The September Manifesto


Thomas Keske


As you come to worship on Sunday, September 10, come on the
search for true greatness. If you are not already serving the
needs of others in some way that fits your gifts, pray that God
would show you a path to greatness this fall at Bethlehem.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 terrorists hijacked at
least three commercial planes and flew them into both towers of
the 110-story World Trade Center in New York City, and into the
Pentagon in Washington. Within about an hour both towers
entirely collapsed.

That's the beginning. The paths to greatness are many.
Don't waste your life laying up treasures on earth and seeking
the praise of men. True and lasting riches await you
in servanthood.

Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled
society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the
craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the
psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the
discussion of the problems of modern society in general.

As I write, no one dares estimate the loss of life. Fifty
thousand people work in the towers each day, not to mention the
people on the planes and the hundreds of people on the ground
trying to help as the towers fell. The personal and national and
economic impact is incalculable. The nation is in shock.

The second manifesto - Humanist Manifesto II -was published in
the September/October 1973 issue of The Humanist (XXIII:5:4-9).
The preface to that version, for which I was recognized as
editor emeritus, follows. It indicates some of the flaws of the
first manifesto and offers some of the reasons for producing a

The second part of the manifesto is to disallow anyone coming
between us and the country that keeps us wild. The open spaces
beyond our cities are the common collective of freedom and
nobody should have a monopoly on their use; not
environmentalists, not the government, not corporations, not
even cowboys. More importantly, nobody should restrict our
access to them.

Until recent years, it looked as if the progress of history had
condemned all the little nations to the ash heap of history.
But the end of the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union
and of Yugoslavia have inspired regional and ethnic movements all
over Europe. Some of them are threatening secession; others have
been content to demand home rule and a right to assert their
culture and language.

A concern for states' rights, local self-government and regional
identity used to be taken for granted everywhere in America. But
the United States is no longer, as it once was, a federal union
of diverse states and regions. National uniformity is being
imposed by the political class that runs Washington, the
economic class that owns Wall Street and the cultural class in
charge of Hollywood and the Ivy League.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a
disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the
life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries,
but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling,
have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to
widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to
physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on
the natural world.

As the newly formed Commumission comes into being, we have taken
note of the dormant industrial capacity that currently hinders
the realization of our publication's ultimate goals: subverting
the imperialist paradigm and spreading our global revolution.

The network of strategic railways is inadequate. The railways
possess a rolling stock sufficient, perhaps, for normal traffic,
but not commensurate with the colossal demands that will be made
upon them in the event of war. Finally, it should not be forgotten
that the impending war will be fought among the most civilized
and technically most advanced nations.

If Southerners are a blight on the American landscape, as they
are almost uniformly portrayed, then the only "solution" is to
eliminate them by destroying their cultural identity.
As Southerners, we prefer not to think of ourselves as victims.

American schools have become the joke of the civilised world,
and in the guise of helping black children, we have destroyed
educational opportunities for children of all races. It is time
to give the schools back to the parents.

Such misinterpretations and exaggerations continue even today.
In fact, Manifesto I's statement in point six- that the time for
theism, deism . . . has passed- continues to provoke and threaten
some conservative Christians some sixty years after its original
publication. I believe this is a testament to the boldness of
the document.

Well that's one perspective, held by zoo keepers. What about the
perspective of animal rights activists?

Humanism Among the Quakers

In a sense, Margaret Fell stands for the many unbridled women
that this book seeks to celebrate. It was she who delivered by
hand to Charles II in 1660 the Quaker manifesto which enshrined
the basic claim: "we are a people that follow after those things
that make for peace, love and unity". Behind this whole story
lies the breakdown of Calvinist predestinarianism, with its
exacting cerebral demands. Through sectarianism, seeking and
finally Quakerism, many men and woman had been set free to find
their own spiritual paths.

It's Up to the Regulators

Meter, on principle, has been subject to direct attack for some
time- perhaps a sign that free verse's stolid entrenchment as the
only conceivable form for American poetry has begun to quiver.

I will not bother here to discuss the most numerous and facile
condemnations of "new formalism," as the contemporary writing of
metrical verse has been dubbed.

Find a friend who espouses a coastal ideology, or better yet,
find any European. Tell him your thoughts about the downsides
of city life. Relay your feelings about bureaucrats, our
sluggish legal system, meter maids, the lone prairie and instant
Karma. Chances are, he'll call you a cowboy, even if you're a
woman. Congratulations, you're a cowboy.
Now start acting like one.

Encouraging private investments in metering systems and
technology will upgrade the nation's aging energy infrastructure
and significantly improve the speed, efficiencies, conservation,
and cost savings available from energy price competition.

.. America's Age of Empire: The Bush Doctrine
The September manifesto does spell it out: The United States
rules. The core of the National Security Strategy is
unilateralist, but it pays tribute to .
4. Chapter 8: War
.... Bureau which proposed that the September manifesto should be
withdrawn and the ... J.R.Campbell voted against the motion and
for the September manifesto. .

Unity of the Serbs and Croats was reaffirmed after the elections
in the Proclamation of September 20, 1871, known as the Rujanski
Manifest (The September Manifesto). After the Sabor convened and
recessed three times in succession, the National Party issued a
proclamation to the voters, sharply criticizing Rauch's
unconstitutional rule and the Nagodba itself. The 54 signatories
of the Manifesto numbered all the Serbian deputies from the
ranks of the National Party, which clearly showed that the Croat
and Serb opposition had firmly resolved to continue their
struggle. The Manifesto attracted a great deal of attention from
both the Croatian and the Serbian public, and alarmed the
leading politicians of Hungary.44 Only two days after its
publication, and in order to break up the unity of the Serbs and
Croats, which he obviously feared
17. Protest Ride- Custom Maid For New World Disorder
by Peter de Krassel ...

A contemporary post 9/11 geopolitical Manifesto for constructive
change. How Americans can re-orient and clean up their act to
survive, thrive
16. This, the last of Mark Lindsey's daily journals, begins with an

It came with the Church voting to accept the September Manifesto
officially declaring an end to practicing the "wife doctrine,"
although that .

The beleaguered prophet arrived at the conclusion that he must
act for the temporal salvation of the church by advising members
not to enter into plural marriages. Woodruff sought and received
divine confirmation of this decision on September 23, 1890.

The next day, his counselors and the apostles sustained the
revelation and drafted what would become known as the Manifesto.

On October 5, 1890, church leaders held a special meeting in the
Gardo House to discuss a recent telegram sent from Washington,
D.C., by territorial delegate John T. Caine. Caine had learned
that the government would not accept the Manifesto unless all
church members officially affirmed it. The next day, at general
conference, Mormons unanimously voted in favor of the document.
The Manifesto eased some of the tensions between Mormons and non-
Mormons. Church leaders were cautiously optimistic that the
government would eventually return their confiscated property
and reinstate their rights as citizens.

29. / GOP planning manifesto against gay unions

GOP planning manifesto against gay unions ... The GOP's full
platform committee, seeking to appease party members who support
gay or abortion
2. October Manifesto
He eventually agreed and published the October Manifesto. This
granted freedom of conscience, speech, meeting and association. .
.. Return of the Monarchy...Yeah! - Page 3 - Discussion ...
.... you are a very dangerous man Octoberist. ... There is a real
danger of assassination attempts on any candidates to the throne; .
6. The Reliant: Galloping Around the Cosmos.: In Focus: Putin's ...
In Focus: Putin's "Munich Manifesto". "One state - and of course,
I mean first and foremost the United States - has overstepped
its national borders in
5. Adolf Hitler: Biography and Much More from

.... for his role, Hitler wrote his manifesto, Mein Kampf, and ...
In 1923 Hitler staged a putsch in Munich, influenced by
Mussolini's March on Rome of 1922.
4. The Russian Constitutional Experiment
The Stolypin Reforms "Wager of the Strong" Wealthy Peasants
Attack on the ... Breakup of Octoberist Party September 1, 1911,
Stolypin assassinated in Kiev .
.. Chronogram Magazine - December 01, 2007 - Lines of Thought
An unwitting Octoberist avant le lettre, Steinberg's cartoons
like the self ... in the same month as the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, he studied
53. Nazarene Manifesto - Chapter III

We call it "our beloved Zion"-the Church of the Nazarene. ...
from mere selfish propaganda and the octopus of ecclesiastical
mechanization. .
37. - PYROSONIC - KENT, Ohio -
Ambient / Experimental / Electronica - www....

MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO - PSYCHE OUT. Many thanks to PyroSonic for
letting VISITOR post this here! ... Quackers. Jul 31 2007 6:19
PM. SHAZAAM!!!! Electronic
55. RecipeGullet - Recipe #338 - Octopus and potato salad

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto. Three Random Recipes. Help. Contact
Us. snowangel. More eGullet Sites ... Add the octopus, stir to
13. Bankers Manifesto of 1892 - You Must Read the Bankers Manifesto

The Bankers Manifesto of 1892. Discover the Scandalous Plot
Outlined in the ... invisible government which like a giant
octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our
19. Manifesto Joe's Texas Blues:
It's Scary When Ron Paul Comes Across As The Sanest

It's Scary When Ron Paul Comes Across As The Sanest GOP Candidate.
By Manifesto Joe ... Legislator Scrapes Texas GOP Off
His Boots. Overmedicated America .
22. Being black in Mauritania : webzinemaker
FREE SPEECH MAURITANIA est un webzine traitant de sujets comme
MAURITANIE, EGALITAIRE ou bien JUSTICE, mais ... In the trial on
the September Manifesto (para.
29. Rhinoplasty Nj
When talk turns rhinoplasty nj rhinoplasty ppt, kitchen and
backsplash and ... The september manifesto does spell it out:
the united states rules, one factor .
3. A Christian Manifesto - Worldview & Culture - Social Issues ...
Focus on the Family ... A Christian Manifesto. A Christian
Manifesto. America's Moral Crisis and What Christians Must Do.
Francis A. Schaeffer

Mundane Manifesto

Abstract: This mundane manifesto calls for analytically
interesting studies of the socially uninteresting. I argue that
the extraordinary draws disproportionate theoretical attention
from researchers. This ultimately hinders theory development and
distorts our picture of social reality. This manifesto paves the
way for an explicit social science of the unmarked (mundane). It
is hoped that a similar manifesto can be written for the
humanities. After articulating the empirical, moral, and
theoretical foundations of interestingness, I outline four
methodological strategies for an exciting social science of the
mundane. These strategies are 1) reversing conventional
markedness patterns to "analytically mark" the socially unmarked,
2) marking everything with equal analytic ornamentation, 3)
universalizing from the marked to develop general social theory,
and 4) developing an "analytically nomadic" sensibility.


A SUBURBAN GOP MANIFESTO. November 16, 2006. Michael Smerconish ...
WEEK, I offered my personal political manifesto - the world
according to me on .
18. PAW- November 5, 1997

Beth Wilkinson '84 helped prosecute Timothy McVeigh ...
He'd read the Turner Diaries, a kind of right-wing manifesto,
and knew the impact of the bomb he .


In any event, like Theodore Kaczynski, McVeigh had a great deal
on his mind-a manifesto of American shortcomings. Whatever
McVeigh's last words, his horrific and tyrannical act screams
out a message: Americans, look what your government is doing-to
you, your rights and your country.

To the very end McVeigh's defiance shone. His poem brought such
emptiness and loss. For as a Christian, I know where my destiny
will take me. How sad to know that this man left nothing of
pleasure and appeared to not long for peace in the hereafter.

What sadness, what senselessness, what loss for our nation and
its peoples'innocence.

Lest the costly McVeigh message go to waste, we Americans should
take stock of our principles, practices and shortcomings.
Resensitize us all to injustice and abuse-be the offender an
individual or the body politic-for the common good.

James E. Gierach, Oak Lawn

Blame the bomber

Once again everyone else is to blame for why a person does an
evil deed. This time the government, that's you and me, killed
Timothy McVeigh, according to his lawyer. NO! I will not take
the blame- Timothy McVeigh killed Timothy McVeigh and no
loophole can let him out to kill again.

.. - Gallery: Cho's Manifesto

Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui, from his manifesto as sent
to NBC. An image of Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui, from his
manifesto as sent to NBC. .
59. Impressive Octopus Balls (aka "takoyaki")
- Los Angeles Area - Chowhound

.... asking where one could find takoyaki, which is freshly
chopped octopus tentacles mixed into a savory bat ...

Chowhound Manifesto. FAQ. Browse by name. The
62. news aggregator |

.... of board control involving jumping and cloning adjacent
octopuses on a hex-field. ... Support | Developers | Links |
Our Manifesto | Swag | Terms of Use | Privacy ..
The Pekka Eric Auvinen Manifesto >> Odd Culture
The "manifesto" of Finland school shooter Pekka-Eric Auvinen. ...
A weak defeated and defective guy, he is overrated now! so
fester now inyour deserved tomb .
Fester Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris

.... new & used books by Fester, including hardcovers, softcovers,
rare, out ... in the homicidal manifesto, master chemist
Uncle Fester has turned his attention .
13. Who is Dr. Fester?
On February 20, 1909, he published The Founding and Manifesto
of Futurism on ... Known for his pranks, Dr. Fester was dismissed
when he was implicated in a

The John Doe Manifesto

By Michelle Malkin - March 28, 2007 11:20 AM Check out our
Spartacus-inspired PSA in support of the citizen John Does
threatened by CAIR and the litigious imams for reporting
suspicious behavior:
------------------------------------------------------------------; The Playdoh Republic - Love and Kisses To

Playdoh - The ... I had conceived of the Playdoh Republic the
night before the ... The Playdoh Republic. discordian manifesto.
The Profane Dog .
5. - A New Family Manifesto, by moreanonymous

A New Family Manifesto - I suggest the benevolent rule of a
tyrannical Ward ... the family's future to raise me up as the
sole authority and to focus all
10. CD Baby: DAVE WATTON: Manifesto
A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, ...
serve as the principal lyrical themes of Manifesto, pervading
tracks such as Octopus,
5. PENTAGRAMS: Five Letter Words
.... or business used as a front for criminal activity dubya -
humorous spelling ... say so) dumas - plural of "Duma", a
Russian parliament dumba - a Russian
4. The Twilight of Sovereignty in Azerbaijan

Dubya checks his manifesto, A Charge to Keep, to see how he
feels about all this, and comes across a relevant passage:.
I lived the energy industry.

Dubya doesn't know where Azerbaijan is, but his advisers say it's
important. US oil interests have put a big stake in the a
country's independence from Moscow and plan to build pipelines
linking the Caspian (and ultimately Central Asian) oilfields to
the West. Dubya checks his manifesto, A Charge to Keep, to see
how he feels about all this, and comes across a relevant passage:

I lived the energy industry. I understand its ups and downs. I
also know its strategic importance to the United States of
America. Oil and gas are important pillars of our Texas economy.
Access to energy is a mainstay of our national security.

Dubya doesn't have time to critique the writing style of whoever
penned this, so he goes ahead and makes a decision: Azerbaijan
must not fall to the Russians. Plans are made to replace Aliyev
with Washington's hand-picked candidate, and to prop him up with
any assistance he needs.

Unfortunately for Dubya, not only are the Russians closing in
from the north, but renewed fighting has broken out to the West ?
on the militarized line demarcating Azerbaijan from the Armenian-
controlled region of Nagorno-Karabakh and occupied territories
to the south of it. Russian-armed Armenian forces are advancing
east toward Azerbaijan's capital, Baku. Iran is reportedly
aiding the Armenians from the south and has sealed its border
with Azerbaijan. The Azeris are surrounded. Will Dubya ride to
the rescue?

HOW DID WE GET HERE? Tracing Azerbaijan's history from the
period immediately before and after the Soviet breakup, this
semi-apocalyptic scenario can actually be appreciated as
something vaguely approaching reality. In the early nineties,
crowds of half a million frequently gathered in the streets of
Baku to listen to speeches by leaders of the Azerbaijan Popular
Front (APF), who railed against Russia and Iran and called for
Azerbaijan to push toward Turkey and the West.

These scenes must have looked rather alarming in Moscow and
Washington alike.
23. God, guts, and granola: a manifesto for "crunchy conservatives ...

.... official Bruce Bartlett wrote a book declaring that Dubya is
no conservative. ... Dreher provides a "manifesto" describing
those "who stand outside the .
27. Progressive Pathways for a Promising Populus (The North Pacific)
Point Of Information: Duma's where used in Russia. This is
Humpty Doo therefore we have a Dooma and not a Duma.
39. The Dubya Report - A Recipe for Disaster
The Bush manifesto envisions a world dominated by U.S. interests
where all ... Dubya Talk. The Record. Family Ties. The Money
Trail. Topiary. In Depth
11. Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Prepare to meet your Duma

.... papers about Blair sucking up to Dubya when common sense
would indicate he'd be ... Its Dumas not Duma. The word is
French. wondering | October 24, 2004, 2:15pm
Word for Word/The Romanovs; Banality in the Face of Doom:
Notes ...

Russia is commemorating the last Romanovs in other ways too --
notably in an ... His manifesto concludes with a call for
elections for a constituent .

He frequently submitted to the wishes of Alexandra -- even more
out of touch with national life than he was. On Dec. 14, 1916,
with the monarchy teetering during World War I, she wrote to
Nicholas at his headquarters on the Western front:

Be Peter the Great, be Ivan the Terrible, be Emperor Paul -- and
smash the lot of them. Do not laugh. . . . I am desperate to see
you like this with these people who are trying to control you.
Show them the fist. Prove yourself a sovereign. You are the
autocrat and they should not dare forget it.

En route to the city by train on March 2, Nicholas wrote
in his diary: Petrograd is such that at present a ministry
from the Duma is powerless. My abdication is necessary.

The draft manifesto was sent out from headquarters. In the
evening Gutchkov and Shulgrin [senior Duma members sent to seek
his abdication] arrived from Petrograd, and after talking to
them, I handed over the signed and recopied manifesto. I left
Pskov [southwest of St. Petersburg, where he actually abdicated]
at one o'clock at night, with a heavy heart. All around is
betrayal, cowardice and deceit!

With his abdication, power passed to Grand Duke Mikhail
Alexandrovich, his brother, who renounced the throne the next
day, ending the monarchy. On March 3, Nicholas wrote:

It appears that Misha has abdicated. His manifesto concludes
with a call for elections for a constituent assembly within six
months. God knows who advised him to sign such a vile document.
In Petrograd the disturbances have stopped -- long may it remain
that way.
6. A day in the life of President Bush (photos): 5/22/02

.... Duma don't want Illya sign that deal with our fav Cowboy
from Texas DUBYA That ... Illya and Dubya...what a pair! The
Duma whiners are going to be ignored.
13. October Manifesto -
The manifesto satisfied the moderate revolutionaries, and
further unrest was crushed. ... The Duma was in fact given only
a limited voice in the government,

Robots Get Voice in US Congress
In a demonstration of their growing influence, robots are gaining a
political foothold to help them shape the policies of the US government.

Congressman Mike Doyle, a Democrat from Pennsylvania's 14
district and ZachWamp a Republican from Tennessee's 3rd,
announced the formation of a bi-partisan Congressional Caucus
for robots.
.. Tommy Magik and the Wonderfulls: Manifesto

This is the Tommy Magik Manifesto. It is a living document that
embodies all the ... Equal representation is an extension upon
the Robot Rights Movement. .
.. The Blah! Party
Party believes in the right to opinion, the right to ...
November manifesto announced. The Blah! Party on BBC1's The
Politics Show (second appearance)
The Last of the Czars - A Dream of Freedom

After an uprising, Nicholas II was forced to draw up a November
Manifesto, which overruled the regulations of the previous one

It is intended to enforce the appeals of the Duma manifesto. The
Socialist organizations, which the coup d tat found ill-prepared,
are now endeavoring to .
33. Rasputin Manifesto
.... W redux" he is making fun of Dubya by taking sound bites and
putting some loud ... Ministry is great at making political
comments in between some

After the failed revolution, five of the Decembrists were
executed, and the others sent into exile in Siberia. Even after
the Amnesty of 1856 allowing the exiles to return home, only
forty-two did so. And even those forty-two were banned from the
two capital cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The palpable
feeling of repression of the Russian revolutionary Decembrists
has been exhumed, oddly enough, by the Portland, Oregon band of
the same name on their debut full length, Castaways and Cutouts.
2. The Austin Chronicle: Music: Manifesto Destiny:
The Elephant 6 in ...

s book nerds the Decemberists. Smokers mingled with peevish
dorks, .... "When we started, we wrote a manifesto that stated
our goals - what we were doing.
22. DOA - The Decemberists - Her Majesty the Decemberists
Well, if The Decemberists lead a sea-shanty folk revolution like
the current dance-punk revival (lead by Liars and The Rapture),
then I'm on board for
18. Pancake Mountain News
.... a belly full of tofu turkey, I began working on my annual
Christmas manifesto. ... kick it old school go to the Shop page
to order the CD (contains original .
.. The Shopping Manifesto

Faith Popcorn's newest book delves inside the heart, mind, and
purse of the female consumer and returns with eight "truths"
about marketing to women. [
3. 050904A Let's Get Lost
"The Infanta"/The Decemberists from the CD, "Picaresque"
(Kill Rock Stars) ... "We Both Go Down Together"/The Decemberists
(Kill Rock Stars)
.. "School Killer's 'death Manifesto'" The Independent -

04/1999 - School Killer's 'death Manifesto' - Credit Card
required for Free Trial. Get articles from 3,000 newspapers,
magazines and journals at
- I have the right not to die alone; although with the right to
be left alone, if desired.

- I have the right to expect the local priest or other community
leader to ask the neighbourhood to support me and those caring
for me.

- I have the right to have 'midwives for the dying' or their
equivalent to attend to my physical, emotional and spiritual

- I have the right to the same expertise of pain relief as I
would obtain if occupying a hospital or hospice bed.

- I have the right not to be taken without my consent to
hospital as my condition deteriorates, or, if a hospital
operation is required to relieve pain, I have the right to be
brought home again afterwards.

- I have the right to fast as death approaches, if I so desire,
without being subjected to forced feeding in any form.

- I have the right to as conscious and dignified a death as
possible in the circumstances.

All comments please to The Natural Death Centre, 6 Blackstock
Mews, Blackstock Road, London N4 2BT (tel 020 7359 8391; fax 020
7354 3831).
Riot Manifesto (International Anarchist Conspiracy)

The above manifesto discusses what many of us want to do and can
do and how others can remain safe around us. Do what you want to
do. .
26. Grenade STRYKER PANT ( Coffee Manifesto ) at Colorado FreeSkier

Grenade Stryker Pants A Stryker is a light armored vehicle used
by the US military for missions that need all the firepower they
can get with a more mobile attack.
30. the lunabomber manifesto - "Welcome To Colorado"

"This is my bath water. There it is, going down the drain. My
soap. This is my strong French coffee. ... ...
the lunabomber manifesto .

dead in various stages. from different bee-eras, families. some
had flown back there initially and somehow brought in more so
that whole generations had been born to the back of this car &
tried & died from the confusion at the clear window and the fact
they couldn't leave as they wanted. if only a piece of their
antennae could have pushed through the glass. and chromosomal
strands rewove through the interior fibers and maggot babies and
blind things wanting to taste their inheritance of eyes and
flight. a little museum in the rear of his car, but he'd never
vacuum it out. she did cite his cleanliness, one of the final
bits in the departure manifesto she piled on when she finally
left him, the other reasons being too true of her thoughts and
making her more in allegiance with that girlie we both
alternately loved and hated.

leagues of slabbed concrete leviathans, cornrowed tombs, the
cold shackles of those vectors he'd rant of, they'd allow a bit
of flex, but he went to burst his heart against them maybe.
which finally did it though? what form it's facade? that's what.
which from that senescent plantation leaned its tower self back
a bit away from the sun (he was already in the thing's shadow i
know), let its shadow out a fraction and reeled it back fast to
have its shadow-self couple with its ferro-self upon my hunched
friend? like a dilation and noose retraction of the iris. maybe
all of them. so he was there, all the grey he went to to just
leave this white, searching out the most handsome thick bridges
and starving outside the delis he wrote me about so with letters
like Of Course in a way that i could see me penning them to
myself from that place because it was as the beauty in all his
wounded handwriting had always been here alongside me, and that
little part of me that he took there, an eyelash maybe, but
feeling more like an upright stomach that climbed into his bag
and slumbered the whole car ride out, and i think maybe he felt
it and wound it about his belt when he went out because i too
learned. but maybe his time would have been better if it didn't
start with him trying to beat the meter maid before she cited
him, (but i cannot think why that building didn't pull to here
too when it ground him in his cower.) maybe if he had looked at
the letters before he mailed them he would have seen their

fathers killing their daughters before puberty so they'd never
understand the man's dark recesses 3- capitalism breathing on
our time 4- grace of death.

Let's not forget the quackers
Pillars of the group - earth sandwich snackers
Panzyfaust Cadydidwhat Morae
CherishHellfire Nader Pilot and Ze

In the cellar, AutoDestructo
Prepares his final manifesto
While PhilaBowl and Rollome
Hardcharge duckies who have gone astray

I need another verse !
We could do it haiku style...anyone interested adds
a on line about himself

people to just say their ducky name and or "Zefrank" in
rhythm with the part where the crowd sings
"Ze frank Ze Frank Ze Frank etc etc...."
send it to me or post it
somewhere's I could find it.
21. Chapter 1 of
The ship's manifesto for the First Fleet included the following -
700 spades, 700 gimlets, 8000 fish hooks, one Bible! (Dare, p.30).
It is .

There is a sizeable discrepancy between the number of bags of
waste listed on the cargo ship's manifesto and those counted on
arrival in Sihanoukville. ..
13. | news | sa news Clean-up to start on grounded ship
Dernier denied rumours of nuclear material in the ship's cargo.

"After studying the cargo manifesto in detail I can't find any
nuclear products

Next, we found 4 undead in the waters on the backside of the
island: Two undead erudite sailors and two undead troll sailors.
They were indifferent when conned. Killed all four and one
dropped a lore "a ship's manifesto". Returned to Erudin and
handed the "a ship's manifesto" to Jordin Sretin who said the

Jordin Sretin says ''You say you found this where The Light's
Glory was supposedly last seen? Let me take a look at it. Hrmm,
yes. It appears that the ship that attacked The Light's Glory
was called, The Hatestorm, named after its captain, Hrogar
Hatestorm. The Hatestorm was heading home to the Gulf of Gunthak
on Broken Skull Rock.' Jordin puts the parchment down.
'Broken Skull Island. I have heard of this place. It is a haven
for trollish pirates and other assorted scum. The Kerrans of
Stonebrunt have been overheard talking about a strange ship that
recently appeared near the dock that takes travelers to some
unknown destination. This could be the way there. If you are
still interested in solving this predicament for us, I would
suggest heading there to investigate.''

a shipwrecked hatestorm sailor says ''Da loots from da other
ship dat we attacked. Dat ship gone now too becuz of da big
storm. ' An almost sly look seems to grow across the troll's
scarred face. 'Yous wants da loots? Mebbe me can helps you if
you can [help] me?''

7. GBF - Wet
I'm really not one to read stories -I usually find them a little boring,
I ... True to Edgar Allen Poe's Manifesto in every fashion!
EP&M Online
Poe, of course, said that storytelling belonged in novels and
plays, with which a variety of poets in the 150 years since
Poe's manifesto have ignored,
.. Manifesto Destiny

Ideologies such as libertarianism, capitalism, and almost every
conceivable '-ism' litter the landscape, creating a form of
"Manifesto Destiny". ...
33. Poems-for-All Interview
Note on the format: Octopus asked its interview subject 8 ...
didn't stop me from writing a small manifesto that frames the
idea of what I'm doing. .

The "September Manifesto" consists of bits and pieces of
real manifestos, carefully rearranged- not to destroy
the meaning, or infuse a madness, but to reveal the madness
that was already there.

The phenomenon is not simply one of little cranks
with big, world-saving ideas.

Well-known names, influential groups so often
are only slightly-more-subtle cranks.
With money and influence to feed their sense of
self-importance, they are even more likely than
life's losers to fancy themselves as the
stuff of greatness.

Their programs for the betterment of the society are
likely to leave an even wider swath of destruction.

It is not just religious leaders, pundits, or
politicians, but a sickness that grips entire nations
and cultures. It is the human condition. Even a
bit of mea culpa, here. There is a bit of
manifesto-writer in all of us.

September 11 was really only a small wound, in the
grand scheme of human events. Americans will never
forget the 3000 who died, like they forgot all about
the 28,000 killed or tortured under Augusto Pinochet
of Chile, with American CIA assistance, as just one
example of many.

September 11 did demonstrate a tragic vulnerability-
what better reason to respond with delusions of
grandeur and feelings of invincibility?

It sounds odd to the ears of a homosexual, to listen
to experts trying to diagnose the mental state
of a terrorist - "narcissistic", they say,
"lacking empathy", they say.

Narcissistic, like a country that trumpets
about being "Number 1", or thinks that its
Founding Fathers were larger than life, that its
Popes are "saints", that it is specially favored
by God, etc? Thomas Jefferson raped his
slaves and thought gay men should be castrated.
The Pope helped block the UN from condemning human
rights abuses, including arbitrary arrest and
torture, against gays, while the media fawned
over him as a "hero for the ages" and "champion
of human rights".

Lack of empathy? How fascinating. What do you
suppose makes people that way? Their intrinsic evil
and lack of our good moral sense, I suppose.
They must be crazy.

America is not the most oppressive nation that
has ever existed- at least, not yet. But it does
break records for cognitive dissonance, or whatever
you might want to call it - the gap between the
self-flattering view of itself, and the less-flattering
picture of what it really is, and what it really
has been doing.

America reacts to September 11 with the attitude
that it is understandably justified now to get
a little crazy and get very mean and rough.

Why should we worry about inflicting 70,000 civilian
deaths in another country, after we have suffered
3,000 civilian deaths?

That did not take long. It did not take very much to
get into that frame of mind. Certainly not as much
or as long as what various other aggrieved groups have

It is a story of good intentions becoming hideously
twisted, and campaigns to set the world right,
doing a great job of creating a royal mess.
It is a story of bizarre illogic and veiled hatreds
masquerading as uplifting, good sense.

It is the September Manifesto, an expression of
the Zeitgeist of our times.