
[Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666, NWO, Skull and Bones]

Title: The New World Order Files
Author: David Allen Rivera

Jan Tinbergen, the winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize for Economics, has
said: "Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national
governments; what is needed is a world government." Although this
mentality is becoming more pronounced, getting to that point has taken
many years.

In 1939, Dr. James T. Shotwell organized a group known as the
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, which was made up of a
number of small subcommittees. One of these, the Subcommittee on
International Organization was chaired by Sumner Wells, the Under
Secretary of State, and its purpose was to plan postwar policy. Shotwell
and Isaiah Bowman, members of the subcommittee, were also members of the
League of Nations Association, and had been on Col. House's staff at the
Paris Peace Conference in 1918, where plans for the League of Nations
had been laid out. This established a direct link between the League of
Nations and the United Nations. The subcommittee's work formed the basis
for the Charter of the United Nations, and was the means by which the
Council on Foreign Relations was able to condition the Congress, and the
people of the country to accept the United Nations.

Two weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Cordell Hull, the Secretary
of State, sent a letter to President Roosevelt recommending the
establishment of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Post War Foreign
Policy, which actually became a planning group for the United Nations.
Ten of the Fourteen Committee members came from the Council on Foreign
Relations. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms Speech" planted the seed for the
United Nations. A conference held in Washington, D.C between the
representatives of the 26 nations that had banded together against the
axis powers, gave momentum to the movement by issuing the "Declaration
of the Twenty-Six United Nations" on January 1, 1942. In February, 1942,
the State Department's Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy
secretly worked out more details. One of their reports said: "Its
discussions throughout were founded upon belief in the unqualified
victory by the United Nations. It predicted, as an absolute prerequisite
for world peace, the continuing strength of the United Nations through
unbroken cooperation after the war."

In 1942, _Free World_, a periodical published by the International Free
World Association (organized in 1941), they stated that their objective
was to create the "machinery for a world government in which the United
Nations will serve as a order to prepare in time the
foundations for a future world order."

Leading diplomats from the United States, Russia, England, and China,
attended preliminary meetings in October, 1943, at a conference in
Moscow. In November, Cordell Hull "secured the consent of Stalin to
establish a general organization...for the maintenance of international
peace and security," and in proposing it to Roosevelt, made it appear as
though it was an American project. Among the leading U.S. figures who
were involved in the planning of the United Nations: Alger Hiss, Harry
Dexter White, Virginius Frank Coe, Noel Field, Laurance Duggan, Henry
Julian Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub, Nathan Gregory
Silvermaster, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Irving Kaplan, Solomon
Adler, Abraham George Silverman, William L. Ullman, William H. Taylor,
and Dean Acheson. All of these men, were either communists, or had
pro-communist sympathies.

The idea for the United Nations was officially proposed in 1944, at the
secret Dumbarton Oaks Conference, where the framework was developed, and
the final plans laid out. The conference was attended by representatives
from the U.S., England, and Russia, and it was all coordinated by Alger
Hiss. Hiss was a Trustee of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, a director of
the Executive Committee of the American Association for the United
Nations, a director of the American Peace Society, a Trustee of the
World Peace Foundation, a director of the American Institute of Pacific
Relations, and President of the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace. In 1950, he was convicted of perjury, and sent to prison. Exposed
as a Soviet spy, his communist activities extended back to 1939. Other
Americans who attended: Harry Dexter White, Virginius Coe, Noel Field,
Laurance Duggan, Harry Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub,
Nathan Silvermaster, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Irving Kaplan,
Solomon Adler, Abraham Silverman, William Ullman, William Taylor, and
John Foster Dulles (who had been hired by Joseph Stalin to be the Soviet
Union's legal counsel in the United States).

In February, 1945, at the Yalta Conference, President Roosevelt,
Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin agreed to the plans proposing the
establishment of the United Nations.

The April, 1945 issue of _Political Affairs_, the official publication
of the U.S. Communist Party, said: "Great popular support and enthusiasm
for the United Nations policies should be built up, well organized and
fully articulated...The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it
will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against
the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow."

On June 26, 1945, the San Francisco Conference, attended by 50 nations,
established the United Nations, and adopted the Charter which had been
drafted. The General Assembly held their first meeting in London, on
January 10, 1946. The U.S. Senate ratified the UN Charter with only two
dissenting votes, and in December, 1946, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
donated an 18-acre tract of land in Manhattan (which he had purchased
for $8,500,000, with New York City contributing the remaining
$4,250,000), to provide the organization with a permanent headquarters,
which is located between First Avenue and Roosevelt Drive, and East 42nd
and East 48th Streets.

The United World Federalists were established on February 22, 1947, by
two CFR members, Norman Cousins and James P. Warburg, when the Americans
United for World Government, World Federalists, Massachusetts Committee
for World Federation, Student Federalists, World Citizens of Georgia,
and World Republic, all merged. Their goal was to endorse "the efforts
of the United Nations to bring about a world community favorable to
peace. We will work primarily to strengthen the United Nations into a
world government of limited powers adequate to prevent a war and having
direct jurisdiction over the individual." Nixon said of them: "Your
organization can perform an important service by continuing to emphasize
that world peace can only come through world law. Our goal is world
peace." Ronald Reagan was associated with them before he became a
conservative. Various other left-wing organizations have also defended
and supported this international organization.

The United Nations, "open to all peace-loving nations as sovereign
equals," is made up of 184 member nations, and exists primarily to
maintain peace and security; develop international cooperation in
solving the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian
problems of the world; and ensure the existence of friendly relations.
Many of the countries are non-democratic, being ruled by dictators,
royal families, military officers, or one-party governments.

The evidence given, shows the communist influence which was involved
during the establishment of the organization, and all indications are
that it has maintained a social slant to its affairs. Earl Browder, a
former leader in the U. S. Communist Party, said in his book _Victory
and After_: "The American Communists worked energetically and tirelessly
to lay the foundations for the United Nations, which we were sure would
come into existence." Alger Hiss, who was later convicted as a communist
traitor, became the acting Secretary-General after the establishment of
the UN. The April 16, 1945 issue of _Time_ magazine called him "one of
the State Department's brighter young men." It was Hiss, and Joseph E.
Johnson (who later became Secretary of the Bilderbergers) who wrote much
of the UN Charter, patterning it after the Constitution of Russia, and
the _Communist Manifesto_. An Associated Press dispatch from April 7,
1970 which appeared in the _Los Angeles Times_ said: "Secretary-General
U Thant praised Vladimir I. Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, as a
political leader, whose ideals were reflected in the UN Charter." It
contained self-granted powers for a one-world government. Even their
official seal, which was similar to Russia's, was designed by Aldo
Marzani, a socialist.

Trygve Lie, the first official UN Secretary-General, was a high-ranking
member of Norway's Social Democratic Labor Party, which was an offshoot
of the Third Communist International. Dag Hammarskjold, the second
Secretary-General, was a Swedish socialist who openly pushed communist
policies, and U Thant, the third Secretary, was a Marxist.

In 1978, Arkady Shevchenko, an ex-KGB agent, and Undersecretary for
Political and Security Council Affairs, who defected, said that many
Soviet UN delegates worked for the KGB.

With the United States having only one vote within the
socialist-dominated organization, we are powerless to prevent the
socialists from taking over the world with diplomacy. Nonaligned
nations, a majority of the delegates, voted with the communists 85% of
the time in the General Assembly; and in 1987, member nations voted with
the U.S. only 18.7% of the time. The Constitutional right of Congress to
declare war has been completely transferred to the UN Military
Committee, and as such, they can order us into war at any time, without
our consent, as they did in Korea. The United States didn't make the
treaty with Japan to end World War II, it was made with the UN. The UN
refused to come to the aid of China in 1949, ignored the Hungarian
freedom fighters in 1956, shunned the Tibetans when they were attacked
by Chinese Communists, and in the early 1960's, supported the communist
attempt to overthrow the African country of Katanga. They even
criticized the American invasion of Grenada, which sought to stem
communist activity in the Caribbean. Remember, the Undersecretary for
Political and Security Council Affairs, had always been a Russian, who
along with the Chairman of the UN Military Staff Committee were
responsible for all UN military action. Prior to the Korean War, the
Chairman was Lt. Gen. Alexandre Vasiliev, who took a leave of absence
from the position to command the communist troops, and actually gave the
orders to attack. He continued to get valuable information about the
UN's military plans from his handpicked successor, Gen. Ivan A. Skliaro.

In 1915, in No. 40 of the Russian document _The Socialist Democrat_,
Lenin called for a "United States of the World." The Communist
International in 1936, said that a world dictatorship "can be
established only by victory of socialism in different countries or
groups of countries, after which the Proletariat Republics would unite
on federal lines with those already in existence, and this system would length forming the World Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics." In the November, 1946 issue of the communist publication
_Bolshevik_, it said: "The masses know that peace is possible only on
the basis of cooperation among the existing states...The Soviet Union is
fighting to have the United Nations as effective as possible." On
October 7, 1961 _People's World_, a West Coast Communist Party
newspaper, published an editorial, "Save the UN" which said: "The UN
commands a great reservoir of support in our country...People should
write President Kennedy, telling him- do not withdraw from the UN,
restore the UN to the Grand Design of Franklin Roosevelt- the design for
peaceful coexistence." The Preamble to the Constitution of the U.S.
Communist Party, urges the "strengthening of the United Nations as a
universal instrument of peace."

The Preamble of the UN Charter says: "We the people of the United
Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of
war..." In light of this, you should be aware of what Albert Einstein
said after the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,
1945: "The secret of the bomb should be committed to a World Government
and the U.S.A. should announce its readiness to give it to a World

According to the _Congressional Record_ of June 7, 1949, on pages 7356
and 7357, this was the wording for HCR64, a joint resolution
(corresponds to Senate Concurrent Resolution 56, the Tobey or 'World
Federalist' Resolution) that was introduced in the House of
Representatives: "Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate
concurring) that it is the sense of the Congress that it should be a
fundamental objective of the foreign policy of the United States to
support and strengthen the United Nations and to seek its development
into a world federation, open to all nations, with defined and limited
powers adequate to preserve peace and prevent aggression through the
enactment, interpretation and enforcement of world law." Concerning this
Resolution, Cord Meyer, chairman of the National Executive Committee of
the United World Federalists, said at a hearing before the Senate
Subcommittee on the United Nations Charter: "We in the United States
would be declaring our willingness to join with other nations in
transferring to the UN constitutional authority to administer and
enforce law that was binding on national governments and their
individual citizens."

By February, 1950, after the public expressed their outrage over the
Resolution, the Liberals who sponsored it, turned their backs on it in
an attempt to salvage their political reputations. Rep. Bernard W.
Kearney (R-New York) said: "We signed the Resolution believing we were
sponsoring a movement to set up a stronger power within the United
Nations for world peace...Then we learned that various organizations
were working on state legislatures and on peace movements for world
government action under which the entire U.S. Government would be
submerged in a super world government...Perhaps we should have read the
fine print in the first place. We do not intend to continue in the role
of sponsors of any movement which undermine U.S. sovereignty. Many
Congressmen feel as I do. We will make our position thoroughly clear."
Within two years, 18 of the 23 states which had passed the Resolution,
rescinded it.

Information about HCR64 / SCR56 can be found in the infamous Document
No. 87, _Review of the United Nations Charter: A Collection of
Documents_, by the Senate Subcommittee on the United Nations Charter,
and published by the Government Printing Office in 1954. It was
reportedly given to each of the Senators at the time, and only two
copies now remain in existence. This report blows the lid off of the
U.S. Government's determination for one-world government. Also discussed
are Senate Resolution 133, introduced July 8, 1949 by Sen. Sparkman
(Democrat from Alabama) who said: "We can create now, with Russia if
possible, without Russia if necessary an overwhelming collective front
open to all nations under a law just to all." The report urged (p. 846):
"American atomic, military, and economic superiority is only temporary.
It is essential before that superiority is lost that there be created an
international organization with strength to enforce the peace." Senate
Concurrent Resolution 57, introduced July 26, 1949 by Sen. Kefauver
(Democrat from Tennessee) called for an Atlantic Union of Canada,
England, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the United
States. The report said (p. 848): "The establishment of a federal
union...would involve not only basic economic and social changes but
also important changes in the structure of the United States Government.
It is very doubtful if the American people are ready to amend the
Constitution to the extent necessary to give an Atlantic Union the
powers it would need to be effective." Senate Concurrent Resolution 66,
introduced September 13, 1949 by Sen. Taylor (Democrat from Idaho)
called for the Charter of the United Nations to "be changed to provide a
true world government constitution." He claimed: "Only a true world
government can achieve everlasting peace." The report states (p. 850):
"Anything less than world government would be merely a stopgap." The
existence of Document No. 87 proves that the government of the United
States, and the political leaders of this country are working behind the
scenes to strengthen the United Nations and to move towards one-world

In 1953, during the World Federal Government Conference in Copenhagen,
Denmark, United Nations supporters revealed plans to push for a revision
of the UN Charter, which would provide for the UN to become a World
Federal Government with a world legislature and court, mandatory
universal membership with no right of secession, and a full and
immediate disarmament which would be militarily supported by the UN.
Another conference, in London, in 1954, by the World Movement for World
Federation, also proposed similar ideas.

This movement to remove the sovereignty of the United States and member
countries, convinced Senator John Bricker to propose his "Bricker
Amendment" which would have placed in the U.S. Constitution, a safeguard
against the possibility of a treaty which could result in a world
government: "A provision of a Treaty or other international agreement
which conflicts with this Constitution, or which is not made in
pursuance thereof, shall not be supreme law of the land nor be of any
force or effect." During debate on the Bill, Sen. Pat McCarren (Democrat
from Nevada) said of the powers provided to the UN by Articles 55 and 56
of the UN Charter: "The Congress of the United States, because of the
power granted to it by treaty, could enact laws...taking over all
private and parochial schools, destroying all local school boards..and
substitute a federal system...Congress could by law provide for
censoring all press telegrams...Congress could utilize this power to put
into effect a complete system of socialized medicine, from cradle to
grave...even legislate compulsory labor, if it found that the goal of
full employment required such legislation or would be served by it."

The Bricker Amendment was opposed by all the "one-world" organizations
and internationalists like U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O.
Douglas; Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vermont), Sen. Hubert Humphrey
(D-Minnesota), John J. McCloy (former Assistant Secretary of Defense and
former High Commissioner to Germany), Paul Hoffman (of the State
Department), Thomas K. Finletter, John Foster Dulles (Secretary of
State), and President Eisenhower, who said it would curtail the power of
the Presidency. After a long, bitter fight, the Amendment failed by a
vote of 60-31, just one vote short of the necessary two-thirds majority
of the U.S. Senate.

H. G. Wells wrote in his 1933 book _The Shape of Things to Come_: "When
the existing governments and ruling theories of life, the decaying
religious and the decaying political forms of today, have sufficiently
lost prestige through failure and catastrophe, then and then only will
world-wide reconstruction be possible." Robert M. Hutchins (former
President of Rockefeller's University of Chicago) was the Chairman of
the Committee to Form a World Government, who had drafted a new
Constitution. On August 12, 1945, they said on a Round Table broadcast,
that they wanted to turn control of our nation over to a Socialist world
government. In Hutchin's 1947 book, _The Constitutional Foundations for
World Order_ (published for the Foundation for World Order), he says:
"Tinkering with the United Nations will not help us, if we agree with
the _New York Times_ that our only hope is in the ultimate abolition of
war through an ultimate world government." President Dwight D.
Eisenhower said on October 31, 1956: "I am more deeply convinced that
the United Nations represents the soundest hope for peace in the world."

A State Department document, #7277, called _Freedom From War: The
United States' Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a
Peaceful World_, revealed plans to give the UN control of our Armed
Forces, and nuclear weapons. The document, which on September 1, 1961,
was sent by courier to the UN Secretary General, suggested a
"progressive reduction of the war-making capability of the nations and
the simultaneous strengthening of international institutions to settle
disputes and maintain the peace..." It was to be done through a
three-step program: "The first stage would significantly reduce the
capabilities of nations to wage war by reducing the armed forced of the
nations...nuclear capabilities would be reduced by treaties...and UN
peace-keeping powers would be strengthened...The second stage would
provide further substantial reductions in the armed forces and the
establishment of a permanent international peace force within the United
Nations...The third stage would have the nations retaining only those
forces required for maintaining internal order, but the United States
would provide manpower for the United Nations Peace Force." Sen. Joseph
S. Clark of Pennsylvania, said during a March 1, 1962 debate on the
Senate floor, that the program is "the fixed, determined, and approved
policy of the government of the United States." The Program was later
revised in _The Blueprint for the Peace Race_, which said on page 33:
"...the Parties to the Treaty would progressively strengthen the United
Nations Police Force...until it had sufficient armed forces and
armaments so that no state could challenge it." The Program was again
revised by the present _Outline of Basic Provisions of a Treaty on_
_General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World_.

At the Conference on Conditions of World Order, which met from June
12-19, 1965, at the Villa Serbelloni (facilities obtained through the
Rockefeller Foundation) in Bellagio, Italy, which was sponsored by the
Congress for Cultural Freedom (with a grant from the Ford Foundation and
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences), 21 scholars, writers and
scientists from all over the world met to define the concepts of world
order. A segment of their report, by Helio Jaguaribe said: "The
establishment of world order depends not only on its intrinsic
desirability and viability, but also on the support of men and groups
who decide to dedicate themselves to the completion of such a goal. As
increasing sectors of developed and underdeveloped societies begin to
realize the urgent necessity of world order, the viability of its
establishment, and the fact that it can be achieved by adopting measures
which are reasonable in themselves, none of the governments will be able
to escape public pressure for establishing world order...It is incumbent
upon the intellectuals to play the decisive role in the formation of
pressure groups in favor of world order...the establishment of world
order demands the mobilization of groups dedicated to international
pressure for the gradual implantation of that world order...the
negotiated establishment of world order is theoretically possible and
practically feasible since, in the last analysis, the probable effects
of nuclear conflagration have made way an impractical alternative to the
peaceful solution of contemporary problems."

On May 18, 1972, Roy Ash of the Office of Management and Budget during
the Nixon Administration, said: "Within two decades the institutional
framework for a World Economic Community will be in place...(when)
aspects of individual sovereignty will be given over to a supernational

ABC-TV's Harry Reasoner (who later went to CBS) said on June 18, 1974:
"The only eventual answer is some kind of World Government...whether it
is capitalist or communist."

President Ford called for the development of a global strategy and a
policy concerning food and oil; and President Carter, in what he called
an organization for the "world structure of peace," tried to persuade
the Chinese to take part.

The _Borger New Herald_ in Texas reported: "A meeting was held May 24,
1976 through July 4, 1976, in Valley Forge Park, King of Prussia, PA, to
formulate a new World Constitution, elaborating a Bill of Human Rights
for the world and setting up a permanent Secretariat of Human Rights
there to superintend the Government of the World..." The World
Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA, located at 1480 Hoyt
Street, Suite 31, Lakewood, CO) was established in 1959 by Philip Isely
who had emerged during the 1940's as a leader in the one-world movement;
as an organizer for the Action for World Federation from 1946-50 and the
North American Council for the People's World Convention from 1954-58.
The WCPA have assumed the task of trying to establish a New World Order,
and have assembled a Provisional World Parliament. Their original
"Agreement to Call a World Constitutional Convention" was first
circulated from 1958-61, where it was signed by several thousand
dignitaries. In 1965, work began on a world constitution, and a meeting
was held in the City Hall of Wolfach, West Germany, in June, 1968. A
second meeting, known as the World Constituent Assembly was held at
Innsbruck, Austria, from June 16-29, 1977, to draft a "Constitution for
the Federation of Earth," which was adopted by participants from 25
countries. Reinhart Ruge, President of the WCPA said: "Only a full-scale
world government will save the world from nuclear holocaust."

The Preamble of the Constitution began: "Realizing that Humanity today
has come to a turning point in history and that we are on the threshold
of a new world order, which promises to usher in an era of peace,
prosperity, justice and harmony...We, the citizens of the world, hereby
resolve to establish a world federation to be governed in accordance
with this Constitution for the Federation of Earth."

A third session was held in January, 1979, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where
a strategy was discussed on how to get the Constitution ratified by
national parliaments and governments. There were four later meetings of
the Provisional World Parliament: 1982, in Brighten, England; 1985, in
New Delhi, India; 1987, in Miami, Florida; and 1991, in Lisbon,
Portugal; where eleven World Legislative Acts were adopted, along with a
World Presidium and World Cabinet. A timetable announced in 1984, called
for a world government to be instituted by 1990, which obviously didn't
happen. They have since announced that when the Provisional World
Parliament meets for the fifth time, a world government will emerge.

They sent out a letter, dated December 12, 1990, "To All Presidents,
Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, and Other Heads of Governments and
National Parliaments": "We who sign this appeal to you, are ready for a
Democratic Federal World Government, under a ratified World
Constitution...Will you support this move for a federal world
government?...Will you appoint official delegates to the world
constituent assembly...Now is the time to assure the dawn and full
blooming of a new era for humanity on Planet Earth."

The directorship of the WCPA is closely linked with the United World
Federalists, the American Civil Liberties Union, Global Education
Associates, Friends of the Earth, Planetary Society, Worldwatch
Institute, Planetary Citizens (founded in 1974 by UN executive Robert
Mueller, author Norman Cousins, and activist Donald Keyes, to push for a
one-world government by the year 2000), World Future Society, Planetary
Initiative, American Movement for World Government, Rainbow Coalition,
World Citizens Assembly, and others. Nearly 20% of their members are
affiliated with the UN in various capacities.

It is quite clear, that America has become preoccupied with the goal of
achieving peace in the world, and would do anything to accomplish that.
President Truman said in 1948: "I would rather have peace in the world
than be President." On another occasion he said: "Our goal must be, not
peace in our time, but peace for all time." A former UN
Secretary-General said: "I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can
only conclude from the information that is available to me as
Secretary-General that the members of the United Nations have perhaps
ten years left in which to subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch
a global partnership to curb the arms race, to improve the human
environment, to diffuse the population explosion, and supply the
required momentum to world development efforts." In the quest for that
peace, the United States has allowed itself to become weaker, and has
ignored all the signs, that along with world peace, will be a new world
order dominated by a socialist form of government. In 1983, Elliot
Roosevelt, the son of FDR, published a book called _The Conservators_,
calling world government "an immediate necessity."

The United Nations is the root of that one-world government, and since
its inception, seventeen of their agencies have been working toward that
goal: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World
Bank), which will place the financial power of the entire world in the
hands of the UN; World Health Organization, to internationalize medical
treatment; International Labor Organization, to standardize labor
practices; International Monetary Fund, to promote international trade
and commerce; World Meteorological Association; Universal Postal Union;
International Civil Aviation Organization; World Intellectual Property
Organization; United Nations' Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO); International Telecommunication Union;
International Fund for Agricultural Development; International Finance
Corporation; International Development Association; Inter-Government
Maritime Consultive Organization; General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and the
International Atomic Energy Agency. Brock Chisolm, director of the World
Health Organization, was quoted as saying: "To achieve world government,
it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism,
loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."

The Ditchley Group, which first met in May, 1982, at Ditchley Park in
London, is engineering a plan by Harold Lever (a director on the Board
of the UNILEVER conglomerate) to control the fiscal and the monetary
policies of the United States and called for the International Monetary
Fund to control the central banks of all nations. Representatives of 36
of the world's biggest banks met at the Vista Hotel in New York in
January, 1982, to lay the groundwork; then met again in October, where
it was reported that plans were underway to bring legislation before the
U.S. Senate that would designate the IMF as the Controller of U.S.
fiscal policy by the year 2000.

On January 8, 1983, Hans Vogel of the Club of Rome, met at the White
House with President Reagan, Secretary of State George Schultz,
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, George Kennan, and Lane Kirkland
(President of the AFL-CIO), to discuss the objectives of the Ditchley
Group. The Group met on January 10-11, 1983 in Washington to discuss the
IMF takeover; and later in the year, in Williamsburg, Virginia, with a
group of international bankers, to discuss a disintegration of the U.S.
banking system which would force the Senate into accepting IMF control.
Dennis Weatherstone of Morgan Guaranty said that this was the only way
for the U.S. to save itself.

The propaganda of world peace propels the United Nations further into
the control of this world, and what negative publicity has emerged, has
done little to slow its momentum. Originally the UN wanted the United
States to pay 50% of their budget, but eventually, negotiations lowered
the amount to 39.89%. Later it was lowered further to 25%, or about $3.9
billion. At one point, the Soviet Union was only paying 13%; Japan, 10%;
West Germany, 8%; Great Britain, 4%; and Saudi Arabia, .5%. The 120
Third World-non-aligned countries were only paying 9%, yet controlled
3/4 of the voting power in the General Assembly; and the 80 poorest
countries were contributing less than 1% of the UN budget. In September,
1983, the Senate introduced legislation that sought to cut the U.S.'s
contribution by 21% for 1983-84, and 10% more for each of the following
three years, which would make America's portion of the UN budget less
than 15%.

The United States further showed their displeasure with the United
Nations, when in December, 1983, the Reagan Administration announced it
was withdrawing from UNESCO, because the UN agency had "increasingly
placed an overfed bureaucracy at the service of a coalition of Soviet
bloc and Third World countries," which was to be effective January 1,
1985, unless reforms were made. UNESCO was labeled by newsman Paul
Harvey as "communism's trap for our youth." Another area which
demonstrated the UN's communist leanings, was revealed by the McGraw
Edison Committee for Public Affairs: "The United Nations' International
Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)...appropriated $59,000,000 between
1947 and 1958 to Communist countries. In a ratio not unlike that of
other UN ventures, the United States has furnished $42,000,000 of the
money...As with other aid programs, the assistance does not go to the
needy but it is administered through governments." J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,
Ambassador to Mexico, in his August, 1945, analysis of the UN Charter,
wrote: "The Charter is built to prepare for war, not to promote
peace...The Charter is a war document, not a peace document..." Former
President Herbert Hoover said in an August 10, 1962 speech: "I urged the
ratification of the United Nations Charter by the Senate. But I stated
at that time 'The American people should be under no illusions that the
Charter assures lasting peace.' But now we must realize that the United
Nations has failed to give us even a remote hope of lasting peace.
Instead, it adds the dangers of wars which now surround us." An article
about the UN in the March 2, 1964 edition of the _Santa Ana Register_
made this comment: "The whole purpose and, indeed, the method of the UN
is to use armed might against any nation presumed to be an aggressor.
Its function is to make war..." Congressman John E. Rankin said: "The
United Nations is the greatest fraud in all history. Its purpose is to
destroy the United States." As long as prominent members of our
government tout the United Nations as being the only way for lasting
peace, then the propaganda will continue to grow, and we will become
more desensitized to the campaign that continues to slowly take away the
freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. While campaigning for
the Presidency, Bill Clinton said: "My vision is that we would become an
instrument working as much as possible through the United Nations for
freedom and democracy and human rights and global economic growth." In a
speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, Clinton called for a
permanent UN "rapid deployment force." Richard Gardner, a Clinton
advisor on the UN, and a professor of international law, has outlined a
plan for a world army of 30,000 men. The five member nations of the
Security Council would provide 2,000 men, and 30 other nations would add
up to 750 each. This would create a military force that the Security
Council could deploy within 48 hours to maintain the peace.

In 1993, the UN became financially stretched to the limit, because of
all the peace-keeping operations throughout the world (numbering about
70,000, they pay each country $988 per soldier every month, and more for
specialized troops), which forced it to cutback on travel, meetings, and
the use of consultants. While the U.S. is still paying about 25% of its
annual budget of over $1 billion, and about 30% of all peace-keeping
costs, a move was on to force member nations to contribute a portion of
their defense budgets to the UN.

We can expect one of two things to happen in the future. Either the UN
will steadily grow in power, until it evolves into a one-world
government; or if perceptions continue that it has not lived up to
expectations, it could be disbanded (perhaps if the United States would
drop out), and replaced by an already burgeoning alliance, such as the
WCPA. Walter Hoffman, the executive Vice President of the World
Federalist Association, wrote in a letter to a national news magazine,
that we need "a new, more effective UN, one that will have the power to
stop wars and arbitrate disputes between national groups." It seems
likely, that the strength of our economy may determine how soon our
country agrees to become part of a one world government. If it continues
to decline due to government mismanagement and manipulation by the
Illuminati, it may not be long till we have to be "saved" in order to
survive, even if it is, as part of a new world order dominated by a
socialistic political ideology.

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"All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the
Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and
grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob
Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is
borrowed from Kabbalah, all the Masonic associations
owe to it their secrets and their symbols."

--- Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike 33