The Red Room


All The Streetlights
Feb 21, 2006
Read With Caution

Content Displayed Below May Include Sexually Explicit Commentary

There was a lot of sexual content in the confessions corner.

I think we should keep that out of there.

So this is for all your dirty fantasies.

You can post them here.
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Lol wtf XD

And now Gradon and Jeezy expect me to post first ofcourse...

Well I don´t have sex mind atm XD
Altough a girl asked me to shower with her, and she wants to lay on top of me, so that has something to do with sex
But I don´t find that a dirty fantasy, it´s good :D
Lol wtf XD

And now Gradon and Jeezy expect me to post first ofcourse...

Well I don´t have sex mind atm XD
Altough a girl asked me to shower with her, and she wants to lay on top of me, so that has something to do with sex
But I don´t find that a dirty fantasy, it´s good :D

yeah right that's not dirty....

there was a girl today that wanted to take a bath with me....which is also not bad:)
lol ok guys i really wanne cybersex with ya all but my bed is calling. Have to play squash tomorrow morning at 7:30 and its almost 3 am :<
wow thats awesome, we could never do that in school, it was always the same periods every day for 5 years :\

edit* back to topic, so what girl you like more blonde or brunette?
o for sure, i mean at varsity (btw the girl : boy ratio is 3:1 and they all just want sex rofl) there are some killer blondes to whom few will say no but brunettes are just better IMO and ive made a couple of friends :D :D :D and from them the brunettes are the best by far
I don't really care about the haircolor...but if I have to choose I would take a brunette
Well that´s nice, I hope you get some, lol

Weren´t you going to sleep? XD

haha so far im just focusing on studies since i really need to get through the first semester but my friend (whom is a total whore lol) said he will label me a fag-for-life if i dont get laid before end this year :p but i have some in sight so hehehe

and LOL i was in bed then i got out too check that my alarm on my cell was set so i just decided to check lpf one more time.... and here i am :D
I should really's 2 am and I still have to check some

I'm out
im kinda over porn, been who knows how long since ive watched any... guess i dont have the time (ok lies lol) but its a drag to download since it takes hours and hours so i dont care bout it.....