The Patriot Act. Lose it now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
How many lives have been ended, or crippled, by this farcical propaganda tool?

Too many to count, but it's probably over half a million now. And still counting.

The press said, "Armed with fresh intelligence, the CIA is moving additional man power and equipment into Pakistan in the effort to find Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al Zawahri, U.S. officials tell ABC News."

The president said that he won't rest until Osama is found.

A couple of weeks later, the shrubber disbanded the CIA contingent that was focussed on Osama's capture.


The Patriot Act was shunted in as a knee-jerk reaction to an attack on US soil that has never been convincingly linked to any particular group or religion, yet it still holds sway, because x number of soldiers are currently upholding your regime's idea of "nation building".

Let's look at what is really happening "over there", shall we?

Taliban are back in control of Afghanistan, and opium production is at an all-time high, despite millions of bucks spent on eradication programs.

Iraq has never been more dismal, with recent reports stating that US-trained policemen just killed over sixty Sunni's in a reprisal attack.

What the **** is wrong with that?

Oh, it's just war. That's why we have the Patriot Act.

Bullshit. The Patriot Act just lessened the power of freedom of speech. It lessened the power to turf an abjectly corrupt administration. It lessened the power of the right to protest government oligarchy. It lessened the freedom of making phone calls, without being recorded doing so.

Oh, and the big issue for Americans is, it turned you all into a bunch of simpering dweeb ****ers, too scared to call the shrubber for the ****wit that he really is.

America's government is for the people, by the people. Tell your dumb**** prez that he's on his last legs. Grow some balls, you sockpuppets, and get rid of that stupid Patriot Act.

It had **** all to do with Patriotism.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
**** you both.

Stop watching CNN.

If that's all you've got to say, just crawl back under that rock you slid out from under. '

We don't get CNN here in kangaroo land. Thank **** for that small mercy.
builder said:
How many lives have been ended, or crippled, by this farcical propaganda tool?

Too many to count, but it's probably over half a million now. And still counting.

The press said, "Armed with fresh intelligence, the CIA is moving additional man power and equipment into Pakistan in the effort to find Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al Zawahri, U.S. officials tell ABC News."

The president said that he won't rest until Osama is found.

A couple of weeks later, the shrubber disbanded the CIA contingent that was focussed on Osama's capture.


The Patriot Act was shunted in as a knee-jerk reaction to an attack on US soil that has never been convincingly linked to any particular group or religion, yet it still holds sway, because x number of soldiers are currently upholding your regime's idea of "nation building".

Let's look at what is really happening "over there", shall we?

Taliban are back in control of Afghanistan, and opium production is at an all-time high, despite millions of bucks spent on eradication programs.

Iraq has never been more dismal, with recent reports stating that US-trained policemen just killed over sixty Sunni's in a reprisal attack.

What the **** is wrong with that?

Oh, it's just war. That's why we have the Patriot Act.

Bullshit. The Patriot Act just lessened the power of freedom of speech. It lessened the power to turf an abjectly corrupt administration. It lessened the power of the right to protest government oligarchy. It lessened the freedom of making phone calls, without being recorded doing so.

Oh, and the big issue for Americans is, it turned you all into a bunch of simpering dweeb ****ers, too scared to call the shrubber for the ****wit that he really is.

America's government is for the people, by the people. Tell your dumb**** prez that he's on his last legs. Grow some balls, you sockpuppets, and get rid of that stupid Patriot Act.

It had **** all to do with Patriotism.

Builder we’ve always had some form of surveillance. You can’t protect yourself if you don’t know who to protect from.Tell me Oz dosn't have survallence.
The Patriot Act makes it legal as to what the CIA did illegally before.

Yes how many lives have been ended, or crippled, by this farcical propaganda tool? Tell us oh wise one.
Then google up how many lives we saved. google up how we stopped 10 planes from crashing into London. It's easy to say it's not working when you were able to stop an attac. Not big news when that happens. We were supposed to stop it. And its' even easier to arm chair quarter back and bitch when” You didn’t stop it! It’s the governments vault those planes flew into those buildings.” You dumm ass!

The one that needs to grow balls is Ozy's. Just shut the **** up and keep hidding behind our skirt. We'll take care of you. Oh thanks for having the flat head for my beer.
builder said:
If that's all you've got to say, just crawl back under that rock you slid out from under. '

We don't get CNN here in kangaroo land. Thank **** for that small mercy.

Hmm... Builder, start a game of 'hide and go **** yourself' oh wait, you're already playing. Only, your version is modified. It's "close your eyes and go **** yourself.'

Lucky you don't get CNN... I'm sure you get some other **** network... One that spouts the same **** that CNN does... Stop watching that one too... ****.

snafu said:
Builder we
snafu said:
Builder we’ve always had some form of surveillance. You can’t protect yourself if you don’t know who to protect from.Tell me Oz dosn't have survallence.

Your forces would be ****ed without our assistance, and you know it. If you don't you're a retard.

snafu said:
The Patriot Act makes it legal as to what the CIA did illegally before.

There's nothing legal about torture, snafu. It's always gonna be a horrendeous crime. Just wonder why your nation is at the top of the "MOST HATED" list, when countries like Zimbabwe are still active.

snafu said:
Yes how many lives have been ended, or crippled, by this farcical propaganda tool? Tell us oh wise one.

Where shall I start? Oh psychopathic one?

snafu said:
Then google up how many lives we saved. google up how we stopped 10 planes from crashing into London.

Couldn't stop a strike on the Pentagon?

snafu said:
It's easy to say it's not working when you were able to stop an attack. Not big news when that happens. We were supposed to stop it.

You are supposed to represent the superpower, but four hijacked airliners managed to fly freely in your airspace, and supposedly one of them crashed into your gov's source of power, the Pentagon. Blow some wind up someone else's arse, snafu. You're about ten months behind the times, old fella.

snafu said:
And its' even easier to arm chair quarter back and bitch when” You didn’t stop it! It’s the governments fault those planes flew into those buildings.” You dumm ass!

Where were the able danger jets.? Flying out from between my arse cheeks?

snafu said:
The one that needs to grow balls is Ozy's.

I'll give you two days to retract that statement, snafu. Our forces have always been there for your men. We have never ever shot any of your men, and we have always delivered the goods. Buck up, you Alaskan hippy. Apologize or forever feel my wrath.

snafu said:
Just shut the **** up and keep hidding behind our skirt.

Get ****ed, you ancient hippy.

snafu said:
We'll take care of you. Oh thanks for having the flat head for my beer.

Suck me off, wastrel.
Not that I give a **** about your wrath, but I will retract the Oz statements. I really do like Australians. I
OK, before I begin, I want to point out that I don't agree with builder, **** him.

Now that that's out of the way, I do think that some things can be taken too far, the patriot act may have been instated with our well being in mind, but it can still be used against the American people if the wrong administration gets a hold of it. it would take very little effort to have the act give police the power to pull you over for no reason, confiscate your car, and throw you in jail to wait for trial (remember, speedy trial is relative to the work load of the court, speedy can mean a year or more legally) that said, i think we should loose the act and replace it with something with the same general idea, but with MUCH stricter guidelines of when the authorities are permitted to use the power. Trust me, this act coupled with the court system as ****ed up as it already is would be very unhealthy to our freedoms.
SO you believe that the government should be able to invade our privacy with no judicial review???

THATs ****ed up!!!

You believe the government should be able to imprison people without giving them legal representation or even bringing charges against them??

Not too mention using physical torture to extract confessions even when those confessions are probably false in the end anyway???

At what point does the US become what they were trying to fight to begin with??? Or does the cloak of Christianity wash away all the sins??
Lethalfind said:
SO you believe that the government should be able to invade our privacy with no judicial review???

THATs ****ed up!!!

You believe the government should be able to imprison people without giving them legal representation or even bringing charges against them??

Not too mention using physical torture to extract confessions even when those confessions are probably false in the end anyway???

At what point does the US become what they were trying to fight to begin with??? Or does the cloak of Christianity wash away all the sins??

who was that directed at?
People (not just Americans) have been denied rights...your point is that because the prisoners are not Americans they deserve whatever we do to them???

I have certain rights and protections under the constitution, if you let law enforcement, the government trample loose them.

If I had a cop on my door step and he wanted to search my home...I would tell him to come back with a search order to preserve my right to unreasonable search and seizure...not because I have anything to hide.

If I was arrested for something...I would NOT talk to the police, I would avail myself of an attorney because thats my RIGHT, not because I have anything to hide...

The prisoners in Gitmo have that right, or should have...they have been imprisoned without being charged, they have been tortured, they have not been given legal representation...

How can we claim we are a great country when we do things like this, the very kind of things that we SAY Iraq has done to others, we are doing...

The US has become what we started out to fight...
Lethalfind said:
People (not just Americans) have been denied rights...your point is that because the prisoners are not Americans they deserve whatever we do to them???

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm wondering why "prisoners" and "criminals" should be afforded the same rights that AMERICAN citizens are granted under the AMERICAN Constitution... According to you, the same terrorists that attack American troops everyday, should be given rights of human beings before they are punished for their crimes against humanity...

Lethalfind said:
I have certain rights and protections under the constitution, if you let law enforcement, the government trample loose them.

I'm not saying allow law enforcement to trample rights, you're not listening. Don't assume I mean anything unless I say it. I'm saying, if it's keeping millions safe, why not allow them to anonamously listen in on some ****ing phone conversations. You will be aight.

Lethalfind said:
If I had a cop on my door step and he wanted to search my home...I would tell him to come back with a search order to preserve my right to unreasonable search and seizure...not because I have anything to hide.

If you have nothing to hide, why wouldn't you let them come in and ease their fears... That just makes you look guilty...

Lethalfind said:
The prisoners in Gitmo have that right, or should have...they have been imprisoned without being charged, they have been tortured, they have not been given legal representation...

Why should someone at Gitmo, a criminal, in a prison... be allotted the same rights that an American citizen? There is no "constitution of gitmo..." No, go **** yourself...

Lethalfind said:
How can we claim we are a great country when we do things like this, the very kind of things that we SAY Iraq has done to others, we are doing...

We "SAY" Iraq has done horrible things because it's true... There is documented proof... You should move there if you think it's so much better than here... We're not doing anything wrong. You can't show me proof that we are, so **** you.

Lethalfind said:
The US has become what we started out to fight...

We have not become any such thing. It's liberal pussies like you that make this country weak. How about you all shut up and deal. Honestly, you people need to open your eyes.
snafu said:
Not that I give a **** about your wrath, but I will retract the Oz statements. I really do like Australians. I’ll just direct them at you personally. Because you don’t speak for your countrymen and frankly your a moron when it comes to security.

What security are you referring to?

Your reichtards ****ing around in the middle east have created more **** for your country than existed before.

Refute that, ****tard.
So am I to understand that when people who are not of American citizen ship are arrested, you don't think they SHOULD be afforded the same rights that we do such as representation or being charged etc?

Well they do in fact have that right here in the states, the military broke the law when they did what they did...pure and simple.

I have a constitutional right to enjoy the peace and yes sanctity of my home...I do not have to rely on the good sense of the local law enforcement...that is THE point, a judge has to agree there is probably cause to invade my space...use your rights or loose them.

Your wrong...your attitude shows that somewhere in your mind you realize it...its that simple.

Your overbearing goings on smacks of that realization. Your insulted that I would find fault with this country, read your history book, thats what this country was built a citizen I am duty bound to object if something like this is done, thats what this country is built on. Whats funny is that its always the Republicans recently who are screaming that no one should find any fault, no one should talk about the elephant in the room, god forbid that the common man should get a ****in clue what a mess Bush has gotten this entire country into.

Your wrong, the Republican party is wrong, the entire Bush family is wrong...
Lethalfind said:
People (not just Americans) have been denied rights...your point is that because the prisoners are not Americans they deserve whatever we do to them???

I have certain rights and protections under the constitution, if you let law enforcement, the government trample loose them.

If I had a cop on my door step and he wanted to search my home...I would tell him to come back with a search order to preserve my right to unreasonable search and seizure...not because I have anything to hide.

If I was arrested for something...I would NOT talk to the police, I would avail myself of an attorney because thats my RIGHT, not because I have anything to hide...

The prisoners in Gitmo have that right, or should have...they have been imprisoned without being charged, they have been tortured, they have not been given legal representation...

How can we claim we are a great country when we do things like this, the very kind of things that we SAY Iraq has done to others, we are doing...

The US has become what we started out to fight...

The combatants at Gitmo don't have any rights but the Geneva Convention of which they themselves don't acknowledge.

You can use google and you show me who was deinied their rights due to the Patriot act or wire tap for that matter. There have been cases presented but none have been proven in a court of law. And quit buying your Phentermine online and go to the doctor. Then you won't have to worry about getting busted.:rolleyes:
the simple way to end this 'violation of terrorists rights' is to just shoot the ****ers, round them up, bring them to the gate at gitmo, and ****ing mow them down, there you go, no rights violated by bad trials and living conditions.

And for builders information, the above was a joke, i know you have a hard time understanding things, but i'm not serious about that....... i think we should shoot them before they get to gitmo.

Also, did you know: The 'prisoners' at gitmo have better living conditions and eat better food than the soldiers gaurding the place?