the what pissis me off thred

Not to say it pisses me off, as I am a man of self control. It is simply irritating to see spelling errors, grammar mistakes, context and vocabulary errors.
tAlKiN' LiK 'Dis iS FuKkEd uP!
People who think they are cool
People who act dumb and stupid on purpose
Athiest (No offense if anybody here is one)
Bad odor
screaming /arguing
stupid things

the list can go on... im not a very tolerant person :p
People with low self esteem(?)... well not really, just the ones that make themselves think and act like they are better than everyone when they are not. I'm not saying I am either ^^

and this is actually directed to my cousin who pisses me off almost more than any person >_<

also *looks at avatar* people who type that leet **** o_O; that annoys me only when they are not playing and do it to look cool

wasn't a thread like this awhile ago?
I dont know about that... But you made me remember, yeah I dislike too much arragonce and pride, Im like that a bit, i guess it runs in the family (you guys should know, look at my brother), but all the same, i dont like arragonce, and I dont like the way I act when i am arragont.
SpikeMinoda14 said:
People who won't accept other people for who they are!
Apparently i'm going to hell because i wear black..or at least that
is what my aunt says to me!

dear god o_O;;

yeah.. and I'm going to hell for listening to hard rock >_< lmao
when people rag on me for not fighting unless i have to. for having a **** load of chick friends, but no girlfriend.

when people steal my ****. ie. graphics, i've even had someone steal a song i wrote for my bass.

oh, and when people say something to my face, and then turn around and say the exact opposite behind my back -.-
Shouldn't this be in the Dark Room?

Anyway people that piss me off are...

Drug Attics
SpikeMinoda14 said:
Oh yeah and the kind of music i listen too is gonna get a one way ticket to hell too,Oh but i have nothing to worry about she said
she is going to "try to save me" Arrr i can't wait till she moves out!!!!1
"We're on a Highway to Hell!" C'mon, sing with me!

Anyway, people who walk slow, people who stop on stairways for no apparent reason and my speakers not working! Damn them! Grrrr.
****ing older mothe****ers who think theyre cool and wont let us sit in the back of the bus, believe me you dont know how much that ****ing pisses me off, theyll see when im a freshman.. theyll sit with the sophmores but ill be sitting in the back with my brother and the juniors and seniors.
VERY bad Hygien(sp)
People that think they're better than others
My bike
Lightbulbs (natural sunlight is the best!)
Wierless internet connection
Guys who don't show affection in puplic (<--biggest one!)
Ppl that ignore me when I'm trying to make a point
Teachers that don't listen
Missin G.A.A.B.N. Day
Aaron ditching me in the middle of a convo
Oct. 19, 2005
Mom's music
Bad grammer/spelling
Mannnnny more (some of which I probably can't spell, lol)

^-I'm very picky and obviouly get mad easily._^
i would just list them all, but it would be easier to just say this...
um.. posers
people who call me emo, when im a frikin non conformist
stupid people
chat speak
people who want to start me
wanna be gansters
attention seeking whores
hot, sticky weather
smart asses
fake people
richard, jake
my friends and there stupid stupid jokes about me (dont say that you'll make her cry, WTF??)
people practally having sex in public like ****ing hell get a ROOM
flys, maggots

hm.. all i can think of at the moment.. most of the time i dont say anything cuz it will just cause conflict