the Useless information thread


New member
so just write down all the useless trivia information that you know about anything and everything.


(my useless information)

JAy Adams is one of the z-boys from dogtown who has had numerous run ins with the law leading to his arrest in 1999 under drug charges, released in 2005 on parole, he continues to skate and surf in hawii and is roumered to be back in Dogtown california. He has been sited as possiably the spart that ignited the skateboarding as a sport, credited as "the original seed" from fellow skater Stacy peralta



New member
1. Dogs are unable to look up

2. Murder is redum spelt backwoards

3. As from today Pluto is no longer considerd a plante but a dwarf

4. The Magic Roundabout was shroom inspired

5. If u loose someone in a supermarket and u both move in theory u may never find each other

6. Talking to me is better then ***



New member
i agree with that last one but... lol.... not going there matt dearest.

Tony hawk is the only skater known to wear a pink shirt with matching helmit.



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On April 6, 2006, Danny Way set the world record for a bomb drop (a general skateboarding term for jumping off anything) in Las Vegas, Nevada He jumped off the 82 foot, 3 inch Fender Stratocaster guitar at Hard Rock Cafe into a quarter pipe.


New member
In the 2006 X Games, Danny won his third consecutive gold medal in the big air contest. He got a score of 95.0 by performing a backflip rocket air over the 62 foot wide gap, and then a 19 foot high christ air on the quarterpipe section.


New member
actually, during the time carroll was alive doctors did prescribe pot for headaches but alice was written about a professor friend of carrolls' daughter named alice, whom he loved. he wrote the stroy for her & told it to her on a boat trip they had. it's about the duality of life. but i can see why this is a common misstake. trust me, i know.


New member

Maybe they banned it when someone read it on an acid trip, I could imagine that would **** someone up proper............ o well, ur teacher is dumb..... slap him :D



New member
Tony Alva was the first world skateboarding champion in 1979 owing to the fact that his Bertslide gave him a top edge to his compeditors when it was invented almost three years ago due to the mimicing of the surfer style that Alva had grown up on. but the name wasnt given to the move untill summer of 1989


New member
well many people thought it was about drugs, b/c of the caterpiller, but i've done so many research papers on it, i've read every book i can get my hands on, i even have alice tattoos. it's confusing indeed, just like A Clockwork Orange, but its by no means ABOUT drugs. plus, the drugs that were around back then were legal & prescribed. carroll was a brilliant preacher & mathmatician back then. he wrote the story for a little girl whom he loved (desputed that he LOVED her, if ya know what i mean). he did go mad around this time, but its all about duality, love, math & logic


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Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, & Texas Chainsaw Massacre were based on 1 guy. by FBI standards Ed Gein's not a serial killer b/c he only killed 2 women (he robbed others from their graves). He was executed in 1957. His house in Wisconsin has since burned down but for a while you could visit his car that he carried the bodies in. & yes i did go. i know too many bios on serial killers, it's ridiculous...


Active Members
A pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane,


ps - if you read that whole thing...I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone would, honestly.



New member
Clogz u go OTT on everything lol

Did you konw taht the hmuan biran dosent raed the wohle wrod and udnersatnds it as lnog as the frist 2 lteters are in the crorect odrer,

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