The theme game

This is a game where you have to post a song that matches the specific theme. For eg.

Say the theme was "Songs with the word love in it"

you would post Maroon 5- this love

this theme continues untill 5 song titles are posted, then the person with the 5th post for that theme picks another theme and so on.

Theme: Plain rock songs (with only rock elements in it)

Foo Fighter- One by One

1)Foo Fighter- One by One

2)Blink 182-Stay together for the kids

3)Matchbox 20- Bright lights

4)Nickle Back-Remind Me

5) Grinspoon- Hold on me



New member
lol. it all depends on what 'rock elements' are. i mean, not everyone will have the same interpretation. Boooo! lol :thumbsup:


New member
Could it be The Slim Shady song(I don´t remember ver well the name of the song but I do remember that on the vid there was a woman eating food),so I dunno if my post counts.
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