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Yup......No Further Proof Needed that Liberalism is a MENTAL DISEASE
and that Leftist Pukes are SICK BASTARDS............

"Leftist hate: Gore fans abuse, threaten Gore foes

Scripps Howard News Service
2007-04-05 00:00:00

NEW YORK -- The Tennessee Center for Policy Research recently
generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al
Gore's Nashville estate "devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours" of
electricity in 2006, "more than 20 times the national average."

This free-market think tank's phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville
Electric Service's public records and identified an inconvenient gap
between Gore's conservationism and his energy consumption. The
research center's one-page press release was greeted with enough
megawatts of hatred to power the South.

"I was accused several times of being a 'stupid, redneck bitch,'"
recalls Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. "I repeatedly was
called a 'whore' and asked 'Whose whore are you?' for three days
straight, almost as if those were talking points ... I was shocked by
these sexist insults _ basically attacking my gender."

The calls continued beyond Williams' Nashville office.

"I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number," Williams

"I got about 10 death threats by phone. I got the 'I'm gonna get you'-
type threats more than 100 times ... I worried I would get shot
walking to my car."

Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. "If they could
find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current

Gore's defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent the research
center nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very
bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-
vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind
much of today's "progressive" rhetoric.

_ Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia _ an intense disdain for the
South and Southerners.

"Why don't you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows
instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an
ounce of intelligence?" Roger Miller insisted. "Get your snaggle tooth
grins capped and learn to read and write."

"W.T.F. difference would it make if he was (sic) using 1000 times more
energy than the average household if it came from clean energy?"
Thomas Grinnell wondered. "Don't think about that too much. It will
give your southern mullet a headache."

"You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best," D. Hunter
advised. "Sodomizing and impregnating little children!"

Christopher LaBarge declared: "I hope you all die slowly and have your
hearts and brains trampled to pieces you small-minded, ignorant,
backwoods ideologues."

"We should have flattened the South when we had the chance!" wrote
Mount Laurel, New Jersey's Robert Dodelin. "If ever you confederates
(sic) want to leave the Union please do. We Nothen (sic) states would
love to stop having to subsidize you with our tax dollars."

This anti-Southernism mystifies TCPR President Drew Johnson.

"Some people must believe the Mason-Dixon Line runs between our office
and Gore's mansion," Johnson says. "No one would call Gore a redneck,
but when we uncovered his hypocritical energy use, it somehow made me
a sister-dating hillbilly. That's quite amusing, since Gore and I live
in Nashville, less than five miles apart."

_ Some e-mails, like Benjamin Greuel's, reflected anti-religious bias:
"Go f_k yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-
science dumb f_-k *****s."

Similarly, Anthony Black wrote: "You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I
am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying
His creation with pollution; and, rather than addressing that, you
cast dispersions (sic) on Al Gore's home energy use.

_"How about you have a do (sic) humanity a favor and have a stroke,"
Russ Smith recommended. "You silly metrosexual twit, need some more hi-
lites in your hair?"

Another gay-hater wrote: "You guys are the faggiest fags I've ever
come across. How do you get any work done, what with all the c_k
sucking and such?"

_Two e-mails feature chillingly violent imagery.

"You people are such slime," TJ Williams noted. "You are a total waste
of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff."

Bob Beaver urged: "Find a hole and stick a knife in it."

Such anti-intellectual intimidation reflects the high-octane hate that
fuels so much Leftist discourse. Rather than simply argue that
Johnson, Williams, and their colleagues are ecologically misguided or
misinformed, these bullies call them barefoot, same-sex-loving,
Winchester-wielding whores and evangel-yokels. Remember this whenever
liberals crow about diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness."
<> wrote in message
> Yup......No Further Proof Needed that Liberalism is a MENTAL DISEASE
> and that Leftist Pukes are SICK BASTARDS............
> NEW YORK -- The Tennessee Center for Policy Research

Yep....and your own government....HEADED by Bush said this group is a
nobody....just like you.....heehee.....