The Struggle for Civilization



The Struggle for Civilization

has been long and hard and is not getting any easier. As always we
have a variety
of action items to discuss.

Action Items Tell Fred Thompson to Just Say No to Spencer Abraham
Stop the Saudi and arab Gulf States arms deal, Stop arming arafat's
and his gang, Just Say No to a so-called "palestinian state". Stop
Edwards, Clinton, and Obama. Tell President Bush to be a Churchill not
a Chamberlain.

Probably the biggest reason for the defeat of so many Republicans in
the 2006 House and Senate elections was the failure of President Bush
to remain stalwart in his opposition
to the enemies of civilization.

When President Bush supported the Dubai Ports Deal he harmed not only
his own political ability to accomplish very much, he harmed other
Republicans because disenchanted Republicans and Independents and
Democrats who support the struggle for civilization stayed home while
Defeatist Democrats and other Isolationists turned out to vote against
Republicans in those elections. Today President Bush continues to call
for a so-called
"palestinian" state. By doing so he makes a terrible mistake which
will continue to weaken support for Republicans in future Federal,
state and local elections. The President also is arming the so-called
"palestinian" terrorist faction led by Abu Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen,
arafat's long time henchman and deputy, and is also seeking to arm the
Saudis and other Arab Gulf States. These terrible mistakes by the
President must be reversed.

please go to
and tell President Bush to end his support for a so-called
"palestinian" state, and to stop arming the terrorist gang led by
arafat's long-time henchman and deputy, the Holocaust Denier Abu
Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, and to stop supporting the arms deal that
would arm Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States.

In politics one does not usually get very many second chances. Voters
tend to
judge Presidential candidates early on, often by who they pick as
their running
mates once they are nominated, or through other gaffes. In 1972 for
George McGovern picked Senator Eagleton as his running mate. Eagleton,
out to have been given shock therapy. McGovern quickly said he was
Eagleton one thousand percent, shortly before getting Eagleton off the
and choosing a new running mate. But the bad first choice of a running
helped to doom the McGovern Presidential campaign.

Fred Thompson's choice of Spencer Abraham as his campaign manager for
the 2008
Presidential race makes McGovern's choice of Eagleton look good by

We like Fred Thompson, and all of the other mainstream Republicans who
running for President this year. We do not like any of the Democrats
who are
running for President this year, though we could support a write in
campaign for
Joe Lieberman, or a draft Lieberman campaign on either ticket for
President or
Vice President given the right circumstances. For instance if the
picked a Defeatist as its nominee, someone who would cut and run from
Iraq, and
the Democrats picked Lieberman we would support Lieberman over such a
nominee. We hope that you would too.

We like a whole lot about Fred Thompson.

for instance, take this new item:

"Wednesday, June 06, 2007 by Staff Writer

Fred Thompson coming to Israel

Fred Thompson, US presidential hopeful and former star of the hit
series "Law & Order," is scheduled to make his first visit to Israel
in the
coming days.

Thompson, who is said to have a fair chance of winning the Republican
presidential nomination, will meet with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,
Minister Tzipi Livni and various other senior officials during his
tour of

Of the dozen or so candidates contesting the nomination, Thompson is
among the
most supportive of Israel.

The former actor, who has also served as a US senator, bucked popular
international sentiment by insisting in a hard-hitting editorial
column that
Israel has been almost too careful in its war on Palestinian

"Israel is at war," Thompson wrote for the conservative website
And the Jewish state has gone to "incredible lengths to stop the war
them without harming Palestinian non-combatants."

Thompson is also on record as supporting an Israeli military strike
against Iran
should international diplomacy fail to prevent the Islamic Republic
obtaining nuclear arms.

.....Thompson was one of the sponsors of the Jerusalem Embassy Act
demanding that
the US government move its embassy to the Israeli capital in defiance
Palestinian claims to the city."


We were shocked and horrified to hear that Fred Thompson had selected
Abraham as his campaign manager. We love Fred Thompson and need your
support to
reach out to Fred Thompson to tell Fred Thompson to Just Say No To
Abraham as his campaign manager.

We found some material on Spencer Abraham to share with you here.
We hope that you will find it helpful in prompting you to tell Fred
Thompson to
Just Say No to Spencer Abraham as his campaign manager and to just say
no to the
rest of the pro-arabist appeasers out there who do not recognize that
President Bush has said is true:

"President Bush Discusses Terror Plot Upon Arrival in Wisconsin
Austin Straubel International Airport
Green Bay, Wisconsin
THE PRESIDENT: The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now
about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic
fascists who
will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt
our nation.

I want to thank the government of Tony Blair and officials in the
United Kingdom
for their good work in busting this plot. I thank the officials in
D.C. and around our country who gather intelligence and who work to
protect the
American people. The cooperation on this venture was excellent --
between U.K. and U.S. authorities and officials was solid. And the
amongst agencies within our government was excellent.

This country is safer than it was prior to 9/11. We've taken a lot of
to protect the American people. But obviously, we're still not
completely safe,
because there are people that still plot and people who want to harm
us for what
we believe in. It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the
States of America. And that is why we have given our officials the
tools they
need to protect our people.

Travelers are going to be inconvenienced as a result of the steps
we've taken. I
urge their patience and ask them to be vigilant. The inconvenience is
-- occurs
because we will take the steps necessary to protect the American

Again, I appreciate the close cooperation between our government and
government of the United Kingdom. The American people need to know we
live in a
dangerous world, but our government will do everything we can to
protect our
people from those dangers.

Thank you.


To quote President Bush's statement above:
"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists." It is also at war with
racists who want to see arabs as the new Aryans. The Baath Party,
which ran
Iraq, and still runs Syria, was founded in Syria when Syria was a
French colony
and France was under nazi control.

Baathism, is pure and simple, nazism repackaged with arabs as the new

While we supported President Bush in 2004 and continue to support the
of Iraq and of Afghanistan the President has made some mistakes. The
Dubai Ports
Deal was one such blunder. Arming arafat's deputy and successor, Abu
a.k.a. Abu Mazen, is another such mistake, as is the proposed arms
deal to
provide weapons to the Saudis and other arab Gulf States.

When President Bush is right we support him, when he is wrong we call
upon him
to change his mind.

Those of us who are opposed to appeasement know that it does no good
for our
cause to have our President bowing and scraping to the appeasers.

Whether that President is George W. Bush today or Fred Thompson
tomorrow, we
want a strong President, who is Pro-America and Pro-Israel, not a
President, or
a Presidential candidate who is in bed with the enemies of America and

We have a mixed bag of news about Fred Thompson.
We were very happy that Former Tennesse Senator Fred Thompson,
served on the advisory board of the legal defense fund for Libby,
and urged President Bush
to pardon him. If Fred Thompson enters the race for the Republican
nomination for President in 2008 he may be the odds on favorite to
win that nomination, at least
according to a variety of political observers, and could thus be
well on the way to becoming the next President of the United States.

It is refreshing to note that Fred Thompson, who played a prosecutor
on TV's "Law and Order" series, was not taken in by real life
prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

"I am very happy for Scooter Libby," Thompson said. "I know that
this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. This will
allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume
his life."

Happily Fred Thompson is not the only person not to be taken in by
real life federal prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald. See more on that
issue in

We hope that Thompson will also not be taken in by his campaign
manager. In fact
we urge everyone who can do so to DEMAND that Fred Thompson name a
campaign manager altogether.

"Fred Thompson names anti-Israel ex-senator as campaign manager

Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson, who has yet to
officially announce his candidacy, has chosen as his new campaign
manager and ex-senator who is reviled by many within the party for
being soft on Islamic terrorism and an enemy of the Jewish state.

As of last week, Thompson's campaign is being run by former Michigan
senator Spencer Abraham, who is best known for his total opposition
almost any form of realistic border control between the US and

But Abraham, who is a Christian of Lebanese descent, has also carved
out an image of himself as a facilitator and supporter of anti-US and
anti-Israel Islamic fundamentalism.

During his one term in the Senate, Spencer was the driving force
behind a bill that granted more than $250 million in US taxpayers'
money to Hizballah-controlled southern Lebanon. Nearly every penny
went into the terror group's pocket.

His next move was to exhort American Muslim Association (AMA)
Agha Saeed as a positive influence on the US political scene. That
despite the fact that the AMA had recently sponsored events that
incited violence against the Jews and upheld Hizballah and Hamas as
models for Muslims everywhere.

In 2000, just months before his electoral defeat and the end of his
short legislative career, Spencer was one of only two senators who
refused to sign an open letter condemning escalating terrorist
by Yasser Arafat's PLO against Israeli civilians.

It was previously reported that Thompson was planning to visit Israel
in the coming months in order to gain more perspective on the Middle
East peace process. That visit, if it still happens, is expected to
take on a whole different tone with Spencer Abraham in charge of
Thompson's schedule."

We were also disturbed by a recent Thompson comment broadcast on
CSPAN, which
covered him, in which Thompson came out for religious displays, in
this case a
"creche", on public property.

We hope that Thompson turns out to be "a uniter not a divider", and
will change
his position on that issue, and support the Strict Constructionist
Constitutional separation of religion from government at all levels.
It should
be recalled that most Americans whose ancestors came voluntarily to
America to
escape religious persecution,which the unity of government and
religion so often
brings with it, seek a nation that is tolerant of all faiths, and
sponsors no
particular faith over any other faith.
Contact Fred Thompson and tell him that America needs "a uniter not
a divider".

Contact Fred Thompson's supporters too. To reach Fred Thompson's
supporters with
the message that while we love Fred Thompson we do not want to see
Abraham as Fred Thompson's campaign manager. click on the urls below:,filter.all/scholar.asp
as the data at the url above indicates, Fred Thompson is with the AEI
The American Enterprise Institute
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Main telephone: 202-862-5800
Main fax: 202-862-7177

the url below provides contact information for the AEI itself
one can only hope that they would forward material to Fred Thompson,contentID.20038142214500071/default.asp

if you click on the url below\

you will be taken to this article:

"Hamas Does Disney

By Fred Thompson

Just when you think you've seen just about everything; in this case
I'm talking
about that video of the Palestinian children's show featuring a
costumed Mickey
Mouse character. An awful lot of you have watched this footage, posted
websites and then played on television news shows. For the few who
haven't, the
squeaky-voiced Disney icon is shown encouraging Palestinian children
to become
martyrs in the struggle to achieve worldwide domination - starting
with the
destruction of Israel.

This message isn't new by the way. The ruling Palestinian party,
Hamas, produces
music videos that encourage the youngest children to become suicide
bombers. The
Hamas website for children is filled with the same hateful fanaticism.
Public-service announcements on Palestinian television feature a boy
in heaven,
supposedly killed by Israeli soldiers, calling out to other children
to follow
him through martyrdom.

We hardly ever hear about this stuff though. What made the Mickey
Mouse video go
viral, to use the Internet term, was its use of an image we're all
with. We know Mickey Mouse as a symbol of childhood happiness and
It's shocking to see this image used to encourage children to become

It's even more shocking given the current political situation. The
people are suffering badly right now. The flow of international aid to
them has
been slowed - because their government refuses even to pretend it will
trying to destroy Israel.

Nevertheless, support has been growing in the U.N. and Europe for
financial aid. The two competing Palestinian factions, Hamas and
Fatah, had
agreed to stop killing one another and get back on message - blaming
Once again, the international press was parroting the notion that
violence is caused by Israel's security fence and border checkpoints.
The tide
seemed to be turning.

So, naturally, somebody decided it was the perfect time to launch a
new kid's show. Some people never miss an opportunity to miss an

But the Internet has changed things in good ways and bad. In the old
Yasser Arafat could condemn terrorism in English and promise more
attacks in
Arabic - and almost no one would hear about it. In this new age, one
video posted to the web can get the world's attention and trigger

That's a good thing but, of course, the same technology can also be
used for
evil. According to press reports, the six New Jersey terror plotters
immersed in extremist videos and propaganda from pro-jihad websites.
message of hatred is so powerful and widespread that it persuaded
grown men,
living in the United States, to give up their own lives to murder

Think how much more effective this type of propaganda must be when it
is aimed
at children. Now think about an entire generation of Palestinians,
Iranians, and others - saturated with this message their whole lives.
That's the
real message we should take from that Mickey Mouse video."

at that same url is a link you can click on labeled E-mail Author
presumably you can email Fred Thompson using that link
If you do we hope that you will tell him to remove Spencer Abraham as
campaign manager and to remove Spencer Abraham from his campaign

Another real life federal prosecutor, GOP presidential candidate and
former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said: "After evaluating the
facts, the president came to a reasonable decision and I believe the
decision was correct."

Predictably the appeasers were vocal in their criticism of President
Bush's brave
decision in the Libby case.

The piece below includes a mention of Spencer Abraham and others.
It is by an ally in the war against the appeasers.

"Hezbollah has Friend Close to White House

Terrorist allies of al-Qaida supported by billionaire
booster of Bush,Powell

December 12, 2002
By Joseph Farah

Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shi'ite jihadist group
based in Lebanon, is on
the U.S. State Department list of international
terrorist organizations.

Just yesterday, Canada officially added Hezbollah to
its list of 14
terrorist groups banned from operating in the country.

According to intelligence experts, Hezbollah maintains
an operational
alliance with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror

Hezbollah remains the prime suspect in the truck
bombing of the Marine
barracks in Lebanon in 1983 - a terrorist attack that
killed 243.

Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United
States, Hezbollah's Al
Manar Television celebrated the events by replaying
footage of the Sabra and
Shatilla refugee camps in 1982 along with inflammatory
speeches by the
group's leader, Hasan Nasrallah, warning America's day
of judgment would
come. Yet, a man with close financial and personal
ties to the Bush
administration continues to use his influence to push
for the dropping of
Hezbollah from the terrorist list and calls the group
"a resistance party
fighting the Israeli occupation."

That man in the middle is Issam Fares, deputy prime
minister of Lebanon, a
self-made billionaire and a close associate of Maj.
General Ghazi Kanaan,
head of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon and the man
known as the "kingmaker"
in a small country dominated by Syria's occupying
military forces.

"It is a mistake to make a comparison between the
al-Qaida network ... and
Hezbollah," Fares told Agence France-Presse last year.
"Hezbollah did not
carry out any resistance operation against American
interests in Lebanon or
abroad and did not target civilians in its resistance
activities as happened
on Sept. 11 at the World Trade Center."

Fares, through his son, Nijad, a permanent resident
alien of the U.S., and
his U.S.-based businesses, has contributed heavily to
the senatorial
campaigns of now Department of Energy Secretary
Spencer Abraham. The family
also contributed $100,000 to the Bush inaugural. And
Fares sponsored a
speech by Secretary of State Colin Powell at Tufts
University for a reported

Fares oversees a worldwide, diversified conglomerate
of oil, real estate and
media interests. In 2000, he became deputy prime
minister of Lebanon.

The family's main U.S. business holding is the
Houston-based Wedge Group, a
big player in the oil services industry headed by
William White, the former
No. 2 official at the Energy Department during the
Clinton administration.

That the Fares family is attempting to buy influence
in high places in the
United States seems self-evident.

"Arab-Americans must substantially increase
contributions to political
candidates," wrote Nijad Fares in an opinion page
article for the Detroit
News, Dec, 16, 1996. "Even modest contributions help
ensure that members of
Congress and their staffs take phone calls and are
more responsive to
requests. Furthermore, the contributor must make
explicit an interest in
Middle East-related issues."

The connection between the Fares family and the Bush
family precedes the
current administration. After leaving office in 1993,
President George H.W.
Bush received a $100,000 speaking fee from Fares. He
also made a trip around
the Persian Gulf in Fares' private jet with the
Lebanese businessman by his
side. Former Secretary of State James Baker also
received a $100,000
speaking fee.

When the news of Fares' support of the inauguration
broke in the Jerusalem
Post in 2000, Fares said he was happy with the "noble
relationship" between
himself and the Bush family.

"If the Zionist lobby and those revolving in its orbit
are displeased with
this relationship, it's their own business," he told
the paper. "Anyway,
envy is a killer."

Beirut's Daily Star reported last year that Fares has
cultivated a network
of connections with senior American officials that
"would make most people
blush with envy."

It's not unusual that a man of means like Fares would
find friends in high
places in America. But it is Fares' allies in Lebanon
- from Hezbollah to
Kanaan - that make those connections shocking to some.

"Kanaan is the man who protects, assists and harbors
most terrorists and
terror-related organizations in Lebanon," explains
Nagi Najjar, the
spokesman for the Government of Lebanon in Exile, a
group fighting for
independence from Syria. And, Hezbollah, he says, is
"the father of all

He charges that Hezbollah has sleeper cells planted
around the world with a
mission to target Jewish and U.S. interests.

"Hezbollah is to the Shiaa Muslim world what al-Qaida
is to the Sunni Muslim
world," he says. "They're a bunch of murderers
structured in a terrorist,
military organization, financed, trained and
manipulated by Syria and Iran.
This terrorist organization must be neutralized,
dismantled and all its
leadership arrested on charges of terrorism and
subversion. Southern Lebanon
has been transformed into a major terror base whose
sole objective is to
torpedo, with the consent of other terror regimes in
the area, any U.S.
peace initiative in the Middle East."

Najjar counters Fares' claim that Hezbollah is a local
resistance movement
by citing the group's actions in hijacking planes, the
bombing of the Marine
barracks, the bombing of the U.S. and French
embassies, the kidnapping of
foreign nations, including CIA operative William
Buckley, and a bombing in
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

According to the Middle East Intelligence Bulletin,
Kanaan has the power to
order the arrest and indefinite detention of anyone in
the country. He is
deeply immersed in narcotics production and
trafficking in the Bekaa Valley
and oversees counterfeiting and other illegal
activities that have made him
a wealthy man. He reportedly holds great sway over all
terrorist groups
operating in Lebanon and all militia groups.

"He is the most feared man in Lebanon," wrote Daniel

Fares called on Washington to remove Hezbollah from
its terrorist list Nov.
10, 2001. A day later, Hezbollah chief Nasrallah
called on the international
community to oppose the U.S. operation in Afghanistan
and said its purpose
was to establish "American hegemony" over the world.

Bush and Powell have both praised Fares and denounced
questions raised about
his influence in Washington.

Fares' companies around the world employ about 70,000
people and boast
revenues in excess of $4 billion, according to his
website. In 1987, his
company increased its holdings in TVX Broadcast Group
of Virginia Beach, the
largest owner of independent television stations in
the United States
reaching about 15 percent of U.S. households. Federal
law prohibits foreign
investors from controlling more than 20 percent of the
voting stock of
broadcast licensees.

Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of

This next piece dates back to the 2000 election.
In that election we supported Al Gore, who was then a friend of Israel
and an
enemy of terrorism, and who had chosen an even bigger friend of Israel
and an
even bigger enemy of terrorism: Joe Lieberman as his running mate.
This was
before Al Gore went crazy, grew a beard and shaved it off, got so fat
he himself
said he could no longer put his wedding ring on, and effectively
himself from Israel and from America by opposing the liberation of

It was also before September 11th, 2001 which marked a real turn
around for
President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

In 2000 George W. Bush was a very different person from the President
he became
on September 11th, 2001.

Bush-Gore Presidential Debate October 12th,2000 " MR. BUSH: there is
other forms of racial profiling that goes on in America. Arab
Americans are racially profiled on what's called secret evidence.
People are stopped. And we got to do something about that. My friend
Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan is pushing a law to make sure
that, you know, Arab Americans are treated with respect."

Spencer Abraham's name pops up again in the next piece:

suspects San Antonio Express-News 07/11/2002 From their jail cells,
two of three
men accused by a stripper of threatening to blow up local military
bases said
Wednesday they had no idea how they wound up embroiled in a high-
terrorism investigation. Ribhi Abdalla and his cousin, Jadallah
Abdalla, both of
Palestinian descent, spent their second day in jail after failing to
post a bond
of $2 million each.
Ribhi, 25, (is) a naturalized American citizen from (the region of
Judea and Samaria).

The cousins and their friend, Makram Hijaz, 20, of
Mesquite, were arrested at the XTC Cabaret late Monday and charged
with making terroristic threats against a public service, namely San
Antonio's military bases, a third degree felony punishable by up to 10
years in

A stripper told police the men claimed they were
going to wage "holy war" by carrying out the work of the Sept. 11

"I don't want to undermine (the Police Department's)
case" said an FBI special agent based in San Antonio. "We take all
threats seriously at this point and time, for obvious reasons." A
spokeswoman for the San Antonio Police Department said. "We're not
just going to write up a report and then throw it away" Jim Kopp,
chief of the Bexar County District Attorney's intake division, said
the men's bonds did not appear excessive, given the seriousness of the

(The stripper) said you have a nice accent and she asked
where we are from," said Jadallah Abdalla, 21. "The cousins said the
FBI and police interrogated them Tuesday about possible terrorist
connections. Ribhi, the older cousin said he was somewhat concerned
that so many inmates seemed to know about his charge. No one's
threatened him, he said, but at least one has asked point blank if he
was a terrorist. Jadallah Abdalla immigrated from Ramallah 17 months
ago." 07/11/2002
"Kiareldeen, 31, a Palestinian immigrant, was released Monday night
after a
19-month sojourn in two New Jersey jails. He had been detained on the
basis of
secret evidence alleging that he had links to terrorists, including
one of the
men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.. Among other
things, they
said, they proved that Kiareldeen was not politically active or an
Muslim, as those convicted in the bombings were, and even frequented
go-go bars
when he was single. This became known, Fernandez said jokingly, as
"the go-go
bar defense." A spokesman for Senator Spencer Abraham, Republican of
said he was pursuing discussions with the Justice Department about
"administrative changes" in the use of secret evidence."

Lest we forget, it is our opinion that the most likely nominee for the
in 2008 will be John Edwards, or is it Jon Edwards? Democrats have won
White House with Harry S. Truman, a "white" Southern man from
Missouri, in 1948,
with Lyndon Baines Johnson, a "white" Southern man from Texas in 1964,
with Jimmy
Carter, a "white" Southern man from Georgia in 1976, with Bill
Clinton, a "white" Southern
man from Arkansas in 1992 and 1996, and Democrats got more popular
votes than
Republicans for the Presidency in 2000 with Al Gore, a "white"
Southern man from Tennessee.

John Edwards, or is it Jon Edwards, is a "white" Southern man who
served in the US Senate from North Carolina, and was born in South
Carolina. We will be shocked if Edwards is
not the person picked by the Democrats as the 2008 Presidential

We also think Edwards will win the White House against any Republican
currently in the race, and against any Republican who might get into
the race: i.e. against Fred Thompson and or against Newt Gingrich.

We think it would be a disaster for America, for Israel, and for the
world if Edwards won the 2008 Presidential election and hope that with
your help Edwards can be exposed before he becomes the next President
of the United States.

Please help us to stop Edwards by exposing him. Please Google the

Honest John Edwards Or Is It Jon Edwards A Member of The Terrible Trio

What Lurks Behind The Edwards For President Facade

"John Edwards's Left-Hand Man David Bonior isn't your typical campaign
manager-a member of Congress for a quarter century, whose voting
record lines up to the left of his candidate.
By Arian Campo-Flores
March 13, 2007 - Gearing up for his second presidential run, John
Edwards picked an unconventional campaign manager. Rather than
choosing a behind-the-scenes staffer, he selected David Bonior, a
Michigan Democrat who served 26 years in the U.S. House of
Representatives (1976-2002) and earned a reputation as his party's pit
bull for the aggressive posture he took with the GOP. He and Edwards
are similar in some ways (both were the sons of blue-collar workers
and were college-football players), but Bonior looks more liberal on
paper than Edwards does. And with his long voting record, he may offer
an attractive target for his boss's political opponents." source:

"The Friends of Our Foes
Jewish World Review Sept. 15, 2000 /14 Elul, 5760
Jonathan Tobin
The Arab lobby gears up to punish pro-Israel politicians
in the latest issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.
The Washington Report is a glossy monthly that serves as the guidebook
to the Arabist lobby in the United States.
The Washington Report specializes in defaming Israel. But far from
being the product of fringe Islamic fundamentalists, it is written and
published by a Washington, D.C., outfit that is staffed by former U.S.
foreign-service officers who haven't stopped hating Israel even though
they are no longer on the federal payroll. As such, it is a must-read
for friends of Israel who want a reliable indicator of the thinking of
the anti-Israel crowd.
One of the most noteworthy features of the magazine is an election-
year report card on Congress that evaluates members of the Senate and
the House on hostility to Israel and related causes. In other words,
if you want to know who is on the list of good guys and bad guys for
Israel, all you have to do is look at the pro-Arab crowd's "Hall of
Fame" and "Hall of Shame."
The 535 House and Senate members were evaluated on, among other
issues, the following: opposition to the use of anti-Semitic
propaganda in the Palestinian media and textbooks; opposition to
asking the Palestinian Authority and Syria about the whereabouts of
missing Israeli soldiers and linking aid to that issue; support for
Palestinian statehood prior to the achievement of a peace agreement;
support for a bill prohibiting the use of intelligence on terrorism
for evaluating immigration cases (as in supporters of Hamas who are
liable to deportation); the signing of a letter opposing commutation
of the sentence of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard; opposition to
moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; and
opposition to sanctions on rogue nations like Libya and Iraq.
As far as the Arab lobby is concerned, the more members of Congress
opposed anti-Semitism and terrorism and/or were willing to support
Israel, the less The Washington Report liked them.
Chief among the members of The Washington Report's "Hall of Fame" is
Rep. David Bonior, D-Mich. Bonior's animus for Israel is no surprise,
given the large number of Arab-Americans in his Detroit-area district.
It is ominous ...."
Among the other anti-Israel House favorites are John Conyers, D-Mich.;
John Dingell, D-Mich.; Amos Houghton, R-New York; Jesse Jackson Jr., D-
Ill.; John Lewis, D-Ga.; Jim McDermott, D-Wash.; Cynthia McKinney, D-
Ga.; Ron Paul, R-Texas; John Sununnu, R-N.H.; and Maxine Waters, D-
In the case of Jackson and Sununu (sons of their famous namesakes),
the anti-Israel apple didn't fall far from the tree.
The Washington Report's favorite senators are Spencer Abraham, R-
Mich.; Robert Byrd, D-W.V.; Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I.; Chuck Hagel, R-
Neb.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; Charles Robb, D-Va.; Strom Thurmond, R-
S.C.; and Paul Wellstone, D-Minn.
While nobody should be surprised at the high marks given ex-klansmen
Byrd and Thurmond, the pro-Arab ranking of Wellstone may surprise
some, since he is one of the Senate's 11 Jews. Wellstone, is, however,
also the far-left Tikkun magazine's idea of a good politician, and
thus way out of the pro-Israel mainstream.
The Arabist "Hall of Shame" included Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y.; Peter
Deutsch, D-Fla.; Michael Forbes, D-N.Y.; Bob Franks, R-N.J.; Sue
Kelly, R-N.Y.; Rick Lazio, R-N.Y.; Nita Lowey, D-N.Y.; Jerold Nadler,
D-N.Y.; Ileana Ross-Letinen, R-Fla.; Matt Salmon, R-Ariz.; Jim Saxton,
R-N.J.; and Brad Sherman, D-Calif.
Only four of the House's 23 Jews made it to the list: Deutsch, Lowey,
Nadler and Sherman.
While both parties are well-represented on both sides of the ledger,
it's worth noting that two of the Republican Party's most notable
challengers for the Senate made it to The Washington Report's "shame"
list: Bob Franks, who is facing an uphill battle against billionaire
financier Democrat Jon Corzine in New Jersey; and Rick Lazio, who is
the man who hopes to defeat Hillary Clinton in her bid for a New York
Senate seat.
Surprisingly, of the Senate's 11 Jews, only one, Philadelphian Arlen
Specter, R-Pa., made it to the Arabist "Hall of Shame." He was joined
there by Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and Connie Mack, R-Fla. ...."

"...September issue also provided a chart showing just how much pro-
Israel PAC money each member of their halls of "fame" and "shame"
Their chart illustrated the fact that the pro-Israel community is
often far more interested in backing long-time incumbents and
legislators in leadership positions -- no matter what their policies
on key issues -- than anything else.
Thus, anti-Israel stalwarts such as David Bonior and Robert Byrd got
big bucks from friends of Israel despite their awful records.
On the other end of the spectrum, while some of the good guys were
rewarded by friends of Israel, that wasn't true in every case. Specter
received $366,123 in pro-Israel money, but, put together, the pro-
Israel PAC contributions received by Lazio, Franks, Kelly and Salmon
did not equal the amount Bonior got! Pro-Israel sentiment from those
backbenchers apparently isn't as valued by some people as much as
Bonior's leadership position."

Pelosi donated $5,000 to McKinney
"[ The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 8/3/02 ]
"Some McKinney donors probed for terror ties By BILL TORPY
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer Rep. Cynthia McKinney is
backed by many Islamic individuals and groups. Rep. Cynthia
McKinney's re-election campaign has accepted contributions from
several people who have come under federal investigation for
links to Middle Eastern terrorists or have voiced support for
extremist groups. The outspoken DeKalb County Democrat, a frequent
critic of U.S. Middle East policy, has long drawn Arab and Muslim
financial support.

Most of McKinney's individual donors listed on
disclosure reports in 2001 and this year have Arabic names and live
out of state. According to a review of federal campaign disclosure
records, they include:
Abdurahman Alamoudi, leader of a Muslim organization, who during a
2000 rally outside the White House expressed support for the violent
Palestinian group Hamas and for Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite party
linked to bombings.....A professor who
jailed in 1998 on contempt charges for refusing to answer a grand
jury's questions about alleged money-laundering links to Hamas. Five
businessmen whose homes or businesses were searched in March during
FBI raid investigating financial links to terrorism. Another was an
officer in one of the groups under investigation, according to
Election Commission reports.....The McKinney
campaign reported most of those contributions as having come Sept.
the date of the terror attacks in New York and Washington. FEC
spokeswoman Kelly Huff said the date listed on disclosure reports is
supposed to be, by law, the date the campaign received the money. But
FEC officials said it was up to the campaign to document the proper
date.....McKinney caused a tempest
earlier this year by suggesting President Bush knew the Sept. 11
attacks were coming but did nothing so his associates could make
in the ensuing war. And last October, she also caused controversy for
apologizing to a Saudi prince whose $10 million donation for terror
victims was rejected by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The prince
had laid part of the blame for the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. policy.

The following week, McKinney collected $32,150 in a fund-raiser, her
best fund-raising day in 2001.

McKinney's support for Arab causes is well known. The Council on
American-Islamic Relations, an Islamic advocacy group whose director
was named on the Sept. 11 listing as giving McKinney $500, recently
asked members to support her. "She is our strategic choice. Pro-
candidate. Supporter of (so-called) "palestinian state for over
seven years.
Against secret evidence. Against aid to Israel."
Steven Emerson, who runs a private counterterrorist institute in
Washington, called McKinney's contributors "the A list of militant
Islamic front groups." Two years ago, Emerson warned a Senate
committee about increasing terrorist activity in America, sometimes
the name of charity. Alamoudi, the president of the American Muslim
Foundation who expressed support for Hamas and Hezbollah, gave the
maximum allowable contribution of $2,000....Alamoudi did not return
phone calls seeking comment. Another donor,
Abdelhaleem Ashqar, now a Howard University professor, who gave $250,
was jailed for six months in 1998 after refusing to testify before a
federal grand jury investigating money laundering in the United
by Hamas.

Ashqar told the grand jury that he would not testify...Six of
McKinney's donors were officers with companies and
organizations that are under investigation.
On March 20 and 21, Treasury agents served warrants on the Herndon
Va.-based Saar Foundation, Safa Trust, the International Institute of
Islamic Thought and 13 other locations. The groups are part of a
Saudi-based financial empire that U.S. investigators say has handled
$1.7 billion since the mid-1990s, allegedly sending some of it to
groups that authorities have linked to terrorists, The Washington
Post reported....Listed as McKinney donors on Sept. 11 are M. Yaqub
Mirza, Mohamed
Omeish and Ahmad Totonji.
Federal agents in March searched the offices of Mirza, who

The former president of Saar, Mirza was the central figure in
the interlocking multinational corporations being investigated. He is
the president of Mar-Jac, which includes investment firms and a North
Georgia poultry plant, which also was searched in March. He did not
return phone calls seeking comment.
Omeish is president of Success Foundation, a refugee relief
organization whose office was searched in March. He is listed as
having given $500.

Omeish said investigators returned computers taken
from his office. Totonji, founder of Saar and the IIIT, gave $1,000.
Federal agents carted away numerous computers from his offices in the
March raid.

Two weeks later, on Sept. 26, Jamal Barzinji, Taha
Alalwani of Herndon, Va., and Hisham Al Talib of California all gave
$500 to McKinney's campaign, according to FEC records. Barzinji, a
business associate of Mirza's, is also president of Mar-Jac Poultry
Gainesville. Alalwani is a founder of the IIIT and Al Talib, was the
treasurer for Safa and the IIIT vice president."
Pelosi donated $5,000 to McKinney
Father of Ousted McKinney Spells Defeat `J-E-W-S'
ATLANTA - The father of Rep. Cynthia McKinney is blaming Jews for
her defeat in Georgia's Democratic primary, but observers said that
Tuesday's outcome had less to do with dueling donations from pro-
Israel and pro-Palestinian activists than with high Republican
turnout in the open primary and tepid support from black voters and
congressmen.....her father, civil-rights stalwart and DeKalb County
leader Billy McKinney, pointed a finger at her pro-Israel critics.
When asked by a local television reporter what the election had
hinged on, he responded: "J-E-W-S."

In a press release, Anti-Defamation League southeast director
Deborah Lauter condemned Billy McKinney's remark, calling
it "classic anti-Semitism." He caused a similar stir in 1996 after
calling his daughter's opponent a "racist Jew," ....Among leaders of
mainstream Jewish groups, McKinney was considered a
more controversial member of Congress than other black lawmakers on
the left. Along with her support of the Palestinian cause, McKinney
refused in 1994 to condemn a fiery speech by a Nation of Islam
spokesman, the late Khalid Muhammed. More recently, she also
infuriated otherwise indifferent Republicans in her district when
she suggested that President Bush might have known about September
11 before it happened, and possibly profited from it.

Last October, after New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani returned a $10
million gift to the city from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal after
the prince criticized Israel in published comments, McKinney issued
a public letter supporting the prince, asking that he donate the
money to black charities.

In May, along with Hilliard, McKinney was one of 5 of the 36 voting
members of the Congressional Black Caucus to oppose a pro-Israel
resolution that put the bulk of the blame for the conflict on the
Palestinians. McKinney said the measure would "undermine America's
vital role as peacemaker"...Democratic institutional support for
McKinney, who has been a solid member of the Democratic caucus in
the House, was weak. In the Hilliard race the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee took much heat for its financial
support of the five-term incumbent, with some asking why the
committee was using resources on a solidly Democratic district. In
this race, the committee, whose function is to help increase the
Democratic ranks in the House, stayed out.

The committee declined to comment on the McKinney race, but Rangel,
who donated $5,000 to her campaign, said: "Some Republicans and
Democrats support incumbents, and others don't." Rangel is board
chair of the committee.
Democratic House Whip Nancy Pelosi of California also donated $5,000
to McKinney's effort.

National Jewish Democratic Committee executive director Ira Forman
declined to comment on Pelosi's funding. But a Jewish Republican
activist slammed Democratic support of McKinney.
"For the Democrats and the NJDC and other groups to remain silent is
an abdication of their responsibility," the activist said. Pelosi's
office did not return a call for comment."
Pelosi donated $5,000 to McKinney
Please take action. Please contact njdc AT and DEMAND that they STRONGLY
CONDEMN the funding provided to McKinney by Pelosi and company.
Phone: 202-216-9060
Fax 202-216-9061
P.O. Box 75308
Washington, DC 20013-5308
Their New York office may be reached at: nynjdc AT
Phone 212-868-4048
Pelosi donated $5,000 to McKinney
The issue of Democratic conflicts over Israel policy took center
last month, when the House voted 352 to 21, with 29 members voting
"present," for a pro-Israel resolution sponsored by Majority Whip Tom
DeLay (R-Tex.) and Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.). Many of those voting
"present" were expressing their unwillingness to support a resolution
that strongly endorsed Israel while condemning "the ongoing support
and coordination of terror by Yasser Arafat and other members of the
Palestinian leadership."

Of the 50 "no" and "present" votes, 44 were cast by Democrats and six
by Republicans. More significantly, five of the most senior Democrats
voted against the resolution, including Democratic whip David E.
Bonior (Mich.), and four members in line to become committee chairmen
if Democrats win back the House: David R. Obey (Wis.), John D.
(Mich.), George Miller (Calif.) and John Conyers Jr. (Mich.).
The vote also forced to the surface long-standing tensions between
Jewish and black communities. Of the 37 members of the Congressional
Black Caucus, a total of 17 either voted no on DeLay-Lantos (4),
present (8) or did not vote at all (5).
Two black Democratic House members, Earl F. Hilliard (Ala.) and
Cynthia McKinney (Ga.), have become lightning rods in the Jewish
community, and their primary challengers are raising hundreds of
thousands of dollars from Jewish supporters determined to defeat the
two incumbents because of statements they have made.
Not to mention her father's notorious remarks. This piece from 1996
covers, however, anti-Semitism on both sides of the aisle. There's
enough to
go round. Bonior, on the other hand, is significant, particularly
because he's
so consistently wobbly on Israel.

"Five congressional aides from the House of Representatives left
Friday on an independent fact-finding mission to Iraq. ADC, one of
co-sponsors of the delegation, applauds the five members of Congress
whose aides are participating in the delegation. The
offices participating in the delegation are: Rep.Danny K. Davis
(D-IL), Rep. Sam Gejdenson (D-CT), Rep. Earl F. Hilliard (D-AL), Rep.
Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), and Rep. Bernard Sanders (I-VT).
McKinney and Davis are members of the House International Relations
Committee; Gejdenson is the Ranking Minority Member. The
staffers are accompanied by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for
"The caucus would not provide a full list of the corporate donors
here. But a partial list included Philip Morris, the tobacco giant;
Anheuser- Busch, the brewing company;
Entergy, the energy company; Lockheed Martin, the defense contractor;
Household Finance, the consumer- credit company, and the American
Gaming Association, which represents the casino industry."

"Mr. Thompson, the event's host, said the two casinos that helped
underwrite the weekend, the Horseshoe and the Grand, had each pledged
$50,000 in services and cash donations, which allowed them to call
themselves platinum sponsors of the event. Gold donors pledged
$25,000, while silver donors promised $10,000. A similar fund-raising
event here last summer raised $500,000 for the caucus. As he took a
seat in the Horseshoe's hospitality suite, Representative Earl F.
Hilliard of Alabama, whose district is listed as the seventh poorest
in the country, said that he saw a soft-money ban as "a threat to my
continued service in the Congress."

This next piece, which also mentions Spencer Abraham, reminds us of
the movie :
TRADING PLACES, in which , well why spoil the story, see the movie if
you have
not seen it already. Suffice it to say that
in that movie , well, go see it.

We wish that Al Gore's feelings for Israel and for America had
withstood the
test of the horrible blow to Gore's psyche that not being able to be
sworn in as
President of the United States on January 20th, 2001 must have been.

We think that Al Gore went insane after the Supreme Court ordered a
halt to the
Florida recount in December of 2000. We think George W. Bush stole
election, but in retrospect, considering how the loss of the
Presidency we
believe Al Gore really won that year, as he was cheated out of the
votes of Florida, evidently caused Al Gore to go insane it seems to
have been
better for America, for Israel, and for the world that George W. Bush
did steal
that election. In the nuclear age we cannot afford to have a person
who would
crack under pressure, as Al Gore evidently has, as President of the

When reading this next piece keep in mind that it was written in 2000,
before Al
Gore was cheated out of the Presidency, before Al Gore lost his mind.
Before Al
Gore's true feelings of hatred for Israel and for America came out.

Anyone who would oppose the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein
implicity was
endorsing the continuation of the paying by Saddam Hussein of $25,000
to the
familes of genocide bombers for the murder of Jews. When Al Gore chose
to oppose
the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein he was implicitly saying
yes to more
such payments to the families of those genocide bombers. Al Gore was
"DEATH TO THE JEWS" just as surely as any terrorist would. Anyone who
the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein is saying the very same

"Gore's true feelings of friendship for Israel have withstood the test
of time."
On March 3rd 2000 Jerusalem Post Washington correspondent Janine
Zacharia wrote:
"[Gore] is the clear-cut Jewish favorite in the upcoming presidential
elections." American Jewish commentators are equally outspoken about
George W.
Bush's almost total lack of support among Jewish voters.

Highly respected columnist J.J. Goldberg wrote in the Jewish Week of
New York on
March 3rd,2000 "Hardcore hawks make up about
10 percent of the Jewish vote. Bush won't draw even them, given his
family name." And Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said in a March
23 seminar of Orthodox Jewish leaders that the Jewish vote for Bush
"could be pretty bad. The only question is whether Bush will do better
or worse
than his Dad."

Kristol added that if Gore picked an Orthodox Jew like Sen. Joseph
Lieberman as
his vice presidential running mate, "it will be truly unbelievable how
Bush's Jewish vote will be." As for the candidates themselves, Gore
told the
Council of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations this year,
that (on) moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, his
personal views
"are the same as yours."

Bush has changed his answer on relocating the U.S.Embassy from a vow
to move it
immediately upon assuming office to saying he would not do or say
anything to
hurt the peace process. When he speaks of America's wealth of
institutions, he refers to them as "the synagogues, churches, and
mosques of
America." Picking which candidate to support should be easy.

What Difference Does It Make? In a very close election, as it appears
this one
will be, if nearly all of the Muslim- and Christian Arab-American
votes are cast
as a bloc in the United States, that bloc vote probably will determine
candidate Other states where the Muslim vote can be very influential
are Texas,
Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

If Muslim voters demonstrate the discipline this year to turn out
communities to vote as a bloc, the United States will never again be
the same
U.S. South Asia policy may also be liberated from the current strong
of the Israel-Indian alliance, as will U.S. policy toward Iran and

"Guided by Sen. Spencer Abraham, himself a Lebanese-American, the Bush
team has
been courting the Arab-American vote assiduously. Bush foreign-affairs
Condoleezza Rice met with Arab-American groups in the Detroit area two

Mr. Bush himself met with AAPAC members a day later. "Bush clearly is
a man who
listens,"says Abed Hammoud, president of AAPAC (the Arab-American
Action Committee)". While Vice President Gore has done all he can to
fight arab
terrorists "In 1996, in the wake of the TWA 800 disaster, President
asked Mr. Gore to chair a White House Commission on Aviation and
Security. The
Gore commission adopted several recommendations for heightened
security,including a Computer Assisted Passenger Screening system to
weed out
possible terrorists."(source "Gore's Arab-American Problem How the
profiling" issue might help Bush win Michigan. BY THOMAS J.BRAY Mr.
Bray is a
staff columnist at the Detroit News. His column
Tuesdays. Tuesday, October 17, 2000)

"Bush forces are ecstatic over the endorsement they won Sunday from
the Arab-American Political Action Committee." "The AAPAC endorsement
wasn't cemented until a few days later. In the second debate Mr. Bush
made several points that may have gone over the heads of most
Americans but struck home forcefully in places like Dearborn- Mr. Bush
went out
of his way to stress the importance of talking to "moderate" Arab
nations like
Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Second and even more decisive
was Mr.
Bush's deft handling of an extended discussion of hate-crime
legislation. Mr.
Gore placed nearly all of his focus on the need to protect African-
the vast majority of whom are sure to vote Democratic.

Mr. Bush, by contrast, went out of his way to add Arab-Americans to
equation. Other forms of racial profiling go on in America, Mr. Bush
"Arab-Americans are
profiled in what's called secret evidence. People are stopped, and we
got to do something about that. My friend, Sen. Spence Abraham, is
pushing a law to make sure that Arab-Americans are treated with real
respect." Though the answer conflated two different
issues-law-enforcement profiling and the use of secret evidence to
deny entry to immigrants suspected of having terrorist ties-the
sentiment behind the response drew thunderous applause from

"When he said that, I turned to my wife and said,
'Bush just won Michigan,' " David Mack, vice president of the Middle
East Institute, a Washington think tank, told the Detroit Free Press.
And sure enough, the 100-member board of AAPAC voted almost
unanimously to endorse Mr. Bush." The (Nearly) Barefoot "Crusader"
"Bush visited a mosque and bought coffee for a cafeteria full of aides
on Monday
as he appealed to Americans to get back to everyday business and not
against their Muslim neighbors. In his socks, as is Muslim practice,
Bush padded
through the ornate mosque on Washington's Embassy Row and heard
stories from his
hosts about Muslim-American women afraid to leave their homes for fear
prejudiced backlash after last week's terrorist strikes."

"Edwards and Israel: Word that a 2008 presidential aspirant, John
Edwards, has tapped a former House minority whip, David Bonior, to
manage his campaign has the pro-Israel lobby cooling on the former
Democratic senator's likely run.

The Associated Press yesterday reported that Mr. Edwards had tapped
Mr. Bonior, who retired as a Democratic representative from Michigan
in 2002, to manage his campaign if he chooses to run.

Mr. Bonior, however, earned a reputation in Congress as one of the
least friendly members toward Israel. In 2002, for example, he was one
of 21 lawmakers in the House to vote against House Resolution 292
expressing solidarity for the Jewish state after a year of bloody
terrorist attacks."

"Bush's Big Blunder - [meeting with heads of American Islamic groups
that support terror] "The president of the Council on American-Islamic
relations, Nihad Awad, who attended the session with Mr. Bush, said,
'We thank" (Bush) Daniel Pipes, a former Reagan administration Middle
East aide who now runs the Middle East Forum in Philadelphia and the
wonderfully informative Web site Mr. Pipes says:
"CAIR is a particularly worrisome organization because it has
succeeded in portraying itself as a public affairs organization
promoting 'interest and understanding among the general public with
regards to Islam and Muslims in North America.' In fact, this
organization is radical to the core; it seeks nothing less than the
imposition of Islamist mores on the United States."

Mr. Pipes notes that CAIR's record includes the following:
"Apologizing for such
killers as Hamas (a group associated with the murder of 7 Americans)
and Usama bin Ladin (charged with the Tanzania and Kenya embassy
bombings a year ago). . . . Helping promote terrorism: In the words of
Pomerantz, a former Chief of Counter-terrorism for the FBI,
'CAIR, its leaders, and its activities, effectively give aid to
international terrorist groups.' . . . Intimidation of patriotic
Muslims who disagree with CAIR's chauvinist agenda: In one case
(Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani), the FBI is looking into charges that
received death threats after renouncing the chauvinists. . .
Defense of even the most archaic and barbaric of customs associated
with Islam: When a prosecutor in Cleveland argued that the bail of two
young men
being held for an 'honor killing' of their female cousin should be
CAIR replied by accusing him of 'ethnic and religious stereotyping'
and called
for a formal investigation into the prosecutor's actions."

In addition, as anti-terrorism expert Steven
Emerson has noted in Congressional testimony, CAIR co-sponsored a May
24, 1998, all-day program in the Walt Whitman Auditorium of Brooklyn
College in Brooklyn, New York. As Mr. Emerson testified, "In Arabic,
Wagdi Ghuniem, a militant Islamic cleric from Egypt, mesmerized his
audience, with his relentless tirade against the Jews, reminding them
of the Jews' 'infidelity,' 'stealth' and 'deceit.' Known for his
folksy deliveries and exhortations to commit violence against the
Jews, Ghuniem did not disappoint his crowd, several of whom had come
just to hear him. The conflict with the Jews, he said, was not over
land but one of religion. 'The problem of Palestine is not a problem
of belief. suppose the Jews said "Palestine-you [Muslims] can take
it." Would it then be ok? What would we tell them? No! The problem is
belief, it is not a problem of land.'"

Mr. Emerson continued: "Ghuniem
then led his rapt audience, which numbered as many as 500, in a
special song, the audience responsively repeating each refrain: 'No to
the Jews,
Descendants of the Apes.'" Says Mr. Pipes: "In short, CAIR represents
not the
great civilization of Islam but a radical utopian movement originating
in the
Middle East that seeks to impose its ways on the United States.
Americans should
consider themselves warned: a new danger exists in their midst." So
much for
CAIR. But, according to the CAIR Web site, CAIR wasn't the only
terrorist-sympathizing American Muslim group that Bush met with
yesterday, less than a week after the worst terrorist attack in
American history. In fact, according to the CAIR web site, the meeting
also included "representatives from the American Muslim Alliance" and
the Muslim
Public Affairs Council. The Muslim Public Affairs Council is a group
founded and
headed by Salam Al-Marayati.

He's the man whose views on terrorism were so problematic that, after
an outcry, Rep. Richard Gephardt withdrew his support for Mr.
Al-Marayiti as a nominee to a federal anti-terrorism commission.
According to an article in the August 22, 1998, Los Angeles Times, the
Public Affairs Council called America's 1998 missile strikes on Osama
Laden's training camps in Afghanistan "illegal" and "immoral." Again,
Pipes, in an article posted on, is instructive.

Mr. Pipes writes of Mr. Al-Marayati:
"Here are three elements of his radicalism: First, he wraps the
American flag around some of the least attractive features of Middle
Eastern life. In 1993, he memorably asserted that 'When Patrick Henry
said, "Give me liberty or give me death," that statement epitomized
jihad [Islamic holy war].'

In 1996, he made the silly and inaccurate
observation that 'American freedom fighters hundreds of years ago were
regarded as terrorists by the British.' Mr. Al-Marayati's intent here
obvious: to render jihad and terrorism acceptable to
Americans." Mr. Pipes continued: "Second, Mr. Al-Marayati apologizes
for the most ghastly Middle Eastern regimes and draws moral
equivalencies between them and America. In his view, Iraq is no better
or worse
than America: 'Saddam Hussein's behavior in and around Iraq has been
characterized as reckless. The same can be said about U.S. policy as a
result of
its reactionary mode.' . . .

Third, Mr. Al-Marayati turns a blind eye to terrorism if it is of a
fundamentalist Muslim persuasion (not a great credential for someone
hoping to serve on a counter-terrorism commission).

Take the February
1996 incident when a Palestinian named Muhammad Hamida shouted the
fundamentalist war cry, Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great), as he drove his
intentionally into a crowded bus stop in Jerusalem, killing one
Israeli and
injuring 23 others. Before he could escape or hurt anyone else, Hamida
was shot
dead. Commenting on the affair, Mr. Al-Marayati said not a word about
murderous rampage but instead focused on Hamida's death, which he
called 'a
provocative act,' and demanded the extradition of his executors to
America 'to
be tried in a U.S. court' on terrorism charges."

Then there is the American Muslim Alliance, another group that CAIR
reports had
a representative at the Bush event yesterday. That's the group so
extreme that
even Hillary Rodham Clinton, no anti-Muslim extremist, decided to
return $50,000
it had raised for her senate campaign. The American Muslim Alliance
was also a
sponsor of the "No to the Jews, Descendants of the Apes" rally at
College. And, as Steven Emerson has reported on,
"AMA's head,
Agha Saeed, has openly sanctioned the use of 'armed resistance'
against Israel
and declared that the 'Zionist occupiers of Palestine can be beaten

At its 1997 annual convention, the AMA distributed an article by S.A.
head of the AMA's Texas chapter, denying the existence of 'Auschwitz,
and Majdanek.' At AMA national conferences in 1997, 1998 and 2000,
speakers numerous speakers condemned the 'Jewish and Zionist' lobbies
and their
'control' of the United States." it is possible that Mr. Bush's
actions are
being driven in this critical hour not by his national security team
but by his
political aides with a misguided eye on the 2004 vote in Michigan and
swing states with large Arab and Muslim populations.

Regardless of the reason,
though, describing the CAIR, MPAC and AMA gang as "good folks" is so
inappropriate that the Times would have been wise to at least probe
further into what exactly Mr. Bush was doing at this event." IMRA -
Independent Media Review and Analysis Website: http//

Here is another mention of Spence Abraham, this one is from 2002.

"As he helped the Bush administration write its national energy report
year, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham heard from more than 100 energy
executives, trade association leaders and lobbyists, according to
released by the Energy Department.
Mr. Abraham did not meet with any representatives of environmental
or consumer groups, the documents show.

In a press release on Monday night, the Energy Department summarized
secretary's calendar by saying that Mr. Abraham met with 36 industry
representatives on task force matters. Most news organizations
reported that
figure today.

But Mr. Abraham actually met with 109 representatives of energy
companies and trade associations, according to a comprehensive review
of his
daily calendar from late January 2001 to May 17, 2001, the day the
White House
released its national energy report. Many of the executives were
leaders of
corporations that were among the most generous financial supporters of
Bush's presidential campaign and the Republican Party.

Among the individuals and groups that met with Mr. Abraham, 18
contributed a
total of $16.6 million to the Republican Party since 1999, nearly
three times
what they gave to the Democratic Party, according to an analysis of
compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics."

"Jewish World Review July 12, 1999 /28 Tamuz 5759
Jonathan Tobin ....
Bonior is best known for being the Democrat who led the charge against
former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. But he should also be known as the
biggest supporter of the anti-Israel Arab lobby in Congress. Friends
of Israel need to be on the lookout for trouble from him..." SOURCE:

We are not happy with those we need to keep America strong sell out to
companies. Where does that oil come from? Who owns oil companies?

"Our history in the Kingdom began over a half-century ago when
Standard Oil
Company (New Jersey) and Socony Vacuum Company (subsequently renamed
Exxon and
Mobil, respectively) acquired ownership shares of the Arabian American
Company, or Aramco. The expansion of Aramco and the great work done
recently by Saudi Aramco have contributed enormously to the creation
of the
modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The fruitful relationship continues today between ExxonMobil and the
Arabian Oil Company, or Saudi Aramco, created by Royal Decree to
manage the
Kingdom's energy resources. ExxonMobil is the largest private-sector
oil company
in the world; Saudi Aramco is the largest public-sector oil company.
We are the
largest foreign purchaser of crude oil and other hydrocarbons from
Saudi Aramco;
Saudi Arabia is ExxonMobil's largest supplier of raw materials - crude
refined products, gas liquids and petrochemical feedstocks. With more
than $5
billion invested in Saudi Arabia, primarily in partnership with Saudi
Industries Corporation and Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil is the Kingdom's
foreign investor.

Energy investments contribute enormously to the growth of the
Kingdom's economy
and the excellent housing, roads, schools and medical systems that
result from
that prosperity. Building on current successes and the wisdom and
foresight of
leaders in previous generations, we believe the cooperation between
the Kingdom
and ExxonMobil will be as extraordinary in the future as it has been
in the
past, and that the benefits to the Kingdom from those successes will
be even
greater in the future than in the past.

ExxonMobil's commitment to Saudi Arabia is genuine, resilient and long-
We look forward to continuing a relationship of mutual respect and
benefit as we, together with our partners in Saudi Arabia, focus on
opportunities to expand the Kingdom's energy infrastructure."

"Over the decades, ExxonMobil has forged ties with various Saudi
enterprises in massive pipeline, refinery and petrochemical projects.
alliances have helped generate economic expansion, diversification and

For example, we are joint-venture partners in the Saudi Aramco Mobil
Refinery at
Yanbu, the world's largest single-train petroleum refinery. It started
up in
1984 and today, with a capacity of 375,000 barrels a day, it has the
to operate in various modes to meet seasonal demand patterns and a
variety of
global product markets.

Our partnerships in the Kingdom include two major petrochemical joint
with Saudi Basic Industries Corporation. Saudi Yanbu Petrochemical
known as Yanpet, started up in 1985 and is the world's largest
plant. Al-Jubail Petrochemical Company, or Kemya, was Saudi Arabia's
polyethylene producer at start-up in 1984 and is one of the largest
plants in the world. These plants and their varied products are strong
competitors in Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific markets.

Two lube refineries, which started up at Jiddah in 1978 and Yanbu in
1998, are
part of our Saudi Aramco Lubricating Oil Refining Company joint
venture. The
plants produce more than 90 percent of the lube oil components
marketed in Saudi

Large-scale pipeline projects in the Kingdom created new sources of
revenues as well as industrial development and job creation.
contributed financial strength and expertise that led to the
completion of the
1,200-kilometer Trans-Arabian Pipe Line in the 1950s, which moved
crude oil from
the Eastern Province to the Mediterranean coast. We designed and
constructed the
East-West Crude Oil Pipeline that started up in the early 1980s. It
helped make
possible the development of the Yanbu area and provided a major export
for the Kingdom on the Red Sea coast.

ExxonMobil, throughout most of its history in the Kingdom, has
participated and
continues to partner with the Saudi private sector in numerous
ventures spanning
a wide range of activities, including lube additives manufacturing,
blending, lubes and fuels marketing, and chemicals terminaling.

ExxonMobil is proud of its relationships in Saudi Arabia. They
represent the
success that results when governments and private industry cooperate
in energy


"The joint ventures in which ExxonMobil participates recruit qualified
employees from various universities and technical institutions in the
and around the world, ensuring that these ventures have the most
highly skilled work force in our industry. The joint ventures also
abundant training and development opportunities.

Saudi employees learn our businesses and gain familiarity with our
facilities, products and technology. Similar to employees at
operations around the world, they receive training in safety, health
environmental practices, including personnel safety-awareness systems
to manage
potential hazards.

The talented and dedicated Saudi employees working in our joint-
operations make vital contributions at every level. Much of the credit
ExxonMobil's success in the Kingdom must be given to them.


"List of anti-Israeli US members of Congress
The New York Times ( has published the list of the 23
anti-Israel members of Congress.
It's the 23 members -- two in the Senate and 21 in the House -- who
voted against House and Senate resolutions of support for Israel. If
you are a U.S. citizen and contribute to political campaigns in the
U.S., you may want to contribute to the opponents of the members
below, regardless of party, so long as these incumbents' opponents are
If you don't or can't contribute to campaigns, please feel free to
forward this list to anyone who might. In my opinion, no other issue
and no U.S. political party allegiance is more important in these
times than the safety and security of the State of Israel.
Following is a list of legislators who voted "No" on the resolutions
in support of Israel:
(The vote was 94-2 in favor of the pro-Israeli resolution)
Robert Byrd, Dem., W.Va.
Ernest Hollings, Dem. S.C.
(The vote was 352-21 in favor of the pro-Israeli resolution)
Neil Abercrombie, Dem. Hawaii
David E. Bonior, Dem., Mich.
Rick Boucher, Dem., Va.
Gary A. Condit, Dem., Calif.
John Conyers Jr.,Dem., Mich.
Peter A. DeFazio, Dem., Ore.
John D. Dingell, Dem., Mich.
Earl F. Hilliard, Dem., Ala.
Jay Inslee, Dem., Wash.
Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Dem., Ill. (Please note this is Jesse Jackson's
Gerald D.Kleczka, Dem., Wisc.
Barbara Lee, Dem., Calif.
Cynthia A. McKinney,Dem., Ga.
George Miller, Dem., Calif.
David R. Obey, Dem., Wisc.
Ron Paul, Rep., Tex.
Thomas E. Petri, Rep., Wisc.
Nick J. Rahall II, Dem.,W.Va.
Dana Rohrabacher, Rep., Calif.
Nick Smith, Rep., Mich.
Fortney Pete Stark, Dem., Calif.
Notice that out of the 23 anti-Israeli legislators, 19 are from the
Democratic party."

Saudis Pick Exxon Mobil and Shell for Huge Gas Projects

"June 3, 2001, Sunday
(Bloomberg News); Foreign Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section 1, Page 8, Column 4,
Exxon Mobil Corp, world's largest publicly traded oil company, is
chosen to lead
$17 billion gas development project in Al Ghawar field in Saudi
Arabia, world's
largest oil field; Royal Dutch/Shell Group will head $4 billion
development of
Shaybah, also in Saudi Arabia; Foreign Min Saud al-Faisal says two
were chosen for lead roles because of their expertise."

"Company News; Shell-Saudi Oil Pact
Published: April 25, 1981
The Royal Dutch/Shell Group said that it had concluded an agreement
with Saudi
Arabia giving it access to about 1.33 billion barrels of Saudi crude
oil over
the next 15 years. Dirk de Bruyne, group president, said in his annual
that the supply stemmed from an agreement to build a petrochemicals
complex and
refinery at Jubail. The refinery would be a joint venture with the
Saudi state
concern, Petromin, and the petrochemicals complex would be a joint
between the Shell Oil Company of the United States and the Saudi Basic
Corporation, he said."

"Consumer Groups Left Out, Data Show
By Dana Milbank and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 26, 2002; Page A01

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham met with 36 representatives of
interests and many campaign contributors while developing President
energy policy, and he held no meetings with conservation or consumer
documents released last night show.

The information was released by the Energy Department just a few hours
before a
court-ordered deadline, and after 11 months of resistance by the
to lawsuits by public interest groups seeking to determine who
influenced the
writing of the administration's energy plan.

A first review of the 11,000 pages of documents bolsters the
contention of
Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups that the Bush
relied almost exclusively on the advice of executives from utilities
producers of oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy while a White House
task force
drafted recommendations that would vastly increase energy production.

Of the corporations that met with Abraham, all but a few were large
of unregulated soft money to the Republican Party during the 2000
cycle. A dozen of the companies that had meetings with Abraham
contributed $1.2
million to the GOP, mainly for Bush's election. Ten of the 12 gave
more soft
money to Republicans than Democrats.

Large portions had been deleted from the documents released last night
by the
Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the
Department and the White House Office of Management and Budget. Most
were missing and in many cases documents were withheld except for the
line. Thousands of other documents were withheld entirely, and the
groups that
won release of the documents through lawsuits said they may return to

Spencer Abraham of Michigan..

" Bush-Gore Presidential Debate Excerpt October 13th,2000 "MR.
LEHRER: ON HATE CRIMES LAWS? " " MR. BUSH: No. We've got one in
Texas and guess what.

The three men who - who murdered James Byrd.
Guess what's going to happen to them? They're going to be put to
death. A jury found them guilty and -it's going to be hard to punish
them any worse after they get put to death. And it's the right
cause so it's the right decision."

" Secondly, there is other forms
of racial profiling that goes on in America. Arab Americans are
racially profiled on what's called secret evidence. People are
stopped. And we got to do something about that.My friend Senator
Spencer Abraham of Michigan is pushing a law to make sure that, you
know, Arab Americans are treated with respect."

"Specific to (the arab American) community is the use of secret
evidence,a process approved by Congress in 1996 allowing state
prosecutors to keep charges secret from the accused in
cases of suspected terrorism. Today there are more than
two dozen such cases pending, the bulk of which involve
Arab Americans. Another gripe is airport profiling, a
practice pushed by Gore after the TWA airplane crash
off Long Island several years ago."
"Arab-Americans prefer Bush. With the help of George Salem, a
Palestinian-born Washington lawyer,the Texas governor has raked in
more than $1 million from Arab-American donors. Aides of GOP Sen.
Spencer Abraham, the Senate's only Arab-American, urged Bush to hammer
Gore on anti-Arab discrimination during the debate."
"Spencer Abraham, the Republican Chairman of the Senate's Immigration
Subcommittee, plans to place reorganization
of the INS at the top of his agenda. Other items on Abraham's agenda
include INS detention rules for criminals and asylum applicants,"
"Kiareldeen, 31, a Palestinian
immigrant, was released Monday night after a 19-month sojourn in two
New Jersey jails. He had been detained on the basis of
secret evidence alleging that he had links to terrorists, including
one of the men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing. Among other things, they said, they proved that
Kiareldeen was not politically active or an observant Muslim, as those
convicted in the bombings were, and even frequented go-go bars when he
was single. This became known, Fernandez said jokingly, as "the go-go
bar defense." A spokesman for Senator Spencer Abraham, Republican
of Michigan, said he was pursuing discussions with the Justice
Department about "administrative changes" in the use of secret

September 14, 2001 -- MIAMI - Three men spewed anti-American
sentiments in a bar and talked of impending bloodshed the night before
the terrorist attacks on NewYork and Washington, a Daytona Beach
manager interviewed by the FBI said yesterday.
"They were talking about what a bad place America is.They said 'Wait
'til tomorrow. America is going to see bloodshed,'
Slip up at strip club "Only once did anyone let slip a hint of the
wholesale destruction they planned. The night before the attacks,
three men in a Daytona Beach strip club warned that the next day
America would see bloodshed, said the club manager, adding that they
spent $200 to $300 apiece on lap dances and drinks and left behind a
copy of the Koran, the Muslim scripture. The manager didn't report
the comments to authorities until after the carnage."
"November 1 2001 WASHINGTON (AP) - The government
is increasing vigilance at the nation's borders with better
background checks and coordinated enforcement designed to bar
suspected terrorists and their supporters."

"How open are our borders to arab terrorists? One wonders
not only who will come INTO the US absent "secret evidence", but what
will go OUT of the country, such as perhaps nuclear secrets, if not
nuclear weapons, but who knows, maybe those too."

"Why is Senator Spencer Abraham trying to make it easier for
terrorists like Osama bin Laden to export their war of terror to any
city street in America? the reason Abraham's votes might make
easier the entry of foreign terrorists into the United States is that
the senator opposed legislation requiring
federal immigration authorities to keep track of aliens with temporary
visas who don't leave the country when their visas expire aliens
allegedly linked to Osama bin Laden's international terrorist network
were nabbed at the U.S. Canadian border trying to sneak into the
country to strike American targets These terrorist suspects were
arrested because they carried false passports, but had they gained
entry, and
Abraham's efforts to weaken the law been successful, they would have
been all but impossible to catch. "

Abraham also opposes the so-called "secret
evidence" procedures used to fight terrorists and is also for "open
borders" which would allow foreign computer skilled people to
replace American workers and terrorists to kill Americans!
Manchurian Candidates Selling US out. At a time when news stories like
"Terrorist threat puts U.S forces in Bahrain, Qatar and Turkey on
highest alert, Pentagon says"
"An inside look at the furious hunt for the Cole bombers"
"Pre-emptive strike discussed""U.S. forces in 2 nations on highest
state of alert"

"February 20th, 2007 Edwards: Israel's threat to world peace
Ed Lasky
National Review's HillarySpot catches John Edwards spouting the
popular European view that Israel is the greatest threat to world
Hillary Spot reader Michael points out this little gem in Peter Bart's
column on John Edwards' comments in Hollywood:
There are other emerging fissures, as well. The aggressively
photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of
liberal causes last week until, during question time, he invoked the
"I" word - Israel. Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world
peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb
Iran's nuclear facilities. As a chill descended on the gathering, the
Edwards event was brought to a polite close. [emphasis in original]
Maybe he has been listening a bit too much to former Congressman David
Bonior (his so-called labor adviser and a long-time fierce critic of
Israel)." source:

" A Connecticut Jewish Ledger Editorial:
George W. Bush, Jr.'s Hezbollah Problem

George W. Bush, Jr., the governor of Texas and leading candidate for
the Republican nomination for president, recently met with
representatives of a prominent Arab-American organization, the
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination, known as the ADC.
In doing so, Bush meet with a group whose leaders have expressed
sympathy for the terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas. This is
the same Hezbollah that blew up the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon in
1983, causing 270 American deaths. It is the same Hamas that is
responsible for the deaths of 12 Americans in Israel in the past six
years. Critics of Bush's meeting with the ADC, like the Zionist
Organization of America, also note that Governor Bush met with leaders
of the ADC's Austin, Texas chapter.

Last year that group sponsored a
rally at which its members carried signs with slogans challenging
Israel's very right to exist. The rally featured signs and messages
such as "50 Years of Israel, 50 Years of Occupation" and "Apartheid
South Africa/Israel - 1 Down, 1 to Go."

While Arab-Americans have
progressed in the world of American politics to the point that a group
such as the ADC is able to secure a meeting with a major presidential
candidate, it still must be held to account for the groups to whom
they give their blessing. The endorsement of groups on the State
Department's official list of terrorist organizations would qualify
for disavowal for any political movement striving to be part of this
political system.

The public record of ADC's alignment with Hamas and
Hezbollah is clear. ADC president Hala Maksoud has praised Hezbollah
for its "heroic resistance."

Maksoud's predecessor, Hamzi Moghrabi,
said of Hamas: "I will not call it a terrorist organization. I mean, I
know many
people in Hamas. They are very respectable. They don't accept
violence." Hezbollah's firing Katyusha rockets into homes and schools
in northern Israel ought to be condemned and not condoned by groups
that participate in the American political system. And there is
nothing "respectable" about Hamas suicide-bombers blowing up Israeli
buses in downtown Jerusalem, killing both Israelis and Americans.
Aside from its vocal support of terrorist groups, the ADC has accused
the United States of committing "genocide" against Iraq and made
statements about Israeli "racism," "apartheid," and "ethnic

Politics and hyperbole can often travel the same road, but
evasion of terror activities amounts to indirect justification, even
incitement and must not be tolerated by those who would uphold
democratic societies. But part of the problem with the ADC's positions
is that they seem to
reflect the views of the Arab-American community. The ADC is not
considered a fringe organization among Arab-Americans; it is
considered mainstream.

The views it expresses about anti-Israel
terrorist groups are echoed by many other Arab-American and American
Muslim organizations and they are the only ones being heard. In a
group new to political activity, speaking out is also a new activity.
Unfortunately its voice has been co-opted by those within that
community who have little experience with the rights and
responsibilities of our system and, to judge by their rhetoric,
little respect for the lives of those they oppose.

The outcome is an
appearance of a monolithic opinion at the extreme end of the
spectrum. Curiously, this is a problem throughout the Islamic world,
in which extremists who've turned their religious interpretation into
a violent political ideology have confronted little or no effective
resistance from intellectuals, or political and theological leaders
who disagree with them. Call it the Salman Rushdie syndrome. Thus, any
candidate who wants to hear the views of Arab-Americans is all too
likely to find himself or herself face to face with apologists for
Hezbollah or Hamas.

Still, there is no excuse for surrendering a basic
principle: terrorists and their supporters should be treated as
pariahs. It is the obligation of civilized society and its putative
leaders to oppose those groups that take advantage of our free
society to undermine democracy.

Opening up the process to those who
support terrorism and its practitioners is a step in the wrong

We hope that as the Arab American community gains political
maturity and finds its voice, or better, voices, they will repudiate
those who support or encourage the violence of terror here or abroad."

"Spencer Abraham first Arab-American named to cabinet post SPECIAL TO
Thursday, January 4, 2001
LONDON - President-elect George W. Bush has appointed the first
Arab-American to the U.S. Cabinet.
Bush appointed Spencer Abraham, 48, as secretary of energy. The
announcement was made on Tuesday as Bush appointed the last three
secretaries of his 14-member Cabinet.

Abraham, a U.S. senator from Michigan, is of Lebanese descent and is
described as a leading activist in the Arab community in the United
States. He was said to have been active in opposing anti-terrorist
legislation that would make it difficult for Arabs and Muslims to
enter the United States."

"To gratify Arab-American voters in the swing state of Michigan, in
the October 11th Presidential debate Republican nominee George W. Bush
called for weakening two counter-terrorism policies. "Arab-Americans
are [racially] profiled in what's called secret evidence. People are
stopped, and we got to do something about that," Governor Bush said.
"My friend, Sen. Spence Abraham [the Arab-American Republic Senator
from Michigan], is pushing a law to make sure that Arab-Americans are
treated with real respect."

Although Governor Bush conflated two issues, Arab Americans
appreciated the gesture. According to a spokesperson for a leading
Arab-American organization, their highest domestic priority is the
repeal of the "secret evidence" section of the 1996 Effective
Counter-Terrorism Act.

To prevent terrorist gangs from murdering U.S.
government secret informants, this law allows the government to
provide evidence from unidentified moles in the immigration hearings
of foreigners suspected of terrorist links. people of Arab descent
are stopped and searched at airports more often than many other ethnic

This is because the secret "profiles" given security workers
advising them whom to watch most closely are believed to refer to the
fact that a disproportionate number of hijackers and bombers have been
arabs. The day after Governor Bush's remarks, 17 American sailors
died in a terrorist attack in the Arab nation of Yemen. Ironically,
on October 20th an Egyptian-born immigrant Ali A. Mohamed plead guilty
in Federal District Court to helping Osama Bin Laden plan the 1998
bombing of the America Embassy in Kenya."
Excerpted from
"Terrorist-enabling neighbors "

by Debbie Schlussel

"there are those Arab- and Muslim-American leaders that allow
terrorists from their communities to flourish in this country and
actively defend them. They oppose reasonable measures to prevent
terrorism here and support those living here that are suspected of
committing and/or facilitating it. Arab and Muslim leaders, like Arab
American Institute head Jim Zogby and Arab-American News publisher
Osama Siblani, actively oppose the use of secret evidence and racial
profiling for terrorists.

Secret evidence, intelligence from agents
abroad about individuals' involvement with terrorist groups, is the
strongest counter-terrorism tool we have in matters involving the
entry into the U.S. of potential terrorists.

The evidence cannot be
revealed because it will compromise U.S. foreign intelligence
gathering and result in the certain death of our agents.
But thanks to the pressure of the Arab community, it is rarely
successfully used, and federal agents are crippled without it.

President Bush kowtowed to the Arab community here and then-senator
and now Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, an Arab American,
campaigning against both secret evidence and racial profiling of

"The present administration has pursued policies that, in
practice, have adversely affected your community," Bush said in a
campaign video to Arab-Americans regarding secret evidence and
profiling, according to The New Republic. Once in office, in his first
address to a joint session of Congress, Bush spoke about ending the
practices, and in February, he issued a directive to Attorney General
Ashcroft, ordering him to "work in cooperation with state and local
law enforcement in order to assess the extent and nature of any such

With secret evidence and profiling in place, we could have
prevented many of Tuesday's terrorists from entering the U.S. But Arab
American leaders actively defend and support many suspected
terrorists, primarily Muslims, who are charged as terrorists by INS
officials. But even without profiling, Arab-American leaders dismiss
even the strongest cases against Arab-American terrorists with the
convenient "profiling" label.

In November, the FBI's joint
counter-terrorism unit and U.S. Customs agents caught Arab-American
brothers, Ali and Mike Boumelhem, trying to ship weapons and weapons
parts to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, intercepting them at the
Ambassador Bridge to Canada. In 1982, Hezbollah killed 240 U.S.
Marines in Lebanon.

Hezbollah also tortured, murdered and hung the
body of U.S. military attach