The Ugly One


New member
wtf?? That thing is nasty.. unreal.. makes ya wonder what else is out there..

No one knows what it is, but our ancestors used to call it the Ugly One," the Kitchenuhmaykoosib website says. "Rarely seen, but when seen, it's a bad omen. Something bad will happen, according to our ancestors


New member
Just imagine that thing floating along beside you during a nice leisurely swim. WTF is it...a bear, a beaver, an otter, a hybrid? Ugly one indeed!


Active Members
Interesting that there really is little informaion available on this thing other then what the community is providing, makes me wonder if this is a kind of hoax or something?

If not a hoax it is most likely some deformed animal that could not survive it's deformities. The DNA can be checked to see what it is.



New member
It's most likely fake..I just thought it may be fun to look at. Some levity..a break from political posturing ya know...?
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