The Peanut Southern Corn Rootworm Advisory


Thomas Keske

The Peanut Southern Corn Rootworm Advisory

We must never appease black-hearted terrorists
who murder their masters and burn the plantations
To give in now, we would lose face
We shall therefore perpetuate our Peculiar Institution
and not be politically correct to an inferior race
Unbowed and proud and principled are we
For their grievance, we shall make no restitution
We carry on the honorable tradition...
Eating Goober Peas, Eating Goober Peas

Protections for unnatural behavior must not be codified
We are the True Defenders of what is Godly and Natural
Our rivers are red, the soil is purple, and the rain is yellow
Less than 1 part per billion can cause cancer in a rainbow
It is fine for crops to be genetically modified

The Corn and Cotton Kings of Agribusiness,
the profiteers, were never punished
for the study data that they did publish
Many died on the battleground
in the produce section of the grocery store
A handful of soldier-scientists
fought a whole new kind of Civil War
in a petri dish

Onward, Confederate Christian soldiers
Eating Goober Peas, Eating Goober Peas
Heroes in their own eyes
Like every soldier that has ever been,
like a collapsing population of bees
Too proud to see how their ranks are comprised
of hired thugs and nutty serial killers
and naive kids whose trusted leaders
experiment on the Airmen of Tuskegee

An odd shape, for a marching military
What has been described as the "peanut design"
The advantage of a spherical secondary
To understand this reference,
contact your county agent or look online

.. Schneier on Security: Announcing: Movie-Plot Threat Contest
They could poison a few critical food items (peanut butter, milk, ...
MP5: Buy an unemployed ex-Biopreparat scientist for 300k, a
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As Drashunov recalled his days in Sverdlodsk, he could not avoid
a more painful memory, the death of his beloved Lyudmila. Third
in her class at the Lenin Institute, all the staff at
Biopreparat were in love with her. She had soft hair the color
of Ukrainian wheat in autumn, her eyes green as the Czar's lost
emeralds. As a teenager she'd modeled for a Young Pioneers
recruiting poster, and in her dormitory room at Sverdlodsk she
had tacked this proud younger version of herself above her bed,
her jaw set firm above her red neckerchief and billowing white
blouse. Drashunov spent months trying to seduce her, sitting
beneath that poster of purity and discussing Marxist-Leninist
ideology. She still believed in it despite the wholesale
corruption of the late Brezhnev regime, clung to it like the
peasant women in babushkas clung to their Orthodox faith. And
then through some carelessness, a animal bite through her glove
perhaps, she contracted Marburg, a deadly hemorraghic fever
similar to Ebola. Within days she was dead.

The girl shrugged and held the door for him, then slipped back
to her friends at a far table in the dining hall. The Hopper
walked in slowly, sizing the place up. He hadn't been here in
months, maybe even a year. But everything was as he remembered
it. In the corner of the dining hall was a big stainless steel
hot water machine, next to it a snack table, with loaves of
bread and institutional size jars of jelly and peanut butter.
Dizzied by the gremlaks' hypoglycemic chorus, he went over and
made himself a gooey sandwich. He could see through the serving
window into the kitchen: empty. After he finished the sandwich
he could prowl for leftovers in there. Stealing food was not
really stealing. And a thief could still go to Heaven, for hadn'
t Jesus told the thieves who died with him on the cross that
tomorrow they would see him in Heaven?

As the Hopper mused and chewed a blob of jelly fell onto his
vinyl coat. With a wet rag from the snack table he wiped it away.
The door on the far side of the dining hall opened and slammed.
"Hey, Roberto," said the girl with the Indian braids. The Hopper
glanced up, his mouth full of gluey peanut butter.

It was the killer. The Angel of Death.

And he was coming over to the Hopper.
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Abstract: Health risk assessment of genetically modified
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Longer experiments are essential in order to indicate the real
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Fair and balanced | April 6, 2007, 4:41pm | #

And the Monsanto paper that was re-evaluated by the above authors:

Results of a 90-day safety assurance study with rats fed grain
from corn rootworm-protected corn
18. Les-Bi-Gay and Transgender Glossary
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.... ads, GM often means gay man. Not to be confused with genetic male.
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Precautionary Principle, ISIS News 6). Turning to GM crops such
as maize, canola, cotton and soybean it is clear that all of
these GM crops, with or without Bt genes, use seeds most of
which are coated with neonicotinoid pesticides highly toxic to
honey bees. For example, Herculex maize with Bt genes to control
rootworm, like Yieldgard corn borer resistant maize, is planted
with seeds dressed with a neonicotinoid insecticide and a
fungicide. Furthermore, the GM planting requires setting aside
plots of non-GM maize making up 20 percent of the planted area
as a "refuge" to discourage the evolution of resistant insects.
But the "refuge" is sprayed with neonicotinoid pesticide to
protect its yield [14], and is more like a death camp for
insects. Monsanto's US Patent 6,660,690 provides for coating GM
seeds with chemical pesticides
5. Thomas Gerber: Mysterious, Massive Death of Bees : IntentBlog
Re: Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) -- Mysterious, Massive Death
of Bees in the US -- Are bees the Canary in the mineshaft? .

Bees are of inestimable value as agents of cross-pollination
(see pollination), and many plants are entirely dependent on
particular kinds of bees for their reproduction

In many cases the use of insecticides for agricultural pest
control has had the unwelcome side effect of killing the bees
necessary for maintaining the crop. Such environmental stresses
plus several species of parasitic mites devastated honeybee
populations in the United States

So Dr. Chopra, it is the collective consciousness that killed
those 32 at Virginia Tech.

It is the same Collective consciousness which is killing the

Scientists on the other hand are doing research and they will be
the ones who will understand the phenomena and find a solution
if there is one. and stop the deaths.

You can mediate for the healing of the dead bees. Science is
looking to stop the deaths with research. People can shamelessly
claim that their prayers saved the bees though.

88. Posted by Jeff on April 26, 2007 08:54 PM

But Jeff, those scientists... aren't they driven by a prayer
inside their hearts saying "please let me find a solution to the
deaths of bees" ...?

I don't see scientists as being "on the other hand". Prayer is
something we all do, no matter what we call it, if we know it or
not. Sometimes we even know that we are actually praying to
8. IngentaConnect Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera ...
Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Larval Feeding Behavior on Transgenic Maize (MON 863) and Its
Isoline. Authors: Clark, Pete L.;
43. - Scientists Get OK To Genetically Engineer Peanuts

.... the go-ahead to build genetically engineered peanuts that
could be safer, more ... we would have the first genetically
modified peanut on the market five years


Peanut toxin has potential as biological weapon
Crisp future for lettuce
Pioneer questioned Monsanto's maneuvering
Dupont bets on biotech


ALBANY -- Intelligence officials were cited as saying that the
believe Saddam Hussein would like to include aflatoxin, a deadly
cancer-causing substance that grows in Georgia peanut fields, in
his arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

For this reason, U.N. weapons inspectors returning to Iraq this
week have their eyes peeled for evidence of the poison, which is
produced naturally in peanuts, cotton, corn and a few other
crops. The story cited intelligence officials as saying that
aflatoxin, which costs the peanut industry $10 million a year,
is one of the agents Saddam's military could produce quickly and
secretly for weapons of mass destruction. Some of the others are
anthrax, botullinum toxin, nerve gas and mustard gas.

The peanut industry has designated aflatoxin as its No. 1 food
quality issue and wants to be able to guarantee aflatoxin-free
peanuts by the year 2000.

Produced by a mold that grows on peanuts, corn and cotton seeds,
aflatoxin has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals
and is considered carcinogenic to humans. Peanuts that have
aspergillus, the mold that produces the toxin, can't be sold for
human consumption. Instead, they are sold cheap to make peanut
oil or to provide seeds for future crops. Experts say aflatoxin,
or the mere presence of the aspergillus mold, cost the peanut
industry about $10 million a year from 1993 through 1996.

Ron Wood, an U.S. Agriculture Department supervisor in Albany,
was cited as saying that 3 to 4 percent of Georgia's crop gets
contaminated with the mold in ``bad years,'' when the growing
season has long periods of hot, dry weather.
28. Marxism message, Re: [Marxism] Return of the Minutemen

.... desperate workers to work for literal peanuts
to do the same work American citizens would want twice the ...

Meine Marx Brothers Zitate

Oh, I see. Then it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave
you any money? Answer the second question first.

Mrs. T: He left me his entire fortune.

Firefly (Groucho) and Chicolini (Chico), Chico is selling peanuts

Chicolini: Peanuts:

Firefly: Hey! Do you want to be a public nuisance?

Chicolini: Sure. How much does the job pay?

Firefly: I've got a good mind to join a club and
beat you over the head with it.

Chicolini: Peanuts to you!

Firefly: Have you got a license?

No, but my dog---he'sa got millions of 'em. Believe me, he's
some smart dog. You know, he went with Admiral Byrd to the pole?

Firefly: I'll bet the dog got to the pole first.

Chicolini: You win!

Firefly: Come on up here. I want to scare the Cabinet.

In the president's room, answering the phone
Hello! No. No. No, he's not in. All right, I'll tell him.
Goodbye ... That was for you.

I'm sorry I'm not in. I wanted to have a long talk with you. Now,
listen here. You give up that silly peanut stand and I'll get
you a soft government job. Now, let's see, what have I got in my
Cabinet besides mice? How would you like a job in the mint?

Chicolini: Mint? No, no, I no like-a mint. Uh---what other
flavour you got? ...

Just for that you don't get the job I was going to give you.

Chicolini: What job?

Firefly: Secretary of War.

Chicolini: All right, I take it.


Peanut Mold or Yellow Rain?

The txichothecene family of mycotoxins produced what the Reagan
Administration identified as the active agent in Yellow Rain,
and it is nasty. These toxins immediately attack eyes, skin, and
respiration. As blistering agents, they do up to forty times
more damage than the Lewisite and mustard gas of World War I.
The skin forms pus-filled welts and sloughs off, giving rise to
symptoms like those noted at al-Jubayl. As the toxins bum their
way through throat, stomach, and intestines, they cause vomiting
and bloody diarrhea. Depending on exposure, death can come in
minutes. Lesser amounts can cause long-term suppression of the
immune system.

Unlike Aflatoxin, the trichothecenes dissolve fairly readily.
(The term "yellow rain" referred to the dispersal agent used in
the early 1980's, which spread the toxin in oily, sticky yellow
droplets.) But UNSCOM specialists doubt that this weapon has
returned in its original form. The toxin then most frequently
identified, T-2, was considered a battlefield failure since its
dispersal radius was still limited. There are other choices,

Some mycotoxins are named for the species of fungus that
produces them, but the trichothecenes are classed together by
their chemical structure. One type of toxin can be produced by
several different species, and a prolific species like fusarium,
stachybotris, and, yes, penicilliurn can produce several
different trichothecenes. These fungi are easily found in nature.
(Stachybotris made a name for itself in New York City recently
when a bloom of the mold closed down a newly renovated public
library on Staten Island.)

Their poisons can be even more dead ly when combined together or
mixed in a "****tail" with chemicals like mustard gas.
Agricultural researchers have found that aflatoxin potentiates
both T-2 and another "yellow rain" component called DAS
(diacetoxyscirpenol), meaning that the harm caused by the agents
together is more severe than each would cause alone. The toxins
can be synthesized or altered with artificial ingredients. Any
number of breakthroughs could have occurred in the thirteen
years since "yellow rain" went underground. And there is a
nagging, still unrefuted report that Iraq is feeding off the
work of the masterminds of this terror weapon, the biological
warriors of the former Soviet Union.

The Peanut Southern Corn Rootworm Advisory

Are Your Peanuts at Risk from Southern Corn Rootworm Damage?

Authors: D. Ames Herbert, Jr.,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Publication No. 444-351, Posted April 2003
2. Song Activity: Goober Peas
"Goober Peas" was a popular song sung by Confederate soldiers
during the Civil War. The phrase "goober peas" is one of many
southern expressions for peanuts .

Robert E. Lee
One of the finest Christian men that ever lived!

Carry Be Back
to Old Virginny

(by request)

My Dixie Darling
(by request)

(For my sister Jane)

Waiting On
The Robert E. Lee

our National Anthem
God Save The South

Goober Peas

In 1859, while at Arlington on leave, he was summoned to command
the United States troops sent to deal with the John Brown raid
on Harper's Ferry. In March 1861 he was made colonel of the 1st
U.S. Cavalry; but his career in the old army ended with the
secession of Virginia in the following month. Lee was strongly
averse to secession, but felt obliged to conform to the action
of his own state
.. Singing the New Nation: How Music Shaped the ...
From Goober Peas to John Brown's Body this book invoked my
memories of the past and told me the history behind the songs
I only knew before by name.

Michael Guinn became a Christian at the age of twenty, and
attempted to reconcile his religious views with his sexual

Although he describes himself as an "open and confident gay," he
doesn't believe in having sex with another man. Sodomy is a sin
in his eyes, so he has chosen a life of celibacy.

A different story reported,

He said he has spent many hours dealing with homosexuality,
praying about how to live according to the Bible and how to
conduct himself. He said has made the decision to be celibate
and said he has never doubted his faith or felt unloved as a
child of God.

Guinn earned a scholarship to Lyon College in 2002. In the
fall of 2005, he enrolled at John Brown University, primarily
because the price was right.

Guinn said he became a Christian two years ago and chose to
attend the university last fall because it's in his hometown,
and because he admired the unique bond the administration had
with the student body and because, as the son of a faculty
member, his tuition would be free.

In January 2006, Guinn was asked to leave the university, for
violating conditions of conduct. Statements and photographs on
his Xanga site and his Facebook page contributed to the
university's decision.

An openly gay student at John Brown University says he was
dismissed from the school earlier this month for violating
campus lifestyle guidelines related to his sexual orientation
and for material found in his online journals.

Guinn maintained at least one blog at Xanga, (which had as a
background picture of two men leaning on each other) and a
FaceBook page (I do not have access to Facebook).

The blog at Xanga has been removed, but the cached version
seemed quite tame.

The university learned that Guinn was gay last summer from an
anonymous e-mail that included a link to Guinn's online journal
on the Xanga Web log community, where Guinn makes his sexual
orientation known, he said.

School administrators met with him before the start of school
and required that he adhere to a personalized code of conduct,
in addition to the school's standard:

Guinn said he was told: not to dress in women's clothing; if he
participated in sports he could not slap other players on the
rear end; he could not hug or shake hands with other men for
"too long"; he could not "broadcast" his lifestyle; he could not
tell other students he was gay until he got to know them well
2. 'Buy me some peanuts and gay attacks, I don't care if it's hate my ...

'Buy me some peanuts and gay attacks, I don't care if it's hate
my speech backs...' In response to the Philadelphia Phillies
allowing an annual "Gay [Found on Google]


The "peculiar institution" he was born into could not stifle his

Farmers listened to Dr. Carver, which led to a new problem- too
many peanuts! So, Dr. Carver set to work in his lab to find new
ways to utilize the peanut

Carver embraced a message of hope "to help the man farthest down,"
and produced a series of free agricultural bulletins


Invited to speak before the convention of the United Peanut
Association about the myriad of uses he had developed
for the peanut

Dr.Carver thought of his Tuskegee students as his children

" Rising or falling, I believe is practically inherent within the
individual, and since races and nations are made up of
individuals, they progress or are held back by the percentage
of individuals who will, or will not do the right thing."
- G. W. Carver

letter to Dr. G. F. Peabody
Sept. 20, 1923

One of the all-time great Southern songs to emerge from the War
was "Goober Peas," a tribute to the simple joys of eating
peanuts. As the conflict dragged on, however, the song took on
new meaning for hungry Confederate troops, whose rations
frequently consisted of nothing but peanuts. Thanks to Jim
Whitesell for contributing the lyrics to this song in memory of
Peter Emmanuel Whitesell (33rd Virginia Infantry), John
Jefferson Whitesell (2nd Virginia Infantry), Samuel Harrison
Whitesell (54th Virginia Infantry), and all of the Whitesell and
Riedel families of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, who sacrificed
and suffered during the War Between The States.

CHORUS:peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Eating goober peas!
Goodness, how delicious, eating goober peas!

When a horseman passes, the soldiers have a rule
To cry out at their loudest "Mister, here's your mule!"
But still another pleasure enchantinger than these
Is wearing out your grinders, eating goober peas!


Just before the battle, the General hears a row;
He says "The Yanks are coming, I hear their rifles now"!
He turns around in wonder, and what do you think he sees?
The Georgia Militia, eating goober peas!


Rootworm Beetle Dip
2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons skim milk
1/2 cup reduced calorie mayonnaise
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon onion, chopped
1 1/2 tsp. dill weed
1 1/2 tsp. Beau Monde
1 cup dry-roasted rootworm beetles
Blend first 3 ingredients. Add remaining ingredients and chill.

Just 150 big brown bats can eat sufficient cucumber beetles each
summer to protect farmers from 33 million of these beetles' corn
rootworm larvae,pests that cost American farmers an estimated
one billion dolars annually. The largest concentration of
mammals in the world is also the largest colony of bats. About
20 million bats migrate from Mexico each summer to raise their
young in Bracken Cave near San Antonio, Texas.
Bats normally avoid people and are very shy and secretive

3. Rush on Virginia Tech Killer, Cho: "This guy's a Liberal!"
- Topic ...

No. Does that make him as nutty as Rush? Yes. But just barely. ...
Quick Reply to:
Rush on Virginia Tech Killer, Cho: "This guy's a Liberal!"

Guest Name .
Virginia Killer's Violent Writings
.... from the point of view of a serial killer - and, not to blow
my own horn, but ... That the shooter was a nutty right-wing
loner lashing out at left-wing elitism .

Virginia peanut VA98R (PVP 9,900,419), was developed at the
Tidewater Agricultural Research and Experiment Station in
Suffolk, Va., by professor R. Walton Mozingo of Virginia Tech,
Terry A. Coffelt of the USDA, and Thomas G. Isleib of North
Carolina State University. It is a large-seeded virginia-type
peanut with a yield potential 5 to 12 percent higher than
current cultivars. It is early maturing, especially with
irrigation. Mozingo says the new peanut "is ideally suited for
the inshell industry since it has an extremely bright pod color
desired for roasting peanuts in the shell."
28. Women in Chemistry: Margaret Tolbert
Carver, the scientist who spent a career at Tuskegee studying
peanuts and peanut products with the hope of creating markets
for the

"Uber Goober" is a fun and interesting documentary even if it
seems a bit shallow and one-sided at times.

Eventually, Hitler's own eugenics program, which was modeled
after Virginia's, sterilized 225,000 people in less than three
years. But over the course of 10 years, 2 million Europeans
underwent forced sterilization. Noting this result, Virginia's
race policy advocates then pushed as a goal, sterilization of 12
million Americans in order to restore the U.S. to global
leadership in the racial purity movement.

In 1935 Virginia's Dr. W.A. Plecker gives a speech on Virginia's
efforts to identify and curb her "mongrel" groups. Attending was
Hitler's would-be designer of race laws - Ernst Rudin - who
would later receive direct assistance in the Nazi project from
Harry Laughlin. Plecker also writes a letter to the Nazis
encouraging them to forcibly sterilize mixed groups en masse and
compliments the Third Reich for sterilizing 600 children in
Algeria who had been born to German women and black men.

Cho's message: Go there

Cho's current show is titled Cho Revolution. The comedian has
always made it her business to speak for minorities, be they
Asian-Americans, the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered
community, or any other oppressed folks.

As burlesque as Cho's humor is, it's cutting and smart. Cho
recalled feeling like an outsider in grade school in California,
the child of Korean immigrants, who always had odd foodstuffs in
her lunchbox.

"The other kids would have granola bars and Capri Suns,"
Cho said. "I'd have squid. And peanuts."

Cho waited for the audience's laughter to die down.
"You can't trade that."

Cho is expert, too, at catching fans off guard.


During 1999, I learned from Richard Garwin in Arms Control Today
that the W-88 warhead has a center of gravity problem which
suggests that the heavier part, the secondary, is located in the
rear, or fat, end of the re-entry cone. Dan Stober, writing in
the San Jose Mercury News, confirmed that arrangement and added
that the secondary is spherical in shape, the primary is linear,
and the radiation case enclosing the primary and the secondary
has the shape of a peanut shell.

The advantage of a spherical secondary is greater compression
and thus greater efficiency

The maximum theoretical yield for a secondary is about two
hundred kilotons per liter, assuming equal volumes of fission
and fusion fuel

Doctoral student Leslie Allee, left, and Paula Davis, assistant
professor of entomology, are using neutron radiography at the
Ward Laboratory of Nuclear Engineering on campus to study
corn rootworm, an insect pest. Below is the neutron beam-generated
image of the internal workings of a toy handgun that was inside
a lead box.

By using the 500-kilowatt nuclear reactor on campus, the
entomologists can get sharp pictures on film of their corn roots
and the rootworms in soil around it.

"X-rays pass through the rootworms without attenuation. Neutrons,
however, are attenuated by the hydrogen in the rootworms," Davis
said. "With a neutron beam, we can also see the corn roots and
see the behavior of the insects as they are growing. And it's
all totally non-invasive."

Here is how it works: The TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor at Ward
Laboratory on the Engineering Quad produces a beam of neutrons
that is focused to a plate holding a sample. Behind the sample
is film. The neutrons pass through the film (unlike X-rays,
without activating the emulsion), and land on a conversion
screen (made of the rare-earth metal gadolinium) that absorbs
them. The metal screen emits an electron for every neutron it
absorbs, and that activates the emulsion and produces the
photographic image on film.

The neutron radiography facility now has the capability for real-
time observing. A video camera inside the high-flux beam
configuration can show what happens to a sample as it is
happening. This beam is 40 times more intense than the beam used
in high-resolution film radiography, such as that used to view
corn rootworms. K. Bingham Cady, professor of nuclear
engineering, is using it in collaboration with Jean-Yves Parlang

Syngenta's Corn Rootworm Biotech Trait Approved in the USA

The approval of Agrisure RW in this fast-growing biotech market
is a major step in our strategy to bring all three of the
leading input traits to the corn market," says Jeff Cox, Head of
Syngenta Global Corn and Soybeans. "This new high-performing
trait offers growers industry-leading control of rootworm while
delivering full yield potential."

Agrisure RW will be available to US growers as a single trait
and stacked with glyphosate tolerance through elite hybrids from
Garst(R), Golden Harvest(R) and NK(R). Syngenta also plans to
market the trait for use in other leading seed brands through
its GreenLeaf Genetics joint venture. U.S. registration is
pending for its Agrisure RW trait stacked with corn borer
enabling the commercialization of the triple stack of glyphosate
tolerance, corn borer and rootworm resistance.

Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable
agriculture through innovative research and technology. The
company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the
high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2005 were
approximately $8.1 billion. Syngenta employs some 19,000 people
in over 90 countries.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains forward-looking statements, which can be
identified by terminology such as 'expect,' 'would,' 'will,' '
potential,' 'plans,' 'prospects,' 'estimated,' 'aiming,' 'on
track' and similar expressions. Such statements may be subject
to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results
to differ materially from these statements. We refer you to
Syngenta's publicly available filings with the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission for information about these and other
risks and uncertainties. Syngenta assumes no obligation to update
forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changed
assumptions or other factors.
2. Syngenta's biotech move sounds death knell for agribiotech firms ...

Syngentas biotech move sounds death knell for agribiotech firms
from Chemistry and Industry in Computers & Technology provided
by LookSmart Find Articles.

Warrior with Zeon Technology is a member of the pyrethroid
chemistry class and causes insect death by interference with the
sodium channels in the nerve axon. It provides contact,
ingestion, residual and ovicidal activity.

Zeon Technology is a patented encapsulation technology that
encases the active ingredient of Warrior into tiny, quick-
release capsules. The capsules are only 2.5 microns ? about 1/
30th the diameter of a human hair ? so growers won't have to
worry about the insecticide clogging up their sprayers. Once
applied, the capsules adhere strongly to the foliage and
immediately begin releasing the active ingredient.

2007 Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC

Another chemical company in which Syngenta has roots is
Industrial Chemical Industries (ICI), founded in Britain in 1926
with the merger of Brunner Mond Ltd, British Dyestuffs
Coronation Ltd., United Alkali Co. Ltd., and Nobel Industries
Ltd., an explosives company founded by Alfred Nobel, the
inventor of dynamite. ICI would supply the Allied Forces during
WWII with both explosives and chemicals for chemical warfare

It is not easy to believe that Ciba-Geigy is unaware of the
correlations between death, disease, and their business. Are
they primarily concerned with balancing their profits against
their high-powered public ethical and legal images, or is there
even something else perhaps more sinister that drives Ciba-Geigy's
mindset? How good can a world leader in the death business be,
after all

Supported and Profited from Apartheid in South Africa

Through Syngenta's predecessor ICI, which had as a subsidiary
African Explosives and Chemical Industries, the company played a
role in supporting the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
According to a document sourced from the Web site of the African
National Congress, in 1978 the chairman of ICI admitted that
AECI was manufacturing an ingredient used in riot control gas,
which was used against those protesting apartheid. The chairman
defended the corporation's production of the gas by claiming
that "the use of CS gas is a relatively safe and humane method
of riot control". The ANC claimed in the document, "We know that
AECI is even more deeply involved in making explosives and
chemicals for the apartheid regime


As many of the above examples exemplify, Syngenta has a long
history of racism. While it has ceased marketing many toxic
products in Europe and the United States, it has continued to
market and sell chemicals in developing countries where public
awareness of these chemicals is lower, and government bodies are
more easily manipulated to allow the commercialization of
products. The Third World Network writes that Ciba-Giegy
continued to test the pesticide chlordimeform on people in the
Global South, when it already knew the carcinogenic nature of
the chemical. "

3. Cows Ate GM Maize & Died
A chief suspect for the death of the cows in Hesse is the Bt
protein contained in Bt 176, which Syngenta says is Cry1Ab, the
same as in Bt 11. ..

Somewhere Inside the Rainbow

Aflatoxin was isolated from fungi on the cottonseed and peanut
meal. Sinnhuber fed aflatoxin to his trout and told a newspaper
reporter at the time, "Aflatoxin is so potent that less than 1
part per billion can cause cancer in a rainbow."


15. 4.5 Thermonuclear Weapon Designs and Later Subsections
.... integral to the bomb casing itself - i.e. the ballistic
shell ... The nuclear warhead proper (the "physics package") was
self ... This has been described as the "peanut design" - two sp

The Peanut Rootworm Advisory was developed through the
collaborative efforts of the Extension Services at North
Carolina State University and Virginia Tech

For more information about the Peanut Rootworm Advisory,
contact your county agent or look online at:


This poem was inspired by a dream, which for me has been a very
rare event.

There was a plate (petri dish?) of peanuts, that were alive.
It was a mix of peanuts that were incompatible, put together
by scientists, doing some irresponsible peanut-society engineering.

The peanuts were having a war among themselves, fighting
like red and black ants. I don't know why the different peanuts
couldn't get along. It was just one of those random divisions
like white vs black or Muslim vs Jew.

The whole plate was churning, vibrating and jumping, furiously.
It was like a chemical reaction, dropping sodium into water.
It was a very vivid impression of something very dangerous,
out-of-control and unnatural.

I was slightly amused to see that they were grinding themselves
into chunky peanut butter as they fought.

That was it, just an image. I woke up and felt like this
completely crazy thing dream must mean something, so I started
searching and came across the phrase,
"peanut southern corn rootworm advisory".

The seemed like a fascinating phrase, the kind that Zippy the Pinhead
would fixate on, and repeat to himself many times.

I am not against biotech, per se. I work in a building that
houses a biotech company, and do not particularly worry about it.

Having a level 4 biolab in the middle of a major city should
be a completely separate issue. The average biotech company
is not experimenting with Ebola and other lethal, contagious

I do have concerns about the unhealthy mix of unfettered
capitalism and biotechnology. Companies who are feverish
for profits, whose careers are depending on it, whose
very existence can be made or broken by one product, is a
recipe for disaster. Ditto for the coziness of politicians
and oversight agencies, who can have conflicts of interest
involving contributions and investments.

The public should educate itself about things like the
SV40 vaccine fiasco, where a potentially cancer-causing
monkey virus made it into vaccines that were given to
millions of people. There probably were cases of cancer
caused by it (don't hear much about it, do you?), but
it could potentially have been much, much worse.

All it would take is one, really bad vaccine accident,
and you don't even need to worry about any terrorists.
With your own good intentions, you could decimate nearly
your entire military, or even much of your population.

Everyday business is so uneventful, that it might seem
like there is little cause for worry, but that
is a comforting illusion. It is that one small chance,
of a very great event, that can get you.

I can't help but feel that the dream, whether random
or meaningful, did lead me to something. Now I have a
better clue concerning the mystery of the potentially
serious collapse of the bee population. How nice if
a dream can help to get that message out.

A nice way also to piggyback a message concerning
a human reaction to trauma that is natural but
unwise and unproductive: "You wounded us, therefore I don't
care about your cause, and lose all sympathy, and will never
listen to you, again."

Yes, well, everybody has deeply wounded everybody, which
nobody likes to admit. But everybody will get wounded
more and more, unless they can manage to establish a credible
justice, which is the only condition in which healing
would become likely.
