this is a nazi forum

RoyalOrleans said:
The Admin, ladies and gentlemen.

Leave him alone...he is my WYPO boyfirend....and even tho he has a small dick i still love him...

love him to pieces......we even picked out china!

but i cant visit him at home...i have been banned...

i cant even say that enough :) are you sweet-tart?
Vortex said:
......we even picked out china!

Yeah?, you don't hear the Mongols braging about that.;) Joke> See they invaded china and..........ok im
Nah, this dipshit's WAY too much fun to leave alone. I'm gonna enjoy raking this asshat over the coals. laughs evilly :D :D
Kryptonite Man said:
Nah, this dipshit's WAY too much fun to leave alone. I'm gonna enjoy raking this asshat over the coals. laughs evilly :D :D

cept he has left and hasnt returned......why are you hurting me so!
Vortex said: are you sweet-tart?

Awww, I'm ok thanks. Sweety darling!

And I'm not actually sure how you managed to attract your very own stalker from Sucks.

But, nice work :D
Anna Perenna said:
Awww, I'm ok thanks. Sweety darling!

And I'm not actually sure how you managed to attract your very own stalker from Sucks.

But, nice work :D

and i got one from less than 3 minutes of trolling sucks....

that or because i have a thing for trolls on here....i have an over wealming desire to shove pencils up their ass and play with their hair!

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This is a Nazi Forum?

That's news to me...

Why is it so passe to call anything associated with rules, or normal conduct, Nazi....

"My teacher is a Nazi.. he made me do homework!" -or-
"the cops in my town are Nazis... The pulled me over for speeding!"

kinda gay really... sorta pathetic...
That is a good question. Though I only use Nazi in one term and that was the one Rush Limbaugh made up...feminazi.
Outlaw2747 said:
That is a good question. Though I only use Nazi in one term and that was the one Rush Limbaugh made up...feminazi.

Ive heard of them, they are great at fixing carborators!
I have a friend who lives in a gated community. I call the guys at the gate Nazis, totally out of sarcasm. They are rent a cops, people who couldn't pass the psych exam to become real cops, guys who if confronted with a real gun would **** their pants.
My friend always get a chuckle when I mention his Nazis at the gate.
Lethalfind said:
I have a friend who lives in a gated community. I call the guys at the gate Nazis, totally out of sarcasm. They are rent a cops, people who couldn't pass the psych exam to become real cops, guys who if confronted with a real gun would **** their pants.
My friend always get a chuckle when I mention his Nazis at the gate.

musta been a republican...they tend to act the same way....probably because the natzis ruined their plan and made us wiser to them :)

or it could just be me!

No way, not till fullauto becomes a MOD anyway.

Until then...

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phreakwars said:

No way, not till fullauto becomes a MOD anyway.

Until then...

ROTFLMAO General Zod!!! I LOVE it!! But speaking of that aaswipe IHN, trolling fags like him are the true reason most boards have moderators., so this festering boil on the ass of Humanity doesn't further pollute the Internet with his sickening garbage and utter stupidity. :D
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