There are white victims!


New member
I'm getting sick and ******* tired of these stupid ******s trying to throw the race card at President Bush. I keep listening to the news and T.V. about how the NAACP and other black organizations are trying to say that Bush is a racist because he did'nt take care of the Katrina victims fast enough. These ******* are looking for any ecuse to use the race card. What the **** is up with that? There's white folks in the South too people!

smutt butt

New member
I'm getting sick and ******* tired of these stupid ******s trying to throw the race card at President Bush. I keep listening to the news and T.V. about how the NAACP and other black organizations are trying to say that Bush is a racist because he did'nt take care of the Katrina victims fast enough. These ******* are looking for any ecuse to use the race card. What the **** is up with that? There's white folks in the South too people!
well you know how it is. the anti-bush ***** will do anything to try to get at him.

lets just forget about all the school and city buses that are under water that the BLACK mayor didn't use. lets just forget about the LA. national guard that the gov. is in charge of.



New member
Jesse Jackson keeps trying to convince people that the Bush administration is racist. Well did yall know we have a black secretery of state? Even the mayor of New Orleans has been complaining about the same thing. The city dosent belong to George Bush. It belongs to you dumb ***.


New member
I totally agree NASCAR and I dunno why these stupid idiots do it. WE DON'T HAVE NO TIME FOR ******* REASON WE GOT PEOPLE DYING OUT THERE!!! Who gives a **** what color these people are? There are homeless people out there without home, missing and starving and all these stupid jackasses can do is ***** about the color of someone's skin? Shut the **** up about the stupid racist **** already we are tired of your incessant whining and crying about how racist someone is! Man I can't stant these folks...I definitely agree with ya NASCAR and everyone else here. There people seriously make me want to puke.


New member
I totally agree NASCAR and I dunno why these stupid idiots do it. WE DON'T HAVE NO TIME FOR ******* REASON WE GOT PEOPLE DYING OUT THERE!!! Who gives a **** what color these people are? There are homeless people out there without home, missing and starving and all these stupid jackasses can do is ***** about the color of someone's skin? Shut the **** up about the stupid racist **** already we are tired of your incessant whining and crying about how racist someone is! Man I can't stant these folks...I definitely agree with ya NASCAR and everyone else here. There people seriously make me want to puke.
True that Outlaw!



New member
amen brother, well maybe bush just hates people from Louisiana....he has to hate some just kidding, but you know that is the next statement.


New member
Every time things don't go their way, blacks blame it on RACE. And I've had about enough of it. Oh, I didn't get into this college? It's cuz I'm black! I didn't get the job? They be discriminatin!

Let it go. It's ******s like that that make African Americans look bad (believe me there is a BIG difference between the two!)



New member
You people gotta understand that people get emotional when they see more people dying.But for ****'s sake it looked like the people were left there for a whole week so that they may perish and whether you like to admit it or not it the town is swarming with black people and you can't blame other black people for getting highly emotional.I do feel for all the victims,whatever colour they may be.So what was the reason for this negligence?was it cos these people were poor?I watched the news yesterday and we saw troops being sent it to protect the rich areas against some non existant enemy.Why couldn't they make better use of these forces to protect the people getting killed and women getting raped?Your president may not show he is rascist but he is highly incompetent.I don't even know why you defend the buffoon.

Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
I watched the news yesterday and we saw troops being sent it to protect the rich areas against some non existant enemy
Here again the anti-racism fed media will air stories relevant to their own leftist agenda.


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
First, this is not a racial thing. I'm sorry if all the reporters are seeing are black faces but if they would take their cameras to places like Slidell, Mandeville, Metairie and CHALMETTE! they would see a several thousand white faces being affected by this. Most of the tip of the boot that is Louisiana south and east of Baton Rouge is under water. Those people are stuck too waiting for help, dying, but all the news people can focus on was the Superdome.

Another misconception. The violence going on there is not the reaction of desparate people. Its typical New Orleans on any given Tuesday!!! Its a dangerous, dirty, drug infested place where the city police and city government is corrupt and useless. Volunteers are getting shot at and their cars vandalized. Helicopters are being shot at. Just another day in the city.

Another misconception. These poor people couldn't get out because they don't have cars. If the cameras show the city once the waters recede, you'll notice all the flooded out cars littering the streets. They couldn't all have been broken down before the storm hit . Yes, there are always people who do not have transportation. Part of making the call for a MANDATORY evacuation is that the city has to provide for transportation and/or shelter in the city. People stayed for the same reasons they always stay. They think the storm will turn and go in another direction. They think they can "ride it out." Or, they're just too ******* lazy to pack up and leave.

Another misconception. The federal government was slow to respond. The president issued a state of emergency BEFORE the storm ever hit, unprecedented. This means that the full access of the federal government, be it military or civil, were at our govenor's disposal. The levee broke early Monday afternoon. She did not call evacuation until Tuesday morning. You cannot call up National Guard units in 20 minutes. It takes time. The

governor and mayor are in high CYA mode at the moment.

The situation is bad there. Crime is becoming a problem in Gonzales and Baton Rouge where the evacuees are being housed. I know a man who lives between the two cities and there is pistol on his desk shelf as this is being written (and yes, he knows how to use it). Hellicopters flying overhead all day, gas is running out, stores shelves becoming empty. Its like a war zone. His kids are both in Texas and are staying there until the crime situation gets in control and I fear it will get worse before it gets better.

You people gotta understand that people get emotional when they see more people dying.But for ****'s sake it looked like the people were left there for a whole week so that they may perish and whether you like to admit it or not it the town is swarming with black people and you can't blame other black people for getting highly emotional.I do feel for all the victims,whatever colour they may be.So what was the reason for this negligence?was it cos these people were poor?I watched the news yesterday and we saw troops being sent it to protect the rich areas against some non existant enemy.Why couldn't they make better use of these forces to protect the people getting killed and women getting raped?Your president may not show he is rascist but he is highly incompetent.I don't even know why you defend the buffoon.
Out of all the rescue workers I noticed 0 (yes ZERO) black people lifting a **** finger, but I heard a HELUVALOT of black people screaming rascism... if I had seen even ONE black person trying to help I'd actually give a ****. But to date, it is the same old "We are mad at you because we are incompetent." bullshit! and I'm sick of it!


New member
Here again the anti-racism fed media will air stories relevant to their own leftist agenda.
Yes,here again we see an american condemning any news that might say something against the ''perfect'' american government.

The news I watched was from one of the best news programs in britain.



New member
Yes,here again we see an american condemning any news that might say something against the ''perfect'' american government.
No we don't think its "perfect". But we think it can really kick *** when it wants to.



New member
i think the ******* reporters should get off there ***** and help out, they have media birds and boats, so why don't they drop the camera and ******* help? and this will sound racist (but really they make it hard to not be) ever notice how a white person in this situation usually either left when the government told them that **** was going to break loose, or are making the best of it? and if they do loot while waiting for the military to put together a plan that will work and organize brief and deploy troops (yes thats what took so long [mfg 4 days] not because we don't care, but because we want what we do to matter) anyway, if the white boy does loot, its for food and supplies, maybe a dewalt waterproof radio? and when the black man goes into the same situation, he screams racism, shoots an rescue choppers because there going to get half dead people before him, and he loots color TV's

so yea, were not taking time to put together a plan, and get the right amount of supplies, were just a horrible government, and were not pointing out that the white guy is grilling steak for people on a looted grill, while the black guy is shooting, raping, killing, and looting useless electronics, were just racist. really ******* smart.



New member

so yea, were not taking time to put together a plan, and get the right amount of supplies, were just a horrible government, and were not pointing out that the white guy is grilling steak for people on a looted grill, while the black guy is shooting, raping, killing, and looting useless electronics, were just racist. really ******* smart.

Well thank you for further helping my point.That's why people feel there is some rascism going on.Yeah,maybe we saw black people looting but we didn't see any footage of shooting and the raping,but automatically people said the blacks were doing these two crimes.All we saw on the news was that people heard women getting raped.Now how the **** do you know that white men didn't partake in this?

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