"The revelation"


New member
I was thinking this morning, because my mind never really stops...ever, about who you all are and what your postings mean to me. Here's what I came up with:

Chi - "The diver". I love Chi. No matter what happens, what she's missed, or where she's been hiding, if there is any kind of drama or a brawl on the site she just jumps right in without testing the waters whatsoever! Chi is always chi and says exactly what's on her mind. She's got chutzpah!

snafu - "The innocent". Snaffy just comes across as such an innocent soul to me. That's not to discredit his contributions or views...not at all! It's simply that his emotions come across as completely unedited, I suppose. You're one in a million, Charlie Brown!

Old Salt - "The humbled". Perhaps it comes from maturity or just a good heart, but OS never has anything snide to say to or about anybody. He reminds me so much of a friend's father who is about the same age. I asked him recently, "So, Mr. Johnson. I'm going to be moving soon and heading out into the big, wide world. Do you have any advice for me?"

He laughed and said, "You know, the older I get, the less I know. I won't offer you any advice, but I will simply suggest you enjoy every day as it comes." I liked that. And OS reminds me of him....kind, humbled and wise.

Bender - "The passionate". He's great at backing his views with documents and facts, but what really sets Bender apart in the debate forum is his passion. You can tell he really believes in his convictions. I admire that.

emkay - "The irreverent". Emkay is more than capable of holding her own in a serious debate, but you know what? She doesn't want to. I love that emkay can come into a heated discussion, throw out one of her emkayesque quips and lighten the mood immediately. She's a natural peace keeper. This place would go down faster than Sodom and Gomorrah on shore leave if it weren't for our lovely em holding it together at the seams.

Cloaked - "The invisible". Get it? Invisible? Cloak? Ehhh....nevermind.

IWS - "The collected". IWS is always in control of his emotions. He's definitely in the right profession for his personality type. He's always so cool during a debate and keeps true to his original point. I'd really hate to be caught speeding by him....I don't think my usual excuses would fly. hehe.

wez - "The indestructible". wez has been through some serious net wars...lol! I'll give the guy credit, he has stuck to his guns, stayed the course, not compromised even an inch who he is and has persevered through it all. You go, wezley!

hugo - "The instigator". I truly believe hugo has a big wooden spoon lying right next to his keyboard because he loves to stir up ****. How he can do this and still remain such a lovable scamp in our eyes is beyond me. It must be a well rehearsed art from all those years of lovin' and leavin' the Waffle House waitresses.

RoyalOrleans - "The cryptic". Getting a response from RO is like receiving a gift. You have to shake it, open it up and sift through the mult-colored tissue paper to truly get to the heart of the what you've been given. Unless, of course, he calls you a c nt. Then you know you're fukked.

eddo - "The humorous". Oh eddo, funny is thy name! You can always count on eddo for a classic zing! But what is special about eddo's jokes is that he really pays attention to who he is poking fun at and is adept at customizing his humor to fit anyone or any occasion. A true class clown!

atlantic - "The reserved". I always get the feeling that while the rest of us are in a cyber room mingling and conversing, atlantic is in the back hallway occasionally peeking around the corner to see what all the excitement is about. Come on in, atlantic! The water's fine.

RaE - "The open". Conversing with RaE is like reading an open book. He's honest and shoots from the hip. He's funny, charming, pervy and the biggest buttsecks fan I know! Haha.

TJ - "The persistent". Pain in my ***.

Hack - "The obscure". Hack is the King of obscure references. He loves to play on words and you really have to pay attention to his comments to catch some of the comedy gold he produces. Must be all that good BC weed he's not sharing with us.

Mercury - "The mother". Merc watches over all of us and I swear she has eyes in the back of her head. She has her finger on the pulse of all the sites we love to haunt and keeps things fair and orderly. She's a true nurturer and I'll tell you one thing...if Merc is willing to give up on you, then you know you have to be one authentic piece of ****.

MrsK - "The champion". MrsK loves her causes and will champion them to the death. While we may not always agree on the cause, I will always admire her willingness to defend them wholeheartedly. I hope she'll get more involved in the debates here because she brings some very interesting views to the table.


Feel free to add your own!

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Ali pretty much pegged everyone. And she is "the Entertainer". If it wasn't mostly for her and her posts, this site and TJ would probably be defunct. She's the type of person who takes initiative, is open and is fearless. She's also a people person, thoughtful and is good people.


New member
Ali--The Enigma--She's a living breathing oxymoron....and no I did not call her stupid. She's strong but has a strawberry skin. She wants to be alone, but not alone. She's a traveler with strong roots. She gives many chances but trusts her first impressions. She doesn't want to be hugged but wants to be touched. She's an entertainer even when her heart is mashed and broken. To many she's unsolvable...I'm happy to say she isn't to me.

Hugglies! :D



New member
Ali, as usual, you kick *** with this post. I heart you. :)

Ali pretty much pegged everyone. And she is "the Entertainer". If it wasn't mostly for her and her posts, this site and TJ would probably be defunct. She's the type of person who takes initiative, is open and is fearless. She's also a people person, thoughtful and is good people.

Ali--The Enigma--She's a living breathing oxymoron....and no I did not call her stupid. She's strong but has a strawberry skin. She wants to be alone, but not alone. She's a traveler with strong roots. She gives many chances but trusts her first impressions. She doesn't want to be hugged but wants to be touched. She's an entertainer even when her heart is mashed and broken. To many she's unsolvable...I'm happy to say she isn't to me.
I agree with Chi's and Emkay's assessments of Ali, even if neither mentioned boobies.



New member
Great thread, although I think you give me too much credit for keeping cool. I've gone off on a few people on the interwebz during debates, when I probably shouldn't have or it wasn't necessary.


New member
You always do an awesome job on these kinds of things.

I also agree with Chi & Em's assessment of you (and I don't need the mention of boobies as a disclaimer :p )



New member
also... I want to add that I really needed to hear that today. I've not been feeling like much of a nurturer lately. I feel stressed, stretched and disconnected. Thank you :)


New member
Great thread, although I think you give me too much credit for keeping cool. I've gone off on a few people on the interwebz during debates, when I probably shouldn't have or it wasn't necessary.
Only when pushed beyond reasonable limits, IWS. ;)

Chi, merc, eddo...thank you! Emkay...you truly are my soulmate. :D

I just like to write and if the inspiration hits, why not roll with it? Everybody needs a boost once in awhile. And if you can take a moment out of your day to make your friends feel special, then that's something worth doing, IMO.



New member
Ali - "The lovable" She always finds good in everybody. She's always a sweetheart. She did peg everybody that's why she should also be know as the "The Perceptionist" but I prefer lovable. Smooch....... :p
Aww. I agree with this for the most part. There might be one or two changes, but mostly right on. As far as Ali, I think chi and em pretty much hit it right on, nobody mentioned armpit ***, but that's alright.

I do try to be as open and honest as humanly possible, I'm glad you noticed!



New member
Net wars? Muah? I don't know what you're talking about.. :D

Good times.. good times..

Right eddo? hahahahaha



New member
****, you nailed it

as for me, being the youngest of 6 my jewels of wit and wisdom often went unnoticed.


as for you... you are just fierce... (fear, fierce, fearsome, fear some more)... well, maybe to some. to me you are a sweetie.

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