The Who


New member
Anyone like them? They're kind of an oldish band. Actually the only songs I've heard are the ones off of the CSI intros... haha. I enjoy the songs and I'm thinking of getting one of their CDs.




New member
i don't know man I never heard of them lol not nonce heard their song's nor their original song's off the CD


New member
They rock. They're kind of the only band I like of the old classic ones. I'm not really into Queen, Pink Floyd or ACDC, but The Who, that's another matter

Who are you? Is a great song, and lol not just cause it's on CSI LV...

Seen them once live, on Live 8, they were brilliant.

Brilliant band


burning monk

New member
They're one of my faves. Keith Moon is the best drummer EVER!! I have a 5 minute solo of his where he manages to sound like a whole marching band!!
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