The US needs to do more to fight pollution and hate around the world



we need to stop global warming now. we need rules where rich can't keep
accumulating a greater percent of wealth at the expense of those who are
Epas rating is not true or helping people adequately protect families! so
help me god.. Moderate particulate pollution harms a great deal
of people. This is simply another way to get people to accept the damages of
a modern society. Is there a God anymore. Do people actually care about
helping people maximize their existence. Or are people paying with their
life for decisions they had no power of. First never smoke, I did and this
is one reason I am more sensitive to damages now . I am convinced though,
the sensitivity I feel has led to me to now know what causes the most
damages from air conditions and pollution. I then went on to examine
whatever studies were made to show damages from pollution and where, and
completely UNSURPRISING I think there is great cause to show that people
living and working in polluted conditions are not only losing their health,
it could be proved its based on how much pollution and or how much clean air
they don't get , IN DIRECT Proportion when all things were compared to
people who got good and bad air and ate the same things and had the same
good habits.
People are much more at risk simply living or working on streets with
crowded traffic or near idling cars like fast food restaurants.
People in the US are self destructing.
Our role models have left us
We take drug enhancement pills , kids come to school with guns, we have more
murders then most of world including terrorist countries. Murder is the
leading cause of death for women in the US in some age groups. Drug use is
starting to increase. Many people are unemployed and not counted. Pollution
numbers and descriptions from epa are not protecting people!
..., rich get more rules
to charge you interest. and keep distancing themselves from people who are
poor. You have to be a millionaire to run for Senate or
Congress almost. Oil prices have sabotaged business. News media
consolidation ignores most everything important. while the world hates by
religion and nothing is done about it,, and arming to the bones more ways to
destroy each other..some of it is political and economics too but instead of
dealing with it we ignore it. . the affects from pollution are
horrific (some of you have
no idea what day after day without good air does to you, ) We are destroying
ourselves and the same people made to breathe it have to pay more to doctors
to treat conditions they were not responsible for getting. You will see
thousands of studies for different conditions that causes illness but few
about pollution damage. The greatest conspiracy I have ever seen in my
lifetimes. .What ,is going
on here? help someone help. stocks are manipulated and allowed to be played
against by insiders, Its not how good a company is its how much of your
money shows up in a stock and insiders and market makers allowed to then
find reasons to bet against you and this is legal! unbelievable.
need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered, being
poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being down. How do I
know? My lungs constrict everyday. I have air filters that turn black in
less then 30 days.. I want an investigation about what is going on here. I
seriously have tried to do the best in my life and now I am thinking there
were things I couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not protected
from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts and so many days
without clean air.
Warmer temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is like
the twilightzone. Temperatures are often ten degrees warmer. We are getting
most depression and respiratory disease with commercials for allergy and
respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big business telling you why
we need it. Please can we get investigators over here please. What is going
on in the us now? what ? what is happening where we get more crime
vandalism, and people not graduating.. and crime after crime! What is
happening , what has happened in the past.? We need comparisons to people
who get clean air. Please someone help..this is totally outrageous our kids
are not being protected and we have so many negatives going on here. Please
we need lawyers now , and
investigators and researchers. Please this is unbelievable
remember I told you so Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in Philly
and someone with clean air in Oregon and California got the best reviews.
Out of thousands of people , Philly people were not very good. The negative
Philly people were showcased ( half were borderline or schizophrenic) . If
and I say this with all seriousness, we were examined compared to rest of
people with clean air our health would show additionally how harmed we have
been from this pollution both physically and mentally. I now am completely
beside myself with harm done and I want comparisons to show productivity and
how much more so then people who got clean air. I seriously think we need a
great lawyer to show how the most days without clean air, affected the
people here. The most incredible poisoning that is allowed to continue for
years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very depressed
city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in asthma and respiratory
disease and its all ignored. God help --\
---------------------------------------------------------------------- We
need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and
stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of gasoline, to
innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm families.Please read on

> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and cancer
> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly in path of coal
> pollution, oil refineries and concentrated exhausts with a city prettty
> much
> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about worsening
> traffic conditions to maybe improve
> things. I see the exact same things happeening here for coming ten years.
> ,
> You can bank on your kids getting more pollution, , more violence, (then
> average) kids not learning, and horrible health ratings and ads to target
> you from illness put upon you for no reason then because politicians let
> it
> happen.
> cares. Saw that guy Chitwood from homicide talk about murder or cab driver
> ( another murder how surprising) the guy who is probably over 50 also
> looks
> way older then his
> years. and its a shame,, seems like a good guy At a certain point if you
> can
> tell me how to do well in retiirement or
> anyother way when we have the least percentage of days with good air then
> most big cities and number 2 in state for asthma and green house
> pollution,,, . You would then not be surprised we are number one for
> asthma
> ,
> respiratory disease, respiratory death and higher then normal in cancers
> heart disease and number one in nation for depression. We do horrible in
> education and we are one of the worse for violence .most of all your not
> told any of this by your newstations
> when you ignore the number one city or two city with asthma and
> respiratory
> deaths and respiratory prescriptions and when you can compare our number
> of
> health commercials with other cities and when your graphs also show the
> number of days we get good air in total to other communities then I might
> believe but I know what they are . For example one graph said Philly had
> 200
> days of good air last year, which was totally outrageous lies. It may have
> reached good but many if not most of those days were in moderate zone or
> worse most of the time. . Thats one way of getting to say whatever you
> want
> without showing the reality of the situation.
> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.


> us life expectency falls to 42nd
> now heart disease worsens because of it.
> pollution and heart disease
> parituclate pollution dangers
> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
> California
> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25 minutes to
> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the board
> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
> particles
> can occur during a commute.
> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
> hardening
> and narrowing of the arteries.
> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over a
> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not like
> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
> years."
> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid yourself;
> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report by
> the
> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
> commutes
> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented diesel
> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses and
> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on alternative
> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
> traveling
> with little truck traffic
> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
> DEATHS caused by pollution
> Dying For a Change -
> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
> incidence of diseases."
> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
> 2007
> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring they
> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in polluted
> air
> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
> environment (if that can be proven). Since
> The
> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the same
> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live and
> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most time
> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and live
> near
> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot lives
> of
> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
> pollution
> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last twenty
> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who get
> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no fault
> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me god.well
> what
> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have done
> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
> pollution
> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
> effects
> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to lessen
> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and tell
> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some things but
> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That wouldn't
> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good health and
> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the world
> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people and
> when
> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people who
> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we get
> for
> allowing this to happen. I am saying people in PHilly and pa are being
> allowed to lose their health for no good reason when so much more can be
> done now. ( also in many other areas close to pollution and on east coast.
>Ps I say to all Israelis get out of Israel now, your going to be destroyed,
>I sense it and feel it and with all the craziness and arming in the world
>its not if , its when. The people in the world are insane and can't seem to
>get along with each other, and ignores many things to justify power.
"mcs" <> wrote in message news:HNljj.8911$Y63.1393@trnddc03...
> we need to stop global warming now. we need rules where rich can't keep
> accumulating a greater percent of wealth at the expense of those who are
> not.
> Epas rating is not true or helping people adequately protect families! so
> help me god.. Moderate particulate pollution harms a great deal
> of people. This is simply another way to get people to accept the damages
> of
> a modern society. Is there a God anymore. Do people actually care about
> helping people maximize their existence. Or are people paying with their
> life for decisions they had no power of. First never smoke, I did and this
> is one reason I am more sensitive to damages now . I am convinced though,
> the sensitivity I feel has led to me to now know what causes the most
> damages from air conditions and pollution. I then went on to examine
> whatever studies were made to show damages from pollution and where, and
> completely UNSURPRISING I think there is great cause to show that people
> living and working in polluted conditions are not only losing their
> health,
> it could be proved its based on how much pollution and or how much clean
> air
> they don't get , IN DIRECT Proportion when all things were compared to
> people who got good and bad air and ate the same things and had the same
> good habits.
> People are much more at risk simply living or working on streets with
> crowded traffic or near idling cars like fast food restaurants.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> People in the US are self destructing.
> Our role models have left us
> We take drug enhancement pills , kids come to school with guns, we have
> more
> murders then most of world including terrorist countries. Murder is the
> leading cause of death for women in the US in some age groups. Drug use is
> starting to increase. Many people are unemployed and not counted.
> Pollution
> numbers and descriptions from epa are not protecting people!
> .., rich get more rules
> to charge you interest. and keep distancing themselves from people who are
> poor. You have to be a millionaire to run for Senate or
> Congress almost. Oil prices have sabotaged business. News media
> consolidation ignores most everything important. while the world hates by
> religion and nothing is done about it,, and arming to the bones more ways
> to
> destroy each other..some of it is political and economics too but instead
> of
> dealing with it we ignore it. . the affects from pollution are
> horrific (some of you have
> no idea what day after day without good air does to you, ) We are
> destroying
> ourselves and the same people made to breathe it have to pay more to
> doctors
> to treat conditions they were not responsible for getting. You will see
> thousands of studies for different conditions that causes illness but few
> about pollution damage. The greatest conspiracy I have ever seen in my
> lifetimes. .What ,is going
> on here? help someone help. stocks are manipulated and allowed to be
> played
> against by insiders, Its not how good a company is its how much of your
> money shows up in a stock and insiders and market makers allowed to then
> find reasons to bet against you and this is legal! unbelievable.
> need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered, being
> poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being down. How do I
> know? My lungs constrict everyday. I have air filters that turn black in
> less then 30 days.. I want an investigation about what is going on here. I
> seriously have tried to do the best in my life and now I am thinking there
> were things I couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not
> protected
> from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts and so many days
> without clean air.
> Warmer temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is like
> the twilightzone. Temperatures are often ten degrees warmer. We are
> getting
> most depression and respiratory disease with commercials for allergy and
> respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big business telling you
> why
> we need it. Please can we get investigators over here please. What is
> going
> on in the us now? what ? what is happening where we get more crime
> vandalism, and people not graduating.. and crime after crime! What is
> happening , what has happened in the past.? We need comparisons to people
> who get clean air. Please someone help..this is totally outrageous our
> kids
> are not being protected and we have so many negatives going on here.
> Please
> we need lawyers now , and
> investigators and researchers. Please this is unbelievable
> remember I told you so Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in Philly
> and someone with clean air in Oregon and California got the best reviews.
> Out of thousands of people , Philly people were not very good. The
> negative
> Philly people were showcased ( half were borderline or schizophrenic) . If
> and I say this with all seriousness, we were examined compared to rest of
> people with clean air our health would show additionally how harmed we
> have
> been from this pollution both physically and mentally. I now am
> completely
> beside myself with harm done and I want comparisons to show productivity
> and
> how much more so then people who got clean air. I seriously think we need
> a
> great lawyer to show how the most days without clean air, affected the
> people here. The most incredible poisoning that is allowed to continue
> for
> years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very depressed
> city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in asthma and respiratory
> disease and its all ignored. God help --\
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We
> need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and
> stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of gasoline, to
> innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm families.Please read on
>> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and cancer
>> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly in path of coal
>> pollution, oil refineries and concentrated exhausts with a city prettty
>> much
>> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about worsening
>> traffic conditions to maybe improve
>> things. I see the exact same things happeening here for coming ten years.
>> ,
>> You can bank on your kids getting more pollution, , more violence, (then
>> average) kids not learning, and horrible health ratings and ads to
>> target
>> you from illness put upon you for no reason then because politicians let
>> it
>> happen.
>> cares. Saw that guy Chitwood from homicide talk about murder or cab
>> driver
>> ( another murder how surprising) the guy who is probably over 50 also
>> looks
>> way older then his
>> years. and its a shame,, seems like a good guy At a certain point if you
>> can
>> tell me how to do well in retiirement or
>> anyother way when we have the least percentage of days with good air then
>> most big cities and number 2 in state for asthma and green house
>> pollution,,, . You would then not be surprised we are number one for
>> asthma
>> ,
>> respiratory disease, respiratory death and higher then normal in cancers
>> heart disease and number one in nation for depression. We do horrible in
>> education and we are one of the worse for violence .most of all your not
>> told any of this by your newstations
>> when you ignore the number one city or two city with asthma and
>> respiratory
>> deaths and respiratory prescriptions and when you can compare our number
>> of
>> health commercials with other cities and when your graphs also show the
>> number of days we get good air in total to other communities then I might
>> believe but I know what they are . For example one graph said Philly had
>> 200
>> days of good air last year, which was totally outrageous lies. It may
>> have
>> reached good but many if not most of those days were in moderate zone or
>> worse most of the time. . Thats one way of getting to say whatever you
>> want
>> without showing the reality of the situation.
>> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.


>> us life expectency falls to 42nd
>> now heart disease worsens because of it.
>> pollution and heart disease
>> parituclate pollution dangers
>> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
>> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
>> California
>> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25 minutes
>> to
>> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the board
>> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
>> particles
>> can occur during a commute.
>> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
>> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
>> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
>> hardening
>> and narrowing of the arteries.
>> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over a
>> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not
>> like
>> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
>> years."
>> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid yourself;
>> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report by
>> the
>> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
>> commutes
>> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented diesel
>> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses
>> and
>> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
>> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
>> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on
>> alternative
>> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
>> traveling
>> with little truck traffic
>> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
>> DEATHS caused by pollution
>> Dying For a Change -
>> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
>> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
>> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
>> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
>> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
>> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
>> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
>> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
>> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
>> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
>> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
>> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
>> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
>> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
>> incidence of diseases."
>> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
>> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
>> 2007
>> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring they
>> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in polluted
>> air
>> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
>> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
>> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
>> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
>> environment (if that can be proven). Since
>> The
>> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the same
>> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live and
>> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most time
>> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and live
>> near
>> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot lives
>> of
>> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
>> pollution
>> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last
>> twenty
>> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who get
>> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no
>> fault
>> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
>> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
>> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me god.well
>> what
>> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
>> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have done
>> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
>> pollution
>> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
>> effects
>> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to lessen
>> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and
>> tell
>> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some things
>> but
>> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That
>> wouldn't
>> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good health
>> and
>> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the
>> world
>> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people and
>> when
>> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people who
>> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we get
>> for
>> allowing this to happen. I am saying people in PHilly and pa are being
>> allowed to lose their health for no good reason when so much more can be
>> done now. ( also in many other areas close to pollution and on east
>> coast.
>>Ps I say to all Israelis get out of Israel now, your going to be
>>destroyed, I sense it and feel it and with all the craziness and arming in
>>the world its not if , its when. The people in the world are insane and
>>can't seem to get along with each other, and ignores many things to
>>justify power.


warned Bush and Rush that we were drawn into Iraq on false
Inteligance, by
the Communists from within, to destroy our economy so that they could
overthrow us from within. Look how the left voted for the War I was against,
and both the right and the left set me up with false alligations and lies!

The so called "Skeptic of AGW are right," AGW is a scam.

Many Veterans and Citizens committed suicide because our
Politicians betrayed us with deliberately bad medical maltreatment. I know
now why they attacked me, I am an eyewitness to the Government brainwashing
us with lies, to make us think that they doing justice, when they are not. I
need help making the Military Documents of when I was in the US Army Public,
to blow their scam!

I wrote this so that you might be able to understand the results
of your associating
Yourself with the wrong crowd, and if you vote for any of them
candidates, the only change we will get is, they will finish killing many of
us with a miserable death!

Look at how paranoid these people are, having barricaded
themselves in, and
Armed themselves against the Public, and they falsely accuse the
And set them up, and lock them up and force mind control drugs
on them, or
They jail the innocent, or they kill them, while the guilty get

America, that is only a small reason why you should all be
careful, these
People are armed and dangerous!

16 January 2008

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm;

To whom it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm!



The Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security update!

America, you should all be careful, these people are armed and

To Protect the People of these United States, I have sound
evidence, and
Just cause, to place Senator Hillary Clinton, Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, Vice
President Dick Cheney, President George Bush, the owners of CNN
and Time
Warner Cable, their Producers and Anchors, the FBI and the CIA,
Citizens Arrest for obstructing Justice, and for Treason against
the People
Of these United States. I need a Federal Judge to issue
Warrants, and a
Federal Marshal to Deputize Deputies for serving them.

We lost our Rights because of your Government and Criminals whom
rule and
Reduced us under absolute Despotism!

The Liberals take turns with the Conservatives letting the
guilty go free,
And the Conservatives take turns with the Liberals, convicting
the innocent,
With no moderates in between these two degrees, doing anything
to stop it,
Which object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute

As evidence of Systematic Obstruction of Justice, and Systematic
Against Humanity, I present to a candid world, the Government
levels which
Were corrupted by the Tax and Spend Democrats, and by the Borrow
Economic Collapse Republicans, and by Criminals, being current
the Federal,
State, and Local Governments of these United States.

Having been injured in my second tour of Duty in the US Army, in
1980- 1982,
While running in a PT Formation on Ft Drum New York, as a race
riot broke
Out, and I was hit in the head with a Rock that squashed my eyes
and caused
A Stroke and PSTD, and five US Army Doctors declared that I
would be
Permanently blind, but I got most of my sight back, but because
Fluctuates in and out depending on the air pressure outside, and
Headaches, and multiple complex seizure disorder also caused by
the head
Trauma, and every year as I get older it gets worse, I cannot
safely drive.
If I buy a car and have someone else drive it for me, when they
steal it,
The Police say that I can do nothing about it, because I gave
them the keys.
When I buy a bike, I end up with unpaid hospital bills, where I
The road, and or my Bike gets stolen and sold as scrap metal.
They even made
It illegal for the blind, and or disabled, to hitchhike to a
store, or to a
Laundry mat, or to a job! They have even regulated Society so
that the poor
Cannot use their innovation, and make useful things to survive,
from Scrap
Yards, or Dumps, or Dumpsters!

I have no where to live, except slums filled with criminals, and
no local
Government that herds the criminals into the slums, to keep them
out of
Richer zones, will let you arm to defend yourself against the
Because they don't want you to run the criminals out of the
slums, back into
The rich zones.

At the same time I was outed as a CID informant, and was being
hunted by
Foreign Agents and Domestic Criminals, as I was kidnapped by
Outside Ft. Riley Kansas, whom were Armed with stolen US
Weapons. Though I
Know who outed me, who they had hunting me I still do not know,
and I am not
Allowed to arm to defend myself, because I was set up by
Criminals, who were
using the Government Systems against me.

Our loss of all rights, who is at fault?

Our rights began to become eroded the most on Federal, State,
and Local
Levels of Government, because of the repeated Wars on Drugs,
and Pornography, and for getting People so called Medical help.
designed the Laws to make it easier to catch Drug Traffickers,
Drug Addicts,
Pimps, and Prostitutes, Pornographers, and force them to go to
against their will, but the Laws set up for that, are now too
often used to
classify innocent people as Suspects, so that they can violate
fundamental Rights, and force them to get Medical Treatment that
causes them
harm and financial ruin because one way another, you are forced
to pay for
expensive Medical Procedures that did you no good. The first of
fundamental Right violated is the right of Liberty, and then the
right to
choose which Doctor or Medical Treatment Plan to refuse, in
preference of
one that works for you. They force harmful Mind Control Drug
Treatment upon
you, even if you are innocent, and have not committed any crime,
nor intend
on committing any crime. Their so called Professionals falsely
claim that
they know who will commit a crime, ahead of time, before they
commit it, and
they say that their forced treatment, is to prevent a crime from
But the majority of people who commit suicide or murder suicide
took their
Drugs, and the unnatural chemical imbalance caused by the Drugs,
is the
primary reason that they committed suicide! And all it takes to
get this
forced harmful Drug Treatment, at Tax Payer and Insurance
Company Expense,
is an accusation from a Fundamentalist, or Political Rival, or a
like CNN, and your life is systematically destroyed by the
System that they
set up over us, for your so call health and benefit. The only
ones it
benefits are the Politicians and the Corporations that set the
system up!

Welcome to Fascist Nazi Germany and to the Communist Soviet
Union combined,
called America! Some of the non-religious are as dangerous as

One cannot regulate Morality, and force it upon others without a
The Criminals use the same Laws set up against them, to set up
people. Like in Prohibition the only way to prevent innocent
people from
getting caught in the crossfire, and keep the Drug and
Prostitution out of
the hands of Warlords and Human Traffickers, is to legalize both
Drugs and
Prostitution, and move it into an area where our children will
not see it
everyday like they do now! These Christian Fundamentalist are as
as Islamic Fundamentalists. They form their own standard for
judging and
condemning people, that has nothing to do with God or morality!
Women are
the most highly thought of by God, but are despised by
These Fundamentalists take allegory from scriptures and throw
away the true
meaning, and twist it to try to support their unjustifiable
attitudes and
actions towards women.

There are good men, and bad men, good women, and bad women, and
Fundamentalists tend to put all women in the category of bad

If you want, I will translate the forty virtues from Hebrew
Proverbs, that
portray the qualities of a Virtuous Women. She is portrayed as
faithful to
her Husband, she is a resourceful Capitalist, that is a
humanitarian, and a
guide to both the Harem and all her husband's children. But most
of these
Fundamentalists would stone her for wanting to be a member of an
Harem! And
many of these Fundamentalists would abuse women in a Harem,
because they are
bad people! The same is true with non-religious people, you have
some kind
and tolerant, and some cruel and intolerant.

The cruel and intolerant are called Bigots and Tyrants, whether
religious or non-religious.

They think that I want to form a GREEN business, because I
want to build
Windmills for pumping Water, and Making Electricity, and saving
but those with a GREEN agenda are out to destroy the very
things that we
need to survive, our Tillable Farmland and our Economy by
causing Inflation
paying for useless GREEN TECHNOLOGY. What I am trying to do, is
cut the
Cost of Living that keeps going up because of Biofuels and Urban
taking away more of our Tillable Farmland, and Bank Interest and
Taxes that
are causing Inflation to rise out of control! My sister even
bought Cows
from another State, because they did not have enough grain to
feed them,
because the fields are being used to make Biofuels instead of
Food for Man
and Beast!

For local and town planning, the requirement for a qualified
makes it impossible to be resourceful, build your own home and
or business,
by the law. The people are to be encouraged to owner build, to
the current
availability of materials onsite, including and taking into
account the
viability to remain self sustainable.

They think that in order to survive, we must go to a Bank and
borrow money
and pay Interests to buy a home or a business. They think that
in order to
survive, we must go to a Bank and borrow money for everything,
and pay
Interests while causing Inflation to rise so high that we cannot
land, a business, a home, food, clothing, a car, or proper
healthcare that
actually works!

Fools, it is these Banks and Politicians and Corporations that
they own,
calling all the shots! It is an invisible 666 inside their
forehead or hand,
so that only those that they approve of, can buy and sell, while
the rest
starve to death, as they deceive the whole world, and command
fire to fall
from heaven in the sight of all men. They finance and or supply
both sides
in every conflict, so that they can make money off both sides,
and they
deliberately stir them up one against another, to get rid of
whoever they
don't want to live in their New World Order.

And what is worse, they destroyed the Family structures passed
to us since
the days of Abraham, that we use to lived by, but they destroyed
so that
they can take our Children, so that they can be so called
Educated by them,
and or force their so called Education on them in our Schools,
to try to
make them just like them.
One Just reason for back to the beginning!

Beginning in Lee's Summit Missouri, as the President was
preparing to come
to Lee's Summit for his reelection campaign speech, my computer
was being
hacked by Terrorists whom tried to set me up to look like a
suicide bomber,
and I misjudged the situation when I thought CNN, Time Warner
Cable, and the
FBI were helping me to stop the Terrorists from hacking my
computer, and
were helping to find Osama Bin Laden. Dr. Smith of the Kansas
City VA
started falsely accusing me of Intending To Do a Crime, and
claimed that he
needed to give me drugs that had already nearly killed me. And
when the
President came, he said, "Just in case something happens to the
we will give you an alibi!" And he had the staff and armed VA
Police lock me
on a Ward where I was repeatedly given drugs that destroyed my
ability to
think, and nearly killed me. I got out and got different Doctors
that said
they would not give me the medications because they only cause
Illnesses. But I kept looking for Bin Laden, and when I saw a
saying to come to New York and meet your favorite News Anchor,
and they
showed Paula Zahn, and Nancy Grace, I thought maybe they would
help me do a
propaganda video, to flush out Bin Laden, so that my men in the
region could
grab him, but it was a setup by CNN, Time Warner Cable, and the

An internet post said;

"Hillary Clinton - Ready for change"

With a response;

"You mean like the change Hillary brought to New York? Can
anyone list those
huge changes?"

Trailer Trash!

As a US Veteran, I am disabled, and I live in Trailer lot 19,
furnished from
Trailer Trash, and most of the clothes that I wear came from
Trailer Trash

It is true one man's Trash is another man's treasure, but when
the Trailer
Trash becomes filled with useful things, that someone did not
want to throw
away, but it was thrown away for them, because of pink eviction
slips posted
by the Sheriff, at first sight you know that you are going to
feel sick,
knowing that your neighbors cannot afford a place to live and
keep their

I even found an entire set of uniforms, for the school baseball
team, that
became Trailer Trash.

The end of February, because bills are too high for me to pay, I
will be
moving in with a friend in the same boat, if we share bills, we
might be
able to keep our things from becoming Trailer Trash! CNN and the
NYPD and
New York Hospital and New York Courts, forcing treatment upon me
that I did
not need, made it so I ended up here!

After being accused of everything but telling the truth, and
railroaded through their hospitals and courts, I know we would
be better off
without not only the New York Government Officials from Local,
State, and
Federal Positions, but from most Local, State, and Federal
Position across
the Country!

The torch of Liberty!

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become
symbols that
are hated for the destructiveness of Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of
Happiness, that Fascism and Communism causes.

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become
symbols that
are hated for the Bigotry and Tyranny of Political, Religious,
Officials, or Corporate Rulers.

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the
torch of
Liberty, and bring down the Profiteering of Bigots and Tyrants!

1Timothy 6:10

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some
after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with
many sorrows."

It is what distracted us from our Just Causes of providing Truth
Justice, to bring Freedom for all!

The Global Banks and Global Medias deliberately promoted the
Housing Market
to Gobble up our Tillable Farmland, and Global Warming offering
applicable or affordable alternative to Oil and Coal, and
promoted the
Biofuels to gobble up more our Tillable Farmland, and take
control of our
Water, Oil, and Electricity, so that America could be brought to
her knees.

That is why not Bush, but the Banks and the Industrial Military
are turning our Food into fuel, it is the only way that they can
keep using
our Forces to set up a Global Rule for them. US Armed Forces
alone use more
Oil than the 37th Largest Nation, and these Global Banks and
Industrial Military Complexes are Financing and Supplying both
sides in
every Conflict in the World, so that they can make Money off
both sides, and
they are using the Global Medias to distract the Whole World
from seeing
what is going on, to hide what is going on, so that they can
destroy whoever
they don't want in the New World Order!

Before I was eight, I could cut steel, form it, and weld well
enough to help
my Father Build a Tractor. Before I was 10 I had plowed, disked,
and harvested enough food to sell in the markets to feed
thousands. Now that
equipment and fuel is unaffordable, and with no land to plow
because it is
unaffordable, thousands starve to death every day, looking for

To the Fascist Communist Nation of America!

Mr. President,

You are not fit to be Commander in Chief, because when a
messenger is sent
to say that your surge in Iraq, and with France and you selling
weapons to India, these two things are destabilizing your ally
in Pakistan,
where the Foreign Fighters from Iraq are regrouping, and placing
his Nukes
closer to the hands of our Enemy, but instead of admitting that
precious Surge that is wasting our money and destroying our
Economy, and
your Profiteering in India, are causing the problem, you shoot

Why did this Government send in Bhutto to help destabilize the
Government of
your Ally and place his Nukes at risk of falling into the hands
of our

Yes Bush, and yes Hillary, and yes to both Democratic and
Followers, I see the change that you have brought about in this
Nation, and
to the World, no truth, no honesty, no integrity, no Justice,
replaced with
nothing but debate, propaganda, deceit, and Profiteering! You
have changed
the 1st amendment already, to read, "Ignore any Petition for a
Redress of
Grievances, because the dogs will get rid of my opposition for
me!" You have
made it impossible to even get a case into Court, let alone get
any Redress!

That is the way you handled all my honest and just Petitions for
a Redress
of Grievances!

Why did you ignore my repeated Petitions? Because your Campaign
Money, and
our Taxes, and your Sponsors, support you, the Government, and
Corporations against whom I have just complaints.

The first of which is Treason against the People of these United
States, by
blocking any real efforts to get Osama Bin Laden!

With no history of doing violent acts, it is your standard to
harmless people as "dangerous," and slander them with false
allegations in
their medical records, and liable them with others reading your
diagnosis, and liable them in public, as being a dangerous
person that must
be treated or they will do something wrong, and you use the
medias to
brainwash the Public to help you do your dirty works, so that
your Medical
and Media Corporations, can make money off the Sponsors, Tax
Payers, and
Insurance Companies. You lie in our Courts, to deceive them into
that you are the Professional that knows ahead of time, whom
will commit
crimes, and sway the Courts to give you the power to destroy a
Liberty, as you maltreat them, trying to brainwash them into
thinking that
there is something wrong with them that will cause them to
commit crimes,
using false allegations over and over!

With your Behavioral Control Drugs, you are nothing but Fascist
Communists that destroy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness, of the
harmless people that you falsely accuse of being dangerous!

You have made every Citizen a Suspect, and force upon us all
searches no matter where we go! You have even made it illegal
for the blind
and or disabled to hitchhike to a store, or a laundry mat, or a
job! You
have regulated Society so that the poor cannot use their
innovation, and
make useful things to survive, from Scrap Yards, or Dumps, or

I know exactly what you Fascist and Communists are, you are
antagonists that
keep denying reality, and you brainwash and raise people's
against your targets using propaganda, and you falsely accuse
especially the poor, of being immoral and dangerous, and you
slander and set
up innocent harmless people over and over with your Medias,
until they snap,
and then you take away their Liberty, and Drug them with Mind
Control Drugs,
and or Jail or Kill them, and say that they were dangerous, and
yourself and each other in Public, as some kind of hero for
doing your evil.

All this maltreatment is done with the Tax Payers Money, our
Money, and Money forced out of us when we are sent to Doctors
that we are
not allowed to refuse, whom provide nothing but drug treatments
that cause a
manmade chemical imbalance that eventually causes people to
commit suicide
or murder suicide, and they do it for profit, causing nothing
but millions
of Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths!

You are Bigots, Tyrants, Robbers, and Murderers!

You falsely accuse people of being immoral and dangerous, so
that you can
violate their rights and search them repeatedly, or take away
their Liberty,
and Drug them with Mind Control Drugs that eventually cause them
to commit
suicide or murder suicide, or you scream that they are
dangerous, and use
trumped up charges to jail or kill harmless people.

You say, "Oh, I am afraid, you will do something wrong, so I
can't let you
go, I have to give you Medication to help you!" "Oh, I am
afraid, you will
do something wrong, so I must search you again and again, as I
haul you off
to jail, don't worry, 'Cuffs' are standard operating procedure
for alleged
criminals, or suspects!" "Oh, don't worry about the hardened
criminals that
we lock you in with, we have a medical staff ready to help you
24/7, with
expensive and dangerous behavioral medications, that will help
you get along
with them!" "We also have 'Protective Custody' for the innocent,
we can lock
you in a cell next to hardened criminals, and tell the nice
guards to let
you out to pace the floor one hour a day!"

That is what these Bigots and Tyrants think Liberty means!

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the
torch of
Liberty, and bring you Profiteering Bigots and Tyrants down!

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my
God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand
face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign
Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the
information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give
the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm, the Civil
Liberties Militia! We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans,
that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad, secretly
doing our
Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no membership
registry or dues,
we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay, for our
Duty that we
daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
our Families, and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our
God, and our Country, to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and

In service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering