The people of Myanmar are not the Jews of WW II...they cannot fight back against a cru



YANGON, Myanmar - Myanmar's junta leader kept up his usual tactics
for foreign critics Monday, packing a U.N. envoy off to a remote
academic conference and stalling for another day the chance for the
envoy to deliver international demands for an end to the crackdown on
democracy advocates.

Security forces lightened their presence in Yangon, the country's main
city, which remained quiet after troops and police brutally quelled
mass protests last week. Dissident groups say up to 200 protesters
were slain, compared to the regime's report of 10 deaths, and 6,000

Ibrabim Gambari, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy to
Myanmar, has been in the country since Saturday with the express
purpose of seeing Senior Gen. Than Shwe about the violence, but the
junta's top man hasn't made himself available.

Than Shwe does not bother with the usual diplomatic protocol and is
not an easy man to meet with. In previous sparring with the United
Nations and other international bodies over human rights abuses, the
regime has repeatedly snubbed envoys and ignored diplomatic overtures.

Instead of the meeting Gambari sought Monday, he was sent to a remote
northern town for an academic conference on relations between the
European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,
diplomats reported, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Officials Struggle to Count Dead, Document Atrocities, of Myanmar
Dissident Crackdown Sylvester Stallone Says He Witnessed Myanmar
Genocide Aftermath While Filming 'Rambo' Sequel Myanmar Military Cuts
Internet Access, Occupies Monasteries Satellite Images May Show
Myanmar Abuses China, Japan Join to Help End Myanmar Crisis FOX Facts:
Myanmar Photo Essays
World Reacts to Myanmar Protests Monk Protests Draw Police Force
Myanmar Monks Protest Government The town of Lashio, where the
conference was held, is 240 miles north of Naypyitaw, the secure,
isolated city carved out of the jungle where Than Shwe moved the
capital in 2005.

Gambari was granted an appointment Tuesday to meet with Than Shwe in
Naypyitaw, U.N. officials in New York said.

U.N. associate spokesman Farhan Haq said Gambari would urge the junta
"to cease the repression of peaceful protest, release detainees, and
move more credibly and inclusively in the direction of democratic
reform, human rights and national reconciliation."

Anyone who wants to disarm you is not your friend....

and is up to something....something evil.
On Oct 1, 6:30 pm, Rightwinghank <> wrote:
> YANGON, Myanmar - Myanmar's junta leader kept up his usual tactics
> for foreign critics Monday, packing a U.N. envoy off to a remote
> academic conference and stalling for another day the chance for the
> envoy to deliver international demands for an end to the crackdown on
> democracy advocates.
> Security forces lightened their presence in Yangon, the country's main
> city, which remained quiet after troops and police brutally quelled
> mass protests last week. Dissident groups say up to 200 protesters
> were slain, compared to the regime's report of 10 deaths, and 6,000
> detained.
> Ibrabim Gambari, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy to
> Myanmar, has been in the country since Saturday with the express
> purpose of seeing Senior Gen. Than Shwe about the violence, but the
> junta's top man hasn't made himself available.
> Than Shwe does not bother with the usual diplomatic protocol and is
> not an easy man to meet with. In previous sparring with the United
> Nations and other international bodies over human rights abuses, the
> regime has repeatedly snubbed envoys and ignored diplomatic overtures.
> Instead of the meeting Gambari sought Monday, he was sent to a remote
> northern town for an academic conference on relations between the
> European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,
> diplomats reported, speaking on condition of anonymity.
> RelatedStories
> Officials Struggle to Count Dead, Document Atrocities, of Myanmar
> Dissident Crackdown Sylvester Stallone Says He Witnessed Myanmar
> Genocide Aftermath While Filming 'Rambo' Sequel Myanmar Military Cuts
> Internet Access, Occupies Monasteries Satellite Images May Show
> Myanmar Abuses China, Japan Join to Help End Myanmar Crisis FOX Facts:
> Myanmar Photo Essays
> World Reacts to Myanmar Protests Monk Protests Draw Police Force
> Myanmar Monks Protest Government The town of Lashio, where the
> conference was held, is 240 miles north of Naypyitaw, the secure,
> isolated city carved out of the jungle where Than Shwe moved the
> capital in 2005.
> Gambari was granted an appointment Tuesday to meet with Than Shwe in
> Naypyitaw, U.N. officials in New York said.
> U.N. associate spokesman Farhan Haq said Gambari would urge the junta
> "to cease the repression of peaceful protest, release detainees, and
> move more credibly and inclusively in the direction of democratic
> reform, human rights and national reconciliation."
> ..................................
> Anyone who wants to disarm you is not your friend....
> and is up to something....something evil.
