A pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane, and a pilot actually did find a SNAKE on his PLANE once in June, someone had tried to sneak it on board and it got loose, kidn of like how some people smuggle fruit from other countries in carry-ons, but the fruit of our labor is green and called dough, which ironically enough can be cooked into bread, which is the base of the food pyramid, although many Egyptians would beg to differ, although they do agree that Iran is a threat to peace in the Middle East, much like my appetite is a threat to this yummy piece of pizza in front of me, that good old Papa John went to so much trouble to make, just like he went to all that trouble of cooking those King Kong pizzas for Peter Jackson, who just ended up throwing them away, which was actually good because he put another paycheck in a garbage man's pocket and fed the homeless, who at the time were actually Lord Of The Rings' freaks who had spent all there money on life-size action figures of the very sexy Legolas, much like how many people go to great lengths and expenses to get ahold of expensive snakes, and by doing this may have to sneak them back home on an airplane,
ps - if you read that whole thing...I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone would, honestly.