The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that wouldbe 100% Jewish.



Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places

The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.

In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.

The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
in the twelve cities they occupied.

Previous Articles

Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity In English/index.htm

'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated

Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack

A mosque was demolished in Negev

A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews

Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine

Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US

French novelist sued by Islamic organizations

Plan to destroy mosques in Florida

Muslim monuments & the Jewish state

American evangelist smears Islam

Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot

Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities

FBI targets Muslims in America

Image of Islam around the World

Beware of fake "Quran" websites

The Fallout of Prejudice

Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil

Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam

Pigskin Burials

King Fuad Mosque

Resolution No. 36/15

Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...

Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens

Islamphobic Campaign

Jerusalem and Palestinians

Threats against Islam

Anti Muslim Hate

FBI Report

Hate Crimes

The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media

Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers

Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts

Resolution 271 (1969)

Israeli Desecration and Destruction..

Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories

Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque

Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque

Drive for a third Jewish Temple

The Ibrahimi Mosque

Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969

Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967

Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa

Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa

Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa

Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock

The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981

Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque

Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa
On Dec 3, 1:25 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Introduction
> Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places
> The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
> be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
> Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
> the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
> Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.
> In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
> creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
> and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
> Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
> They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
> Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
> 480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
> as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
> completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.
> The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
> in the twelve cities they occupied.
> Previous Articles
> Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity
> 'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated
> Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack
> A mosque was demolished in Negev
> A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews
> Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine
> Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US
> French novelist sued by Islamic organizations
> Plan to destroy mosques in Florida
> Muslim monuments & the Jewish state
> American evangelist smears Islam
> Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot
> Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities
> FBI targets Muslims in America
> Image of Islam around the World
> Beware of fake "Quran" websites
> The Fallout of Prejudice
> Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil
> Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam
> Pigskin Burials
> King Fuad Mosque
> Resolution No. 36/15
> Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...
> Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens
> Islamphobic Campaign
> Jerusalem and Palestinians
> Threats against Islam
> Anti Muslim Hate
> FBI Report
> Hate Crimes
> The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media
> Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers
> Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts
> Resolution 271 (1969)
> Israeli Desecration and Destruction..
> Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories
> Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque
> Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque
> Drive for a third Jewish Temple
> The Ibrahimi Mosque
> Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969
> Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967
> Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa
> Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa
> Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa
> Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock
> The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981
> Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque
> Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
> Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa

Would you rather the pig fukkin muslims have control??
On Dec 3, 2:22�am, bunghole <> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 1:25 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> > Introduction
> > Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places

> > The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
> > be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
> > Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
> > the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
> > Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.

> > In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
> > creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
> > and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
> > Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
> > They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
> > Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
> > 480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
> > as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
> > completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.

> > The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
> > in the twelve cities they occupied.

> > Previous Articles

> > Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity

> > 'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated

> > Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack

> > A mosque was demolished in Negev

> > A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews

> > Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine

> > Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US

> > French novelist sued by Islamic organizations

> > Plan to destroy mosques in Florida

> > Muslim monuments & the Jewish state

> > American evangelist smears Islam

> > Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot

> > Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities

> > FBI targets Muslims in America

> > Image of Islam around the World

> > Beware of fake "Quran" websites

> > The Fallout of Prejudice

> > Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil

> > Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam

> > Pigskin Burials

> > King Fuad Mosque

> > Resolution No. 36/15

> > Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...

> > Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens

> > Islamphobic Campaign

> > Jerusalem and Palestinians

> > Threats against Islam

> > Anti Muslim Hate

> > FBI Report

> > Hate Crimes

> > The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media

> > Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers

> > Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts

> > Resolution 271 (1969)

> > Israeli Desecration and Destruction..

> > Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories

> > Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque

> > Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque

> > Drive for a third Jewish Temple

> > The Ibrahimi Mosque

> > Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969

> > Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967

> > Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa

> > Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa

> > Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa

> > Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock

> > The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981

> > Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque

> > Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
> > Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa

> >

> Would you rather the pig fukkin muslims have control??- Hide quoted text -

Shalom bunghole
A leben ahf dir!

Q Would you rather the pig fukkin muslims have control??-
On Dec 3, 1:25�am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Introduction
> Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places
> The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
> be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
> Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
> the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
> Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.
> In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
> creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
> and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
> Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
> They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
> Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
> 480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
> as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
> completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.
> The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
> in the twelve cities they occupied.
> Previous Articles
> Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity
> 'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated
> Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack
> A mosque was demolished in Negev
> A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews
> Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine
> Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US
> French novelist sued by Islamic organizations
> Plan to destroy mosques in Florida
> Muslim monuments & the Jewish state
> American evangelist smears Islam
> Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot
> Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities
> FBI targets Muslims in America
> Image of Islam around the World
> Beware of fake "Quran" websites
> The Fallout of Prejudice
> Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil
> Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam
> Pigskin Burials
> King Fuad Mosque
> Resolution No. 36/15
> Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...
> Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens
> Islamphobic Campaign
> Jerusalem and Palestinians
> Threats against Islam
> Anti Muslim Hate
> FBI Report
> Hate Crimes
> The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media
> Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers
> Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts
> Resolution 271 (1969)
> Israeli Desecration and Destruction..
> Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories
> Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque
> Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque
> Drive for a third Jewish Temple
> The Ibrahimi Mosque
> Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969
> Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967
> Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa
> Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa
> Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa
> Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock
> The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981
> Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque
> Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
> Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa


It is true that they would like to take over all of Palestine.
it involves more than that. The Jews have been thrown out of
around the world for hundreds of years and are not welcome in most
where they would prefer to settle. At one time, they were even
to land here in America.

Hitler thought of sending them all to the island of Madagascar but
plan fell through.

Who's idea was it originally?
Like almost all Nazi ideas, someone else came up with the idea first.
As early as 1885, Paul de Lagarde suggested deporting Eastern
Jews to Madagascar. In 1926 and 1927, Poland and Japan each
investigated the possibility of using Madagascar for solving their
over-population problems.

See:The Madagascar Plan
The Nazi plan to move Europe's Jews to the African island of

After WW II, when someone came up with the bullshit idea of the
Promised Land belonging to the Jews, it was Palestine or bust for the
Wandering Jews. The story goes that all Jews are to return to Israel
before the end times but, can anyone imagine the Jews in Ameica
this pot of gold ? No sir, at least not until they can find a better
pot to migrate to.

They have done well here and now control the government, and
the foreign policy, the media, the banking systems and more. (And in
fairness, they have made great contributions to the American way of
life) But, why return to a land without natural resources and a
future? Besides, there is not room for all of them in Palestine.
tried putting the rightful tenants on reservations but that didn't
work. Then they tried building a wall to keep the poor Palestinians
out. No good there either.

Some Christians have suggested bringing them to Texas, where there is
"land lots of land with starry skies above", but some redneck Texans
object to that.

So, in the interim, Palestine will do as long as the American
will pay the political blackmail and protect the Palestinian invaders
from the Arabs and the Muslims. And by the way, get them control of
some free Arab oil for themselves since they can't operate their
economy on orange juice.

SEE: Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War?

George Bush will make sure they get their way as long as he is in
office and can arrange to elect another Jewish protector. But there
a problem. Presently, there are as many Muslims and Arabs in American
as Jews and they now have some political clout for politicians to
with. Especially, in the large northern states like Michigan

The next few years will determine the outcome of the Jew both here in
America and in Palestine. Just reading these posts, it is becoming
obvious that many Americans are catching on to the amount of control
over our government the local Jews have and things will not change
until something is done to end the killing in the Middle East and the
Palestinians get a fair shake from the American Empire.

We Are All Jews Now

Protecting Israel is presenting a great problem for Bush and
thus the American people. American cannot make war with Iran and Iraq
at the same time and we are losing our corrupt friends in Saudi
Egypt, Jordan, and elsewhere in Muslim country. If Americans want to
continue driving SUVs, they better see to it that our Jewish puppet
government at least tries to make detente with the Arabs/Muslims

A klog iz mir! - Woe is me! Azoy vert dos kichel tzekrochen! - That's
how the cookie crumbles
On Dec 3, 2:46 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2:22�am, bunghole <> wrote:
> > On Dec 3, 1:25 am, Raymond <> wrote:

> > > Introduction
> > > Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places

> > > The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
> > > be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
> > > Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
> > > the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
> > > Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.

> > > In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
> > > creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
> > > and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
> > > Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
> > > They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
> > > Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
> > > 480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
> > > as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
> > > completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.

> > > The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
> > > in the twelve cities they occupied.

> > > Previous Articles

> > > Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity

> > > 'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated

> > > Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack

> > > A mosque was demolished in Negev

> > > A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews

> > > Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine

> > > Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US

> > > French novelist sued by Islamic organizations

> > > Plan to destroy mosques in Florida

> > > Muslim monuments & the Jewish state

> > > American evangelist smears Islam

> > > Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot

> > > Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities

> > > FBI targets Muslims in America

> > > Image of Islam around the World

> > > Beware of fake "Quran" websites

> > > The Fallout of Prejudice

> > > Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil

> > > Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam

> > > Pigskin Burials

> > > King Fuad Mosque

> > > Resolution No. 36/15

> > > Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...

> > > Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens

> > > Islamphobic Campaign

> > > Jerusalem and Palestinians

> > > Threats against Islam

> > > Anti Muslim Hate

> > > FBI Report

> > > Hate Crimes

> > > The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media

> > > Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers

> > > Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts

> > > Resolution 271 (1969)

> > > Israeli Desecration and Destruction..

> > > Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories

> > > Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque

> > > Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque

> > > Drive for a third Jewish Temple

> > > The Ibrahimi Mosque

> > > Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969

> > > Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967

> > > Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa

> > > Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa

> > > Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa

> > > Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock

> > > The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981

> > > Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque

> > > Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
> > > Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa

> > >

> > Would you rather the pig fukkin muslims have control??- Hide quoted text -

>  Shalom bunghole
>  A leben ahf dir!
>  Q  Would you rather the pig fukkin muslims have control??-
>  YES......  IN PALESTINE- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Well....... I guess i would too. Let those pig-fukkers blow each other

Sorry. I did not think before the last post. You are correct.All we
have to do is let the pig-fukkers kill each other off and the world
will be a better place.
On Dec 3, 12:17 am, bunghole <> wrote:
> Sorry. I did not think before the last post. You are correct.All we
> have to do is let the pig-fukkers kill each other off and the world
> will be a better place.

Why do you think they would kill each other off and why would that
make the world a better place?

Please try to answer without using insults in place of logic or reason.
On Dec 3, 3:15 am, Raymond <> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 1:25�am, Raymond <> wrote:
> > Introduction
> > Destruction, desecration and destruction of Muslim Holy places

> > The Zionists planned to create a Jewish State in Palestine that would
> > be 100% Jewish. Christianity and Islam were to be stamped out and
> > Christians and Muslims were to be excluded. The Zionist plan calls for
> > the expulsion of all non-Jews from Palestine and the destruction of
> > Muslim and Christian Holy Places and sanctuaries.

> > In 1948 the Zionists succeeded in realizing their first objective by
> > creating a Jewish State in 80% of the territory of Palestine. By force
> > and massacres they expelled from the area they occupied over 800,000
> > Palestinians, of whom 700,000 were Muslims and 100,000 Christians.
> > They completely destroyed over 492 Arab villages in order to erase
> > Arab character of the land. Also, they completely destroyed and erased
> > 480 Muslim Mosques and converted 14 Muslim Mosques to secular control
> > as factories, clubs or for other nonreligious purposes. They
> > completely destroyed 410 Muslim cemeteries.

> > The Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf property)
> > in the twelve cities they occupied.

> > Previous Articles

> > Shalom: See Crimes against Humanity

> > 'Islamaphobic' general to be investigated

> > Al Aqsa Mosque Under Permanent Israeli Attack

> > A mosque was demolished in Negev

> > A Possible Religious War Between Muslims and Jews

> > Israel's unholy war against Islam in Palestine

> > Anti-Muslim hysteria in the US

> > French novelist sued by Islamic organizations

> > Plan to destroy mosques in Florida

> > Muslim monuments & the Jewish state

> > American evangelist smears Islam

> > Christian Fundamentalist&Jewish Orthodox cults plot

> > Muslim American Peace Activists Exiled by Israeli Authorities

> > FBI targets Muslims in America

> > Image of Islam around the World

> > Beware of fake "Quran" websites

> > The Fallout of Prejudice

> > Ibrahim Mosque in Khalil

> > Terrorism War Continuing to Target Islam

> > Pigskin Burials

> > King Fuad Mosque

> > Resolution No. 36/15

> > Strip Searching of Muslim American Women...

> > Some cases in 2001 against Muslim citizens

> > Islamphobic Campaign

> > Jerusalem and Palestinians

> > Threats against Islam

> > Anti Muslim Hate

> > FBI Report

> > Hate Crimes

> > The UN Speaks Against Anti-Islam in the Media

> > Israeli Army Shoots Muslim Worshippers

> > Chronology of the most Important Occupation Attempts

> > Resolution 271 (1969)

> > Israeli Desecration and Destruction..

> > Offences Against Inhabitants of Occupied Territories

> > Desecration and Usurpation of the Ibrahim Mosque

> > Gunman Attacks Memphis Mosque

> > Drive for a third Jewish Temple

> > The Ibrahimi Mosque

> > Attempt to Burn Al-Aqsa in 1969

> > Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf Property in 1967

> > Israeli Desecration of and Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa

> > Excavations Under and Around Al Aqsa

> > Israeli Excavations Threaten Al Aqsa

> > Israeli Attempts to Destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock

> > The attack on Al Aqsa Mosque in 1981

> > Beisan Municipality Expropriates Mosque

> > Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelists and Zionist
> > Terrorists to Destroy Al Aqsa

> >

> It is true that they would like to take over all of Palestine.
> However,
> it involves more than that. The Jews have been thrown out of
> countries
> around the world for hundreds of years and are not welcome in most
> where they would prefer to settle. At one time, they were even
> refused
> to land here in America.
> Hitler thought of sending them all to the island of Madagascar but
> the
> plan fell through.
> Who's idea was it originally?
> Like almost all Nazi ideas, someone else came up with the idea first.
> As early as 1885, Paul de Lagarde suggested deporting Eastern
> European
> Jews to Madagascar. In 1926 and 1927, Poland and Japan each
> investigated the possibility of using Madagascar for solving their
> over-population problems.
> See:The Madagascar Plan
> The Nazi plan to move Europe's Jews to the African island of
> Madagascar.
> After WW II, when someone came up with the bullshit idea of  the
> Promised Land belonging to the Jews, it was Palestine or bust for the
> Wandering Jews. The story goes that all Jews are to return to Israel
> before the end times but, can anyone imagine the Jews in Ameica
> leaving
> this pot of gold ?  No sir, at least not until they can find a better
> pot to migrate to.
> They have done well here and now control the government, and
> especially
> the foreign policy, the media, the banking systems and more. (And in
> fairness, they have made great contributions to the American way of
> life)  But, why return to a land without natural resources and a
> future? Besides, there is not room for all of  them in Palestine.
> They
> tried putting the rightful tenants on reservations but that didn't
> work. Then they tried building a wall to keep the poor Palestinians
> out. No good  there either.
> Some Christians have suggested bringing them to Texas, where there is
> "land lots of land with starry skies above", but some redneck Texans
> object to that.
> So, in the interim, Palestine will do as long as the American
> taxpayer
> will pay the political blackmail and protect the Palestinian invaders
> from the Arabs and the Muslims. And by the way, get them control of
> some free Arab oil for themselves since they can't operate their
> economy on orange juice.
> SEE: Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War?
> George Bush will make sure they get their way as long as he is in
> office and can arrange to elect another Jewish protector. But there
> is
> a problem. Presently, there are as many Muslims and Arabs in American
> as Jews and they now have some political clout for politicians to
> deal
> with. Especially, in the large northern states like Michigan
> The next few years will determine the outcome of the Jew both here in
> America and in Palestine. Just reading these posts, it is becoming
> obvious that many Americans are catching on to the amount of control
> over our government the local Jews have and things will  not change
> until something is done to end the killing in the Middle East and the
> Palestinians get a fair shake from the American Empire.
> We Are All Jews Now
> Protecting Israel is presenting a great problem for Bush and
> Company.-
> thus the American people. American cannot make war with Iran and Iraq
> at the same time and we are losing our corrupt friends in Saudi
> Arabia,
> Egypt, Jordan, and elsewhere in Muslim country. If Americans want to
> continue driving SUVs, they better see to it that our Jewish puppet
> government at least tries to make detente with the Arabs/Muslims
> A klog iz mir! - Woe is me!  Azoy vert dos kichel tzekrochen! - That's
> how the cookie crumbles- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Will the United States turn against Israel?

Written by Koenig News
Friday, 08 September 2006

At my table you will eat your fill of horses and riders, mighty men
and soldiers of every kind,' declares the Sovereign LORD. "I will
display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the
punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them. From that day
forward the house of Israel will know that I am the LORD their God. -
Ezekiel 39:20-22

An alarming trend continues to develop: blaming Israel for past and
present problems in the peace process with only a slight mention of
terrorism and the fact that the PA is going to be led by terrorists.
British Foreign Minister Jack Straw, Henry Seigman of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR), and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter are a
few of the men who have recently been outspoken about Israel's land,
Jerusalem and the peace process.
Straw has said East Jerusalem must become the capital of "Palestine"
and has condemned Israeli settlement growth there. (This is also the
official position of the EU.) Straw recently said that after dealing
with Iran's nuclear situation, Israel's nuclear arms will need to be
dealt with, also - with the goal of making the Middle East nuclear

Carter told a CFR audience on March 9 that for more than a quarter
century, Israeli policy has been in conflict with that of the U.S. and
the international community. He said Israel's occupation of Palestine
stands in the way of a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land
- regardless of whether the Palestinians have no formalized
government, one headed by the late Yassir Arafat or Mahmoud Abbas, or
one with Abbas as president and Hamas controlling the parliament and

Then on March 16, John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt released a
81-page report, written for the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University. The report argues that the pro-Israel lobby in the
U.S. managed to convince American lawmakers, officials and the U.S.
public to support Israel, even though this support runs counter to
America's own national interests.

The academic paper, whose authors are well-known scholars in the
fields of political science and government, sets out to dispute almost
every argument of the pro-Israel activists in the U.S.

Here are the main points from "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign

The overall thrust of U.S. policy in the region is due almost entirely
to U.S. domestic politics, and especially to the activities of the
"Israel Lobby."

No lobby has managed to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what
the American national interest would be otherwise.

Supporting Israel is not in America's best interest and, furthermore,
it complicates the United States' international stand and its ability
to fight terror.

Israel is, in fact, a liability in the war on terror and the broader
effort to deal with rogue states. The U.S. has a terrorism problem in
good part because it is so closely allied with Israel, not the other
way around.

The U.S. would not be worried about Iran, Iraq and Syria, were it not
for its close ties with Israel.

Israel is not a worthy ally for the U.S., it is not a true democracy
and it uses torture methods that are against American values.

The main claim of the authors is that the powerful pro-Israel lobby in
the U.S. is the reason for a biased U.S. foreign policy that favors

They state that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC)
activity in Congress and in the executive branch allegedly
"manipulates the media" and "polices academia" in order to make sure
the U.S. maintains a pro-Israel approach.

AIPAC also uses the claim of anti-Semitism, or "the great silencer" as
they refer to it, to shut off any criticism of Israel.

The paper claims that pro-Israeli officials in the Bush administration
- namely Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, were behind
the push for war in Iraq; and that the pro-Israel lobby was a driving
force in encouraging the administration to go to war against Saddam

Recently, Israeli leaders have decided on unilateral actions without
involving either the U.S. or the Palestinians, with withdrawal from
Gaza as the first step.

As presently circumscribed and isolated, without access to the air,
sea or the West Bank, Gaza is a nonviable economic and political

Especially troublesome is Israel's construction of huge concrete
dividing walls in populated areas and high fences in rural areas -
located entirely on Palestinian territory and often with deep
intrusions to encompass more land and settlements. (Note: It keeps
terrorists from killing Israelis, and that alone is sufficient

Due to very intense reaction, Harvard's Kennedy School decided to
remove its logo from this paper, and the new version contains a more
specific disclaimer warning readers that the views conveyed in the
paper are of the authors alone. The original version had only a minor
disclaimer stating that "The views expressed in the KSG do not
necessarily reflect those of the John F. Kennedy School of Government
or Harvard University."

Link to study:

Colonization of Palestine precludes peace (Jimmy Carter)

The ever-present Jimmy Carter continues his diatribe about what he
sees as the "bad guy" of the Middle East - Israel. His March 9, 2006,
address to the CFR entitled "Colonization of Palestine Precludes
Peace" is another misguided "part of the story" commentary by the
former president.

Carter claimed that for more than a quarter century: Israeli policy
has been in conflict with that of the U.S. and the international

The unwavering U.S. position since Dwight Eisenhower's administration
has been that Israel's borders coincide with those established in
1949; but since 1967, the universally adopted U.N. Resolution 242 has
mandated Israel's withdrawal from the "occupied territories."

This policy was reconfirmed even by Israel in 1978 and 1993, and
emphasized by all American presidents, including George W. Bush.

As part of the Quartet, including Russia, the U.N. and the European
Union, the U.S. endorsed the "road map" for peace. But Israel has
officially rejected its basic premises with patently unacceptable
caveats and prerequisites.

The preeminent obstacle to peace is Israel's colonization of
Palestine. There were just a few hundred settlers in the West Bank and
Gaza when Carter became president, but the Likud government expanded
settlement activity after he left office. President Ronald Reagan
condemned this policy, and reaffirmed that Resolution 242 remained
"the foundation stone of America's Middle East peace effort."
President George H.W. Bush even threatened to reduce American aid to

Link to the entire Carter speech:
snausages <> wrote in alt.politics.bush:

> On Dec 3, 12:17 am, bunghole <> wrote:
>> Sorry. I did not think before the last post. You are correct.All we
>> have to do is let the pig-fukkers kill each other off and the world
>> will be a better place.

> Why do you think they would kill each other off and why would that
> make the world a better place?
> Please try to answer without using insults in place of logic or reason.

You're new to the Usenet, aren't you?