The Theological Conflict, Illuminating the Illuminati, and The War!

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Ares the God of War!

The Theological Conflict, Illuminating the Illuminati, and The War!

Because this is a multi language document, when I try typing or
pasting corrections into the draft document in the right place, when
I post it, some of the corrections are not showing up, or are showing
up in the wrong place when I try to paste this to post it, and the
paragraphs get messed up when I post it, so these links are the best
way of getting it, and there are links there to related stuff.

This document shows the Theological Conflict that has been causing the
endless Wars between the religions in the Middle East, and all across
the Earth, so it is important to reveal the truth of what the
Theological Conflict is all about, because it will help bring many out
of the Conflicts without a fight. Even though this is a controversial
subject, if you dig around, there is documentation on everything that
I reveal here, as far back as Moses. If you want documentation on
anything posted here, just ask, and I will get it for you.

The Theological Conflict
Long ago when Mankind had not yet heard the name of the Most High God
named "Yahweh," and they knew him as the "Almighty," and all Manlike
were called "Elohim," meaning Gods, sons of the Highest of all, when
the Most High revealed his name Yahweh unto Moses, there began a great
Theological Conflict all across the Earth, as to who came first,
"Yahweh, or Elohim"? Many Theologians knew that the Earth was older
than a few thousand years, and presented the truth that our Creator
Yahweh came before the Hosts of Heaven that he created, and that we
were to worship just one God, the Highest of all. But they also had
many Theologians that argued that Elohim, the Hosts of Heaven, came
first, and not understanding the scriptures that Moses wrote, they
would argue that the Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth in
Genesis, which means "the beginnings." But Moses used Genesis to
declare "the end, from the beginning," using the end of the former
Heavens and Earth as a shadow of prophecy of the end of this newer
known Heavens and Earth, before a new Heavens and Earth is built,
wherein dwells righteousness. But even with many knowing the truth, it
became accepted by many Theologians in many languages because of the
Latin Romans, to falsely say that the plural Elohim were "one God, the
Creators of the Heavens and the Earth as a Trinity," but this
contradicts the truth that only one God is our Creator.
At the height of this Theological Conflict, Hebrew had already
branched out to form Aramaic, and Aramaic was branching out to form
Arabic. And in these languages where some did not understand the
Theological Conflict between the Hebrews and Greeks against the
Latins, they began fighting the doctrines taught by both, and began
screaming, "No, there is just one God!" But this is exactly what the
Latin Trinitarian Pagans wanted them to say, because they had declared
a Trinity of three Gods to be, "One God," and they began throwing all
the people who were truly named Gods and Goddesses, and Lords and
Ladies, into places like the lions dens of Rome, with the blessings of
those that were developing the theory of "No, there is just one God,"
in Arabic.
Illuminating the Illuminati
The Apostle Peter pointed out what the problem of those was, who were
developing the false Doctrines of "Trinities," and "No, just one God."
Peter said that they were willingly ignorant of the truth of the
Scriptures that meant that, "the Heavens were of old, and the Earth
was of old, and Earth shot up out of the waters, and back into the
waters," causing all that were living then to perish by the waters,
unlike where 8 souls were saved during the days of Noah, and the
Elohim responsible for the flood of Noah, were bound in the deepest
part of Earth. But this first even before Noah, where all life
perished, happened because of the Great Battle in the ongoing War
between the Most High God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and
Lucifer his created Light Bearer, that is called the God of the
Cosmos, (which is wrongly translated as, "the God of this world," in
English Bibles," because it was his job to illuminate the physical
powers, and dominions, and authorities of the entire Cosmos that were
then, to resemble the invisible Spiritual powers and dominions and
authorities of the entire Cosmos that were then, to keep the two in
harmony with the invisible Most High God our Creator. But Lucifer
deceived many of his Spirit Followers to help portray Lucifer as the
Creator, instead of the invisible Most High God, because Lucifer was
created so that he could become either invisible to communicate in the
invisible Spirit realm, or visible to communicate in the visible
realm, and he could impart this power and authority that the Most High
gave him, to his followers. And because he could do that, he convinced
many that he ascended into the Heavens as the Most High God, because
he said that he had greater powers than our Creator, who is invisible
at all times. But that is why the invisible Most High God had created
Lucifer and his followers, as a bridge between his invisible realm,
and visible realm, and in the Great Battle that began between them,
Lucifer misjudged and underestimated the power and foreknowledge of
our Creator, and Lucifer threw a temper tantrum where he destroyed the
entire Cosmos that he had been given power over, and literally
murdered all that were alive within the Cosmos. Moses did not write
the entire Great Battle in Genesis, he wrote just the end results of
the Great Battle in Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. In this section I reveal what
the War is all about that began with that Great Battle.
The War!
The Battle of the Spiritual Kingdoms, is not abstract reasoning of
light versus darkness, love versus hate, good versus evil, justice
versus injustice, honesty versus dishonesty, health versus infirmity,
freedom versus bondage, abundant bounty versus poverty, strength
versus weakness, or life versus death!
It is a Battle where the Just invisible King of the Heavens and Earth
is Light, love, good, Just, honest, merciful, compassionate,
forgiving, and is tolerant demonstrating great patience, and he grants
his loyal subjects that receive from him his guidance, and believe the
truth taught by him, and turn from Darkness unto his Light, and live
by it, forgiveness, freedom and abundant bounty, life and strength,
versus, the invisible Evil King of the Cosmos who is Darkness and
hate, and is unforgiving, and uses injustice and dishonesty
mercilessly, and inconsiderately with intolerance, demonstrates great
impatience, causing infirmity or disabilities, and natural and man
made disasters, all of which evils he blames on the innocent Most
High, blaming him and his chosen people for all the evil that he does
within their names, so that he may bring people to wrongly think that
it is the Most High and his chosen bringing them into bondage, as the
invisible Evil King of the Cosmos forges the names of the Most High
upon his own works, as he takes the place of the Most High, and in the
names of the innocent Most High, robs, and kills, and weakens, and
destroys all that he can deceive with his lies.
Even if you are terrified by the visions from our Creator, so that all
you can do is stand in fear and trembling at his presence, the calm
soft masculine voice of the Just King of the Heavens and Earth, gently
turns your heart to have confidence towards him, and as you learn to
follow his calm soft voice, speaking within your heart, you learn to
trust in him, and to have complete faith within him. But the Evil King
of the Cosmos, uses cruel tactics of intimidation and an arrogant
boisterous voice at times, to instill worry, doubt, and fear, within
all he wishes to deceive and control. And he changes his tone at times
to try to deceive you. But the perfect love from the Just King of the
Heavens and Earth casts out all fear, but those who still live within
fear, have not yet matured to walking within his perfect love, obeying
his calm soft voice within their heart. For when we love him, we obey
his calm soft voice, speaking within our hearts, and this love casts
out all worry, doubt, and fear. Strong meat belongs unto them that
have their natural five senses, backed up by exercising five Spirit
Senses inside their natural senses, that they exercise to discern both
good and evil.
The major tactic that the invisible Evil King of the Cosmos uses to
deceive people, to prevent them from obeying the invisible Just King
of the Heavens and Earth, he takes his place, substituting things or
people or Spirits as him, as he replaces him and his authority, often
with abstract reasoning, as he sets his deception up, as if it is,
“Laws and Commandments and Doctrines, versus, lawlessness and
disobedience,” and he hides the truth by spewing out multitudes of
diverse Lies, Myths, Fables, Gossip, Spells, Strong Drink and or
Drugs, Laws, Rules, Commandments, Doctrines, Customs, Ceremonies, and
The invisible Just King of the Heavens and Earth is not Ceremonial or
Ritualistic, and he does not dwell in anything built by the hands of
man, and he makes no physical thing Holy other than his Holy Messenger
Angels, and his Holy People, that he makes as his Holy Temple, that he
personally speaks within, and to, by the New Covenant, and all who
obey him and follow his voice, are not Ceremonial or Ritualistic, and
they build no place at all for him to dwell in. But all who have been
deceived by the invisible Evil King of the Cosmos, instead of obeying
the New Covenant, they become Ceremonial, and or Ritualistic, and
Legalistic, spouting Commandments and Doctrines of men. And they build
Rosaries, Amulets, Shrines, Statues, Walls, Temples, Churches,
Synagogues, Mosques, and they draw Boundaries on the Ground, and they
falsely call all these "Holy Things," and they bow and pray towards
these Idols, and bring all who will not obey their Commandments and
Doctrines, that are nothing but an expression of the Idols within
their hearts, that are blinding them from seeing the the truth of the
New Covenant, into Bondage and Death, as they prosecute and jail or
kill the Holy People, that know and live by the truth of the New
Covenant, and are the true Holy Temple of the invisible Just King of
the Heavens and Earth.
You can tell those that follow the Evil King of the Cosmos who invents
and speaks a lot of lies and don't keep his own word, from those that
follow the Just King of the Heavens and the Earth that speaks the
truth and keeps his promises, because their followers act just like
their King. The Evil that follow the Evil King cannot speak anything
clearly, and they always go back on their words, because they want to
get money or property from you, and they lie a lot, but those who
follow the Just King speak plainly, and are kind and and fair and
generous even to the poor of all races, and it is easy for those that
are truly called by the Just King to understand the truth when they
hear it. But the Evil cannot understand it, and are convinced falsely
that they are the Just, and they try to trap the Just, so that they
can jail or kill them often using false accusations, or if they cannot
kill them and take it, they sue the Just in courts, trying to get
their money and property.
But like any criminal that invents lies by twisting the meaning of
words and events to hide his crime, and blames it on others, the Evil
King of the Cosmos has invented multitudes of lies, using twisted
meanings of the words and events, to hide the crimes that he did that
are recorded within the scriptures, and that he does in life right
before our eyes. And in all of his bad translations and applications
of his lies, he tries to blame his crimes upon the Holy innocent Most
High Just King of the Heavens and Earth, who is love and loving
towards all of his creation, and who only speaks truth to his
creation, often spoken in reproof, with corrections to turn his chosen
from their own unjust or destructive ways, back to his just and
beneficial way, which is his own instruction within his righteousness
of the New Covenant.

Both being invisible, both these Kings are Spirit, and each has Spirit
Followers called Holy Angels and or Unholy Angels, depending on which
invisible King they choose to follow. The big difference between these
two invisible Kings that are Spirit, is that the Just King of the
Heavens and Earth was not created, he created all of the other
invisible Spirit Followers, and he gave them power and dominions and
authority over the Cosmos that he created.

In the former Heavens and Earth that was destroyed in a Great Battle
between these two invisible Kings, the invisible Evil King of the
Cosmos was originally created by the invisible Just King of the
Heavens and Earth, as a Bridge and Messenger between his invisible
domains, and the visible domains, and this Messenger was named
Lucifer. The name Lucifer means “Light Bearer,” and that was his job
or mission, to Bear and reveal the Light of our invisible Creator,
unto all the visible and invisible domains of the Cosmos, and where
they erred, it was he that was to reconcile them back to the Most
High. But like all of the Spirit Followers, and all of the other
Manlike that lived within the former Heavens and Earth, and all of the
current Manlike living within this new Heavens and Earth, Lucifer was
given free will, where he had a choice, he could obey his Creator, or
he could choose to disobey.
The Great Battle between these two invisible Kings ends in Genesis
1:1, with the destruction of the former Heavens and Earth, and a New
Battle begins in Genesis 1:2. This is because the Great Battle that
extended throughout the entire Cosmos, destroyed the order of the
entire Cosmos, and killed all of the Spirit Followers and all of the
other Manlike that were living therein, and in Genesis 1:2 they are
resurrected from among the dead, by the invisible Just King of the
Heavens and Earth, as he divides his faithful followers against the
disobedient, as Lucifer becomes resurrected as the Devil called the
Spirit of the waters, Leviathan, the Spirit of Darkness, and his
Spirit Followers become resurrected and are called Satan. And a new
temporary Head Light Bearer called the Spirit of Prophecy, brings
forth the Light of our Creator, to divide the Spirit Followers as the
faithful to the Most High against the unfaithful. And this destruction
of the entire Cosmos is recorded in Genesis 1:1, and their
resurrection is recorded in Genesis 1:2, to foretell of the end of
this current Heavens and Earth, that will not be flooded with water
like in Genesis 1:1, but will be consumed with such a fierce fiery
flame, that it consumes even the Elements that it is made of, just
after the two resurrections, the first of the Just, and the second of
the Unjust, just before the destruction of the order of this Cosmos in
the Final Battle. The six days wherein the order of this Cosmos is
reformed from the debris of the former, and are recorded in Genesis,
are prophecy of a new Heavens and Earth yet to come.
How should the Heavens and Earth be defined? What I speak of when I
write Earth, I am referring to the substance that all the Stars,
Planets, Asteroids, and Comets are made of. And when I write the
word,”Heavens,” in the plural, it refers to the different heights
above the Stars, Planets, Asteroids, and Comets. And each height above
each of the Stars, Planets, Asteroids, and Comets, represents a
dominion wherein a Ruling Spirit Follow is empowered, to have power
and dominion and authority over it. There was a similar arraignment in
the former order of the Cosmos, and there will be a similar
arraignment within the new order of the Cosmos yet to come. But now
the outer Darkness of the Deep is from the invisible Evil King of the
Cosmos, where he Rules as the Prince of the Power of the Air, that now
works within the children of disobedience upon the Planet Earth.
I am sent upon Planet Earth, to do and speak the word from the
invisible Just King of the Heavens and Earth, that is Light, that will
divide his faithful followers, from the disobedient that live within
Darkness upon the Planet Earth, that are led by the Evil King of the
children of pride named Leviathan, the new name of Lucifer, for
Lucifer became the Devil, named Leviathan the King of the children of
pride, that shall be cast down from the Heavens to Planet Earth, with
his Evil Spirit Followers, as Gabriel a Chief Messenger of Light, and
his Spirit Followers, deliver understanding to them within need, and
as Michael a Chief Warrior of Light, and his Spirit Followers, Battle
with Leviathan the Prince of the power of the Air that works within
his followers, that are disobedient unto the words spoken by invisible
Just King of the Heavens and Earth, called the Most High who is called
Allah, and is named Yahweh. As invisible Spirit Yahweh works within
his followers, they are called as a group, Godship, and the word
Godship is used for the plural Hebrew word, אלהים, Elohim, and the
Greek Class words, ὁ θεὸς , Ho Theos. And the Most High Spirit called
in Arabic, الله‎, Allah, and named in Hebrew, יהוה, Yahweh, says not
to worship and serve the Godship, but to worship and serve him alone,
and when he speaks within אלהים, Elohim, ὁ θεὸς , Ho Theos, Godship,
he says “we,” and or “us,” in the Plural, which includes him and his
followers, and says that there is no Trinity to worship and serve, the
Most High Spirit called Allah, named Yahweh, says to worship and serve
him alone.
Like any criminal that invents lies by twisting the meaning of words
and events to hide his crime, and blames it on others, the Evil King
of the Cosmos has invented multitudes of lies to hide the crimes that
he did in Genesis 1:1-5, and he tries to blame it upon the innocent
Most High Just King of the Heavens and Earth.
בראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ׃ והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשׁך על־פני
תהום ורוח אלהי מרחפת על־פני המים׃ ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי־אור׃ וירא
אלהים את־האור כי־טוב ויבדל אלהים בין האור ובין החשׁך׃ ויקרא אלהים לאור
יום ולחשׁך קרא לילה ויהי־ערב ויהי־בקר יום אחד׃
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν. ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ἀόρατος
καὶ ἀκατασκεύαστος, καὶ σκότος ἐπάνω τῆς ἀβύσσου, καὶ πνεῦμα θεοῦ
ἐπεφέρετο ἐπάνω τοῦ ὕδατος. καὶ εἶπεν ὁ θεός Γενηθήτω φῶς. καὶ ἐγένετο
φῶς. καὶ εἶδεν ὁ θεὸς τὸ φῶς ὅτι καλόν. καὶ διεχώρισεν ὁ θεὸς ἀνὰ
μέσον τοῦ φωτὸς καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ σκότους. καὶ ἐκάλεσεν ὁ θεὸς τὸ φῶς
ἡμέραν καὶ τὸ σκότος ἐκάλεσεν νύκτα. καὶ ἐγένετο ἑσπέρα καὶ ἐγένετο
πρωί, ἡμέρα μία.

(This is what it says in the original Hebrew and the Greek LXX
Translation of the Day First of this Heavens and Earth, using the
original meanings of the words.)
"Within eldest finished Godship associate the Heavens and associate
the Earth, and the Earth clash invisibleness and untenanted, and
darkness surface of wakes, and Spirit of God upon the brood, surface
thereof waters. And said Godship, birth Light, and birth Light, and
saw Godship associate the Light the related Good, and divided Godship
among between the Light, and among between the Darkness, and called
Godship unto Light, Day, and unto Darkness, called Night, and birth
evening, and birth morning, Day first."
[The invisibleness that all things that were made of earth clash, is
the space above each Star, Planet, Asteroid, and Commit, that blew up
during the battle where Lucifer and his followers tried to overthrow
the Most High, as the Cosmos unformed into kaos, and untenanted,
meaning all life perished in the Great Battle, and they that died are
the brood that was resurrected, as they surface upon the waters,
(which is a shadow of prophecy of the sea giving up the dead,) which
are the Godship within whom the Most High speaks, and some obey and
become of him the Light that Fathered Day, and some do not, and become
of the Darkness that Fathered the Night, as Yahweh whom is Light that
begets Light, reforms the order of the Cosmos. This is why Paul writes
that we which believe the Most High, are the children of the Day, not
children of the Night like them who are blinded from seeing the truth
revealed from the Most High concerning his uniquely begotten son that
became to become the new Light Bearer. And the birth of the new Light
within the first Day, is the shadow of prophecy of Yahweh's uniquely
begotten son, the new Light Bearer, whom would replace Lucifer, the
Light Bearer that fell by committing High Treason against the Most
High called Allah, named Yahweh, as Lucifer deceived and murdered all
that were living, within the former Heavens and Earth. Then Yahweh
resurrected them and reformed the debris of the former Heavens and
Earth into what we have now, that is why there is no evolutionary
link, between the life forms that were alive within the former Heavens
and Earth, and those which are now. So you can see that both the
Creationists and the Evolutionists, are just inventing their own
theories against the Most High, that had the truth written within the
scriptures, along time before they even came into being.]
If you are going to translate a word from Hebrew, Aramaic, and or
Greek, into your own language, like Arabic, Latin, German, and or
English for example, in order to get an accurate translation, you
cannot choose an Arabic, Latin, German, or English word, that does not
have the same meaning as the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek word that you
are translating from.
In Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the words that are titles that they
translate as God, and or Lord, or King, in their singular and dual and
plural forms, have never meant “the Creator alone,” nor have they ever
meant that all that they are named upon are evil.
In the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages, what they say is evil, is
to either not name these titles upon whom our Holy Creator names them
upon, or to name them upon someone our Creator has not spoken to or
anointed. And the only way to know who our Creator names these titles
upon, is you must be personally acquainted with our Creator, in order
to ask him, and it says that if you are not personally acquainted with
our Creator, if you make your own choice, and judge by yourself, your
judgment is a judgment from your flesh, because you did not get it
from our Creator. And when you judge by your flesh the answer that you
come up with, may or may not be our Creator's answer. Our Creator's
Hebrew name is Yahweh, and his name Yahweh is not named upon anyone
but him within the Hebrew scriptures. But the translations that are
made from Hebrew, translate the name Yahweh and several other Hebrew
words as Lord, but Yahweh uses these other Hebrew words as both titles
for himself, and titles that he imparts upon people that he has chosen
and anointed.
Our Creator Yahweh calls each individual that he speaks to personally,
a God and a Lord, but he only calls certain people that he alone
chooses and anoints, a King. Setting up a King or a Ruler to Rule over
our Creator's People, that our Creator himself did not choose and
anoint, is considered to be evil, and rejecting a Ruler or a King that
our Creator has chosen and anointed is considered also to be evil.
People make judgments from their flesh and anoint Kings or Rulers in
Ceremonies, in order to deceive people to think that the one that they
anoint with oil is chosen by our Creator, even though often the person
is not acquainted with our Creator, and our Creator therefore has
rejected them from being a Ruler over his people, because that person
has no way to speak our Creator, and get from him his word and will
and guidance for his people. Yahweh is called the King of Kings, and
lower Kings may be anointed by him as a King of Kings, or even just a
Kings are not just given the title as a King, like David, Solomon, and
Jesus, those called personally by our Creator are anointed by our
Creator with one or more of five Spirit Gift Ministries. One called
the Gift Ministry of an Apostle, another called the Gift Ministry of a
Prophet, another called the Gift Ministry of an Evangelist, another
called the Gift Ministry of a Pastor, another called the Gift Ministry
of Teacher. And though others who are not anointed as Kings may be
anointed with one or more of these five Spirit Gift Ministries,
neither they nor people anointed to be Kings can be educated to the
point that they receive a Spirit Gift Ministry from the education, or
by the laying on of the hands of another person, or by anointing them
with oil. But if they have been anointed with a Spirit Gift Ministry
from our Creator Yahweh, they can be educated as to how to operate
that Spirit Gift, to manifest it's power and benefits to themselves
and to our Creator's people. Like Samuel ran a school of the Prophets,
and that school was only for those that our Creator anointed with the
Spirit Gift Ministry of a Prophet. And any Spirit Gift Ministry given
to anyone by our Creator, can be revealed by revelation to another
that lays hands upon them, the person that they lay hands upon does
not get a Spirit Gift by the laying on of the hands, the Spirit Gift
that was given to a person by our Creator, is revealed by our Creator
to the other person that lays the hands on the one that is already
anointed by our Creator. If that other person that lays hands upon
them has a Spirit Gift in order to receive revelation from our
Creator. And then they may symbolize to the people that this person
that they got revelation on, is indeed anointed by our Creator, by
publicly anointing the person with oil. But in order to receive
revelation from our Creator, you need to be anointed with a Spirit
Gift, like the free Gift of Faith that is the Spirit of Salvation, and
that is our Lord Jesus who gets his answers from our Creator Yahweh to
reveal within you.
Did you know that the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words that are
translated “Messiah or Christ,” all mean “anointed,” and are used of
anyone that receives a Spirit Gift from Spirit Yahweh? To say that
anyone that has received a Spirit Gift from our Creator Yahweh, has
not been anointed, is to be Antichrist, or against that anointing from
Spirit Yahweh. Spirit Yahweh says the he anointed Jesus, and those
that receive him too.
The invisible Just King of the Heavens and Earth is Holy Spirit that
had a physical temporary Temple proposed by King David that was built
in the shape that the Most High proposed, by King Solomon David's son,
as a shadow of prophecy of the true Temple that the promised anointed
to come from the house of David would build. The promised anointed
from the house of David is foundation stone of the true Temple of the
Most High, and those called by the Most High are living stones of the
Holy Temple, and each one called is filled with a portion of the
resurrected promised anointed from the house of David. Once the shadow
of the temporary Temple, which is the true Holy Temple of the Most
High, had been brought to past by the Most High, the temporary was no
longer needed. The uniquely begotten son of the Most High, being the
true Temple wherein the Most High dwells and speaks to, and each
living stone having received the son within, they are members of his
body, and the uniquely begotten son is the head of the body led by the
Most High. Therefore the Prophet seeing the true living Temple afar
off, said, “I will pray towards your Holy temple, and praise your name
for your loving kindness and truth.” But those that receive not the
truth from above, are to this day deceived, and they worship the
physical stones, and persecute the Holy living stones of the Holy
living Temple of the Most High. The deceived to this day, cannot see
that when John spoke unto the deceived standing before him, “Say not
within your hearths that Abraham is our Father, for truly I say unto
you, that the Most High is able to raise up children unto Abraham from
these stones,” and again said that when the deceived said unto John,
to have his disciples that came to them to be silent, he said unto
them, “Truly if those were silent, these stones would cry out,” for
John was speaking of the people standing with him that were to be
baptized within water, that were about to become living stones of the
true Holy Temple upon the death and resurrection of the promised
uniquely begotten son of the Most High, knowing that the uniquely
begotten son of the Most High would baptize them not within water
only, but within himself as the Spirit of Salvation, which is called
being baptized with Spirit and Fire. This is why John said, “Why
should I baptize you? I have the same need as these, to be baptized of
you!” But to fulfill all righteousness, one must believe to be
baptized with the Most High Spirit, whom is the fountain of living
waters, represented by the water baptism, and the baptism with his
uniquely begotten son as the Spirit of Salvation, is represented by
Fire, and they baptized within the Spirit of Salvation bring forth
from within all seven manifestations of Spirit Yahweh brought forth by
the Prophets of old and Jesus manifested, plus the two new
manifestations of the Spirit of Salvation, speaking with other
languages of Angels or of Men that one did not learn nor understands,
and bringing forth by inspiration the interpretation of the languages
of Angels or of Men that one did not learn nor understands, in the
known language of the people present.
Because Jesus is the Spirit of Salvation, he energizes a total of nine
manifestations within you as you believe him and act to receive them
into manifestation. The manifestation of speaking in tongues, the
manifestation of speaking in tongues with the interpretation, the
manifestation of prophecy, the manifestation of word of knowledge, the
manifestation of word of wisdom, the manifestation that identifies or
discerns Spirits, the manifestation of working of miracles, the
manifestation of gifts of healing, and the manifestation of powerful
The Great Battle wherein the Devil and his followers are cast out of
the Heavens, and down to the Earth, to deceive the whole Earth, is yet
to begin, and can begin at any moment now. Those of you that obey the
Most High, turn your backs upon them that disobey the Most High, and
come out from among them, they are about to destroy each other!
(Note; In modern Arabic which came from Aramaic, they say that there
is no other word form for "the God of the heavens and the Earth,"
other than الله this makes it difficult to translate the plural Hebrew
and Greek Class into Arabic accurately. So the Qur’an and Arabic
translation of the Tanach, uses the plural "we" and "us," with the
singular word for God. Which is not quite what the Latin Text did,
they often use the singular "Deus" with a singular "I" or "me," where
it should be a plural "we" or "us," if you are going to use a singular
"Deus" for the plural Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, to get the original
understanding of the authors of the Texts. So you can tell that the
Latin Translators did not understand the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek
Texts. But Islam is correct that the plural "we" or "us" does not
refer to a Trinity, it refers to the Most High God and his followers,
like when any King who speaks using a plural "we" or "us," to
represent the King and his followers, in any language. But there may
be an older Arabic plural form for the plural Hebrew אלהים, Elohim,
since Aramaic came from Hebrew, and then Aramaic broke down to
أَنَا قُلْتُ إِنَّكُمْ آلِهَةٌ وَبَنُو الْعَلِيِّ كُلُّكُمْ.
אני־אמרתי אלהים אתם ובני עליון כלכם׃
ἐγὼ εἶπα Θεοί ἐστε καὶ υἱοὶ ὑψίστου πάντες·
ego dixi dii estis et filii Excelsi omnes
I said, “you are Gods, sons of the Highest of all!"
Here in Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English, it uses the plural
words for “Gods,” because all to whom the Most High called Allah named
Yahweh speaks personally to, he adopts them to himself as sons, and he
gives each of his sons the title of being a God, you don't become
something to be worshiped and served.
(You are given the title of being a God, like even Moses and his
followers were called Elohim, just like Jesus was, and they still use
the words, Godparents, Godfather, Godmother, Godson, Goddaughter, etc,
and none become part God and part man, the Most High God has always
been an invisible Spirit, and always will be invisible. The visible
Jesus was not adopted by Spirit Yahweh, Jesus was uniquely begotten by
Yahweh, when he placed his promised seed within a virgin from the
loins of Judah, that was of the house of David. Jesus is not part God
and part man, and is not part of a Trinity, even though both he and
all of we that believe, were foretold of in the scriptures, neither we
nor Jesus existed until we were begotten, and Jesus is and always will
be a man uniquely begotten by Yahweh as Yahweh's promised anointed
Salvation. And we all received this Glory, within the Father from
before the overthrow of the Cosmos, that is now controlled by
Leviathan, the God the of the Cosmos, the Serpent, the Devil and his
followers Satan, who will become cast from the Heavens, down unto the
Earth, and deceive the whole Earth, for the Battle of Armageddon,
which ends up destroying the entire Cosmos with a fierce fiery flame,
the Final Battle! And since that finally brings Peace to the Middle
East, once and for all, then comes a new Heavens and Earth wherein
dwells righteousness, from Yahweh!)
Yours truly,
The Warlord of Warlords,
Ares the God of War,
In service of Yahweh and Country


Heir by birthright of the house of Israel