i think the ******* reporters should get off there ***** and help out, they have media birds and boats, so why don't they drop the camera and ******* help? and this will sound racist (but really they make it hard to not be) ever notice how a white person in this situation usually either left when the government told them that **** was going to break loose, or are making the best of it? and if they do loot while waiting for the military to put together a plan that will work and organize brief and deploy troops (yes thats what took so long [mfg 4 days] not because we don't care, but because we want what we do to matter) anyway, if the white boy does loot, its for food and supplies, maybe a dewalt waterproof radio? and when the black man goes into the same situation, he screams racism, shoots an rescue choppers because there going to get half dead people before him, and he loots color TV's
so yea, were not taking time to put together a plan, and get the right amount of supplies, were just a horrible government, and were not pointing out that the white guy is grilling steak for people on a looted grill, while the black guy is shooting, raping, killing, and looting useless electronics, were just racist. really ******* smart.