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#19- Blue Orange Green Green Yellow (The bottom of the pic says the order- BOGGY)Ok, I got the others but what in the **** are the answers to question numbers:
19. Put the colors in what order?
20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 31, 37, 39. I got the answers correct through trial and error but what is the logic behind them?
40. Where do you move the mouse?
41. What is the question?
Then I lost interest.
Ya, thanks. I figured it all out but never corrected myself here since it appeared I was the only one playing and I hate talking to myself. I have all the answers up to 62 now if anyone needs them.#19- Blue Orange Green Green Yellow (The bottom of the pic says the order- BOGGY)
20, 22, 23, 25, 29, -I have no idea
31- mouse over the dog and he barks 3 times
39- He was a cylinder that was dancing, thus Clyindrical Adventures? I dunno really.
No wonder you're in the idiot box, idiot!possibly the biggest waste of time ever, with an influx of bad english and grammatical errors...
Dem do have humor in your parts a da woods don't dey?possibly the biggest waste of time ever, with an influx of bad english and grammatical errors...
you must not spend much time on the internet...that test was probably the dumbest thing i ever encountered
What do you think internet is for dummy? It's a way for people to escape their lifes for a few hours to relax and stop being serious for once. Pretend to be someone you're not, spy on someone a few states or countries away, etc... For example, you're pretending to be an intelligent person by using nice, fancy words that only make you sound smart, although you may not use them as often in life while speaking to others. So you see how this 'internet' thing works? Instead, you should be judged by your expression of ideas, not by the amount of logical and complex words you look for in the dictionary.thanks...but reading makes all the difference here...
that test was probably the dumbest thing i ever encountered, I wish there was a disclaimer...
you big dummy. Me smarter than u.oh, and another thing, joe-cool dude, it's a lack of using "the big words" that is crippling our nation's next generation...I say, it's people like you reverting us back to the caveman generation....were you in those Geico commercials or something???