The Other Rudy Hillary Race



The Other Rudy Hillary Race

You may remember it as the one that almost happened. The year was
2000, the place New York State, the campaign, one for the seat in
the US Senate from New York that was up that year.

Everyone believed that New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani would face
Hillary Rodham Clinton in the campaign for that seat in the US
Senate from New York.

But things changed. A bout with prostate cancer forced "pro-choice"
Rudy to bow out of the US Senate race. Rudy was replaced with
a "pro-life" Republican named Lazio who lost to Hillary in the
general election. Many believe Lazio's poor debate performance cost
him the race and that Rudy would have prevailed over Hillary in the
debates and gone on to win the election if he could have gotten the
Conservative Party nomination.

In New York State votes from third parties may be combined with
votes from major parties to determine who the winner is. Thus a
Republican Party nominee who is also the nominee of the Conservative
Party would have the votes combined to deterimine if that nominee is
the winner of the general election.

Many questions from the 2000 campaign linger on to this day. Was the
1999 Kosovo War, which saw Kosovo stolen from Eastern Orthodox
Christian Serbia, and handed over to Albanian Moslems, a payment in
advance for the would be third party candidacy of "pro-life"
Albanian American Joe DioGuardi, who would have run on the
Conservative Party line in New York State, splitting the votes that
would otherwise have gone to the Republican nominee for US Senate
had the Conservative Party nominated the Republican nominee?

Who will be the first to break this story to the major media? Will
it be Barak Hussein Obama? Obama is said to be furious that Hillary
Rodham Clinton is out polling him among African-American voters.
When Jesse Jackson ran for President he won some 78% of African-
American voters in the Democratic primaries.

Clearly this story would cost Hillary Rodham Clinton the support of
African-American voters. The idea that a young "white" radical New
Haven Connecticut Yale Law student named Hillary Rodham might have
been involved in the torture and murder of a young African-American
man, who is believed to have been tortured and murdered in Maryland,
and, or in the disposal of that young African-American man's body
some 40 miles north of Yale in Connecticut, and or in the defense of
that young African-American man's accused torturer and murderer
would clearly produce a highly negative reaction among African-
American voters towards Hillary Rodham Clinton.

With Barak Hussein Obama in the race many of those voters might
switch to Obama from Hillary.

If Obama is determined to be the leaker of this story to the major
media he might also suffer a backlash from so-called "Yellow Dog
Democrats", who call themselves that because they proudly say they
would vote for a yellow dog if it ran for office as a Democrat.

Knowing that Obama might well be afraid to leak the story because
although it would clearly force Hillary from the race the backlash
might mean that Obama would have to leave the race too.

On the other hand Edwards could leak the story to the major media,
leaving a false trail that would lead people to believe that Obama
had leaked the story. If he could get away with it Edwards would
clearly benefit from the departure of Hillary and Obama from the

What should Republicans do about all of this? One idea might be to
wait until Hillary is nominated and then leak the story to the major
media. Such an "October Surprise" might or might not work. It would
be a big gamble for Republicans to wait until 08 to leak this story.

By then Hillary might have so much momentum that she would be

As the man who made the phrase "two Americas" popular Edwards would
clearly pick up the support of African-Americans, and others, and
emerge as the most likely nominee for the Democrats in 2008.
A "white" Southern male, he would be following in the footsteps of
other successful Democrats: Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Lyndon
Baines Johnson, all of whom won at least one term as President of
the United States in a general election.

Edwards in fact may be the most "electable" candidate the Democrats
have among those Democrats who have so far entered the race.

While Edwards is very much a child of the "Old South", he has
clearly undergone a dramatic makeover from the timid boy he was when
he looked like he was about to dive under the desk if his opponent
in the 2004 Vice Presidential Debate, Vice President Dick Cheney had
cast even the slightest angry look in Edwards direction. Edwards now
speaks with much more confidence, he has parted with his Bobby
Kennedy lookalike haircut, though he has yet to shave his head ala
Ms. Spears, or grow a beard ala Al Gore or the fictional President
Logan of Fox TV's hit series "24". Whether Edwards has merely had
the benefit of some terrific speech coach, or coaches, or gone onto
some medications more beneficial than the
Botox treatments allegedly applied directly to the forehead of John
Failed The American Test Kerry, Edwards is clearly doing something

What Edwards is doing wrong, and left, at the same time, is
following his wife's anti-Israel pro-appeasement script, which sees
Edwards calling for a US pullout from Iraq and caving in to the
Syrian-Iranian alliance which would takeover in Iraq once that
pullout took place.

This is a far cry from the Edwards who voted to authorize the use of
force against Saddam Hussein. Yet he may get away with all of it. He
could leak the dramatic allegations against Hillary, leaving a false
trail to Barak Hussein Obama, thus forcing his two greatest rivals
out of the race for the nomination, and might end up as the nominee
of the Democrats himself with ease. .

And Edwards could go on to con the American people and walk away
with the Presidency won in a walk in 2008. Will there be a "Stop
Edwards" campaign among Democrats anytime soon enough to stop
Edwards from being nominated?
Will Edwards be the nominee if the scenario above works out for him?
If so, will Republicans be able to come up with any "opposition
research" on Edwards that is convincing enough to cause Edwards to
lose to his Republican opponent in 2008?

Nor do we know what sort of "opposition research" Democrats have
been doing on potential Republican nominees.

We can recall the 2006 race in which Hillary poured big bucks into
the Webb campaign for US Senate in Virginia to sink her likely 2008
rival Republican Senator George Allen.

The news that Allen's mother was Jewish, even though Allen was
raised as a Christian may well have cost Allen his seat in the
Senate in that tight US Senate race in Virginia in 2006.

Moreover Webb had run what some may have seen as a test campaign of
anti-Semitism against Harris Miller, his opponent in the primary for
the nomination for US Senate.
Let Us Punish Anti Semitism Not Reward It
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
GeorgeAllen2008 group:

If you feel, as I do, that the campaign tactics used against Senator
Allen in 2006 should, at the very least, be investigated and exposed,
please indicate what you will be doing about it.
Please also read more by Googleing the following articles:
Anatomy Of The George Allen Lynching
Help Us Expose The Lynching of George Allen



Are Saddams Saddemocrats Behind The George Allen Lynching

Politics and Bedfellows An Age Old Story Told Once Again Politics
and Bedfellows An Age Old Story Told Once Again

Webb Backer Hillary Clinton Linked to Union Leader Arrested on
Racketeering Charges

You just have to go to
scroll down to Advanced Search click on Advanced Search and put any
one of those
titles above in with the exact phrase and click on Google Search
It is my hope that the investigation and expose of those tactics
will lead to
the setting aside of the results of the election, and the stepping
aside of
James Webb, a.k.a. Jim Webb, so that Senator Allen may be declared
the choice of
the people of Virginia for the United States Senate.
Please vote for as many as you wish
I will research the matter myself
I will bring the matter to the attention of President Bush
I will bring the matter to the attention of Vice President Cheney
I will bring the matter to the attention of the FBI
I will bring the matter to the attention of the Federal Election
I will bring the matter to the attention of every newspaper in
I will bring the matter to the attention of every TV station in
I will bring the matter to the attention of every radio station in

I will contact the national media
I will call Virginia radio talk shows about this
I will call national radio talk shows about this
I will write letters to the editor of every newspaper in Virginia
I will post my ideas at this group about what more can be done about

o I will research the matter myself
o I will bring the matter to the attention of President Bush
o I will bring the matter to the attention of Vice President Cheney
o I will bring the matter to the attention of the FBI
o I will bring the matter to the attention of the Federal Election
o I will bring the matter to the attention of every newspaper in
o I will bring the matter to the attention of every TV station in
o I will bring the matter to the attention of every radio station in
o I will contact the national media
o I will call Virginia radio talk shows about this
o I will call national radio talk shows about this
o I will write letters to the editor of every newspaper in Virginia
o I will post my ideas at this group about what more can be done
about this

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.
Former Reagan Navy Secretary and now Democratic Senate hopeful from
Virginia James Webb is being accused of anti-Semitism for a flier
produced against his opponent Harris Miller.
By James Joyner
Senate candidate James H. Webb, President Reagan's former Navy
secretary, was criticized by his Jewish opponent Friday over a
campaign flier that depicted the opponent with a hooked nose and
cash spilling from his pockets. The flier was intended for
distribution among labor groups. It was titled "Miller the Job
Killer," referring to Webb's opponent for the Democratic nomination
in Tuesday's primary, businessman Harris Miller.
The flier, drawn in comic-book cartoon style, depicts Miller with a
grotesquely hooked nose and cash overflowing from his suit pockets
as he orders an underling to find ways to export U.S. jobs overseas.
The flier refers to Miller as the "anti-Christ of outsourcing."
Miller called it "despicable." "One of the things I hoped we would
keep out of this campaign, because it has nothing to do with the
campaign, is my religion and my background," Miller said."

Here are some excerpts from that anti-Miller flyer
click on the url immediately below to see it:
which was "paid for and authorized by webb for senate." whose caricature drawings of Democrat Harris
Miller, who happens to be Jewish, look like they came straight out
of some nazi Germany era anti-Semitic propaganda piece, have him
saying: "Let them eat cake.", which of course he never said, and
which has a footnote stating "1. Attributed to Marie Antoinette
shortly before she was beheaded in 1793." as if Miller had actually
said it.
"Harris Miller, a corporate lobbyist, made his fortune by advocating
the outsourcing of American jobs. Called the "anti-Christ of
outsourcing," 1. Attributed to Marie Antoinette shortly before she
was beheaded in 1793. As Virginia's Senator, Jim Webb will be a
voice for working Virginians and will fight for what is really
Root out corporate corruption and end the lobbyist stranglehold on
Congress, restoring confidence in our government. paid for and
authorized by webb for senate. "

The anti-Semitic campaign waged against Democrat Harris Miller,
Webb's Jewish opponent in the Virginia Senatorial Primary, was only
a warm up for the anti-Semitic campaign waged against Webb's
opponent in the general election, Republican Senator George Allen,
whose mother is Jewish. Chances are good that the anti-Semitic flyer
against Harris Miller described above would have landed Webb in jail
in Europe, where there are laws against such things. Europe, after
all, knows that hate speech leads to action. Hitler's Mein Kampf led
to The Holocaust. In America it got Webb the nomination of his party
for the US Senate. Don't let Webb benefit from the anti-Semitic
attacks launched against Senator Allen. Please help to expose those
who waged those deceitful hate filled anti-Semitic campaigns
against Democrat Harris Miller and Republican George Allen.

Politics and Bedfellows An Age Old Story Told Once Again

We do not know what to make of the gossip being circulated about
likely 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton
these days.
It seems strange that material which appears to be damaging about
her would
surface over two years before the 2008 Presidential Election. Yet
such material
is surfacing all over the place these days.

Though the name Arthur Turco is known to few Americans today, if the
about his romantic and political relationship with Hillary Rodham
Clinton in
1969 when Hillary was at Yale turn out to be true Arthur Turco's
name might
become as much a household word as Monica Lewinsky's name was in the
late 1990s.

Unlike Monica Lewinsky however, Arthur Turco in 1969 was no starry
eyed 20
something intern being sexually used and abused by the most charming
of the United States ever to hold that office.

Gerald Lefcourt, David Brothers, Abbie Hofmann, Dave Dellinger,
Kunstler, Jerry Rubin, and Arthur Turco can be seen at a Black
Panther Rally at
Federal Court, in a photo taken on March 22nd, 1969. Arthur Turco is
the clean
shaven white man in the dark glasses,wearing a tie with his hand in
the pocket
of his rain coat, standing behind bearded Jerry Rubin.

You can see the photo in which Turco appears at
in the Birds of A Feather photo album at

Arthur Turco was the New York City based leader of a weird white
group called
THE PATRIOTS in 1969. THE PATRIOTS were allied with THE BLACK
Puerto Rican group called THE YOUNG LORDS in something called THE
COALITION. This was a different group from the Jesse Jackson related
Coalition group.

THE PATRIOTS operated relatively openly from an office in far uptown
but reputedly also used one or more covert "Safe House" style
apartments in the
CHELSEA section of Manhattan. Some of those "Safe House" style
apartments were
allegedly fortress like places,allegedly filled with heavy weapons
explosives, as well as handguns, and automatic weapons.

Some alleged background on Black Panther Party attorney and ally,
Arthur Turco
may be found at

which describes Arthur Turco as the "Panthers' New York
lawyer,Arthur Turco."
The article states that : "Caplan says he believes that the
Panthers' New York
lawyer, Arthur Turco, was the ringleader in the commission of this
crime. "He
was apparently in the house when the torture and the murder took
place and was
part of the conspiracy to kill and remove the body,"

Below is an example of a post which dates back to the Bill Clinton
era we found
describing some of the story.

"Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black
named Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was a fellow Panther
suspected of
disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair. Once safely
his'friends'tortured him for hours by, among other things, pouring
boiling water
on him. When they
got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member Warren Kimbo
took Mr.Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley's body
was later
found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven, Conn.

Perhaps at this point you're curious as to what happened to these
Black Panthers. In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of
the killers
was still in jail. The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to get a
scholarship to
Harvard. He later became an assistant dean at Eastern Connecticut
State College.
Isn't that something? As a `60s radical you can pump a bullet into
head,and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an
assistant college dean! Only in America! Erica Huggins was the lady
who served
the Panthers by boiling the water for Mr.
Rackley's torture. Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to a
California School Board.

How in the world do you think these killers got off so
easy? Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who
came to the
defense of the Panthers. These two people actually went so far as to
shut down
Yale University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black
during their trial. One of these people was none other than Bill Lan
Lee. Mr.
Lee, or
Mr. Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He isn't a
member of a California School Board. He is now head of the U.S.
Department's Civil Rights Division.

O.K., so who was the other Panther defender?

Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member? Is
this other Panther apologist now an assistant college dean? No,
Neither! The
other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law student at Yale
at the time. She is now known as The "smartest woman in the world."
She is none
than...Hillary Rodham Clinton."

We checked Hillary's official White House bio and found that:

"In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she served on the
Board of Editors of Yale Law Review and Social Action..."
We also dug up the 1997 piece below on Bill Lan Lee

"G.O.P Leader Says Nominee Will Be Halted November 10, 1997, Monday
By STEVEN A. HOLMES (New York Times) National Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 22, Column 1,
Senator Orrin G Hatch, chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee, says
of Bill Lan Lee, President Clinton's choice for Assistant Attorney
General for
Civil Rights, is dead; nomination has run into opposition among
Republicans, who
accuse him of supporting racial quotas and affirmative action..."

Want to know something really scary? We do not know if there is any
truth to them at all, but allegations are beginning to resurface
concerning the
alleged connections, which may have begun in 1969, between Hillary
she and her husband to be Bill Clinton were Yale students, and
something callled
THE RAINBOW COALITION, not the one associated with Jesse Jackson,
but another
one, which was composed of 3 allied groups: THE BLACK PANTHERS, a
Puerto Rican
group called THE YOUNG LORDS, and a bizarre Maoist "white" group
called THE

The so-called RAINBOW COALITION was an alliance between ARTHUR
TURCO'S white
terrorist group THE PATRIOTS, and the original BLACK PANTHERS,(not
to be
confused with a group using that name today), and a Puerto Rican
group called
THE YOUNG LORDS in 1969 when Hillary and Bill Clinton were Yale

A relatively covert alliance also existed between THE PATRIOTS and
heavily armed
international arab terrorists,including those controlled by
even then in the United States,and elsewhere. In particular the
center around the alleged connections between Hillary Rodham and
Arthur Turco,
and others. Turco was the leader of THE PATRIOTS. THE PATRIOTS
members wore
dungaree "uniforms" including dungaree pants and dungaree jackets
and held
Maoist style "self-criticism sessions".

THE PATRIOTS were allegedly heavily involved in drug use, which
"snorting" horse tranquilizer drugs, among other things, and
allegedly were
regular visitors to YALE.

They also allegedly regularly read responsively from Lin Piao's
radical book.
("Encyclopedia of World Biography on Lin Piao
(1907-1971) was a Chinese Communist military commander and political
leader. His distinguished military career and loyalty to the
principles of Mao
Tse-tung were the basis for his rise to second position in the
Chinese Communist
leadership. He was involved in an unsuccessful coup d'etat in 1971.")

We would like to know what, if anything, you have found about this
story? Is there any truth to it at all? We do not know.

Then there is the matter of the Balkan Wars of the 1990s. Famed
Jewish columnist
A.M.Rosenthal of THE NEW YORK TIMES called Bill Clinton, who he had
backed in
the 1992 Presidential race against then President George Herbert
Walker Bush,
BOMBER BILL because of Clinton's prosecution of the Balkan Wars of
the 1990s.
In those wars some 5,000 Serbian civilians were slaughtered in
Guernica like air
raids. Many of the same targets in Serbia that were bombed by the
Luftwaffe in
World War Two were bombed by the Luftwaffe in 1999.

Bill Clinton turned the US Airforce into AIR BIN LADEN, flying
missions against
Serbians who were fighting against Osama bin Laden's forces in the

Why would Bill Clinton, the former anti-war activist of the
1960s,who had
demonstrated against the Vietnam War,wage war against Serbia as
President of the
United States in the 1990s?

The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution limits Presidential terms
of office to
2 terms. Bill Clinton was elected to those 2 terms and served them.
His last
full year in office was 2000, the year his wife, Hillary Rodham
Clinton was
elected to the US Senate from New York State. He left office on
January 20th,

Many observers viewed the 2000 US Senate race in which she was
elected from New
York State as a stepping stone to the White House for Hillary Rodham

In New York State winning state wide Republican candidates need the
of the New York State Republican Party to be augmented by the
nominaton of the
New York State Conservative Party.

Winning statewide without BOTH nominations is not an easy thing for
Republican candidate in New York State.

The website of the New York State Conservative Party proudly
proclaims : "The
1994 elections were a breakthrough for the Conservative Party as we
provided the
margin of victory for Governor George E. Pataki with the 326,605
votes cast on
our line."

In New York State the votes of candidates on for example the
Republican Party
line may be combined with votes for the same candidates received on
for example
the New York State Conservative Party line.

Thus winning the nomination of the New York State Conservative Party
is vital to
making a successful statewide run for office in New York State.

Things were not shaping up at all well for Rudy Guiliani, who was
the odds on
favorite for the Republican nomination for the US Senate race in
2000 against
Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"Giuliani at Fund-Raiser, but Not Conservative Party's
November 17, 1999, Wednesday
By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN (New York Times)Metropolitan Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section B, Page 5, Column 1
Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani attends Broadway fund-raiser for his
presumptive United
States Senate campaign, but he is left out of State Conservative
Party's annual
fall ****tail party-which may have even more important implications
for his
political future; Conservative Party chairman Michael R Long says
Giuliani was
not invited because he has not yet expressed interest in winning

To his credit then Governor George W. Bush did what he could to
pitch in to help
Rudy Guiliani.

"Bush Offers Giuliani Help On the Right
November 30, 1999, Tuesday
By ELISABETH BUMILLER (New York Times)Metropolitan Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section B, Page 1, Column 5,
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, on his first political trip
since Hillary
Rodham Clinton announced her intention to run for United States
Senate, basks in
praise of political benefactor, Texas Governor George W. Bush.
Bush, at rally
in Austin, Texas, volunteers to help Giuliani win endorsement from
New York
State Conservative Party in his likely race against Hillary Clinton;
has been held up over Giuliani's position on abortion rights; at
issue is
Giuliani's opposition to ban on what critics call `partial-birth'

The alleged Clinton master plan to win Hillary Rodham Clinton a seat
in the US
Senate from New York State as a vital stepping stone to the White
House was
built on a very simple proposition:

Winning that seat in the Senate for Hillary in 2000 could
theoretically be
accomplished by assuring that the 2000 US Senate nominaton of the
New York
State Conservative Party did not go to the 2000 US Senate nominee of
the New
York State Republican Party.

But how could such a thing be accomplished? Who could be persuaded
to split the
right so that Hillary Rodham Clinton could be elected to the US
Senate from New
York State in 2000?

Ominously it was on May Day of 2000 that the following happened:

"Giuliani Gets A New Rival On the Right
May 1st, 2000, Monday
By ADAM NAGOURNEY (New York Times) Metropolitan Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section B, Page 1, Column 6,
Former United States Congressman from Westchester County Joseph J
DioGuardi, in
move that could complicate Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani's campaign for
United States
Senate, says that he will seek support of Conservative, Right-to-
Life and
Independence Parties in campaign for Senate; repeatedly assails
Giuliani as
being out of step with Conservative-minded Republicans..."

Who was Former United States Congressman from Westchester County
Joseph J
DioGuardi, and how did he fit in to the alleged Clinton master plan
to win
Hillary Rodham Clinton a seat in the US Senate from New York State
as vital
stepping stone to the White House?

DioGuardi has been described by New York City's Village Voice
newspaper as :

In 2000 DioGuardi was poised to give not-so-hilarious Hillary Rodham
Clinton a seat in the US Senate from New York by virtue of his own
campaign for that seat that would have split right-wing opposition to
Hillary, thus ensuring her election.

We opposed Ms.Clinton then,and we oppose her now.
Unlike Ms.Clinton who favors a so-called
"palestinian" state we are opposed to such an entity coming into
existence. We were also opposed to Clinton's anti-Serbian policy in
the Balkans.
There is more data
available on the so-called "palestinian" state issue:
A group calling itself the "National Association of Arab Americans" urged its members to
"Please write, phone, or fax the First Lady at the following address
to express your appreciation for her remarks" which favored a
"palestinian" state.) Nor has Hillary, not-so-Hilarious Clinton
been squeamish about supporting Albanians
" Hillary Clinton awarded Albania's highest civilian honor"
Please see the url below from THE NEW YORK TIMES regarding the 2000
DioGuardi US Senate candidacy.
DioGuardi hopes to run on the Conservative Party, Right-to-Life
and Independence Party lines in New York State. The Independence
Party was the name for the Reform Party in New York State which then
appeared likely to have Patrick J. Buchanan as its Presidential
standard bearer in the fall 2000 elections.

"Buchanan has consistently portrayed war criminals as
patriotic Americans, innocent victims of "revenge-obsessed Nazi
hunters" in Washington. Virtually everything the accused and their
defenders have said he accepts as truth, and, in the words of one
critic, he wages "journalistic guerilla warfare" on their behalf.
Neal Sher, former director of the U.S. Justice Department's Office of
Special Investigations: "Buchanan went to bat for every Nazi war
criminal in America." Liberty Lobby, the leading anti-Semitic and
racist organization in America, overwhelmingly endorsed Pat Buchanan
during the 1996 presidential primaries. An editorial in its
publication, The Spotlight, pointed out that "the 112 issues or
legislative positions that Liberty Lobby has taken over the past 40
years...shows that Pat Buchanan stands with us." The predominant
they share is Holocaust revisionism, the spearhead of the
international anti-Semitic movement. Buchanan used his syndicated
column and his office as communications director in the Reagan White
House from 1981-1987 to assist pro-Nazi Eastern European
in trying to block the denaturalization and deportation of Karl
Linnas, John Demjanjuk, and at least seventeen others who had been
charged by the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Special
Investigations or had been convicted in federal courts of concealing
war crimes in order to gain illegal entry into the U.S. The Karl
Linnas Case In 1981 the Federal District Court in Westbury, NY
stripped 67-year-old Karl Linnas of his citizenship for having lied
immigration officials thirty years earlier about his Nazi past.
Linnas's crimes, the judge said, "were such as to offend the decency
of any civilized society." From 1941-43 Linnas had commanded a Nazi
concentration camp at Tartu, Estonia, where he directed and
took part in the murder of thousands of men, women, and children who
were shot into anti-tank ditches. A 1986 federal appeals court upheld
his deportation order, ruling that the evidence against the defendant
was "overwhelming and largely uncontroverted." Summarily rejecting
court's findings because evidence had been obtained from the Soviet
Union, Buchanan orchestrated a national media effort to exonerate
Linnas, demanding that his citizenship be reinstated. He championed
the Linnas cause in his syndicated newspaper column and TV program
"Crossfire," and arranged for then U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese
III to meet with him and members of Eastern European organizations
hailed Linnas as a hero. On March 31, l987, Menachem Rosensaft,
founder of the International Network of Children of Holocaust
Survivors, wrote a New York Times Op-Ed piece calling for a
congressional investigation to determine whether any American
or functionary had intervened on Mr. Linnas's behalf. Buchanan
responded by saying it was the Office of Special Investigations that
needed to be investigated. "Let us get it all out in the open," he
wrote, "nothing un-American can live in the sunlight." Attorney
General Meese delayed the deportation of Linnas as long as possible,
all the while searching for a haven. After sixteen countries had
refused, Panama agreed to accept Linnas "on humanitarian grounds."
News of the decision prompted Rosensaft and others to intercede with
Panamanian officials in Washington, who told them that their
government had not been informed of Linnas's wartime atrocities.
Panama withdrew its offer and issued a statement saying that "our
country and our Government reject and condemn the crimes committed by
fascists." On April 20, 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear
a final appeal. At that point Meese was legally bound to comply with
the deportation order. Linnas was flown to the Soviet Union and three
months later died in a prison hospital while awaiting trial."

The obvious question came to mind. Was the potential third party
DioGuardi 2000 Senate candidacy, which could have guaranteed Hillary
the US Senate seat from New York a "big payoff" for the Clintons for
the 1999 pro-Albanian Balkan war against Serbia which saw Kosovo
stolen from Serbia?
is the url of a group which describes itself at that website as
"the Albanian American Civic League. The Civic League was founded
by former Congressman Joseph DioGuardi and a
board of Albanian Americans in 1989 as the only registered
lobby in Washington, DC, representing the concerns and
interests of the Albanian people.

Pay close attention to the phrase "living side by side in" found in
the quote below, and note how it has since been used by advocates of
a so-called Two State Solution, which envisages a so-
called "palestinian" state "living side by side in" so-
called "peace" with Israel.

In reality the so-called Two State
Solution is more like Hitler's infamous FINAL SOLUTION, as it is
really a Two Step or Two Stage plan, with the first step being get
Israel to hand over everything it will without total war, and then
wage total war against Israel from the land Israel hands over to
destroy the rest of Israel.

The self-described

"purpose of the Civic League is to further the human rights and the
national cause of the divided nation of more than seven million
Albanians living side by side in the Balkans in Albania, Kosova,
western Macedonia, southeastern Montenegro, Presheve, Medvegje,
Bujanovc (southern Serbia), and Chameria (northern Greece). By
bringing the political perspectives of 400,000 Albanian Americans to
the US Government, the civic League works to end the repression
and oppression of Albanians living under hostile Slavic Communist
regimes in the Balkans and to preserve the culture, identity and
human rights of Albanians throughout the world."

While you are digesting that quote, which sounds to me to be more
than a bit like the propaganda sprouted by the nazis about the
so-called "Sudetenland"

and other places inhabited by Germans and others which used the
German population as a pretext for annexation and in some cases war
by Germany.

Saddam did the same thing when he move arabs into Kurdish sections
of so-called Iraq.

Syria has moved a million so-called "civilian" FIFTH COLUMNISTS into
Lebanon, a nation which numbers under four million people, not
counting those million Syrian FIFTH COLUMNISTS.

NATO bombed Belgrade TV repeatedly, after Belgrade TV
started to show the comedic film "Wag the Dog" which is about a US
President who starts an Albanian War while he is in the midst of a
sex scandal.

Ken Starr, where are you now that we really do need you? (Ken Starr
was the anti-Clinton prosecutor who got nowhere in his attempts to
oust Bill Clinton from the Presidency.)

Some more thoughts from a different source are quoted below:
"Fri, 2 Jul 1999 From: SendMeHack at
The Strategic Issues Research Institute Hack and I, along with a
select group of others, have been at war with the KLA over its heroin
and terrorist connections. We also knew something about how political
money bought this war policy. Here's the story. Back in 1995, late in
the Bosnian war, I got a reference to a 1986 Senate Resolution
proposed by Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, decrying Yugoslavian official
oppression of the Albanian population of Kosovo-that's 1986, when the
Albanian Autonomous government was still fully operational. Joseph
DioGuardi, a New York Republican, sponsored the companion House
Resolution, both of which never emerged from committee. I got a copy
of that Senate Resolution Nr. 150 from the Congressional Register of
June 19, 1986 and then let it sit in my file for a long time, while
the NATO occupation of Bosnia appeared to keep things calm.
Meanwhile, Bob Dole managed to lose the 1996 Presidential Election,
then vigorously supported Mr. Clinton's year-by-year extensions for
keeping some 6900 US soldiers in Bosnia.

As the KLA insurrection in
Kosovo reached civil war levels, I began to think about that
resolution and how it misrepresented history. I had done considerable
reading on the origins of the Yugoslav conflicts, pulling Washington
Post, New York Times and other reports from the 1980s, bearing on
Kosovo and the collapse of the Federative Republic's communist
government under the pressure of ethnic-nationalism.

Well, pieces fit together showing that all along it has been the
nationalist fascist losers of World War II in Croatia, Bosnia and
Kosovo who
have been exploiting the political process in Germany and the United
Their goal has been to effect the division of Yugoslavia and the
cleansing of
Serbian populations from their territories, while purporting
that "Greater
Serbia" was the menace to European security and not the post-
fascist "Greater
Croatia" and "Greater Albania."

Survivors of the Croat Ustashe movement in southern Germany began
their work in the 1960s, but Joseph DioGuardi must be given credit
for a sustained campaign to influence Congress beginning in the
mid-1970s. DioGuardi, an Albanian American whose ancestors came from
an Albanian transplant community in the heel of Italy, sat in
Congress for several years in the mid-1980s as a Conservative
Republican from New York's Westchester County, but creating a
Greater Albania was his agenda as a map on his website shows

"His Political Action
Committee (PAC) activities are easy to follow from 1988 on. What
makes the PAC and individual contributions to campaigns more
interesting is the demonstrated connection between the Kosovo Heroin
Mafia, its "pizza connection" distribution ("inherited" from the
Gambino crime family) and money-laundering networks, and the number
of pizzaria owner-contributors listed in DioGuardi's filings. The
Croats and Albanians came up with big pots of laundered money, then
spread it around selectively, with American politicians helping to
persuade other members in Congress.

I have indications of a political alliance between DioGuardi and Bob
Dole going as far back as the early 1970s, but have not yet got all
the evidence in hand. What I do have is sufficient to reach
tentative conclusions about how foreign policy, in a democracy, can
be "bought"-that is precisely what happened in the case of the
Kosovo Air War. In early 1987, kicking off his 1988 bid to wrest the
GOP nomination from then-vice president George Bush, Dole received
$1.2 million from Albanian American supporters in New York City,
while DioGuardi received $50,000 at the same dinner.

I expect the funding trail goes back further, at least to Dole's 1976
campaign.It certainly continued from 1987 through to the present.

As the collapse of Yugoslavia loomed, the Croatian and Albanian
lobbies continued their campaign:

Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, Mar 31, 1993 issue,
reported as much as $50 million was larded around Capitol Hill in a
two-year period which saw the defeat of George Bush and led to Bob
Dole's control of the Republican party: The United States Congress,
still reeling from a series of financial scandals involving
representatives and senators, is now bracing for a new problem: the
massive financial "contributions" which have been made to election
funds of politicians by Croatian sources over the past two to three

One Congressional investigator told Defense & Foreign Affairs
Strategic Policy that the donations and expenditures on Washington
lobbying by the Croatians over the past two years "could well exceed

"Much of this came directly from Croatian lobbyists,
and some from Croatian American businessmen "Many of the campaign
contributions have been recorded legally," the investigator said,
"but many are questionable. But what is more important is that there
has been a pervasive attempt to push the United States along a line
defined by foreign powers-Croatia and Germany-and it has not been
subtle. Elected officials are being told to either support the
Croatian line or face either a removal of funding or are told that
funding will be given to their opponents. Or they are literally
bribed into supporting the Croatian line.

This was going on long before Croatia even made its open bid for
recognition as an independent state." Now, as to individual
contributions, there are campaign contribution limits on
individuals, then there are Political Action Committees
(PACs), "Soft Money" contributed to the parties and fed back to
candidates, and there is the time-honored
custom of passing bundles of hundred dollar bills in brown paper
bags to favored candidates. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
records are on-line (
and I have been able retrieve records for Joseph DioGuardi's PACs
going back to the 1988 election cycle, and have also tested Bob
Dole's 1996 Campaign and Liddy Dole's Campaign-2000.

It is all there in the lists of candidates and contributors. In
particular, most of the Congressmen speaking loudest against Serbia
and Serbs are those receiving money from DioGuardi's PAC. Some have
simply been beguiled,others may be more disingenuous.

Recipients come from both sides of the aisle but are mostly members
of the House or Senate foreign relations
committees...These records do not reveal monster sums of money, but
demonstrate the tip of the iceberg, where "soft money," individual
declared contributions and bags full of $100 bills also find their
way to select candidates.

It is clear that Bob Dole and Joe DioGuardi, in league with Croat
and Bosnian fascist emigrees, worked very effectively to set up US
foreign policy to dismantle Yugoslavia and ruin the Serb people.
They have succeeded admirably because they were organized and
persistent, while their opponents were disorganized and, ultimately,
outnumbered by the overwhelming flood of media propaganda.

Now, the US taxpayer is on the hook for Billions of Dollars, while
our service
personnel will be tied down for years in Bosnia and Kosovo,again
attempting the
kind of nation building that failed so
spectacularly in Somalia and Haiti. For those wishing to inspect the
details of these fundraising, I have loaded the summary lists
compiled thus far at my website along with a companion reading file
on the KLA and Heroin:"



see also:

"I am not naive," KT McFarland told the Republican Convention in
late May(of 2006), as she announced her continuing campaign to take
a senate
seat from former First Lady Hillary Clinton. "I know Mrs. Clinton has
considerable resources and advantages and that the race ahead will be
formidable. Let's face it, at this point she's probably better known
in Albania
than I am in Albany."

What do you think? Did the Bill and Hillary Clinton anti-Serbian
Balkan War of 1999 almost reap its reward with a seat in the US
Senate almost being handed to Hillary, not-so-Hilarious Clinton by
former New York Congressman Joseph DioGuardi?

February 1999. Congressman Jim Traficant joins a Civic League
delegation to Tirana to speak at an international conference on the
independence of Kosova."
Note: re above Albanians spell Kosovo with an a at the end of it
rather than an
o, hence the Albanian spelling Kosova above.

"Congressman's Corruption Trial Opens with Bickering
Tuesday February 5th, 2002 By Jay Miller
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The bribery and corruption trial of Ohio Rep.
James Traficant opened on Tuesday amid bickering and a warning from
the judge to the nine-term congressman to behave himself."

"Ohio Congressman James Trafficant has been a vigorous Demjanjuk
supporter since the start of the trial in Israel. After Demjanjuk was
convicted of crimes against humanity."

"July 17th, 2000 Jim Traficant is perhaps the most colorful Member
of Congress
of our time. He dresses in outrageous outfits and jokes that he is
the "fashion
leader of the House." His hair always looks as if he just got out of
bed. During
his eight terms in Congress he has become famous for his one-minute
speeches on
the House floor, where he questions the wisdom and honesty of
policies. He nearly always ends up saying "beam me up," a reference
to the old
Star Trek television series."

"Traficant guilty of bribery, racketeering
April 12, 2002 Traficant spoke to reporters outside the courthouse.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (CNN) -- A jury found flamboyant U.S. Rep. James
guilty of bribery and all other charges against him Thursday after a
federal racketeering and corruption trial.
The jury of 10 women and two men convicted the congressman on all
counts against
him, covering charges of taking bribes, filing false tax returns,
and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on
his houseboat
in Washington.
The verdict followed four days of deliberations. The nine-term
maverick Democrat
represented himself in court throughout the trial, even though he is
not an
House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Missouri, issued a statement
saying a
member of Congress who breaks the law and commits bribery "strikes
at the heart
of representative government." He advised Traficant to step down
from office.
"In light of the gravity of the charges outlined in the guilty
verdict against
Mr. Traficant, I think the prudent course of action would be an
resignation," Gephardt said. ...
In 1983, while a county sheriff, Traficant was brought up on federal
charges. During that trial, he also represented himself. That time,
however, he
was acquitted.
The trial was marked by periodic outbursts by Traficant, who railed
prosecutors and Wells.
Prosecutors accused him of accepting gifts and favors from several
in his district, including a convicted felon, in return for
interceding on their
behalf with federal and state agencies.
He also was accused of using employees from his office to perform
work on his
farm and boat and requiring them to return a portion of their
salaries to him
each month. The government alleged that staffers baled hay,
maintained horse
stalls and performed other chores at Traficant's farm.
Other charges accused him of underreporting income on his tax
returns and asking
employees to destroy evidence and provide false testimony after he
became aware
he was being investigated."

"Traficant Expelled - Sentenced
Rep. Traficant of Ohio expelled from House for ethics violations
Traficant Sentenced to 8 Years
Less than week after being expelled from the U.S. House of
former Congressman James Traficant of Ohio was sentenced today to
eight years in
federal prison for his April 11 conviction on charges of bribery,
corruption and
tax evasion.
At his sentencing hearing, Traficant argued that his expulsion from
Congress had
been punishment enough. Judge Lesley Wells of the U.S. District
Court in
Cleveland, disagreed, calling Traficant's expulsion a separate
political matter.
Judge Wells refused to set bail for Traficant, ordering that service
of his term
should begin immediately. Denial of bail also sets aside all pending
appeals to
Traficant's conviction."

Bill Clinton turned the U.S. Air Force into
Air bin Laden, to support Osama bin Laden's terrorists on the
ground, who were allied with Al Queda type multinational terrorists
historically to Iraq in the Balkan War of the 1990s.
Clinton waged against Serbian Christians, Jews.
Like the Mafia boss of all bosses he fancied himself to
be, as he watched videos of his favorite movie, "The Godfather", and
sequels, Saddam used "cut-outs" to separate himself from his
international terrorism, so that he could maintain "plausible
deniability". During the evil war against Serbia of the 1990s the
back-stabbing Saddam pretended to embrace the Serbian
cause, but secretly engaged in anti-Serbian terrorism in the Balkans.
"during the night of July 18th -19th ,1998 a group of several hundred
heavily armed foreign mercenaries
(mostly "mujahideens, "Islamic "holy
warriors") frontally attacked from Albania the Yugoslav Army border
guards near the Djeravici mountain. The attack was repulsed by the
Serbian troops, and the foreign assailants suffered heavy casualties.
Among the dead were six mercenaries from Yemen, five from Saudi
Arabia, four from Macedonia. A short while later, Yugoslav
arrested Nuri Salip Muhamed, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Iraqi Army
he was trying to enter Yugoslavia illegally from Bulgaria. This Iraqi
officer, who reportedly spoke perfect Serbian, was supposed to have
commanded the July 18th-19th, 1998 terrorist attack from Albania. But
lucky for him, he had not arrived there in time."

"September 21st, 2001 U.S. Pro-Israel Stance Blamed
The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) condemned the recent
comments of
U.S. Rep. James Traficant (D-Ohio), who on Sept. 12 blamed the
deadly terrorist
assault on America's support for Israel.
Traficant, long suspected of mob ties in his hometown of Youngstown,
has accepted since 1996 more than $20,000 in campaign donations from
People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran, a group the State
Department describes
as a front for terrorists.
Traficant "is an embarrassment to the Congress, and his
congressional colleagues
should marginalize him as much as possible and say publicly that his
words are
beyond the pale," NJDC Executive Director Ira Forman said."

"Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK)
Sazman-e Mojahedin-e Khalq-e Iran
Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)
National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA)
People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)
Muslim Iranian Student's Society
National Council of Resistance (NCR)
National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
its primary support came from the former Iraqi regime of Saddam
Hussein since
the late 1980s. The MEK's history is filled with anti-Western
attacks... During
the 1970s, the MEK killed US military personnel and US civilians... In
1991, it
assisted the Government of Iraq in suppressing the Shia and Kurdish
uprisings in
southern Iraq and the Kurdish uprisings in the north.... Strength
Some 3,800 members are confined to Camp Ashraf, the MEK's main
compound near
Baghdad, where they remain under Coalition control. As a condition
of the
cease-fire agreement, the group relinquished its weapons, including
armored vehicles, and heavy artillery....
External Aid
Before Operation Iraqi Freedom, the group received all of its
assistance, and most of its financial support, from the former Iraqi
"There were groups that were pretty scary, but if someone had
the money, he'd find a way to help them," a former aide says. As both
congressman and senator, Torricelli has championed the cause of a
revolutionary Iranian group, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), identified
by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organization. Many
Iranian-born MEK sympathizers have given Torricelli money ($136,000,
according to one estimate), including $1,000 from Canada's chief MEK
organizer, who wrote her check to Torricelli from her new home in
Washington a week after an Ottawa court upheld her deportation,
according to The American Spectator. Torricelli, in turn, sponsored
several resolutions and letters supporting the group as a "democratic
alternative" to the Muslim fundamentalist regime and protesting U.S.
sanctions against it-the Mujahedin advocacy group in America, the
National Council of Resistance, was labeled an "alias for the MEK" by
the State Department and barred from receiving any funds to operate
U.S. soil. The State Department is on solid ground. Although it
portrays itself as a democratic grass-roots opposition, the MEK
U.S. military attach