[The (X) Files]


New member
So... er... Anyone watch The X Files? It's just my favorite show and wanted to know if anyone liked it or even really knows about it, or if they hate it and want to explain why! I received all 9 seasons last Christmas and have been slowly watching. Currently on the 6th.

I hear they're coming out with another movie also.

So discuss with comments such as "Wha?", "Yes I love that show!", "Ugghh I can't stand that show!", and so on.

I <3 Scully. :D



New member
my grandmother and i use to watch the x-files regliously, its justnever shown anymore. well not in england i dont think so i've brought quite a few.hmm, a movie? o_O


Active Members
I watched it back in the days...but it was always kinda creepy....and this theme song is just absolutely scarry...but the movie was alright


New member
uuu...i love it...i used to watch it when i was little....like when i was 5 to 10 years old...because after that it wasn't on tv anymore... :/ ..but i liked it because it was scary :) ..and i just love aliens and that stuff :D oh yeah.....and i also read a few books :D


New member
So... er... Anyone watch The X Files? It's just my favorite show and wanted to know if anyone liked it or even really knows about it, or if they hate it and want to explain why! I received all 9 seasons last Christmas and have been slowly watching. Currently on the 6th.
I hear they're coming out with another movie also.

So discuss with comments such as "Wha?", "Yes I love that show!", "Ugghh I can't stand that show!", and so on.

I <3 Scully. :D
me me me <3 it 2 :D !!!!

Back in those days I used to be a huge fan of X-Files!!!I had never missed a single episode!!

Yeah I heard also that there would prolly be a 2nd movie next year and my mum told me that if the movie gets to be a huge success they will prolly come back and make a new season!! :D


<3 Mulder <3 Nicholas Lea <3 <3

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