The Shrub's arrogance


Active Members
REALLY ****** me off big time... over and over....

THIS ****** me off...his comeback to John's right on observance:

"Democratic presidential contender John Edwards argued on Thursday that President Bush has made the nation less safe and the Republican candidates are trying to become "a bigger, badder George Bush."

"Edwards' remarks came one day after he challenged the idea of a global war on terror, calling it an ideological doctrine advanced by the Bush administration that has strained the U.S. military and emboldened terrorists.

"Bush told reporters Thursday that Edwards' view was naive."



New member
You're an idiot. You honestly believe John Edwards' statement that "President Bush has made this nation less safe." As if it is all ONE person. You are too ignorant to take seriously.

It is naive. Moron.



Active Members
My, what a nice person you are. How proud your mother must be.

Yes, the hole is a **** drunk and has Mafia connections or he could not keep getting his whiney arrogant way. We will ALL be better off when he is gone... in any form... from our oval office and planted back in Texas.

And if that ****** YOU off, so be it. THAT'S what the name of the place is Get over it.



New member
I'm not remotely ******. Get a grip.

Dumbass Democrats. They can dish it out but those who give it back are branded monsters. Run along, little boy.



New member
Explain to me how Bush has made our country less safe. Then explain to me his arrogance. Then explain to me how Hillary won't have this arrogance that you speek of.


Active Members
Explain to me how Bush has made our country less safe. Then explain to me his arrogance. Then explain to me how Hillary won't have this arrogance that you speek of.
If you need that explained, then you ARE dense. Like the other 23 percent, you are not paying attention. Do your homework and come back some other time.

Hillary - or any other human - would listen to "we, the people"... hole has forgotten he is not a king and this is not a monarchy.

IMPEACH! We are working on it.

Oh -- and -- goodnight. :rolleyes:



New member
If you need that explained, then you ARE dense. Like the other 23 percent, you are not paying attention. Do your homework and come back some other time.
Hillary - or any other human - would listen to "we, the people"... hole has forgotten he is not a king and this is not a monarchy.

IMPEACH! We are working on it.

Oh -- and -- goodnight. :rolleyes:
The same answer I get from every lib. Zip notta nilch nothing. :cool:

And you made a funny did'nt you? "Hillary will listien to the people" :D



Active Members
The same answer I get from every lib. Zip notta nilch nothing. :cool:
And you made a funny did'nt you? "Hillary will listien to the people" :D
I consider the murder of 3,414 of our kids by this monster who STARTED a war for oil greed enough of an "explanation". I assume you are over 9 years old (though it reads different) so you KNOW .. but none are so blind as those who REFUSE to see. You put the wrong man in the seat, pal... and our kids are dying because of it.

It was fact,not funny.

Now. Play with your little friends. Th adults are busy.

Have a goooooooooood day. Bless your little heart.



New member
I consider the murder of 3,414 of our kids by this monster who STARTED a war for oil greed enough of an "explanation". I assume you are over 9 years old (though it reads different) so you KNOW .. but none are so blind as those who REFUSE to see. You put the wrong man in the seat, pal... and our kids are dying because of it.
It was fact,not funny.

Now. Play with your little friends. Th adults are busy.

Have a goooooooooood day. Bless your little heart.
Murdered by a monster? How can a unanimous vote to go in and take out Saddam be considered murder by one man? Instead of throwing out lame ****, explain please. That



Active Members
We will begin fixing holes mess in 2008-9.... until then he will murder, I'd estimate 4500 more of our soldiers. There IS no debate... this is a what ****** you off section... and holes arrogant warmongering does that to all but 22 percent of Americans and 100 percent of the world.

Hide and watch. :eek:

Bye byeeeeeeee now




New member
We will begin fixing holes mess in 2008-9.... until then he will murder, I'd estimate 4500 more of our soldiers. There IS no debate... this is a what ****** you off section... and holes arrogant warmongering does that to all but 22 percent of Americans and 100 percent of the world.
Hide and watch. :eek:

Bye byeeeeeeee now

Yeap that's what I thought. No explantion. :rolleyes:



New member
We will begin fixing holes mess in 2008-9.... until then he will murder, I'd estimate 4500 more of our soldiers.
The real murderer in the world would be Henry Ford. The weapon of mass destruction that he got into the hands of the people has been responsible for literally millions of deaths since the early 1900's.

Where is the anger at him?



New member
I’m still waiting to hear about all this arrogance you speak of? It’s real easy to accuse someone but a bit harder to prove A?

Arrogance is someoe going to Iraq and pretends to support the troops and then trys to take money that can keep them alive away. Arrogance is someone that can’t say how she will vote on something because she knows it’s not popular and could cost her, her candidacy.



New member
He didn’t steal an election. Try proving it.

Yes Saddam did do something to us. Not to mention the oppression of his people and the mass murder of the kurds. They threw out our inspectors and while knowing he had mass illegal weapons, we could only assume he still did. Resolution 1441.

Drugged , dancing and parting? Ain’t gotta clue what that’s about. He is sober. And maybe he might have inhaled but at least he’s not a liar.



Active Members
Ah.. tis Saturday morn... gloriously sunny and warm here where I am.... thanks, friend, for sharing how to IGNORE.... makes a better day in every way! Sorta takes out the tash for ya, huh?

Michael Rudd

New member
I consider the murder of 3,414 of our kids by this monster who STARTED a war for oil greed enough of an "explanation". I assume you are over 9 years old (though it reads different) so you KNOW .. but none are so blind as those who REFUSE to see. You put the wrong man in the seat, pal... and our kids are dying because of it.
It was fact,not funny.

Now. Play with your little friends. Th adults are busy.

Have a goooooooooood day. Bless your little heart.
Hi Daddybear.

Just where is the rational for your statement that the war is for OIL, it would have been far cheaper to just buy it on the open market.

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