commission, considered to be an
off-shoot of the Bilderberger group, was officially initiated, holding
biannual meetings. Because of a heavy cross-membership, they appear to
be an inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations (and also have
ties to the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, which was
established in 1961 as "a sort of public arm of NATO"), and represent a
union of experts and transnational elite from the three noncommunist
industrial regions of the world: North America, Japan, and Western
Europe(excluding Austria, Greece, and Sweden). Rockefeller saw the need
for such a private consultation among these three democratic areas. With
the demise of the Bretton Woods system, they believed an overhaul was
needed. The theory was, that America's role should be diminished, and
made equal to the Common Market and Japan, because together, the three
represented 70% of the world's trade.

In 1973, David Rockefeller met with 27 heads of state, including
representatives from the Soviet Union and China; and in 1974, had a
meeting with Pope Paul VI, who afterward called for the nations to form
a world government.

A Trilateral Commission Task Force Report, presented at the 1975
meeting in Kyoto, Japan, called _An Outline for Remaking World Trade and
Finance_, said: "Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in
managing the world economy, and in fostering economic development and in
alleviating world poverty, will improve the chances of a smooth and
peaceful evolution of the global system." Another Commission document
read: "The overriding goal is to make the world safe for interdependence
by protecting the benefits which it provides for each country against
external and internal threats which will constantly emerge from those
willing to pay a price for more national autonomy. This may sometimes
require slowing the pace at which interdependence proceeds, and checking
some aspects of it. More frequently however, it will call for checking
the intrusion of national government into the international exchange of
both economic and non-economic goods." In other words, they were
promoting world government by encouraging economic interdependence among
the superpowers.

This little-known organization was actually controlled by the
Rockefellers, who oversee its activities and provide guidance for their
policies. The organizational structure consisted of a ten-member
Executive Committee, made up of a Regional Chairman, A Deputy Chairman,
and a Director for each of the three areas. David Rockefeller was the
Chairman for the North American sector. An eleven-member American
Executive Committee nominated candidates for its delegation, based on
their profession, their involvement in international affairs; and taking
into consideration their place of residence, so they could have a
geographical balance. They only considered people interested in
promoting close international cooperation, especially among
non-communist industrial nations, which actually meant they advocated a
one-world government.

An analysis of one of their three-year budgets of $1.67 million,
indicated that $644,000 came from foundations, $530,000 from
corporations, $220,000 from individual contributors, $180,000 from the
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, $150,000 from David Rockefeller's personal
account, $100,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation, and $84,000 from
investment income.

The Commission holds an annual three-day meeting, rotated among the
three areas, to discuss the world monetary situation, and other economic
and military issues. The meetings are closed to the public, and the
media is denied access.

There are three headquarters, New York City (345 E. 46th Street),
Paris(151 Boulevard Haussmann), and Tokyo (c/o Japan Center for
International Exchange, 4-19-17/ /Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku). Each branch
has a small full-time staff.

The organization had published a quarterly magazine, called the
_Trialogue_. The first three issues of the year were devoted to
significant international matters, while the fourth, covered in detail,
their annual meeting. It was discontinued in 1985 to help lower
expenses. Their Task Force Reports usually take up to a year to prepare,
and they are always written by at least three experts, representing each

At one point, their membership of 325 members (98 from North America,
146 from Western Europe, and 81 from Japan), was made up of top bankers,
industrialists, businessmen, labor leaders, scholars , politicians,
senators, and governors. Many Cabinet level officers, and advisors, from
the Kennedy Administration to the Clinton Administration have served on
the Commission.

The Commission has been served by International Bankers drawn from
firms like: Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., Chase Manhattan, Bank of
America, Lloyds of London, Bank of Tokyo, Barclays Bank, Compagnie
Financiere Holding, Brown Brothers, Harriman and Co., Fuji Bank, Banque
de Paris, Provincial Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of
Italy, Industrial Bank of Japan, Mitsui Bank, Mitsubishi Bank, and the
Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Co.

The Commission has been served by corporate officers from companies
like: Boeing, Coca-Cola, Japan Air Lines, Volkswagenwerk, Ford Motor
Co., Deere, Caterpillar Tractor, Cargill, Cummins Engine, Sony, Toyota,
Fiat, Dunlop, Rolls- Royce, Thyssen, Bendix, Texas Instruments, Exxon,
Hewlett-Packard, Kaisar Resources, Shell, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Nippon
Steel, Sears and Roebuck, Weyerhaeuser, and General Motors.

They have been served by such Union leaders: Lane Kirkland (President
of the AFL-CIO), I. W. Abel (President of the United Steel Workers of
America), Leonard Woodcock (United Auto Workers), Sol Chaikin (President
of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union), and Glenn Watts
(President of the Communications Workers of America).

The Commission has some of its members in such branches of the media
as: _New York Times_, _Washington Post_, _Wall Street Journal_,
_Minneapolis Star and Tribune_, _Los Angeles Times_, _Chicago Sun
Times_, Kyodo News Service, _Japan Times_, _La Stampa_, _Die Ziet_,
_Financial Times_, Columbia Broadcasting (CBS-TV), _The Economist_,
Japan Broadcasting Corp., _Time_, Associated Press, and United Press

A good example of how the Trilateral Commission influences the media,
could be seen in the January 15, 1981 episode of the ABC-TV show "Barney
Miller." A man was arrested for breaking into the offices of the
Commission, and when he was taken to the 12th Precinct, he began ranting
and raving about how the Commission was attempting to set up an
"international community" and how they eventually wanted to take over
the world. The character, William Klein (played by Jeffrey Tambor) was
made to look like a fool, and upon leaving the squad room, Detective
Sgt. Arthur Dietrich (played by Steve Landesberg) said: "Well, I think
you have some very valid criticisms of the Commission, and I'm certainly
gonna bring them up at the next meeting." After Dietrich tells the man
he was a Trilateral member, which he wasn't, the man reacted: "Oh God,
no..." The character was made to look like a paranoid maniac,
reminiscent of the McCarthy era. This was only one of the many
propaganda pieces that was used to make the Commission look just like
any other organization. This is the principle that the Illuminati has
used for years to slant the news, so that the public will accept their

In the late 1800's, at an annual dinner of the American Press
Association, John Swinton, an editor at the_ New York Times_, said:
"There is no such thing, at this date, of the world's history, in
America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is
not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did,
you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid
weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected
with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and
any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be
out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest
opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my
occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy
truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of
mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You
know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent
press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We
are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents,
our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We
are intellectual prostitutes."

David Rockefeller said in a _Saturday Evening Post_ article he wrote to
defend his group: "My point is that far from being a coterie of
international conspirators with designs on covertly ruling the world,
the Trilateral Commission is, in reality, a group of concerned citizens
interested in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among
international allies." However, those who have penetrated the inner
workings of the organization, say the real purpose of the Commission is
to take over all key policy-making positions in the government. Antony
Sutton wrote in the _Trilateral Observer_ that the Trilateralists have
rejected the U.S. Constitution and the democratic political process; and
their objective is to obtain the wealth of the world for their own use,
under the guise of "public service," and to have, ultimately, a
one-world socialist government, with them in control.

Conservative critics claim the "Commission constitutes a conspiracy
seeking to gain control of the U.S. Government to create a new world
order." Mike Thompson, Chairman of the Florida Conservative Union, said:
"It puts emphasis on interdependence, which is a nice euphemism for
one-world government." The John Birch Society suspects them of being
radical infiltrators of the government. Sen. Barry Goldwater wrote that
the Commission was "intended to be the vehicle for multinational
consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control
of the political government of the United States. Goldwater wrote in his
book _With No Apologies_: "What the Trilaterals truly intend is the
creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political
government of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of
the system they will rule the world....In my view, the Trilateral
Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control
and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary,
intellectual, and ecclesiastical." On the left, the U.S. Labor Party
alleges that the Commission was created by multinational companies in
order to dominate American foreign policy. Upon analysis, their economic
plans leaned toward the controlling of energy sources, food production,
and the international monetary system, so was there any reason to doubt
that there were ulterior motives to their agenda.

The _Atlantic Monthly_ reported: "Although the Commission's primary
concern is economic, the Trilateralists pinpointed a vital political
objective: to gain control of the American Presidency." Jeremiah Novak
said that their purpose was to "fashion a new world order" and that they
had achieved one of their objectives, which was to "gain control of the
American Presidency." Craig S. Karpel wrote in his book _Cartergate: The
Death of Democracy_: "The presidency of the United States and the key
cabinet departments of the federal government have been taken over by a
private organization dedicated to the subordination of the domestic
interests of the United States to the international interests of the
multi-national banks and corporations. It would be unfair to say that
the Trilateral Commission dominates the Carter Administration. The
Trilateral Commission is the Carter Administration."

Late in 1972, W. Averell Harriman (known at that time as the "grand old
man of the Democrats"), Establishment strategist and CFR member, told
Milton Katz (also a CFR member), Director of International Studies at
Harvard: "We've got to get off our high horses and look at some of those
southern governors." Carter was mentioned, and Katz informed
Rockefeller. Rockefeller had met with Carter in 1971, when they had
lunch in the Chase Manhattan's Board of Director's dining room, and was
impressed with the fact that Carter had opened trade offices for the
state of Georgia in Tokyo.

In February, 1973, while former Secretary of State Dean Rusk (a
Bilderberger) was having dinner with Gerald Smith (U.S.
Ambassador-at-Large for Non-Proliferation Matters), Rusk suggested that
Carter would be a good candidate for the Commission. In April, while
Robert Bowie (former professor of International Affairs at Harvard, who
later became Deputy Director of the CIA), George S. Franklin
(Rockefeller assistant, CFR member, and Coordinator for the Commission),
and Smith were discussing the recruitment of candidates, it was decided
that they needed better representation from the South. Franklin went to
Atlanta to talk to Carter, then proposed his name for membership. It had
been a choice between Carter, and Gov. Reubin Askew of Florida.

In the fall of 1973, after having dinner with David Rockefeller in
London, Carter's political momentum began. From that point on, he was
groomed for the Presidency by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the
Trilateralists. Just to be on the safe side, they also brought in
Minnesota Senator Walter Mondale (a protege of Hubert Humphrey, whose
eventual withdrawal from the Presidential race guaranteed the Democratic
nomination for Carter), and Rep. Elliot Richardson (former U.S. Attorney
General; Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and Secretary of
Defense, and Under Secretary of States under Nixon; former Secretary of
Commerce under Ford; and former Ambassador to Great Britain) as possible
candidates, and even considered Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

Brzezinski said in an October, 1973 speech: "The Democratic candidate
will have to emphasize work, family, religion, and increasingly,
patriotism, if he has any desire to be elected." Carter campaigned by
stressing those very virtues, as he asked America to elect him, an
"outsider," to clean up the mess in Washington.

In December, 1975, seven months before the Democratic National
Convention, the Gallop Poll indicated that only 4% of the country's
Democrats wanted Carter. Even the _Atlantic Constitution_ in his own
state, ran a headline which said: "Jimmy Carter Running For What?"
Within six months, the nomination was his because of the most elaborate
media campaign in history. Carter was glorified as the new hope of
America as the media misrepresented his record as Governor in Georgia.
This led former Georgia Governor Lester Maddox to say: "Based on false,
misleading and deceiving statements and actions...Jimmy Carter in my
opinion, neither deserves or should expect one vote from the American
people." According to the Dektor Psychological Stress Evaluator, a lie
detector which measures voice stress with an oscillograph, there was no
stress in Carter's voice when he lied, which would seem to indicate that
he is a pathological liar.

Even though Carter later resigned from the Commission, he was hardly an
"outsider." He was supported by the Trilateral Commission, the
Rockefellers, and _Time_ magazine. Early contributions came from Dean
Rusk, C. Douglas Dillon, Henry Luce, and Cyrus Eaton. Leonard Woodcock
of the United Auto Workers Union, and Henry Ford II, both of whom are
CFR members, endorsed Carter on the same day. Carter's two major foreign
policy speeches during the primary campaign, were made before the
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the Foreign Policy Association.
He used terms like "a just and peaceful world order," and "a new
international order." In another primary campaign speech, Carter talked
about "world-order politics." A _Los Angeles Times_ article in June,
1976, identified the advisors that helped Carter prepare his first major
speech on foreign policy: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Cooper, Richard
Gardner, Henry Owen, Edwin O. Reischauer, Averill Harriman, Anthony
Lake, Robert Bowie, Milton Katz, Abram Chayes, George Ball, and Cyrus
Vance; who were all members of the CFR (and a majority were also members
of the Trilateral Commission).

Carter's religious convictions became a big part of his campaign, but
things weren't really what they seemed. Carter claimed that his favorite
theologian was Reinhold Niebuhr (a pro-communist), former professor at
the Union Theological Seminary (which had been funded by the
Rockefellers), who founded the Americans for Democratic Action. He
denied the virgin birth, and the resurrection of Christ. Carter also
admired Karl Barth (who said the Bible was "fallible," and filled with
"historic and scientific blunders," and "theological contradictions"),
Paul Tillich, and Soren Kierkegaad, all liberals who led the 'God is
Dead' movement during the 1960's. Carter told his sister, evangelist
Ruth Carter Stapleton, that he wouldn't give up politics for Christ. He
admitted he wasn't "born-again" until 1967, yet he joined a Southern
Baptist Church when he was 10, taught Sunday School at 16, and became a
deacon in the church in his twenties. In the infamous _Playboy_ magazine
interview, Carter said: "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've
committed adultery in my heart many times." When he found out that
California Governor Jerry Brown was throwing his hat in the ring for a
run at the presidency, a supporter said that Carter "used expletives
which I didn't know he knew." In the 1980 campaign, Massachusetts
Senator Ted Kennedy accused Carter of not being more specific on the
issues, to which Carter responded: "I don't have to kiss his ass."

During his acceptance speech, after winning the nomination at the
Democratic National Convention, Carter attacked the "unholy,
self-perpetuating alliances (that) have been formed between money and
politics...a political and economic elite who have shaped decisions and
never had to account for mistakes nor to suffer from injustice. When
unemployment prevails, they never stand in line for a job. When
deprivations results from a confused welfare system, they never do
without food, or clothing or a place to sleep. When public schools are
inferior or torn by strife, their children go to exclusive private
schools. And when bureaucracy is bloated and confused, the powerful
always manage to discover and occupy niches of special influence and
privilege." Now the trap was set, and America fell for it, hook, line,
and sinker.

After Carter beat Ford, Hamilton Jordan, his chief aide, said: "If,
after the inauguration, you find Cy Vance (former President of the
Rockefeller Foundation) as Secretary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski as
head of National Security, then I would say we have failed." In an
interview with _Playboy_ magazine, Jordan said he would quit if they
were appointed. They were- he didn't.

Brzezinski had become Carter's biggest influence. Henry Kissinger had
called Brzezinski his "distinguished presumptive successor." It was
Brzezinski who said: "The approaching two-hundredth anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a national
constitutional convention to re-examine the nation's formal
institutional framework. Either 1976 or 1989 - the two-hundredth
anniversary of the Constitution - could serve as a suitable target date
culminating a national dialogue on the relevance of existing

When James Earl Carter took the oath of office, he said that the
"United States will help erect...a World Order." This self-proclaimed
"outsider" filled many of his administrative posts with establishment
insiders from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and
Coca Cola. Extracted from Coke, were George Ball, Clark Clifford, Samuel
P. Huntingdon, Marshall Shulman, Richard Gardner, Henry Owen, Robert
Roosa, and J. Paul Austin. Because of the extent to which he used the
company when he was governor, he called the Coca-Cola company, his "own
State Department."

The Trilateral Commission had accomplished its goal of controlling the
Presidency, and it heralded that fact by making Jimmy Carter _Time_
magazine's Man of the Year in January, 1977. _Time_'s Editor-in-Chief,
Hedley Donovan, a Rhodes Scholar, was a member of the Commission.

About 40% of the American Trilateral members joined the Carter
Administration. In all, 291 members of the Trilateral Commission and the
Council on Foreign Relations joined the Administration. Commission
members must resign when accepting posts in the Executive branch, but
they remain loyal, and usually rejoin the group when their service is
complete. Among the Carter Administration officials who have been members:

Jimmy Carter (President)

Walter F. Mondale (Vice President)

Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State, nephew of John W. Davis, of the J. P.
Morgan bank who was the first President of the CFR)

W. Michael Blumenthal (Secretary of Treasury)

Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense)

Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor)

Andrew Young (Ambassador to the United Nations)

Paul A. Volcker (Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board)

Sol Linowita (Chief Negotiator on the Panama Canal Treaties/Mid-East

John C. Sawhill (Deputy Secretary of Energy/Head of the Synthetic Fuels

Hedley Donovan (Special Assistant to the President)

Lloyd N. Cutler (Counsel to the President)

Gerald C. Smith (Ambassador at Large for Nuclear Power Negotiations)

Richard N. Gardner (Ambassador to Italy)

Elliot L. Richardson (Delegate to the UN Law of the Sea Conference)

Henry Owen (Special Representative of the President for Economic
Summits/Economic Advisor)

Warren Christopher (Deputy Secretary of State)

Paul C. Warnke (Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency)

Richard N. Cooper (Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs)

Lucy Wilson Benson (Under Secretary of State for Security Affairs)

Anthony Solomon (Deputy Secretary of State for Monetary Affairs)

Robert R. Bowie (Deputy Director of Intelligence for National Estimates)

W. Anthony Lake (Under Secretary of State for Policy Planning)

Richard Holbrooke (Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific


C. Fred Bergsten (Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International

Leslie Gelb (Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs)

Theordore C. Sorenson (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency)

Richard Moose (Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs)

Brock Adams (Secretary of Transportation)

Leonard Woodcock (U.S. Ambassador to Peking)

Joseph Califano (Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare)

_U.S. News and World Report_ reported: "The Trilateralists' have taken
charge of foreign policy-making in the Carter Administration, and
already the immense power they wield is sparking some controversy.
Active or former members of the Trilateral Commission now head every key
agency involved in mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of
the world." Being dominated by the chief advisors of the Commission,
almost every aspect of Carter's foreign policy reflected a Trilateral
viewpoint. They took advantage of Carter's ignorance of foreign policy,
which became a series of concessions to Cuba, Panama, Red China, and

1) The Panama Canal was given away by the Carter Administration in a
treaty negotiated by Sol Linowitz of the Commission. The reason- Marxist
Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos owed the International Bankers $2
billion in loan payments, so income received from the Canal could help
pay them back. The U.S. also guaranteed a 5-year program of loans and
credits, which amounted to $295 million; and a 10 year, $50 million arms
sale agreement to bolster the defense of the Canal.

2) Carter's withdrawal of a large number of troops from South Korea
opened the area up for possible communist aggression from North Korea.

3) The Carter Administration granted full diplomatic relations with Red
China, so American industry could begin trade with the communist
government. When Carter broke off diplomatic relations with the
government of Taiwan, Sen. Goldwater said at a news conference: "I have
no idea what motivated him other than the Trilateral Commission,
composed of bankers in this country and others, want to expand big
business...He did it for the big banks of the world- Chase Manhattan and
the French bankers- and for companies like Coca-Cola." In May, 1989,
George Bush would bestow favored-nation trade status to China.

4)/ /In Africa, the Carter Administration was soft on the spread of

5) Carter pledged his support for communist-dominated Hungary, and gave
its dictator, Janos Kadar, the priceless Crown of St. Stephen (the
founder and patron saint of Hungary) which the U.S. had in its
possession since 1945.

In a 1978 meeting with 200 Trilateralists at the White House, Carter
said that if the Commission had been in existence after World War I,
they would have prevented World War II. However, we know, that they were
in existence after World War I, and precipitated World War II. In his
book _Why Not the Best_, Carter said: "Membership on this Commission has
provided me with a splendid learning opportunity, and many other members
have helped me in my study of foreign affairs." Carter's membership in
the organization was the only foreign policy experience he had, and that
was limited to attending a couple of conferences in Europe and Japan.
Congressman John Anderson, himself a member, said that Carter became a
member just to improve his image. Carter's indoctrination made him a
willing pawn in furthering the goals of the Trilateral Commission. In a
personal letter to the Commission, who was meeting in Tokyo, Japan, in
January, 1977, he wrote: "We share economic, political, and security
concerns that make it logical we should seek ever increasing cooperation
and understanding. And this cooperation is essential not only for our
three regions, but in the global search for a more just and equitable
world order."

The Commission, which operates in literal secrecy, made news in the
fall of 1979, when David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and John J.
McCloy (former President of the Ford Foundation, former President of the
World Bank, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, former High
Commissioner to Germany, and on the Advisory Board of _Foreign Affairs_
magazine) pressured Carter into allowing the deposed Shah of Iran (who
had financial dealings with the Chase Manhattan) into the country for
medical treatment. The move caused the Iranian government, under the
leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini, to storm the American Embassy, and
hold 52 American hostages for nearly 11/2 years. Carter's inadequacy in
dealing with this situation certainly cost him the election.

The Presidential election of 1980, saw two former Trilateralists
running for President. Jimmy Carter was running for re-election, and
Illinois Republican, Rep. John Anderson, was running as an Independent.
Republican George Bush, had resigned his post on the Council on Foreign
Relations because they were "too liberal," however, he didn't resign his
seat on the Commission. The son of Sen. Prescott Sheldon Bush (R-CT, who
during the 1930's was on the Board of Directors of Union Banking
Corporation of New York, who helped finance the Nazis), had been born in
Maine, raised in Connecticut, and was a two-term Republican
Representative from Houston, Texas; became Ambassador to the UN in 1971;
Chairman of the Republican National Committee; and from 1976-77, served
as Director of the CIA. George Bush was associated with the
international banking firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman and Company (who
helped finance the growth of the Soviet Union); and attended Yale, where
he was a member of the secret organization known as "The Order" (or
"Skull and Bones"). This group also had as members: William F. Buckley,
Jr., McGeorge Bundy, Winston Lord (former Chairman of the CFR), and
other CFR members, who allegedly make up a powerful inner circle that
controls the CFR. On March 17, 1980, during the campaign, Ronald Reagan
was asked if he would allow Trilateral Commission members to serve in
his cabinet, and he responded by saying: "I don't believe that the
Trilateral Commission is a conspiratorial group, but I do think its
interests are devoted to international banking, multinational
corporations, and so forth. I don't think that any Administration of the
U.S. Government should have the top nineteen positions filled by people
from any one group or organization representing one viewpoint. No, I
would go in a different direction."

After a bitter Primary fight between the two, Reagan chose Bush to be
his Vice Presidential running mate, over the likes of Rep. Philip Crane
from Illinois, and Sen. Jack Kemp from New York. Reagan had originally
wanted former President Ford to be his Vice-President, however, Ford
wanted the power to appoint people to the National Security Council and
the Cabinet. He also wanted to prepare "position papers" on foreign
policy matters. This situation would have been almost like a
co-Presidency, making Reagan more of a figurehead, which he refused to
be, so his only other option was Bush.

_Manchester Union Leader_ publisher William Loeb made the Commission a
campaign issue during the New Hampshire Primary by saying: "It is quite
clear that this group of extremely powerful men is out to control the
world." He accused them of advocating a "world order in which
multinational corporations...can thrive without worrying about so called
national interests." During the campaign, Reagan attacked Carter's ties
to David Rockefeller, and other Trilateral financiers; while Edwin
Meese, a Reagan advisor, said that Trilateral influence was responsible
for a "softening of defense."

Although Reagan appeared to be anti-Commission, it was only a front.
Reagan's Campaign Manager, William J. Casey (former Chairman of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, who Reagan later appointed as
Director of the CIA) was a Trilateralist. His campaign was controlled by
such Trilateralists as David Packard, George H. Weyerhaeuser, Bill
Brock, Anne Armstrong, Philip M. Hawley, William A. Hewitt, Caspar
Weinberger, and others who were CFR members. Reagan had the personal
support of David Rockefeller, and belonged to the elitist Bohemian Grove
Club in Northern California. The Bohemian Grove is the site of an annual
two-week summer retreat on a 2,700 acre redwood estate about 75 miles
north of San Francisco, along the Russian River, which was established
in the 1870's. Every Republican President since Calvin Coolidge had been
a member of this conservative clan; and among its 2,000 members are
other high level government officials, and the very elite of America's
corporate power, who sit on a variety of organizations such as the CFR,
the Trilateral Commission, and the Committee for Economic Development.
They "own 25-30% of all privately held wealth in America, own 60-70% of
the privately held corporate the large corporations and
foundations, and dominate the federal government in Washington." The
bottom line, is that it is "one of the most influential meetings of the
powers-that-be," and a setting for policy-making on specific issues; and
not the all-male social club they purport to be.

Reagan received a great deal of support by such Christian political
action groups as the Moral Majority, Round Table, and Christian Voice;
and on November 6, 1980, said: "I think there is an elite in this
country and they are the very ones who run an elitist government. They
want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe the
people themselves can run their lives...Are we going to have an elitist
government that makes decisions for people's lives, or are we going to
believe as we have for so many decades, that the people can make these
decisions for themselves?" Sounds alot like what Carter said. Maybe
Reagan was still acting- just on a far bigger stage. The November 24th
issue of the _U.S. News and World Report_ revealed: "Top officials of
the Reagan team have sent a message to the Moral Majority: 'It isn't
your Administration'...'Hell with them,' Vice- President-elect George
Bush declared on November 10th in Houston, referring to right-wing
groups that supported the President-elect."

Reagan's 59-member "transition team" who would pick, screen, and
propose appointees for major administrative posts, consisted of 28 CFR
members, 10 Bilderbergers, and 10 Trilateralists, including CFR members
William Simon (former Secretary of Treasury under Nixon and Ford),
Alexander Haig, George Shultz (former Secretary of Treasury under
Nixon), Donald Rumsfeld (former Secretary of Defense under Ford), Alan
Greenspan (former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors), and
Henry Kissinger; and Trilateralists, William Casey and Anne Armstrong.

A note about George Pratt Shultz- his father was Dr. Birl Earl Shultz,
who from 1918-23 was Personnel Director of the American International
Corporation in New York, which was located in the same building as the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. They had offered $1,000,000 in credits
to the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. Shultz was a close
friend of Armand Hammer's father, Julius Hammer, co-founder of the U.S.
Communist Party. George was a member of the Pratt family, who were
related to the Rockefellers, and who donated the Pratt mansion to the
CFR). According to _The Oregonian_ (1/3/87), George Shultz was quoted as
saying: "The New Age has already dawned, and a new financial World Order
is fast taking shape."

Reagan had 287 CFR and Trilateral Commission members in his
Administration. Trilateral member, Caspar W. Weinberger (Reagan' s
Finance Director when he was Governor of California, former Vice
President of Bechtel Corp., and former Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare under Nixon and Ford), became Secretary of Defense.
Weinberger said: "The Trilateral Commission is performing a very
valuable service in strengthening the ties between the United States and
our natural allies." Other members who joined the Administration:
Alexander Haig (Secretary of State, also a CFR member), George Shultz
(Secretary of State, also a CFR member), Nicholas Brady (Secretary of
Treasury), Donald Regan (Secretary of Treasury, also a CFR member), John
C. Whitehead (Deputy Secretary of State, also a CFR member), Frank
Carlucci (Deputy Secretary of Defense, also a CFR member), Winston Lord
(Ambassador to China, also a CFR member), Malcolm Baldridge (Secretary
of Commerce, also a CFR member), William Brock (Secretary of Labor, also
a CFR member), Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve, also a
CFR member).

Seemingly, Reagan was the Establishment's candidate all along, because
he played ball with them. Republican Presidential candidate (during the
1980 Primary) John Connally, said that if he was elected, he wouldn't
appoint any Trilateralists to his Administration. His campaign quickly
ran out of steam- and money.

The 1984 Presidential campaign had Trilateralists Walter Mondale, Sen.
John Glenn from Ohio, and Sen. Alan Cranston from California, fighting
for the Democratic nomination among a slate of seven. Cranston had been
the President of the United World Federalists. After World War II, he
traveled the country saying that disarmament "must be done by an
international army and a world court." However, he changed his tune when
he became a Presidential candidate, and said: "I do not feel that world
federalism is a realistic objective," and that disarmament "does not
require world government." When asked about his membership with the
United World Federalists, he said: "I would point out that at the time I
was national president of the United Federalists, one of its more noted
members was one Ronald Reagan."

Among the Trilateralists in the Bush Administration, were Brent
Scowcroft (National Security Advisor), and Nicholas F. Brady (Secretary
of Treasury); and in the Bill Clinton (who was a member) Administration,
Al Gore (Vice President), Donna E. Shalala (Secretary of Health and
Human Services), Alice M. Rivlin (Deputy Budget Director), Madeleine
Albright (UN Ambassador), Peter Tarnoff (Undersecretary of State for
International Security of Affairs), Warren M. Christopher (Secretary of
State), Ronald H. Brown (Secretary of Commerce), Henry G. Cisneros
(Secretary of Housing and Urban Development), Bruce Babbitt (Secretary
of Interior), Walter Mondale (U.S. Ambassador to Japan), William J.
Crowe (Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board), and Lloyd
N. Cutler (Counsel to the President).

In the book _With No Apologies_, by Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, he said:
"This may cost me everything that I have, but I've got to get out an
alert to the American people. The Trilateral Commission represents a
skillfully coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four
centers of power, political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.
What the Trilateralists intend is the creation of a world-wide economic
power superior to the government of the nation states. In other words,
what they are driving, orchestrating, meshing and gearing to accomplish
is the New World Order, the one-world government."

Despite propaganda, the goal of the Commission is to "shape public
policy, not through overt mass mobilization, but through pressure on
select arenas of world power and appeals to a small, attentive public of
elite world decision makers."

The Commission had suggested that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and
Mexico be brought into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), an association of 24 rich industrial nations
(include all 12 countries of the European Community) founded in 1961 to
encourage world trade, economic progress , and to aid underdeveloped
nations. The move was considered by one Brazilian diplomat, as "an
attempt to buy us out," and not an "attempt to build new understanding."

Their long range goals have included joint policy making in regard to
economic and political relations with the Third World and the former
communist bloc countries. Their policy for maintaining peace, involves
the decrease of military forces, and nuclear disarmament; and to avoid
confrontation at all costs, even if it means knuckling under to their
threats, by abandoning allies (as had been done with Taiwan), and
reducing America to a second-rate power. The Commission has pushed for
the restructuring of the International Monetary Fund, so that they would
be able to create new money, and restrict its use, by issuing a form of
currency called Bancor (or SDR, Special Drawing Rights), which would
replace our dollar, gold, silver, and all other forms of currency- even
Travelers Checks.

Winston Lord, an Assistant Secretary of State, and CFR member, is
reported to have said: "The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world,
the Council on Foreign Relations does that!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I think we're making progress.
We understand where the power of this country lay.
It lays in the hearts and souls of Americans.

It must lay in our pocketbooks.

It lays in the willingness for people to work hard.

But as importantly, it lays in the fact that we've got citizens
from all walks of life, all political parties, that are willing
to say, I want to love my neighbor.

I want to make somebody's life just a little bit better."

--- Adolph Bush,
Concord Middle School, Concord, N.C., April 11, 2001

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This is just a reminder.
It is not an emergency yet.
Were it actual emergency, you wouldn't be able to read this.
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