The Other Shoe About To Drop On hillary - Again - Texas Caucus Delgates To Be Awarded Tomorrow...


Peter Principle

Get ready, folks for the other shoe to drop in Texas. And it's gonna drop on
Hillary. You won't hear about this from the MSM until later, mainly because
they haven't a clue as to what's really going on.

Tomorrow the County Conventions take place all over Texas. 67 more delegates
will be awarded. At the end of the conventions we'll have a firm number on
the delegates awarded to each candidate through the Texas Caucuses.

I've seen the numbers. Hillary has taken a HUGE thumping. Not only did she
lose 21 out of 31 districts, she lost big in all of the districts with the
most delegates.

IOW, get ready for Obama's already insurmountable pledged delegate lead to
increase yet again. And by quite a bit.

I'm not going to jump the gun and post numbers here today, but suffice it to
say this will be a much bigger turnaround than the 10 extra delegates Obama
gained at the Iowa party conventions.

If you think there's pressure on Hil to pull out now, just wait until after
tomorrow. It'll be crystal clear to everyone that she has absolutely no
chance. Only those who can't count could possibly think otherwise.

The Hillary camp knows they lost badly in the caucuses. They've seen the
numbers, too. True to form, Hillary's supporters have been trying every
dirty trick they can think of in an effort to invalidate the results of the

First they threatened a lawsuit to stop the caucuses from happening at all.
The Texas Democratic Party told them to do screw themselves.

Then they threatened a lawsuit to invalidate individual delegates if the
party didn't adopt new, ridiculously stringent after the fact verification
procedures. Again, the Texas Democratic Party told the to go screw

The last few days Camp Hillary has gotten desperate. They've actually been
calling individual county convention delegates at home and telling them
their convention has been cancelled or moved.

All of this despite there not being one chance in a billion that Hillary can
catch Obama. Pathetic. Talk about sore losers...

For the good of the party and the good of the country, it's time for Hillary
to withdraw. Let your voice be heard. Call your local party office and your
elected officials.

Tell them it's time for the nonsense to end. Tell them it's time for
Democrats to join together to beat McBush in the fall. Tell them you're fed
up with the negative crap. It's time to put an end to this race.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?