The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business




What are our real interests in Iraq? The same as our interest was in
Vietnam.....The whole 20 year Viet Nam "war" from 1955 to 1975 was an
oil scam.

The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business
(Pre-publication online preview excerpt)

-- by Marshall Douglas Smith

In 1945, at the end of WWII, when the Japanese surrendered,
General Douglas MacArthur became the military Governor of Japan.
MacArthur's assistant was Laurence Rockefeller, one of John D's four
grandsons. Just before the Japanese surrendered, the US had been
preparing for a massive invasion of the Japanese home islands and had
stockpiled vast supplies of weapons and munitions on the island of
Okinawa. Enough weaponry to invade Japan. What ever happened to all
those military supplies?

With Vice-governor Laurence Rockefeller's assistance most of them
were sold to the leader of Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh, for something like
one US dollar and Ho's "goodwill." Why would Laurence do that? That
was US taxpayer property. Ho Chi Minh had been an ally to help fight
the Japanese during the war. But the Chinese had been an even greater
ally, so why didn't the weapons go to China? Those weapons might have
prevented Mao Tse Tung from taking over China just four years later if
they had been given to China. But that wasn't the plan. From where did
Mao get his weapons?

In the 1920's an insider secret became known to a few people. It
was published in an exhaustive world resources survey book written by
a renowned world-traveling geologist named Hoover, who later became a
US President. Not many copies were printed and few people read the
book. The secret was that one of the world's largest potential oil
fields ran along the coast of the South China Sea right off French
Indo-China, now known as Viet Nam. But in the 1920's the method of
deep sea oil drilling had not yet been developed. In 1945, the French
still held small oil-poor Viet Nam as a colony. Laurence knew about
Hoover's book and the off shore oilfields. The French could be driven
out if the Vietnamese nationals, lead by Ho Chi Minh, could be
supplied with weapons. Did the French know about this?

Laurence Rockefeller thought he could trick Ho Chi Minh by
offering him the weapons to drive out the French and then in return
Standard would take over the as yet undeveloped offshore fields. But
in 1954 when Vietnamese General Giap finally defeated and drove out
the French at Dien Bien Phu, Ho reneged on the deal. Since by then,
everybody including the French, the Vietnamese, the Japanese and the
Chinese had all read the same Hoover resource book and knew there was
a vast supply of oil off the Vietnamese coast. Many people have
wondered why the French have been so recalcitrant toward the US ever
since French President Charles DeGaul wanted to pull out of NATO in
the mid-1950's.

Ho Chi Minh would not let Standard Oil simply walk in and walk
off with all the Vietnamese oil. So as before, any country which owns
the oil is branded as "communist" since they hold the oil as
"community property" and won't allow private corporations, like
Standard, to develop the fields and steal the oil. In this case, young
American's themselves where "hired" directly to be the "fascists" to
go fight the Vietnamese "communists."

The whole 20 year Viet Nam "war" from 1955 to 1975 was an oil
scam. And all during the "war," Vietnamese General Giap fought the
Americans with weapons he got from Laurence for a dollar. Did you ever
wonder why the US, despite, greatly superior weapons, and the loss of
57,000 Americans and half a million Vietnamese, never won the "war?"
Ever wonder why the US President issued such strange "rules of
engagement" for the American troops that made sure they didn't win?
Ever wonder why Henry Kissinger, a personal assistant to Nelson
Rockefeller spent so much time in the Viet Nam/Paris Peace talks which
never went anywhere but simply dragged on for years. Maybe winning the
"war" wasn't part of the plan of the Empire of Energy. Maybe the
timing of the "war" was more important.

In the 1950's a method of undersea oil exploration was perfected
which used small explosions deep in the water and then recorded the
sound echos bouncing off the various layers of rock below. The
surveyor could then determine the exact location of the arched salt
domes which hold the accumulated oil beneath them. But if this method
were used off the Viet Nam coast on property Standard didn't own or
have the rights to, the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Japanese and
probably even the French would quickly run to the United Nations and
complain that America was stealing the oil, and that would shut down
the operation.

In 1964, after Viet Nam was divided into North and South, and the
contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident, several US aircraft carriers were
stationed offshore of Viet Nam and the "war" was started. Every day
jet planes would take off from the carriers, bomb locations in North
and South Vietnam, and then using normal military procedure when
returning would dump their unsafe or unused bombs in the ocean before
landing back on the carriers. Safe ordnance drop zones were designated
for this purpose away from the carriers.

Even close-up observers would only notice many small explosions
occurring daily in the waters of the South China Sea and thought it
was only part of the "war." The US Navy carriers had begun Operation
Linebacker One, and Standard Oil had begun its ten year oil survey of
the seabed off of Viet Nam. And the Vietnamese, Chinese and everybody
else around, including the Americans, were none the wiser. The oil
survey hardly cost Standard Oil a nickel, the US taxpayers paid for

In 1995, in a multi-hour BBC TV documentary broadcast about the
oil industry, the president of one of the oil companies, a spin-off of
Standard, stated, ".. It was quite a coincidence, that we finished our
offshore oil survey on the very last day of the war, just as the last
helicopter was leaving the roof of the embassy in Saigon." A

Fifteen years later, after North and South Viet Nam were unified
and all the dust settled and most people had forgotten about the
"war," the Vietnamese decided they needed some cash and would allow
offshore oil exploration. They divided up their coastal area into many
oil lots and let foreign companies bid on the lots, with the proviso
that Viet Nam got a cut of the action.

Oil companies from 12 countries put in bids. Norway's Statoil,
British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, even Russia, Germany and
Australia all put in bids. But when those countries drilled in their
oil lots they all came up with dry holes. Only the "American" company
had gushers and since 1990 has pulled billions of dollars out of their
Golden Dragon, Blue Lotus, and White Tiger oil fields in the South
China Sea off Viet Nam. Coincidence? Were they just lucky? Or did they
know something those other oil companies didn't?

In order to cover for the fact that the Viet Nam "war" was a
"phoney" war with the Vietnamese branded as "communists," and the US
as a country having no intention of winning, the US would need to
withdraw as soon as the oil survey was done. A reason would be needed
to explain the withdrawal. In the late 1960's Standard recruited large
numbers of idealistic youth who were against the war and the military
draft. The oil companies supplied them with monetary assistance and

Those oil-backed and organized youth became the large anti-war
demonstrations of the 60's and 70's. Almost none of the demonstrators
knew they were being used. Most people still believe the "war" ended
because of the strong US sentiment against the "war," and President
Nixon's withdrawal plan was a reaction to the demonstrators. There is
too much information which explains the strange relationship between
Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, the Nixon withdrawal plan and
the resulting Watergate incident and Nelson's rise to power to become
Vice President after Nixon resigned, so I will explain that later.

So it appears there are many oil companies but they are, in fact,
all under one controlling marketeer, BP also known as Standard Oil,
which sets the world price of energy. Ever wonder why President G.W.
Bush wanted to open up new drilling in Alaska? There is a vast new
undeveloped oil field discovered in 1989 around and under the Caspian
Sea in central southern Russia. This one oil field is larger than any
other field ever discovered. This oil could be sent out through the
Siberian Pipeline to the Arctic Sea, then down the Alaska Pipeline, as
is the Black Sea oil. Something would need to account for the greatly
increased and continuous flow of oil in the Alaska pipeline.

New drilling in Alaska, whether oil is found or not, could be
used to explain why so much oil is still coming from the Alaska
pipeline. Nobody ever mentioned that the North Slope Alaska oil
fields, around the Duck Island Western Facility, operated by BP, were
running dry and that was the reason why new drilling was needed. Maybe
because its not true. Nobody ever mentioned that the Prudhoe Bay
Eastern Facility, just a mile or so east of Duck Island, also operated
by BP, at the very top of the Alaska Pipeline is a harbor. Maybe
nobody wanted you to know.

And exactly where is this new freshly discovered mother of all
oil fields in southern Russia? In a province called Chechnya. Is it
any wonder the Chechens wanted to become an independent state? Is it
any wonder there had been an ongoing ten year war between the Russian
and Chechen troops. Did the Russians "brand" the Chechen rebels as
"communists" because they want to keep their own oil? Most Russian
mothers have no clue why their sons were sent to die in Chechnya. The
same was true of the many Russian mothers whose sons died in
Afghanistan. And also the very same is true of many American mothers
whose sons died in Viet Nam.

The vast new oilfield under Chechnya, by itself, could meet the
world's needs for energy for several hundred years. This new oil
supply was far more than could be handled by the aging Trans-Siberia
and Alaska pipelines. With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the
Russian oil could then be marketed directly. A new overland transport
method needed to be built. An obvious and short method would be to
build a pipeline westward from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea and
then existing oil tanker ships could take the oil across the Black
Sea, through the narrow Bosporus channel at Istanbul, Turkey to the
Mediterranean Sea and then on to the rest of the world.

There was only one problem with that route. The older Russian oil
fields around the Black Sea still produced enough oil to create a
daily traffic jam of tanker ships through the narrow Bosporus channel.
That long channel is barely wide enough in some places for two ships
to pass each other. The Turks live in constant fear of an ecological
disaster caused by an oil tanker accident on the very doorstep of
Istanbul, which surrounds the channel.

The Bosporus Channel was already beyond the safe limit for tanker
traffic so the massive supply of new Chechen oil could not be shipped
that way. Seven other long pipeline routes had been proposed in the
1990's. All of them required reaching the Mediterranean Sea by going
through politically unstable regions such as eastern Turkey, Syria or
Lebanon, all of which are areas of unrest and open to terrorist
attack. None of those routes were viable.

In 1995 a seemingly safe and short alternative route was
discovered to get around the unsafe overloaded Bosporus Channel in
Turkey. The oil tankers on the Black Sea, instead of going south
through the narrow Bosporus, would turn northward up the wide Danube
River toward Europe. But then at Belgrade, in Serbian Yugoslavia the
tankers would make a quick left turn up a tributary river, unload the
oil, and with only a short 50 mile pipeline could reach the large
Mediterranean seaport of Tirana, Albania and then on to the world. It
looked cheap and easy. And where would that short pipeline be built?
Across a small province called Kosovo. If only Kosovo could be placed
under some international control to eliminate terrorist attacks and
ensure a safe pipeline.

The US Air Force tried to put Serbia and Kosovo under NATO
control in 1999. It almost worked. But, Albania was unlike all the
other old Yugoslavian ethnic states which had been client states of
the USSR under the dictator Tito. Albania, alone in that region, had
been a client state of China since 1949. The Chinese had long used
Tirana, Albania as a European opium and heroin shipping point, in an
operation far larger than the "French Connection" in Marseilles. The
Albanians still maintain ties with China.

The Chinese, did not want to see large amounts of new energy
supplies flowing to the west under BP-Standard control. The Chinese
supported and used the "ethnic-Albanian rebels," since the breakup of
Yugoslavia in the early 1990's, to ensure continuous unrest in the
whole region around Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia, and thus no
pipeline. Ever wonder why the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was
"accidently" bombed and obliterated in 1999? The US Air Force claimed
the old street maps their pilots were reading didn't show the Chinese
Embassy. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not
always. Within a year the Empire of Energy would find an alternative.
To most Americans and to the rest of the world that alternative would
look like a very strange Presidential election.

(End of Chapter Three)

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SEE Chapter One
Black Gold Hot Gold, Chapter 2

What are our real interests in Iraq? Could it be to maintain a
military force in the area to protect Israel from her neighbors and
for the oil under the Iraqi soil? If that is the case, McCain's
comment about being there for one hundred years just may be valid.

Why American Troops Are Dying in Iraq.
Here are some quotes from a German pamphlet titled "Why the Aryan

"In 1793 the famous philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, author of
"Speeches to the German Nation," wrote a pamphlet titled "A
Contribution to Correcting Judgments about the French Revolution." It
contained the following significant sentence:

"In nearly all the nations of Europe, a powerful, hostile government
is growing, and is at war with all the others, and sometimes oppresses
the people in dreadful ways: It is Jewry!"

The French Revolution, with its "ideas for the improvement of
humanity" thundered past, and in the noise the people who had believed
in world brotherhood entirely missed this serious warning. What Fichte
warned the word about then has today become fact in nearly all the
nations of the world. The Jewish people, once only tolerated, knew how
to raise a hue and cry about discrimination and persecution, winning
the sympathy of the world for the "poor Jews." They increasingly
infiltrated deep within our national organism, growing to have power
over every single area of our national life. The old saga, the "Edda,"
observes that one blocks a river at its source. The failure to do that
was the great mistake of the German people. Thank God, it is not too
late. Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler recognized the importance of the
problem for Germany's rebirth, and outlined its solution in his

Martin Luther wrote this of the Jews in his book "The Jews and their
Lies": "They hold we Christians captive in our own land. They have
seized our goods by their cursed usury, they mock and insult us
because we work. They are our lords, and we and our goods belong to
them." If in the coming days the Jewish race is driven out of the
non-Jewish world, it will have at least this consolation: It has made
clear to them for all time the value of maintaining the purity of race
and blood in clear, understandable and unforgettable ways.

National Socialist racial legislation has reduced the influence of
Jewry in all professions, and above all excluded them from the leading
offices of the nation. That is an important step in the relationship
between Germans and Jews, but one cannot ignore the fact that we have
not yet fully eliminated the influence of the Jewish foreign body in
German national life. It is not a question of German-Jewish
coexistence, rather of making as great as possible a separation
between blood and blood.
Three things are involved here:

A knowledge of the basic principles of National Socialist racial
An understanding of the growth and expansion of Jewry,
The dominant sociological position of Jewry, to show how it dominated
the German people economically, intellectually and politically..."

"In discussing the Jewish Question, even today one encounters
resistance and misunderstandings, especially in intellectual circles.
This can only be explained by the intellectual education of the
political past. This is especially evident when one discusses the
fundamental issues.

Whenever a new thought arises in the world and calls people to
practical action, the old world resists because it feels its
foundations threatened. Its old standpoint has ruled for decades, and
it looks uncomprehendingly at a new idea that does not fit into the
accustomed patterns of thinking. That is natural. When the new idea
and worldview are truly revolutionary, they are on a different level
of human thought and feeling, and there can be no compromise. Its
realization depends on people who support it, and who are ready to
fight to transform the life of the individual and of the nation in
every way..."

"In the long run, no idea is better suited to guarantee peace between
nations than National Socialist racial thinking, which calls for the
furtherance and maintenance of one's own race and one's own people,
and supports similar efforts on the part of other nations..."

"The new Germany that views its own race and ethnicity positively must
therefore distinguish within its territory between one race and
another, between one people and another. Mixing of blood harms both
sides. Race is an issue for every people if they are to live according
to their nature. The German people is not so arrogant as to believe
that is is the chosen people. The familiar quotation from Geibel, "The
world should enjoy German ways," should be understood in the context
of the dreams of world betterment of those past days.

The National Socialist racial viewpoint has clear consequences for the
relationship between Germans and Jews. People have often said that
National Socialism's approach to the racial question is purely
negative and destructive, and that its essential characteristic is
radical anti-Semitism. One must grant that we made the Jewish question
clearer than anyone else, and taught an entire generation that had
been taught to see all people the same to recognize the importance of
the Jewish question not only for our people, but for the entire world.
Our treatment of the Jewish problem in the years before we took power
must be seen as the political education of the German people, which
had lost its racial instincts to a dangerous degree.

The question took on its own nature in Germany, Many citizens had
their eyes opened, and the simultaneous appeal to all the heroic and
manly virtues of the German man resulted in a racial selection of
political fighters who today stand at the head of the new state.
Formerly, the Jewish question, as seen by the state, was a matter of
complete equality and the unhindered immigration of Jews from the
East. This is the best proof of how racial feeling and consciousness
had been lost. Our tone was not purely negative or the simple
rejection of others, rather the emphasis was on the positive values of
our own people. This does require noting that Jewry through its
Marxist class struggle leadership role and its international financial
measures aimed at Germany supported every kind of anti-national action
in the cultural and political fields. Jewry should not complain if its
anti-German activities, which have no counterpart in any other
country, call forth from the people the defensive reaction of

The starting point of the discussion is the scientific fact that the
Jew is different than the German. This is neither arrogant nor
boastful, it simply is the way things are. For us, the Jewish question
is a question between two peoples. Its characteristics are determined
by the racially determined differences between the two, and through
the unusual sociological and numerical development of Jewry in the
course of its history, developments that are particularly evident in
the last decades through a constantly growing process of foreign
infiltration that has reached an intolerable level for the German

More than once over its history, the German people has absorbed
foreign elements, but they were racially identical or similar
population groups, as for example was the case with the Huguenots.
With the Jews, things are fundamentally different. They are seen
everywhere as foreigners, and see themselves that way as well. Walter
Rathenau said it most clearly as early as 1897: "How strange! In the
middle of German life there is a separate, foreign tribe that stands
out in every way with its hot-tempered behavior. An Asiatic horde has
settled on the sands of Mark Brandenburg." Einstein said something in
1931: "I have to laugh when I hear the phrase 'German citizen of the
Jewish faith.' These citizens first of all want nothing to do with my
poor Eastern European brothers, and second do not want to be sons of
my (Jewish) people, but only members of the Jewish cultural community.
Is that honest? Can a non-Jew respect such people? I am not a German
citizen. I am a Jew, and am happy to belong to the Jewish people."

The most remarkable thing about Jewry is that it has not disappeared
over the millennia, even though it lacks its own territory and
language. Even more remarkable is that it lacks the main
characteristic of a minority population, its own pockets of settlement
to which it could if necessary retreat. Only time will tell if
Palestine will someday fill this gap. That question is made more
difficult by the fact that the Arabs maintain their claim on
Palestine. Whatever the twists of history, the Jew has always remained
the same, whether as a grain speculator in ancient Rome or as a bank
or stock exchange potentate in the modern era. They were always able
to control the wealth of whole nations. Nations and peoples once their
contemporaries have vanished, leaving only words and crumbled
monuments behind; only the Jew remains. In ancient days we see him
carrying on his business in the trading centers of the Mediterranean.
In the Middle Ages he provided money for German nobles and free
cities. Today he rules the banks and stock exchanges of the whole
world, forcing the nations under the yoke of financial capitalism. The
power of this people of 15 million rests on these international
relations. This is how they seem to fulfill the commandment of Jehovah
- the world domination of the chosen people.
The secret of the Jewish people, which has enabled them to survive
through all of history's twists and turns, is that it has always
recognized the laws of blood, even anchoring them in the laws of its
religion. The consciousness of blood and family that believing Jews
have has been stronger than all the other forces of history, giving us
a unique example of a people without its own land and language, which
still meets the criteria for being a people, and which has outlasted
many other peoples.

This historic manifestation of Jewry, which is unique, brings to the
fore the question of the relationship between the host and guest
peoples. It has been answered in differing ways throughout history,
depending on the worldview and thinking then predominant.
Since the Jews were dispersed they have been held together by the laws
of their religion and their faith that they were the chosen people.
Until the middle of the 18th Century, Germans and Jews lived apart
from each other. The Jews had no opportunity to become involved in the
religious of political-intellectual life of their host people. On the
other hand, they could practice their own customs without
interference. They had their own religion and their own laws. During
the Middle Ages, the Ghetto was the way Jewry could maintain itself in
the midst of other peoples and fulfill its Jewish duties, which grew
out of its race, origins and laws. The values and ideals of other
peoples were not affected. This separation was only possible because
the views of the host people were as strong as those of the Jews.
According to the writer Grau: "There was no racial defilement or
baptism, no attempt to join a nation that one could never be a member
of, and no attempt to intellectually silence the host people." In the
Ghetto of the Middle Ages, the Jew developed his nature and
characteristics, which were later to become significant, while
maintaining the community of blood and race. The latter is
particularly important, since the strict physical separation between
the host and guest peoples maintained the foreign nature that we daily
see so clearly, now that the barriers between have long since fallen.

Even in the Middle Ages, the most important thing was not the
difference between the Christian and Mosaic faiths. Rather, there was
on the one hand the natural sense that the Jew was of a foreign race,
and on the other hand the strict law of blood which demanded a clear
separation if the Jews were to fulfill Jehovah's mission, which had
guided them from the beginning. Just this has always been kept in the
background by historians, who present the Ghetto as a tolerated asylum
for Jewish martyrs persecuted on account of their faith. There is a
gap to be filled here. The task of historians writing from our new
viewpoint will be to examine the portrait of the Ghetto of the Middle
Ages to discover its importance for the development of Jewry and the
relationship between the guest and host peoples. Even the Jewish side
is demanding that. O. Karbach criticizes historical writing because it
"in significant ways conceals the historical fact that the Jews in the
centuries before their emancipation possessed a legal standing that
was better than the greater part of the rest of the population, namely
complete or partial agricultural freedom. (Ordnung in der Judenfrage,
edited by E. Czermak, Reinhold, Vienna, 1933).

The barriers between Germans and Jews fell as a result of the
Enlightenment and the French Revolution. The path to Jewish world
domination would take a different direction than pious, observant Jews
had expected. Emancipation made it possible to build Jewish dominance
through secular means. With the disappearance of racial consciousness,
only religious differences seemed to remain. It seemed at the time
unjust to give someone a preferred position only because of his
religious beliefs, which are an entirely personal matter. At the time,
this was tied to a belief in human equality and freedom. It was
revolutionary. It shattered the church dogmas that had ruled for
centuries and was the foundation of liberal thinking during the last
two hundred years. The new goal was humanity itself, and nothing stood
in the way of racial mixing. Some had the quiet hope that assimilation
would mean the absorption of Jewry. Jewry itself, however, was more
than willing to use the opportunities of religious assimilation, which
opened the path to all important positions, even to political
leadership. As H. Heine said, "baptism was the ticket to European
culture." Gradually, an intermixing with the German people developed,
particularly in its cultural elite. Foreign blood infiltrated to a
degree that we realize only today now that the "Law to Reestablish a
Professional Bureaucracy" has exposed numerous sources of foreign
blood. This process has greatly accelerated during the last fourteen

Today the age of raceless thinking is being displaced by the ideals of
human variability. Values are rooted in origin and territory, and each
group has a historic mission based on its own unique and eternal
values. Such new racial thinking will of course secure the opposition
of those who either through faith or reason still believe in the unity
of humanity in culture, social order and organization. The Jews will
naturally oppose any discussion of race, since the denial of any
significant differences between people is the foundation of his
infiltration of Western European society. The Jew finds any mention of
the racial question as an attack on his current existence. His leading
role in every anti-national area is characteristic of his mimicry, and
is necessary for his continued existence. That explains the phrase
"German citizen of the Jewish faith."

The recognition that the Jew is of a foreign and different race along
with the reawakening of German racial consciousness must necessarily
lead to a change in the relations between Germans and Jews.

There is one point to keep in mind before examining the statistics.
Only those people who claimed to be Jews and were members of the
Mosaic faith were counted as Jews, not those who for internal or
external reasons belonged to another religion, or those who claimed to
be dissident Jews and therefore did not belong to the standard groups.
This is regrettable for our purposes, since we are interested not in
the influence of those who still claimed the Jewish religion, rather
those who belonged to the Jewish race! That includes all Jews, whether
of the Mosaic faith or baptized Christians. That is just what the
supporters of the Talmud and the Old Testament always said. They
complained that the state opened all offices to those "without
character," to "Christmas Jews," even admitting them to the officer
corps! The statistics given here must therefore be increased
significantly. The Jews are a race, and baptism does not in any way
change the foreign characteristics that are hostile to the German

Of course, the intellectual atmosphere that enabled the Jew to
infiltrate the German body politic quickly led the Jew himself to see
that conditions for his advancement were favorable, and that the way
to the top was open. He also realized what the population statistics
meant, indeed they were particularly clear to him, since 2/3 of his
kind lived in the big cities, the centers of the liberal worldview..."

"Nothing shows the differences between our people and the Jews more
clearly than their likes and dislikes for certain occupations. In some
occupations, particularly those that are most important for the nation
as a whole, the foreign influence on German life has reached an
intolerable extent not seen elsewhere in Europe. The preference for
certain occupations also gives us an interesting insight into the
spiritual nature of Jewry.
The following figures show how much critical occupations in Germany
have been infiltrated.

112,188 Jews, or 58.8%, far more than half, are employed in the area
of "commerce and transportation, including restaurants and taverns,"
but only 17.11% (3,248,145) of the population as a whole. In the area
of "industry and craft work, including mining and construction,"
19,318 Jews (25.85%) were employed, including 31.82% of foreigners.
For the population as a whole, the figure was 40.94% (7,771,799).

The figures in the field of "public administration, the judiciary, the
army and navy, churches, legal professionals and the independent
professions." 11,324 Jews were employed there, or 5.94% , over against
921,048 (4.85%) in the general population..."
In 1925, 0.81% of Jews were active as civil servants and the army and
navy, as opposed to 2.3% of the general population. In the church,
religious occupations, the legal system and the other independent
professions, the Jewish percentage is 4.3% as opposed to 2% of the
general population. This shows that the Jews are over-represented when
compared to the general population, particularly in the independent

The percentage of the Jewish population in government positions may
seem less than that of the general population, but the difference is
not as great as the figures first suggest. The most recent figures,
not yet entirely complete, suggest that a not insignificant number of
them are baptized Jews or dissidents formerly of the Jewish faith who
denied their Jewishness to gain an official position.

4.35% of Jews are employed in the medical and health care system,
including welfare, and 2.0% of foreign Jews. The figure for the
general population is 1.88%. The Jewish percentage is thus 2 1/2 times
as high as that of the general population.

In summary, Jewish occupational patterns differ from those of the rest
of the population. Jewry seems to have an aversion to agricultural
work, industrial labor and crafts. They are greatly over-represented
in commerce and transportation, including the entire banking system.
They are also over-represented in the independent professions and the
health care system. These figures alone demonstrate a clear difference
between the native German population and alien Jewry.

Very similar conditions prevail in all Western European nations and
also in North America, since Jews have spread throughout the world in
areas with growing industry and in cities that are centers of economic
and financial power. It is not true, as is often claimed, that the Jew
was systematically forced into commerce by the laws of the various
nations; rather, commerce particularly suits the Jew's nature. This is
supported by Dr. Arthur Ruppin, a scholar respected by the Jews. He
writes in his book The Jews of the Present (2nd edition, Cologne and
Leipzig, 1911, p. 45):

"Thanks to their significant commercial gifts (!), the Jews soon
enjoyed great success in commerce and industry. For 2000 years they
have seemed predestined to work in commerce. It is false to claim, as
some do, that Jews became merchants primarily because the Christians
denied them other occupations during the Middle Ages. The Jews did not
become merchants in Europe, rather they entered the profession in
growing numbers ever since the Babylonian Captivity in Syria, Egypt
and Babylon [because they dislike labor and prefer to have others work
for them! The Editor]. In Palestine until the dispersion they did live
primarily by agriculture. In the Diaspora, there was hardly anywhere
that the Jews lived by agriculture. The Middle Ages did not make them
into merchants. It only affirmed legally that which history had
already established. It is after all the rule that economic laws
generally do not create new conditions, but only legalize and regulate
that which already exists. The law would never have limited the Jews
to commerce in Europe if they had not already immigrated primarily as

Nearly all national economists agree that the Jews owe their role as
merchants not to chance, but to their excellent abilities as
merchants. As W. Sombart wrote: "The Jewish race is by nature the
incarnation of the capitalism-mercantile spirit." (Der moderne
Kapitalismus, Vol. 2, p. 349. Leipzig, 1902). Many others agree..."

"Similarly differences in the relative proportion of Jews by the
self-employed are evident in the medical field, which employs 0.5% of
the general population but 2.8% of the Jews, nearly six times as many.

Similar statistics are found in the cultural area (theater, film,
radio, education, teaching, etc.). The 0.4% of the general population
are employed there, 2.6% of the Jews, also about six times as many.

In the area of public administration and the judiciary, the percentage
of Jews in high positions is 2.0%, over against 1.3% of the general
population, nearly twice as high. The significance of these figures
becomes clear that when one realizes that the 2.3% of professional
Jews in public administration and the judiciary are in a branch where
the Jewish percentage of employees is only 0.81%. That means that the
Jews are especially represented in the important positions that
influence the whole government and leading branches of the economy.."

"The statistics may be interesting. The Jewish workers included 11,406
in industry, 2,220 in commerce and transportation, and 726 in
The following figures show most clearly the different social structure
of Jewry in Prussia over against the general population, and reveal
clearly Jewry's leading role in public life:.."

"On 19 May 1933 Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler gave an interview to
Bernard Ridder, an American journalist for the New York State
Newspaper. Discussing the Jewish Question in Germany, he said: "Should
I allow thousands of German-blooded people to be destroyed so that the
Jews can live and work in luxury while millions starve, falling victim
to Bolshevism out of desperation?"

Can the justice of his words be doubted when one recalls that,
according to the Prussian census of 16 June 1925 6.9% of all
independent pharmacists, 17.9% of all independent physicians, 4.8% of
all independent artists, 27% of all independent attorneys, 4.6% of
editors, 11% of theater directors, 7.5% of actors, and 14.8% of all
independent dentists were Jews! And these huge figures when the Jews
were only 1% of the population! Is that anything other than a
Jewdification of our entire cultural system?! And what would these
figures look like if one had had the ability to include baptized Jews
and dissidents?..."

"Berlin is the Jewish metropolis in Germany. The process of
Jewdification is considerably further along. That is understandable,
since one is in the immediate vicinity of the protective arms of
democracy and social democracy, where developments can occur
unhindered. Thus in Berlin on 16 June 1925 32.2% of the pharmacists
were Jews, as were 49.9% of the physicians, 7.5 of the graphic
artists, 50.2% of the attorneys, 8.5% of the editors, 14.2% of the
directors and theater heads, 12.3% of the actors and 37.5% of the

These figures cry out for legal limitations on Jewry, and it is
surprising that former governments did not take the appropriate action
to tell the Jews "this far and no further."
The Jewish influence gave the rest of the world an entirely false
impression of the nature of the German people. Inside the Reich, they
poisoned the soul of the people, and all social and political
relationships. Until the national uprising, the leaders of the
National Socialist movement were persecuted, defamed and suppressed by
a system that was a willing tool in the hands of a foreign and
different race. The national revolution freed the German people from
this foreign influence, which had also dominated and ruined the German
press and public life in significant ways.
He who wants to understand the German revolution of 1933 must
understand that it had this goal: 'Germany must be governed by Germans
for Germans.' The central idea of the National Socialist revolution
was the longing of the German people to once more be master in every
area of its own life. As a great, confident people, we demand only
this of the other peoples: that they permit us, as their equals, to
govern ourselves as we wish and find our own way to happiness (Reich
Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick)..."

"The Jewdification of our colleges and universities over the years has
reached almost frightening proportions. We begin with a publication
from 1931. Karl Hoppmann, in his volume "On the State of Jewdification
in the Academic professions" found the following figures:

1. University of Berlin:
Medical faculty . . . . over 50%
Philosophical faculty . . . . 25%
2. University of G