The Offspring


New member
Anyone likes them?I went to their concert last month,it was great.I think the best way to judge if a band is good or not is live.And they kick *** live.I know their old albums are better,but they are still one of the best bands


New member
I have liked Offspring since I was a little baby lol. My favorite songs from them is Hit that, gone away and Come out and play.


Active Members
They are great. And they are one of the best bands, because they rose above and then survived the 90s, one of the worst decades for music ever. They never gave in, and I love how Splinter has thrown them back the respect they deserve. It was a good album, and I hope the next one is even better. :D


New member
U are so lucky dan!!I like the offsprings as well,they are a great band,the songs I like are:Hit that,want u bad,original prankster,(Can't Get My) Head Around You,etc.


New member
i like them. they are a good band. my fave songs of theirs are : staring at the sun and can't get my head around you.
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