"The Rising Tied" - Uk release 21/11/05 *OUT NOW BUY IT*


New member
It seems like we've been waiting FOREVER for this cd to come out, but the date is finally here for the people living in the Uk! Go out to your HMV or Virgin Megastores and BUY THE CD! Buy it buy it buy it :D

The Rising Tied - Fort Minor ~*~*OUT NOW*~*~!!!

Yeah you heard me! Right this minute lol. Even though everybody has already heard it anyway ;)

I'm at college right now heh. But I finish at lunchtime so I'll go buy the special edition version whilst I'm at town! I really can't wait now, hopefully I'll get through Business Studies ok o_0


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New member
You and Matt are so **** lucky!!!!Like Twi said I have to wait till tomorrow 2 >.<,I hope I can get it or I´ll have to ask my cousin to buy it for me :)

Enjoy it Jen^__^



New member
Jen's lucky? Think about the Germans, they got it on Thursday or something...

I hope it comes this month, where I live



New member
Aww 23 hours will just fly by! It's definatly worth waiting for though =)

HMV are *****! They over price every single cd out there, except the pop ones that little kids buy. Those ones are about £9.99 which is decent...for them :D

Hybrid Theory was £16.99 just the other day lmao ^.^ The special DVD was £16.99 and I was like screw that >.> I went into music zone where it was only £14.97 ^.^

The extra dvd was shorter than I expected but I enjoyed it muchies xD! I've listened to the album twice today, it's awesome! Well I don't really wanna say too much about it yet till I've had a proper listen!



New member
i hate my dad. i have to work for the money and he wouldn't let me get it today because he didnt' want to go into town... commie!
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