The Racism of Diversity


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The Racism of Diversity

By Walter Williams

Judaism: The Jewish site | The U.S. Naval Academy's PowerPoint display explains diversity by saying, "Diversity is all the different characteristics and attributes of individual sailors and civilians which enhance the mission readiness of the Navy," adding that: "Diversity is more than equal opportunity, race, gender or religion. Diversity is the understanding of how each of us brings different skills, talents and experiences to the fight ? and valuing those differences. Leveraging diversity creates an environment of excellence and continuous improvement to remove artificial achievement barriers and value the contribution of all participants." Admiral Gary Roughead, chief of Naval Operations, says that "diversity is the No. 1 priority" at the academy.

Diversity at the Naval Academy, as at most academic institutions, is not about equal opportunity but a race and *** spoils system to achieve what the Navy brass see as a pleasing race and *** mix. They accomplish that vision by the removal of "artificial achievement barriers." Let's go over what the Naval Academy sees as an artificial achievement barrier. A black candidate with B and C grades, with no particular leadership qualities, and 500 on both portions of the SAT, is virtually guaranteed admittance. A white student, who's not an athlete, with such scores is deemed not qualified.

Many black students are admitted to the Naval Academy through remedial training at the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) in Newport, R.I., which is a one-year post-secondary school. Finishing the year with a 2.0 GPA, a C average, almost guarantees admission to the academy. A C average for remedial work is nothing to write home about. Occasionally, when students don't make the 2.0 GPA target, the target is renegotiated downward. Minority applicants with SAT scores down to the 300s and with Cs and Ds grades (and no particular leadership or athletics) are also admitted after a remedial year at the Naval Academy Preparatory School.

Bruce Fleming, an English professor at the academy for 22 years, teaches a remedial English class and finds that in his spring 2009 class, most of NAPS's students earn Cs and Ds and many are on probation. About seven years ago Professor Fleming was on the admissions board, where the standing instruction is not to write anything down because "everything is 'FOI'able" ? meaning it can be demanded under the Freedom of Information Act. Such an instruction highlights the dishonesty of race preferences. The dishonesty doesn't stop there. The academy will go to great lengths to retain black students. When Professor Fleming charged a black student with plagiarism, he was not properly informed of the hearing and subsequently the student's peer group found him not guilty. Honor violations by black students are usually "remediated."

I suspected that the Naval Academy's diversity agenda would give rise to resentments so I asked Professor Fleming about it. He said there are two levels of resentment. Some black students, who were admitted to the academy meritoriously on the same basis as white students, resent the idea of being seen as having the same academic qualities as blacks who were given preferential treatment, in other words being dumb. Another level of resentment comes from white students who see blacks as being admitted and retained at lower levels of academic performance and being treated with kid gloves. If these whites openly complained about the unequal treatment, they would run the risk of being labeled as racists. This is one of the unappreciated aspects of preferential treatment. It runs the risk of creating racist attitudes, and possibly feelings of racial superiority, among whites and others who were formerly racially neutral.

Colleges and universities with racially preferential admittance policies are doing a great disservice to blacks in another, mostly ignored, way. By admitting poorly prepared blacks, they are helping to conceal the grossly fraudulent education the blacks receive at the K through 12 grades.



Active Members
This is my point about the liberal support of race division in America.

By having programs like this they keep the tensions strong. Even many blacks are starting to complain about how unqualified peopel get jobs and other things just to fill a quota.

This is why I say it is the Liberals/socialists who are the real racists, they say blacks "can't" compete without help.



New member
The Racism of Diversity
By Walter Williams

Colleges and universities with racially preferential admittance policies are doing a great disservice to blacks in another, mostly ignored, way. By admitting poorly prepared blacks, they are helping to conceal the grossly fraudulent education the blacks receive at the K through 12 grades.
And these blacks go on to become community organizers.



I thought affirmitive action would come to an end with the election of Obama.



New member
The international diversity police in action:

Secret Government documents have revealed that American talk show host Michael Savage was only included in a British government �banned list� because it was dominated by Muslims.
The documents have been made public as part of the discovery process in Mr Savage�s ongoing ?100,000 libel case against former Home Secretary Jacqui �I never ran anything before the Home Office� Smith.

The official correspondence, released under the Freedom of Information Act, has revealed that Mr Savage�s name was placed on a list of people banned from Britain only to provide �balance� and that officials specifically warned the Government that it could be accused of being �duplicitous� by including his name.

Referring to Mr Savage by his real name of Weiner, one of the email messages, dated 27 November 2008, from an unnamed Home Office official, says, �with Weiner, I can understand that disclosure of the decision would help provide a balance of types of exclusion cases.

�We will want to ensure that the names disclosed reflect the broad range of cases and are not all Islamic extremists.�

A further email confirmed the decision was approved at the highest level of Government, saying: �HO [Home Office] intend to include Weiner in their quarterly stats� Both the FS [Foreign Secretary] and PM [Prime Minister] are firmly behind listing and naming such people.�

One civil servant counselled caution, saying: �I think we could be accused of duplicity in naming him� and helpfully added that �the fact that he is homophobic does help.�

Mr Savage had earlier accused Ms Smith of having plucked his name out of a hat because he was �controversial and white.� These latest revelations add weight to that charge.

Speaking to the World Net Daily news service, Mr Savage said it was now obvious that the Home Office chose him to balance the list of Muslim extremists because he is Jewish.

�The name Dreyfus comes to mind. They have attempted to destroy my reputation to avoid offending those Muslims who want to destroy them! The Warsaw ghetto comes to mind, where some Jews threw other Jews into Gestapo hands to live another day,� he said.

�Make no mistake about this � they �chose� me because I am the only talker in the top five who is Jewish! The old anti-Semitic strain has resurfaced in England, not among the right wing, but on the socialist left. This should galvanize every member of the U.S. media, but will it?�

Mr Savage said his message for Ms Smith and the people of the UK was, �Shame on you. Shame that you�ve fallen to such a low level.�

�It�s interesting to me that here I am a talk show host, who does not advocate violence, who advocates patriotic traditional values � borders, language, culture � who is now on a list banned in England,� he said. �What does that say about the government of England? It says more about them than it says about me.�
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