The open door

Lame, Lame with a side of LAME :)

Hooks are all over the place n used way too often that its not a hook n just a verse more or less. Granted the are some, somewhat interesting parts but other then that meh.
Ummmm... I'm not so sure...I haven't heard it to be honest but I haven't heard very positive comments either. You're the first one I've heard say good words about it Jeez... I used to like Evanescence but then I kinda got tired of their style. I really don't know if I'm gonna buy this album or not...I'm still wavering. Hmm...
I Don't think I'm goin to get it heard one fo their new songs...
and Stenners is right on this one.
their stuff is bein used too much and that It's gettin too old...
the style is already worn out for me.
Stenners said:
Lame, Lame with a side of LAME :)

Hooks are all over the place n used way too often that its not a hook n just a verse more or less. Granted the are some, somewhat interesting parts but other then that meh.

I like your views...and that they are the complete opposite of
Plain and simple, it sucks. But what do you expect??? It's Evanescence. I downloaded it for a laugh and then I got a headache from boredom.
This "If you love me, let me go" thing is getting old........

How many times does she have to sing about "letting go" on this freakin' album. Check out this album and count how many times she sings about "letting go". It's freakin' pathetic. No imagination or depth........

Let me go, I'm leaving, you belong to me, I don't want to hold you back now, there is room inside for two.....I'm breathing for you, WTF!!!

I just want to see my life, I think it would be nice, to lose control just once, cliche, cliche, cliche.
Well I did say the first half of the album was a blur that sort of sounded like 1 song....... 1 long.... painful song....... where they sounded the same as the last... with the same hook more or less and the same lyrics.

Still look on the bright side, the cd may make a good coaster...... maybe...... and the case could be used to replace one of ur older ones and the artwork could be stuck on a 12 year olds bag or something........... o and the price sticker can be used tyo price ur freinds. Errrrrrrrm as for the music... it could be used at closding time for pubs n bars.......but then they will get done for noice pollution or something & lose their music licence and no one wants that.

Did I also mention that the orchestra layers on this album all sound the same n really dont add to the music but disguise the fact the band is limited. Amy Lee's vocal skills arent deniable, they do exist...... the fact she cant write or come up with stuff new (even the videos are as clique as they come....... WATCH ME FLOAT NOW) I do know that artists have little control over their videos most of the time, maybe the director was hinting at something the next video will probably see her jumping over a cliff into the fires of hell but some sort of 'Safety Net' catches her n saves the day.
Stenners said:
Well I did say the first half of the album was a blur that sort of sounded like 1 song....... 1 long.... painful song....... where they sounded the same as the last... with the same hook more or less and the same lyrics.

Still look on the bright side, the cd may make a good coaster...... maybe...... and the case could be used to replace one of ur older ones and the artwork could be stuck on a 12 year olds bag or something........... o and the price sticker can be used tyo price ur freinds. Errrrrrrrm as for the music... it could be used at closding time for pubs n bars.......but then they will get done for noice pollution or something & lose their music licence and no one wants that.

Did I also mention that the orchestra layers on this album all sound the same n really dont add to the music but disguise the fact the band is limited.

Very true and yes......."this product" (not a band) is very very limited.

"Don't look down, you'll fall down, blah blah blah lies lies lies."

The overly melodramatic strings and choir just sounds really abused on this album and definitely doesn't do anything to hide the overly-compressed crap this band is churning out after THREE YEARS.
Well, I've just listened to it for the first was just an easy listening...not for I must say it's not that bad...but it's true that she really sings about same old stuff over and over again. She really feels so sorry for really is pathetic... And her voice...well, at some parts it may be good but it's all the same...I don't know...
Actually I'm sure I'm gonna listen to that album in the future also...cuz it's really not that bad... :thumbsup:
diana said:
Well, I've just listened to it for the first was just an easy listening...not for I must say it's not that bad...but it's true that she really sings about same old stuff over and over again. She really feels so sorry for really is pathetic... And her voice...well, at some parts it may be good but it's all the same...I don't know...
Actually I'm sure I'm gonna listen to that album in the future also...cuz it's really not that bad... :thumbsup:

Thing is she doesn't feel sorry for herself, she has nothing to feel sorry about most likely. She just sings about that doo doo just to sing about that doo doo. She has no talent or imagination along with an ok pair of lungs. The musicmanship from her band is really bland and boring. Absolutely no creativity and very little tricks up their sleaves. This is a good record for modern rock radio lovers and a bad album for those who like music for having substance.
Kind of like how the new Three Days Grace album is a disappointment compared to their first. Fallen was once my favorite album, and still it's one of my favorite. Every song did something for me and it was really creative. Well not so much the guitar, but it it's still a really great album.

I listened to The Open Door once... and I can say that I really don't care to listen to it again. I mean, I probably will... but it's nothing compared to Fallen. Nothing.
I don't like Evanessance. Their new albumn sound's like any other Evanessance albumn. So, I still don't like it. The thing that irritates me alot is the way that Amy Lee has to extend every end note, or at least one note in a line she is singing. Get's very tedious. I admit though that she does have singing talent.