The Official [LPF] Wish List Discussion


New member
Ok people so heres the deal. We all know our site owners don't exactly live on these forums so we've decided to make it easy for them. We all want to see improvements on this site. That's why I posted on the Admins section a wish list of things I'd like to see done on the site. Then one of my fellow moderators pointed out why stop with a Mods wish list? Why not a LPF wish list. So here's you chance. What we are asking you to do, is write down a wish list of what you want to see done on lpf improvement wise. It's that simple. Got an idea? Let's hear it.


1) Absolutely NO DISRESPECT to the Admins/Site owners of this site. Regardless of how you feel about this site we will tolerate NO disrespect towards them. We asking them for improvements not bans. If we find anything you write on this thread to be disrespectful we will first give you a warning and then proceed with a Ban if necessary.

2) Serious ideas only. No socks, shoes, footballs, or ***** indicators. If we feel like you are just wasting our time with stupid petty requests we have the right to delete, warn and/or ban you accordingly.

3) Write your actual requests in YELLOW. We our asking the administration to only take the requests in Yellow seriously. That means if you post in any other color like Blue, Red, Green, White, Gray, etc. there is a 99 percent chance your post will not be taken seriously/considered. You wont be in trouble if you don't type in the requested font, but you will look like a douchebag and I personally will call you out for it. :D


4) Other than that keep requests simplistic. Keep in mind what the majority of our members do on this site. Is it writing? GFX? Filming? Draw your ideas from what benifets the forum as a whole.





It's not the mods or Vash/UMO's choice for whether something happens. The decision lies in the hands of Qwest and Coredump. I am posting a redirect on the front page so hopefully they will see and read and act on but that is all up to them. So don't necessarily get your hopes up.


Wish Away.







Graphic Artist of the Year Special Color.

(this could be part of an award for the GAofY) I was thinking this purplish color.


A New Layout that is with the times. is the perfect example imo of how our forums should be looking. Our Banner looks cheap as does the layout and I think LPF should really have a legit facelift.


A Shout box.

Last year it was said we'd get one but we didn't. I think this should be a standard. When a person is looking for a forums this is one of the new things people like to see. Chatrooms are inconvenient and I think are kinda fading in popularity, these chatboxes are taking over, and are highly convenient when while reading a thread you can easily access the shout box.


More Accessories.

We need better features. Arcades, more sig space, things that keep people entertained. Any kind of new interactive feature is good and very needed.


Overall, I think we do a bad job in marketing to others to join the site. There is no real reason beyond liking linkin park. the stuff i listed imo are relatively easy fixes. and can only have benifets

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New member
I think this is a great idea. :] LPF could use some shaping up to become an even awesomer place.

Uh just to make sure, do we still have the Orange Newscaster status? Cuz if we do we can remove that orange status, for I think that job should be spreaded on all active LPFers and the old Newscasters aren't around anyways. [if not just ignore]

Remove users who have less than 5[?] posts and have not been on for a year[?].


Remove elite status of old elite members who have not been on for two[?] years


The numerics are changeable.



Active Members
More Authority Involvement:

We need people here with the powers to change things.. We have daily problems that need to be solved, and no one here has the power to do so.

Bigger Graphics Section:

I know this is a Linkin Park fansite.. But I honestly believe if we extend out graphic section, and add more things (like an arcade and shoutbox, like Azem said) we would defiantly draw some attention.

Heres my 2 centz:

1. Have a more open competition in the Art forum, such as not just limit it to GFX. We could include movies, music, graphics, and maybe writings etc... I reckon it would be more interesting and not as exclusive.


Remove elite status of old elite members who have not been on for two[?] years



- I personally would like to have all the old elite members who havent been active for over a year made "non-elite" and instead of that choose new ones.

- and I agree with the other ones



New member
I personally agree with all the past

We should make an Arcade. Have some of the people with that talent, make games or soemthng! THat would be pretty cool.

We should also have where it says our location and etc, have it say if we are male/female.



New member

Well as for contests. Sure that would be a great idea. However since coredump is the actual owner I don't have any financial interest in this site anymore. I say that so you understand that it means I wouldn't be able to actually fund any prize giveaways like back in the old days. However I stay on to jump in and help as needed because I do have an interest in the site in that I love the site itself and LP!

An expanded graphics section is doable. I just need details on precisely what you want done.

So the bottom line in what I'm trying to say is that you guys that are here every day don't need us admins in order for you to be creative and decide what you want for the site. You simply say it and contact me and I'll make it happen so long as the staff agrees and it's nothing that I feel I would be overstepping my bounds on and would need to ask coredump about.

Contacting me is easy. Just send me a PM! I get an email message to my MAIN email account on gmail that I am logged into nearly 12 to 18 hours a day sometimes. Even late at night.

As for the elite status removals I'd like to discuss that in the staff area so I'll start a thread there.

- Q



New member
1. make me king of LPF.

2. get **** symbols next to usernames to denote wether one is male or female.

3. maybe write up a set of rules?

4. I'd love to have my name changed to 'Reflectionist' because it's too **** hard to type it backwards....

EDIT--- I didn't see the 'No ***** Indicators" rule before I posted this.....too bad. This forum screams for ***** indicators.


By a mod. Only noobs and dentists skip the rules. Be wise, use your eyes.



2) Serious ideas only. No socks, shoes, footballs, or ***** indicators. If we feel like you are just wasting our time with stupid petty requests we have the right to delete, warn and/or ban you accordingly.


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New member
A new forum theme, or multiple themes, so that we can each choose our individual favorite, rather then being stuck with the same gray/blue/black theme.


New member
I think, and I hope nobody takes this personally, that we should just get rid of the 'elite' status. Maybe rework it Palpatine Style into something that is more of a privelege to good and helpful and legendary members than a title to be thrown at people who aren't of that one.


Its a very small number, but I know some people in the past that have just walked all over me and my friends on LPF for having that Green name.


Either that, or make different ones, like in XFS, which as special colors for musical producers, and a different color for artists, and what not. Just VIPs.



And I've just got to say, I commend Azem, for abbreviating "Graphic Artist of the Year" as "GAofY" instead of "GAY"



New member
make a new section: remixes...(not just other artist)
Why? the only person who actually remixes here is me. lol.

I'm just kidding. In fact, I agree with you. Partly. I don't think we need a 'remix' section, but rather an entire 'music production' section. That way, it's not just limited to remixes. LPF sessions and stuff can be held there, and stuff that people like Stenners, or Azem do, can go there as well.



New member


And I've just got to say, I commend Azem, for abbreviating "Graphic Artist of the Year" as "GAofY" instead of "GAY"
Lol, and you know I knew for a fact you'd get me on that if I put GAY. Lol

were making progress guys seeing as though we've got at least one admin checkin it out



New member
Lol, and you know I knew for a fact you'd get me on that if I put GAY. Lol
were making progress guys seeing as though we've got at least one admin checkin it out
I don't know that I'd 'Get on you' for 'putting gay,' but i'd never let you hear the end of it, for sure. Especially since you suggested that they have a 'purplish' color to them.... can you imagine, if on LPF someone's name was purple and it said "GAY" next to it?

Definitely need (wiener) indicators.

Edited-by Azem

Re-Edited by Ref.

Re-Re Edited by Unhi



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New member
-Have any threads that are over a year(or whatever time period) be automatically locked so they wont just be randomly bumped or something.

-Have a media section(media forum/media talk or w.e), other forums have media sections where people share their stuff(obviously NOT official stuff-stuff like bootlegs,fan remixes etc), a universal section where people can download MV's,LPTV,bootlegs,remixes,LPF sessions etc *it could possibly be a sub forum of the Music Producer idea thingy above,as fan made stuff can be thrown in here*


that is all i can think of atm


i agree with everything else




New member
Tonz;540936']-Have any threads that are over a year(or whatever time period) be automatically locked so they wont just be randomly bumped or something.
-Have a media section(media forum/media talk or w.e), other forums have media sections where people share their stuff(obviously NOT official stuff-stuff like bootlegs,fan remixes etc), a universal section where people can download MV's,LPTV,bootlegs,remixes,LPF sessions etc *it could possibly be a sub forum of the Music Producer idea thingy above,as fan made stuff can be thrown in here*


that is all i can think of atm


i agree with everything else


I'd really like it seperated into 'fan works' and 'official stuff' though... That way the official stuff in the thread doesn't overbear the fan made stuff. We really work hard on it, but people just don't give two ***** about it if it's next to a new LPTV episode.

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